Author Topic: Making it Work *Complete*  (Read 35133 times)

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #45 on: May 12, 2018, 11:14:59 PM »
Simon's POV

"So what do we do?" Jasper asked.

Sarah, Jasper, and I were having a meeting about the whole situation with Khloe and Spencer.

"They're both adults, they can handle this." I told them.

"We know that much, but should we allow Spencer to move in?" Sarah asked.

"Honestly, I don't see the harm in that as long as he gets a job." I told them.

Jasper nodded, "I'm fine with him moving in as well."

"It's not like he can get her pregnant." Sarah said.

We giggled.

Of course we were excited for them. It would be our first grandchild and it honestly seemed to relax Jasper on the whole having another kid idea. I just wished that they felt more ready to have a child. Khloe was so stressed out because she was fired from her job and now she was pregnant. It took us a little bit but we finally convinced her that being pregnant wasn't a bad thing because she was a young adult and she didn't ruin anything. I wanted to strangle every single person in her past for making her doubt everything she did and making her feel the way she did. We could only do so much to fix her past, but we couldn't completely heal her.

"Khloe! Can you come in the kitchen please!" I called.

She walked in, she looked exhausted.

"Yes?" She said.

"So, we've been thinking and we wanted to include you in this decision. We want Spencer to feel like he is included in this child's life as much as possible. So, if you want him too he is perfectly welcome to move in. On one condition though, he must get a job and help around the house if and when needed. Is that something you would want?" I asked.

"Yes! Thank you! Are you sure?"

"We discussed it and yes, but if it doesn't work out we'll have to adjust."
She agreed and went to call Spencer.


"So, you have a birthday coming up." Jasper said to Brianna.

"Can I have chocolate cake?!" She asked.

"Of course!" I laughed.

We were in Khloe's room while she worked on homework.

"Does Khloe know you are in here?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah! She said I could use her desk whenever I wanted."

I looked around the room. It was crazy to think that she was going to be a mom soon enough.

"How was the movie the other night?" I asked Bri.

"It was SO fun. Khloe let me have my own drink! Orange soda of course and we shared popcorn! Spencer even gave me a piggy back ride to the car! It was great!"

I smiled, I was glad that she was able get some time with Khloe.

Khloe's POV

I was glad that dad and pop agreed to let Spencer move in. I didn't want to have to move out but if it came to that I would so that Spencer could be in the baby's life. It only took a half of a day to move Spencer in because he thankfully didn't have much to move. I got out of the moving part though because I was pregnant so I helped Brianna with the light things and helped Spencer unpack. Spencer really had been great about the pregnancy which relaxed me more and more. He was actually excited about the baby and to tell you the truth I was too, the thought of being a mother and being able to show him or her that we loved them warmed my heart. This baby was going to have a better life then I ever did, well until I found dad and pop that is.

"All moved in, how about you go take a bath?" Spencer suggested.

"Run it for me?" I asked.


I nodded.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek before going into the bathroom.

It didn't take long for me to start showing, I was excited to have a little bump! I knew it was only a matter of time thought that I would look like a whale!

"Hi baby!" Spencer smiled as he felt my stomach.

"Do you think she can hear you?" I asked.

"I've heard doctors say that they can yes."

I smiled as I thought about him or her in my stomach being able to hear and recognize our voices.

"Do you think my cousin will like me?" Brianna asked.

"Well, he or she will actually be your niece or nephew!" I told her.

"I'll be their aunt?!"



I smiled, "I'm sure they will love you. It's hard not to love someone so sweet!"

She giggled.

"I can't wait to meet him or her."

"Me either."

"Maybe it'll be two babies!"

"It better not be." I laughed.


I was sitting on the couch with my feet propped up when Spencer walked into the room. I smiled as he sat down on the table in front of me and grabbed my feet to massage.

"That feels nice." I smiled.

"So, I was thinking about something." He told me.


He looked serious for a moment.

"I was thinking maybe we should get married, you know before the baby comes."

I looked at him before started to cry.

"What?! Why are you crying?!" He asked, clearly shocked at my reaction.

"I don't want to get married because I'm pregnant!" I wailed.

He looked dumbfounded.

"You don't want to be married before the baby comes?"

"I don't want to be married just because I'm pregnant! I want to be married because we want too and right now it doesn't feel special! It feels like we are getting married just because of the baby!"

"So you would be fine with waiting?"

I cried and nodded.

"Baby don't cry."

He moved to the couch and hugged me as I cried into his chest. My hormones were going crazy and they were only going to get worse.

"I'm sorry baby, I thought that's what you might want."

"I want it to be special." I said, finally calming down.


He rubbed my back as I eventually fell asleep in his arms.

Silly hormones!

Brianna will be a teenager next update! That's crazy to think about!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #46 on: May 13, 2018, 12:35:29 AM »
I understand that sentiment all too well, Khloe!  Brianna, a teen already? Oh wow! Loving it ^^

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #47 on: May 13, 2018, 10:09:37 PM »
Khloe's POV

So believe it or not my sister was now a teenager. She was all excited about starting high school even though I told her it was nothing to be excited for. I didn't really enjoy high school that much, but maybe because I didn't have too many friends or even one good friend even. I'm sure she would be fine though since she was really good at school. She did however know what she wanted to do with her life though. She wanted to be a world famous chef and improve on her cooking skills. I had no complaints in that department, I would gladly be her food guinea pig.

"Do you guys know what you are having?" Brianna asked.

"No, we want to be surprised but we have our guesses." I told her.

"What's yours?"

"I think it's going to be a boy and Spencer believes that it will be a girl. Although I do think that he hopes for a boy."

