Author Topic: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty  (Read 34075 times)

Offline Beks

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2018, 04:26:41 PM »
Chapter 14 - In Which All The Things Fall Apart

Let’s start this eventful chapter with Koi’s toddler birthday.

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Koi’s traits are Loves the Heat and Easily Impressed. He’s a nice combination of Kylee and Hickory, I think.

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Ruby retires from the job she only went to a few times. (Once upon a time, she wanted to be a rock star. Sorry that didn’t work out, Ruby!)

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One last glimpse of happiness before all hell breaks loose: Ruby putting on a passionate performance for her grandkids. This woman is 34, more than a whole life stage beyond her age bar maxing out. Every sweet moment I catch her in, I try to capture.

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And a good thing, too. Moments after I take that screenshot, Grim comes for Ruby.

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This poor family has gone so long without a loss. We’ve only had two deaths in this family, and we’re on Generation Four! That’s wild. Anyway, it’s well past Ruby’s time to go.

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Grim has a hard time getting through the door with so many Sims crowded inside the room. While he tries to figure out a way in, he rams his scythe through his chest. Ouch.

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I don’t usually pay attention to the family members’ faces during a death, but for some reason I do this time. Hickory’s face breaks my heart a little bit.

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So does Gabe’s. It looks like his world is falling apart. Kylee just looks angry, and somewhat skull-like.

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It takes so long for Grim to get into the room that eventually, Ruby just wafts away like ghosts do when dawn comes. Ah well. She leaves behind a medium headstone, which is another point for the dynasty.

RIP, Ruby Honeyheart. You were truly unique, and the most talented guitarist I’ve ever known. Have fun fishing in the pools of Sim heaven.

As soon as that’s over, Alfie has to celebrate his birthday. Everyone awkwardly transitions from sobbing to cheering.

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Grim is nice enough to stick around, but he just points and laughs at Alfie. Come on, man, this kid is Evil! He’s practically on your side!

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Olive goes next. Grim gets bored and goes downstairs. I guess he’s only interested in Evil sims.

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Here’s teen Alfie. Both the twins roll traits that have to do with a skill, which is nice. Alfie rolls Green Thumb. I’ve never heard of an evil gardener before, but there’s a first time for everything!

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And here is Olive. She rolls the Eccentric trait. She’s grown up to be quite strikingly beautiful, as long as you avoid certain camera angles.

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Winter descends upon Moonlight Falls, and the family tries to get back into the flow of everyday no avail.

Kylee’s sadness over Ruby’s death has left her at a loss when it comes to her children. She’s normally such an attentive mother, but on this occasion, she leaves Koi in the snow at the edge of the lot. Something clearly is not right. Luckily, Koi is an easygoing kid and is content to play with his Imaginary Friend until mommy returns to take him inside. (Which she does, eventually. After I make her.)

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Glen copes by destroying the family doll house. This is yet another thing I didn’t know what possible. And it’s not fixable, either! It has to be thrown out! Olive, at least, has the presence of mind to be upset about this abomination.

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Everyone is distracted and depressed as a result of Ruby’s death. I have a hard time just keeping everyone’s needs filled. And on top of that, everyone is getting sick with colds, and the house is a wreck, and the two Evil sims just storm around wreaking havoc, so everybody has about 97 negative moodlets, and nobody can do anything except stand around and cry. AAGGHHH.

I send Alfie out to the greenhouse to get acquainted with the plants. He seems more at peace once he’s out there (being a Loner), but he still can’t garden for very long before his mood hits the red and he has to stop. It takes him a couple days to even gain a gardening skill point. And when he’s not gardening, Alfie is pulling pranks, getting in trouble, and yelling at his family members, all of which causes his relationships to drop into the red. Almost everyone in the household has the “Lost a Friend” moodlet because of Alfie.

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Olive, meanwhile, tries out her new workbench. Hopefully whacking at hard things with a hammer will ease some of her stress. She lasts a little longer than her brother at skilling, but not much. I’m just glad she hasn’t yet set herself on fire.

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I end up using the “delete object” cheat to get rid of our dead Bonehilda’s coffin. Our new Bonehilda isn’t quite as festive in appearance (I really liked the red maid outfit), but she does a good job. Although she is glitched the same way all Bonehildas seem to be––as much as she wants to take care of toddlers, she can’t ever seem to pick them up. The interaction just disappears.

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Speaking of Bonehilda...our original Bonehilda finally appears as a ghost!

Um. What?

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How does one go from being the creature on the left to being the creature on the right? After DYING? I don’t understand??

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Hickory has his elder birthday way before I'm mentally prepared for it. We only just lost his mother! How is he this old already?

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Kylee comes home late that night from playing piano in the park. When she walks in, Hickory goes right over and...accuses her of cheating?? What?!

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Oh, I forgot that Kylee has three other romantic interests, technically. Maybe she flirted with one of them while she was out? I don’t know. At any rate, on top of his mourning, stir-crazy, germy, sore, and lost-a-friend moodlets, Hickory now has the 5-day “Betrayal” moodlet. And he’s Over-Emotional, so all of his moodlets are worse than everybody else’s! CAN THINGS GET ANY WORSE?

Oh, yes. Yes they can.

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Bye, Kylee...I’m just glad you can’t get pregnant up there. I hope.

I actually had to walk away from my game a couple times during all this. The negative moodlets, sobbing, yelling, and utter chaos was just too much to handle. I wish I’d taken more creative screenshots and found ways to make it funnier, but it was so frustrating that I had a hard time seeing any humor in it. Oh well.

In an attempt to finish this rather awful chapter on a lighter note, here’s a shot of Bonehilda admiring herself in the Magic Mirror. (I was really hoping she’d ask for a Magical Makeover...but I didn’t get that lucky.)

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Next time, things will get better. I think. I hope.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2018, 01:43:42 PM »
Chapter 15 - Pretty Ghosts & Violent Tornadoes

So, where were we? Ah, yes. Alien abductions and ruined marriages. Delightful!

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Kylee returns from her little trip to the stars with a negative moodlet but no permanent scarring (to my knowledge). The real issue at hand is the fact that her husband is feeling betrayed as a result of an unknown, meaningless romantic interaction with one of her past lovers.

Kylee pleads with Hickory to understand. “I didn’t mean it! I thought nothing of those guys after I met you. *sniff* I just forgot to break things off with them. The most important thing is that I’m married to YOU! I would never cheat on you!”

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Unfortunately, there’s no organic in-game way of getting rid of the “Betrayed” moodlet that I know of, except by letting it wear off. (If anyone knows of a way, let me know!) Fortunately, there is another solution.

I happen to glance through everyone’s LTH points around this time, and notice that Gabe has 65,000! I double check the rules (there are a few forbidden rewards, but for this one we’re in the clear). There is nothing we need more right now than a Moodlet Manager. And Gabe has enough to purchase one! Huzzah!

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I entrust the device to Olive, who is unlikely to die anytime soon. She spends her morning rescuing her father from despair. It takes several tries.

Kylee and Hickory spend some time trying to repair their relationship, but it’s going to take some time. Their relationship has dropped into the red after the “cheating” nonsense. Hopefully with a few friendly interactions at a time and plenty of cool-off time in between, they’ll get back to where they were.

So that’s our negative moodlet problem solved, or at least alleviated.

Alfie, I think, is in denial about his future––about his responsibilities as heir. Or maybe I’m in denial. Alfie is one of the most difficult sims I’ve ever played. His traits are pretty lousy, and as an Evil teenager, all he ever wants to do is pull pranks and argue with his family members. He has been wreaking havoc in this household ever since he aged up, and it’s immensely frustrating. Olive, by contrast, has lovely traits, gets along beautifully with everyone, and generally has her life together in a way that Alfie could only dream of. If I wasn’t bound to the rule of firstborn heirs, I would totally let Olive be the heir. And for a while, I considered breaking the rule for once. But that wouldn’t be fair to Alfie. After all, this is a true “Dynasty”, in which the firstborn gets the crown unless they die. Abdication is not an option. I resign myself to this reality and hope that Alfie will outgrow some of his terribleness once he ages up again.

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Olive, at least, seems to understand her brother’s plight, or at least sympathize with him. One evening she goes out to the greenhouse where her brother is gardening and does her homework there. It’s a sweet gesture--like she just wants to keep him company. (He may not appreciate it, being a loner, but it’s still a nice thing for her to do.) I like to think they talk a bit while she’s out there. Maybe she tries to convince Alfie that he’s going to be a great heir, and that things will get better once they get through this time of mourning. But who knows.

In other news, Koi has his child birthday!

