Shawn's POVI told myself I would never fall in love again.
But there she was, the first time I laid eyes on her she was walking with two little girls up to one of the rental houses. Her blonde hair falling gently in her face as the rest was thrown into a bun, her smile was soft and welcoming. Her daughters were absolutely beautiful, back then they were toddlers. I found out that her name was Kaylin and listening more to her story made me question who could ever leave her. I told myself not to fall for her, and that if I did that I would just end up in pain again. But I knew the second that I saw her that day that I was going to fall. Kaylin was going to steal my heart, what little I had left of it.
You see, I was married. Her name was Elizabeth and we had been married for five years. Our life was perfect, my real estate business was taking off and she was a painter for the local art museum. Things were falling into place. Our fifth year into marriage we found out we were expecting! I was ecstatic and she was absolutely glowing. She had long brown hair the flowed over her shoulders and these piercing blue eyes that stole my heart. We got into the fifth month and found out that we were having a daughter. We set up the nursery and painted the walls a soft pink color. It wasn't until the cops showed up at my door did I realize that life changes in an instant and it wasn't always for the good. Elizabeth was driving home late from the art gallery, it was Winter and the roads were getting bad. She didn't see a patch of black ice and spun out of control. She crashed into a tree, totaling the car, and she died on impact. They took her to the hospital and tried to save the baby, but there was too much damage. I lost my wife and my daughter in a second, and in that second I was happy and then it was just over.
So I dedicated my life to my business and declined any offer of a date. I didn't want to put myself through that again and I was happy alone. For a while I visited her grave every day until one day I just stopped. I couldn't tell you the reason for me never going back, maybe it was too painful, maybe I just got busy, but I moved on. At one point I just didn't allow myself to feel those kinds of feelings anymore, I just pushed them aside and dove into work. Then I met Kaylin, and my world stopped. I found myself finding excuses to call her or stop over at the house, and when she told me she was having money problems I was almost relieved. I would never dream of having ill intentions or take advantage of her, my main reason for offering the rooms was to help her. My father taught me the importance of helping people by him doing the opposite of helping others. I couldn't turn my back on a single mother with twins, I had to help them. But it only sped things up for me, I slowly began to get to know her. Her daughters seemed to love me as well, enough to set up a date for the two of us one night with cold chicken noodle soup.
I heard the front door close and headed downstairs.
"Hey, where are the girls?" I asked.
Kaylin was standing in the dining room.
"You know, I don't know. They were just outside." She said.
I glanced at the table.
"I have an idea where they are." I said as I noticed what was on the table.
A single rose and a note lay on the dining room table. I picked it up and read the note aloud.
Dear Shawn,
I hear roses are the way to the heart, please give this to my mom.
-Anonymous I giggled and put the note on the table.
"It seems my daughters are up to something, I am so sorry." She giggled.
"Don't be." I told her.
"I'll tell them to stop." She said.
It came out more abrupt then I wanted it too.
"I mean, Kalyin. I think you're great. These past few months have been amazing at getting to know you and your girls. I know this isn't something we had planned, but I would love to get to know you better in other ways."
That was awkward. I handed her the rose hoping that I didn't just completely turn her away.

"It's beautiful." She said.
I smiled and watched her sniff the rose.
"Not as beautiful as you." I said, inching closer to her.
I saw her lips twitch into a smile.
"Shawn." She whispered.
I looked at her for a second before getting closer.

We broke apart way to fast for my liking, and I was afraid to open my eyes. When I did she was looking at me and smiling.
"I'm sorry if that was out of line." I told her.
"No, I liked it." She smiled.
"You did?"
She nodded a bit.
"So, what does this mean?" I asked.
"I like you Shawn, I have for a while but I've been afraid to say anything. I didn't want to scare you away because I know that I have two kids and that's a lot to take in for anyone."
"I love the girls Kaylin, I've gotten to know them and they seem to like me as well."
"Well, I'd like to talk to them first, but I would like to see where this goes."
I looked at her for a moment before nodding, I couldn't believe that I was doing this. That she wanted to try as well given her past.

