Author Topic: Making it Work *Complete*  (Read 35129 times)

Offline TheGoat

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2018, 11:17:09 PM »
Exciting developments! Looking to see what happens. I have to admit, though, I'm also anxious to see what happens to Sarah. She can't just be a dog-walker forever! She needs a life, too. Her brother is an attention hog! LOL ;)

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2018, 11:40:39 PM »
"Are we ready?" I asked for the millionth time.

"Simon. Sit down." Sarah said.

"I can't!"

I went to straighten up more even though nothing needed to be straightened.

"They should be arriving soon." Jasper said looking out the window.

"What was her name again?" I asked nervously.


"That's pretty."

My stomach was doing flips.

"There's a car!" Jasper gasped.

Sarah and I ran to the window and sure enough a black car pulled up. A girl got out with a red backpack, she was dressed...interestingly. Something that I would never allow my daughter to wear. She had blue hair short hair and a spiked necklace, she looked terrifying.

"You think she's from the agency?" Sarah asked.

"I wouldn't think so. She looks like one of those punks." Jasper said.

"Maybe she is lost." I said.

"I don't see a baby with her."

"Yeah, she said that we would be getting a baby." I told them.

She walked up the steps and knocked on the door. I gave Sarah and Jasper a look before I went and opened the front door. The girl looked at me with no emotion before handing me a note and some papers. I looked  them over and they talked about the beginnings of adoption and had her I.D. card and everything.

"Khloe?" I asked.

"So?" She asked.

I looked at Jasper.

"You are Khloe?" Jasper asked.

"You guys catch on fast. Is my room close by?" She asked looking inside.

"How about we go look at the house." Sarah offered.

Jasper and I stepped outside and I closed the door.

"I'm a little afraid of leaving Sarah with her." Jasper said.

"I thought we were suppose to be getting a baby!" I snapped.

"Me too!"

I pulled out my phone and dialed the agency. When I finally got on the line with an actual human being they told me that there was a mistake and that the person that told me it would be a baby was wrong. They said it may be a few weeks before they could straighten everything out and asked if we would be willing to keep her until then. I didn't want her living on the streets so I agreed that we would do that.

"Well. Um, let's go meet our possible daughter." I took a deep breath.


"You have got to be kidding me." Khloe snapped.

"It's all we have to work with." I told her.

We found a cheap pull out bed and a divider for our room and set it up for her.

"Whatever," She said throwing her backpack down, "Better than my last place."

"Where was that?"

"By a dumpster." She scuffed.

"Oh." Jasper said.

Khloe walked into the kitchen and looked at Oscar.

"I don't like dogs." She blatantly said.

"He grows on you." I smiled.

"Well, he won't grow on me."

"Listen, I know this is new but we are all going to have to figure this out."

"What if I don't want to figure it out?" She snapped.

"Well tough." Jasper said firmly.

"This is so stupid!"

"Enough!" Sarah screamed, making us all jump.

She looked at Khloe who glared at her.

"Go watch TV! NOW!"

"Whatever, won't be much longer til you guys throw me away." She whispered before walking to the couches.

Sarah, Jasper, and I walked into Sarah's room.

"Was there a mix up?" Sarah asked.

"Yes, and they are trying to work it out but it will be a few weeks." I told her.

"So she can go back?"

"If that's what we decide." I told her.

"Well, she seems to have an attitude." Sarah said.

"She just got thrown into another strange home. You can tell by just looking at her that she's had a rough life, are we really going to just give up on her before she gets a chance?" I asked.

I looked at Jasper.

"No." He said.


"We need to give it our best, after all that same chance was given to Simon and I and that turned out pretty well. We all need to know we are loved and maybe that's what she needs."

"I don't know." Sarah said.

"We give it a try." I said.

"A few weeks." Jasper said.

"A few weeks." Sarah repeated.


"Khloe." I said.

"What?" She asked.

"Come sit down."

She looked at me like I was growing two more heads.


"Because I want to talk to you."

She walked over and pulled out the chair.

"Okay." She said.