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He rolls the Hot-Headed trait. Yay for more mood swings. Also, apparently I failed to get a screenshot of him in CAS. He appears in exactly one screenshot, which will appear later on in this story. Apologies for that.

Glen is kept occupied (as much as I can manage) by his investigations. One of his clients is Kenya Younan, who has just aged up to teen. There aren’t a lot of spouse candidates in town right now, so I’m sort of using Glen to scope out the options. Kenya is lovely, but she’s Good, which might make a relationship with Alfie impossible. (Note the Magic Jelly Bean ghost in the background…)

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Then there’s this lady, Samantha Lipscomb. She’s a couple days older than Alfie, but she’s gorgeous, and I’ve been wanting to nab a spouse from her family for quite some time. (Her mother, Rocio Goth, was born with bright blue hair. If the timing had worked out, I’d have tried to get Rocio as a spouse. Because BRIGHT BLUE HAIR, PEOPLE.) Samantha is descended from the MacDuff, Swain, and Goth families, and lots of colorful ghosts remain in her family tree. Her genetics just seem so interesting. I’m dying to have her in the family.

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Alfie becomes friends with her, as a start. I just hope she doesn’t go and get herself married before Alfie can come back and ask her out!

Weeeeell, that hope is quickly dashed. Samantha gets engaged. Like two hours later. And then married. Like two seconds after that. Great. Thanks, Story Progression! I suppose I could get Smanatha to move in and then make her divorce Irving...that would be the Evil thing to do…but perhaps we should just pursue more realistic alternatives.

For the moment, though, we must focus on other things. Like Glen’s adult birthday.

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As I’m moving the camera across the yard the next morning, I see Glen, out of the corner of my eye, collapse into the snow. For some reason, this doesn’t make me panic. He clearly was eating a magic jelly bean...maybe there’s one that makes you pass out?

How very wrong I was.

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So yes. Glen dies from eating a Magic Jelly Bean. I knew that this was a thing, but I NEVER thought it would happen to Glen. He’s harbored a wish to eat 10 Magic Jelly Beans ever since he was a kid. I should never have allowed him to partake. :(

To be completely honest with you, though...Glen’s death doesn’t make me that sad. If anything, I find it hilarious. Also, I think Magic Jelly Bean ghosts are the coolest-looking in the game. Also, if anyone can have fun being dead, it’s Glen Honeyheart. (See? He even shakes Grim's hand.)

"'Sup, man? Ready to teach me your evil ways?"

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RIP, Glen. I’m sorry we didn’t get to see more of your evil investigating. I'll miss your awesome outfits. Come visit us, okay?

One good thing does come out of Glen’s untimely demise: Kylee and Hickory’s renewed relationship. Kylee sobs on her husband’s shoulder, and in their shared grief, they find their love rekindled.

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They make out on the front porch for a couple of hours straight, while Gabe repeatedly runs in and out of the house in terror of Bonehilda.

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I spend that evening trying to find a spouse for Alfie. (It’s about time I learned to start spouse hunting EARLY. Like, in toddlerhood and childhood. There is just no time to meet anyone in the teen years, and Story Progression snaps them all up once they become young adults.) There is one single girl in town who seems like a good choice. Alfie heads over to her house to meet her.

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Alfie and Felisha MacDuff get along well enough. They share the Loner trait, so they bond over their shared hatred of large groups of people. Her other traits are quite good, and she’s certainly pretty––I like the almost hippie-ish thing she has going on. She even responds well to Alfie’s flirting.

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When he goes in for a kiss, though, Felisha turns him away. After that, she won’t accept any more of his advances. Dang. Felisha seems to be our best option for a spouse at this point, but I was hoping that these two would just sort of take things into their own hands, you know? But time is running out. I might have to force this relationship into being, whether I like it or not.

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Back home, the usual––more tragedy. Hey, we’ve already had one death today, and two in the last few days. What’s one more?!?!?  :o

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While Alfie is across town, Gabe’s time comes at last. Good old Gabe lived to be 33, only one day younger than Ruby was when she died. I’ll miss him, for sure. (Below you'll catch your only glimpse of Koi as a child. From the back. I am sorry.)

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RIP, Gabe! Thanks for being the cutest darn Sim there ever was, and the most accomplished alchemist and witch. Sorry you never got to see your boyfriend again after you met him. :( I’m pretty sure he’s dead now, too...go have a lovely time together!

As if two deaths aren’t enough drama to fill a also happens to be a triple birthday! Alfie, Olive, and Koi all age up that night.

Alfie goes first.

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Our Generation Four heir has grown up to be pretty dashing. He rolls the Supernatural Fan trait. His other traits: Evil, Loner, Slob, and Green Thumb. His Lifetime Wish is to have the Perfect Garden.

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Olive is next.

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Hilariously, Olive rolls the Supernatural Skeptic trait. She and her twin brother disagree about whether or not fairies and werewolves exist. I love it. Her other traits are Brave, Easily Impressed, Perceptive, and Eccentric, and her LTW is Monster Maker.

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Last is Koi, aging up to teen. I guess you get a second glimpse of him as a child! In the dark. Covered in sparkles.

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Koi becomes Proper.

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Yet another eventful chapter behind us. I once called this dynasty a whirlwind. Really, it's more of a violent tornado. Next time, it's time to hand that tornado over to a new generation of Honeyhearts. I would hope for a few days of peace and quiet, but that's proven to be impossible.

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Offline Beks

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2018, 02:34:44 PM »
Chapter 16 - Sweet As Apple Cider

We’re running out of options for Alfie’s spouse. He does invite Felisha over after she ages up, but already since then she has joined the Political career and gotten a boyfriend--one of the many Goodfellows still running around town. She seems perfectly happy to be a friend of Alfie’s, but I’m doubtful about the romantic side of things now.

There IS one more option for Alfie. Another townie that I spotted ages ago in someone’s family tree (really, they’re all interconnected now) whom I instantly fell in love with.

Alfie goes out for round two to meet her.

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This is Ida Hoppcraft. Yes, Hoppcraft. Technically, she’s Kylee’s cousin, so Alfie’s first cousin once removed. A little spooky, yes, but the town consists almost entirely of Hoppcrafts and Goodfellows now, and everyone is related in SOME way. Besides, look how adorable she is! And she has the cutest little voice to match her squeezable appearance. She’s still a teen, obviously––I think in all she’s about four days younger than Alfie. But just...look at her.

She also has a boyfriend, but that can be fixed while she’s still a teen. (I sound so evil saying that.) Alfie spends the day becoming her friend. Of course I forgot that Friendship Elixirs exist…but that’s okay. This friendship is REAL, people.

While we wait for Alfie’s potential spouse to come of age, life goes on in the Honeyheart house. Koi’s hot-headed trait is really making itself known. He loves to mock his sister Olive, for some reason.

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“What makes you think creating monsters is going to help in any way in this world?? You’d be much better off hiding your face under a paper bag!”

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“What makes you think I value your opinion, you little twit?”

Kylee has her elder birthday while at a party somewhere in town.

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Kylee is still diligently playing piano for most of every day. At last, she reaches level 10 of the skill. Another point!

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Sunday is Koi’s birthday, and he starts it off rough. Well, partly because of me. I send him off early in the morning to find some gems, mostly to keep him busy and out of the house. Of course, I forget about curfew, and that curfew doesn’t technically end until 7 am or something. Koi gets picked up by the cops, and when he gets home, he’s grounded.

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Alfie has big plans for today. He calls up Ida Hoppcraft and invites her over. (I hope you’re planning to change into more appropriate attire, bud.)

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The second Ida sets foot on the front porch, who goes out to welcome her but Koi! They're attracted to each other (not good), but Koi looks really...angry?

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Uh, Koi? What are you doing...?

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What the...!

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Koi goes out to “Give Ida What For”. Is this a Proper trait thing?! How horrid! He attacks her out of the blue, even though he’s never seen her before in his life!

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“Your prettiness is making me feel things and I don’t like it! I’ll show YOU!”

But then, to my utter surprise, Alfie takes control of the situation. He calls them both over (still wearing just his pajama pants, you’ll notice) and scolds Koi for beating up his guest. Yes, he does this autonomously. Could it be that Alfie values another Sim’s wellbeing? Could he...could he actually care about Ida??

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Ida, for her part, looks positively indignant, if not furious. Even though she was soundly defeated in their little "fight", she looks about ready to beat Koi's head in for catching her off guard.

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Koi has now been grounded twice in one day. Thank goodness he’s aging up later. That hot-headed trait does not mess around! What’s worse, Ida takes off home because she’s so upset about being pummeled. Alfie immediately calls her and invites her back, though. And...has a Magical Makeover before she arrives. Trying to impress her, are we? (Alfie has a strange love for Magical Makeovers. This is his third or fourth autonomous makeover in the same day. Perhaps he’s inherited a touch of Ruby’s weirdness.)

