Author Topic: The Murray Apocalypse Challenge: That's a Wrap (Completed Oct 15, 2018)  (Read 74504 times)

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Hello!  Welcome to my Apocalypse Challenge!  This is one of Pinstar’s challenges, and you can find the official rules here. 

My Founder will be my own Wonder Child whose story you can read here.

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A few things about the challenge and how I’ll play it:

•   The background for the story (e.g. the Glassbolt nuclear meltdown during half-time of the Superbowl and the Wonder Child Challenge) are all the creative genius of Pinstar.  I just took the story and ran with it.

•   Pinstar has not and will not be updating the challenge for all the expansion packs, etc. that come out for the Sims 4.  This is completely understandable, but it means that players have to decide for themselves how to handle certain features that have been added since the challenge was created.  So here are some basic rules that I will be following for myself that may or may not be what others have done.

     o   I will not use clubs, even when Entertainer/Comedian is cleared.  It’s just too powerful of a feature in my opinion to use with this challenge.  I will, however, let my Sims form groups so they can do things like “go here together.”
     o   I will allow myself the use of the meditation stool, but not the yoga mat.  The meditation stool lets you gain wellness skill, but doesn’t affect a Sim’s mood like the yoga routines do, so that seems fair.
     o   No wishing well
     o   I’m letting myself use lot traits, but they have to stay the same for the entire challenge.  *Edited to add: I chose Ley Line, Good Schools, and Fast Internet*
     o   I’m only using the careers and restrictions in Pinstar’s original challenge.  Some people make up rules/restrictions for the GTW and CL careers, but the original list has 25 careers which is good enough for me. 

•   I will do my best to follow the rules exactly, but if I mess up a little bit, I won’t kick myself.  I’ll only scrap the whole thing and call it a fail if I do something major (and even then, I might finish the story).

•   Pinstar doesn’t specify whether you can or cannot modify the world your Sim lives in.  The rules just state that the founder must begin on an empty lot by him/herself and cannot move.  So I put down four other “Apocalypse Houses” in my founder’s neighborhood just for effect.  One of them is the Apocalypse Starter by Njutine and the other three are modified versions of the Springscape, Vista Quarry, and Raffia Quinta that I chopped down to be no bigger than 8x8.  I’m playing in Newcrest so I’ll probably add things like a park and museum once Diamond Secret Agent is cleared.  I might place other families once The Oracle is cleared, but won’t play them, obviously.

•   I am using the Rippling Flats lot in Newcrest since it has access to grills, a jungle gym, monkey bars, and fishing spots.  Oasis Springs might look more “Apocalyptic,” but doesn’t offer all those features in any one neighborhood that I am aware of.

Still with me?  Okay!  Next post will have Chapter lists and maybe stats if I feel like adding them later.  Then the story starts.  The story is a little light on pictures in the beginning, but not for very long. 

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Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: The Murray Apocalypse Challenge: Log 1.1
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2018, 04:08:59 PM »
Log 1.1

My name is Liam Murray, and I am currently living in hell.  At least, if it’s not hell, it’s the closest thing you’ll find on earth.  More specifically, I am living in a fallout shelter in what was formerly known as the city of Glassbolt.  I say formerly because about 20 years ago the Glassbolt nuclear power plant suffered a major meltdown, destroying the entire facility and devastating much of the surrounding region.  Like most Sims, I had no idea just how bad the situation in Glassbolt really was.  In history class they made it sound like the meltdown was an isolated incident that occurred out in the middle of nowhere.  It wasn’t.  Looking around at my new surroundings, I can see the remnants of what used to be a fairly large city.  And there are clearly people still living here.

