Author Topic: Follow Your Dreams  (Read 16220 times)

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2019, 10:36:27 PM »
Five Months Later

"MOOOOM!" Stella whined.

"What Stella?" I groaned.

"Abby won't let me read the book I want to read!"

"Then pick another book!" I told her.

"But I want that one!"

"Stella. There is a whole book shelf of books, please pick another one until she is done."

She groaned.

"Haha!" Abby said.

"Abigail. I heard that." I said.

"Sorry mom."

I sighed and continued typing and trying to finish my recent book.

Things weren't as they seemed though.

Johnny took me to court over the divorce, and I had to pay him some money which hurt me in the long run. Then I found out that the director for the movie had backed out and the whole thing was cancelled. It didn't shock me, I wasn't the biggest writer out there. It was one thing after the other and the next thing happened to be that I was now two months behind on rent. I worked so hard and to have it not be enough was a blow to the gut. I reached out to Shawn to let him know but I'm sure I should get ready to pack the things up. He told me to come over to his house tomorrow and we would go over options.

"Okay, girls. Tomorrow after school we are going over to Mr. Huston's house." I told them.

"Who is that?" Abby asked, eating her ramen.

"That is the nice gentleman that we rent the house from." I told her.

"Are we going to have to move?" She asked.

She looked sad.

"I hope not sweet pea." I said.

"Where are we going to go if we do?" Stella asked.

I never wanted to admit to them defeat, but I felt like they could handle it to some extent.

"I don't know Stella."

"But, let's not worry about that until we have too okay?"

They nodded.

"Are your guys' homework finished?" I asked.

"Mine is!" Abby said.

"I'm almost done." Stella told me.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

"No, I think I am okay. It's English and my teacher is impressed with my writing!"

"That's awesome!"

Maybe she would be a writer like I am. I smiled and headed outside to do some laundry.


"We're home!"

The girls walked in from school and I was getting ready to go over to Shawn's house. I had my notebook with my budget stuff in case he wanted to see it.

I walked out of the room.

"Okay, are we ready to go?" I asked.

They nodded.

We walked a few blocks to Shawn's house and oh my god it was gorgeous!

"Now girls, best behavior okay? This isn't our house and we need to treat it with respect!" I told them as we walked up to the door.

"Got it!"

I knocked on the door.

"I had to bring the girls, I hope that's okay." I said to Shawn.

"Of course! Come on in!" He greeted.

We stepped in and the inside was just as gorgeous as the outside.

"WOW! Mr. Huston your house is huge!" Stella gaped.

"Stella!" I gasped.

"No no, it's fine. It is pretty big!" He giggled.

I blushed.

"How about we discuss business after dinner?" He suggested.

"What? No, you don't have to feed us. If you need to eat we can come bac-"

"Please, it'll be my pleasure!"

I bit my lip before nodding, it would be rude to refuse, wouldn't it?

Dinner was delicious. He cooked a roasted chicken with green beans and a salad. The girls enjoyed it as well which was good.

"Okay, how about the girls go binge on some TV while we discuss what is going on?" Shawn suggested.

"That would be fine, no touching anything though!"

"We don't know how the TV works." Abby said.

I forgot that they had never been introduced to television before. I excused myself from the table and went to help them with it.

"Okay, I will just be in the other room." I told them.

I left to head back to the dining room, Shawn had already cleared the table off. I sat down as he placed a glass of wine in front of me.

"I hope you don't mind." He said.

I blushed, "No, I like wine."


After discussing what to do he offered to let the two months slide, but the next few months would be a bit bigger in price.

"Now, there is another option, but I don't know if it would seem to fast." He said.

I looked at him, unsure of what to think.

"As you see this is a huge house, I inherited it from my grandma. I obviously don't use all of the rooms, so you could always move in here. I'd still charge your rent, but it would be lower if you'd be willing to help with house work and such."

I shifted in my chair.

"I don't think I could impose like that. This is your house and we barely know each other." I told him.

"Look, Kaylin, I know we are still getting to know each other and I don't offer my house out to just anyone. I feel for your situation, and I've been burned in the past as well. Raising twins alone, that's a huge job! Please consider it at least." He said.

I told him that I would think about it.

"Moom!" Abby called.

"I'm sorry, excuse me." I said.

I walked into the entryway to see Stella making a huge mess on the floor.

"Stella!" I scolded.

"I'm sorry!" She said.

"I told you not to make a mess! That's it, one day with no toys!"

"But mom!"

"NO! Now clean this up!"

"Kaylin, it's fine really." Shawn said, walking in.

"I'm sorry Shawn." I apologized.

"No big deal!"

"There's an upstairs?" Abby asked.

"Yeah, would you like to see it?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah! Mom can I?!" She asked.

"Of course." I said smiling.


"I'm sorry about the mess Mr. Huston." Stella apologized.

"It's not a big deal, but thank you for apologizing." He smiled.

"I wish I could live in a house this big! Ours is small, and we don't even have our own room." She mentioned.

"Stella! Our house is fine." I said.

I was embarrassed. I didn't want him to think that we didn't appreciate what he helped us with.

"Well, maybe one day you will live in a house like this." He told her.

My cheeks went red.

After another house we excused ourselves back home. I told him I would think about his offer, but only as room mates if I did choose to take it. He agreed telling me that he had no alternative motive. I just didn't want to rush anything because I felt like I rushed into children with Johnny, and we all knew how well that turned out.

Hmm, should she take the offer? Or just stay where she is?
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2019, 12:26:23 AM »
Dear Mom,

Thank you for the extra cash, but the girls and I are fine.

Do you remember me telling you about Mr. Huston? The landlord? Well his name is Shawn and we worked out a deal. I know you may not approve but the girls and I are going to move in with him. I'm going to help out around the house and he lowered the cost of rent. I know mom, it's soon and I barely know him but it is temporary. I have to do what is best for the girls now mom and I was barely making ends meet. It wasn't the life I wanted for them mom, I never wanted this for them. It makes me angry on so many levels, angry at Johnny, angry at myself, and angry at dad... How did you do this mom? I never in my life wanted the girls to know this kind of pain but now they are going too.

It doesn't seem like they really understand it really. They never ask about him and I don't know if I should talk to them about him until it's necessary. They seemed to really love the house when we went over there before so I'm hoping that they adjust well. I haven't told them that we are moving in yet, but I am so happy about this mom. I know it will work, and as soon as I get on my feet again I will move the girls and I into another house. You taught me how to put others first and I know that you would've done the same thing. I hope you can understand.

I love you mom,

"WOW!" Stella gaped.

"Are we really going to live here mom?" Abby asked.

"For now yes." I told them.

We got out of the cab and walked up the walkway. Shawn opened up the front door and helped us with our things. We packed the bare minimum for ease, not that we had a lot to begin with. Shawn showed the girls to their rooms and their reactions made me realize that this was the best thing to do. He had set up their rooms with new beds, I would have to pay him back for all of this. They were so excited about their own rooms and wasted no time unpacking and making it their own. He kept their rooms close to each other though in case they got lonely or scared. They had been used to being together their whole life after all.

"You didn't have to do that." I told him.

"I know that, but they were empty rooms anyway. It wasn't a big deal." Shawn smiled.

"Um, I brought a cot. Mind if I set it up in the entertainment room?" I asked.

"Of course not, but I can always get another bed-"

"No, no! It's fine!"

I walked downstairs and set up my cot next to the wall. I checked on the girls before going back downstairs and taking a small nap.

"Did you sleep well?" Shawn asked.

"Yes, I was just wiped." I told him.

"I imagine."

I smiled.

"Just so we're clear, you can treat this as your home. You are welcome here and I want you to feel safe as well as the girls."

"Thank you so much."

He nodded.

Thankfully the school was down the street so I didn't have to transfer the girls. I did let them stay home for the day though to adjust to the new house. One of the things I loved as that each of them had their own desks with enough space for them to do their homework. Stella was my little bookworm, she loved homework and English was her favorite subject. I secretly hoped that she would follow in my footsteps. Abigail was more of the tom boy who hated school but she made sure to try her best which was all I asked of her. She was a free spirit and I honestly had no idea what path she was going to go down.

"Abby! One more hour and then come inside okay?" I called out.

"Okay mom!" She said.

I smiled.

She was outside taking advantage of the nice weather and playing on the monkey bars. They weren't really used to having a backyard to play in and she was constantly out there.

"Okay, I have to go back to the office now. Are you good?" Shawn asked.

"Should be! I'm going to clean up a bit!" I told him.

"Thank you." He said.

I smiled.

"We can order pizza tonight." He said on the way out.

I made note to find the number of the pizza place and have it delivered roughly around the time he would get home.

Once the dishes were cleaned and the clothes were in the washer I headed upstairs.

"Hey mom?"

I walked over to Stella's room.

"Yes bunny?" I asked.

"Are we going to be here forever?" She asked.

"I don't think so Stella, I'm just trying to get enough money for our own place." I told her.


She looked disappointed.

"Do you want to stay here?" I asked.

"I love my room, and Mr. Huston seems nice." She smiled.

I walked over to her and hugged her.

"We'll take it one day at a time." I told her.

Two Months Later

Things have been going smoothly so far. A lot of the times Shawn's schedules didn't match up so I'd be home and he wouldn't and the other way around. I kept busy with housework and taking care of the girls all while keeping up with writing. Even though we didn't see each other all day Shawn and I had been getting along pretty well. I had ended up telling him my whole story from Ryan all the way until now. He was mad at Johnny and I even had to convince him not to go over there. It still hurt, but I was getting used to my life now.

"Mom, can I go over to Sarah's house tomorrow?" Abby asked.

"Is it okay with her parents?" I asked.

"Yeah, they invited me to dinner."

