Author Topic: One More Shot  (Read 13579 times)

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2018, 10:01:03 PM »
I was giving life one more shot.

So far, that shot was going pretty decently. You see my life hasn't always been this easy, and it wasn't until shortly after high school that it became normal. I'll start off by telling you that my name is Rebecca, but I prefer to be called Becca. I was your typical baby and toddler, rambunctious and carefree and my whole entire life a head of me. That was, until I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of ten. It took a toll on everyone including my parents who fought a lot during that time. They didn't think I knew that though but I could hear them sometimes in the hospital when I was suppose to be sleeping. For the next ten years it was nothing but doctor visits, needles, and tests. I began to get to know the nurses by name and some of their lives as well. So when I received my last treatment it was hard to say goodbye. They all signed a card for me that I still have in a box to this day. In a way I did miss them, but not the hospitals and the needle sticks. My parents stayed together through it all even when I thought that they would split. It was a rough time for all of us but we made it through it and now every month I either send money of volunteer at a hospital to give back.

I was still able to graduate with my class. Thankfully the graduation hat hid the fact that I was basically still bald from the treatment. I graduated from honors and I swear my parents couldn't cry any harder then they did as they watched me walk across stage. It was a huge milestone that we weren't sure we would ever be able to see. I am so thankful I did though because if I hadn't I would have never went for coffee one afternoon. It's weird to say that I met my husband at a coffee shop, but that's exactly where I met him. I had accidentally spilled my coffee on him because I had tripped and he happened to be the victim. His name is Rhett and I remember thinking how goofy he looked with his long brown hair and beard, but one thing led to another and three years later we were married. He loved to cook and just recently started a job as a dishwasher hoping that one day he would work his way to becoming a chef.

I on the other hand took a complete opposite path with my career. I wanted to make videos and there was a website called SimTube and it was one of the most popular websites around. A lot of people made careers out of it so it wasn't going to be easy to be noticed. I named my channel Becca's Corner, it was going to be a variety channel where I reviewed products and just blogged about normal life. Rhett was so supportive of my dream and built me my own streaming room! How crazy was that! Our house was very tiny since it was just us two, but at some point we wanted to have children.

This is a picture of me, and yes my hair color is natural.

This is my goofy looking husband Rhett, but he was beautiful and he was mine.

And this was our little house. Like I said it wasn't much, but it wasn't a hospital room either so I would gladly take it.

"Do you need anything?" Rhett asked.

"No, I'm just getting set up." I told him.

"Okay, I'm going to start on dinner while you record."

He gave me a kiss before leaving the room.

I grabbed my box from under the desk. Toy reviews seemed to be a hot topic right now so I decided to buy a few toys. I took them all out and laid them in front of the light. I took a deep breath before turning the light on and the camera.

"Welcome to Becca's Corner! Today I will be reviewing a few toys and we'll determine which is the best toy and which one you should steer away from! Before we begin make sure to hit that like and subscribe button down below..."

It sounded cringey in my head, the entire video and I hated that feeling. I wanted to do well with this as it would be my career but I knew that it would be hard in the beginning. I just had to work for it. I didn't want to let Rhett down either because he spent a lot of his own money on the equipment so I wanted to make him proud.

I also forgot to mention we had another small but important part of our family. We adopted a small black kitten name Bruno, he was abandoned and left at the shelter and we took him home. If I was giving life another shot then I would give Bruno another shot as well. He was so tiny!


The website said that I would start getting royalties from my videos depending on how many people viewed the videos, but I was guessing not a lot of people were because I haven't seen a single cent so far. I was creating and editing the videos right after and I made sure that it wasn't too many all at once. Rhett kept telling me that it was going to be okay but I was ready to throw in the towel.

"You can't quit already." He said.

"I don't understand! People are making money off of this easily! So why can't I?!" I groaned.

He was making dinner and I was in the other room talking to him.

"Baby, it takes time."

I groaned and went back to editing. This video was a video I did on fashion.

Fashion: The In's and Out's and Everything in Between

This week we talk about fashion, something that changes faster than the newest trend! Can you keep up? Well I'm here to help!

"This is the stupidest thing. Why did I write such a crappy title." I told myself.

"I can hear you!" Rhett said.

After editing I went and sat down at the table with Rhett.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"It was fine, we had a spillage with the dishwasher and I had to clean it up." He said.

"You really should go to the manager about this." I told him.

"No, it's fine. I need to do it."

He has been picked on recently by the kitchen manager but refused to do anything about it. It killed me to see him go through this but he insisted on it.

"I'm proud of you." I told him.

"Thanks baby."

He leaned over and kissed me.

It was bed time, and tomorrow I was going to wake up and go again with the videos. This was going to work, just one more shot.

It was surprisingly easy to write the first chapter seeing as I have no idea what I'm going to do with it! I hope you guys enjoy and will give it a shot! I feel bad about the other story!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2018, 08:15:55 PM »
"Bruno! What are you up too?"

He looked up at me and meowed.

"Come here you little goofball with fur!"

I bent over and picked him up, he immediately started to purr and rub up against me.

I walked over to the fridge and took out the things to make grilled cheese. Once I was finished making it I walked over to the table and sat down. The royalties were starting to roll in which relieved me. At first I was only making a few hundred, but now with how many videos I was making I was up to a thousand. I learned how to do transitions and add effects, they didn't always make for a good video but sometimes I got lucky!

After lunch I went into the studio and shut the door. Rhett and I made a system to where if the door was closed I was the only one to be in here because that meant I was recording or editing. I booted up the computer and gathered my things and laid them on the table. I flipped the lights on and turned the camera on and hit record.

"You've been asking for it! So here it is, my makeup tutorial!"

I picked up my tool for my eyebrow and started off the video explaining what I was doing.

"This product is great! I highly recommend this is you have eyebrows that will not work with you!"

I showed the camera the product.

"This part can be messy but I like doing my blush last. I don't need a lot because thankfully my skin isn't that fair. But I do like my cheeks a bit darker, so I just dab on a little bit of this. In the description I will include a guide on how to tell you perfect shade of blush!"

After recording the rest of the video I sat down and worked on editing the video. My mother, who has the best timing ever, decided to call me.