"Of course he does."

I smiled as she rubbed my stomach.

I was ready to get this child out of me. I enjoyed being pregnant for the most part but now I was in my third trimester and everything hurt and I mean everything.

"Spencer." I growled.

"What?" He asked.

"I want your child out of me."

He giggled.

"You laugh, but everything hurts and I'm fat on top of it."

"You are beautiful."

"You have to say that."

"Doesn't mean that it's not true."

I rolled my eyes at his cuteness.

He helped me sit on the couch.

"Is that better?" He asked.

"A little bit yeah." I told him.

"So, do we want to pick out names?"

"I think I have a name for a girl."

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Peyton." I suggested.

I could see him thinking it over for a moment.

"That is a pretty name."

"I'm not sure for the boy though."

We thought it over and named off several suggestions like: Nathan, Joseph, Kaiden, and others. We couldn't come up with a unique name that we both liked.

"Samuel, Sam for short." Spencer finally said.

I looked at him and smiled.

"That's perfect."

I gave him a kiss.


A few days passed and still no baby. It was very irritable and the most uncomfortable that I've ever been in the entire pregnancy. I didn't want to be like every other pregnant woman who complained all the time but I could honestly understand why they did. Growing a human being inside of you wasn't as easy as it looked when you weren't the one going through it. Spencer had been at work a lot this week saving up for when he could take some time off. We weren't hurting on money but I think it was important for him to show dad and pop that he was supporting me and that he was taking the living situation seriously. Spencer was at work right now and I didn't want to bother him or worry him but I was having stomach pains all morning. I didn't really want to bother anyone really because I was sure that it would go away, so I decided that laying down may be the best option.

Things were fine after a half an hour so I decided to get up and move around. I was at the computer when the same pains came back and I thought maybe it was best to at least text Spencer and let him know what was going on. Of course when he received the text he told me he was coming home. I set my phone down on the desk and took deep breaths through the pain.

I was up walking around when Spencer came through the front door. Sarah, dad, and pop were all cautiously hovering as I walked through each contraction. Sarah thought it may help if I walked and moved around.

"How are you doing?" Spencer asked.

He walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"They're getting closer." I breathed.

"Do we want to head to the hospital?" He asked.

Before I could answer him a really painful contraction ripped through me.

"Okay, let's go."

He helped me to the car and we headed to the nearest hospital which happened to be where I used to work. I had no time to even think about being worried about how awkward it could be to be there. In fact when I did get there I didn't recognize any of the nurses or doctors so that was a relief. Spencer helped me out of the car and we walked up to the front doors.

"Well, this is it." He said.

"I'm scared." I admitted.

"Everything is going to be fine, let's go have a baby." He told me.

He seemed calm then, but it all changed when they put me in a gown and we went to the delivery room. Then he really started to panic and worry about every little detail. I found it more cute than he did though.

"Well, it's almost here." The doctor said.

"Can I see!" I gasped.

I cranked my head over to the plastic bin where the baby would be.

"Wow." Spencer gasped in amazement.

I smiled at him.


"What is it?!" Spencer asked.

"You have a healthy beautiful baby girl!" She cheered.

I started sobbing, but it was definitely happy tears. We had a baby girl and she had ten little toes and ten little fingers, she was beautiful. I was cleaned up and able to get dressed while Spencer went to pull the car around. I was so nervous to pick her up and hold her I was afraid of breaking her.

"Hi, hello. Welcome to the world Peyton. I'm your mommy." I cooed.

Welcome Peyton! =D
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #48 on: May 14, 2018, 11:38:26 PM »
Welcome Peyton! Brianna's gorgeous!

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #49 on: May 16, 2018, 09:35:56 PM »
Simon's POV

It's been a few weeks since baby Peyton came home. I've enjoyed watching Spencer and Khloe figure out parenting together, they really were a team together. It made me proud that Jasper and I raised her to be such a responsible and caring adult rather than what could have happened if she stayed on the streets. Spencer didn't grow on us at first because it felt like he was taking our little girl away but he really stepped up around the house. They didn't get much sleep the first week but after that they seemed to get into a routine with feeding and changing the diapers. That didn't stop the proud grandparents though from helping out with her.

Jasper and I were doing great. He loved his new music room that I arranged for him, he even sold some jingles that he wrote to some local companies! I was so proud of him and I couldn't wait to see what else he was going to do.

"Are you okay now?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Jasper asked.

"With not having another kid?"

"Yeah, I have a feeling that Peyton will keep us plenty busy." He chuckled.

"Who knows, they could have another one soon."


I swear all the color drained from Jasper's face, it almost made me giggle.

"She isn't pregnant again but I'm just saying."

"Oh, okay."

The days were getting closer to being elders for Sarah, Jasper, and I. It was crazy to think of how life flew by but I wouldn't change a single thing. We adopted two beautiful girls and had a gorgeous granddaughter and a wonderful son in law. I felt comfortable at this point leaving knowing that my daughters were taken care of, I was curious to know what Brianna's plan was going to be but there was plenty of time for that. She was doing amazing in school and had a few close friends but no boyfriend quite yet. Jasper was glad about that one but I knew it was only a matter of time. Unless she chose not to date or even liked girls instead of boys but she knew that we were behind her no matter what.

Khloe's POV

"Wow." I gasped.

"Yeah." Spencer agreed.

I giggled as Peyton started to cry. Spencer wrapped the sheet around his waist and tucking it so that it stayed up, he walked over and took care of Peyton while I laid in bed. Being a mother was rough at times but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I finally understood why pop and dad told me they loved me more than the world itself. You never truly know how much you can love someone so much until you have a child. However, I loved Spencer a whole lot. We seemed to enter some kind of honeymoon phase because we couldn't keep out hands off each other.

