Author Topic: Legacies of the Valley (March 9 -- Sheil) Graveyard  (Read 88640 times)

Offline MarianT

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Re: Legacies of the Valley (June 30 -- Valerie)
« Reply #30 on: July 02, 2018, 08:24:14 AM »
The Watcher's Diary -- Summer, Year of the Penguin

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Legacies of the Valley (June 30 -- Valerie)
« Reply #31 on: July 02, 2018, 01:03:06 PM »
Chapter 15

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Kathy was artistic and a perfectionist, which is why her paintings always turned out so well. And as a perfectionist, she naturally wanted her wedding to be flawless.

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For starters, that meant no dogs. "We really do love you, Teeny," Brian explained to their puppy. "And we'll only be gone for a couple of hours. You do understand, don't you?"

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Kathy went rummaging through the attic decoration box, looking for the perfect banners. "I want something springlike," she said, "not your typical Love Day stuff."

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At the church, she explained her plans to Brian. "We'll use the processional by Purcell -- that's if the organist can play it. I'm still looking for someone other than the guy who plays "Charge!" at the Llama games. Your parents will sit on the left side and mine on the right -- or is it the other way round? Anyway, afterwards we'll go into the garden and have champagne and cake."

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The big day arrived, and the house looked festive. The church wasn't available, but luckily there had been a cancellation at Myshuno Meadows.

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That was too far away for the caterer, though, so Kathy ended up making her own wedding cake. She didn't have enough experience for a three-layer one, so it was fairly small.

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But that was all right, because only her parents and Brian's and their friend Cody Mullner were able to come to San Myshuno. "Why isn't she wearing her wedding dress?" her mother whispered to her father.

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"Hush, she looks beautiful," Dr. Harvey whispered back. "But I still wish this Brian fellow had a job."
"He does, he's a gardener," Leah reminded him.
"Not much of a job," he grumbled.

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It wasn't until she was feeding Brian his cake that Kathy realized she'd never changed out of her everyday clothes. "Do you want to change now?" Brian asked.
"No," said Kathy. "Our wedding was perfect just as it was."

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Back at home, Teeny aged up to a dog -- an adult dog who would find some way to pay back her humans for leaving her alone.

Kathy's, or rather Teeny's, story continues in Chapter 25.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: Legacies of the Valley (July 2 -- Kathy)
« Reply #32 on: July 02, 2018, 04:44:01 PM »
Well, I'm finally caught up.
This is such a daunting challenge, MarianT. I had such difficulty just completing the one household, hahaha.

For now, my two favorite founders are Amy Bibbler and Valerie Farmer.
I love Amy for taking a photo of her mother in bed sleeping for her museum collection as she snuck out of the house that fateful night.
My interest in Valerie is mostly related to the intrigue that Vlad is weaving.
I'm wondering (to myself) how single-parent Valerie can start a household if Vlad refuses to live with her yet must offer her first-born with another man to Vlad.
Does that mean that Vlad will become a late-starting founder? So many mysteries.

Best wishes on this extremely challenging new challenge of yours!

Offline MarianT

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Re: Legacies of the Valley (July 2 -- Kathy)
« Reply #33 on: July 02, 2018, 08:38:46 PM »
Well, I'm finally caught up.
This is such a daunting challenge, MarianT. I had such difficulty just completing the one household, hahaha.

For now, my two favorite founders are Amy Bibbler and Valerie Farmer.
I love Amy for taking a photo of her mother in bed sleeping for her museum collection as she snuck out of the house that fateful night.
My interest in Valerie is mostly related to the intrigue that Vlad is weaving.
I'm wondering (to myself) how single-parent Valerie can start a household if Vlad refuses to live with her yet must offer her first-born with another man to Vlad.
Does that mean that Vlad will become a late-starting founder? So many mysteries.

Best wishes on this extremely challenging new challenge of yours!

Well, I'm not following Pinstar's rules, so that's a little easier. And I'm playing on long so should have time to get the 200 points necessary to transfer to the heir. Also, I'm not requiring collections, and founders and heirs can start working on their points before starting a household.

