Author Topic: Lasting Legacies: an RKC story- Chap. 1.8 10/16/19  (Read 48708 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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Lasting Legacies: an RKC story- Chap. 1.8 10/16/19
« on: September 04, 2018, 10:57:20 PM »
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Welcome to my version of a Royal Kingdom Challenge ^^ The original one was for TS2 by Enbliththefair.  I stumbled upon GymeaLillie's version for TS4 and had to try it.  However, I am doing a few things differently.  For one, I have populated all the worlds with Sims of my own creation, and have downloaded builds for all of them except the one I am playing in, which is Newcrest.  My ultimate goal for the challenge is to get 10 families to 10 generations.

I am using MCCC to keep the other families in the worlds going. More specifically, I manually choose which Sims marry into which family (since the rules are pretty strict about who can marry who).  Then I let MCCC take care of the rest.

I will be controlling 9 families (with the possibility of a tenth that could emerge later on) in Newcrest.  There is one Royal family (the Dorans), two noble families (the Rosas and Campbells), two merchant families (Abbotts and Durants), three peasant families (the Grables, Hansomes, and Lancomes), as well as those who reside in the Abbey.  I will rotate between them all.  Each family gets a week of Sim time and will swap at some point between midnight and 5 am Sunday.

For my seasons, they will be 3 weeks (thanks to LittleMsSam's mod) long so a full year is 12 weeks.  As a side note, because the played families don't age up, I have used very specific age settings in MCCC to combat the time difference. I will be manually aging up my played Sims using double what the normal age span is.

I have modified Gymealillie's rules by changing a few things.  I have also added requirements for each heir that they must meet in order to remain heir.  Also, I may bend and/or break a few too (mostly those that talk about what classes can marry) if it fits in with the story, but I will endeavor to stick as close to the rules and requirements as possible.  To view these rules and requirements, check out the link below.

Modified Royal Kingdom Challenge Ruleset here on Carls


Lasting Legacies begins in week 3 of the year 237 AE (After Empire).
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Offline Shewolf13

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Important Links and Chapters
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2018, 10:59:28 PM »
Important Links:

To Prevent a War- A One to Rule Them All Challenge is the the story of how Blakely went from being Lord Doran to King Doran.

If at any time you wish to read up on the other families you see peripherally, or you just want to take a gander at my *ahem* obsession with documentation, take a look at The Lasting Legacies section of my blog. If you'd like a summary of the current households in the rotations, go to Families of Newcrest or In Memorium. A summary of news in the other kingdoms can be found in this post: The Other Kingdoms.  You can also find some of my builds and the links to the gallery here: Buildings and House Tours.

Note: The above links are not needed to enjoy the story.  Feel free to skip them if you wish and just use the below table of contents to get to the story chapters ^^



Wk 1
Ch: 1.1
Ch: 1.2
Ch: 1.3
Ch: 1.4
Ch: 1.5
Ch: 1.6
Ch: 1.7
Ch: 1.8

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Offline Shewolf13

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The Families of Newcrest
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2018, 11:02:30 PM »
The Families of Newcrest

The current households for each family.  If you are curious about previous generations that have passed on, check out: In Memorium

Note: The linked family names take you to my blog, where some general info is located as well as where you can get more details on each individual household member (like traits).  But they are not needed in order to enjoy the story ^^ To see a summary of each family, as well as the requirements the heir has completed, check the spoilers under each family.

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Offline Shewolf13

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In Memorium
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2018, 11:05:54 PM »
In Memorium

To commemorate those who have passed beyond the Veil.







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Offline Shewolf13

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The Other Kingdoms
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2018, 11:15:23 PM »
The other kingdoms will be living their lives behind the scenes.  To see what's going on, check out the links or the small summary in the spoilers for each Kingdom.

Little bit of history:
There was once one Great Empire.  It was an amalgamation of peoples and customs.  Some of them had been added to it forcefully, others for protection from their neighbors.  After its fall several hundred years ago, it split off into several kingdoms: Newcrest, Winding Willows, Oasis Springs, Windenburg, San Myshuno, Forgotten Hallow, Bay of a Thousand Waves, Granite Falls, Magnolia Promenade, Del Sol Valley,  StrangerVille, Sulani, and Glimmerbrook.