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"Magic Mirror, am I the handsomest man in all the land?"

"Why is it only Evil people that ask me that?!"

Ida is gracious enough to come back around.

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“Hey. Sorry about my brother. He’s a jerk. Trust me, I’m the nicer one. I’m not hot-headed like he is. Also, I have great fashion sense, do I not?”

Alfie invites her inside (Koi has been safely stashed upstairs in the newly-built alchemy room) and asks her if she’d like to have a little birthday party while she’s here.

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“Aww, that’s sweet. Sure, why not?”

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Everyone comes down to celebrate.

“Yaaayyy! We’re so excited for this girl we’ve never seen before!”

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I love everything that's going on in this picture.

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Koi: “Whoa. You mean she’s too old for me now? Oh...okay…”
Alfie: “Muahaha, yes! The lady of my darkest dreams is old enough to woo!”

Now equal in age and height, Alfie and Ida discuss the possibility of Ida moving in. Breathlessly. As hearts flutter into the air above their heads. *hyperventilates in excitement*

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Ida says yes to moving in. These two are so attracted to each other, they’re practically sheepish in each other’s presence.

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So, Ida joins the household. And what a beauty she is. Her favorite color is orange, which I combine with the teal-colored jewel in her hair to make a pretty contrasting color scheme. It’s been a while since I’ve had so much fun dressing someone.

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Here she is in her formal gown, which is possibly my favorite outfit I’ve ever designed.

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Ida’s traits are Perceptive, Couch Potato, Friendly, Loves the Cold, and Hot-Headed. (Yes. Hot-Headed. I believe that’s the trait she got upon aging up. I guess being attacked by Koi lit a fire in her soul, or something. She won’t be taken down again!) Ida’s Lifetime Wish is to become a Professional Author.

So welcome, Ida! Next time, we’ll see if we can’t get these two hitched. Stay tuned!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2018, 05:35:50 PM »
Chapter 17 – Ida, I Do

Ida settles comfortably into the household. She starts writing books to contribute to the family income, and gets to know her new “family”.

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But before anything else can happen on the family front, Ida has some errands to run.

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First up is her boyfriend, Damion Van Gould. Damion is a vampire who looks like he actually might be a decent person. He’s definitely upset when Ida breaks up with him.

“I can’t believe you still wear this awful red jacket! Those buttons make me want to VOMIT! It’s OVER!”

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She also has to stop at a romantic interest’s house. This is Cecil Lipscomb. He would’ve been my spouse of choice had our heir been a female. He’s a cutie, and he and Ida do make a sweet couple.

Too bad, boy!

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That settled, Ida returns to her new home. And that evening, she encounters Alfie on the back deck after the sun goes down.

"You know, you're pretty handsome, for being Evil."

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They confess their attraction to each other. It’s pretty much inevitable.

Ida springs the first kiss on Alfie and asks him to go steady.

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But Alfie is the one to take the final step.

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She says yes! And boy, does Alfie look happy. See, even Evil sims can fall in love.

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It’s late by this point, and everyone heads to bed. Except for Ida, who walks mysteriously off into the snow-covered landscape. Uh, Ida? Where are you going?

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This girl just keeps getting cuter and cuter. Her bed of choice is an igloo! How adorable is that?! And she even gets a +20 comfy moodlet from sleeping in the snow!

Late that night, our Magic Jelly Bean ghost makes his first appearance. Hi, Glen! And Kylee gets abducted by aliens a second time?! I don’t understand why this keeps happening to her… she takes that “Plagued by Nature” moodlet to a whole new level!

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Koi has his young adult birthday and finally gets over his angsty teenage phase.

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His final set of traits: Hot-Headed, Loves the Heat, Easily Impressed, Proper, and Ambitious. Sounds like the perfect businessman to me! Koi takes the “CEO of a Mega-Corporation” LTW and joins the Business career.

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Olive keeps up with her inventing, making her way through the various widgets.

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And how is our elderly couple doing? Wonderfully, you should know. Hickory and Kylee do nothing but flirt and kiss. All day, every day. I am not exaggerating. It’s nice that they don’t have any more requirements to complete––they’re free to do nothing but make out. Ah, old love.

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The following day is Alfie and Ida’s wedding day. For this lovely occasion, I’m throwing our first destination wedding––at Stone Troll Fishing Hole, which has been fully upgraded to properly host a dynasty wedding.

The family struggles to get there on time, probably because the family doesn’t have a car, so they’re all trying to figure out how to “go together” on brooms. Once I send them individually, they find their way over. Ida, however, is there and ready long before the guests arrive.

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While Ida welcomes her guests, a young townie girl sets up a bake sale. I’m all for more sugar at this party! Especially because I forgot to bring a wedding cake.

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The fairies start the dancing as the sun begins to go down.

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Just as I’m about to start the wedding, Kylee’s sister Ariana chooses this moment to go into labor. Thanks, Ariana! Great timing!

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Olive is generous (and smart) enough to escort the mother-to-be to the hospital so that the wedding can go on as planned.

At last, everyone gathers. And sits down! In the chairs I set out for them to sit down in! It’s a miracle!

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Well, almost everyone sits down. Kylee keeps trying to get up and go home, and Koi eventually gives up and goes for the bar, but other than that, we have a very attentive audience. It’s a beautiful ceremony.

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Congrats, Alfie and Ida!

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After it’s over, Alfie autonomously grabs his new wife around the waist and pulls her in for a passionate makeout while everyone watching them cheers and throws rice. Alfie has quite a flair for the dramatic, and impeccable timing!

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I had hoped the party would go on for a while, but half the family goes home before the dancing even starts. The bride and groom get in a nice slow dance, though.

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After one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever had in the Sims (*wipes away tear*), the family goes home for some shut-eye. Next time, we’ll take our newlyweds on some exciting adventures!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2018, 05:50:13 PM »
Chapter 18 - French Kissing On French Benches

Good morning, and welcome to France! Alfie and Ida are the first Honeyhearts to take a honeymoon. I think it’s about time.

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It’s a cramped, smelly plane ride. Or maybe the bench is uncomfortable? At any rate, these two arrive in France feeling less than chipper.

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But they soon discover the joy of French kissing on French benches and cheer right up.

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There is less to do for fun in France than I expected, so our newlyweds pretty much just walk around and look at things. They explore the museum (and try to “be frisky”, but the double bed on display is pushed up against the wall, probably for good reason).

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Ida rides a moped for the first time, and looks right at home doing it. This girl looks picture-perfect anywhere, doing anything, but somehow riding a moped seems to suit her extra well.

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They tour the Nectary and purchase a few bottles of good nectar. Ida in particular displays a passionate interest in tasting nectar. She autonomously drinks enough to get quite drunk in the real world.

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Ida: "Ahhh. So light and almost frothy. As if made from...fairy grapes."
Alfie: "Tasted like grape juice to me. From concentrate."

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They have dinner in the Catania Cafe, trying ceviche for the first time. Which happens to be Ida’s favorite food. Alfie, not so much.

Ida: “Ahh, I do love this dish. So delicate and subtle in flavor.”

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Ida does have a reaction as well...but it’s about an hour delayed. She doesn’t feel the burn until she hops onto her invisible moped.

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Back at base camp, they have their first woohoo as French music wafts in through the window.

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It’s not a very long honeymoon, but Alfie and Ida return to Moonlight Falls feeling rested and refreshed. And I do, too. This dynasty has been nonstop crazy for the last several chapters, and to get away and look at some pretty scenery was much needed!

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Back home, Olive has made enough proress in the Inventing skill to start detonating stuff. She starts big––she essentially detonates the whole junkyard by the end of the first afternoon, and singes everyone within a mile. Of course, she loves it.

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That afternoon, Kylee passes away in the midst of a lovey-dovey conversation with her husband. She’s only 27––her life bar has just filled––and Hickory is a few days older, at 31. Alas, Kylee is the one to go first.

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RIP, Kylee. Your piano playing kept me sane through many days of chaos. Come back and play again sometime, won’t you?

The death of her mother-in-law makes Ida positively ill.

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That night, the twins have their adult birthdays. Ida cheers for her husband with one foot splayed over the abyss.

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Olive ages up while inventing. The poor woman hardly gets to leave her workbench. :( (Except to detonate stuff, which I suspect makes up for it.) At least she seems happy enough while inventing––she often sings while she works, which is adorable. “Doo doo doo doo dooooo...deee dooo…”

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And, surprise! Ida is pregnant!