"Leave their number on the fridge, but yes you can."

She ran up and hugged me before heading upstairs. I took the clothes from the dryer before going to put them away.

Later that night I put the girls to bed. I walked back downstairs and the dining room was dark, the lights dimmed and two bowls of soup sat on the table. I looked around to spot Shawn walking in, but when he saw the room he stopped.

"Uh, what's this?" He asked.

"I'm not sure..." I said.

I inspected more and found a note in children's handwriting:

For you and Shawn

I showed him the note.

"Ah, so this is the girls doing." He laughed.

"Seems like it." I blushed.

My kids just set me up.

"Well, I guess we better eat it." He said.

We sat at the table and picked the spoons up. We both put a spoonful in our mouths before both of us realizing that the soup was ice cold.

"Ooo, ice cold chicken soup." I said.

"I guess they didn't realize that they had to heat it up." He laughed.

We both started laughing. We stayed at the table and just talked for hours over our cold chicken soup.

I could get used to having someone to talk too.

Hope you guys are enjoying the story!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2019, 06:42:46 PM »
"What was your home life like?" I asked.

Shawn thought for a moment. We were in the living room just hanging out and talking. It was both of our days off and the girls were still at school.

"Well, my father was the typical tough figure while my mother followed everything he told her to do. I hated him for a while, and our relationship still isn't the best. I watched for years and years as he climbed the ladder of his business and pushed anyone who was beneath him down the ladder. It was sick, and he didn't care that he was impacting peoples lives negatively if it meant just one more penny in his pocket. I love them as my parents, but I do not like to really be around them too much. Especially with my business I have going with renting. I've worked hard on it, and I aim to help those in need before myself. I told myself growing up that I would never be like him." He told me.

"Wow, I thought I had it rough." I said sadly.

"No, please don't make my life story make your experience seem any less horrible."

"But you had to go through all of that, the worst thing that happened to me was my father left."

"Yes, but by him leaving your mother became a single mother which makes things harder financially."

I nodded.


We looked at each other before looking out the window at the sudden shout. Stella and Abigail were out front of the house and screaming at each other. I hurried outside and down the steps with Shawn behind me.

"STOP!" Stella screamed.

"YOU DID IT!" Abby shouted back.

They were pushing each other as they fought.

"Enough!" I scolded.

They stopped and looked at me.

"What is going on?"

"Stella told the whole bus that I peed my pants mom!" Abby groaned.

"Stella! Did you say that?!" I gaped.

"NO! I said that it looked like she had peed her pants!" Stella defended.

"It was water!" Abby told her.

"Okay, stop! No more fighting or it's no TV for either of you tonight."

They both huffed.

"Stella, apologize to Abigail!" I told her.

"I'm sorry I said it looked like you peed yourself." Stella groaned.

"Thank you." Abby said.

"Now, inside and homework!"

They both walked passed me. I turned to Shawn and shook my head.

"Imagine how it's going to be when they are teenagers." He giggled.

I groaned.


I took a deep breath and stretched my fingers.

I was tired, the girls were still fighting on and off. They were up in their rooms spending some alone time. So here I sat at the computer and trying to brainstorm ideas for the next book. My phone buzzed, I picked it up and saw a text message from Johnny.

I want to see the girls. -J

I just stared at the phone for a second. My blood starting to boil each time I re-read it.

I have no words. You wanted NOTHING to do with them Johnny. NOTHING. You divorced me, kicked us out, and NOW you want to see them? -K

I made a mistake. -J

Isn't it a little too late to figure that out? -K

Can I see them? -J

No. You had your chance, and I don't know your motives because I thought you wanted them when I had them, but clearly I was wrong. -K

Please. -J

Johnny, I'm not doing this. If they want to see you when they're teenagers then it's their choice. But right now they're too young to know what they want, and they don't even talk about you. So right now I have to choose what is best for them and I will not let you make them feel unwanted anymore then you have. -K

I slammed my phone down.

The nerve.

I stood up so fast the the chair wheeled and slammed against the wall. I walked upstairs to go check on the girls, I checked Abigail first.

"I know you are angry at your sister right now, but drawing is a good way to take some stress and anger out." Shawn told her.

Abby was sitting at her crafting table angrily drawing a flower.

"She embarrassed me." Abby told him.

"I don't think that she meant too." He told her.

She sighed.

"You're going to be together for the rest of your lives. You really have to pick which fights destroy your relationship as sisters and which ones don't." He told her.

I smiled, it was good advice.

"I'll remember that." She said.

I couldn't find Stella in her room so I went downstairs.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked.

I found her in my room, well where my cot was.

"I'm doing some homework." She said.

"May I join you?" I asked.

"You don't have homework though." She questioned.

"Well, not like yours, but I have my books from work to help me improve." I told her.

She nodded, "You can join."

I sat on the couch next to her.

"So, what's really going on?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Why are you picking on your sister?"

She looked down at the page of homework.

"I want to fit in." She said quietly.

"Are kids picking on you?" I asked.

"Not really, but she fits in so well mom! The other kids love her!"

I could see where she was coming from.

"Look Stella, I understand you want to fit in. But is making fun of her really the way you want to achieve that? Think about how she feels."

She sighed.

"I guess you're right." She said.

"She's your sister, you guys are suppose to have each others backs. She loves you and she will always be there for you." I told her.

"Thanks mom."

I think all the fighting had gotten to Abby because the next day she woke up with a fever.

"I think you should stay home today." I told her.

"But mom!" She fought.

"I wouldn't think that you would fight me on staying home." I said shockingly.

"I have a lot of homework to turn in."

"I will have your sister bring your homework to the office and collect any homework at the end of the day."


I kissed her on the head and sent her back to bed.

"This week has been very trying." I said.

I sat down at the table in the backyard.

"Tell me about it." Shawn laughed.

I looked at him for a moment, he realized this and got self conscious.

"What? Is there something in my beard?" He asked.

"No, I just realized how lucky I am. I know we are just friends but you have been amazing with the girls. I don't think I've thanked you for that." I told him.

"Of course!" He said.

"No, not of course. They're not your children, you don't even have to help me with them but you do it."

"I love kids, and they're great!"

I smiled.

"Now lets eat while it's quiet!" He said.

I laughed.

"I'm home!" Stella said.

"Hey Stella." I greeted.

"Here is all of Abby's homework." She said.

She handed me a folder marked with Abby's name.

"Thank you."

"Where is Shawn?" She asked.

"In the backyard."

She thanked me before heading to the back, I followed her with a basket of wet clothes.

"Shawn! Can I ask you something?" Stella said.

"Go for it!" He smiled.

He was a brave man.

"I have a project for school, some volcano for Science, do you think you might be able to help me with it?" She asked.

"I would love too!"

I smiled.

"Awesome! After dinner?"

"It's a date!"

He really was wonderful with them. Everything that I wanted for them, and maybe in a weird way Shawn could be that missing piece.

Hmmm, what is in the cards next?
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2019, 12:23:25 AM »
Shawn's POV

I told myself I would never fall in love again.

But there she was, the first time I laid eyes on her she was walking with two little girls up to one of the rental houses. Her blonde hair falling gently in her face as the rest was thrown into a bun, her smile was soft and welcoming. Her daughters were absolutely beautiful, back then they were toddlers. I found out that her name was Kaylin and listening more to her story made me question who could ever leave her. I told myself not to fall for her, and that if I did that I would just end up in pain again. But I knew the second that I saw her that day that I was going to fall. Kaylin was going to steal my heart, what little I had left of it.

You see, I was married. Her name was Elizabeth and we had been married for five years. Our life was perfect, my real estate business was taking off and she was a painter for the local art museum. Things were falling into place. Our fifth year into marriage we found out we were expecting! I was ecstatic and she was absolutely glowing. She had long brown hair the flowed over her shoulders and these piercing blue eyes that stole my heart. We got into the fifth month and found out that we were having a daughter. We set up the nursery and painted the walls a soft pink color. It wasn't until the cops showed up at my door did I realize that life changes in an instant and it wasn't always for the good. Elizabeth was driving home late from the art gallery, it was Winter and the roads were getting bad. She didn't see a patch of black ice and spun out of control. She crashed into a tree, totaling the car, and she died on impact. They took her to the hospital and tried to save the baby, but there was too much damage. I lost my wife and my daughter in a second, and in that second I was happy and then it was just over.

So I dedicated my life to my business and declined any offer of a date. I didn't want to put myself through that again and I was happy alone. For a while I visited her grave every day until one day I just stopped. I couldn't tell you the reason for me never going back, maybe it was too painful, maybe I just got busy, but I moved on. At one point I just didn't allow myself to feel those kinds of feelings anymore, I just pushed them aside and dove into work. Then I met Kaylin, and my world stopped. I found myself finding excuses to call her or stop over at the house, and when she told me she was having money problems I was almost relieved. I would never dream of having ill intentions or take advantage of her, my main reason for offering the rooms was to help her. My father taught me the importance of helping people by him doing the opposite of helping others. I couldn't turn my back on a single mother with twins, I had to help them. But it only sped things up for me, I slowly began to get to know her. Her daughters seemed to love me as well, enough to set up a date for the two of us one night with cold chicken noodle soup.

I heard the front door close and headed downstairs.

"Hey, where are the girls?" I asked.

Kaylin was standing in the dining room.

"You know, I don't know. They were just outside." She said.

I glanced at the table.

"I have an idea where they are." I said as I noticed what was on the table.

A single rose and a note lay on the dining room table. I picked it up and read the note aloud.

Dear Shawn,

I hear roses are the way to the heart, please give this to my mom.


I giggled and put the note on the table.

"It seems my daughters are up to something, I am so sorry." She giggled.

"Don't be." I told her.

"I'll tell them to stop." She said.