"Hi mom! Yes, yes mom. Mom I just had a doctors appointment, you know that I am fine. I know you worry, yes mom. Mom I'm working right now. No, on my videos. I know dad thinks it's not a real job but I'm doing fine. Rhett is fine, he's at work as well. Mom do we have to do this now? Look, I have to go. Love you too, bye."

I hung up the phone and sighed.

She always worried about me, and I understood why but at some point in my life I wanted to move on from being the person who had cancer. I went to every doctors appointment to make sure the cancer has stayed away and so far it has. For some reason she thinks that I am not going and feels the need to call and ask about it. I loved her though and I appreciate having someone who cared for me as much as she did. Dad cared as well, but sometimes his caring came off the wrong way. He thought my videos were childish and that I should go out and get a real job. It was just the age difference and times changing though so I didn't take it too hard.

"I'm home!" Rhett said.

"How was today?" I asked, walking out of the studio.

"Fine, get some videos done?" He asked.

"Yeah. I deposited the check into the bank."

"I'm so proud of you baby."

He walked over and kissed me.

"I'm going to go change and I will start making dinner."

"Sounds good!" I said.

"Nooo!" I groaned.

"What?" Rhett asked.

"My computer just broke!"

"Can you fix it?"

"I think so."

I picked up the tools and attempted to fix it. If anything I would just hire a repairman but I didn't want to have to spend the money for that. Thankfully with some help from the internet I was able to figure out how to fix it.

After dealing with everything I closed down the studio for the night and Rhett and I shared a bowl of popcorn and settled on the couch to watch a movie together.

So in case some people missed it because it's already in the graveyard. I had lost the save to my previous story. So I had to start a new one, hence why this story is now up and the other one is gone! I feel bad about it but I hope you will enjoy this one just as much!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2018, 10:41:56 PM »
"Are you kidding me?!" I screamed.

"What?" Rhett asked.

"My check will be late."

He walked over to me reading a letter I got.

"It's fine babe, we're not hurting."

"I know but I was going to purchase upgrades."

I ended up purchasing a drone with my last paycheck. I could now stream and record things around the house, or even around the neighborhood if I wanted too. People loved my travel vlog I did so I may do more of those down the line. Rhett was doing well in his cooking career, he moved past dishwasher and he was not starting to get into cooking a little bit. He cracked down on studying because he needed to know how to do mixology and he had nothing to go on. We didn't have a bar for him to practice on so he went out and bought every book he could find. It kept him busy while I was working on editing.

"Whatcha cookin' good lookin'?" I asked.

"That was bad." Rhett laughed.

I giggled as I walked up to him.

"I am baking a cake!"


"Can I have all of it?" I asked.

"No, you have to share." He said.

I sighed, "Fine."

I walked into the living room and put a movie on while I waited for the cake to finish baking. It didn't take long because an hour later it was ready to eat and it looked wonderful.

"Give me all of it." I told him.

"I told you that you have to share." He laughed.

"I'm still confused on this sharing concept, but this cake is wonderful." I said.

"Your mouth is full of cake." He said.

"So good."


"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Do we have to do this?" Rhett groaned.

"You'll be fine!"

I've had some requests of an interview with my husband. Kind of a way for my viewers and fans to get to know a little about my home life.

"I don't know how to do this."

"I'll be here to help you."

I started the drone and it flew into the air and the little recording light went on.

"Welcome back to Becca's Corner! Today we are here with my lovely husband Rhett!" I said.

"Hello!" He awkwardly said.

"He's a bit nervous, but I have no doubt that you guys will make him feel welcome!"

We started the interview off with some basic questions like where did he work, did he enjoy his job, and where did he grow up. The more we talked and went through the video the more he relaxed and got used to it. We finished the interview and I stood up and flipped the camera off. The drone slowly went to the ground and I turned around to Rhett.

"See! You did it!"

"That wasn't so bad."

"I was nervous too in the beginning, but once you get used to it then it's fine."

He looked at me and smiled, "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you."

Later that day we finished dinner and I was helping with the dishes, well trying too because we had a very small kitchen. I often wondered how he cooked in such a small spot but he managed to pull it off. The next house I wanted two things: I wanted a big kitchen with everything Rhett needed, and I wanted a room that would fit everything I needed to record. I knew we wouldn't be in this house long, but it was a nice little starter home.

"Babe?" Rhett asked.

"Yes?" I said.

"Let's have a baby." He said out of no where.

I just looked at him for a moment.

"What?" I asked.

"A baby, I'm ready to start a family."

"Can we handle that right now?"

"I think we can, I'm starting to bring in more and you are making almost two thousand now."

I bit my lip and thought for a moment.

"Okay, we can try."

"Really?!" He asked.


I smiled, it was early but I always knew that I wanted kids with him. Who knew the perfect time to have kids?

Too early for kids, or not early enough? We shall see!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2018, 09:09:09 PM »
A Couple Months Later

"Hello, today is a bit of a sad video in Becca's Corner. I want to talk about Pregnancy, and not just pregnancy, but the struggles of getting pregnant..."

I finished shooting the video and turned to edit it. Rhett was standing in the doorway.

"I'm about to work." I told him.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine."

"Becca, you don't have to pretend."

"Why not?"

"It'll happen."

"I don't want to talk about this Rhett, I have to edit this video."

He nodded and walked out of the room shutting the door behind him. I dug into adding transitions and effects before editing the whole thing together. We've been trying to get pregnant for months now and every time the tests have came back negative. We even went as far as to go see a doctor but they didn't find anything that was wrong and told us to keep trying. It was almost painful to keep trying at this point though.

The doorbell rang and I walked out of the room.

"Hello, sign here." The delivery guy said.

"Thank you!"

I signed and closed the door afterwards.

"What is that?" Rhett asked.

"I think it's my upgrade parts for the computer and the drone." I told him.

"That's good."

I had been waiting for them for weeks now, the computer needed a few upgrades and I was bringing in enough to splurge a little on them. I walked back into the studio and sat down and started to work on upgrading everything to the best that it could be.

"Dinner is almost ready!" Rhett called.

I hadn't even realized that it had been hours by the time I finished upgrading everything. I walked out into the kitchen and he was getting the salad ready.

"I can set the table." I told him.

"Thank you."