I was sitting in the backyard with Stella and Abigail.
"So, you guys have been busy planning." I smiled.
They giggled to each other.
"Did your mother talk to you about me?" I asked.
"Yeah, she asked us what we thought." Stella said.
"And what's that?"
"We're fine with it!" Abby said loudly.
She blushed, embarrassed at how excited she got.
I giggled, "Well, we're going to see where it goes. However, I think I can take the planning from here."
"Sorry, we just wanted to help." Stella said.
"Don't be sorry! I will still come to you guys if I get stuck!"
"We just didn't want you guys to be lonely." Abby told me.
I smiled.
Kaylin's POV"Are you reading one of my books?!" I gasped.
I walked into the extra room to Shawn sitting on the couch with my latest mystery book.
"This is amazing!" He said.
"I didn't realize that you read!"
"I don't really, but figured it was time to start and what better way to do that by reading one of your books?" He asked.
"Thank you."

He seemed to really be enjoying it, or at least I hope he was and just wasn't saying that. I couldn't believe that we both felt the same way about each other. I didn't plan to fall for him, it just kind of happened. It all seemed silly, like it was out of some cheesy romance movie or out of one of my books. But I wasn't going to ruin it by thinking too much into it. I deserved to be happy and so did he, and especially the girls. They really seemed to like Shawn and they looked up to him. I walked upstairs to get my phone from the charger. Five text messages were waiting for me.
I need to talk to you.
Call me.
Stop ignoring me.
I want to see the girls.
Here is my address, we need to talk.
Kaylin stop being like this.All from Johnny.
Shawn was walking upstairs as I came out of the bedroom.
"Everything okay?" He asked.
"I hate to ask this, can you watch the girls?" I asked.
"Of course, but if everything alright?" He said.
I bit my lip, "This is bad timing, but my ex has been hounding me and I need to take care of it."
"Are you sure it's safe to go alone?"
"I don't think he'll hurt me."
He looked unsure as he hugged me.

"Be safe."
"I will." I smiled.
It was a half an hour to Strangerville where Johnny seemed to be staying again. I paid the taxi cab and walked over to an empty field. It was a huge land with a plane that laid in pieces from an obvious plane crash. I looked around before checking my phone again to make sure that I was in the right place.
"You came."
I turned around to see Johnny, without a shirt, walking up to me from the plane.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"You don't skip a beat." He told me.
"Johnny can we stop this?"
"I want to see the girls."
"Why now?"
"They deserve to know me."
My eyes bugged out of my head.
"Deserve to know you.
Deserve?! Excuse me, where was this when they were born Johnny?!"
"I was foolish back then."
"Johnny, I don't know where this is coming from and why all of a sudden but you are not seeing them."
"My mother wants to see them okay?! She's ill, and she wants to meet them."
"I'm sorry to hear that, but they've never even met her and the last time I checked you mother hated me. So no, I'm not going to let them in your possession."

"She's dying Kaylin!"
"And I'm sorry about that, but they don't know her! I don't want to expose them to death especially to a complete stranger!"
"Just for a few days!"
I looked around.
"What happened to the house?" I asked.
"I lost it. I couldn't afford the rent." He snapped.
"So, you're homeless?"
"No, I'm staying with a friend."
He motioned to the abandoned plane crash.
"So let me get this straight, you want me to give you the girls, to visit your dying mother, and have them sleep in a plane?!"

"It's a nice place."
I huffed and shook my head.
"You know, I was angry at you for the longest time. For playing me, for making me believe that you loved me and you loved the girls! But it seems like I got out just in time."
"How about you, huh? Are you doing any better?!" He screamed.
"As a matter of fact I am, the girls and I are living in a beautiful house with my boyfriend!"
It all came out so fast. Were we even boyfriend and girlfriend? Not the time Kaylin.
"Well fine. I'm glad things are working out for you Ms. Perfect, but thanks for your time." He snapped.
"Do me a favor Johnny, lose my number."

All I remember of that night was going home and crying silently in my cot.
Hopefully that is the last we see of Johnny! Ugh.