It came out more abrupt then I wanted it too.

"I mean, Kalyin. I think you're great. These past few months have been amazing at getting to know you and your girls. I know this isn't something we had planned, but I would love to get to know you better in other ways."

That was awkward. I handed her the rose hoping that I didn't just completely turn her away.

"It's beautiful." She said.

I smiled and watched her sniff the rose.

"Not as beautiful as you." I said, inching closer to her.

I saw her lips twitch into a smile.

"Shawn." She whispered.

I looked at her for a second before getting closer.

We broke apart way to fast for my liking, and I was afraid to open my eyes. When I did she was looking at me and smiling.

"I'm sorry if that was out of line." I told her.

"No, I liked it." She smiled.

"You did?"

She nodded a bit.

"So, what does this mean?" I asked.

"I like you Shawn, I have for a while but I've been afraid to say anything. I didn't want to scare you away because I know that I have two kids and that's a lot to take in for anyone."

"I love the girls Kaylin, I've gotten to know them and they seem to like me as well." 

"Well, I'd like to talk to them first, but I would like to see where this goes."

I looked at her for a moment before nodding, I couldn't believe that I was doing this. That she wanted to try as well given her past.


I was sitting in the backyard with Stella and Abigail.

"So, you guys have been busy planning." I smiled.

They giggled to each other.

"Did your mother talk to you about me?" I asked.

"Yeah, she asked us what we thought." Stella said.

"And what's that?"

"We're fine with it!" Abby said loudly.

She blushed, embarrassed at how excited she got.

I giggled, "Well, we're going to see where it goes. However, I think I can take the planning from here."

"Sorry, we just wanted to help." Stella said.

"Don't be sorry! I will still come to you guys if I get stuck!"

"We just didn't want you guys to be lonely." Abby told me.

I smiled.

Kaylin's POV

"Are you reading one of my books?!" I gasped.

I walked into the extra room to Shawn sitting on the couch with my latest mystery book.

"This is amazing!" He said.

"I didn't realize that you read!"

"I don't really, but figured it was time to start and what better way to do that by reading one of your books?" He asked.

"Thank you."

He seemed to really be enjoying it, or at least I hope he was and just wasn't saying that. I couldn't believe that we both felt the same way about each other. I didn't plan to fall for him, it just kind of happened. It all seemed silly, like it was out of some cheesy romance movie or out of one of my books. But I wasn't going to ruin it by thinking too much into it. I deserved to be happy and so did he, and especially the girls. They really seemed to like Shawn and they looked up to him. I walked upstairs to get my phone from the charger. Five text messages were waiting for me.

I need to talk to you.

Call me.

Stop ignoring me.

I want to see the girls.

Here is my address, we need to talk.

Kaylin stop being like this.

All from Johnny.

Shawn was walking upstairs as I came out of the bedroom.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"I hate to ask this, can you watch the girls?" I asked.

"Of course, but if everything alright?" He said.

I bit my lip, "This is bad timing, but my ex has been hounding me and I need to take care of it."

"Are you sure it's safe to go alone?"

"I don't think he'll hurt me."

He looked unsure as he hugged me.

"Be safe."

"I will." I smiled.

It was a half an hour to Strangerville where Johnny seemed to be staying again. I paid the taxi cab and walked over to an empty field. It was a huge land with a plane that laid in pieces from an obvious plane crash. I looked around before checking my phone again to make sure that I was in the right place.

"You came."

I turned around to see Johnny, without a shirt, walking up to me from the plane.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You don't skip a beat." He told me.

"Johnny can we stop this?"

"I want to see the girls."

"Why now?"

"They deserve to know me."

My eyes bugged out of my head.

"Deserve to know you. Deserve?! Excuse me, where was this when they were born Johnny?!"

"I was foolish back then."

"Johnny, I don't know where this is coming from and why all of a sudden but you are not seeing them."

"My mother wants to see them okay?! She's ill, and she wants to meet them."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but they've never even met her and the last time I checked you mother hated me. So no, I'm not going to let them in your possession."

"She's dying Kaylin!"

"And I'm sorry about that, but they don't know her! I don't want to expose them to death especially to a complete stranger!"

"Just for a few days!"

I looked around.

"What happened to the house?" I asked.

"I lost it. I couldn't afford the rent." He snapped.

"So, you're homeless?"

"No, I'm staying with a friend."

He motioned to the abandoned plane crash.

"So let me get this straight, you want me to give you the girls, to visit your dying mother, and have them sleep in a plane?!"

"It's a nice place."

I huffed and shook my head.

"You know, I was angry at you for the longest time. For playing me, for making me believe that you loved me and you loved the girls! But it seems like I got out just in time."

"How about you, huh? Are you doing any better?!" He screamed.

"As a matter of fact I am, the girls and I are living in a beautiful house with my boyfriend!"

It all came out so fast. Were we even boyfriend and girlfriend? Not the time Kaylin.

"Well fine. I'm glad things are working out for you Ms. Perfect, but thanks for your time." He snapped.

"Do me a favor Johnny, lose my number."

All I remember of that night was going home and crying silently in my cot.

Hopefully that is the last we see of Johnny! Ugh.
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2019, 01:17:20 AM »
Three Months Later

Johnny has been quiet. I told myself that it meant that he took my advice and lost my number, but it was never that easy. So I fully expected him to rear his ugly head again at some point. I told Shawn all about our conversation the day after the night I went to see him. He couldn't believe that he wanted to take the girls there and told me he wouldn't allow it. I feared though that Johnny would try something stupid like take me to court. Shawn assured me that if that were to happen the ball would be in my court and the judge would end up ruling in my favor. I had a well paying job, an actual house over my head, and had the support of him. Where Johnny didn't have a job and lived in a abandoned plane crash with no support. I was just worried, I've came this far with the girls and to lose them now would be enough to break me.

"I can't believe mom and Shawn are dating now." I overheard Stella say.

"Do you think they'll last?" Abby asked.

"I think so."

I smiled and went back to cleaning the kitchen.

I went to work the next day feeling extremely thankful. The truth is I couldn't believe we were dating either. It had been almost four months and it felt like we have been dating for much longer. At the time I loved Johnny, but I never felt the way that I felt with Shawn. He was more than my boyfriend, he was my best friend and he saved me in more ways than one. The girls at work couldn't believe the turn of events and they told me that we'd end up together. I loved having friends at the office to talk to about things. They haven't really been a fan of Johnny from day one and I never understood it, but he gave them a weird vibe and now I knew why.

"I'm home." I said.

"In the living room." Shawn said.

I walked in setting my things on the couch.

"How were the girls?" I asked.

"Good, their homework is finished and they had dinner."

"You are amazing." I smiled.

"I know."

I giggled.

"How was work?" He asked.

"Good! It was a really good day!"

"That's great honey."


I've never had my heart stop faster in my life. I couldn't describe the way that Abigail screamed my name but it turned the blood in my veins to ice. I looked at Shawn before we took off running to the back of the house.

"What?!" I gasped.

"It's Stella!"

She was standing there with tears going down her face.

"What about Stella?!"

"She fell! She fell off the monkey bars!"

"She was showing me a new trick she learned and she slipped! She hit her head off the ladder and now she's not moving!" She cried.

"Oh god!" I cried.

I ran past her and outside where Stella lay motionless on the ground.


"I'm calling and ambulance!" Shawn said running back inside.

Abby stood on the porch crying.

"I'm sorry mommy!" She cried.


I was crying in Shawn's arms in the waiting room of the hospital. Abigail was sitting in a chair hugging her legs, we tried to tell her that it wasn't her fault but she was so scared I don't think she was listening. I couldn't lose Stella. I couldn't, and the thought of it sent chills down my spine. Shawn took my hands and led me over to the chairs, he brushed the hair from my face and wiped the tears away.

"Before you, I was content with being alone." He started.

I looked up at him.

"I never told you this, and a side from my parents not a lot of people know either. I was married, her name was Elizabeth. She was beautiful, and loving, and kind. In our fifth year of marriage we found out that we were expecting. I was so happy and excited to become a dad. Five months into the pregnancy we found out that it was a girl. I was going to be a father to a daughter, and that thought scared me. But I was ready, we had set up the nursery and we were starting to pick baby names..."

He faded for a second as he took a deep breath. I grabbed his hand reassuring him.

"Elizabeth was driving home from work one night and we had just had a bad snow storm. It was late at night and she didn't see the patch of ice on the road. She hit one of the patches and her car spun out of control and she hit a tree. She, um, she died on impact, and they took her to the hospital to try to save the baby but there was too much damage and the lost her. I lost both my wife and my daughter in an instant. Now I know this seems like the worst story and the worst time to tell you it, but Kaylin, she's going to be okay. I've seen the strength in that little girl and she gets it from you."

At this point I was sobbing.

"I don't know what to say! I'm so sorry." I cried.

He smiled and hugged me.

The thought of him going through all of that, and to do it alone, it just broke my heart. I didn't have time to think more on it because the doctor walked in. Shawn and I stood up and walked towards him, I motioned for Abby and she walked over to me. I put my arms around her and looked at the doctor trying to read his face.

"She's fine." He said.

"Oh thank god!" I cried.

"She hit her head pretty hard and it knocked her out. We ran some tests and by some miracle there is no bleeding in the brain and no further damage. However, I am writing her a doctors note. I want her to stay home from school for at least one week. In that one week she needs to rest, and no extreme activity just to be safe." He told us.

"Got it." I said.

A few hours later we were home and Stella was upstairs sleeping. I walked into the laundry room to see Abby standing there crying.

"Abby, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I did this." She cried.

"Honey, no you didn't!"

"I should have told her to stop."

"This could have happened no matter what, and she's okay! No one is blaming you or is mad at you!" I told her.