"I know things have been rough for you-"

"Do not act like you know about my life." She snapped.

"Okay I am sorry. How about you tell me about it?" I asked, trying another approach.

"My mother was pretty hard into the illegal stuff. Once the police found out I was thrown into home after home where I was deemed the "problem child" and it was soon after I turned thirteen that I ran away. I decided if no one wanted me then I could make it on my own. I've been living on the streets ever since the agency found me and now I am here."

"Wow, sounds like a rough life." I said.

"Whatever, this is just a stop until I'm thrown into another stupid house."

"We never said we were going to get rid of you."

She rolled her eyes.

"We want to help you Khloe."

"I'm far beyond help."

I didn't believe her though. Sarah may have her concerns and Jasper seemed to be a little uneasy but I was determined to help this girl. I would admit that I hoped to have that bond right away, the father-daughter bond, but I was willing on working on it and in a few weeks maybe even make it official. Time would tell but I wanted Khloe to know what a home felt like, what a family felt like.

I had this vision for Khloe. I think I did a fine job at making her look the "bad ass" type, not as bad ass as I wanted it but it's pretty good. What do you guys think? Was it too soon? Is Khloe worth the fight? Or should they just give up now? I'm excited to keep playing and I will probably be turning aging back on now.
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2018, 11:54:47 PM »
Oooo, loving it! Love Khloe!

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2018, 04:59:52 PM »
"Where is Khloe?" I asked.

"In her bed sleeping." Jasper said.

"The school called me at work, she missed the day?"

"She wasn't feeling well so I let her stay home."

"Okay, that's fine as long as she doesn't make it a normal thing."

I saw Jasper get up from the couch a few moments later when there was movement in our room. He walked in and I followed him to see Khloe picking up his guitar.

"You play?" He asked her.

"I taught myself. My last foster dad used to beat me, but when he went to work and I was home alone I would sneak and play his guitar. It was all I had to look forward too at that time." She told us.

"That's horrible." I said.

"Yeah well, it happens so whatever."

I guess I never really thought about what children without families went through. It's something that most people take advantage of at times because they have everything they could need. In a way I was glad that it was impossible for Jasper and I to have our own children. Maybe this was a way for us to give back to the world and help those children who were less fortunate. Seeing how Khloe was it made me want to have several children because they need us.

"Play something for me." Jasper said.


I smiled and walked out to the living room. Sarah was just now getting home from work.

"How was work?" I asked.

"It was fine. How has it been?"

"Fine so far, she stayed home from school but she's doing fine."

She nodded.

I knew Sarah didn't fully agree with this. I know she wanted too but she didn't think Khloe would ever change and that she would always be like this. I was a firm believer that everyone could change if they wanted too and if you broke through their tough barrier and saw the real them. Khloe has walls up and she has tough skin but I would keep chipping away those shields until she felt comfortable enough to let us in.


"Khloe, can you go get the laundry?" I asked.

"UGH. Fine."

She threw the laundry on the couch and went to sit at the table.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her.

"No." She snapped.

"That's fine, thank you for getting the laundry."


"You know, he just is trying to be nice." Sarah told her.

"I wasn't talking to you." Khloe told her.

"Yeah well now you are."

"Sarah." I warned.

"Look lady, I don't care if you don't like me." Khloe spat.

"I don't like your attitude."

"Oooooo let me go cry!"

"Simon." Sarah looked at me.

"Yeah, go cry to him." Khloe said.

"Khloe go in your space." Simon said.

She pushed the chair back and stood up but not before glaring at Sarah. I took her spot in front of Sarah and watched her walk into the bedroom.

"You seriously think this will work?" Sarah asked.

"I do, but picking fights with her is only going to make her open up." I told her.

"So this is my fault?"

"I am not saying that, but so far Sarah all you've been is judgmental towards her."

"Because of her behavior Simon! Not to mention the way that she is dressed!"

"With time her behavior will change but we have to work with her, and as for the clothes that is just how she is comfortable right now. When things get a little better I will talk to her about maybe changing her style."

