Author Topic: How to: Turn On TestingCheats PS4/XBox One  (Read 5558 times)

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How to: Turn On TestingCheats PS4/XBox One
« on: April 27, 2018, 12:09:30 PM »
How to: Turn on TestingCheats on PS4/XBox One

There are some cheat codes that aren't available due to packs not being available at this time.

To bring up the Cheat Console or Cheat Bar PS4 and XBox One:

Choose a family to play, and in Live Mode. -

Hold down all 4 shoulder buttons, this will turn on the cheat console. Click the X/A button (PS4/XBox One) to turn on the onscreen keyboard. Enter the cheat and click done to enter the cheat.

The Sims 4 Console Cheats - with more details

Please Note: Turning on and using Testingcheats will disable achievements and trophies for Sims 4 on the PS4, for the active saved game (the saved game that actively being played). Same may be true for XBox One.

To Shift-Click on an item, move the cursor to the item hold down the circle button and tap the X button to open the menu for the PS4 and XBox One is hold down the B button and tap the A button.

The Sims 4 Will Support Cheats on Console, but There’s a Catch

To make things bigger/smaller:

PS4 - Hold down both L2 and R2 and use left and right on the D-pad. Left is smaller and right is larger.

XBox One - Hold down both LT and RT and use left and right on the D-pad. Left is smaller and right is larger.

Deleting Notifications:

Use R2/RT (PS4/XBox One) to delete all messages on the Notification wall. Triangle/Y to delete individual messages.

Note: This post has been locked as it's for informational purposes.
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