Spencer crawled back into bed and kissed me.

"You know, we should probably be careful before we end up with another baby." He giggled.

"Mmmm, I don't know." I smiled.

"You want another baby?"

"I wouldn't mind one, but maybe not this early."


However, Peyton was going to be a toddler before we knew it. The one thing I wouldn't miss though was the late night feedings. She was getting better but we still had that occasional 3 AM time together.

"Hey baby." I cooed.

She fussed.

"Shhh, you're going to wake daddy." I told her.

It was around 2:45 in the morning and I woke up nauseous but haven't thrown up yet. I rocked her after feeding her and just looked at her little face as she looked right back at me. Eventually she fell back asleep and I was able to put her into her bassinet without waking her back up. I crawled back into bed however it didn't last long because I was right back up and shooting into the bathroom to throw up. Before I knew it, it was time to wake up and start the day. I was dragging from being up so late but dad and pop needed me to make sure Brianna got to school alright. I walked back into our room after packing her lunch.

"Okay Bri, it's time to go to school the bus is outside." I told her.

"Can't I just stay here with Peyton?" She whined.

I smiled, "She will still be here when you get home."

Brianna was off to school and it was just Spencer and I alone. He walked over to me and pulled me in his arms.

"Wanna go mess around?" He whispered.

I smiled and nuzzled his neck.

"I would love too, but I'm still not feeling well." I groaned.

"Aww, maybe you should rest."

Just as I was about to go lay down Peyton started to cry.

"I've got her, go lay down on the couch."

I nodded as he walked into the room to take care of her.

I was able to nap a little bit until Brianna got home.

"Still not feeling well?" She asked.

I shook my head and grabbed my stomach.

"Let me make you some soup." She offered.

She was doing a lot cooking lately just to sharpen her skills. She was a head of the game a lot of times so it didn't surprise me she was already planning a head of the game. If I haven't mentioned it she wants to be a chef when she is out of high school. It was fine by us because we got to eat a lot of delicious foods. Sadly, the smells of the soup made it worse and I had to go back into the room to sleep.

I just hoped whatever this was stopped before Peyton's birthday so I could enjoy it rather than be miserable.

ALL of the aging up is happening soon! Peyton will be first however. I miss when you could adjust the age span of each stage, I think you could do that in Sims 3? Maybe 2 though... Hope you enjoyed!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #50 on: May 17, 2018, 12:29:44 AM »
Khloe's POV

"You okay?" Spencer asked.

"I'm fine." I said kissing his cheek.

We were celebrating Peyton's birthday, we had just ate some cake and I was laying in Spencer's arms on the couch. Peyton was now a toddler which was crazy to think about. She was on the floor playing with some stuffed animals that dad and pop bought for her birthday. She was a beautiful little girl, we had our work cut out for us with the boys let me tell you that.

"Where did she get the blonde hair from?" Brianna asked confused.

We were all a little shocked that she had blonde hair.

"I'm a natural blonde." I told her.

"Ah okay, that makes sense." She giggled.

I smiled as Peyton made her teddy bear fly.

"So, when is the next baby?" Dad asked.

Spencer chuckled, "Give us some time."

I faked a smile, but inside I was a worried mess. I didn't mention it to anyone but I was actually worried that this sickness was in fact because I was pregnant. Spencer and I tried to be careful all of those times, but there may have been a time or two that we let things slip in the heat of the moment. Spencer smiled down at me and kissed my temple and I smiled back at him. I felt bad for keeping it from him but I wasn't sure and I didn't want him to get his hopes up. It was too soon, but if it was true then we were just going to have to go with the flow.

"Can I put her to bed?" Brianna asked.

"Sure." Spencer said.

I wanted to be the first one to put her to bed, but I didn't feel like moving. Brianna grabbed her homework so she could work on that while Peyton went to bed. We had set her room up before we knew what she was going to be so the room was still yellow. We were going to decorate it in a few days hopefully.

A Few Weeks Later

"Can you go see why Peyton is crying?" I asked.

"Yeah." Spencer said.

I was in the kitchen getting some cleaning done. Peyton for the most part was sleeping through the night now and she was in the process of learning how to speak and use the toilet. Thankfully I was still unemployed and I say that because if I had been working right now Peyton would be in day care a lot. I was loving being a stay at home mom while I could because honestly things were doing well financially. While at home I not only took care of Peyton but the house as well. My least favorite was the laundry, but only because of the amount of rooms we had in the house. It kept me busy though.

"Peyton no!" Brianna scolded.

I walked out of her room and into the bathroom to find her face first into the toilet.


She looked up at me with Spencer's brown eyes, and for a moment she almost got away with it.

"Mama." She whined.

"No, you cannot play in the toilet." I told her.

She looked at me defeated.

"Go play." I told her.

Before I knew it she was downstairs crying in Spencer's arms. She was already a daddy's girl, but I needed him to stand behind me sometimes.

"How is motherhood?" Sarah asked.

"It's wonderful." I smiled.

She gave me this look, and I know she knew something was bothering me. I wasn't ready to admit it to myself let alone talk about it with anyone.

"I think you guys are doing wonderful, she really is a cute little girl."

"Thank you." Spencer said.

"One thing I'm thankful for is for you guys giving me the opportunity to stay home with her. It's important to me," I was starting to get emotional, "Sorry, it's important for me to show her that she is not alone and she is loved. I was left alone a lot as a child, and when I wasn't alone I was mistreated and abused. I don't want that for her, I want her to have a much better childhood then I did."