I grabbed the plates and cups and set the table. Bruno was rolling around the floor and playing with one of his toys.

"Bruno you are a dork." I told him.

He purred a little before flipping back over.

I walked back over to the kitchen with a plate of food that was still sitting at the table.

"You look nice." I told Rhett.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"How was work?"

"It was fine."


"It is important when going to a party to look your best..."

I was shooting another fashion vlog. It was one of the hot trends going right now so I wanted to take advantage of that.

"I would recommend your best dress, but be careful not to over accessorize."

I got dressed into my dress and revealed to them what I wore when I went to parties, which was next to no where but they didn't need to know that.

"This is what I wear, just a simple black dress. My hair makes it pop and I added just a simple necklace with it."

After doing the editing process, which was much faster with the new upgrades, I walked into the kitchen and began to upgrade more things. I had gotten a knack of upgrading things, Rhett says that I am using upgrading to hide my real feelings. Which usually led into one of our mini arguments, but they never lasted long. I knew that he was hurting and struggling with it as well so I tried not to push his buttons too much.

I started with the stove. This upgrade has been giving me issues but I think I was about to crack the mystery. I had watched several videos before figuring out why it was taking so long.

Rhett walked in.

"Hey honey, how was work?" I asked as I moved on to upgrading the sink.

"It was stressful, how has your day been?" He asked.

"I shot a few more videos, but easy so far."

"Are we getting a new sink?"

"Not new, but improved!"

He smiled.

"I know, I'm avoiding it." I said out of no where.

"I didn't say that."

"I know you didn't, I did. I'm just scared."

He looked at me for a moment trying to figure out where I was going with this.

"What if we can't have a baby?" I asked.

"We can! We just have to keep trying!" He told me.

"What if we can't though?"

"Then, we will adopt as many babies as you want."

I smiled a little.

"We will be parents, I will make sure of that."

I hugged him tightly, I wanted to believe that with all my heart. I just wasn't sure how much more I could get my heart broken.

Uh oh, maybe no babies? =[
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2018, 11:08:19 PM »
Caught up!  Sorry to hear about your last story, but I'm enjoying this one so far!  I don't always get a chance to comment, but I am reading ^^

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2018, 12:07:42 AM »

Rhett walked into the studio.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm researching." I told him.

"Researching what?"

"Fertility clinics."

He walked over to the computer.

"Do you think we're there?"

"I don't know! But there has to be some reason!"

"Stop this, come here."

He pulled me from the chair and took me from the room.

"I don't know what I am doing wrong! What if it's me?!" I cried.

"What?! No! Becca! This is not your fault, this is not my fault, this just happens! We're just having a little bit of a rough patch with this! Please don't blame yourself."

"I want a baby."

I was sobbing at this point as he pulled me into his arms.

"I want one too, and we will have one. I just know it."

Rhett was able to calm me down but he had to get dressed and go to work. I didn't feel like doing much of any of my recordings that I had planned so I wrote to everyone saying that the videos were on hold for today. I walked into the living room and saw that Bruno was almost out of food so I added that to the list for shopping.

"Bruno! What are we doing today?" I asked.

He just looked up at me.

"Let's play for a little bit."

I took out the laser pointer and watched as his little eyes focused on the laser.

"Get it! Get it!"

He pounced on it before sitting back up.

Rhett got home and we had a spontaneous date night, he messaged me and told me to get ready because he was taking me out. It was really lovely, he bought me flowers and we went out to this little diner down the street. Not very many people were there which was nice because it was quiet and romantic. 

"Thank you for tonight." I said as we walked up to the house.

"You're welcome, I missed date night." Rhett told me.

"Me too! That was the best food I've had in a long time."

"Hey!" He gasped.

I laughed.

"I am just joking!"

"I'm going to get you!"

I squealed and ran into the bed room, he grabbed me and we fell on the bed laughing.

A Few Weeks Later

"BABE!" I screamed.

I ran out of the room and into the bed room.

"What?! What happened?!" He gasped.

I just looked at him with wide eyes.


"Its happened! I'm pregnant!" I screamed.

He just stared at me for a moment, "No..."


"Oh my god!"

He picked me up and spun me around. When he put me back down he was crying, I put my hands on the side of his face and wiped his tears away with my thumbs.

"We're having a baby." He sniffled.

"We are." I laughed while crying myself.

He kissed me softly.


I've never been so thankful to throw up in my life.

"Are you okay?" Rhett asked through the bathroom door.

"Yes!" I gasped.

"It sounds pretty gross."

"Thanks, I wasn't aware."

I heard him giggle.

Like I said, I have never been so thankful to throw up. It may sound weird to most but I've seen how hard it can be to get pregnant. I didn't want to be that person that wanted to get pregnant and when they did all they did was complain about it. I knew that there was going to be moments where I might, but I hoped that I remembered the struggle I went through and that there are women out there that are struggling too. There are even women who can't have babies and the thought made me sad. So yes, I was thankful for throwing up.

One thing I did almost right away was vlog. I wanted to share the news with the world. So far everyone was reacting very positive, every once in a while I would get that one negative comment but I wasn't about to let them effect my mood.

"...You remember my first toy review, well now I am doing another one. It's insane that soon I will have to actually worry about what toys are safe and which ones are not safe!"

Goodbye first trimester and hello second!

"Turn a little bit more." Rhett said.

"You're serious right now?" I asked.

"I want to document this!" He said.

"Do you even know how to work a camera?"

"Will you just turn?!"

I giggled at his excitement and turned around. The flash went off and he looked at the picture.

"That is one cute little belly."

That's right, with the second trimester came the belly! You could now tell that I was pregnant.

"Oh god." I said out of no where.

"What? Are you in pain?!" Rhett asked.

"No, oh god where are we going to put a nursery?!"

I don't know why that thought just occurred to me.

"We will put a bassinet in our room, and when it comes to it we will look for another house."

I looked around.

"But I love our house."

I started bawling in a matter of two seconds and it took Rhett by surprise. He immediately came to my side and hugged me and tried to calm me down. He really was a wonderful husband and I could not wait to take this journey with him.

The struggle paid off! Thank you Shewold13 for that kind message! No worries, I understand and I am glad that you are enjoying it! Thank you to all my readers! <3
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2018, 01:19:29 AM »
"Look at you growing in there!" Rhett said.

