Author Topic: The Luculentus (Unofficial) Legacy 1.1: The Doctor is In  (Read 2838 times)

Offline DarkmetalScorpian

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The Luculentus (Unofficial) Legacy 1.1: The Doctor is In
« on: December 12, 2018, 06:18:42 PM »
Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've attempted one of these, but I'm back and with a new Legacy story. Those of you who've read my last ones know that I have no patience with the actual rules outside of trying to manage a 10 generation family and some other self-imposed rules. The grinding just takes the fun out of it. Also I run a lot of mods. Really, a lot of them. And would probably be disqualified the second I hit New Game.

But my rules are simple:

Start with one sim with randomized traits and aspiration.

Only one aspiration per sim, and anything chosen by the founder or heir cannot be chosen by a descendant.

Job branches chosen (not necessarily completed) by a previous heir or founder cannot be chosen again.

Gender Law: Equality - Both genders are eligible to be heir
Bloodline: Strict Traditional - Only children genetically related to the founder may be heir.
Heir: Weighted Lottery - to be explained later
Species: All are accepted, as long as the other rules are followed.

Custom Lifespan

Family Tree

The Luculentus Bloodline

Generation One: Elanor Luculentus - A Founder and a Sire

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Traits: Erratic, Goofball, Cat Lover
Aspiration: Vampire Family
Career: Doctor

Spouse: Jade (Rosa) Luculentus


Traits: Ambitious, Outgoing, Neat
Aspiration: Mansion Baron
Career: Business

Offline DarkmetalScorpian

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Re: The Luculentus (Unofficial) Legacy
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2018, 06:20:04 PM »
Lottery System

Essentially, I randomize the heir whenever the youngest child becomes a teen or the oldest becomes a young adult. Whichever happens first. There are a number of things each potential heir can do before the choosing that increases the chance of them becoming heir, as each thing adds one extra listing in the drawing.

The things effecting choices are:

+1 for being the first born
+1 for being born
+1 for being the preferred gender (Female in this case)
+1 for each trait in common with previous heir
+1 for being a happy toddler
+1 for completing a child aspiration
+1 for each positive character value
+2 for being a top notch toddler
+1 to the potential child that has the highest relationship with the previous heir

-1 for each trait that conflicts with the previous heir
-1 for each negative character value
-2 for being the potential heir with the lowest relationship with the previous heir

Note that it is possible to be taken out of the running and if this happens to all children, then the last person t happened to becomes heir automatically.

Drawings will be done on random dot org's list randomizer with each child being listed the number of listings they have and whatever name is at the top of the list will be heir.

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Offline DarkmetalScorpian

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Re: The Luculentus (Unofficial) Legacy
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2018, 06:20:26 PM »


I'd call you 'dear' but we'd both know that I was lying. I know how you hated whenever I lied to you.

I know we left each other on unpleasant terms. To be fair, I don't think there is a way to pleasantly kick your only child out of her house. How you managed to avoid scandal I'll never know. This letter comes to you as I'm waiting for a train out of Bridgeport, mainly because it's been delayed and I've exhausted all my usual time wasters. I've found a house to purchase with the meager funds you've given me in a town called Brindleton Bay. The brochure calls it a lovely place to raise a family or some pets. So despite your low opinion of me, I think I'll be okay.

No. I'll be better than okay. So what if my mood tends to switch more often than usual? So what if my love of cats "borders on obsession"? So what if I have a bad habit of not taking things seriously? A real mother would have loved me no matter what. She wouldn't have filled my childhood with memories of never being good enough. Of being to frumpy to attract a man. And who cares if I was never able to learn how to master my vampiric powers at an early age? If you had a shred of human decency left in your heart, you'd have been kind and patient with me.

So despite what you may believe Mother, I am going to make something of myself. I am going to help people, I am going to find someone to marry, and I am going to build a family based on love that you were never able to. And I'm also going to master my vampirism and teach others to do the same. And once I've done all of that, maybe then you'll see that I wasn't the problem in our home. It was you...

Your daughter,

Offline DarkmetalScorpian

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Re: The Luculentus (Unofficial) Legacy
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2018, 06:44:47 PM »
Chapter List

Elanor Luculentus: A Founder and a Sire

1.1 The Doctor is In

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Re: The Luculentus (Unofficial) Legacy
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2018, 11:44:54 PM »
I like Elanor's bite when dealing with her mother there; it really sets up a strong beginning. I'll be rooting for her to prove her boasts here right.
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Offline DarkmetalScorpian

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Re: The Luculentus (Unofficial) Legacy Chapter 1.1: The Doctor is in
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2018, 10:54:53 AM »
Chapter 1.1: The Doctor is in

From the Journal of Elanor Luculentus

How exactly am I supposed to start one of these things anyway? I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Elanor Luculentus, and I am a vampire. I was born that way to the most powerful vampire queen in Bridgeport's history. Of course, that's what she'd tell you. I remain unconvinced.