"I feel like you are taking her side Simon." She snapped.

"I love you Sarah, you know that, but right now I think I need to be in her corner. That doesn't mean that I love you any less or won't stick up for you if she does say or do something out of line. But Sarah she is used to people not believing her and just giving up on her, someone needs to fight for her."

Khloe's POV

I stood by the wall and listened to that conversation. He wanted to give me a chance? Was I really worth it? I walked over to my bed and grabbed my journal and sat cross legged on my cot/bed thing. I bit the tip of my pen as I thought about what to write.

It's been a few days with this new family.

It's not that "happy go lucky" family scene like you see in those cheesy american sitcoms. I'm stuck in this little space in this room with nothing but a divider to give me privacy, it's crappy right? Anyway, by the looks of it there is Simon and Jasper who are married and apparently my new parents. Not that I mind, having two dads, whatever. Equality and stuff. Simon's sister though, Sarah, she's a piece of work. She's out to get me and whatnot. Whatever. I just heard their conversation and it seems like Simon is fighting for me. I've never had that, but you know that in my past entries.

It's just been my book bag and I for as long as I could remember. I've had this thing since grade school so it's seen every horrible home I've been placed in. It's like a comfort thing at this point, my bag and my journal. I don't know what to think of this new family, they seem cool but it's hard to trust anyone. Last person I trusted chose drugs instead of me, but whatever. Hope she is happy. I'll give this family a little bit more time before I make my decision but if Sarah keeps it up I'm out of here. I'm not going to stay in a home where someone doesn't want me I've done that and I am not going through that again. I have a plan though, if it didn't turn out well I was going to wait til night time and just make a run for it. Run away and wait for the agency to find me again and be placed with some family just so I can repeat the process. All I had to do was make it until I was an adult and then they couldn't touch me. I could sign myself out of the system.

But, here's to giving it a chance I guess. Whatever.

Jasper's POV

"So, we have been talking." I told Khloe.


"We are going to move."

"Oh, so you are giving up on me?"

"What?! No! No you are coming with us of course!"


"Yes, and you will have your own room." I told her.


"We have to go house searching, but hopefully soon."


She only said cool and she tried to hide any emotions, but I could tell that she was fighting back tears. I was with Simon fully on this one and I wanted to know Khloe and hopefully be allowed to be in her world. So if moving to a new house where she had her own room would help that and let her know that we were serious then that is what we would do.

"Cool." I said smiling.

It's a small step but maybe Khloe will open up.
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2018, 05:24:34 PM »
Excellently done!  Hm, Sarah is being rather judgemental.  I love how Simon and Jasper are sticking with it!

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2018, 11:39:02 PM »
So, we were moved in our new house. It was pretty bare at the moment with nothing but what we needed. We made it out with a few thousand to spare and once we had the extra money we would start making the house more of our own. Well, depending on how long we were in it.

"So, this is your new room." I told Khloe.

"My own room." She whispered.

"I even bought you a desk, for your writing."

"You know I write?" She asked.

For a moment I thought she was going to yell at me.

"I saw you one night, but don't worry I would never read it." I told her.


I watched as she looked around the room.

"Khloe, have you ever had your own room?" I asked.

She shook her head, "No."

"Well, this is your space. The only rule we have is that you open the door when we ask. Okay?"

"Okay." She said.

For a whole minute I saw the littlest smile cross her lips and that was all I needed to know that she was happy.

"I'm going to walk the dog." Khloe said.


"Could be fun."

Now I was shocked that I didn't even have to ask her.

Khloe's POV

I sat down at my new desk, my desk, mine. In my room, next to my new bed.

If a year ago you would have told me that this was how my life would be, I wouldn't of believed you.

These people seem to really care about me. They moved houses for me, and I don't know what to think about that. I'm almost afraid to let myself be happy because that is not an emotion that I am used too or even know how to express. Perhaps if they were willing to put the work in then maybe I should as well. The agency called yesterday to see how things were going and I overheard them say that things were fine. Did that mean in a few weeks they would try to make it official?

