From: Maester Qyburn, Drifter Board of Directors, No Sim Left Behind
To: Margaery Tyrell
Re: Drifter House 007 – Days 6-8The program will be the same for the next three days.
At 6PM, you will leave on a scored date with the designated sim. You will return at 10PM.
At 12AM, everyone will go to sleep.
Day 6: Addam Marbrand
Day 7: Roose Bolton
Day 8: Sansa Stark
Journal entry, Margaery TyrellThis has been the strangest day EVER.
The date with Addam started off fine. We were in Windenburg and it was just a club and we were sitting and chatting and flirting and dancing.
“It’s just a date,” he kept on saying. “No pressure, okay?”
I don’t think he was expecting it when I pushed him into the closet to woohoo. I certainly wasn’t.
I also wasn’t expecting to see Grandma Cersei undead and doing the Macarena on the dance floor either.
She knew what Addam and I had been doing. So did Aunt Nylah and Aunt Sarella.
I was feeling kind of weird about the whole thing and then I remembered something Garlan had told me about Aunt Sarella when we were kids, about what she really did for a living. I pulled her aside and asked if we could talk.
Communique from Control to Sarella Waters:
Chemical analysis report: attached
Steps have been taken. Drifter Subject 007 has a level 8 clearance and may be briefed accordingly.
Phone conversation between Sarella Waters and Margaery TyrellMargaery: I don’t understand. What do you mean "they’re just multivitamins?"
Sarella: You were very lucky. You were all in the control group.
Margaery: Are you sure? I am flirty like all of the time. I keep having these impul—
Sarella: We checked and double checked. There was another drifter in this Maester Qyburn’s experimental group. You were all given a placebo.
Margaery: It was all me? Oh my gods, what does that say about me?
Sarella: It wasn’t just you. Everyone in the household was taking the supplements. I’m not saying that there wasn’t some psychological manipulation going on. You’re living on a lot with the romantic trait. And you were given license by an authority figure to gratify any whims you had. It was packaged as being like The Bachelorette. Also, you’re a healthy young woman with the flirty trait.
Margaery: …
Sarella: As your friend Addam told you, everyone knew what they were getting into.
Margaery: What happened to Qyburn?
Sarella: All taken care of.
Margaery: If he’s still out there.
Sarella: He’s taken care of [long pause]
Margaery. Oh. OH. [long pause] But how does this explain me having closet woohoo with Addam? I don’t even like him that much.
Sarella: He’s a nice man that you really like as a person? You’re both unattached? Look, there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with dating before marriage. Most people just do it one sim at a time rather than concurrently.
Margaery: ….
Sarella: It’s going to take some time to process everything.
From: Kevan Hecking, Drifter Project, No Sim Left Behind
To: Margaery Tyrell
Re: Drifter House 007 – where we areI wanted to follow up to the phone call we had. If you want to pull out, we totally understand. If you want to continue on, we’d love to work with you.
To give you an idea of what’s ahead should you decide to stay in the project, you would complete the dates and after selecting the person you want as a partner, as with the other houses, the two of you would move to a lot, fulfill some house requirements, and complete the soulmate aspiration, also raising an heir to young adulthood.
Just let us know what you want to do.
Journal entry, Margaery TyrellI talked to Mum and Dad. I even talked to Garlan. He’s evil, but he’s my brother and we care about each other and I thought he might bring some much needed perspective.
Kevan called everyone beforehand so we had a frank discussion after at the house. Sansa had her arms crossed most of the time. Roose didn’t see what the big deal was. Addam thought it was funny.
Garlan just watched all of us. Afterward, he said to me privately, “I have no idea why you want to stay in this thing, but if you need to pick someone, do not pick Addam. He’s not someone you can depend on.”
“What about Roose?”
“Well, he’s evil, but so am I and I’ve survived without killing anyone. Look, don’t just go on these last two dates to have a good time. Talk to each of them. Really talk.”