"Of course honey." Sarah smiled.

Spencer grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

We walked back in and Brianna let me know that she changed and got Peyton ready for her nap. I headed upstairs and Peyton was so tired that she had already fallen asleep. I pulled the blanket over her and smoothed it out.

"Have a good nap baby." I whispered.

I smiled and kissed her forehead.

I walked into our room and sat on the bed, Spencer walked in behind me a few moments later.

"Hey, everything okay?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. I'm fine."

He sat down next to me.

"Something is up." He said.

I looked at him.

"There is, but I am not ready to talk about it."

I was worried about his reaction, but he gave me a soft smile and gave me a soft and supportive kiss on the forehead.

"I am here whenever you are ready."

"Thank you."

Before we knew it Peyton was up and raising chaos. She cracked me up at lunch or dinner because she hated her high chair. We tried and tried to get her to like it but every time she screamed bloody murder and threw her food all over the place. So, we tried something new and placed her food on the ground. She would waddle over it, pick it up, and go sit on the pile of pillows that were at the end of her bed.

I was thankful Spencer was feeding her upstairs because I was starting to not feel so hot. I was in our bathroom downstairs taking deep breaths and pacing around. I was hot and clammy at the same time and I felt all shaky. My mind raced a million miles a minute as I panicked.

"Khloe? When does Peyton need to go to bed?" I head pop ask.

I couldn't answer from fear of crying out.


Before I knew it he was standing behind me and immediately knew something was wrong.

"Baby? What's wrong?"

The next thing I knew a sharp pain ripped through me.

"AH!!" I screamed clutching my stomach.


"I need help. Daddy I need to go to the hospital." I cried.

"I'm sure it's nothing-"

"No." I insisted.

He didn't get it.

"I need to go to the hospital, something's wrong." I groaned as another pain happened.


"I'm telling you something is wrong. I might be pregnant and something is wrong."

That's all he needed to hear before helping me out to the car.

We peeled out of the driveway not letting anyone know what was going on. I was crying in the passenger seat and groaning in pain, it was all happening in a blur but I remember pop grabbing my hand and holding it.

"We're almost there baby, hold on."

Bum bum bummmmmmm....

Also I derped and accidentally posted the chapter with pictures that were not converted first, I think I fixed it but if they are too big again please let me know and I will do my best to fix it!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #51 on: May 17, 2018, 12:42:01 PM »
Oh no! Poor Khloe. Hope everything is ok! Peyton is adorable.

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #52 on: May 17, 2018, 05:58:54 PM »
Khloe's POV

"I'll bring your things to the room." Spencer said.

"Thank you."

I sat on the couch and put my feet up. I was still in my pajamas but I wasn't in the mood to change. We had to stay admitted to the hospital for the past two days to make sure everything was fine. The doctors said that when I arrived I was showing signs of miscarrying. They did everything they could to stop it, they put me on machines and loaded me up with medicine, and thankfully that worked. The second day in the hospital was mainly for rest and to make sure the pains stayed away. Spencer arrived shortly after pop and I got to the hospital because I had him call him. He found out shortly after he got there that I was pregnant. He was shocked, but once he found out the baby was in danger he was scared. We talked that night about how he felt about having another baby so soon and he was excited. This way Peyton could have a brother or a sister to play with that was close in age. Brianna and I were kind of close in age and it was nice.

"Can I get you anything?" Spencer asked when he came back into the room.

"Not right now, my stomach is a little upset."

He kissed my forehead and went into the kitchen.

At least we knew why I was sick now. We should just assume now that if I'm not already pregnant that if I'm sick it probably means that I am pregnant. I giggled to myself at the thought. Everyone in the house was helping out a lot with Peyton since I had to relax as much as I could until the doctor gave me the all clear. We had another appointment set up in a week to see how things were going. I hated not being able to do a lot with Peyton though and she didn't like it either. I've noticed that she's been crankier with the others because she didn't understand why I couldn't lift her or do much.

"Baby let Sarah give you a bath." I said.

I was sitting on the toilet as Sarah gave her a bath. Peyton splashed causing water to fly everywhere, but thankfully Sarah was still in her bathing suit from swimming.

"Peyton stop that!" I scolded.


"Thank you for being okay with everything." I said to Spencer.

"Of course, we're in this together." He smiled.

I kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Later that night night it was time to put Peyton to bed, but she didn't want to go. She wanted me to pick her up and play with her, but I couldn't.

"Mommy can't pick you up." I told her.

She stomped her feet and screamed when Spencer tried touching her.

"Baby, I want too but it'll hurt the baby."

She didn't understand that.

We eventually had to just put her to bed and Spencer laid her down kicking and screaming. I was able to read her to sleep though once she finally calmed down enough to listen. It also helped that pop was in his music room playing the piano. I smiled and sat there listening to him lightly tap the keys, I loved listening to him play. He was the best piano player in my opinion even though he denied it every time I told him that.

"So are you guys excited for the new baby?" Sarah asked.

"We're getting there, we are still adjusting to the news." I told them.

Brianna smiled.

"What do you think it's going to be?" Bri asked.

"I think we are both secretly hoping for a boy, but we'll be happy with whichever we get. As long as they stay healthy and I'm able to carry to term."

"Everything will be fine." Sarah reassured.

I smiled.

It didn't take long for me to start to show, and that made me feel better. It meant that the baby was growing and he or she was healthy. The doctors gave me the all clear at this point, there was no signs of distress in the baby and I haven't had any out of the usual pains which was awesome news. It helped knowing that they were okay to get more excited for the new arrival, but sadly I think we would have to rearrange the upstairs a bit. Not until the baby was a toddler though, he or she would stay with Spencer and I again while they are a baby.

