That’s a Wrap!
Justice: When my boys were just babies, I started contemplating what life would be like when this whole challenge was over. What would it be like to have unlimited freedom? Would we find ways to push ourselves to achieve new goals, or would we get bored and lazy?
Before we were even officially done, my brothers and I started working on a new plan.
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It took a while, but eventually we gathered all the ingredients we needed.
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We couldn’t carry out our plan until all of the restrictions had been lifted, of course.
Once we were free, I talked the plan over with my ancestors.
Then, Carla stepped up to help with her max cooking and gourmet cooking skills.
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And one by one, we brought them back.
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We bought a wishing well and that helped, too.
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It took some time, but eventually we got them all. And now our town is full of Murrays!
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It’s impossible to gather everyone all in one place these days, but here are some pictures of various family members enjoying our new park. As you can see, there is not one single elder among us because…no restrictions!
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And that’s all I’ve got. Thanks for sharing this journey with us!
Watcher’s thoughts on the Apocalypse Challenge:
Compared to others who have done this challenge, it took me a lot more sim-days to complete. Looking back, I can identify several reasons for that.
• One, I stubbornly insisted on having Liam wait until he cleared the Oracle career before letting him get married and have kids. I did this for storytelling purposes because I wanted to tie back into my previous Wonder Child challenge. All told, I think this cost me about 20 days. In other words, if Liam had found a wife and had kids right away, the second generation and all subsequent generations would have been born about 20 days sooner.
• Second, I started my challenge after the toddler patch. Many of the other completed AC stories I have read were written before toddlers. Crazy, isn’t it? I had five generations of toddlers (founding couple excluded) so that’s 7 days x 5 generations for a total of 35 days.
• Similarly, the young adult and adult lifespans were extended by 4 days each. This meant that it took a little longer for space to become available in the house, at least until Diamond Secret Agent was cleared.
• Finally, I didn’t start the Comedian career until the fifth generation. Had I cleared it sooner, I would not have needed a sixth generation.
All of this leads me to the conclusion that the fastest way to finish the AC would be to have The Oracle, Diamond Secret Agent, and Comedian be the first three careers completed. That would allow you to move in any sim from the gallery (with any traits and skills), move out sims who had maxed a career, and move in more than one per generation. I’m not sure it would be the most fun way to play, but it would be fast. Overall, I don’t regret any of the decisions I made because I prioritized the story over efficiency. One thing I like about this challenge is how everyone approaches it differently.
The best thing about the AC, in my opinion, is that it flows so naturally from the Wonder Child Challenge. I also really enjoyed all the strategizing that was involved and the fact that it’s shorter than your typical legacy/dynasty challenge.
The only thing that I didn’t like was the singular focus on careers. Toward the end, I found myself getting a little bored because my sims had no goals other than completing a career.
I’ll probably never do another AC because there are so many other great challenges I want to try, but I’m glad I did it. It was a nice “medium-sized” challenge, and writing the story helped me figure out a lot about the sims and posting on the forum. 😊 I’ll never forget my Murrays or the sweater boys. Thanks for reading!