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Alfie is working hard in his garden, planting special seeds and fertilizing like crazy. He’s got two out of eight perfect plants and not a whole lot of time left to get the rest. His efforts are delayed slightly when he eats a poisoned apple that’s been sitting in his inventory (probably passed on from Carmella or Gabe). I’ve been wondering what happens when you eat one...thank goodness he doesn’t die! He just conks out for two hours and gets a temporary -50 moodlet.

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Bonehilda has a strangely close relationship with the Magic Mirror. Poor Bonehilda must be so starved for love and companionship. Perhaps in another life, Bonehilda and the Magic Mirror could be together, and have strange, skeletal, glassy, deep-voiced children.

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Alfie is surprisingly thrilled that he’s going to be a dad. His evil tendencies really seem to have mellowed out––marrying Ida has done him a lot of good. If anything, he’s one of the more charming Sims I’ve played. He and Ida bring out the best in each other, I think.

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Bonehilda, what are you doing? Bonehilda?

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Not again!

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At least Alfie gets a kick out of death, when it’s not his own mother.

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"Hah. I can't wait to tell the Magic Mirror about this!"

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2018, 05:27:40 PM »
Chapter 19 - Limbs & Clothes Are Optional

Ida goes into labor right at the crack of dawn.

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Hickory just wants to get to the rocking chair and stands there impatiently as his daughter-in-law screams in pain. He might be going senile in his old age (he’s 34).

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Ida: “Ooh! The baby’s coming!”

Hickory: “Excuse me! You are IN my WAY!”

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Eveeeeentually, Ida gives birth to a lovely baby girl.

Hickory: “Am I missing something? Why can’t you move?!”

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Meet Zinnia Honeyheart, our Generation Five heir. We are almost halfway, people!

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Alfie is proving himself to be a wonderful daddy--so loving, and not at all cruel. He hasn't stolen a single lollipop from his daughter, to my knowledge.

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Even Grandpa Hickory finally figures out what’s going on, and decides he’s okay with his granddaughter’s existence.

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What’s this? Ida is sick again? How awful!

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Koi has become best friends with his boss, Felecia Goodfellow. You may remember another Felisha who was once a potential spouse for Alfie. That Felisha has since married into the ubiquitous Goodfellow family. So there are two Felecia/Felisha Goodfellows running around. At any rate, THIS Felisha Felecia starts flirting autonomously the moment Koi walks in the door of her own house. Even though her husband is, like, in the next room or something.

“ like, you’re really pretty and all...but aren’t you married?”

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“Honey. I’m a businesswoman. You’re a businessman. The arrangement I’m proposing will be mutually beneficial--for you and me, at least. Don’t worry about my husband. If we become lovers, I’ll promote you more quickly, and you’ll be indebted to me for my favoritism. We’ll both profit!”

“...fair enough?” (It’s fair enough for Koi. He seems to have no qualms about dating a married woman. Whatever floats your boat, man.)

Ida becomes pregnant for a second time.

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Sometime after her pregnancy spin, Ida becomes the victim of some kind of naked glitch. I don’t know how she got like this. I just found her walking around the house buck naked. All right then?

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And when it’s time for Zinnia’s toddler birthday, we can’t even see the baby thanks to Ida’s pixels. (The men of the house--Hickory in particular--look a little too excited for my comfort. And is that the butler wearing only pajama pants?? What is happening in this house?!)

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Anyhoo, here's toddler Zinnia. She looks a lot like her mum, for sure. I was REALLY hoping she’d inherit her mother’s gorgeous hair color. *sigh* At least she got the eyes and face shape. Zinnia’s traits are Loves the Outdoors and Easily Impressed, and she likes pop music, hamburgers, and the color turquoise.

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That night, our second Bonehilda ghost appears, looking different than the first one. I honestly wish they'd stay in their skeleton-ghost forms. That'd be much spookier.

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Grandpa Hickory starts teaching Zinnia her toddler skills.

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She takes well to walking; it’s the use of the arms that really confuses her.

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Olive is still blowing stuff up, if you were wondering. Sometimes a lot of stuff at once.

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And she lights herself on fire for the first time, too! Took her long enough...nearly a lifetime.

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Ida, who has returned to the land of the clothed, goes into labor while working on her latest book. Shocked at the pain suddenly searing through her, she accidentally breaks the computer as she’s standing up. As soon as Ida gets out of the chair, Bonehilda (yes, we got another one) swoops in and starts poking at the broken machine with a screwdriver. Um, thanks, Bonehilda, but is now really the time?

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Bonehilda: “Don’t worry, folks. I’ll get this thing fixed up in no time. Just hold tight, mmkay?”

Ida: “Are you kidding me?!”

Alfie eventually pulls himself together and takes his wife to the hospital. There, as the full moon rises in the sky, Ida gives birth to her second child, a boy named Cedar.

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Back home, Zinnia is getting in lots of cuddle time with Grandpa Hickory.

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And the twins are having their adult elder birthdays.

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Zinnia’s toddler days are short; she’s about to age up to child.

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Let’s hope she figures out how to use her arms by then. She'll need them!

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2018, 03:32:47 PM »
Chapter 20 - All That Is Gold Is Not Living

Let us begin with Zinnia's child birthday. Hickory takes his granddaughter to the cake.

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Even though she learned MOST of her toddler skills (two out of three), it apparently wasn’t enough to let me roll Zinnia's trait instead of the game. She gets the Inappropriate trait. Lovely.

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In any case, she’s a beauty. Zinnia’s first popped wish is to learn the fishing skill. Perfecto! The next morning, off she goes to the nearest fishing hole. This will be a great skill for her to learn with her Loves the Outdoors trait, and plus it will keep her out of potentially compromising social situations.

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Hickory finally passes away at the age of 37. He lived three days longer than his mother did, breaking the record for long life in this dynasty. I realized fairly late that it was due to his Vegetarian trait. Duh.

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RIP Hickory! You were awesome. You may be the only Honeyheart to ever max two skills. And no one will ever match your hairdo. Be good up there!

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After spending much of the day at This Old Fishing Hole or whatever it’s called, Zinnia heads over to one of the bigger houses in town to meet her future husband. (See, I told you I was going to start spouse-hunting early!)

Check out this kid. Remember that girl I wanted Alfie to marry because of her blue-haired mother and awesome genes? Well, that girl has a...I want to say half-nephew? I’m not exactly sure how she’s related to this kid. But she is. He comes from some of the same genetics. Can you tell? He’s descended from, well, a lot of families, but primarily the Ivy and Goodfellow clans. I remember noticing his grandmother when she was alive––she had that blonde hair with hot pink tips, and if she’d lined up with an heir, I’d have nabbed her as a spouse (or tried to). Also, this boy’s mother is a ghost, who inherited her ghostliness from Violet Slymer, the original townie ghost. I think that’s where the blue skin is from? But I’m not sure.

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Anyway! This is Raymond Goodfellow, and not only does he have fascinating genetics, he is also the only male townie who is in the correct age range to be Zinnia’s spouse. Zinnia starts getting to know him a little bit, in preparation for dating him as a teen and marrying him as an adult, assuming nothing horrible happens to him and his traits remain tolerable. *crosses fingers*

Aha! There’s Raymond’s mother. Can she sense the presence of a dynasty heir? Does she approve?

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Fun fact: one of Raymond’s traits is Coward. I’m very curious to know how that works out when his own mother is a ghost. It’s certainly not going to work out well when he lives with a skeleton maid and a jelly bean ghost.

Back home, Cedar becomes a toddler. (I miss the sparkles. Oops.) His traits are Clumsy and Absent-Minded, the poor dear. He continues the line of Gladsten Incarnate, with a healthy dash of Ida thrown in.

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And Ida has her adult birthday. (Her two pregnancies extended her life quite a bit, so now she’s more than a whole life stage younger than Alfie.)

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Zinnia has something of her mother’s oddness when it comes to sleeping preferences. On her first full night as a child, Zinnia selects the treehouse in the backyard as her bed of choice. It’s probably that Loves the Outdoors trait, but I can’t help smiling and thinking it’s an inherited thing. (Ida's first choice of bed was an igloo, you may remember.)

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I didn’t get a lot of pictures of Cedar as a toddler. This one I only took because I wanted to capture Alfie’s elder outfit. I tend to forget to update elders’ outfits when they age up, and Alfie was blessed with a smashing explorer-wearing-sneakers ensemble.

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I think they look somewhat alike. That hair color is very persistent. I think it originated with Gino, way back in Generation Two.

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The days fly by (all two of them), and soon it’s time for both kiddos to age up.