Maybe things were going too fast though and I was getting my hopes up. After all this is almost how all of my homes started, where the adults would try and make me feel welcome and then a little farther into it things would turn to crap. But these people moved houses for me so that I could have my own room. That had to mean something right? So, I would try as long as Sarah left me alone. I don't know why she doesn't trust me, well I know why but it's not like I have done anything to her. Maybe because I wasn't born into the family that makes me less special. If she thought she would hurt me with that though, well I've been told I'm not special enough for it to actually hurt me.

Simon's POV

I heard Khloe scream from the backyard, the backdoor slam, and her stomp into the study.

"The STUPID dog knocked the trash bin over AGAIN!" She screamed.

"Khloe, he is not stupid."

"He is if he keeps doing it!"

"Khloe." I warned.

"Oh cut the crap! I'm not two years old the parental voice won't work." She groaned.

"Khloe, he is a dog. They do that sometimes, pick the trash up and move on." I said softly.

"Isn't there something we could do though?" She asked.


"This is so stupid!" She screamed.

"Stop screaming."


"I'm home!" Jasper said.

"Go do what I asked please." I said standing up.

She huffed and walked back outside as I walked in the living room to greet Jasper.

"Welcome home."

"Thank you." He said.

Sarah's POV

I looked out the window and Khloe was outside actually doing some chores. I glanced and didn't see where Simon and Jasper were an assumed they were outside as well. I felt bad for what I was about to do, but I didn't know how else to do it. I needed to know if she was going to ruin this family and if she wasn't going to talk to me then I was going to find out my own way. I quickly went into Simon and Jasper's room before anyone saw me and knelt down.

I saw her hide her journal in here the other day, it was smart not hiding it in her own room and somewhere no one would thing to look. I moved my hand around until my fingers finally touched a notebook. I pulled it out and went to the dining room table with it. No one was to be found still so I was in the clear. I quickly sat down and flipped through the pages because I didn't have time to actually read the entire thing. Some of the things in here were about me!


I jumped five feet out of my own skin.

I looked up and Simon stood by me looking beyond upset.


"She's writing things about me Simon!" I snapped.

"That is her personal journal! It's private! It's her safe place!"

"You are defending someone you have known a week!"

"In hopes that she will want to become our daughter!" He snapped.

I looked down at the book, maybe this was going too far.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

He grabbed the journal and went and put it back where it was. When he walked back out Jasper had come inside again.

"That was low Sarah, lower than I thought you would ever go." Simon said.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? There's just something off about her."

"We've had this conversation over and over again Sarah." Jasper said.

"I know."

"She's trying, and we really need you on the same side." Simon said.


Simon's POV

"Khloe?" I asked knocking on the door.

"Come in."

I opened up the door.

"So, how was your first night?" I asked.

I was greeted with a hug, which was the most wonderful surprise I could have asked for.

"I take it that it was good?" I asked.

"Thank you." She said.

"For what?"

"Giving me a shot."

"I told you, we want to adopt you and we want to be your dads if you will allow it. But don't think we are forcing you to call us that, only if and when you are ready."

She nodded.

"Jasper is cooking breakfast, come out when you are ready."


I smiled at her and headed back to the kitchen.

"She hugged me." I told Jasper.

"Shut up." He said.

"Telling the truth."


Breakfast was ready and we sat down at our first meal as a potential family.

Things were going in the right direction, slowly and steady wins the race.

Thank you for reading and I hope you are enjoying =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline TheGoat

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2018, 01:31:55 AM »
Love it so far, Ally. I know it's early, but this is one of your best stories yet.

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2018, 01:36:54 AM »
Awww!  I'm not even talking about what Sarah did... I think she's being more of a child than Khloe is.  At least Khloe has an excuse... Yeesh.  But I love how Simon and Jasper are handling it!

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2018, 08:22:15 PM »
Sarah's POV

"Khloe?" I asked.

"What?!" She snapped.

"Can you come here for a moment?"

She walked out over her room.

"Have a seat."

"Do I have too?" She snarled.


"Look, I know it's been a few weeks and things have not been the best between us." I started.