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So why am I here?  That’s a good question.  I’m not even sure I fully understand it myself.  It seems that the government’s initial response to the meltdown was seriously lacking.  There doesn’t appear to have been any clean-up effort or humanitarian aid, not even an organized evacuation of the area.  The official response from most politicians was to sweep it under the rug.  But there was a small minority that did want to help.  Unable to drum up any major support for the cause, this group instead pinned their hopes on an under-staffed and under-funded program called the Wonder Child Project—the WCP. 
The WCP’s purpose was to raise a group of super-skilled, super-talented, super-smart Sims for the betterment of society.  As it turns out, the betterment of society is code for attempt to clean-up the lost city of Glassbolt.   That’s how this small group of supporters got approval for their project in spite of the fact that the government continued to downplay the Glassbolt problem.  Unfortunately, only a handful of prospective parents ever signed up for the WPC, and the agency lost track of many of the participants over the years. 

All of this was explained to me this morning.  You see, yesterday was my young-adult birthday, and apparently, I am the first WCP graduate to be sent to Glassbolt.  I’m still trying to wrap my head around that.  A major nuclear meltdown occurred before I was even born, and I was raised for the sole purpose of somehow restoring normalcy to this devastated region.  After 20 years!

“Will there be others coming to help me?” I asked my WCP contact. 

“Maybe,” she replied.  “So far, the project hasn’t been as successful as we had hoped.”

Great.  Just great.

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Offline HelenP

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Re: The Murray Apocalypse Challenge: Coming soon!
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2018, 04:21:40 PM »
Yay, another Apocalypse.  Can't wait to see your version.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Murray Apocalypse Challenge: Coming soon!
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2018, 04:23:50 PM »
Yay!  Can't wait to see how Liam does!  ... It is Liam, right? XD lol

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Murray Apocalypse Challenge: Coming soon!
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2018, 04:43:17 PM »
Yes! A new Apocalypse Challenge to read!
I'm looking forward to hearing how Liam fares!

I have one question, though.
Why couldn't you leave the "other three modified" houses you added to Newcrest in their original size?
The Apocalypse Challenge household obviously needs to live in a size-restricted house but there are no rules saying that all the other residences need to be the same size.
Just wondering. :D
One of them is the Apocalypse Starter by Njutine and the other three are modified versions of the Springscape, Vista Quarry, and Raffia Quinta that I chopped down to be no bigger than 8x8

Best wishes! Looking forward to your first update.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: The Murray Apocalypse Challenge: Coming soon!
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2018, 05:27:16 PM »
Yay, another Apocalypse.  Can't wait to see your version.
Thank you!  I've been reading your AC story, too.  You've done amazingly well.  Your house is far more beautiful than mine will ever be.

Yay!  Can't wait to see how Liam does!  ... It is Liam, right? XD lol
Yep!  It's Liam.  Glad you are here!

Yes! A new Apocalypse Challenge to read!
I'm looking forward to hearing how Liam fares!

I have one question, though.
Why couldn't you leave the "other three modified" houses you added to Newcrest in their original size?
The Apocalypse Challenge household obviously needs to live in a size-restricted house but there are no rules saying that all the other residences need to be the same size.
Just wondering. :D
One of them is the Apocalypse Starter by Njutine and the other three are modified versions of the Springscape, Vista Quarry, and Raffia Quinta that I chopped down to be no bigger than 8x8

Best wishes! Looking forward to your first update.
Welcome to the new thread! 

You are absolutely correct, the other houses have no size restrictions that I know of.  I just made them 8x8 for effect and because in my mind the "rules" in Glassbolt should apply to everyone universally.  I envision a building spree happening when secret agent-villian is cleared (which I can do without actually playing the houses so I should be good).

And to answer a question you had on my Wonder Child thread, Liam won't be starting with the Chef career so he doesn't need Lvl8 Gourmet Cooking.  I've got another plan.  ;)

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Murray Apocalypse Challenge: Log 1.1 (updated 4/25/18)
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2018, 06:47:34 PM »
Hehe, can't wait for all the surprises in store @BallerinaHippo <3

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: The Murray Apocalypse Challenge: Log 1.2 (updated 4/26/18)
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2018, 10:13:06 AM »
Log 1.2

It occurs to me that I will probably never leave this place.  Archeologists may someday find this log among the ruins of Glassbolt.  Even if I’m actually able to make some kind of difference, it will take more than one lifetime to fix Glassbolt’s problems.  In either case, I want to tell the whole story.  My story.