Valerie will be staying at home, so she doesn't need to move in with Vlad. Whether she'll provide a bride for him remains to be seen.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: Legacies of the Valley (July 2 -- Kathy)
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2018, 07:53:09 AM »
Chapter 16

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Report from Agent 7734
Obtained this photo of Subject Beta playing in mud puddle. Release to tabloid to diminish credibility?

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Cultivating Subject Gamma. Question whether she has gravitas to follow her parents into politics. Roller skating?

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Consorting with Flower Bunny?

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Singing in nightclub?

Instructions to Agent 7734
Go ahead with photo publication. Suggest headline like "Is this the power behind the Siman Party?"
Regarding Subject Gamma -- a light-hearted, pleasure-seeking young woman is perfect for our purposes as she can be easily discredited/influenced once she gets into politics. Suggest to her that she run for office to take her stepfather's place.

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Report from Agent 7734
Subject Gamma has been difficult of access lately. Either she's participating in some egg hunt...

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...or taking her cat to the vet. Her job as a dishwasher also takes up time.

Instructions to Agent 7734
Have you tried romance? Honestly, as a level 8 Double Agent, you should be able to think of these things by yourself.

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Report from Agent 7734
Romance initiated.

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In fact, overtures so successful  that I proceeded through all steps of courtship...

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] wedding. Access to Subject Gamma is now total.

Instructions to Agent 7734
[Expletives deleted.] You [expletive deleted] weren't supposed to marry her, you [expletive deleted.]!
Oh well, what's done is done. Just make sure she goes into politics.

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Report from Agent 7734
Actually, she's so concerned about her pet that she's thinking about becoming a vet.

Instructions to Agent 7734
So her platform can be "Free Vet Care for all Pets." "Make Cones of Shame Illegal." Whatever. Just get her into a position where she can be useful to us. How can we achieve Sim world domination if she's a [expletive deleted] vet?

Jas's story, or reports from Agent 7734 (Arthur) continue in Chapter 26.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Legacies of the Valley (July 4 -- Jas)
« Reply #35 on: July 05, 2018, 01:04:22 PM »
Chapter 17

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"My father is kind of shy," said Madilyn. "Would it be all right with you if we had a private wedding? Just the two of us?"
"That's fine with me," said Gus. "I don't know how my mother will feel about it. She was pretty annoyed when Wendy got married in a bowling alley. On the other hand, this isn't a bowling alley."
After exchanging vows, they talked about where they might go for a honeymoon.  Gus had one more trip scheduled to Selvadorada. "But after that we can go anywhere you like," he told Madilyn. "Granite Falls or...or..."
"I've always wanted to go to Sixam," she told him.

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And that explains why Gus was outside on a cold spring morning, working on Clint's rocket ship.

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Gus tried to add up the cost of all the upgrades that he would have to make to the rocket once it was operational. He kept losing track around 27,000 simoleons. One thing was clear: he would have to find and sell more artifacts.

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"Are you sure you wouldn't like to come to Selvadorada with me?" he asked Madilyn. "It's not all jungle. You can go fishing too."

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He showed Madilyn a couple of pictures he'd taken of the nearby lake. "It's very green," she said, "and the scenery is lovely, but it looks like a place with lots of bugs. I still think I'd prefer Sixam."

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She did admire the hand-woven basket that Gus brought her.

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Upgrades for the rocket ship weren't the only expense Gus had to deal with. Cupcake had to visit the vet occasionally. Gus was happy to run into his father there, and it was nice to see Cookie again.

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An even bigger expense was looming on the horizon. Cupcake didn't know what the deal was with the new piece of furniture, but Gus certainly recognized its significance.

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As he congratulated Madilyn on the news, he assured her that they would be best friends forever, lovebirds forever, soulmates forever.