I giggled.

"I cannot believe he or she will be here soon." I told him.

"I know, this is insane. I feel like just yesterday that you told me that you were pregnant."

"I know."

The third trimester had snuck up on us. I was craving pancakes so Rhett was constantly making them for me. He didn't mind though because it gave him an excuse to cook more. He was moving up slowly, but no where near as fast as he wanted too. He was bringing home about four hundred every pay check which wasn't much. I felt guilty that I was making so much more then he was and I was staying home. He didn't seem to mind though because he was also getting to do something that he loved.

"I'm not sure how much I want the baby to be involved in my videos, in the beginning at least." I told Rhett.

"That's reasonable." He agreed.

"I just don't want him to be exposed to the negativity that people can bring."

"Are people harassing you?!"

"Nothing out of the ordinary. I've talked to some friends I've made who are also SimTubers and they deal with the same thing. We support each other."

"That's good."

He was rubbing my back and doing a wonderful job at it.

"Welcome to baking with Becca! Cheesy huh? It's a good thing I won't be using cheese!" I giggled at my own joke.

I was filming with my drone today.

"I am making cookies! Nothing too crazy but I have more energy today then any other day!"

I mixed in my incidents and started cracking the eggs.

"I used to bake a lot with my grandmother, but I haven't done it in a while. I'm not the best but I figured I would mix things up, heh, get it?"

I giggled again.

I finished the cookies, finished recording, and went to edit. I could do all of this in my sleep at this point. I finally felt comfortable doing this and I had even grown a community. People loved Becca's Corner and it didn't seem to matter what I filmed. Though I did make sure to check the Trends to see what was popular that week because that would help my views.

"Finished recording?" Rhett asked.

"Yeah, it was nice being back to baking!" I told him.

"Do you need to relax?"

"I'm fine, but thank you."

"That's good."

He pulled me in his arms.

Later that day Rhett was making me pancakes, big surprise, when I felt a pain.

"Ow!" I gasped.


I hissed, "I don't know."

"Is it a contraction?"

"I don't think so."

He watched me for a moment.

"It's fine, it went away. I don't think that it was anything." I told him.

He went back to making my pancakes and we ate.

"Let's go relax and watch a movie." He suggested.

"That sounds wonderful."

I followed him to the couch and we flicked a movie on.


We were in the middle of the movie when the pain came again.

"This isn't normal." Rhett told me.

"I'm fine!" I hissed through the pain.

All of a sudden a gush of water spread down my thighs.

"That tells me otherwise, we're going to the hospital."

Hours later we were back home.

"Careful." Rhett said.

He put a hand on my back and led me into the bedroom.

"Well, this is your new home." I whispered.

I was holding a baby in my arms and it was the most amazing feeling ever.

"Welcome home Samuel." Rhett said.

The pain was horrible. There was several times when I thought I wasn't going to make it. Rhett was so supportive and he was there to hold my hand through out the entire thing. I could not have done this without him and I was thankful and lucky to have him. We decided to name our baby boy Samuel, we wanted something that sounded strong. I would do it all over again though because I knew that the end result was worth it.

"I'm going to put the bags away." Rhett told me.

"Okay, thank you."

"You should relax."

He left the room and I looked down at my baby boy. I didn't want to put him down.

"Mommy loves you so much." I whispered.

A Few Weeks Later


Tired could not begin to explain how I felt. I was just kidding when I said I could work while I slept, but then again I would have to sleep in order to do that. I edited most of the time while hold Samuel because he barely let me put him down long enough to record. It was stressful and I felt bad because there would be times I would get annoyed at him for preventing me to just record the video I was working on in one take. Editing took a lot longer now because of all the stops that I would be taking. It would get better though, at least that is what I was telling myself. Rhett was working every single extra shift that he could which made it a bit harder on me. I supported him though because he supported me through my career it was only fair that I did the same. He mentioned hiring a nanny but I refused, I was home and I could do it. There was no reason to pay someone to take care of Sam.

"Hey little guy! Did you behave for mommy?" Rhett asked.

"He was a little fussy, but nothing bad." I told him.

We pretty much had a schedule down. Rhett would get up with him before he had to go to work to let me sleep a little bit more and then when Rhett had to leave I would get up with Sam. Between feedings and nap time I would work on things in the studio like videos and editing and when I wasn't doing that I would be taking care of the house and Bruno. Bruno was handling Samuel very well, he was more curious then everything. I still watched him though because I did not want him to scratch him.

"Becca, I got called into work." Rhett said.

"Again?!" I asked.

"I know, I know. But they need someone to come in."

I sighed.

"Okay." I said.

He walked over and kissed me.

"Sam needs a bottle." He said before leaving.

"I'll take care of it." I whispered.


"I feel like you are getting bigger and bigger!" Rhett told Sam.

Samuel just looked up at him and kicked his legs.

"Don't grow up too fast, the real world isn't all rainbows and butterflies all of the time."

"I wish someone had told me that." I laughed.

"Right?" He agreed.

He looked down at Sam and it melted my heart.

"We made this." He whispered.

"It's amazing right?"

I was blessed.

An extra chapter and this one is a bit longer! I am going to play more, but I don't think that I will have another update out. I'm sure the next update Sam will already be a toddler which is insanely fast. I miss the way you could make the age stages longer or shorter in Sims 3!

If I do not make another update, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate! <3
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2018, 05:17:40 PM »
"Please you have to help!" I screamed.

I was now standing in the middle of the ER dressed in nothing but a black shirt and pajama pants. I was barefoot and my hair was a disaster, the nurses that were walking all stopped.

"Please I need help!" I cried.

I should mention that behind me Rhett was walking through the double doors with Sam wrapped in a blanket. A couple nurses rushed over with a gurney and a doctor ran behind them.

"Ma'am, what is going on?" He asked, thinking that it was me that was hurt.

"It's not me! It's my son! Please you have to help him!" I sobbed.

The doctor ushered Rhett to the gurney and helped lay Sam down. The blankets fell open and Sam's head fell to the side as he lay motionless on the mattress.

"What happened?" Dr. Holmes said.

"I was just holding him and I was getting ready to feed him but he slipped and I dropped him! He was crying at first but then he just stopped!"

