Chapter 36 – Grandfathers and Gran Parties
Things are progressing rapidly between Granville and Randi. They came away from Gran’s secret teen bash as best friends, and the next day, Randi decides to come home with him after school.
As soon as they walk through the front door, Randi offers Gran a bouquet of flowers. (At this point she still has a boyfriend, mind you.) How bold! How very modern! (I've been watching too much Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.)
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Gran uses this opportunity to broach the subject of Randi’s boyfriend, Abdul. Turns out, Randi’s not actually that into him. She agrees to break up with him. (It probably helps that she’s evil.)
Gran then pops the question. The teen version of the question, that is.
“Hey, so, prom starts in an hour. Want to go with me?”
Randi says yes, but unfortunately has to run off home before the limo arrives to take them across the street (and before I can snap any more pictures). Gran sits in the limosine alone, looking fly but lonely.
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Granville has pretty much the best prom posible in The Sims 3. Randi asks him to go steady, and then the two of them share their first kiss. He’s also crowned Prom King, and he and Randi are considered the “dynamic duo” of the dance. I’m glad somebody’s finally having a good prom!
Gran and Randi (that makes “Grandi” an obvious ship name) have some good times together as boyfriend and girlfriend. Randi works in the graveyard at night (where else?), so she doesn’t have a lot of free time, but on her free afternoons she likes to come over and lose to Granville at chess. (Notice Llewellyn being grumpy outside the window. *sigh* )
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Bao has his first haunting. I don’t even hear the creepy ghost music initially––I just happen upon him calmly meditating right next to his grave. Ah, Bao, I miss you.
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A couple days later is Trixiebelle’s birthday. She ages up after taking a nap on the butler’s bed.
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Here’s teen Trixiebelle. She rolls the Brave trait to go with her Loner, Easily Impressed, and Inappropriate traits. She’s got an interesting personality, this girl, and I’m curious to see what wishes she rolls as she grows up. (One of her first as a teen is to skinny dip with her grandfather…but let’s not talk about that.)
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Poor Llewellyn is both depressed and bored since losing his wife. He only works about 12 hours a week now that he’s at the top of his career, so he has a lot of time to kill. I take this opportunity to see what Pinky is up to. One afternoon, Llewellyn goes over to visit his youngest daughter, who has been married for a while and has just given birth to a boy named Donnie. Llewellyn is only too happy to brag about his other grandchildren (“Yes, see, Granville here is the HEIR, so he’s VERY special”) while Julio, Pinky’s husband, takes care of baby Donnie. Hi, Pinky! Glad you’re doing well!
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Trixie struggles to find romance or friendship as a teen. The first friend that Trixie makes in school is Francine Broke (whom we met briefly at Gran’s party). The two of them seem to get along well––Francine’s insane trait combined with Trixie’s inappropriate trait means that they have a particular kind of weirdness together that I like. And with Trixie’s inappropriate trait…
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…boundaries can be crossed that couldn’t be otherwise. Francine rejects the kiss, of course––she has a boyfriend and has only just met Trixie anyway. Even though further research through MC confirms that Francine and Trixie both prefer females (which may or may not be a result of Trixie’s attempted kiss), Francine ages up that very evening and soon has a child with her boyfriend. I was hoping for a romance between Francine and Trixie, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be.
Trixie rolls a wish to learn the Athletic skill soon after this. Some time on the treadmill trims her down nicely, though her weight fluctuates a bit through her teen years (mostly because I don’t always remember to have her work out). With that Brave trait, I wouldn’t be surprised if Trixie ends up in a career that requires Athletic skill. And it’s nice to see her taking good care of herself, too.
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A day or two later…the long-awaited departure.
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Llewellyn passes away at the age of 99 while asking his grandson about his day. Gran is so upset, he accidentally gets his hands stuck in his grandfather’s ghost abdomen.
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Llewellyn is ready and shakes hands peaceably with death. Honestly, I think he was ready to go as soon as Elaine died, but it wasn’t yet his time. Now he’s lived a good long life and deserves a restful afterlife.
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RIP, Llewellyn! You were the cheeriest grumpy sim I’ve ever known, the best cook, the most loving father and husband, and possessor of the cutest cheeks of all time. You were also the last Imaginary Friend this legacy will see, after two generations before you. You were the bridge between Twinbrook and Riverview, the link between the sundered halves of the Middlemiss legacy. You were one of my absolute favorite Sims to play. I shall miss you. Come back to haunt us, okay?