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And this is my beloved kitten Sceleratus.

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I found him in an alley outside the train station. Poor thing was so hungry he was eating out of garbage cans. The whole thing just broke my heart. Well anyway, after convincing the train people to let me bring the little guy with me and an unwatcherly long train ride I finally got to see the property I bought to live in.

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... and I got bamboozled. I can just hear my mother's disapproving glare now. That's how powerful it was, you could hear it. At least they took concessions for me being undead. I led my little kitten into the 'house' and looked around.

"Well little guy, it looks like we really are starting from the bottom..." I told him. He just meowed at me. Well I think it was supposed to be a meow. Sounded more like a chitter.

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Sceleratus: That's because I'm not a cat strange human. I'm a raccoon. Now where's this food you promised me?

The first thing I did was find a job. I've always wanted to be a doctor, not because the practically unfiltered access to plasma packs. Though that's pretty nice on it's own. But I've always liked helping people. Another 'flaw' if my mother's to be believed. I really do need to stop bringing her into every other thought. That can't be healthy.

But this next one actually makes sense to reference that woman. You see Journal. Can I call you 'Journal'? I'm just gonna do it anyway. Back to what I was saying, or writing I guess, I decided to get some mentoring done to better get a hold of my abilities. It is kinda sad, me being a Young Adult and only a fledgling. So I went over to a nearby neighborhood called Forgotten Hollow. It seemed much more vampire friendly and I have to wonder why the real estate agent didn't show me any properties in this area.

I got off track again...

My point was there was this one vampire, Vladisomething, who agreed to teach me some vampiric ways.

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I was actually picking up on things pretty fast. So it turns out my mother was actually a horrible teacher. Who would've figured? I also met another vampire named Lillith Vatore. She was nice enough and her brother was... interesting I guess is the best word for it.

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From then on my life became rather routine. I woke up.

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Chatted with co workers

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Talked to some patients

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Drank some plasma

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Played with Sceleratus

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Sceleratus: I must admit this is preferable to living in alleys. Pet me again human.

And eventually, my little kitten grew into... an odd looking cat. I'm actually not familiar with this breed.

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Sceleratus: Once again I must tell you that I am not a cat. Unless your feeding and petting me is contingent to that fact in which case. Meow.

But the biggest change in my daily routine was when I was invited out to a party by some of the other nurses. Can you believe it? Me? I was never the girl people wanted to party with. It was one of those open-air things. It was actually a pretty good thing it happened at night or I'd be in serious trouble. I haven't quite figured out the daywalking tricks just yet.

Of course, I met someone there that made me feel like my skin was burning anyway.

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We saw each other from across the dance floor, and she strolled over to where I was and introduced her self.

"Hey there," the beautiful stranger said. "I'm Jade, Jade Rosa, and you are new to these things."

"Uh yeah," I stumbled out, mentally palming my face. "I'm Elanor."

"I like that name," she said after a moment of thought. "Old fashioned. So Elanor, what do you do? I'm an assistant at Landgraab industries, but that's just a stepping stone for bigger and better things. One day I'll be CEO of Rosa International.

"You're pretty ambitious," I said with a chuckle.

"It's the only way to get ahead in this life," Jade told me. "But I remember asking you a question."

"Oh!" I said in sudden realization. "I'm a nurse at Sacred Spleen. But I'm working on my MD."

"I guess I'm not the only ambitious girl at this little party," she said with a wink. An actual wink. I swooned.

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We spent the whole night talking. I honestly can't remember if my coworkers were there or not, Jade just has this natural way of making you feel like you're the only person in the room.

When I got home later that night, or morning if you wanna be specific about it, I found a slip of paper in my pocket.

We should hang out again. Here's my number
Jade ;)

Oh Watcher, what am I going to do?

Author's Note: Something I forgot to mention, one of the mods I play with has vampires age as if they were human and vampires will be preferred over any other lifestate and recive one extra drawing in the heir lottery.

Offline DarkmetalScorpian

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Re: The Luculentus (Unofficial) Legacy
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2018, 11:03:52 AM »
I like Elanor's bite when dealing with her mother there; it really sets up a strong beginning. I'll be rooting for her to prove her boasts here right.

Thanks. I'm a bit worried about the actually legacy content, my storytelling skills lose a bit when pictures are involved.

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Re: The Luculentus (Unofficial) Legacy 1.1: The Doctor is In
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2018, 12:20:50 AM »
Ooo, this looks like fun! Looking forward to reading ^^Loved her meeting with Jade hehehehe

