Unflirty is good. It will keep him from causing trouble with future dynasty spouses.
True. I've already started having minor problems with his wife and Jake

Elixirs and EctoplasmJafar graduated as valedictorian and Most Likely to Take Over the World but was too busy working on his alchemy to attend the ceremony.
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Once the stir-craziness set in, he went into town with a rucksack full of elixirs…
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…and achieved his lifetime wish (irritatingly, having forgotten to dose himself with Wish Enhancing Serum first). On the way home he called in to visit Juliet Verona, because I'd just noticed that her portrait in Jasmine's relationship panel was now grey-haired.
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Jafar chucked a Potent Jar of Friendship at her feet and invited her over. Despite his parents dancing embarrassingly in the corner, she agreed to move in.
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Then Jafar retreated to his alchemy room, leaving Juliet alone with said embarrassing parents, apart from when he popped back out with a Fountain of Youth elixir for her and Vials of Bliss all round, thereby finishing off the elixir-throwing challenge. A couple of days later, he'd supermaxed alchemy, and, with perfect timing, maxed the alchemist career almost immediately afterwards.
He was still short of wishes and challenges, so went off to the science lab to register as a ghost hunter. Thanks to a liquid job booster, he reached level 10 simply by reading logic books in the library. He got home just in time to intercept the paper boy for some tutoring – probably much needed since the poor things don't seem to have any family to help them with their school work

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After a quick snack, he went off to start catching spirits. After all, that was supposed to be his job.
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He slept late and was just up in time to be summoned to the town hall for a presentation (oddly, it was the Paranormal Memento rather than the key to the city, which he didn't get until a few days later).
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Rather sweetly, his brother and sister were both at the ceremony, even though hardly anyone else bothered to turn up. Jadis may have regretted that decision – after a quick 'hello', Jafar decided that what she really needed was some skill tutoring.
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He returned home to find that Juliet was also there, for once (with her political career and the various skills she was learning, she was out of the house nearly as much as he was). As the hopeless romantic of the family, she initiated a romantic interlude, which culminated in Jafar getting over his unflirtiness enough to propose.
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Then he was off again – the paperboy had become a teenager and so was eligible for more tutoring. Juliet shrugged and spent most of the rest of the day in front of the mirror and dresser, sorting out a new hairstyle and outfit, which Jafar probably wouldn't even notice

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And, of course, if the old paperboy was now a teen, that meant there must be a new child delivering the papers. Jafar lay in wait and went into tutoring mode again.
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That was enough to finish off Teacher Extraordinaire, no doubt to the great relief of the child NPC population of Barnacle Bay. Jafar went off in search of assorted adult friends and acquaintances, so that he could tutor the heck out of them instead. When it was too late to visit anyone else, he returned home – and the aliens appeared again

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Fortunately, there were no lasting consequences of the abduction. A wedding with a pregnant bridegroom just isn't right

Oh yes, the wedding. Despite his unromantic nature, Jafar obligingly rolled a wish to marry Juliet, which meant that I could save the logic wishes for someone else.
Unlike his parents' wedding, the day was far from being a resounding success. It took about a dozen attempts to get them both to the wedding arch and almost all of the guests had given up and gone home by the time the vows were exchanged. Most of the rest had discovered the water slide and changed into swimwear. Dude, bless him, was in the front row smiling through his sobs yet again.
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Even the groom's mother wandered off in mid-ceremony (although that was largely my fault for forgetting it was one of her work days. She quit her job soon after this, to avoid further social embarrassments and to prevent her from jeopardising future heirs' best friends. Although she hasn't learnt charisma, Jasmine makes friends entirely too easily.)
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At last, Jafar and Juliet were safely married. While the wedding paraphernalia was being cleared away, Jafar took his bride over to a quiet corner of the lot and tutored her in logic. Every girl's dream honeymoon

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While I was in build/buy mode, I decided it was time for a rebuild. The Lyffe-Staites were pretty well-heeled by now and the little starter home, despite several extensions, wasn't really adequate any more.
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A small Djinn Palace appeared at the back of the lot, for Jasmine and Jake to retire to…
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…with a museum basement to replace the old temporary one.
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(And I discovered that I had accidentally placed eight pieces of street art in there, not seven, so one was deleted.)
The family home was replaced with a gingerbread house (identical to Holly's on the outside, although rather different inside), which seemed appropriately fairytale-ish.
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Not that Jafar was quite ready to have his own family yet. He still needed one more skill challenge. I considered collecting but eventually decided that stargazing made more sense.
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I came to regret that: more than any of my previous Sims, Jafar spent inordinate amounts of time admiring his previous discoveries instead of making new ones. And, of course, telescopes attract aliens. Sorry, Jasmine

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Several days later than I'd expected, Jafar discovered his twentieth celestial body and completed his requirements.
JafarLife state: witch
Traits: eccentric, genius, light sleeper, perceptive, unflirty
Lifetime wish: Alchemy Artisan
Spouse: Juliet Verona (werewolf)
Toddler requirements: best friends with both parents, reached level 3 in two skills (xylophone, writing books)
Child requirements: on honour roll, one opportunity completed (Quest for the Lead)
Teen requirements: on honour roll, reached level 3 in mausoleum clerk part-time job, had a romantic interest (Jill Simons)
Occult best friend: Coral Goldbeard (werewolf)
Two career rewards: Spooky Trophy, Ghost Hunter's Paranormal Medal
Three unique opportunities: Puzzle Panic, Logic 101, Taking Down Sinclair
Four unique Lifetime Happiness Rewards: Flying Vacuum, Magic Hands, Moodlet Manager, Motive Mobile
Five unique 5000+ point wishes: Master Alchemy Skill, Reach Level 10 of Alchemist Career, Reach Level 10 of Ghost Hunter Career, Donate 100 Spirits to Science, Marry Juliet
Six unique skill challenges: Master Alchemist, Alchemists Anonymous, Excellent Elixirs, Teacher Extraordinaire, Skill Professor, Celestial Explorer
Seven items for museum: elixirs
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Note 1: I always intended all of Jasmine's descendants to have names beginning with a J but it's a complete coincidence that both spouses and Jafar's teen romantic interest also have J names. I don't intend this to be an additional requirement for future Lyffe-Staites

Note 2: the pink scalloped roof tiles are by Amarysauce, from Mod the Sims.