It starts with my parents—Joe and Jenna Murray.  They met through the Wonder Child Project.  I know that doesn’t sound particularly romantic, but somehow they defied the odds. After being placed together as part of the WCP, they actually fell in love, got married, and had two kids.  In fact, except for the way they met, their story is like any other average couple. 

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My mother was a painter.  She was also a published author, an accomplished violinist and an avid gardener.  My mother could do anything.
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My father was a genius.  I’m not just saying that, he really was.  He worked as a computer programmer, and he was never too busy to take me fishing or play a game of chess.
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This is my brother, Leo.  He’s one year younger than me.  I’d give anything to see his dorky face right now.
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I don’t think my parents were ever fully aware of what the WCP was all about.  I remember my mom telling me that the project was “to help young families get started” and that parents “could only apply once.”  This explained why my parents only ever received a single stipend from the WCP and why my younger brother wasn’t considered to be a part of it.  As far as I knew, being a part of the WCP just meant that my mom filled out a survey every time I had a birthday to document my skills and achievements.  It was like the standardized tests that they give you in school.  Only I didn’t actually have to take a test. 

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Overall, I think my childhood was pretty normal.  The only thing I ever noticed that was different about me from the other kids was that I never slept in a bed starting on the day that I aged-up to a child.  Instead, I survived on a special type of energy juice.  Even now, I don’t need much sleep.  Which is a good thing because the beds here are horribly uncomfortable. 
I guess maybe I should describe my living conditions a little better.  The WCP secured a bunker for me (to call it a house would be far too generous).   It’s a small brick square with a single entrance and very few windows.

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The first floor has a very small entryway that leads to a cooking area.  I can’t really call it a kitchen.  There’s just a grill, a sink, a table, and a Buyer Beware chest.  Another door off the entryway leads to the main living space.  On the first floor is a bathroom with no shower or tub, but it has a potty chair for a toddler.  What are they trying to say?  Then there’s a larger room which currently has no furniture.  From here, there are stairs up to a flat roof, and stairs which lead down to the basement levels.

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In the basement, there is another bathroom and two bedrooms (only one of them has a bed).  There’s also a desk with a very old computer and a chess set. 

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Finally, there is a second level to the basement which doesn’t extend as far as the first.  Down here, there is only a meditation stool.  I think I could probably expand this area eventually.  For now, I’m making good use of the meditation stool. 

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Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: The Murray Apocalypse Challenge: Log 1.3 (updated 4/26/18)
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2018, 10:31:59 AM »
This is the 2nd of two short updates today.  I probably could have combined them, but they felt like they should be separate entries.

Log 1.3

The first few days after I was dropped off in Glassbolt, I was pretty depressed and homesick.  Can you blame me?  One day I was on top of the world, celebrating my young adult birthday with friends, and the next day I found myself alone in a foreign wasteland.  But now that the initial shock has worn off, I’ve decided there’s no point in feeling sorry for myself.  This is my new reality, and I need to make the best of it.  My first order of business was to determine exactly what I was up against.  I went out and started meeting people and learned a lot about my new surroundings. 

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This is Tania.  She’s a kleptomaniac, so I didn’t invite her into my bunker, but from her I learned that only the worst objects can be found here.   Everyone keeps all their things inside. There are no TVs, stereos, radios, game tables, or anything else fun.  Sims can only buy things on Sundays, and nothing can be upgraded.

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Tania’s husband, Josef, is a mean guy.  Talking to him revealed that Sims here can’t take vacation or sick days. They can’t garden or throw parties.  They don’t visit their neighbors.  They can’t sell anything that they make.  The water isn’t safe to drink or even bath in.