One Month Later

"Raking the leaves, eh?" Shawn asked.

"Fall is here." I told him.

"Well, you look adorable doing it."

I rolled my eyes, "Stop it."

"You do!"

I giggled.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"For loving me." I smiled.

He smiled at me.

I let the smile fall and finished up raking the leaves. I had something to tell him, something that I have been hiding since a week after bringing Stella home. I walked inside and changed into my pajamas and headed downstairs. The girls were in the living room watching TV.

"Homework is finished, right?" I asked them.

"Yeah!" They said.

"Good. One hour." I reminded them.

Stella healed nicely and had no other negative side effects. She was lucky and so was I.


I turned around to see Shawn standing there.

"Hey." I smiled.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's just my back hurts." I told him.

"Turn around."

He worked his magic on my back.

"Thank you." I said.

I turned around and looked at him, his smile fell as he realized something was bothering me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I have to tell you something." I told him.


I bit my lip, preparing myself to lose everything.

"I'm pregnant."

He stood there for a few moments in silence.

"Okay, well, wow." He said.

"I know, and I know that we weren't trying or even planning on it. I understand if you don't want-"

"Stop! Stop that, look I know we are new to this but we'll figure this out! But Kaylin, I want this okay?! I want you and I want the girls, and I want this baby! It's soon, it's really soon, but we will work this out! I'm not Johnny okay? I will never hurt you like that!" He said.

I started crying.

"We're in this together. I love you." He said.

"I love you too!" I said.

So funny story, I misclicked "Try for a baby" instead of woohoo and welp! Here comes a baby! A lot happened in this chapter! Hope you guys liked it!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2019, 09:29:34 PM »
"How are you feeling?" Shawn asked.

"I'm fine." I smiled.

"No pain?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"That's good." He said.

I was now in my second trimester and things were going by so fast. He was so good to me and made sure that I had everything that I needed.

"So, are you okay with all of this?" I asked.

He looked at me confused, "With what?"

"This, me being pregnant."

"Kaylin of course I am!"

"I just mean, I know it must be hard because of Elizabeth."

I said it softly before biting my lip, he looked at me as he realized what I meant.

"I won't lie, it is a bit hard. But I am so blessed, I have an amazing girlfriend and I'm about to be a dad! I gave up hope of that a long time ago! I'm sure it'll bring up memories but I know that Elizabeth and the baby are together and they are happy for me. I am happy! I am so ready and excited for this next chapter!"

I was so relieved to here him say this.

"I just wanted to make sure. I didn't want this to be too difficult."

"Kaylin, Johnny may have had no soul and kicked you and the girls out of his life because it was too hard. However I am nothing like that. I am not lying to you when I said that I am happy."

I started to cry, because everything now a days made me cry.

I was extremely lucky. I got out of my toxic relationship with Johnny and stumbled into the arms of Shawn. I think we saved each other in a way, and that sounded straight of a fairy tale. Between his business and my job we were doing well on money. So well that we were able to redecorate the living room! It looked wonderful!

"Mom can you help me?" Stella asked.


I followed her into the office.

"The school launched this new website to help students with their math homework. But it says that I need a parent to read the agreement." She told me.

She hopped into the chair and took me to the place where I needed to read.

"So is this instead of your physical homework?" I asked.

"No, it's just extra online help I believe." She told me.

I read the agreement and digitally signed where it told me too.

"Okay, you're all set!"

"Thank you!"

"You're going to burn yourself out going up and down the stairs." Shawn said.

"I'm fine." I said, gasping for breath.

"Just take it easy okay?" He asked.

"I will!"

It was cute how worried he got, but I understood why he did.

"So when is the doctors appointment?" He asked.

"Six tonight."

"Okay, I'm going to go to the office for a few hours and then I'll be home."

I nodded.

"And then we find out what this little monster is!" He said bending down to talk to my stomach.

I giggled.

He kissed me before leaving. We were going to wait to find out, but since it was a surprise for the girls for me we decided we didn't mind finding out. I was excited to see what we were going to have, the girls were predicting another girl, but Shawn and I had a feeling that it was a boy. So it was us against the girls, but when it all came down to it as long as it was healthy then we were happy. I headed back downstairs when Shawn left for the office. He had been working so hard lately to make sure that he could take a bit of time off once the baby got here. I checked in with the girls who were in the living room before heading into the office to work on another chapter of the book.


"We're back!" I called.

"I still think it's a girl!" I heard Abigail saying.

"Well I do too, I think mom and Shawn are insane!" Stella giggled.

"What we discussing?" Shawn asked as we walked into the living room.

"The baby! It's going to be a girl!" Abby said.

"Is it now?" He asked.

"Yes." Stella insisted.

I smiled and looked at Shawn.

"Should we tell them?" I asked.

"I don't know." Shawn said, prolonging it.

"Tell us!!!" Both the girls squealed.

"It's a boy!" I said.

"OH NO!" They shrieked.

I giggled.

"So we're going to have a brother?" Stella asked.


"I heard they're stinky!" Abby said, making a face.

"No stinkier then you guys were!"


I laughed.

"Can I feel?" Stella asked.

I nodded.

"Now that you found out, it's time for bed!" I said.

"But mooom!"

"Listen to your mother girls." Shawn said.

They huffed and got off the couch and headed upstairs.

"They listen to you better than me!" I giggled.

"It's the man in me." He said, puffing out his chest.

"Oh shut up!"

He hugged me.

"A boy." I said.

"Can you believe it?" He smiled.

"I can't wait!"

"I'll set up a movie." He said.

"I'm going to make sure they're in bed."

I walked upstairs, got changed into my pajamas and made the rounds. Stella was fast asleep on her back with her leg hanging off of the bed. I covered her up the best I could without waking her up. I shut the door silently and headed into Abby's room, she was already covered up and facing the wall. I bent over the best I could and kissed her head softly before heading out of the room.

Soon enough, I was going to be the mom of a son.

Baby boy incoming!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2019, 11:09:29 PM »
One Month Later

Christmas was here and the tree was put up in the room that no one used. We really should think of a use for that room other than the bar that no one used.

"What are you doing?" Shawn giggled.

"Don't laugh at me." I said out of breath.

"You look like you're killing yourself."

"I'm trying this new thing one of the girls recommended. It's a dance video!"

"And what is this dance video suppose to do?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Help me lose weight!" I gasped.

"Well, I don't mind the view." He smirked.

I just rolled my eyes.

There was a sudden cry from upstairs.

"Will you go get him, please?" I asked.

"But, this view." He said.

"Shawn! Go get your son!" I giggled.

He huffed and walked upstairs. I continued to work out, I had gained more weight this pregnancy then with the twins which was strange to me. It's been about a month since I had the baby, and I couldn't love him more. Shawn and I sat down one night after he was born and thought of a name. We wanted something strong, but nothing too crazy. We finally decided on the name Matthew, and it seemed to fit him.

"Hi baby!"

I was going to change out of my stinky clothes when I heard Abby in the nursery.

"Hey Abby, what are you up too?" I asked.

"Just looking at Matthew." She smiled.

I smiled.

"He's so tiny!"

"You and your sister were that small."

"No way!"

I nodded.


I ended up taking a quick shower and changing into my pajama's before going to check on Matthew.

"Hey little guy." I whispered.

He was just looking up at the ceiling. I scooped him up very carefully and placed him on my chest.

"How are we doing?" I asked.

I could heard him cooing.

"I love you so much."

"Today is Christmas, your first one! I wish you were old enough to remember it." I told him.

I put him back in his bassinet so that he could get some rest. I closed the door and took my phone out and dialed.

"Hi mom! Merry Christmas! Yes, we're doing fine. He's so gorgeous! Yes, yes Shawn is very happy. Oh wow! Cousin Suzie? She hasn't been to the house in years!"

I smiled as I listened to mom tell me all about the plans for the evening.

"Yeah that sounds fun! I wish I could be there! I miss you guys too! I'll send lots of pictures, I love you too mom. Bye."

I hung up before heading downstairs.


I looked down to see Abby.

"Are you ready?!" She gasped.

"Ready for what?" I asked, acting like I had no clue.

"Presents!" She screamed.

I laughed.

"Come on before you explode.

"STELLA! GET IN HERE!" Abby shouted.

"Hey keep it down! Matthew is sleeping." I told her.

"Sorry mom." She said.

Stella ran in.

"I'm here!" She said.

"Alright! Let's start!" Shawn said.

"ALRIGHT! A brand new doll!" Abby said.

"I got a gift card to the bookstore!" Stella squealed.

I smiled as they continued to open their gifts. I watched as Shawn carefully opened his new wrist watch that I hoped he would love.

"This is great! I love it!" He said holding it up.

"Do you?" I asked.

"Of course."

He walked over and kissed me.

"Mom! You need to open yours!"

"Right!" I said, going to grab a present.

I smiled as I unwrapped the box. The girls watched anxiously as I pulled out a coffee mug with a heart, and in the middle of the heart read "Best Mom Ever!"

"Awww! I love it!" I said.

"I told you!" Stella said to Abby.

They both hugged me.

"Thank you girls."

Shawn's POV

I smiled as the girls had their moment with Kaylin.

"Alright girls. Come here." I said.

They looked at me.

"I have something special for you guys." I told them.

Kaylin looked at me confused, she had no idea what I was going to do.

"Shawn?" She questioned.

"Shhh." I smiled.

I knelt down to the girls' level as they both looked at me. I grabbed a present that I tucked in a secret spot and handed it to them.

"Open it together." I told them.

I watched them as the lifted the lid and then peeled the tissue paper back to reveal a piece of paper. Kaylin was watching anxiously.

"What is this?" Stella asked.

"Read it."

"Certificate of Adoption." Abigail read pointing to the line.