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Note: Clicking the links will take you to my blog where there is a bit more detail about each kingdom and the families that inhabit them.  If you wish to skip them, go right ahead.  They are not needed to enjoy the story.  If you wish just to see a summary, click the spoiler under each of the kingdoms.

Winding Willow
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Oasis Springs
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San Myshuno
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Del Sol Valley
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Forgotten Hallow
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Bay of a Thousand Waves
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Offline Shewolf13

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Buildings and House Tours
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2018, 11:19:18 PM »
I built all the buildings for Newcrest myself, but for the builds in the other worlds, I downloaded from the gallery.  To see the full galleries of my own builds, as well as the links for download and for the other buildings, visit RKC Builds

If you wish to search the gallery for these builds, the hashtags #Wolfie #RKC #carlsguide should all come up.  I will include their gallery links as well, just in case. For the links to builds I've downloaded, check out the above page on my blog. 

During the Great Empire, Newcrest was a thriving province.  After the fall of the Empire, it suffered a bit from rulers that were more concerned with their own power than their people.  Then the Bulwarks came to power.  Newcrest prospered as a kingdom under their rule. Now, King Blakely Doran is the first of his line, chosen by King Darian, the last of the Bulwark line in a contest meant to prevent a civil war.
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Castle Newcrest
Home to the Bulwarks for centuries, it is now where the line of Dorans will rule.

Prima Dominus
Originally the site of the first castle, Prima Dominus was the home of the Dorans for generations.  Now, it will sit empty with its memories until another family earns their place.

Rosa Manor
A mansion built for entertaining, it suits the Rosas who have long been the diplomatic backbone of Newcrest.
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Scholarly Sway
While never the most financially well-off of the noble families, the Campbells have been known more for their scholarly pursuits and their ancestral home reflects that.

Open Living
Pierce and Krista Abbott moved to Newcrest as teenagers.  They made their name by adventuring, finding interesting tidbits, and then selling them. Though their business is a passion, it will never take the place of the thrill of adventure.
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Comfortable Abode
The Durants have owned the local inn and eatry for generations. It has allowed them to live comfortably in this spacious home.

Spooky Hallow
Originally an abandoned cottage with a haunting history, it was cleaned up a little when Makayla Grable appeared and moved in.

Farming Life
In the Hansome family for generations, this home is a modest little farm.

Fisherman's Cottage
The Lancomes are known for their catches; their home reflects their love the of the outdoors.

Newcrest Abbey
The Abbey is a place of peace and serenity, run by devout followers of the Matriarch. Those here at the Abbey are pretty self-sufficient, able to grow their own food, cook, clean, as well as being the place where many who can't afford their own crypts bury their dead.

Oak Barrel Tavern
A rustic bar where the locals go for good drink and good company.

The Bath House
Built by King Darian Bulwark's father, the Bath House is a musuem where the kingdom's treasures are kept and put on display for the enjoyment of others.

Oak Bend Swimming Hole
A good spot for fishing, a picnic, and even a rustic wedding spot for those that can't afford a wedding arch of their own, it's a good community park.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story (Under construction)
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2018, 11:21:31 PM »
Reserved, just in case.

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Offline Shewolf13

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Prologue: Winds of Change
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2018, 11:24:43 PM »
Prologue: Winds of Change

Mother Marian pulled in a deep breath.  The air held a chill to it, but Marian rather enjoyed it.  She loved the evening.  It was also her favorite time to pay her respects to the Matriarch. She had been raised at the Abbey and had always felt a connection to the Matriarch.  She approached the shrine in the chapel.  It was always so peaceful here, serene.  She felt the Matriarch was here with her at times like these.

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She knelt down before the statue, the representation of their Watcher and bowed her head.  "Our Matriarch, I appear before you this night to thank you for everything you provide."  A loud bit of wind outside rattled the window and Marian jolted.  She frowned and stood up. The winds had been unusually strong. It was rare that the wind became anything more than a light breeze, but not so the last few weeks.