Rhett put his hand on my back, he was completely silent. Was he mad at me?

What did I do?

"We're going to help him, Bailey, will you show these two to a waiting room? A private one?"

A nurse nodded and guided us to a private room. It was a nice and quiet room with a soft yellow paint, there were a few chairs and couches lined on the wall. Magazine holders were placed at several parts of the walls and plants were placed on the tables. Rhett walked in before me and sat on the couch to the right and I sat next to him, the nurse smiled before leaving the room. I could not describe the mood in the room and the tension between us.

"He's going to be okay." Rhett said finally.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

"Of course not, accidents happen baby."

He pulled me in his arms and I just lost it all over again.

"I hurt him!" I cried.

"You didn't mean too."

"What if he's not okay?"

"He will be."


Hours passed and I was scared to death. Rhett was now up and pacing around the room which was annoying me but he needed to deal with it how he chose too. Finally the door opened and Dr. Holmes walked in with a nurse, I stood up and went to stand by Rhett.

"He's okay." Dr. Holmes started off with.

"Thank god!" I cried.

"I did a full work up and there's bruising in places, but nothing is broken and his skull and brain are perfectly fine. I think his body just went into shock with the sudden blow."

"Is he awake?" Rhett asked.

"He is, and as soon as you are ready you are free to go home."

"Thank you so much."

It may have been inappropriate but I didn't care, I hugged both of them and thanked them again. We spent a few moments with Sam before taking him home. He seemed fine and went right to sleep when he was back in his bassinet.

"That was scary." I said.

"I know, but he's fine."

Rhett pulled me into his arms.

"You should go shower and relax." He offered.

"You got him?" I asked.

"I'll look after him."

I nodded. The shower felt wonderful, I couldn't tell you how long it's been since I've been able to really take a nice shower. I walked to the kitchen sink and brushed my teeth, I chose to stay in my pajamas because I wasn't going to work today.

A Few Days Later

"Hi Sam, are you doing okay?" I cooed.

He laughed and kicked his legs.

"Mommy is sorry again, I'll never be able to apologize enough."

It was the worst day of my life. I was his mother, I was suppose to protect him from harm not cause the harm. I was thankful that he was too little to be able to remember it, I just wish I had the same luck.

"...Remember when you are first beginning it can be stressful. When I started Becca's Corner I was terrified as you guys could probably tell. At least I think that my first video is cringe worthy! In the description I will include a few links on tips and hints I've found throughout this process! They are great websites and I highly recommend them to anyone who is just starting out."

I was filming a video on tips on becoming a creator on SimTube. I wasn't a pro by any means but I felt that I had enough experience at it to offer what I could. I was still blown away at the support and encouragement I was getting from my community. People loved me and that was a concept that I couldn't grasp! I was making a decent living by making videos and they weren't even really special ones right now. You could only film so much in this tiny room with the computer, the only different things I can do is use my drone to film baking sessions and explore the neighborhood.

Once we were in the new home, whenever that was, I wanted a bigger room. I would fill it with different things like a painting easel, maybe a television with a gaming set up, and of course I would have my computer. I might even branch out and get one of those music mixing stations! So many new things that I could try and learn and I was beyond excited to dive into all of that. With Sam now being better at sleeping I hoped that I would be able to handle being a mother and working full time. I didn't want to cut back on videos if I didn't have too, I was doing about two a day, maybe three depending on content. With the upgrades it didn't take as long to add effects, transitions, and edit the videos which was nice.

"Bruno! The super kitty!" I squealed.

"What are you doing to that poor animal?" Rhett laughed.

"He's flying!"

"I don't think he wants to fly."

"He loves it, don't you Bruno!"

Rhett laughed as he went into the kitchen and started dinner.

Bruno jumped out of my arms.

"Oh no!" I whined.

"Told you." Rhett said.

It was fine though because at the same time Samuel started crying.

"I'll go get him while you start the turkey!" I told Rhett.

"Thank you."

I walked into the nursery as Bruno walked over to Rhett.

"Daddy's turn!" Rhett said walking in.

"The turkey though." I said.

"It is in the oven."

I smiled as I handed Sam to Rhett carefully.

"Hi little man." He said.

Soon he'd be a toddler, and I couldn't wait.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

Today may be another day where you get multiple updates! Lucky you! Keep in mind though that this may make it feel like the story is progressing fast, but hopefully it won't be too fast!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2018, 08:52:35 PM »
"We have some alone time." Rhett said walking up behind me.

"Hmmm, do we?" I asked.

He nuzzled my neck and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"I have an idea of what we could do."

I smiled, "Do you now?"


He took me by my hand and led me to our room.

"I'm not giving you anything to eat Bruno." Rhett said.




"Bruno stop." He giggled.

I walked out of the bedroom.

"I cannot believe Samuel will be a toddler soon." I said.

"I know it's crazy."

"Bruno begging again?"


"Behave or you will stay little forever!" I teased.

I walked over to Bruno and picked him up.

"Your birthday is coming up as well!"

He just looked up at me, I kissed his head gently.

"Today we work off the baby fat on Becca's Corner! Not that I have a lot thankfully, but I need to get back at it!"

The drone was filming me as I flipped the TV on to the dance workout channel.

"This is going to be rough."

I turned the volume up and followed the dancers.


"Happy Birthday Samuel!"

He looked exactly like me! It was insane.

"Are you a grumpus today?" I asked.

He started whining.

"It's okay to be grumpy."

I looked out the window.

"Daddy is home."

Rhett was walking up the sidewalk.

Samuel toddled down the stairs and ran to Rhett, it was the cutest thing ever.

We couldn't fit a toddler bed in our bedroom so we had to be creative. We moved the dining room table and put his bed in the corner of the living room. It wasn't ideal but it was what was going to have to happen for now. We also got him a chest for all of his toys so that he wasn't too bored. Along with that we bought a potty for potty training which I was not looking forward too.

Bruno also had a birthday!

"You are a big boy now!" Rhett cheered.

"His eyes are so big!" I said.

Bruno looked at us like we were insane.

"Happy Birthday!"

The new chapter began, and I couldn't wait to see what it held!

Happy Birthday Bruno and Samuel!