Kaylin gasped and covered her mouth.

"Adoption? What's adoption?" Stella asked.

I felt my eyes start watering but I took a deep breath.

"I want to adopt you as my daughters." I told them.

They looked at me.

"You want to be our dad?" Stella said, I could see her start to tear up.

"I want to be your dad."

It only took a second for both of them to attack me in a hug, they started to cry into my shirt. I looked up to see Kaylin bawling in her hands. I smiled at her as she shook her head in disbelief.

"I love you girls, and I promise to always be here for you." I smiled.

"Thank you." They said.

"Now, there's something I need to give your mom now." I told them.

I stood up and made sure they were okay before I walked up to Kaylin.

"You didn't have to do that!" She cried.

"I wanted too. I want us to be a family, and I love them. They're my kids." I told her.

She cried and hugged me.

"I have something else."

She broke from the hug in enough time to for me to get down on one knee.

"Oh god!" She cried and covered her face.

I smiled from ear to ear as she uncovered her eyes and cried into her hands.

"Kaylin, we've both been here before. In this situation with other people, one was taken too early and one was too blind to see what they had. I love you so much, I love our girls, and our beautiful baby boy. I've never dreamed of doing this again, but here I am and I've never been so sure of anything since Elizabeth. I want to be a family, and this is the next step to make this complete. Will you marry me?" I asked.

She sobbed and nodded.

"Is that a yes?" I asked.

"Yes!" She cried out.

I stood up and picked her up and spun her around while kissing her.


I was sitting at the new game table we set up.

"Your turn." I told Abby.

She took her turn in cards.

"Hey Shawn?" Stella asked.

"You can call me dad now, or whatever you're comfortable with." I told her.

"Okay, but can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Why did our dad not want us?"

Talk about a question that punched you in the gut.

"I wish I knew that, and I don't understand why he doesn't. But I want you, okay? I never want you to feel unwanted ever again."

It took all I had to get that sentence out without crying myself.

She nodded and then smiled.

Kaylin's POV

That had to have been the best Christmas ever.

Shawn proposed to me, and then gave my girls the best gift ever, he gave them a father. I felt like I was living in a dream, and I had to keep looking at my ring to tell myself that it was real. It was back to the real world though. The girls at the office screamed when they saw the ring and I told them about the adoption. Now I was home to my girls and my boys.

"How are you doing?" I asked Matthew.

He started to fuss.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

I got a bottle of formula out.

"Here you go."

I smiled and watched as he ate and looked up at the ceiling. I couldn't wait to see who he grew up to be. The girls would also be teenagers soon which was crazy to think about.

Life was getting better, and I finally felt happy.

Jam packed chapter!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2019, 09:11:15 PM »
"We're adults now." I said.

"I already feel old." Shawn said.

I laughed.

"But you know what?" He asked.

"What?" I smiled.

"I'm still looking fiiinneeee."

I laughed and rolled my eyes and walked out of the room. I headed upstairs to check on Matthew who celebrated his birthday a few days ago and was now a toddler.

"How is my little man doing?" I asked.

"Mama!" He said.


He was standing in Abigail's room.

"What are you doing in your sisters room?"


He pointed to her Unicorn that I got her when she was just a baby.

He had Shawn's black hair and his eyes, but truth be told we both had brown eyes but they were more his shade of brown.

"How about we go back to your room?" I asked.

I picked him up and walked him back to his room.

"Here, here's some toys."

I placed him on the floor and put some toys around him.

"There you go."

I walked downstairs, dinner still needed to be done. I walked into the kitchen and got the stuff out to make pasta.

"What's for dinner?" Shawn asked.

"Pasta." I told him.

"You make wonderful pasta."

He walked up behind me and kissed my neck.

"No, I need to cook."

He groaned.


I smiled as he walked out of the kitchen. I continued to stir the tomato sauce and giggled to myself.

A few days passed and the girls grew up!

"Teenagers. Are we ready?" I asked Shawn.

"Well I don't see a choice." He giggled.

"I'm worried." I told him.


"Johnny, I haven't heard anything from him which normally means something."

Shawn took my hand.

"He will not touch those girls." He growled.

I looked at him, he didn't like Johnny and now that he officially adopted the girls he liked him even less. Johnny fought us in court about the adoption, but eventually he backed down for a small payment. It was ridiculous that we even had to pay him anything when he never wanted the kids. It was over though and I tried not to dwell on it.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you too."

"Picture time!" I told the girls.

They groaned.

Abigail was on the left and Stella was on the right.


"Matthew!" Stella shrieked.

I walked into the bathroom.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just giving him a bath." She smiled.

He splashed some more water and Stella giggled.

"Matthew, easy on the water!" I told him smiling.

"Water!" He squealed.

"I see you're dry bunny." I laughed.

"Shockingly." Stella said.

"What are you working on?"

"Homework, and then I need to fill this application out."


"I think I'm going to join Drama Club!" She said excitedly.

"Awesome!" I smiled.

"Drama Club is for dorks." Abby mentioned.

Stella shot her a dirty look.

"Abby knock it off." I told her.

"Sorry, but it is."

"Well I'm sorry that I don't rely on my looks to get me places." Stella shot.

"Stella!" Shawn warned.

He walked into the room and stood by me.

"Sorry dad." She said.

I walked into the living room where Matthew sat eating a piece of cake.

"How are you doing?" I asked.


"You're not shoving it all in your mouth are you?"

"No mama." He said.

I bent over and kissed him on the head.

"I love you sweet boy."

I smiled and walked out of the room.

Later that night after Matthew was in bed I walked up to Stella's room. I knocked on her door before she told me to come in. She was sitting on her bed hugging her legs and just staring at the application. I walked over and sat on the bed next to her.

"How is the application coming?" I asked.

"I'm not going to do it." She sighed.

"Why not?"

She just shrugged.

I looked at her for a moment, "Is it because of what your sister said?"

"She's so popular already in high school mom."

"What makes you any less popular?"

"Because who is going to hang out with some dweeb in the Drama Club?"

"You'll make lots of friends there!" I told her.

She hook her head.

"Listen. When I was your age, I wanted to write. I was the popular girl and I was too scared to follow my dreams because I would be looked down upon. Everyone looked up to me, but back then writing and reading got you called a nerd and I was too scared that I would become the laugh stalk of the school. But you know what?"


"If I had the chance to go back, I would have turned it all down to write. I wasted too much time worrying about what others would think of me and I shouldn't of." I told her.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"She's pretty mom." She whispered.

"You are just as pretty, inside and out." I told her.

I kissed her on the forehead and walked out of the room.

I hope that she would find her path.

ALL of the birthdays!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2019, 09:02:04 PM »
"Abby please get off the phone." I said.

"MOOOM!" She groaned.


"Sarah is going through a crisis!"

"Sarah will figure that out, we're having family time."

She groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Listen to your mother." Shawn said.

"Now sit down please." I said.

She walked over and sat on the couch. We were upstairs so that Matthew could play with his toys.

"How was everyone's day?" Shawn asked.

"Fine." Abby grumbled.

I sighed, "What about you Stella?"

"I got into Drama Club!" She announced excitedly.

"See! I told you that you could do it!" I told her.

"Practice's are everyday after school though so I won't be home until 5:30."

"As long as you get your homework done things will be fine." Shawn said.

"I will! We can actually work on homework when we aren't up."

I nodded.

"What about you little man? How was your day?" Shawn asked.

Matthew laughed.

"Are we done?" Abby asked.

"Fine, go deal with the crisis." I snapped.

"Thank god."

She got up and walked to her room.

"Where did my sweet Abby go?" I asked.

"Down the popular drain." Stella groaned.


"Ew, get a room." Abby said.

Shawn and I were on the couch sharing a moment.

"This is normal." I told her.

She just looked at me and walked downstairs. I sighed as I watched her.

"Hey, it's normal. She's a teenager." Shawn reassured me.

"I just feel like I'm doing something wrong." I told him.

"You're not." He smiled.

I smiled and grabbed his hand.

"Dadda!" Matthew said.

"Yes bud?" He asked.


"You wanna fly?!"

He nodded. Shawn stood up and picked Matthew up and begun to spin him around. Matthew started giggling loudly as Shawn continued to spin him.

He was so good with Matthew and it made my heart swell with happiness. It was such a change going from Johnny who wanted nothing to do with the girls to Shawn wanting to be involved in everything. Ryan would have loved this, he would have loved being a father. I knew that he was happy for me though and then he would be glad that I moved on.

"Alright, I hate to break up this play fest, but it is time for a certain boy to go to bed." I said standing up.

Shawn kissed his forehead before handing him to me.

"Pajama time and then bed!" I said.

"Snuggles?" Matthew asked.

"Well I would never pass those up!"

I walked out of his room after putting him to bed. Abby was standing there in her normal pose and staring at her phone.

"Homework done?" I asked.

"Yeah, and the science project I had to do." She told me.

"That's good."

"Hey mom?" She asked.


"I know I've been moody, but I love you."

I looked at her for a moment and smiled.

"I love you too, even if you can be moody. I will always love you." I told her.

I walked over and kissed her forehead.

"I'm going to bed." She told me.

"Sleep well sweetie."

She smiled before disappearing into her bedroom.

Maybe I was doing a good job at being a mom. But this teen business was rough!

Almost 450 views! Thank you!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2019, 11:49:30 PM »
Stella's POV

"Are you sure you're okay?" The man asked.

"I'm fine, thank you." I assured.

I watched as the taxi driver drove away. It was quiet and as far as I could tell no one even lived in this part of the town. There were splotches of dirt but it was mainly this red dirt around the splotches. I looked around unsure if I was even in the right place, I checked my phone before deciding to walk a little more further. I texted mom and told her that I was held up at drama club even though practice was cancelled today. I hoped that Abigail didn't know that and wouldn't rat me out.