It was a little disconcerting, but she trusted in the Matriarch.  She moved back to her place before the alter and knelt back down.  As she did so, all of the candles went out, plunging the room into darkness. She gasped as a light blue glow eminated from the statue of the Matriarch.

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Before her eyes, a shape shimmered into view.  It solidied and there was a woman standing there!  In a rather unusual costume, come to that.

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"Um-uh... Excuse me? Do you need something?" The Abbey was open to everyone, though Marian wasn't sure exactly what was going on.  Where had she come from?

"Hm? Oh, Marian!" The stranger greeted the Abbess with a huge smile.  "It's lovely to finally see you face to face!"

Marian was taken aback.  "I-I apologize, I-I'm afraid I don't know."

The other woman frowned, then looked down at herself.  "Oh!  Oops, I should really remember what I'm playing at any given point.  One moment."  There was another flare of light; the pirate hat and costume were gone.  In their place was a robe that looked exactly like Marian's!

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The Abbess blinked.

Her guest smiled, then looked up at the statue, pursing her lips.  "They never get the likeness quite right.  Only wished I managed to look like that, hm?"

Marian's jaw dropped.

The Matriarch- yes, the Matriarch- winked.  "Don't be alarmed, dear."

"I-I..."  Mother Marian had to pull in a breath.  "Is this a dream?"

"Of sorts. It is a way for me to communicate with you. I've come to issue a warning."

"A-a warning?  What kind of warning?"

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"Of things to come.  Please, come with me."

Marian nodded in agreement. She was quite calm for being in the presence of a deity. She blinked and they were no longer in the Abbey! She looked around wildly and then realized that the Matriarch had taken them to Oak Bend, the local swimming hole.

"It doesn't look any different than normal, does it? This is a place for families, for fun."

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Marian frowned.  "It is-"  She paused.  What did she call Her?

The Matriach grinned ruefully.  "Most call me Wolfie, if you'd like.  Or Watcher will do if you don't feel comfortable with the other."

"As you wish- Wolfie."  It felt very odd using the name, but if that's what She wanted, that's what She'd get.  "What exactly do you wish to show me?"

"You've noticed the change in weather?  The wind, the temperature slowly dropping?"

Marian's frowned deepened.  "I- yes, I have."

Wolfie sighed.  "Yes. For so long, your world here has been almost a paradise.  There's been a perpetual summer with beautiful days, cooler nights. That will soon be coming to an end."


The image of the park wavered around them.  The trees were bare of their leaves; they were scattered on the ground.  Marian could feel the sharp wind cutting through her.  It sent a shiver down her spine.  Wolfie had wandered to the edge of the watering hole, looking around. She turned to look at Marian.  "It will only get worse from here.  The temperature will drop sharply, even more than it is now.  Rain and storms begin."

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"What's more, temperatures can rise, into dangerous levels. But the most dangerous will be yet to come."

The air around Marian shimmered again and then bitterly cold air drove the breath from her.  White flakes swirled around her and the ground was covered in a thick white blanket.  A thick sheet of ice, something that Marian had only ever heard of in stories, covered the swimming hole.

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Marian's teeth chattered a little.  Wolfie didn't seem affected, though Marian wasn't sure if that's because She was unaffected by cold, or if it was because this was all her own dream.

"Is this- snow?"

Wolfie nodded.  "Yes. The land will be blanketed in it during certain portions of the year."

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"What-what can we do? Can you stop it?"

Wolfie's face was a study in frustration.  "No, I'm afraid I cannot.  This is beyond even me right now.  However, there are things that can be done. Proper attire will have to be worn, you Sims will have to learn when to use protective items.  Overheating in the sun will be a problem.  Freezing here in the winter is a real possibility if the right precautions are not taken.  What's more, crops will be affected by these changing seasons. In order to ensure that no one starves, the King will have to take precautions.  Announcements will have to be made.  You will have to tell the King what is to come."


"Yes.  You've always had faith in me.  It's why I chose you."