Now to wait to see what we were going to have! I secretly feel like it could be a boy because I feel like I'm carrying differently with this one then I did with Peyton. We would see soon enough though.

Everything is fine! Well, other than my sanity soon. Welp.
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #53 on: May 17, 2018, 08:43:41 PM »
I'm probably going to be playing a lot today so you guys may get a few updates today! Lucky you!

Khloe's POV

This child was going to kill me before he or she is even born. I was so tired with being pregnant and then taking care of a toddler.

"Have you guys thought about names?" Brianna asked.

She was working on her homework and I was eating for what had to be the fifth time that day alone.

"Not really, I think we are just going to wait and see this time." I told her.

"I bet you are ready."

"Yes and no, I'm tired already. It's easy right now because he or she is still in me but once they are here I will have two physical babies to take care of."

"Well, you'll have help so it won't be too bad."

I smiled.

"How is babysitting going?" I asked.

She babysat on the weekends for some extra spending money.

"It's okay."

Later that night dad and pop called Brianna and I into the kitchen. Spencer agreed to watch Peyton while I went to see what they wanted.

"What's up?" I asked sitting down.

"Well, life is moving fast these days and you are about to have another baby. Dad and I just thought it would be nice to sit down together and just talk about things." Pop said.

"Like?" Brianna asked.

"How is school?" Dad asked her.

"It's fine, I have a English test to study for."

"I'm sure you will do fine."

It was actually nice sitting around the island with dad and pop. We rarely got alone time as a family, not that Spencer, Peyton, and Sarah weren't family but you know what I meant. We talked about a lot of things and how we felt about life. I wasn't ready for them to grow old and leave us, but then again I was. Don't get me wrong it was nice having everyone under one roof and I loved every second of it. Before I never wanted to leave them, but now that I have Spencer and Peyton and then the new baby I was kind of ready to do things alone. That didn't mean I was going to rush them out the door, but whenever the time came I was confident that everything would be fine.

I entered my third trimester with no problems. The doctors appointments were happening more frequently now but we never had any issues so far. Peyton didn't quiet get the baby thing yet, she was confused as to why mommy was so big. At night sometimes Spencer would bring her into our room and I would be laying down and she would pat my stomach gently and then giggle when the baby kicked back. It was the cutest thing ever. I was worried however that she would feel neglected by the new baby needing so much attention but Spencer insisted that it would be fine.

We would find sooner rather than later though because early the next morning my water broke. Spencer was more excited this time then scared, he literally ran out of the room to go tell everyone that it was time for the baby. Sarah giggled as she walked out of the room with the laundry.

We decided to have the baby at home this time, and there was plenty of time so I decided to sit in Peyton's room with Spencer. I tried to keep my groans of pain down though so I wouldn't scare Peyton. She handled it pretty well though, better than I was. I forgot how painful having a baby was and I couldn't believe that I still had a few more hours of this.

"Ow." I cried.

"Breathe." Spencer told me.

I tried, but it felt like the baby was ripping through me from the inside.

Spencer held my hand until the contraction was over.


"Another one?" Spencer asked.

He was on the floor playing with Peyton.

"They're getting closer." I told him.

I breathed through the pain, they were getting closer together but also more painful.

"I think it may be close to time." I told him.

He looked up at me.

I smiled a little, I became more nervous once I heard myself say it.

"Are we ready?" He asked.

"I think so." I nodded.

Before we knew it the contractions were so close and painful that there was no questioning that it was time. Spencer had Sarah watch Peyton and we went to the room and closed the door.

"Oh god this hurts." I cried.

Spencer walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me from behind me.

"Breathe." He whispered.

I groaned.

He made soothing sounds in my ear that helped relax me but the pain was still there.

Before we knew it, we had another baby!

"A boy!" I cried.

"You did wonderful!" Spencer said, he had tears in his eyes.

"We have a baby boy."

"What should we name him?"

I looked down at the new addition to the family.

"Carter." I mentioned.

I don't know why, but the name just came to me. Spencer smiled and looked down at his son.

"Welcome to the world, Carter." He whispered.

Welcome Carter!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #54 on: May 18, 2018, 12:54:05 AM »
Simon's POV

"Thank you for your patience."

I smiled.

I was sitting in an office, it was a clean office with light yellow paint on the walls. Diplomas and personal pictures hung on the walls and the sun was shining through the windows. It was a beautiful day outside, and there was a light breeze flowing through the windows. I took a deep breath as the doctor sat down at his desk and scooted his chair forward. He opened the chart and scanned it over for a few minutes before looking up at me.

"You've been seeing me for a few months now." He stated.

I nodded.

He sighed, "I wish I had better news for you Simon."

"How bad?" I asked.

I felt my throat close up.

"It's stage three, and with the rate it's spreading it won't be long until it's stage four lung cancer."

My eyes closed and I bent my head down.

"I know it's a lot to handle." He told me.

"Khloe just had another baby." I whispered.

He gave me a gentle smile.

"So, what now?" I asked.

"We continue to hope that it doesn't spread, but once it's stage four there really isn't stopping it. Are you sure you do not want treatment?"

He's been trying to convince me to get treatment for a while, but I denied it every time.

"No. I want to enjoy the time I have left with my family." I told him.

"Who knows about the diagnosis?"

"Only Jasper, we agreed not to tell the children."

"They would want to know."

"I understand, but they have enough on their plates and until it gets worse, if it gets worse, I want things to stay normal."

He nodded as he stood up.