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Finally, I met a woman named Nancy who works for the mob.  From her, I learned that the mob is in control of almost everything.  They don’t allow “outsiders” to move in (I guess she assumed I was born here), and they collect “payments” from all the residents every Monday which prevents anyone from accumulating any wealth.
Nancy was the only one who asked why she had never seen me around before.  I told I had only recently become a young adult, and that satisfied her.  She offered me a job, and I accepted.

Oh, and did I mention that the only thing to eat around here is fish?  There are no refrigerators, ovens, or coolers and forget about anything fancy like popcorn or ice-cream.
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If you want to eat, you have to catch your dinner, and grill it yourself.   The only other things I’ve found that are even slightly edible are some wild strawberries and mushrooms.  But they won’t fill you up, and you can’t grow them on your own lot or sell them.

By the way, I’ve decided that I will no longer refer to this town as Glassbolt.  It’s such a depressing sounding name, and Glassbolt doesn’t really exist anymore.  In my mind, I’ve started calling this place “What Cheer.”  I remember seeing that name on a map once, and I thought it was funny.  It seems an appropriate name for this place because right now you may be wondering “What cheer could there possibly be there?”  But soon I hope to improve things, and maybe someday people will say it as an exclamation.  “What Cheer!”   A positive mental attitude goes a long way, right?

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Watcher’s note:  The real town of What Cheer, Iowa (population 627) is the inspiration for Glassbolt’s new name.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Murray Apocalypse Challenge: Log 1.3 (updated 4/26/18)
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2018, 11:01:10 AM »
I liked Liam's short retrospect about his family with the photographs!
Jenna and Joe really look great! Liam must miss his brother terribly.

Oh, the Apocalypse starter home! So empty and barren!
It's always so exciting to hear how differently each simmer chooses to play their Apocalypse Challenge.
And I've figured out, I think, how you will "get" your chef. ;-)

Love your new nickname for Glassbolt! Turn that irony into a reality, Liam!
And great way of using walk-bys to provide an overview on your restrictions.
What a lovely update! <3

Offline commasplice

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Re: The Murray Apocalypse Challenge: Log 1.3 (updated 4/26/18)
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2018, 01:07:37 PM »
I have a special place in my heart for the Apocalypse Challenge and I love that you are writing it up here! I love how you incorporated the stuff from the wonder child project into snapshots and your narrative. Very well done!

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: The Murray Apocalypse Challenge: Log 1.3 (updated 4/26/18)
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2018, 04:26:24 PM »

Oh, congratulations! And good luck on your challenge.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Murray Apocalypse Challenge: Log 1.3 (updated 4/26/18)
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2018, 05:15:19 PM »
Awww, loved the look back and the memories of his parents.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: The Murray Apocalypse Challenge: Log 1.3 (updated 4/26/18)
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2018, 06:53:03 PM »
I liked Liam's short retrospect about his family with the photographs!
Jenna and Joe really look great! Liam must miss his brother terribly.

Oh, the Apocalypse starter home! So empty and barren!
It's always so exciting to hear how differently each simmer chooses to play their Apocalypse Challenge.
And I've figured out, I think, how you will "get" your chef. ;-)

Love your new nickname for Glassbolt! Turn that irony into a reality, Liam!
And great way of using walk-bys to provide an overview on your restrictions.
What a lovely update! <3
I'm glad you liked it!  I had fun playing with different photo effects.

Yes, the AC starter home.  The hardest part is trying to plan out in advance where every little thing will go.  As you know, most of it can't be moved for a really long time.

I think you've figured out Liam's career, but hopefully there are still some surprises in store.  ;)

I have a special place in my heart for the Apocalypse Challenge and I love that you are writing it up here! I love how you incorporated the stuff from the wonder child project into snapshots and your narrative. Very well done!
Thanks!  I imagine Liam would probably be thinking about his family.  Plus, it seemed like a good way to explain Liam's situation.


Oh, congratulations! And good luck on your challenge.
Thank you!  I hope you enjoy it.  :)

Awww, loved the look back and the memories of his parents.
Thanks!  Looking back seemed like the right way to start- if that makes sense?