"You want me to go to King Doran? To tell him?"

"I do. Blakely is a stubborn Sim, but he respects you, your faith.  I would also suggest talking to Lady Campbell. I believe she has noticed some of the changes, as well. Together, you can convince the King. When it comes down to it, he will do what needs to be done for those he's sworn to protect."

"I knew him.  His mother and father would bring him to the Abbey sometimes. He's a good man."

"He is. I will always be watching over everyone, but it will be up to you and the King to help spread the word.  Can you do this?"

"Of course.  Of course.  I will do all I can."

"I'm counting on you. You've never failed me Marian.  I wish you the very best of luck.  And never doubt that I'm there, watching over you." 

A bring light flashed. Marian closed her eyes.  When she opened them again, she found herself back in the Abbey, in front of the alter. 

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There was a whisper in her mind, "I will give you as much time as possible before winter arrives. But remember, spring and summer hold their own danger. Good luck, Marian."

The Abbess swallowed.  She jerked her head up, her mouth a determined line.  Well, her Watcher had asked something directly of her.  She wouldn't fail.  She would convince King Blakely.  She had.  She looked at the likeness (actually, Wolfie was right, it wasn't a very good likeness) of the Matriarch and nodded her head.  It was too late to try to make a call on anyone. But first thing tomorrow, she would be making a few calls.

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story Prologue is up! 9/4/18
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2018, 12:58:40 AM »
What an interesting challenge! Good luck to all your families. And I have to say, I approve of the name you gave your abbess.
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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story Prologue is up! 9/4/18
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2018, 02:12:09 PM »
Ahhh, the Matriarch herself arrives to herald the arrival of seasons.
Make sure the Abbess warns King Hotness to disable thunderstorms, hehe. Or maybe you are one of the mysterious breed of simmers who enjoy inclement weather. ;D
The preparation for this challenge has me reeling.
Looking forward to reading as it all unfolds.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story Prologue is up! 9/4/18
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2018, 08:46:16 PM »
What an interesting challenge! Good luck to all your families. And I have to say, I approve of the name you gave your abbess.


Thank you very much ^^ I'm looking forward to sharing their adventures.  Hehehehe, it's a lovely name, after all.  I hope the character herself meets your expectations and lives up to the name.

Ahhh, the Matriarch herself arrives to herald the arrival of seasons.
Make sure the Abbess warns King Hotness to disable thunderstorms, hehe. Or maybe you are one of the mysterious breed of simmers who enjoy inclement weather. ;D
The preparation for this challenge has me reeling.
Looking forward to reading as it all unfolds.

Indeed, she has! I am so glad I wasn't taking a drink when I read your comment XD I laughed way too hard at your King Hotness comment.  Way too hard XD I haven't disabled anything quite yet.  I'm interested to see how it goes.  I mean, I've heard there's different weather in each world, so want to see if I have the same issues others have been having.  Since it's in Newcrest, figured it might be different.  Who knows... might end up using MCCC a lot here XD

Yeah... I'm insane.  I know this XD But now that's it underway, it's a lot of fun.  And it's fun seeing how each Sim is so different. Also a lot of fun to write, really.

Thanks for commenting and reading. First chapter incoming!

Offline Shewolf13

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1.1: Wheels in Motion
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2018, 08:49:47 PM »
1.1: Wheels in Motion

"Mother, you were up quite early this morning.  Earlier than usual even."  Brother Randall looked at his Abbess across the chess board, his eyes inquisitive.

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Marian pursed her lips.  "Perhaps I was. I needed to collect the honey from the bees before I went on my errands."

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"I could have done that," Randall offered.

Marian let out an undignified snicker.  "You?  Randall, remember what happened last time?"

He grimaced.  "Hm... you have a point."  It certainly hadn't gone well.  While Marian could coax the bees into giving up their honey, Randall was not quite so lucky.  "Even with the suit, I managed to get welts from their stings..."

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Marian nodded.  "Yes, exactly. They can sense your fear."