"Call me if things change." He said.

I shook his hand and headed home.

I went to the hospital a few months back for difficulty breathing, everyone was either at work or at school and Jasper took me. They found spots on my lungs and I was put under so many tests and poked so many times. They found the cancer a few weeks after that, and we decided to not treat it because I was going to be an elder soon. I wanted to enjoy the time I did have left, and I know it may upset some people but this was what I wanted and how I wanted to handle it. I walked between the house and laundry room when I heard crying, I slowly walked up the stairs and glanced in to see Khloe standing in front of the washing machines and she was crying.

I walked into the house and Spencer was in the kitchen.

"Khloe is crying in the laundry room." I mentioned.

"Again?" He asked.

"This has been a normal thing?"

"Yeah, the doctors think she may have a touch of postpartum depression. It should go away on it's own."

I nodded.

How was I suppose to tell them this? It was better if I didn't worry them with it yet because they had their own issues. Khloe has been through so much and to struggle even more now, it would send her over the edge. Jasper was behind me with whatever I decided to do and I was thankful to have such a wonderful and supportive husband. I knew he was scared and just putting on a brave face for me, but I knew him and I knew this was hard for him to handle. For now, I would enjoy what time I had left with my family.

"Dad? Can you take Peyton upstairs?" Khloe asked.

"Of course!" I smiled.

I picked up Peyton and she squealed. We walked upstairs and into her bedroom and I sat down.

"What's up bug?" I asked.

She babbled and looked up at me.

"I love you, you know that right?"

"Love!" She squealed.

I giggled.


"She still needs her lunch before a nap." Khloe said to Spencer.

"Do you need food?" Spencer asked Peyton.

He hugged her and I smiled.

He was such a good father to her and to Carter. He really stepped up when he found out Khloe was pregnant again and it made me proud to have him as a son in law.

"Let's go get you some food."

She didn't make it through the entire meal though, she was eating in her chair but she must have been tired. I giggled as I walked in to see her passed out in her chair over her plate of food. I took the plate and set it down before picking her up and moving her to the bed.

"She fell asleep?" Khloe asked.

"Yeah, in her chair." I told her.

I pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead.

"It's rough to be a toddler." I giggled.

"It must be." She agreed.

There was an awkward silence.

"Daddy?" She asked.

"What baby?"

"Is everything okay? With you?"

My stomach dropped and I quickly smiled.

"Of course everything is fine." I told her.


"Everything is fine, there is nothing to worry about."

I walked over and kissed her on the cheek and walked out of the room before she could tell that I was lying. It killed me, but it was for the best.

Everything is fine, right?
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #55 on: May 18, 2018, 01:23:01 AM »
--sniffle-- nooooo! I'm gonna be a blubbering mess...

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #56 on: May 23, 2018, 11:01:37 PM »
Khloe's POV

There was something going on with dad, I knew there was but every time I brought it up to dad or pops they both said everything was fine. If I found out everything wasn't fine then I would probably never forgive either of them. I was an adult and Brianna may be a teenager but I feel like she was old enough to handle whatever it was. I didn't have much time to dwell on it however because Carter kept us pretty busy. Spencer was amazing with him however, he volunteered most nights to wake up and feed him so that I could get some sleep. It was his way of letting me sleep for later in the day when he was at work. We agreed that I would stay at home with the kids while he went to work and that was fine with me. I enjoyed being home with them, Peyton and I would do fun activities throughout the day while I took care of Carter when he needed something.

"What's going on?" Brianna asked, walking into the bedroom.

"What do you mean?" I asked obviously confused.

"With dad, what is going on?"

"Nothing is going on."


"Look, I don't know because they won't tell me. So I assume nothing is wrong, or at least I hope that it is."

"Why won't they tell you?"

I sighed and shrugged.

"Well something is happening because I just walked in and dad and pop stopped talking completely. It was obvious they were talking about something they didn't want me to know about."

"It's frustrating."

What was even more frustrating was the fact that Spencer's boss over worked him. It would be a different story if he got amazing pay but it was only decent pay and he worked his butt off both at work and at home bettering his skills. He told me that he didn't mind but I did because I hated seeing him so tired almost every single night. There would even be some nights where he barely made it to the bed before passing out. I would then have to undress him and change him into his pajamas so that he was at least comfortable.


I walked in to her, yet again, making a mess in her room. She was dumping something she probably found in someone's room all over the floor and laughing as she did it.

"What mama?"

"Don't what mama me, you know very well." I scolded.

She looked up at me with her little eyes trying to pull the cute card, but I wasn't falling for it. She knew better and she knew that I didn't like it when she made messes.

"Now, you are going to help mama clean this up."

She started whining.

"No, you made the mess and now you get to clean it up."


I felt helpless sometimes with Peyton. It was like one moment she understood what I was telling her but the next she was completely clueless. I talked to Aunt Sarah about it and she offered to see if she could help. They seemed to have a good bond between each other and maybe that was because Sarah wasn't her parent. It sometimes made me feel like a failure.

"Now, what did mama tell you about messes?" Sarah asked Peyton.

"Don't make them." She told her.

I stood by and listened to the conversation.

"What would be some reasons for good messes?"

"Painting or drawing?" She guessed.

"That's good, what about bad?"

"Dumping things for no reason."

She nodded.

I smiled as Peyton looked up at me.

I hoped that the conversation would help because I had a lot on my plate right now. Between dad's secret issue and the fact that Carter's birthday was today. My little man was now going to be a toddler and I needed to make his cake still. It was a chocolate cake with blue frosting and sprinkles, it was absolutely delicious but that was no surprise because Bri baked it herself.