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Cedar ages up to child and acquires the Kleptomaniac trait. He’s turning into a very cute kid––even though, yes, he could be called something of a Gladsten clone (what is this, four generations later?!), he’s a bit different somehow. He has some color in his cheeks and a twinkle in his eye. Or something.

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Zinnia has her birthday while fishing at That Old Fishing Hole, which is quickly becoming her favorite haunt (largely because it’s so close to the house, and because I send her there for every spare hour she has).

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Zinnia ages up with the Born Saleswoman trait. Oh...kay. Not sure how helpful that will be, if she’s selling fish. I don’t know if it applies to sales directly from the inventory. Here’s hoping.

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Koi gets promoted to CEO in the Business career and becomes the first Honeyheart in quite a while to max his Lifetime Wish. Congrats, Koi!

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He also gets to meet his daughter for the first time. Yes, he and his boss had a lovechild. Her name is Dixie (she belongs in my Middlemiss Random Legacy with that name), and she is not as evil as she looks, I swear. (I think her traits are...Heavy Sleeper and Virtuoso? Maybe? In any case, they’re not bad.)

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Meanwhile, now that Zinnia is a teenager, it’s time for her to swoop in and nab her future spouse. She heads over to the Goodfellow house and reintroduces herself to Raymond.

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She also explains the dynasty to him and asks him if he’s down to spend the rest of his life furiously trying to max a skill, or whatever.

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He is down.

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There’s no immediate attraction between Zinnia and Raymond, but Zinnia does roll a wish to kiss him as soon as they become friends. That’s enough for me. It’s not like we have a lot of choices here. They start going steady and Zinnia races home before curfew. And Zinnia's spouse is in the bag. Phew! That’s a big load off my chest.

Some more fun facts about Raymond, because you're toootally interested: His mother, Jodi Goodfellow, is the half-sister of Gino Goodfellow, our generation two spouse. That makes Raymond, technically, Gino’s nephew. What’s more, Raymond’s father, Graham Goodfellow, is the grandson of Gino’s sister Fawn. So he is also, like, the nephew AND the great-grand-nephew of the same woman. I’m getting confused just thinking about this. But basically, since Gino still has three living siblings and half-siblings (because fairies), a lot of the town Goodfellows are more closely related to the Honeyhearts than even the game itself realizes! Raymond also has a few half-siblings of his own, and some nieces and nephews. This family is humongous and interconnected and overlappy and impossible to comprehend. And yet I try! Because it’s fascinating!

While Zinnia is at the Goodfellows’, Koi has his elder birthday. I drag the camera away from him and focus on Zinnia instead because I’m a mean watcher who shamelessly plays favorites. So I don’t even have a picture. Sorry, Koi.

Alfie is feeling well-rested that night thanks to the rocking chair, so I decide to put him to work transmuting things into gold. I forgot that Gabe received the Philosopher’s Stone way back when, and I haven’t even tried it yet.

Whoa, that’s funny! You can accidentally turn yourself into gold! Haha!

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Wait…Alfie? Are you okay? Say something if you’re okay.

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Okay, come on. Glen’s spontaneous jelly bean death was sort of funny. But THIS IS NOT. Alfie has become one of my favorite sims ever. I practically hated him as a teen. I didn’t want him to be the heir at all. But then he grew up and grew his hair out and became attractive, and then he found the most perfect spouse who has made him a better person, and then he became my favorite heir, possibly, and now he’s dead from transmutation?! I didn’t even know that was possible! (I should have known. Raymond’s mother is a transmutation ghost, as was her mother before her. For some reason I didn’t think this kind of death could happen in-game.)

Welp. Nothing I can do now. (Also, excuse the poorly set up screenshots. The upstairs is a bit cramped and not good for death scenes. Particularly those that AREN’T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.)

Yeah, that’s it, Alfie! Beg for your life! You deserve another chance!

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I am really not happy about this. I should probably be laughing. Two spontaneous, rare deaths in the span of two generations. I’ve struck gold! (Heh...) But actually, I’m just sad to have lost Alfie before his time. (Granted, only a day before his time...but still. A day is a long time in a short dynasty!)

Anyway. I shall now go console myself. Next time, there will be no freak accidents. Did you hear that, game? NO MORE FREAK ACCIDENTS.

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #22 on: November 16, 2018, 04:14:22 PM »
Chapter 21 – Something Blue

Right, where were we? Ah, yes. Alfie died from a transmutation gone screwy. Lovely.

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Poor Ida is shattered. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a Sim mourn autonomously before. Ida does it twice for Alfie––once when his urn is still up in the alchemy room, and again when it’s moved out to the sprinkler-soaked garden.

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That night, Alfie appears as a ghost for the first time. He and Ida have a sweet reunion.

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They also watch the stars together. I really love these two as a couple; I’m so sad that they’ve been torn apart. Hey, at least we have a gold statue worth $50,000 that I apparently can’t move even in buy mode. Great!

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Ida takes over Alfie’s extensive garden now that he’s gone. He was close to achieving his Lifetime Wish––I didn’t have high hopes that he’d get all 8 perfect plants, but if he’d lived a few more days, he might’ve made it. Still, why let so many healthy plants go to waste? We might need them in the future.

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Also, this reminds me that I forgot to mention something. I uninstalled Seasons a couple chapters back because it was causing problems with one of my other saves. Turns out life is a lot easier without it installed, anyway. Although I do miss the fall foliage. :( As a result, Ida’s Loves the Cold trait was replaced with Green Thumb. Taking over the garden is the perfect way to remember her husband and give her something to do when she’s tired of writing poetry.

Things slowly fall back into a routine for the family (or at least, they all try to distract themselves). Cedar attempts to learn the subtle art of muffin baking. He doesn’t do very well.

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Olive builds her first time machine and has a wonderful time exploring the future and the past.

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And Zinnia continues to level up her fishing skill. She really has the most peaceful hobby. Sometimes I like to just sit here and watch her fish. Ahhh.

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Cedar has his teen birthday.

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He’s not as cute as I expected him to be. Maybe it’s the hair. We’ll see what happens when he ages up to young adult. For now, he gains the Green Thumb trait, a trait he shares with both his parents (living and dead).

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I decide to let Koi move in with his boss and his daughter. He’s accomplished his LTW and there’s nothing more for him to do for us. Bye, Koi! Thanks for everything!

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Zinnia celebrates her big, important young adult birthday and prepares to take over as heir. And both of our freak accident ghosts show up to celebrate with her! How sweet that her father gets to see her grow up.

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Zinnia rolls the Couch Potato trait upon aging up. Her other four traits are Easily Impressed, Loves the Outdoors, Inappropriate, and Born Saleswoman. She doesn’t get any achievable lifetime wishes in her rolled five...except Gold Digger. Which she will achieve if her husband dies before her. Which he might. You never know, in a short dynasty!

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While we’re on the subject of birthdays, let’s watch as Ida ages up into a rather woozy-looking elder.

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Aww, she's still cute though.

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As always, time is of the essence in a short dynasty. As soon as she ages up, Zinnia goes out looking for Raymond. She runs into him as he’s leaving a building in town that I’ve forgotten the exact identity of. (I played this like two weeks ago. I’m catching up. Bear with me.)

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It doesn’t take much to convince Raymond Goodfellow to join the household. Here he is with a new haircut and some better clothes. His traits, if you’re wondering, are Coward, Over-Emotional, Slob, Photographer’s Eye, and Easily Impressed. His LTW is Renaissance Sim. Yeah right, buddy.

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Raymond’s first full day as a member of the Honeyheart household is an eventful one. Zinnia pulls him out into the backyard and asks him to marry her.

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Raymond is a lucky man, and he knows it.

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Not wasting any time, the lovers race down the road to Zinnia’s favorite fishing spot, a calm sandy beach surrounded by misty mountains.

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There, Zinnia and Raymond become husband and wife.

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Congrats, kiddos!

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First order of business after the wedding? Bringing in the next generation.

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These two are more than happy to get to work.

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Next time, we’ll witness the arrival of Generation Six!

Author’s Note: Apologies for the delay in posting this chapter. I’m working two jobs now and thus don’t have a lot of free simming time these days (and my access to this computer is still quite limited). I’ll update as much as I can, but postings won’t be as frequent for a while. Thank you for reading! I appreciate every single one of you :)

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #23 on: November 16, 2018, 05:02:06 PM »
Chapter 22 - When a Flower Catches a Fish

So Zinnia and Raymond are married, and we’ve officially moved into Generation Five. I think I can call this the official halfway point. Whew! And the whirlwind’s not over yet!

Before things can settle into some distant echo of a normal routine (like that ever happens in this household), we must say farewell to yet another member of the family.