Gus's adventures continue in Chapter 27.
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Re: Legacies of the Valley (July 5 -- Gus)
« Reply #36 on: July 05, 2018, 02:54:32 PM »
Oh, my! What lovely updates. I have missed some but will make up that by reading them in a few minutes. But I almost fell out of my chair at the Gamma update, poor agent 7734, he's catching all kinds of flak from his superiors.

I loved the picture of the cat inspecting the bassinet. That was the cutest.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Legacies of the Valley (July 5 -- Gus)
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2018, 08:13:39 AM »
Oh, my! What lovely updates. I have missed some but will make up that by reading them in a few minutes. But I almost fell out of my chair at the Gamma update, poor agent 7734, he's catching all kinds of flak from his superiors.

I loved the picture of the cat inspecting the bassinet. That was the cutest.

I don't know why but cats seem more interested in the bassinet than dogs do. Or maybe I just haven't had any curious dogs.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: Legacies of the Valley (July 5 -- Gus)
« Reply #38 on: July 07, 2018, 08:18:19 AM »
Chapter 18

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It was raining when Vincent got up the next morning. San Myshuno looked gloomy in the gray air, but he didn't mind. It was still exciting to live in the big city.

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Vincent had arranged to go bowling with Gus Maldonado and Brian Bibbler. When he arrived at the bowling alley, he saw that an unknown woman had joined them. They didn't seem interested in flirting with her, though. Instead they were talking about the proper way to hold a baby while giving it a bottle.
"How are you and Octavius going to get an heir?" Gus asked. "Do you plan to adopt or try and get an alien to abduct you?"
"Not sure aliens can abduct from an apartment, dude," said Brian.
"I read somewhere that they could," said Gus. "But it's probably a long shot. By the way, check out this little guy." He whipped out his phone and showed a baby picture to Vincent.
Not to be outdone, Brian followed suit. As far as Vincent could tell, it looked like they had both photographed the same baby.

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Vincent's next stop was his parents' home. "How are things going with you and Cody?" he asked Bethany.
"Okay I guess," she said with a shrug. "We definitely have the hots for each other if that's what you're wondering. I'll probably accept the next time he proposes."
"You don't sound too enthusiastic," said Vincent.
"Cody's all right, but I'm just wondering whether marriage will be any fun. Is woohoo really all it's cracked up to be? But I guess it might be different if you're gay. Just what do you guys do, actually?"
"I'm going to let Cody answer those questions," said Vincent. "But if you decide that marriage isn't any fun, you can always come and live with me."
"I suppose babies might be fun," said Bethany. "By the way, I saw Valerie the other day -- you know, Octavius's sister -- and she said she'd be totally on board with giving you guys a baby if you want. She says she loves being pregnant because the hormones make her immune from sunlight. Plus she thinks you're kind of cute."
Were all his friends and acquaintances obsessed with having children? Vincent gave Bethany a key to his apartment. "I've got one for Dad, too," he told her. "But not Mom, because she doesn't approve of same-sex relationships."

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"Plus, she'd freak if she knew that Octavius was a vampire," said Bethany. "One of Mom's friends from church said they were the children of the devil. But I like Octavius. I'll have to clear it with Cody, but if you and Valerie run into any problems--"
"Thanks," said Vincent hastily, "but you just deal with Cody for the time being."

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It was raining when Vincent left the house. No one was around, so he decided to take an impromptu shower. The rainwater helped get rid of his itchy rash.

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Back in San Myshuno, Vincent was surprised at how many people were running around without any clothes on. They weren't even pretending to shower, either. And then he remembered that it was Freedom Day.

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Vincent hurried upstairs to see Octavius, only to find that there was a ghost in his bedroom. There had been something in the lease about ghosts, now that he remembered. The general rule regarding ghosts was not to annoy them unless you wanted to spend hours repairing the plumbing.

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He found Octavius in the kitchen talking to Bethany and his dad. Vincent hoped that their dad's presence would keep Bethany from discussing the possibility of becoming a surrogate for him and Octavius. Kent might be more tolerant than his wife Jodi, but he definitely had limits.
Bethany and Kent soon left, but Mimsy was still haunting the bedroom.