Carter was handsome if I had to say so myself.

Two toddlers to deal with. This mama was going to need some serious mommy time every once in a while. Thankfully though Peyton's birthday was just a few weeks away so I wouldn't have to deal with two crazy toddlers running around. It seemed like Carter was going to be my shadow, because everywhere that I went he wanted to be. It was fine though I didn't mind him being a little clingy sometimes it was actually kind of cute. What was also cute was how attached Peyton and Carter got to each other, it was something that I hoped would happen. Carter wasn't planned at all, he was a surprise baby but I was thankful for the surprise. If we hadn't made an oops then Peyton wouldn't of had a friend to play with and a companion to grow up with. I know Aunt Sarah and dad enjoyed having each other to lean on.

A Couple Weeks Later

Peyton's birthday. Wow, this was a day that I was kind of dreading. I wasn't ready for her to be a child yet because I was enjoying her being a toddler even though she drove me nuts. But ready or not here it was. I was excited though for the school age and all the cute little projects she would make and then helping with homework. Spencer was also excited for all that, but he was a little more sad about his littler girl growing up.

"Are we ready?" Brianna asked.

"Yeah!" I called.

We all gathered in the kitchen. Spencer had Peyton in his arms and I stood next to them in front of the pink cake the Brianna had baked. We sang her the birthday song and she clapped afterwards and before we knew it, Peyton was a child and man she was gorgeous.

"Watch out daddy, you're going to need a nice big stick for this one." Dad joked.

I smiled, but sadness washed over me once again.

The first week of school for Peyton came and went, and she seemed to enjoy it so far. She hasn't made any friends yet but I wasn't worried about that. I wanted to focus all of my attention on her and the new and exciting things at school but the thing with dad was taking my attention away. What was it and why wouldn't they just tell us?

Hello! I know it's been a little! Sorry about that! But I'm back now =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #57 on: May 24, 2018, 01:00:46 AM »
Peyton is so cute!  And what a little troublemaker hehehe.  Her and Carter are sooo cute together!  Welcome back Ally.  Another great update ^^

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #58 on: May 24, 2018, 03:57:22 PM »
Khloe's POV

I stormed into dad's room, he was sitting on the bed. I stood there for for a few moments with tears in my eyes and my hands shaking with anger.

"You have cancer?!" I snapped.

It came out a lot more angrier then I originally planned for, but I was hurt. I just got off the phone with the doctors office who didn't bother to make sure they were talking to the right person. He turned around and looked at me before standing up.

"How do you know that?" He asked.

"So it's true." I said.

He sighed and walked passed me to shut the door. He walked back in front of me and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm not giving up, so you might as well tell me."

I had tears streaming down my face and at that moment I couldn't tell if it was angry tears or the fact that there was something wrong with him.

"I have lung cancer."

"How far along?"

"It's stage four now."

I let out a cry.

"What about treatment, there has to be-"

"I don't want treatment."


"Khloe, I'm about to become an elder. I would rather spend my time with my family enjoying the time I have left then spend my last days in the hospital being sick from chemo and miserable."

"Who else knows?"

"Just pop."

I looked away as fresh tears spilled from my eyes.

"Are you going to tell Bri?" I asked.

"Now that you know, I think we are going to tell the rest."

"I don't want Peyton to know. She is too young to understand and I do not want to scare her."


I looked at him and just started sobbing.

"Oh princess."

He pulled me into a hug and I cried into his shoulder.


Dad and pop told everyone at dinner that night. Brianna has been in her room crying for the past couple hours and at this point I was just numb. I turned my focus on Peyton and Carter, Peyton had a field trip for school this week to the zoo and she was excited for that. Carter has been officially potty trained now and Spencer and I were working with him on learning how to speak. I used some flash cards that I was given at the hospital.

Brianna finally reappeared from her room to make the birthday dinner that she promised to make. It was dad, pop, and Sarah's birthday today and she promised to make them any dinner they wanted. They chose something simple and easy which ended up being mac and cheese. She also baked a chocolate cake with white frosting for them. She hasn't said much, but she was still processing it all. I guess I could understand why dad and pop chose not to tell us but I still would have liked to know. I thought it would be fun to give a make over to everyone, plus I felt like it would be neat to repay the favor to Aunt Sarah. She helped me with my makeover so I wanted to do the same for her. Dad and pop chose only to change shirts though, what a boring choice if you ask me.

"Okay kids, almost bed time!" I told Carter and Peyton.

"A few more minutes?" Peyton asked.

"Is your homework done?"

She nodded.

"Fine, twenty more minutes."

She clapped.

It was nice to see through everything that dad and pop stuck together. They didn't show a lot of public affection but when they did it was the sweetest thing ever.

"Spencer, can you put the kids to bed?" I asked.

I was enjoying the time with dad right now, and I didn't want to stop talking to him.

"Of course."

"Hi dad." Peyton said.

"Hi baby." He smiled.

"Can I help put Carter to bed?" She asked.

"Of course, go pick out a book for him."

She pranced along to the bookshelf as he carried Carter up the stairs.

"What's going to happen to the house?" I asked.

"Well, my hopes is that you guys will be able to stay here. We have enough money now and once we retire we will still get checks." Dad told me.

I nodded.

For being sick with stage four lung cancer he seemed to be pretty well so far. I noticed there were a few days here and there that he would be struggling to breathe but back then I thought that it was just allergies or just his age showing. I was scared though of how things would change and how fast, they warned us that it could go downhill at anytime but I honestly hoped that old age would be why he passed away. I didn't want him to suffer or be in any kind of pain whatsoever.