I tend to keep aging off for a little bit while I set up the storyline a bit. It is back on though!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2018, 11:28:05 PM »
A Few Months Later

A lot has happened.

Not all of it good.

Not all of it bad.

You never think that disaster can strike, until it does. Our house caught on fire and burned to the ground. Thankfully we were able to get Sam and Bruno out of there before any real harm was done. It felt like life was going so well, then after the incident with Samuel it just seemed to spiral down. How were we going to do this? After a talk with the insurance company they gave us a check for the damages. Between the check and the money that Rhett and I made with our jobs we were able to find a lovely house that was absolutely perfect in size. We even had a laundry room now! I was not about to let the house burning down effect me in a way that I lost all hope. There was always good in every situation if you choose to look for it and I was choosing to keep on looking.

This was our new house!

I had a huge studio now! Look at the size of it! With pretty light blue walls and black flooring, I decorated it with black and white to make everything just pop. It was filled with almost everything I could use to stream and record videos, and even had a few new things added too it that I would have to learn. I was hyping the channel up every chance I got with what new things were coming! Rhett also got this beautiful kitchen with an island so that he had more room to cook. He was a caterer now at work and he was loving it! No more dish washing for him.

"Mama! Mama!" Sam cheered.

"What sweetie?" I asked.

"My room! My ow room!"

The way he forgot to say the 'N' in own was adorable.

"I know!"

He toddled back into his room and plopped on the floor with his toy in hand.

"He seems happy." Rhett smiled.

"He really does." I told him.

"Are you happy?"

He wrapped me in his arms.

"I miss the old house, but this house is so beautiful. It's time to start the new chapter." I smiled.

"I agree."

He kissed me gently.


"Welcome to the first video in the new house guys!" I welcomed.

"I hope you guys will enjoy the video today! We're going to be doing something new today after our makeup session."

Once my makeup was all put on I switched to the drone and walked over to the newest tech that I got.

"This is something I was sent to try out on a video! This tablet can be used to draw on the go! So you painters out there listen up!"

I went into everything that the company wanted me to show everyone.

"I will be trying out painting on my own, with you guys of course, so I cannot wait to dig my hands into this!"

It was officially snowing.

I took Samuel out and he absolutely loved it, I couldn't get him back in the house without the waterworks. I was glad that he loved it so much. As we were walking in though I saw something small move around in the snow, it was white and black. I walked closer and it whipped its head up, it was a puppy!

"Hey there." I said softly.

It was shivering.

"Come here!"

It was a boy, and it looked like he could be a Boston Terrier. I looked at him and instantly fell in love, how could someone abandon him? I looked around for a few minutes before deciding it was best if I brought him inside, Rhett wouldn't mind another animal, right?

"PUP!" Sam shouted.

"Shhh! Easy!" I told him.

"Sorry mama."

He walked over to the little guy and slowly pet him.

"What is name?" He asked.

I thought for a moment.

"Boston!" I said.


I giggled.

A few hours had passed and Rhett was suppose to be home an hour again. He finally walked through the door and before I could tell him about Boston I saw him carrying a pet carrier.

"What is that?" I asked.

"I got Sam a friend." He told me.

"What kind of friend?"

"A Hedgehog!"

I smiled awkwardly, was now the right time to tell him?

"Why are you acting like that?" He asked.

I began to tell him everything that had happened and how I had found Boston in the freezing cold.

"I couldn't just leave him out there! He needed a home!" I ended with.

"He already has a name?" He asked, he didn't seem happy.

"Boston." I whispered.

"You're going to be the death of me." He shook his head.

"So we can keep him?!"

"Yes, we can keep him."

I squealed and hugged him.

"Good news Boston! You're apart of the family now!" I cheered.

"He is cute!" Rhett agreed.


Bruno was still unsure with him, but I was hoping that he would get along with Boston soon.

Dinner was made and pajamas were changed into.

"FLY!" Samuel said to Rhett.

"Fine, let's fly!" Rhett said.

He picked Samuel up and put him on his back, they both spread their arms out like a plane.

"So Sam, did you pick out a name for your Hedgehog?" I asked.

"Tim!" He squealed.

"Tim? Interesting. Tim the Hedgehog."

Rhett giggled.

So, in a matter of a day our family expanded by two more pets.

Thankfully both of them were fairly small!

New house and two more animals?! What else could happen?

My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2018, 01:19:19 AM »
-Record Music Production video
-Potty train with Sam
-Bruno needs more food
-Feed Tim
-Boston has vet appointment today!
-Make sure Rhett's clothes are clean
-Edit and upload video(s)

I was setting up for the recording while mentally going over the list, for today, just today.

"What time is it?" I asked myself.

I looked at the clock, not even noon yet. Sweet, I had plenty of time. Samuel was still sleeping since he was up really early this morning and already ate breakfast. He was going to be a child here soon which was insane.

"Okay, so this is all I need, yes?"

I started up the drone and began to film.

"Okay! Boston! Come on! It is your turn in my day!" I called.

Rhett was now home which was perfect because I was running late for the vet.

Boston had grown up from a puppy to an adult!

"Come here grumpus!"

He looked grumpy a lot of the time so I called him grumpus! It was a cute grumpy though so it was okay. He came prancing out of Samuel's room where he slept a lot of the time.

"How was the vet?" Rhett asked when we walked back into the house.

"He is healthy!" I told him.


"I need to feed Tim."

"I already did that."

"Oh thank you!"

I kissed him.

I walked into the bathroom, he didn't know this but I also had something else that might determine how we go on from here. I locked the door and slipped the paper bag from my coat. I took a deep breath as I took the box from the bag and read the box: Pregnancy Test.

"Well, now or never." I told myself.

I glanced over my shoulder once more even though I knew the door was locked. I took the test from the package before going to do my business. Once I was done I put the test on the counter and stared at it. It should only take five minutes, but those five minutes were going to be the death of me. We weren't necessarily trying to have another baby but we weren't really doing anything to prevent it as well. We liked chaos, if it wasn't clear already, so I don't think either of us minded the idea of a big family.

Now I was getting into the mindset of wanting to be pregnant. I took a deep breath and tried to level my head and tell myself that whatever happens, happens. I heard Sam start to cry from the other room and I hoped that Rhett could take care of that. I was kind of busy at the moment. I had my eyes closed when the timer on my phone went off, was I ready to look? I took another deep breath before slowly opening my eyes and looking at the little stick on the counter.