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"Want to take some photographs?" asked Vincent. Octavius readily agreed.
They didn't really need a baby yet, Vincent thought. Life in San Myshuno was exciting enough, all on its own.

Vincent's story continues in Chapter 28
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Legacies of the Valley (July 7 -- Vincent)
« Reply #39 on: July 07, 2018, 11:24:14 AM »
First of all, thank you for setting up your thread the way you did. It's so helpful in playing instant catch-up for remembering who each founder is!
Gemma is so pretty!
Your screenshots of Selvadorada are, as usual, very lovely.
Freedom Day cracked me up, but thank you sharing that rain showers are good for skin irritations.

Oooh, Valerie has offered to become a surrogate mother--I'm looking forward to what her current pregnancy brings forth.
If she were a surrogate for Vincent's baby, wouldn't she need a multiple birth to keep her promise to We-Know-Who?
You don't need to answer these questions--I'm mostly wondering out loud and am very willing to wait and see your various plot threads unravel. ;D

Haha, Bethany and Octavius, too? The girls are just throwing themselves on Vincent and Octavius, aren't they?
I giggled at how obsessed everyone is about having babies. Well, of course, they are each legacy founders after all.
Every household seems so different, which is a major accomplishment on the watcher's part.

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Re: Legacies of the Valley (July 7 -- Vincent)
« Reply #40 on: July 08, 2018, 12:28:50 PM »
@oshizu, thanks! I'm planning to put links at the end of each chapter, too, so that people don't have to go back to the Table of Contents to follow a story.

"Gemma" is actually Jas Lewis; Subject Gamma is her code name. I didn't intend for Arthur to become a level 8 Secret Agent. That's something the game threw at me, so I decided to roll with it.
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Re: Legacies of the Valley (July 7 -- Vincent)
« Reply #41 on: July 08, 2018, 01:23:03 PM »
Chapter 19

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Evelyn passed on the info that Bethany would like a massage. "Hey, I'm a really good masseur," said Cody. "Why didn't I think of that?"
"Because you're a doofus," his sister told him.
While he was giving Bethany a fertility massage (most likely to induce a flirty mood), she told him that today was Talk Like a Pirate Day. "I used to love playing on the pirate ship," she said. "Too bad they don't have one for grown-ups."
"Wait right there," said Cody.

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He quickly changed into his pirate outfit. "Arrgh, it looks like a fair maiden landlubber has stowed away upon my ship. What shall I do with her?"

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This time Cody's passionate kiss...

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...followed by the proposal worked its charm.

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"Alack and alas," murmured Bethany with a giggle, "I'm being carried off to a pirate ship to be ravished!"

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It wasn't a pirate ship, but there were fireworks, which was pretty cool. As soon as they got home, Cody and Bethany tried for a new pirate.

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Cody moved in with Bethany and her parents. A little while later -- "Durn pirates," Bethany grumbled as she waddled into the kitchen. "I should have known better than to trust one."

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And later still -- "Maybe the fertility massage wasn't such a good idea," Cody muttered. But when he held George and then Johan, he realized that he'd finally found something he was really committed to. "I'll always be there for you," he whispered to each of them. "And for your mother, too."

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One rainy afternoon Bethany confided her fears to her mother. "They're so tiny," she said. "What if I drop one?"
"You won't," said Jodi. "Babies are easy. All you have to do is feed them, change their diapers, and cuddle them as much as possible. Now toddlers...they can be a handful."
"I could never scold a toddler," said Bethany. "They're so adorable, and they don't mean to be trouble."
"That's why you have to scold them," said her mother, "so they learn to behave."
"Well, I don't think I can do it," said Bethany.

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It wasn't long before George (in red) and Johan (in gold) grew out of their bassinets.

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And Bethany discovered that she could scold a toddler, after all. "George Kent Mullner, throwing food on the floor is absolutely not acceptable in this house," she shouted.