"I think I'm going to head to bed though." Dad said.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

"No, I'll be fine."

He kissed my forehead and headed upstairs.

By the time that I walked into our bedroom Spencer was already pulling the covers back. I got my pajamas out and started to change into them.

"How are you holding up?" He asked.

"I feel numb, but I'm doing okay."

"It's not easy, but I'll be here with you."

I smiled at him and crawled into bed.

Peyton was off school the next day, so instead of just having Carter I had Peyton as well. It was easier now though because the three adults retired so they were home all the time now. It was nice because it gave them more time with the kids.

"Peyton do you want crust on your sandwich?" I called.

"No!" She answered.

I was in the kitchen cutting the crust off her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and poured some milk before setting the plate and food on the table.

"Peyton! Lunch!"

She walked in and sat  down.

"I'm going to feed your brother." I told her.

She nodded.

Brianna was home as well, and she always liked to be a part of feeding time. It was nice having extra hands though so I didn't mind.

"What are you having?" Bri asked Carter.

"Sammich!" He cooed.

I giggled.

"Yeah!" She said.

My kids made life a whole lot easier and I was thankful for them each day.

So the truth is out! I'm also not ready for all three of them to be gone. I forgot that it was even that close until the pop up that Sarah aged up happened. Welp.
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #59 on: May 25, 2018, 12:53:19 AM »
Okay, a little oops on my part. Somewhere Brianna had a birthday and turned into a young adult, and I can't seem to find if I wrote it into the story! So at some point in the story her clothes are going to change because I like to give them a new look at different stages of their age. I borked pretty bad but it won't happen again!

Simon's POV

Telling the children about my cancer diagnosis wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Khloe confronting me about it was the worst of it, but after that it was easier than I thought it would be. Brianna took it hard at first but then she decided to push through it and make the best of the situation. She was a strong girl and I liked to think that Jasper and I had something to do with that. I did a good job at hiding it but some days were harder to get through than others. I tried to stay in my room on those days in fear of scaring the kids but Khloe didn't put up with that. Jasper and her took shifts on those days taking care of me and helping me to and from the bathroom. I didn't want it but they insisted on helping me.

Peyton was a doll. I often helped her with her homework and whatever projects she had. She would just sit there next to me on the couch and do her homework and let me tell her stories that she's heard a million times. I loved our bonding moments and I hoped that she would remember me when I was gone. Carter was going to be a handsome young man as well, he was so well behaved even as a toddler. I enjoyed watching my grandchildren grow up and develop their own personalities and I was so proud of Spencer and Peyton for becoming wonderful parents. Khloe was nervous to become a parent the first time, but she took the challenge and she flew with it. Things only got better once Carter arrived shortly after, she seemed to handle high pressure situations with ease.

"Can I eat by the pool mama?" Peyton asked.

Khloe just put Carter down for the night and we were outside on the patio eating dinner. Peyton wanted hot dogs so Jasper grilled some and we were enjoying the nice breeze.

"Only if you be careful." Khloe said.

"I will!"

I smiled as Peyton took her plate and sat at the edge of the pool and ate her hot dog.


"How is the little man doing?" I asked.

"He's fine, what are you doing out of bed?" Khloe asked.

"I'm feeling a bit better."

"At least sit down."

I sat down on the little blue chair and looked at Carter as he ate his yogurt.

"Can you believe he is going to be a child soon?" I asked.

"The time did fly by."

"I hope that I get to see him grow up to be at least a child."

"Me too dad."

I could hear the sadness in her voice when she said it. She said she was fine with it but I knew it ate her up inside. I had no doubt that she would be fine though because if anyone could do it she was the one. I still remember when we first got Khloe, she was so angry all the time and I wasn't sure if she would ever change. She slowly came around and welcomed us as her family and I was glad she did because I wasn't sure where she would be if she hadn't.

Oh yeah, did I also mention that Brianna had a birthday? My little girl was now a young adult.

"I think I'm going to go rest." I told Khloe.

"Do you need help?" She asked.

I shook my head and slowly got up and headed to the room.

Khloe's POV

I watched as dad left the room and let my smile fade. It was hard watching someone you loved and looked up too go through something like cancer, but I told myself that I would be there to help and that was what I was going to do. Sure throughout the process I've seen things of dad that I've never wanted to see, but he needed me to help and I wanted him to be as comfortable as possible. Pop asked me several times if I was sure I could handle it, and truthfully it was hard but it was dad.

I walked downstairs and pop was in the kitchen alone.

"What's up pops?" I asked.

"Just cleaning up a little." He said.

"Need any help?"

"No, you need a break."

"I'm fine."

He looked at me and the whole room went serious.

"Khloe, you've done amazing with dad. It's not easy and I say this because there are times where I even struggle with it. But I am so proud of you and the woman you've become. I know dad appreciates it even though he can be hard headed sometimes. That's just because he doesn't like feeling weak and helpless."

"I know, and thank you. I just want to help him, you guys have done so much for me that it's only right to give back. I just want him as comfortable as possible when the time comes."

"Me too, the doctors sent over some pain medication we can start giving him when things go down hill."

I nodded.

He kissed my forehead and walked out of the room.

"So, do you think I should get a job?" Brianna asked.

She scared me a bit because I didn't see her walk in the room.

"If you want to get one then you can." I told her.

"But are we hurting?"

"Not right now no."

"I just wanted you to know that I'm here. To help and whatnot, I know that it will be just us and Spencer and the kids when they pass so I want to pull my own weight when needed."

"Thank you Bri." I smiled.

I hugged her and we decided to go for a little walk to have some sister time.

Just a small little update =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3