Author Topic: Do you have experience creating a Sim-donated Museum/art gallery?  (Read 12653 times)

Offline SimPenguin

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Hi - I spent the weekend creating a community lot museum (art gallery) with the mission of having one of every gem in every cut displayed.  I played around with the functionality of the game and found that multiple Sims could donate portions of the collection and they would "stick" and be viewable to any household I chose to switch over to and visit the gallery.  I tested to make sure they would stick if I switched households, if I exited and reentered the game, etc.  Unfortunately, the one thing I *didn't* test was what would happen if I tried to edit the lot in Town Edit after I started the collection.

After loading in a significant portion of two household's collections, I went into town edit to polish up the museum (I still have some cleanup and had intended to add gift shops and a cafeteria, not to mention other exhibits) and, woe!  When I enter all the gems disappear!  And they stay disappeared - I tried having a Sim visit the museum after, thinking that maybe they were just invisible out of gameplay, but no -- The gems disappear the second you go into Town Edit.   :'(  I quit the game without saving to rescue my collection and have been living with the museum in its unfinished state. 

Does anyone have any experience with running a community museum and know a way around this?  Or maybe a cheat I'm unaware of to edit within gameplay?  And I'd like to save a copy of the lot with the gems, not so much for sharing, but as a backup to reload if the original gets hit with a meteor or something.  I see that there is a downloadable property in Carl's guide with all the gems loaded in it and while I haven't tried to upload that into my game to see what it looks like, the creator must have found some way to export/save the property which retained the gems to share it.  How?

Here are some shots of my museum for the curious (keep in mind, there are some sloppy/unfinished bits).

Offline danefaith

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Re: Do you have experience creating a Sim-donated Museum/art gallery?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2011, 05:03:14 PM »
input 'testingcheatsenabled true', right click on inside lot while playing with a sim - select "build on this lot" and you can edit the lot right from play.

Although that is peculiar, I had no idea gems disappeared like that.  How unfortunate.  :(

Oh, sweet irony, deliver me from coincidence.

Please feel free to utilize any of my builds in any of your stories and so forth.

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Offline Anushka

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Re: Do you have experience creating a Sim-donated Museum/art gallery?
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2011, 05:36:28 PM »
Hi, SimPenguin.
I managed to upload that lot without any problems. Originally that was empty residential lot with my Sims living in it. Once they finished collection, I moved them out, and left gems in chest and on lot. Went to edit town, changed it into comunity lot/small park and exported. I haven't used any cheats at all.
I noticed that other Sims couldn't pick gems from ground, but had access to chest. Same goes with paintings, household members of Sim who painted them could hang them on walls and back to inventory on any lot, but others couldn't.
CAW is not recognizing gems (or paintings) and they do dissapear if I place cut gems and export world. Hopefully they didn't change something with recent patch so that lots behave the same.
You can have your Sim purchase that unfinished musem via computer, and place gems in it, either on displays or on tables, or floors. Then you can build and polish from town view/build on property.  Use save as instead of just save to have a back up of the game when your Sim had all their gems in inventory.
If it is not working, I would assume that save file is probably glitched.
Really sorry you're having trouble with this.

Offline SimPenguin

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Re: Do you have experience creating a Sim-donated Museum/art gallery?
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2011, 07:47:37 PM »
Danefaith:  Thank you so much!  "build on this lot" works *perfectly* for my main problem!  I can tweak away at the building and the gems stay put!  Actually, my Sim didn't even need to visit the site for me to do so, I just had to be in play (not in edit town).  I should also clarify that I can enter edit town and switch households and so forth without disturbing the museum contents, its just the moment I enter build mode with that one property through there that the gems disappear.  I think I confused you on that point.