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She was not happy when she discovered that Cody had taken Johan out to play in the kiddie pool. "Why can't I be the fun parent?" she cried.
George needed a bath, Johan was hungry, and both of them were getting tired.

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"I've got an idea," said Cody. "Why don't you and I go out to eat and let the people with experience take over?"
They went to the Diving Pelican and watched the summer rain from its roofed-over patio.

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The storm intensified while they were eating, and they returned home to find Kent comforting George, who was frightened by the thunder.

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After the twins were put to bed, Kent challenged Cody to a mudfight. "You're on, landlubber!" he said, changing into his pirate outfit.
When he slipped and fell in the mud, Kent just laughed. "It's not Talk Like a Pirate Day anymore," he said. "But don't worry -- it's raining hard enough that all the mud should wash right off your suit."

The next day, to thank Jodi for looking after the little ones while he and Bethany went out, Cody took her over to the spa for some pampering.
"I think I'll start with the sauna," she said. "I'm so tired, I just want to become one with the steam."

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Which is what she did.

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So many people gathered around when she died, that there was hardly room for Grim to enter the sauna, but he did.

Obituary for Jodi Marsh
One of the unsung heroes of the Gotoros War, Jodi Marsh kept the home fires burning while her husband Kent was off fighting. She raised two fine sons, Sam and Vincent, and then had a darling baby girl, Bethany, when Kent returned home. A long-time member of The Little Church on the Corner, Jodi is survived by her husband Kent, children Sam, Vincent, and Bethany, grandchildren Raina, Paul, George, and Johan, and great-grandchildren Phillip and Peter.

"They say that all good things must end some day.
Autumn leaves must fall.
But don't you know, that it hurts me so
to say good-bye to you-oo.
Wish you didn't have to go,
no, no, no, no.
And when the rain
beats against my windowpane,
I'll think of summer days again
and dream of you."*

*A Summer Song, by Chad and Jeremy

Cody's story continues in Chapter 29
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Offline MarianT

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Re: Legacies of the Valley (July 8 -- Cody)
« Reply #42 on: July 09, 2018, 08:18:41 PM »
Chapter 20

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Since returning from Selvadorada, Raina has been busy authenticating the artifacts that she unearthed. She's classified them as four types:

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Statues (this one is of terracotta and fairly common)

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Masks (this is of gold and rare)

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Knives (bronze, and she decided to keep it on the mantel)

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Skulls (crystal and not in good condition. Raina unloaded it to a collector as quickly as possible).

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Raina loves the outdoors and especially loves being outside in the rain. It's possible that her name gives her a feeling of kinship. She would love to get a picture of lightning, but so far has only managed to capture these shots.

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This is the overpass near her house.

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This is the brook beside her house, with its small waterfall. Raina could watch the drops hitting the water for hours.

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Raina also loves Marlon, who plays the violin quite beautifully now.

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This might be her favorite picture of him though.

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Last, but by no means least, she loves little Cecily.

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With the money from her artifacts and photographs, Raina fixed up her bedroom to be bright and colorful.

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Having her birthday under the sign of the Womrat, Cecily is a fussy toddler.

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But she forgets her woes when her father is helping her fly.

Raina's story continues in Chapter 30.
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Re: Legacies of the Valley (July 9 -- Raina)
« Reply #43 on: July 10, 2018, 03:58:08 AM »
Think I've got a handle on who everyone is now. You give them all such distinctive characters and stories that it's easy to keep track.

Jodi's death and memorial were so moving. This story is like watching a soap. Am loving it.

Offline MarianT

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Re: Legacies of the Valley (July 9 -- Raina)
« Reply #44 on: July 10, 2018, 07:57:04 AM »
Think I've got a handle on who everyone is now. You give them all such distinctive characters and stories that it's easy to keep track.

Jodi's death and memorial were so moving. This story is like watching a soap. Am loving it.

Thanks! I think a soap opera is the overall vibe I'm going for.
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