"You made it."

I turned around to see him standing there. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"I did." I said.

He smiled, "Where is your sister?"

"Abigail, and she didn't want to come."

"So, you're Stella."

I nodded.

"You look beautiful." He said.

I was standing in front of my father, or what would have been my father.

"Look, what did you want?" I asked.

"Straight to the point I see." Johnny said.

"My mom is waiting for me."

"So she doesn't know you're here."


"Makes sense, she wouldn't let me see you guys when you were younger."

"You actually wanted to see us? That's shocking."

He looked at me.

"What? No comment to that?"

I was getting angry, I could feel all of the anger that I had bottled up my entire life just seeping out of my pores.

"I'm no proud of what I have done in my life, but I wanted to see you." He told me.

"For what?"

"To get to know you and your sister."

"To get to know us?! Are you kidding me?! Where were you when we were little?! Huh? When you could have known us! When we were babies and you kicked our mother out and left her homeless!"

"She made due." He said.

"Because she had too!" I screamed.

"Watch your tone." He warned.

"What? You're going to parent me? Well no thank you because you are not my father!" I hissed.

"Let me guess, her new fancy boyfriend is your new daddy." He rolled his eyes.

"No, her husband is our new father, and he is more of a father and a man that you will EVER be!"

We had a small ceremony in the backyard for mom and dad, it was beautiful and private and I was glad to have witnessed their marriage.

"Go figure."

"I don't know why you're mad or even care, because you made it very clear that you didn't want that life. You had her, and you had us, but you threw us away. For what? Because you weren't ready?! Well I'm sorry that we aren't something you can put down and pick up again!" I screamed.

"Watch how you talk to me!" He screamed.


"Stella stop!"

"Look, this is clearly going no where. I'm sorry that I wasted my own time coming here because mom was right. I should have just never looked back. So we're fine, if that helps you in some sick and twisted way. So now that you know that I'd appreciate if you left me and my siblings alone." I snapped.

"Siblings?" He questioned.

"Not that it's your business, but we have a brother now. It's nice to see mom so happy and to be with someone who not only wants her, but wants us to be his children. It's a wonderful feeling and we are lucky to have him as a father."

I looked at him before walking away, I got on the phone with a taxi and continued to walk down the road to the nearest gas station to meet the taxi.


"I can't believe you went to see your father." Mom said.

"He's not my father, and I can't believe I did either." I said.

Abby sat next to me on the couch.

"You should have told me or your father." She said.

"I know, I just wanted to do it."

"So, he didn't even apologize?" Abby asked.

"No." I shook my head.

"Girls, I never wanted you to feel the pain that I felt as a child. I wanted to protect you from that but I ended up leading you straight too it and I'm sorry for that."

I could tell that she was getting upset.

"Mom, it's okay." I assured.

"We have a dad, and he's a better father then he could have been." Abby told her.

Mom nodded, wiping a few tears away. She had been a little more emotional lately. She walked out of the room leaving Abby and I alone.

"So, how is drama club going?" Abby asked.

I was almost scared to answer that.

"It's going fine, we have our first show next week." I told her.

"Well we'll need tickets." She said.

"You want to come?" I gasped.

"Of course, but I'm sitting in the back."

I smiled a little.

"Do you need help with you're make up?"

"You would help me with that?"

"You're my sister, of course I would."

She stood up and offered me her hand, I smiled and took and it and she led me upstairs. We walked into her room and she shut the door behind her. She motioned to her vanity desk and I sat down on the chair, I felt immediately overwhelmed as I looked at all of the make up.

"This, this color is you." She said.

She picked up a tube of lipstick.

"Like this?" I asked.

"Yes, just like that." She said.

"This is something I never thought we'd be doing." I giggled.

"What? Putting on make up together?" She asked.


She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Look, I know I have my moments but I am still your sister." She smiled.

I smiled at her in the mirror.

"Now, blush. You don't want too deep of a color, or else you'd look like a clown."

I laughed.

"Look at you!" She gasped.


We both looked at myself in the mirror equally shocked.

"This is going to be great." I smiled.

Kaylin's POV

I sat on the bed sobbing in my hands. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that this was happening.


I looked up to see Matthew standing there.

"Hi baby." I said.

"Crying?" He asked.

"I'm fine sweetie." I told him.

I wiped my eyes and gave him the best smile I could work up at that moment.


I looked behind me to see Shawn there.

"Oh, um right. Supper, I'll be down in a second." I said.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I started sobbing again and I tried telling him but it all came out as high pitched squealing and I couldn't even understand it.

"Slow down, slow down." He said.

I took a deep breath and reached over to the night stand and opened the drawer. I pulled out three white sticks and handed them to him. He took them and looked at them for what felt like ages.

"Are these-"

"Pregnancy tests." I cried.

He looked at me, "Are you?"

"Pregnant." I sobbed.

I felt his hand on his back and rubbed it.

"I'm sorry!"

"Don't apologize! This isn't bad!" He told me.

"But we're into adulthood now, and Matthew is still really young and there is a lot going on with the girls and-"

"We will figure it out." He said before I could list any more reasons.

I looked at him. He gave me a smile and wiped my tears away.

"Are you sure we can do this?" I asked.

"Of course." He said.

"Four kids." I said.

 "It's going to be a zoo." He said.

I laughed.

"I can't wait." He said.

Baby number four on the way! This house is just growing!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2019, 10:48:46 PM »
"Can you believe that mom and dad are having another baby?" Stella asked.

"As if this house isn't crazy enough." Abby groaned.

I was standing in the kitchen making my daily bowl of yogurt.

"I don't know, I think it's exciting!" Stella said cheerfully.

"Yeah but, they're like, old."


"We'll have to take care of Matthew and the new baby when they're gone."

"Then we'll just buy a big house!"

I smiled at that idea. I loved thinking of the girls, Matthew, and the new baby all living together. Though that time was a bit a ways still, but the fact that they might all stay in one house would be neat.

I finished my yogurt and walked outside to mail my latest book to my publisher. I didn't get as far in my writing as I would have liked, but I was in the top tier of my writing career at the office. That was an accomplishment that I was proud of myself for doing.

"What are you doing outside?"

I turned around to see Shawn walking up to the house.

"Just mailing my latest book out." I said.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, a little sick but I'm fine. How was the office?" I asked.

"It was fine. Got a few houses to show tomorrow."

I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Are you proud of me?" I asked suddenly.

"What? Of course I am!" He said.

"Well, I'm not the most famous writers out there." I sighed.

"Maybe not, but you are top of your career and you are a wonderful wife and an amazing mother to our children!" He said.

I smiled, "Thank you."


"When is dinner?" Stella asked.

"About another hour, why?" I asked.

"Matthew is hungry and fussy."

"Get a snack pack out, and give him that for now."

"Okay mom!"

I smiled.

"Stella?" I said.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"I just wanted to let you know you are very helpful! I'm going to need extra hands after this baby." I told her.

She smiled.

"No problem mom!"

Stella's POV

I was sitting on the porch between school and drama club meetings. It was so nice outside and I spent the majority of my time inside either home or school so I needed some fresh air. I could understand Abby's concern about the new baby, but I was rather excited for another member of the family. Matthew was just the sweetest little boy you could ever be around. What could the harm be for another one? Mom seemed excited and so did dad so as long as they were happy then I was too. Abby was the more moody of the two of us so I tried to not be offended when she acted out. I smiled as I looked around, my heart stopped as I saw someone walking past the house.

"Wait! Excuse me!" I called.

I shot from the porch to catch up to them.

"Are you Kayla Blossom?!" I gasped.

She smiled, "I am."

"Oh my god, oh my god! I'm sorry, you probably get this a lot and I probably seem like a dweeb!"

Kayla Blossom is an actress on one of my favorite shows.

"You're fine! What's your name?" She asked.

"Stella! I- I um, I want to be an actress as well!" I stuttered.

"Oh cool! Never give up that dream, okay?" She smiled.

"Can I- Can I get an autograph?!"

"Of course!"

She took out a photo of herself and a marker and signed it before handing it to me.

"Thank you so much!" I said.

"Follow your dream Stella, it is worth it in the end."

With that she walked away. I looked at the picture and smiled.

Kaylin's POV

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just a small fever." Shawn told me.

"I'll go get the meds, will you bring him to his room?"

He nodded.

I went to get the children's meds from the bathroom. By the time that I was in Matthew's room Shawn had gotten him into his pajamas and tucked into bed. Once I gave him the meds we tucked him in for bed and headed downstairs.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I told him.

He smiled.

"Do you want to feel?" I asked.

"I would love too."


I was now in my last trimester and I was ready for it to be over. My back hurt, my feet hurt, it was getting hard to sit up for a long period of time, and I swear the baby was sitting against my lungs sometimes. I was going to miss being pregnant sometimes because I was sure that this would be the last child that Shawn and I had. However I was so ready to meet this baby.

"What do you think it's going to be?" Shawn asked.

"I don't know, I have a feeling it's a girl." I said.

"Really? I'm kinda hoping for a boy, do you know how perfect that would be?" He smiled.

"Yeah it would, two girls and two boys."

"Unless it's twins."

"Shut up."

He laughed.

I walked over to the table with my food.

"That's not even funny." I said.

"That would make things really insane." He told me.

"I think I'll run away."

"Can I come with?"

"Sure." I giggled.

I swear sometimes Matthew knew when I was done eating because the second I finished my last bite he started crying from upstairs. I told Shawn I would get him and climbed up the stairs. I felt as though I climbed a mountain though by the time I reached his room.

"What is wrong little man?" I asked.

"Poopy!" He said.

"Poopy? You haven't had an accident in a while!" I said.