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Olive Honeyheart passes away at the age of...oh gosh, I forgot. (I’m writing this almost two weeks after this happened in-game.) I know that she lived a few days beyond the end of her life bar, though. I want to say she was 30? 31? At any rate, she lived a long, productive life. She didn’t quite max the inventing skill, but she got to build some great things (including two time machines) and was a beloved member of the household. And the scariest looking woman I've ever seen in my life.

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RIP, Olive! You were absolutely lovely, and also terrifying. We'll miss you greatly.

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Raymond, honey, you really need to pull yourself together. I know death and darkness and skeleton maids are scary, but at least two of those things are now staples of your life. You’re a Honeyheart now! You have to remain conscious for all the scary things! It’s just the way things are!


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“NO! I won’t do it! I can’t handle being conscious! It’s too much, I tell you, it’s TOO MUCH!”

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Okay...we’ll talk later.

When he’s not passing out on the floor, Raymond is an excellent husband and brother-in-law. He loves to play catch with Cedar, which is cute. Fortunately they’re both pretty terrible at it, so nobody gets pummeled in the face or anything.

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Raymond has also joined the culinary career, and will be working to max his cooking skill. Again, I highly doubt that’s possible...but let’s see how many autumn salads we can make in a week, yeah? (Well, and also waffles.)

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Cedar goes to prom in a snazzy purple tux and doesn’t meet any girls. In fact, the one girl he IS interested in rejects him for a dance. At least he gets crowned Prom King, though.

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Shortly after Olive passes, Zinnia discovers that she’s pregnant! Look at her cute little pregnancy outfit.

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The impending birth is a nice distraction for Raymond, who spends way too much time running from Bonehilda. (Eventually I put her away. Once again, we’ll have to wait for next generation. *sigh*)

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Cedar ages up to young adult on his own one evening. I’ve never seen anyone look so reluctant to reach their full reproductive and vocational potential.

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There's my cute boy! He just needed a little facial hair, and he’s right back to being adorable. Cedar’s final traits are Clumsy, Absent-Minded, Kleptomaniac, Green Thumb, and Family-Oriented. He doesn’t take a career, but he’ll be plenty busy taking care of the family garden (with help from Ida) and stealing all the cars he can find. (His LTW is Possession is Nine-Tenths of the Law. Should be fun!)

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He proves to be a pretty adept klepto right off the bat. Here he is taking a picnic table from behind the school. Good luck getting that thing home, Cedar.

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He also enjoys watering the porcinis in a fancy suit. I think he inherited Alfie's love of Magical Makeovers.

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Zinnia goes into labor by the riverside. Where else?

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A few hours later, she walks out of the hospital holding her son. Say hello to Minnow, the next heir of the Honeyheart Short Dynasty!

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Aww, Great Uncle Glen has come out to meet his new grand-nephew! How sweet.

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Wait, no! Glen, you are a terrible uncle. TERRIBLE!

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As we saw in the last chapter, Ida has recently aged up to elder. She has spent her days writing poetry books (some of which have become bestsellers), caring for her children, and being cute with Alfie. She’s also just plain cute when she’s doing anything at all. Like sitting in a chair. (I’ve come to the conclusion that this rocking chair is bugged in my game, because practically every elder who sits in it takes on this silly little scowl. At least Ida’s scowl is adorable.)

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Even though she’s only just maxed out her age bar, Ida leaves us while gazing lovingly at her new baby grandson.

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Grim conducts his business from the back deck, as usual. Grim, why can’t you ever come inside??

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Ida is ready to go. She misses her Alfie, and I'm sure he misses her.

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RIP, Ida. You were the sweetest, loveliest poet, wife, and mother. You saved Alfie from the clutches of his Evil trait. You were wonderful. Rest well, darling.

We could end the chapter on that sad note, but we have a couple screenshots left, so let’s see Minnow have his first birthday.

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Zinnia, what could you possibly be laughing at?

"Hey look! Our baby is wrapped in a blue blanket! And Raymond, you're blue! Everyone is blue! Hahaha!!"

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YES! He got the hair! I was hoping he’d get the hair. Raymond’s hair, that is. It’s too bad he didn’t inherit the blue skin, but that’s okay. Maybe next generation. Side note: Minnow has the weirdest little mouth I’ve ever seen. It’s like...upside-down, or something. I dunno.

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Anyway, Minnow is a Light Sleeper who Loves the Outdoors, and his favorite things are Hip Hop, Cookies, and Green. And he might be one of the cutest toddlers ever. I can't wait to see what he gets up to!

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2018, 09:23:39 PM »
Chapter 23 - Short & Sweet

Minnow is a VERY cute toddler. Would you like some evidence? You WOULD? Okay, here you go!

Here he is learning to walk with Uncle Cedar (who is Family-Oriented, and thus very good at this sort of thing).

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And here he is being cuddled by Uncle Cedar. These two are very close.

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What’s that? You need some more evidence? Well, if you insist…

Minnow is close with his mommy, too. Zinnia loves to tickle her little boy.

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And cuddle him. Look at those big, adoring eyes!

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Oh I’m sorry, you want some more? I mean, I guess I could figure something out…

Here’s our little guy nibbling on a wooden block (yum).

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And here he is playing with his favorite toy, the green dinosaur.

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I’m so sorry, but I seem to have exhausted my toddler spam file. Let’s check in with the rest of the family, shall we?

Zinnia has become a very adept fisherwoman. On one of her frequent trips to Stone Troll Fishing Hole (I feel like that’s not what it’s called, but whatever), Zinnia casts the longest line I have ever seen in my life. That’s her bobber in the water right there, in the foreground, and that’s Zinnia waaaaay over on the other side of the pond. Impressive! She caught several fish this way!

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That very evening, while finishing up a long day of fishing, Zinnia has her adult birthday, watched solemnly by the stone troll himself.

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Raymond ages up simultaneously, having just arrived home from a shift at the restaurant, where he's just been promoted to...wait for it...Spice Runner! We're really flying through this career, people!  ::)

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Zinnia’s day of fishing isn’t over yet, though. A few hours later, after a hot meal and a quick nap, she heads right back out to the cemetery to start catching deathfish. I think she may actually max out her fishing skill! (I’m afraid to assume, though.)

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A couple days later, we have two more birthdays: Minnow…

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...and Cedar.

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Here’s Minnow as a big boy. With his hair color, that hairstyle was too good to pass up. He rolls the Artistic trait. Target locked!

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Congratulations, Minnow. From now until you die, you’re gonna be chained to that easel. Have fun!

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Well, he’s not completely chained yet. He still has to find a spouse. This is the number one contender right now. Doesn’t she look delightful?

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Minnow gets some time with his parents as well. Particularly his dad. I just like seeing them together because they look like they were both standing under the same bucket of paint that spilled from above.

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Cedar has been staying busy with gardening by day and stealing cars by night. It’s been a while since I’ve played a hardcore klepto, and I forgot that when you steal cars, they’re worth like 10% of their full value. Which is STUPID, in my opinion. So much for Cedar’s Lifetime wish.

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After about .3 seconds and exactly one painting skill point, Minnow must age up to teenager. I love when the ghosts join us for birthdays--and this time, it’s the lovely Ida who gets to watch her grandson grow up.

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Minnow gets a new hairstyle (if his old one was available for teens, I might’ve kept it) and a Good Sense of Humor. Always a good thing to have.

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Luckily, Minnow needs no prompting to head to the easel. It's already his favorite place to hang out.

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Well, I think that covers everyone in the family.

Oh, wait! We’re missing one!

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Yes, there’s a new little Honeyheart on the way. Stay tuned for the next chapter, which will hopefully be longer and more interesting.

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2018, 04:56:17 PM »
Chapter 24 – April Showers, Zombie Devours

Zinnia goes into labor right on schedule and gives birth to her second child––a daughter named Daisy.

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Remember that girl we saw outside the school last chapter? The grumpy-looking girl with the pigtails? She has now aged up to teenager, and it’s time to have Minnow introduce himself to her officially.

Her name is April Hoppcraft. (Once again, the town is full of Hoppcrafts.) Minnow goes to April’s house to see if he can’t get hitched to her. I mean, ask her out on a date. It happens to be the night of the Full Moon, and...what the…???

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April Hoppcraft is a zombie?!??!?

I’m very confused, and so is Minnow. There’s another zombie walking around the house, too––evidently some semi-distant relation of April’s, since they have different last names––and poor Minnow just stands there like, “Help?”

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After I cancel the “Zombie attack!” action from Minnow’s queue (it’s so helpful and unrealistic that we can do that), he and April settle down to do their homework as if nothing is weird or wrong.

Fortune is on our side tonight, people! As it happens, April’s mother, Joann, is throwing a party here tonight. And guess who she invited? Cedar.