Regarding the saving a copy thing, I'll respond to Anushka:  Your gem collection is awesome and goodness knows, I may resort yet to downloading it to round out my museum if I give up trying to get all those spire cuts.   ;)  Forgive me for being so lazy and not just downloading it to see what you've done, but my time is short tonight -- Are you saying that the lot is not laid out with gems like the picture in the guide, rather it is empty but for a treasure chest containing all the gems?  That would make sense after what you have said.  I can't see how you would have managed sharing the lot as screen-captured after what you have said and I have experienced.  Danefaith has solved my editing problem, but I will have to continue exploring the sharing issue.

I can save a copy of the whole town, but that serves me no better than my external harddrive backup and if I just want to load the one building, doesn't work.

I can save a copy of the building to the library (what I was hoping for) but it sends all the gems back to their original owners.  Apparently "donation" means "temporary loan".  I was sort of hoping that when a Sim donated something like a gem, it detached from their inventory/person and became a stand-alone object in the lot file.  Clearly this is not the case. 

Using the treasure chest as you have done seems to allow the objects to detach from their original owners, but the downside is you have to place everything yourself and can only use a collection from a single owner and plan well ahead with your project.  I deliberately wanted to build the museum *first* and have multiple Sims visit and donate on site, as things are found, to create a true neighborhood repository (with each collector's info attached to the donations).  The backlash of this is that it is truly a neighborhood collection and therefore, can't be pulled out of the running game to another neighborhood or exchange without being lost.  So, if I share the museum, it will have to be as an empty building and each person who uses it has to build their own collection.  And my only backup will be my actual backup of the whole town, not just the lot.

Thanks to both of you for your help!

Offline Anushka

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Re: Do you have experience creating a Sim-donated Museum/art gallery?
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2011, 12:30:11 AM »
SimPenguin, sorry if I didn't explain well, english is my second (or third, or even forth language :D).
Dane suggested the fastest way to enter build on comunity lot from live mode, and I'm glad it's saving your collectables that way.
Gems on shared lot are layed as in picture. One set is in chest and one is on lot, as in picture. Sims can't take those from ground, only those from chest. Getting spire and polish split halfs can be a loong proces, so I wish you a lot of luck and patience ;) You may want to download that small lot to see how it behaves in your game, in edit town, after building who can pick/leave what etc.
In museum case, you don't need to think about what other Sims can pick up, since museum is about leaving things there, not picking them up. I wanted to say that your idea should work as many of us used cut gems, picture Sims have painted, etc on comunity lots that are shared via Edit Town, and there is apsolutely no reason for gems to dissapear after entering Edit Town, or exporting lot. As I said, I haven't used any cheats while saving and exporting that lot.
And I like how you set your museum, whole idea of neighboorhood donation, as well as the way you lay different areas, and lights.

Offline SimPenguin

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Re: Do you have experience creating a Sim-donated Museum/art gallery?
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2011, 10:11:39 AM »
I wanted to say that your idea should work as many of us used cut gems, picture Sims have painted, etc on comunity lots that are shared via Edit Town, and there is apsolutely no reason for gems to dissapear after entering Edit Town, or exporting lot.

Thank you, Anushka, for your help and kind words about my project.  ;D  I won't have the computer now until Friday, but when I get it again I am going to try playing around with your lot and see what happens.  I'd really like to figure this out so I can trust the functionality of the game before launching on any more elaborate builds.  Perhaps I *do* have some wierd bug.  I get inconsistent results each time I log into the game on certain things - Ramdom hair and clothing working sometimes, but not others (for no traceable reason).  Random events triggering endlessly (like meteors) on one log-in, but then nothing the next.  Mailboxes deciding not to work suddenly, then magically fixing themselves with no indication why.  I'm on a Mac and I've been inclined to blame it on the graphics card (the graphics cards on Macs are not on the compatability list) or memory (the very minimum requirement on the machines I've been using).  I also have an enormous number of user made objects loaded - which seem stable, but you never know.  It's a little hard to tell when I've encountered a bug, or simply the limits of my knowledge/the game.

Anyway, thanks again!