"How is the editing going?" Rhett asked.

"It's fine, I'm almost done." I told him.

"Still not feeling well?"

"I'm fine right now."

I hadn't told him yet.

I was nervous for some reason. I knew that he wouldn't react badly to the news, but for some reason I was scared of the reaction.

"Hey babe, I have to leave for work. Sam is still sleeping, but he's going to need a bath." Rhett said through the door.


I heard the front door closed and I sped up on editing. I was excited about another baby and I secretly hoped for a little girl.

When I was diagnosed with cancer, I didn't think kids would ever be a possibility. I was still young at the time but most little girls dream of what the future will be and kids and a husband were my dream. So when I was told that I was sick and that it was serious it scared me. Obviously I was healthy and fine, and there has been no sign of the cancer returning as of right now, but I still thought about that from time to time.

I finished editing and walked into Sam's room.

"Sam! Bath time!"

"Water!" He squealed.

"Yes, water." I told him.

I undressed him and placed him into the tub.

"Dadda?" He asked.

"He's at work baby."

He splashed a little in the water.


"I'm home!"

Rhett set his things down by the door that night.

"Samuel is already sleeping." I told him as I walked to the front door.

"That's good."

He kissed me and hung up his jacket.

"I need to tell you something." I blurted out.

He stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

"I'm not sure how you're going to react, but I hope you will be happy." I told him.

"Okay, what is it?" He asked, clearly nervous.

"I'm pregnant, I took a test this morning and it came back positive."

I bit my lip as I waited for his response.

"Oh my god!" He gasped.

He pulled me in a hug.

"Is this a good hug?" I questioned.

"Of course it is! We're having another baby!"

"We are." I smiled.

I was so happy that he was happy about it. I seemed to be farther along then I thought I was because a few weeks later I was already showing! Rhett also was hoping for a baby girl, but if it was a boy we would love him just the same. We tried telling Sam but he just wasn't understanding that mommy was having another baby.

"Tim! What is all this noise you are making!" I scolded.

Tim had tore his cage apart.

"Tim I just cleaned this!" I groaned.

I took him out of his cage and looked into his little beaty eyes.

"Not cool dude."

Soon this house would have two children, one dog, one cat, and a hedgehog. What was this madness?!

Baby number two is on the way! Woo!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2018, 07:55:24 PM »
This pregnancy was going faster then Samuel's went. I was already in my third trimester and I couldn't believe it. Sam was also going to be a child soon and I even registered him for school. We lived close to the school thankfully so he wouldn't have far to go. The bus would pick him up, but he had to walk to the corner for that. People seemed to be reacting positively to the new things I was adding to the channel. I was a variety SimTuber anyway so it wasn't like I was going against a theme of some sort. They really loved the Piano video of me horribly trying to learn the simplest song so this week I was going to try my hand at Guitar.

"Don't laugh at me. I think Guitar will be harder than Piano was and you all saw how horrible that was."

I really loved my drone.

"That's right, Becca's Corner is your place to go for horribly done music!"

"Boston, what in the world are you doing?" I asked.

"He's been like that for half an hour now." Rhett told me.

I giggled and put my hand on my stomach and rubbed it.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm okay, just feeling tired."

"You got tired more closer to the end."

I nodded.

"Go rest, I'll make dinner."

"Thank you."

"Dinner was wonderful." I said.

We had just finished dinner.

"Thank you." Rhett said.

"They're kicking a lot."

"Ooo let me feel!"

I grabbed his hands and placed them where the feet was.

"Oh my god!" He gasped.


"I have to go put Sam to sleep." I told him.

"I can do that."

"No, I'm fine."

"I want a bedtime story!" Sam said.

"A bedtime story? I don't know about that." I smiled.


"I think we can handle that."

I walked over to the bookshelf and picked out a book.

"One book, and then it is bed time."

"Okay mama."

He made it half way through the book before he was asleep. I finished it though just in case he woke up. I kissed his forehead and stood up, I walked over to Tim's cage and checked his food.

"Goodnight Tim, be quiet now." I whispered.

He just looked up at me.

"No noise. Play time is over!"

He tilted his head.

"Watch over him Bruno!"

Bruno had spent a lot of time with Sam and he loved sleeping in the same room.


"Hey babe?" I asked.

"Yeah?" Rhett asked from the kitchen.

He had just gotten home from work.

"Uh, I think it's time." I told him.

"What?! Are you sure?!"

He rushed into the living room to me standing in a puddle.

"I'm pretty sure!"

"Okay, okay. What do we do?!"

He was freaking out.

"We need- OW! Owww! We need to call the sitter for Sam." I hissed.


He got on the phone with a sitter that we had found that would be ready at any time.

I breathed through the pain as he also made sure the pets were okay.

Just like the pregnancy, the labor went very quickly as well.

"We're home!" Rhett said.

I was carrying the baby and Rhett was carrying the bag.

"Oh my god! Look at the baby!" The sitter said.

"Where is Samuel? Was he okay?" I asked.

"He was perfect, he is sleeping right now."

"Thank you so much for watching him."

"Absolutely, it was for a good reason."

Rhett paid her and I went to the nursery.

"It's not decorated yet, but this is your room." I whispered.

Rhett walked up behind me and looked down at the baby.

"You think Sam will like her?" I asked.

"I think he will love her, won't he Morgan?"

We got our wish, a little girl and we named her Morgan.

Now sleep is in my future.

Baby girl! The craziness begins!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2018, 01:18:21 AM »

You are the worst SimTuber I have ever seen. Can you repeat videos ANY more?! Gosh. My grandmother could do better then this crap! Seriously, go work somewhere else. I'm sick of seeing your stupid face on the front page. Do us all a favor and stop. Thx.

Posted 25 Minutes Ago from sPhone

I sat there for almost and hour reading and rereading this comment on my latest video.