(Side note: Up until Llewellyn was about 90, I was dreading his death. He’s become one of my favorite sims ever, for reasons I can't entirely explain. I was reading back through old chapters of this legacy recently, and I actually teared up when I got to Llewellyn as a toddler. He was just so darn cute, from start to finish! Anyway, it was defintely his time to go, so it's more sweet than bitter now. But we may be seeing Llewellyn again one day, in some way or another. I don’t think I could bear this being the last we ever see of him.)
Another ghost appears mere seconds after Llewellyn takes the dive into his urn––Bao! He shows up just in time to comfort his wife over yet another bereavement. What a sweetheart.
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And now our household has shrunk to the smallest it’s been in…well, ever? Possibly? Since Generation One? I’m not entirely sure. But this big house feels pretty empty with only three people in it.
So what’s the solution? A massive party! Gran’s young adult birthday party, to be exact.
Gran starts preparing by mixing some party drinks and cooking up some tofu dogs. He’s getting rather good at both mixology and cooking (not to mention logic).
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I’ve been doing some renovations to the house, yet again. Honestly, I’m getting quite restless in this house…but since moving isn’t really an option at this moment in time (maybe next generation), I go for some renovations instead. Gran’s party room has already undergone a couple of makeovers. I think I’m finally happy with this one (I combined it with the old nursery to create more space).
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We get to see some familiar faces at the party, as always. Ludwig is still rocking that pink tux and that horrific ponytail.
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Pinky has somehow acquired an upright bass (and has also aged up with an ugly ponytail). She delights everyone with some very enthusiastic bass playing.
"Yay! I don't know what I'm doing! Yay!!"
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Even Llewellyn comes back for the party! Well, for the trampoline, that is. He spends the whole night out there, doing backflips with the paparazzi lady.
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A nice crowd gathers for the cake. There’s Randi on the far left; and Trixiebelle laughing at her brother as usual; and the girl in the lime green hoodie is cousin Darla, Ludwig’s daughter, who’s grown up to be very pretty (and has inherited Elaine’s hair color!).
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Here we go…
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Once he he ages up, Gran doesn’t go straight for the mirror. He looks around the room and notices that Randi has disappeared. She must have slipped out amid the clamoring for cake. He finds her out by the trampoline, under the stars, scratching her neck and looking impatient.
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“Took you long enough,” she says.
“I came as fast as I could!” says Gran. “Jeez, you’re a tough woman to please.”
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“And that’s the way it should be. Say, do you have a unibrow? Gross.”
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“Uh, thanks. At least I HAVE eyebrows. Did you draw yours on with a micro pen?”
“Ignoring that…were you going to ask me something, or what?”
Granville does ask Randi to move in. She says yes.
Randi jabs him in the ribs before they head inside. “Are you sure that’s everything you wanted to talk about, Unibrow?”
Here is Granville, our sixth generation heir, after a haircut and some magic mustache-growing tonic. His final traits are Evil, Genius, Party Animal, Eco-Friendly, and Childish. His LTW is to become a World-Renowned Surgeon.
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And here is Randi. She’s going for a 1920s vaudevillain vibe. Her traits are Evil, Genius, Excitable, Loser, and Savvy Sculptor. That last trait is going to be utterly useless, but that’s okay. At least she has an option for a hobby. Her LTW is to become an Empress of Evil, which I would LOVE to indulge for her…if only this generation’s rolls allowed it.
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Speaking of which, here are our Generation Six rolls:
Family Structure – Mixed Couple (regular couple, but children must be a mix of biological and adopted)
No. of Children – 4
Income – Medical / Private Investigator
Generational Goal – Hobby, or Obession? (pick a non-money-making hobby for your heir based on their traits/personality)
Misc. Fun – Identity Crisis (your heir must have a trait that conflicts with their career roll)
So! Gran and Randi, once they get around to marrying each other, will have four children, a mix of biological and adopted. (It’ll be interesting to try and come up with a motivation for two Evil sims to adopt.) Gran will work in the Medical career (in contrast with his Evil trait, which fulfills the Identity Crisis roll). Randi will be a Private Investigator. And Gran’s hobby? Throwing parties. What else? And mixology, as a part of that.
It’s going to be a wild ride. Stay tuned for the official start of Generation Six!