Offline Joria

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Re: Do you have experience creating a Sim-donated Museum/art gallery?
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2011, 03:05:48 PM »
Really nice museum!  My suggestion would be get rid of all those "user made items".  You mentioned random things happening and more often than not they are caused by corrupted files from third party cc, ie. "user made items".  Unless they are items from folks on this forum, your chances of them being perfectly clean are not that great.  Especially  if you are talking about mods.  Not that these folks deliberately do harmful things!  Usually it's just a piece of code they forgot, didn't see, or somehow tweaked incorrectly and even the best of them, (and there are several!), can make mistakes.  The dressed doll is the best example of this.
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Re: Do you have experience creating a Sim-donated Museum/art gallery?
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2011, 06:57:04 PM »
I'm having a problem with my community museum. My sim has so many items, I wanted to move them to a community museum, so I built the lot. I took him there with some items and used the "build on this lot" cheat, and placed the items. But when I went back to Edit Town, the items returned to the sim's family inventory. I thought that would only happen if he officially "donated" them, but it happened when I dragged and dropped items, too.

What's the best way to get all of his items (gem collections, artifact collections, etc.) to the community lot and have them STAY THERE?

Should I move him into the lot with all his and his family's goods? If I do that, will the items remain behind when he moves out, even in Edit Town? (I switch between families now and then.) Moving all their stuff back to their house isn't an appealing prospect, but I will do it if it's the only way.

If he buys the lot as a community lot, will the gems stay put when I go back to Edit Town (anyone have any experience with this?) I will try what Anushka suggests in that regard...

On the option of putting all the gems in a chest (mentioned above), I'm not clear how that works. Do you then place the chest with the Build on this lot cheat?

Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated! I want to finish out my collections, but he has so much stuff, the lot is clogged...

Also, how do I categorize the lot when it's a community lot -- just Visitors Allowed?


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Re: Do you have experience creating a Sim-donated Museum/art gallery?
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2011, 07:08:42 PM »
I`d probably put it as an Art Gallery.


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Re: Do you have experience creating a Sim-donated Museum/art gallery?
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2011, 07:31:33 PM »
OK, I made it an Art Gallery, bought it through Real Estate, visited it personally, dragged a few items from inventory to the display stands, saved and went back to Edit Town, went to Build/Buy so I could take a look, and the items were AGAIN returned to my Sim's family inventory! The items are like rubberbands, even though he owns the lot!

Is the key not to ever try to Build/Buy on that lot again? Or will using a chest or cloning work to detach the items from the sim's inventory?


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Re: Do you have experience creating a Sim-donated Museum/art gallery?
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2011, 08:24:19 PM »
I think it`s something wrong with your game.

Offline MadDoctor61

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Re: Do you have experience creating a Sim-donated Museum/art gallery?
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2018, 09:01:22 AM »
I've created my own museum as well.  I started with a simple design to test it out first.  It seemed to work fine till I tried upgrading it.  Just like you, all my relics disappeared.  I figured out what was happening.  The relics, or whatever you put into the museum, are still considered to be yours.  When you change it in Edit Town mode everything you donated is transferred to your family inventory.  You have to go into buy mode, transfer the collection out of the family inventory, switch to live mode, put them into personal inventory, then restock the museum.

This happens at the graveyard too after I "Manage The Dead".  If I've placed the gravestones of dead family and townies then edit the graveyard, all the dead sims end up in my family inventory.  It's really annoying.  What I do is wait till later in the game when there is a large collection.  By that time I can afford to buy the museum.  If I own the property, the relics stay in place.  If you save the lot however, all the relics will not be transferred and it will have to be restocked in any new game you play, but that is sort of the point, isn't it.

Offline Sita

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Re: Do you have experience creating a Sim-donated Museum/art gallery?
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2018, 01:38:20 PM »
What if your Sim owns the Lot? Doesn't it work for them to put stuff there then? I think that's how I got around that particular issue, but it's some time back.