Randall's expression would have been withering if he hadn't been struggling not to laugh.  "They probably can at that."  He laughed at himself.  "What can I say?  I love their honey.  Them?  Not so much."

"Everyone serves their purpose to our Watcher, including the bees," Marian reminded him.  Her brow furrowed.

"Are you worried? About your- vision?" Though he was a believer, his faith tended to be more in Marian and those around him than in the Matriarch. So Marian's vision-dream had been a bit to swallow.

"I suppose I am.  More in that I need to convince the King.  I know him to be a reasonable man, even a man of faith, but he's also a man of the world."

"Are you going to enlist Lady Campbell's aide in convincing him?"

"I wasn't entirely sure I was.  I know of her, but had never had the pleasure.  But I think it is my best course of action."

"So you plan on paying a call to her now then?  Which is why you were up earlier than usual."

Marian nodded.  "Yes, exactly."

"Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, with me gone, someone will have to watch over the Abbey."

"Of course."

Marian stood up.  "We'll have to finish our game later on this evening."


Marian stood on the street, a cold breeze sending a shiver through her.  The house before her was impressive by her standards, though the Abbess knew it wasn't the grandest in Newcrest. She looked around for a moment, then let out a soft breath before she strode up the walkway.

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She rapped her knuckles gently on the door and then waited a moment.  It wasn't long before she could hear the faint echoes of footfalls and then the door opened.  A rather handsome man opened the door.  "Ah, you must be Mother Marian.  Please, come in."  He stepped back to let her in, bowing a little. They stood in the tastefully decorated dining room.

"Lord Campbell.  I apologize for disturbing you so early," Marian murmured.  She had heard much of the new Lord Campbell. It was hard to tell what was true and what wasn't, though she could believe that he was a far better man than his father.  Lord Villareal was well known to most, even here in Newcrest.

Gunner shook his head.  "No apologies necessary, Mother." Though his eyes sparkled a bit, he used her title without a hitch.  "To be honest, Beatrice and I are often up early because of the twins."

"Oh yes, that's right! Congratulations. Twins are a blessing."

Gunner snorted.  Marian frowned.  "Oh, don't misunderstand me, Chase and Zuri are a light.  But two at once runs us a bit ragged. They insist on opposite schedules, it seems."

Marian's cheeks flushed.  "I apologize. I can only imagine how challenging it must be."


"Your appointment is here, Triss!" he called out.  Marian's estimation of him went up.  The way he spoke his wife's name and the look in his eyes as she came into the room was enough to tell Marian what she needed to know.

Beatrice approached Marian and curtsied.  "Welcome to our home, Mother. Your message sounded urgent.  Please, follow me."  She looked at Gunner, who nodded.

"Please, join me in the study.  We'll be undisturbed there."

Marian followed after her hostess. Once the study door closed, Marian let out an explosion of breath.  "I don't wish to keep you long.  But what I have to discuss is imperative."

"So I gathered from your message. What can I help you with?"

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Marian clasped her arms in front of her, too keyed up to sit down.  "I need to gain an audience with the King and I need your help in convincing him of something."

Beatrice arched a brow, and except for a slight narrowing of her eyes, her expression changed little.  "Convince him of what, exactly?"

"That Newcrest- and the world- will experience a change in weather, the likes of which have never been seen in our world before."

Beatrice's eyes widened.

Marian winced.  "I-I do realize that one such as yourself needs more proof-"

Beatrice waved a hand.  "I've been noticing a shift in the weather for some weeks now.  Tell me, how do you know?"

"The Matriarch visited me in a dream." 

Beatrice was silent for a time.  "It is no secret that I am not a devout follower.  But I am well aware of you, Mother, and of your absolute faith.  I believe you."


"Yes.  Truly."

Marian had to hold in the sigh of relief.  There wasn't time for relief.  She still wasn't sure how much time they had.  The weather had already been colder than she could ever remember before.  "The Matriarch showed me visions.  Visions of heat and rain.  But what worries me more is the visions of snow and cold."

"Snow?" Marian could see the wheels turning in the other woman's head.  "That could prove disasterous. Yes, the King must be told, as well as the rest of the citizens. I will message the King now."