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It’s Uncle Cedar to the rescue! After rifling through all the chests and shelves in the house (there are quite a few), he finds one last Cure Elixir leftover from the days of Carmella. Then he rushes across town on his trusty flying vacuum and bursts through the Hoppcrafts’ front door.

“You stop right there, Miss Zombie!”

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Thank you, Cedar! That takes care of that problem. I admit I got really confused and scared for a little while, before I remembered that we might have an elixir hiding somewhere that could cure April’s zombieness. Phew!

With that taken care of, Minnow is finally free to talk to April properly. He asks her about her relationship status and discovers that not only is she single, she’s a compatible star sign with Minnow! Even more importantly, she laughs at Minnow’s jokes. I think we have a winner.

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Just as the two of them start to flirt, April’s mother decides to up and die in the bathroom.

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All the guests at the party promptly launch into a mass chorus of shouting about routing issues, because nobody can fit into the bathroom to mourn her. It’s chaos. Amid the chaos, Minnow autonomously goes over and scoops up April’s baby nephew, who desperately needs a diaper change. What a sweet boy Minnow is.

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Once the chaos dies down a little bit, April disappears. Minnow finds her in an upstairs bedroom, where he tries to comfort her.

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And tells her how he feels about her. Turns out first kisses can be very comforting indeed.

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So Minnow and April are going steady. Minnow heads home to meet his new baby sister, who arrived while he was out.

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Is this kid going to be a good dad one day, or is this kid going to be a good dad one day? (And by “one day”, I mean in like four days.)

Next, a series of birthdays. Zinnia ages up to elder––where else?––by a large body of water, shortly after catching her first Fairy Damsel.

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Then it’s Daisy’s turn.

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What an...interesting little creature! Daisy is cute, in a slightly, uh, troll-like manner. Or something. She got a fantastic combo of traits: Insane and Neurotic. We are in for a fun ride with this little lady! Her favorite things are Egyptian music, Firecracker Tofu (!), and Spice Brown.

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There is something oddly cute about Daisy. Especially when she’s hiding in the toybox, and not screaming or pouting.

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She screams and pouts a lot.

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There is something a little bit off about her, though. For instance, she doesn’t think Minnow’s attack of the claw is very scary. She just looks up at his hand like “Hmm. This amuses me.”

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We’ll just have to wait and see how this girl turns out as she grows older.

Speaking of growing older...Raymond is growing older.

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And with one last plate of French Toast, he maxes out his cooking skill. I honestly didn’t think he was going to make it to level 10. Congrats, Raymond!

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Afterwards, Raymond promptly sits down in the rocking chair and stares fearfully into the middle distance.

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“I’m never going near a stove again.”

Well, you don’t need to, buddy. You’ve done well.

Minnow’s young adult birthday rolls around, and since it just so happens to coincide with April’s birthday (totally by chance, not planned at all), Minnow invites her over so they can celebrate together.

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April is not fooled at all. “I know what you’re up to, bucko.”

I don’t think I want to know what this girl is wishing for. I haven’t told you her traits yet, have I?

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Minnow follows with a big sneeze that also happens to extinguish his candles. Two birds, one stone.

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Here is our handsome fellow. Minnow is, like, Hickory-level hot. I’m just saying. (Well, almost. Hickory remains my favorite male Honeyheart in terms of hotness. Although Alfie was pretty attractive as well. And Gabe…)

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Minnow’s final traits: Light Sleeper, Loves the Outdoors, Artistic, Good Sense of Humor, and Nurturing. (Of course he got Nurturing. The man’s a natural with the little ones.) His never-to-be-achieved LTW is Master of the Arts.

April also joins the household upon aging up, of course. She chops off her hair and looks quite radiant in a pixie cut.

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April’s traits: Couch Potato, Good, Proper, Frugal, and Mean Spirited. Yup, Mean Spirited. So far, she hasn’t shown too much of her mean side. I’m trusting her to keep it under control for the sake of the dynasty. April’s favorites are Latin music, Spaghetti, and Aqua.

Next time, we’ll get April and Minnow hitched for real. See ya then!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2018, 01:48:24 PM »
Chapter 25 – Balloons Are Bad

It’s been a while since we’ve checked in with the Honeyhearts! Let’s see what they’re up to, eh?

Zinnia is an elder now and still spends her days fishing. Apparently in the dark. With her grey hair acting as a gentle light source.

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Cedar, also an elder, spends his days watering the plants and his nights stealing stuff around town.

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Minnow and April are newly-minted young adults and just want to be all over each other. Even when there’s a ghost in the room.

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Minnow isn’t a Coward like his father––he doesn’t mind the presence of his dead grandfather in the room when he’s asking his girlfriend to marry him. If anything, it adds to the significance of the moment.

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How could April refuse such a very shiny rock?

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Now that she’s a member of the household, April has to start working towards earning a point for the Dynasty. Her LTW is Professional Author, for some reason, but since she’s already at level 5 of the guitar skill (and level zero of the writing skill), I think we’ll take the guitar route.

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So even though we haven’t socialized with anyone outside the family in, like, decades and I don’t know who any of the people around town are anymore, we’re gonna have a wedding party!

Raymond is not excited about the wedding party. He takes one look at a balloon and practically has a temper tantrum. Poor Raymond is having a hard time in his old age, I think. It’s like he has a hidden Grumpy trait.

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The guest list is about half fairies, because a lot of our acquaintances and distant relations are fairies. Also, now that I’m looking at this photo again, our wedding looks incredibly sparse. Like...there’s nobody here.

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That’s okay. April and Minnow don’t need a big audience when they declare their love to each other.

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Raymond’s mother shows up fashionably late in all her golden ghostly glory and spends the ceremony loudly booing Zinnia. Possibly because Zinnia chose to wear her swimsuit to her own son’s wedding. I guess Raymond’s mother has a point?

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Congrats, Minnow and April!

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Nobody looks very excited for cake, except for Uncle Cedar (on the far right in the back).

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Once cake is served, April heads right for the bar that’s been set up and starts making drinks for everybody. Her mixology is very acrobatic in style––see how she hyperextends her knee as she pours? That’s a key part of the presentation. This particular drink is called the Elastigimlet.

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As the guests start drifting towards the dance floor, Raymond surrounds himself with many unfinished and untouched slices of wedding cake and gets to work. Perhaps the looming inevitability of death is causing Raymond to lose it a little bit.

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The newly married couple boogies down as it starts to get dark. I like how this picture is fringed with fairy wings. This whole party, really, is sort of fringed with fairy wings.

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The wedding is a successful party, even though it does seem quite small in terms of attendance. April and Minnow are just happy to be married and enjoy their day immensely, which is the most important thing.

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Eventually, the newlyweds retire to their bedchamber for a quiet night alone. Minnow is really blending in with his bedding there, isn’t he?

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Daisy, who naps through the entire wedding, wakes up just in time to have her child birthday.

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Here she is as a child. She rolls the Unlucky trait, because Insane and Neurotic apparently aren’t bad enough.

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Life quickly falls into a routine post-wedding. Minnow dotes on his baby sister, even reading her to sleep some nights. Like I've been saying...Minnow is born to be a dad.

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Did I forget to mention in the last chapter that April is a witch? I think I did. Well, APRIL IS A WITCH. She quickly gets to work on her magical abilities. It’s a shame that townie witches don’t gain magical skill autonomously. She’s basically starting from scratch. At least she has Carmella’s old crystal wand to make things move along faster (perks of marrying into an ancient dynasty family).

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April also spends a lot of time playing guitar downtown. I keep forgetting that we are allowed to make money in any way we choose in this dynasty (I’m so used to the Middlemiss Random Legacy, in which income is strictly limited to the random careers rolled for each generation). May as well make a few extra bucks while gaining some skill. (Not that there's ever anybody out at the park in Moonlight Falls. Everybody seems to hang out at the school instead. Just a weird thing I've noticed. We'll have to take April there next time.)

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Minnow continues to paint. He’s a little behind where I want him to be in terms of skill––perhaps I spent more time having him chase April than I realized. From here on out, he’ll be chained to his easel, as promised during his childhood. At least he seems to enjoy himself.

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When he’s not being a grumpy, fearful old man, Raymond is still a very loving husband to Zinnia. Now that these two have earned their respective points, they’re pretty much free to do whatever they want––which is usually romantic in nature.

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Soon they’ll be busy helping to take care of a new member of the family, though…

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Next time, we’ll say hey to Generation Seven of the Honeyhearts. See ya then!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2019, 05:25:58 PM »
Chapter 26 – Blooming

Daisy has a very normal childhood––for an Insane, Neurotic, Unlucky little girl.