Morgan was asleep and so was Samuel, Rhett was working late so I had some free time so I thought I would respond to some comments. 53 people liked his post, that meant that people agreed with him. Was I really that bad? I knew I was repeating some themes, but each of those videos we talked about different aspects of that topic. People seemed to really enjoy them! Sure I would have a handful of people talking crap, but this person seemed really annoyed. Had I become distracted by becoming a mother? I loved my kids and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I turned of the computer, if they wanted me to stop then I would. The thought broke my heart, but it was for the best. So I ignored the twinge of pain in my heart and closed the door to the studio for the last time.

"Mama!" Sam cried.

I walked into the nursery.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked.

"Baby smells!" He pointed.

I smiled a little and went to change Morgan's diaper. We had finished decorating her nursery and it was amazing.

"You are such a good brother!" I told him.

"Is the baby a girl?" He asked.

His speech was improving greatly.

"Yes, her name is Morgan and she is your sister."


I smiled.

"I love you baby boy."

"Lob you too mama."

I heard the front door open and shut later that day. I was lounging on the couch watching TV even though I wasn't paying attention to it.

"I'm home." Rhett said.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"I got a promotion."

"That's awesome! Congratulations baby!"

"Thank you."

He kissed the top of his head.

"What do you want for dinner?"

"How about Taco Casserole?"

"You got it! How was your day?"

"I quit SimTube, but it's okay. I found a few jobs in the paper that I may want to do. I'll apply tomorrow morning." I said blankly.


I told him everything that had happened and showed him the comment. At this point I was hysterical and crying sitting cross legged on the couch with Rhett sitting next to me. I felt so defeated. I felt like I had truly found what I was meant to do, so why did people feel differently?

"You are going to have people like this babe, but you can't let them bring you down." He told me.

"53 people agreed with him!" I sobbed.

"Screw those 53 people! You've been through worse! You defeated cancer babe! How many people can say that they did that?! You have so many more people who support you including me, don't let some half wit on the internet destroy what you worked hard on!"

I looked at him, he brushed the tears away.


He was right.

I wasn't going to stop, if anything I was going to work harder.

"Welcome back to Becca's Corner! Thank you to the viewers who actually want to be here and enjoy my content! I do not know where I would be without you, for those of you who don't like it, there is a close button on your browser! Goodbye! Today, I show you just how bad I am at painting!"

I mean, look at those trains. It looks like Sam had drawn them but I am sure he could do better. But I was proud of my little painting!

I got on the computer and spent a few hours editing while I had the chance. This video turned out well and I couldn't wait to upload it.


I looked at the door when I heard Sam calling.

"Just a minute!" I screamed.

I hit upload and walked out of the room. I found him in the nursery sitting on the floor, if there was ever a picture to describe my life it would be this one.

Baby screaming, mess on the floor, and the dog licking up said mess.

I sighed.

"What did I tell you about making messes on the floor?!" I scolded Sam.

"I thought that Sis wanted something to drink!" He pouted.

I knelt down to his level.

"I appreciate you trying to help and I'm sure that she loved you trying, but mommy needs to be the one to feed her okay?"


I gave him a kiss on the forehead and he waddled off to his room. Now, to change Morgan because she was soaked.

"Rhett!" I called.

"Yes?" He asked.

Poor thing was still in his work outfit.

"Can you feed her please? I have to go throw these in the wash?"

"Of course! Come here Princess!"

I smiled.

He loved his little girl and it made my heart race with pride.

I loved my family, and I could do that and work on my channel on SimTube.

It was about to get a little easier though, because Sam was now a child!

How crazy was that!

"Blow out the candles!" Rhett cheered.

I was behind the camera taking pictures.

Sam tried his hardest, but Rhett helped him blow out all the candles.

Wasn't he handsome?!

Whew! Childhood! Here we go!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2018, 09:14:09 PM »
"I love my new room!" Sam told me.

"I'm glad you do!" I smiled.

"Thank you for the science set, I really love it."

"You're welcome!"

He wanted a science set for his birthday so Rhett and I surprised him with his own little science station. His response was priceless and he hasn't left it ever since.

"You need to sleep so mama can get some work done!" I told Morgan.

It didn't seem like she cared though.

"Okay, come here."

I picked her up and rocked her.

"Mama, can I take a bath?" Sam asked.

"Of course, ask your father to help you." I told him.


I went to go to work, but I lost all interest. I was tired because Morgan had been up all night which was unusual for her. So I took the night off and played computer games instead. It was a nice change of pace. It would get better hopefully soon because she was going to be a toddler soon. After playing a few games I left the little room that became the office after Morgan was born. Samuel was walking out of the bathroom.

"You start school tomorrow, are you nervous?" I asked.

"Kind of, but I'm sure it'll be fine." He said.

I looked at the time.

"You probably should head to bed soon."

"I know, I was headed there now."

"Sleep tight." I said, kissing his cheek.

"Thanks mom."

His first day of school went well. He made a few friends and enjoyed his classes. I was glad that the school we picked seemed to be a good one. I did a lot of research on it and it had a lot of positive reviews. He didn't have much homework on the first day but he wanted to study a little so I let him. I made him a snack and set it in front of him at the dining room table.

"Don't forget to feed Tim." I told him.

"Oh yeah! I also need more food for him soon." He said.

"I will add it to the list."

"Thank you."

He hopped up from his seat and went into his room to feed Tim.


"Boston are you lovin' up on daddy?" I asked.

Rhett was sitting on the couch with Boston in his arms and Boston kept looking up and licking Rhett on the chin.

"He's been here for almost been an hour."

"He loves you."

"Where is Bruno?"

"I think he is in Morgan's room."

"Can you believe that she is going to be a toddler today?" I asked.

"I cannot, it seems like you just had her yesturday." He agreed.

"I love our family."

"Me too."


"What was that?!" I yelled.

"I'm fine!" Sam called.

I walked into his room and saw that he was using his science set.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Mixed the wrong things together." He said.

"After you are done come into the kitchen, we need to sing to your sister and have cake!"

"Okay mama."

I walked back into the kitchen where Rhett was finishing the cake. It was pink with a single candle in the middle.

"Aww look that is adorable!" I said.

"I hope she likes it!" He said.

I smiled, she was little and wouldn't even remember the cake but it was cute that he was so worried about it. Before we knew it Morgan was a toddler! Bring on the getting into everything phase.

Wasn't she cute?!

Kind of a blah chapter, but I wanted to get something out!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3