Marian was a bit taken aback at how quickly it was all moving. "A-are you certain?"

"Of course. The King must be told. And we must take steps while we can.  Do you know how much time we have?"

"No.  That I don't know."

"Well, no matter.  We'll have to do what we can as quickly as possible."


While Mother Marian met with Lady Campbell, Randall was up to his elbows in laundry.  "This is what I get for waiting so long," he grumbled as he scrubbed a piece of clothing over the board. At least the courtyard was sheltered so the chill wasn't as bad as it could be. 

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Of course, he kept eyeing the bee boxes in either corner with a hint of trepidation. He finished as quickly as he could and took the finished load of clothes out to the clotheslines.

He wiped the back of his hand over his forehead.  That was one chore out of the way, at least.  He knew there was a toilet that needed some fixing, too. Pushing his sleeves up, he took care of that as well.

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Intending to clean up, he stopped when he heard the dull thunk of the massive knocker that hung on the front door.  Frowning, he went to answer it.  The Abbey was open to all.  It was unusual for anyone to knock.

"Oh, Ms. Grable." His palms went damp as he stared at the beautiful woman that stood on the threshold.

"Brother Randall." She smiled at him. "I thought I asked you to call me Makayla."

"Oh, right.  Of course.  My apologies.  Old habits." He realized he was keeping her outside and he cleared his throat.  "Please, come in."  He stepped aside and Makayla followed after him. She sat down on one of the pews and looked at him expectantly. His hands still damp, he sat down next to her.

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"Is there something I can do for you?" He couldn't take the silence.  Normally, Randall enjoyed the silence.  It was peaceful.  But he felt so awkward with Makayla.  Since she had moved into the old cottage across the road, he found himself more tongue-tied than ever. And it was hard to remember sometimes that he was a man of faith.  He had sworn himself in service to the Abbey.  So why when he looked at her did he have other thoughts?


"Oh, I'm sorry.  Could you repeat that?" He could feel his cheeks heating up and had to repress the urge to get up and bang his head on the nearest wall.

She laughed.  "I came over to see how you and Marian were. Or if either of you needed any help.  I know it isn't easy to maintain this place all on your own."

"Oh, thank you.  We're fine for now.  It was kind of you to offer.  How are you settling in?"

"Pretty well.  It's been an adventure."

"That's good."  A silence descended once more, with Randall having absolutely nothing in his head.

After a little while, Makayla stood up.  Randall hurried to stand with her and almost tripped over himself. He could hear the light laugh and grimaced.  Then he felt a hand on his shoulder.  He looked at Makayla.  "I'll see myself out. Randall, don't be a stranger."  With that she walked to the door.  Before she opened it, brought a hand to her lips, kissed it and then blew it toward him!

He could only stare after her, dumbfounded. When the door closed after her, he jumped and then groaned.  She must think him a fool, an utter fool. It was just as well.  So why couldn't he get her out of his head?


Marian sat at the table, holding in a yawn. She looked down at her plate of food.  She needed to eat, but it had been a long night.  She heard a door open and Randall padded out, yawning.  "Oh, Marian!" He frowned.  "You look exhausted."

She grimaced. "Yes, I know."

Rather than feel chagrined, he grinned at her.  "How did your meetings go? Did you see the King?"

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"I did. Lady Campbell was as good as her word and she sent her message.  The King replied quickly and we were told he would see us."  It was hard to describe, really.  Castle Newcrest had always been an imposing structure.

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"When Lady Campbell and I arrived, we were shown up to the Royal Chambers, of all places!" Randall arched a brow, but said nothing.  He didn't think he'd ever heard Marian sound so impressed.

When she didn't continue, he said, "Well?  Did you see the King?"

"Oh!" A faint tinge of color stained her cheeks as she cleared her throat.  "Yes, yes we did." She knew had known Blakely Doran for years.  He and his family had always been generous to the Abbey. But she hadn't seen him in some time, not since he had returned from his training.  "I was quite impressed with how well being King suits him."

Randall looked at her askance.