She mimes being choked.

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She stares intently into the souls of precious gems.

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She participates in the zebra rodeo. (Zebrodeo?)

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And she makes friends with butterflies. (Honestly, this is kind of adorable.)

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And just like that, Daisy's childhood is over. Daisy has her teen birthday on the night of the full moon––and, of course, gets the “Lunacy” moodlet as a birthday gift from the universe. She also looks a little wild-eyed before the sparkles hit.

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Here’s Daisy as a teenager. Since she seemed so fond of her hat as a child, I decided to give her a new one for her teen years. It’s kind of the ugliest hat ever, but I think she manages to make it look cute. She’s growing up to be prettier than I expected. I was worried for her, honestly. I mean...I’m still worried about her. Care to guess which trait she rolled?

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You’ll never guess. It’s Flirty. Daisy is now an Insane, Neurotic, Unlucky Flirt. All the boys at Everglow Academy had better run and hide right now before she shows up at school tomorrow.

It’s time for another birthday. Actually, more like a day of birth.

I find April hanging out in the upstairs bedroom looking angrily at nothing. This is never a good sign.

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Then it hits her.

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“Ooooh, there it is! Oooh dear! Oooh that hurts!”

A few struggle-filled hours later, April displays the telltale rabbit face that always means the baby is coming right now I mean RIGHT NOW.

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And she gives birth to a baby girl named Fern.

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In spite of her Mean Spiritedness, April seems pretty okay with motherhood, all in all. I catch her looking at me like this more than once in the early days of Fern’s life. Like she’s saying, “You know, this isn’t so bad.”

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Cedar isn’t so sure about great-unclehood, though. Even though he’s the Family Oriented one.

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“I’m just going to sit here until she cries, and then I’m going to put her in the crib and I’m going to go elsewhere.”

Here’s a snapshot of a very normal day in the Honeyheart household. Daisy, wearing her bathing suit and sunglasses, eats very old birthday cake with the ghost of her Great-Great-Uncle Glen while her brother Minnow paints in the background. Actually, it looks like Daisy is just jamming her fork tines into her upper gumline. Ouch.

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Now that Fern is born, April and Minnow wonder if they should start working on another child. April puts in her two cents via a special serenade for her husband.

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It’s when Minnow is swooning over the serenade that I notice how SEVERELY SCREWED UP HIS MOUTH IS.

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Anyway, the two of them find themselves overwhelmed with lovey feelings as a result of April’s serenading. Uncle Cedar holds the baby while they share a romantic moment.

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“Go ahead, you kids do your thing. I’ll just sit here holding the baby until I die.”

Minnow and April are happy to oblige.

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Speaking of dying...I’m getting a little nervous for this household. We currently have three elders, all with maxed age bars. All three of them do have to die sometime. I don’t know whether it’d be worse if they all went at once or if they spread themselves out. I guess the latter would be worse, because then the mourning moodlets would last for days and days and possibly, like, an entire generation. Also three deaths in one day would be really, really epic. But do I dare hope for that?

Before any of that happens, though, it’s time for a very important birthday!

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I struggled to caption the above photo properly, so you’ll just have to enjoy it for yourself. I particularly like Daisy’s and April’s facial expressions.

Here's our Generation Seven heir! Fern turns out to be a beautiful mix of her parents, with Minnow’s hair and skin color and April’s eyes and facial structure.

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This little beauty is Disciplined and Neurotic, and her favorite things are Soul music, Mac and Cheese, and Irish Green. Next time, we'll see her take the world by storm. Stay tuned!

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2019, 02:31:30 PM »
Chapter 27 – Signs of Life

Okay, it’s been a while! But we’re back.

As I mentioned last time, we have three elders at the start of this chapter, all of whom are overdue to kick the bucket. Cedar is the first to take the fall, on a chilly evening when he’s outside playing Gnubb (one of his favorite pastimes).

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Cedar lived a good life, helping to raise a generation of Honeyhearts, keeping the family garden beautiful, and stealing a lot of cars. Go steal the cars of heaven, bud. You will be missed.

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Zinnia follows soon after, at the ripe old age of 31. I almost miss it because the camera pan glitches out halfway through, but fortunately the scary death music is loud enough to make me realize what’s happening. I get back to the house just in time to watch her beg Grim for another chance. :(

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April misses the passing of her mother-in-law due to being across town playing guitar for tips at the school, observed by a phantom pair of fairy wings. (The phantom fairy wings tip her over 50 simoleons, so that’s nice.)

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Raymond is at work and reaches level 10 just as he learns that his wife has passed away. It’s a bittersweet moment––he has achieved a lifelong dream, but no longer has his sweet Zinnia to share his happiness with.

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Farewell, darling Zinnia.  I’ll miss you laughing and pointing at every birthday party, and joining you on your peaceful days and nights fishing. Rest in peace.

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Amidst all this death, though, there are signs of life…

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Yes, April is pregnant for a second time! I don’t know how Fern feels about getting a new little sibling. I’m not even sure how she feels about the attack of the claw.

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Other signs of life: the endless stream of birthdays. Minnow becomes an Adult while playing in the sprinkler late at night.

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And Daisy becomes a young adult at last.

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Daisy acquires the Eco-Friendly trait, to be added to her Neurotic, Insane, Unlucky, and Flirty traits. She picks up the Heartbreaker LTW, because at the time I assumed it would be an easy goal to accomplish during a short lifespan. HA HA.

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I get Daisy started on her heartbreaking right away. There aren’t a whole lot of single sims in town thanks to Story Progression, but she manages to track down an elderly gentleman who’s recently been widowed and woos him with some flowers.

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Poor Armando Younan enjoys a long afternoon of romance with a charming young lady in a hat, until she rips his heart out at dusk and tells him she no longer wants to be his girlfriend. Poor guy. He could die tomorrow, and now he REALLY has no one.

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That night, Fern ages up to child with the evilest little laugh pre-sparkles.

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Despite that bad omen, she acquires the Good trait.

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April gives birth to another daughter soon after. Meet Lilac, the newest Honeyheart––and the first witch we’ve had born into the family since...Gabe? Has it really been that long?

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It’s around this time that I took a long-ish hiatus from playing the Honeyhearts. After a while (a couple months ago now), I attempted to rekindle my interest in the Honeyhearts by installing Pets, which I had never played with before. Did it work? We’ll just have to see.

At any rate, if anyone’s excited for the sudden appearance of animals in Moonlight Falls, it’s Daisy. She spots a guy acting feral outside the spa (or somewhere) and immediately goes “DOG! DOG!” and runs over to pet him. Feral guy, at least, is polite enough to let her have her fun.

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In hopes of meeting some new friends (and attracting a potential family pet), the Honeyhearts install some special gnomes on the front porch. Fern shows her support for this endeavor by doing her homework out there. Somehow I suspect that’s going to do more harm than good, Fern.

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April has her adult birthday a couple days after her husband.

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And then it’s baby Lilac’s turn. She’s another perfect blend of her parents, though I can’t help but wish she’d gotten the reverse (April’s hair and Minnow’s face, or something). It might be hard to tell her and her sister apart when they’re older. In any case, Lilac is a Slob and a Heavy Sleeper, and her favorite things are Roots music, Falafel, and Irish Green (just like her sister...therefore I'm ignoring her favorite color, thank you).

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And before long...DAISY FINDS A KITTEN. (Well, it’s possible that she purchases him from the shelter. I honestly don’t remember. What I do remember is being frustrated at the extreme lack of strays that responded to the gnome call.)

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Everyone, meet Kip. Kip is Piggy, Skittish, and Destructive, making him pretty much the perfect companion for an Unlucky, Neurotic, and Insane gal like Daisy. Look at those little demon eyes. It’s like he’s plotting to eat her or something.

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Kip’s first independent act as the official Honeyheart family pet is to tear this gnome to shreds. I think we can assume we know how he feels about the stray-attracting gnomes, too.

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Hopefully Kip will get a little less vicious once he befriends the family a little bit. Right now, he just sort of hisses a lot. But awwww, look how happy Daisy is to have a companion! I think this girl was born an animal lover, even if she doesn’t have the trait. I’m excited to see this little friendship/dictatorship evolve.

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Who’s the dictator? It’s up for debate.

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Re: The Honeyheart Short Dynasty
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2019, 01:36:38 AM »
This is a delight! I'm super invested to see how Daisy does. With that Disciplined trait, she could do another Martial Arts max? And I can't believe your luck, with TWO accidental deaths! Ugh!!! (I also can't believe your luck that Raymond actually maxed the Culinary career, congrats!) I'm really digging how the townie genetics mix.

I look forward to seeing more :)