He whined and rubbed his eyes.

"Come on, let's get you into the tub!"

I smiled as I picked him up.

"Everything okay?" Shawn asked.

I was carrying Matthew downstairs.

"Yep, he just had an accident and needed a bath." I told him.

"An accident, bud you haven't had one of those in a while!" He said.

"I know." Matthew said.

"That's alright though, we all have them."

Shawn ruffled his hair as I put Matthew down in front of him.

"You should go rest." Shawn said.

"I will after I make dinner." I told him.

I headed to the dining room where I found Abigail sitting at the table.

"What are you working on?" I asked.

"Homework." She groaned.

"Do you need help?"

"No mom. I don't."

"Watch your tone missy."

She huffed.

"Are you having a bad day?"

"I'm fine mom."

"Okay." I said.

Later that night I was finding it difficult to stay sleeping.

"Are you okay?" Shawn asked, waking up from my movement.

"Yeah, I'm going to get some water." I told him.

"I can get it." He offered.

"I can go."

I stood up carefully and headed downstairs. I took out a glass and filled it up with some water. I was about to take a drink of it when I felt a sudden pain in my stomach.

"AH!" I hissed.

I felt a sudden gush of water, but the water was still in my glass.

"Oh boy." I said.

I managed to get up stairs.

"Shawn." I said.

I shook him.


"Wha- What?!" He gasped.

"I think it's time." I told him.

"Okay, okay."

He quickly got up.

"I'm going to go wake the girls and have them watch Matthew and then we will be on the way."

I nodded.

Hours and hours later we were back home.

"Was he okay?" Shawn asked Stella.

"Yes, he has been good." She said.

I walked through the door holding a baby in my arms.

"Girls, I'd like you to meet Adrian, your new baby brother." I smiled.

"Awwww!" Stella said.

They both walked up to us to see the new baby.

"He's so tiny!" Abby said.

I smiled.

"Thank you so much for taking care of your brother girls." Shawn told them.

"I'm going to go bring him upstairs." I told them.

Right now we had him sharing a room, but eventually we may move him to another room downstairs. Maybe put the office into the room we barely use and then turn the office into his room. We'd figure it out, all I knew was I couldn't wait to start this new chapter.

Welcome baby Adrian!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #26 on: April 09, 2019, 07:49:51 PM »
"Did you have a good birthday?" I asked.

Matthew looked at me and nodded.

My little boy was now a child. It was crazy to believe, it felt like yesterday he was still a baby.

"Are you ready for some cake?" I asked.

"Yeah!" He said excitedly.

"Thank you for baking me a hamburger cake!" He told me.

"Dad actually did." I told him.

"You did?!"

Shawn smiled and nodded.

"It's awesome!" Matthew said.

I sliced the cake and served it to everyone. Abby was sulking in her chair and she picked at her piece of cake.

"Everything okay Abby?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said, emotionless.

I looked at her, and decided not to push it.

"Mom, Adrian is crying." Matthew said.

I wiped my mouth with my napkin and stood up. I walked into the nursery which was now where the office used to be. He was crying and kicking his legs, I gently picked him up and rocked him.

"Are you hungry already?" I asked.

He continued to cry.

"What's wrong?"

He wouldn't stop crying.

"Is he okay?" Shawn asked.

"He won't stop crying!" I told him.

I was trying not to get upset, but I've never had this much trouble calming the others down. I had been struggling with him for a while, but I was afraid of telling that to Shawn.

"Here, let me try." Shawn offered.

"I don't know what I'm doing wrong."

I handed Adrian off to Shawn and walked out of  the room.

"Why are you giving your mama a rough time?" He said.

I walked into the new office and sat at the desk.


I looked over to see Stella standing there.

"What?" I asked.

"Can I have some money? A bunch of us want to go to the ice cream place tomorrow after drama club."

"Yeah, uh, actually go ask your father for some." I told her.

She nodded and walked off.

I turned back to the computer. I needed to update my publisher on the progress of the new book. It was going slower because of Adrian but she was giving me some extra time. I felt bad for letting things slide because I never had an issue keeping up. It was just with the girls, Matthew, and the trouble with Adrian I was finding it hard to focus on much.

I walked upstairs after writing the email.

"Did you dad give you the money?" I asked Stella.

She was sitting on her bed reading a book.

"Yeah, thank you mom." She smiled.

"You're welcome."

I turned around and walked to Abby's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I opened the door, she was sitting at her vanity desk and putting on some make up.

"Where are you going tonight?" I asked.

"A party." She said.

"Where at?" I asked.

"Amber's house."

"And we have her number?"

"Yes mom, god."

"Hey! I need to know where you are."

She just rolled her eyes.

"10 PM. School night.


I closed the door and headed back downstairs.

"But what if I don't like anyone." Matthew said.

"I'm sure you will." Shawn told him.

"I don't know anyone." He sighed.

"You will meet kids! It'll be scary at first but you will."

Matthew nodded.

"I had a hard time fitting in at school." I told him.

"You did?"

"Yeah, but sooner or later I had a lot of friends!" I smiled.

"I hope I have a lot of friends."

He was worried about school. His first day was tomorrow, he had been worried about it all weekend.


"She's not answering her phone." I panicked.

"She will. I'm sure she is on her way home now." Shawn said.

We were in the nursery and he was trying to calm Adrian down.

"She's not texting me back." Stella said walking in.

"Shawn, she was suppose to be back an hour ago." I yelled.

"Keep your voice down." He said.

I huffed and walked out of the nursery.

A moment later he came walking into the living room.

"I'm sorry, but Adrian was upset."

"I'm upset! Our daughter is missing!" I screamed.

"Look, I'll go call Amber's house again and we will go from there." He told me.

I nodded.

My mind flashed into a million possibilities, and none of them ending well. I shouldn't of let her go to a party, especially by herself.

"Can I do anything mom?" Stella asked nervously.

"Can you make sure Matthew is doing okay?" I asked.

She nodded and headed upstairs. Shawn came walking in a moment later.

"What?" I asked.

"She left an hour ago." He said.

My heart dropped.

"Where is she then?!" I screamed.

"I don't know."

Bum bum bummmm
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #27 on: April 21, 2019, 01:56:25 AM »
Shawn's POV

"Is mom doing okay?" Stella asked.

"She's still in bed." I told her.

"It's been three days."

I looked at her and saw the tears start flowing down her cheeks. I walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

"We'll find her."

Abby had still not shown up, the cops were looking for her now and we posted flyers all around. My first suspect was Johnny but he was cleared and didn't know where she was. Kaylin shut down, she barely left the bedroom let alone the bed. So it was up to me to keep the house going, Matthew was a toddler and we had Adrian. Stella was a huge help but I tried not to rely on her too much because she needed to be a teenager. I knew she was scared so I tried to console her when I could but the truth was I was scared to death. Abigail has never done anything remotely close to this, and we didn't even know if she ran or was kidnapped.

"I'm going to go check on mom." I told her.

"I'll go check the boys."

I walked upstairs and opened the bedroom door before closing it. I walked over to the dresser and picked out a clean outfit before walking over to the bed.

"Kaylin, how about we change clothes?" I asked.

"No." She said flatly.

"It'll make you feel better."

"I don't want too."

I sighed.

"We can't give up on her Kaylin." I said.

She didn't say anything.

"I'll be downstairs."


Kaylin's POV

"Adrian please." I groaned.

I decided to get out of bed. I shut down but it wasn't fair to my family and it wasn't fair to Abigail. She was out there somewhere, I believed that. The cops were growing apprehensive but I believed that she was.

"Everything okay?" Shawn asked.

"He won't stop crying." I told him.

He walked over to me and took him from my arms.

"I need to go to the store."

"Okay honey."

I smiled before heading out of the house.

I stepped out of the taxi after tipping him. Downtown was steadily busy, I liked coming down here because the food markets had the best quality food. It was fresh and local and the workers were friendly. I picked up a basket and started strolling down the walkway, picking up ingredients for dinner tonight.

"Hey Kaylin!"

I turned to see Shelly, the baker, standing there.

"Hello!" I said.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

"We're hanging in there."

She smiled a little, I knew what she meant though. But, I didn't want to go down that road.

I placed a few things in my basket and smiled before walking away.

It happened in a split second, I turned my head and saw her. My smile faded and I squinted to make sure I wasn't going crazy.

"Abby?!" I called out.

The girl didn't respond. She was walking away from me, but she had blonde hair and the same height as Abby.

I dropped the basket and sprinted after her.


I grabbed her arm and spun her around.



"I don't know where to begin."

"How about the beginning?!" Shawn snapped.

Abigail sat on the couch, her clothes were dirty and she was clutching her jacket in her hands. Shawn and I stood in front of her.

"You guys pay more attention to Stella, and then Matthew, and now Adrian is here. So I was talking to Amber at the party and she told me about this spot where she sometimes goes when she needs to escape. It was a shelter place underneath the bridge on Elmwood, so I went there instead of coming home."

"So you thought running away was the right answer?" I asked.

"What else was I suppose to do?" She asked.

"Talk to us." Shawn told her.

"The police were looking for you Abby, we were scared to death! Not to mention how your sister felt!" I told her.

"She was probably glad I was gone."

"You're kidding me right?!"

We turned around to see Stella there, tears streaming down her face.

"Stella.." Abby whispered.

"You chose to run away?!" She asked.

"It wasn't like that." Abby told her.

"It sounded like that. You left me, and didn't look back."

Abby tried to say something else but Stella turned around and ran upstairs. I turned back around to see Abigail looking at the ground.

I sighed.

"I can understand why you did it, and I'm sorry if you feel ignored. That is something your father and I will work on. However, we can't just let what you did go. There will be consequences." I told her.