"I mean, he listened as Lady Campbell laid out her own observations and then listened to me with equal gravity.  There was no disbelief and he knew exactly what questions to ask."

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"That's promising.  What will be done?"

"He's issuing a proclamation to the Kingdom.  He, too, as felt the change in the weather.  He's asked that if our people should need it, if the Abbey could help with putting those up in winter time, when the snows come.  I told him, of course.  He will make sure the farmers have the seeds they need to plant and if they need assistance, the crown will help."

"That's good news, indeed!  It seems King Bulwark knew what he was doing."

"Of course he did. And though he has handed the throne over, I do believe he is still in an advisory position."

"It makes sense."

The two sat there, contemplating it all for a moment.  Then Marian stood up.  "I should see to the garden.  We will have to keep up if we're going to help those that may need it in the coming weeks and months."

Randall nodded. "I'll see to some of the old rooms here." It had been the two of them since the previous Abbess had passed on. Marian had her room, the room she'd inherited from Mother Sarah and Randall had his. The rest were unoccupied and hadn't seen use in many many years.

The two separated to go about their duties. Marian went to the small garden in the courtyard.  As she contemplated it and watered a few of the plants, she wondered if they would have to expand it, perhaps move it to actual yard.  It might be necessary to help feed others if it came to that.

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Randall did a pass through the rooms.  Most were in good order, though they'd need a thorough cleaning before they could hope to have anyone inhabit them. But there were a few things that needed fixing or downright replacing.  With determination, he went down to the basement where he kept his workbench.  He selected some pieces from his scrap pile and got to work.

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That night, Marian approached the shrine as she did every night before she retired.  "The wheels are in motion," she murmured.  "I have done what you asked.  And I will keep Watch, for you."

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She bowed her head. Now, it was all up to the King, to the elements, and to each of them to look out for those in their Kingdom.


Other Kingdom News

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Author's Note: Let me know what you think of the above way of sharing what happens in the other kingdom. I found a fun template for PowerPoint that gives a newspaper effect. If you aren't a fan, let me know that too! I will try to do an update after each week, but if nothing happens, I'll wait until the next one.  On to the new King's first week!

Offline wa-wa-world

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story Chap. 1.1 9/9/18
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2018, 09:19:51 PM »
I love the little newspaper things! I think they're a neat way of getting info across great idea!

I definitely ship Randall with the witch and I love how you've built the Campbells house that tudor wallpaper is perfect lol
Gallery Id: Soda_Stealer

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story Chap. 1.1 9/9/18
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2018, 12:58:58 AM »
The newspaper images are a fantastic touch!
Is Brother Randall sworn to celibacy or does he (hopefully) belong to an order that allows marriage?
What is Brother Randall's role in the Abbey?  (Is Makayla related to Adisa?)

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC Story Chap. 1.1 9/9/18
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2018, 03:01:35 AM »
I love the little newspaper things! I think they're a neat way of getting info across great idea!

I definitely ship Randall with the witch and I love how you've built the Campbells house that tudor wallpaper is perfect lol


Thanks!  Glad you like them.  They're fun to make.  Hehehe, yeah, Randall and the witch could be fun.  We'll see how things go ;) I had fun building the Campbell's house.

The newspaper images are a fantastic touch!
Is Brother Randall sworn to celibacy or does he (hopefully) belong to an order that allows marriage?
What is Brother Randall's role in the Abbey?  (Is Makayla related to Adisa?)


Thanks!  So glad you like them ^^ They aren't too bad to make either, and they're kinda fun.  Well, technically, nothing against marriage for their order, though because she's the heir to her family, the rules state she can't leave her home, so he'll have to move should they get married. Randall is a bit of a handiman, and general helper to Mother Marian. The Abbey is all he's known, so it was always assumed he'd just remain, so marriage hasn't necessarily entered his mind.  But you'll see how his story unfolds later on ^^

And no, Makayla isn't related to Adisa at all.  She IS from Oasis Springs, technically, but was an orphan and wanted a fresh start, so came to Newcrest.

Doran update incoming!