"Like what?" She asked.

"You're grounded, for a month. You go to school and come home." Shawn said.

I nodded.

I could see the old Abby start to complain, but I think this changed her somehow.

"That's fair." She said.

"You have a lot of school work to catch up on, but we can help you if you need us too."

She looked up, and I could tell the tears were coming.

"I'm sorry." She cried.

Shawn and I walked over to the couch and sat on either side of her. We both put our arms around her and squeezed her tightly. I broke apart and looked at her.

"It's going to take some time to earn our trust again, but we love you so much and we are so glad that you are safe." I told her.

"I love you mom." She said.

"I love you too."

After a little bit she went upstairs. I took a deep breath and sat back on the couch, Shawn put his arm around me.

"How do you think we handled that?" I asked him.

"I think she genuinely feels bad. I think we were fair but firm." He said.

"Good, I'm just glad she is home."

"Me too."

"Thank you for dealing with me." I told him.

"Of course, for better or for worst babe."

I smiled and kissed him.

Short chapter and no pictures! But I wanted to ease back into this! Sorry I've been gone! I needed a little break =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2019, 08:52:15 PM »
"It wasn't like that!" Abby yelled.

"Then what was it like?!" Stella screamed back.

I walked into the kitchen to see Abigail and Stella standing in front of each other.

"You ran away, and you chose to do that!"

"It was a week ago Stella, we have to move on."

"Well I'm sorry if I was hurt!"

"I was going through a lot Stella, I didn't do it to hurt you intentionally!" She screamed.

"Okay guys, calm it down a bit please." I said.

"She's still holding it over my head mom." Abby said once Stella left the room.

"And she will until she gets over it or until you guys hash it out." I told her.

She sighed.

"It's been a week, and you guys not only are twins but you are close. She felt like she wasn't important enough."

"I know, I just don't know how to make it better."

"It just takes time, just give her some time to process it."

"Thanks mom."

I hugged her.


We both looked to see Matthew standing there.

"Yeah?" Abby asked.

He looked up at her with sad eyes, "Are you going to stay?"

I could see Abby start to furiously blink to stop the tears.

"I'm going to stay, I'm sorry if I worried you or hurt you buddy." She said.

"I'm glad you are." He said.

I watched as she bent down to hug him. I smiled at the moment, when Matthew was a baby I was worried about their relationship. Even as a toddler Abby seemed to not want to have anything to do with him. It was one of her set off's for being overwhelmed and running away, especially after Adrian was born.

Speaking of Adrian, he grew up to be a toddler!

I felt bad for Shawn, Matthew was going to be the only child we had that had his black hair. He didn't care though, because he was happy with his four beautiful children.

"Such a big boy!" I said.

Adrian beamed up at me with is eyes shining.

"Mama?" Matthew asked.


"May I go play outside?" He asked.

"Only for an hour, it's starting to get dark." I told him.


I walked into the living room.

"What are you guys watching?" I asked.

Abigail and Shawn were sitting on the couch.

"A zombie movie." Abby told me.

"Ew, is he eating a person?!" I gasped.

"Yes." Shawn laughed.

The laugh lasted only a moment though as both of them gasped and Abby screamed.

"How can you guys watch this?!"


"Stella? Everything okay?" I asked.

She was sitting on Adrian's bed.

"Yeah, he was getting a little fussy so I thought I'd stay a bit." She told me.

I walked in.

"Doing some homework?" I asked.

She nodded.

"You know Abby loves you, right? And that she didn't do that to hurt you?"

"I know, but it hurt mom. She's not only my sister but my best friend."

"I know sweetie. But give her a chance to make it up, okay?" I said, smoothing her hair down.

She nodded.

"Good." I bent down and kissed her head.

Spring was officially here and the cooler clothes were busted out.

"I don't get this problem." Matthew said.

"What is it?" Abby asked.

Matthew slid his book towards her and she read it.

"Oh, that's easy. Here let me show you."

I watched as she patiently explained to him what to do.

"Oh okay, so that makes sense." He said.

I walked outside to check on Shawn who was on Adrian duty.

"How is it going?" I asked.

"Well, your son has decided it was a good idea to dump out all of the paint that we had next to the house." Shawn sighed.

"Oh did he now?"

Of course Adrian was acting all cute because he knew he had done something wrong.

"What did daddy tell you about making messes?" Shawn asked.

Adrian shrugged.

"We don't make messes, okay?"

It's been a pretty mild week, but I think after the Abigail scare we all needed it.

I'm sure more craziness was on the way to us.

Adrian is a toddler! Also thanks for the 650+ views!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Follow Your Dreams
« Reply #29 on: April 29, 2019, 08:24:11 PM »
"What's it looking like?" Shawn asked.

I stared at the computer screen.

"We can't take everyone." I said.

He sighed, he was standing behind me.

"We'll figure this out." He told me.

I started to cry again, it had been on and off for the entire morning.

"It's going to be okay." He told me.

"Will you talk to the kids?" I asked.

"Of course."

Shawn's POV

"Kids! Get down here!" I yelled up the stairs.

Moments later the girls and Matthew came down the stairs.

"What's going on?" Matthew asked.

"Let's go in the living room." I told them.

"Oh boy, which one of us messed up this time." Stella said.

"Where is mom? She is normally here for these kinds of conversations." Abby mentioned.

I motioned to the couch once we entered the living room. The kids sat on the couch and I stood in front of them leaning against the cabinets that were under the TV.

"Your mom and I received a phone call this morning. Your grandmother isn't doing well." I told them.

Abby gasped.

"Moms mom?" Matthew asked.

I nodded.

"How is mom doing?" Stella asked.

"She's pretty upset, she hadn't talked to her in a while and she feels bad."

"Poor mom."

"So, your mother and I might have to go to take care of her."

"What?! What about us?" Stella asked.

I sighed, "I don't know."

The room fell silent.

"Are we going to be homeless?" Matthew asked.

"No, your mother and I are working that out as of right now."

Kaylin's POV

"How did they take it?" I asked.

The kids had just went back upstairs.

"They're worried about you and the situation, but it went okay." He told me.

"That's good."

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm holding up, super conflicted but I'm okay."

He rubbed my arm gently.

"We will figure it out."

I hugged him for a few more moments before pulling away.

"I had an idea though." I told him.

"What's that?" He asked.

"The girls are going to be young adults in a few days, so legally they could watch over the boys for us."

He stopped and thought about it for a moment.

"Do you think they would go with it?" He asked.

"I never want to pressure them, but they may have to do this. We cannot afford to take everyone. That would mean booking a hotel room or two and we don't even know how long we will be there. We can stay at moms house in the second bedroom but there is no room for the kids." I told him.

"We will see."


"Is he almost ready for bed?" I asked.

I walked into our bathroom.

"Almost got all the mud off." Shawn told me.

Adrian decided that he was going to roll in the mud and pretend to be a dog. It was hilarious but I also knew it would be a nightmare to get him clean.

"Did you have fun today little man?" I asked.

"Yeah!" She giggled.

I smiled.

"Now, let's get dressed." Shawn said.

Shawn's POV

"What is going to happen dad?" Matthew asked.

"Well, we have to talk to your sisters but we think we have it figured out." I told him.

"Talk to us about what?" Abby asked.

Abby and Stella walked up. Stella sat at the table while Abby sat by the pool.

I sighed, "Well I suppose I can talk to you."

I looked around hoping that Kaylin was around but it didn't seem that she was.

"Girls, your birthdays are coming up and you will be young adults. You know your mother and I never force anything on you, however giving the situation we have no choice. We need you guys to take care of you brothers." I told them.

Kaylin walked outside.

"What?!" Abby asked.

"How can we do that?" Stella asked.

"Legally you can become their caregivers." I told them.

"We thought of everything girls, this is the only logical option and we know they would be in good hands." Kaylin added, knowing what we were talking about.

"What is going to happen with the house?" Abby asked.

I sighed.

"That's another thing, we have to sell it for the extra cash." I told them.

"WHAT?!" Stella gasped.

"So we are going to be homeless!" Matthew said with wide eyes.

"No, your mother and I are going to find you an affordable house that isn't so big." I said.

"Mom I'm sorry about grandma but this is scary and sudden." Abby said.

"I know girls, and trust me it is going to kill me being so far away from you guys. But my mom needs me, I'm all that she has and I need someone with me and that's your father." Kaylin said.

Stella started crying.

"We will call every chance we can get, and we can video chat, and if possible we will visit." I told them.

"You're going to miss a lot." Matthew said.

"I know." Kaylin said.

"Adrian won't be old enough to understand this." Stella sniffled.

"It'll be hard, but you guys can do this." I told them.

Adrian started to cry from inside.

"I got him." I told everyone.

I left Kaylin to talk to the kids before waking inside.

"What's wrong buddy?" I asked.

He reached his arms up to me and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Everything is going to be okay, I know you won't understand what is going on but it will be okay." I whispered.

Kaylin's POV

Leaving the kids was going to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Shawn was really struggling with it too especially when Matthew and the girls got upset. It didn't help that the day we were dreading was now here. Abigail and Stella's birthday was here and they were now young adults.



"When do you guys leave?" Stella asked.

"We leave in a few days, but we want to get you guys settled into the new house." I told her.

She nodded sadly.

"I wish there were another way."

"I know, and I'm trying to deal with it. I know you guys don't want to leave us."  She said.

I hugged her.

"My sweet girl." I whispered.

"I love you mom." She sobbed.

"I love you too." I said, my own tears filling my eyes.

I know this seems like a sudden change. But I had planned to continue the story with the girls when they aged up, however Kaylin and Shawn's aging process was slow and I didn't want to just kill them off. So this is the only other thing that I could think of. Hopefully it all made sense! Thank you for reading!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