She rolled her eyes.

"I'll be honest with you Khloe, I found your journal and I read some of it."


"I admit it was wrong for me to do that and I apologize for it. I know this doesn't help the fact that you don't trust me but I want to work on that."

"Those were my private thoughts." She said.

"I know and I'm ashamed of myself."

She looked down.

"Khloe, maybe you were right. Maybe myself and your dads don't realize how lucky we do have it. We were raised in a nice house with two parents who loved us. Maybe what it took was for you to come here to open our eyes. What I'm trying to say is that I want to start over and try to fix this, that is if you are willing to do that."

She looked at me for a second.

"I realize that my attitude wasn't the best and still needs some work. I realize that I have to stop the defensive stuff and try to open up but when I got here you acted like I was a piece of trash on your shoe. I am more than my past and I deserve to be treated as such."

"I know."

"So, how does this starting over thing work?" She asked after a few moments.

I smiled and held out my hand.

"My name is Sarah, I am Simon's twin sister."

She looked at me before shaking my hand.

"I'm Khloe, the possibly adopted, screwed up, broken, but fixable child."

"Nice to meet you."

She smiled, and it was the first time that I have ever seen her smile.


"This science stuff is really stupid sometimes." Khloe groaned.

"Yeah, I hated those projects." I told her.

"You still have some? Maybe I could just use yours." She joked.

"Nice try."

She sighed.

She worked on it for an hour before she finally finished it and I checked it to make sure she didn't make any mistakes.

"You should ace this project!" I told her.

"That's the plan. The agency told them that they want to see my grades up before they can make any real decisions." She told me.

"So, you want this to be permanent?"

"I mean, whatever."

In Khloe language that meant that she did. I may not have been her biggest fan in the beginning but that doesn't mean that I didn't pay attention to her.

"So what's the plan now?" I asked.

"Actual homework, and then maybe some alone time with my guitar."

I nodded.

Simon and Jasper bought her a guitar for herself. She loved it and it was another way that they let her know she was wanted.

"I'm home!" Jasper said.

"Welcome home." I greeted.

"Did anyone make sure Oscar went out?" He asked.

"Yeah, I took him for a jog after school." Khloe said.

"Homework done?"

"Yes sir and Sarah checked my project."

"She did?"

Khloe nodded.

Simon's POV

"The agency called today." I mentioned.

"Yeah?" Jasper asked.

"They asked if we would be willing to still take in that toddler."

Jasper looked at me.


"What?!" I asked.

"I mean, I want more kids and time is only getting shorter."

"I still want to clear it with Khloe first." I told him.

"Of course."

We could be possibly having another child.

We knocked on Khloe's door before walking in, she was working on some extra credit.

"Hey kiddo, can we talk?" I asked.

"Sure dad."

I stopped.


"I said sure."

"Yeah, but you called me dad." I said, I could feel the tears coming.

"Whatever." She smiled.

"Anyway, we have something to talk to you about."

"Good, because so do I."

"You go first." Jasper said.

"What do I call you? If he is dad then what would you be?" She asked right away.

"Hmmm, I'm not sure actually. How about pop?"

She giggled, "Daddy pop."

"Oh boy."

We all giggled. What a change almost a month did!

"So, what we wanted to see was if you would be okay with the possibility of us adopting another child."

"Wait, like I would have a sibling?" She asked.

At least she didn't go straight for the disowning thought.

"Yeah, probably a toddler this time." Jasper said.

"So I could boss them around?" She said.

"Well, as long as you nice about it." I giggled.


"So you would be fine with that? You wouldn't feel replaced?"

"No, I've always wanted a sibling."

We looked at each other and nodded.

Sarah's POV

I was sitting at the table when I noticed Khloe pouting around the house. She went to the bathroom and now was headed back into her room where she has been for the past few hours.

"Khloe come sit down." I said.


She shuffled to the table and sat down.

"How about a girls day soon?"

"A what?"

"A girls day, just the two of us. Maybe go to the mall and we could pick out some new clothes for you. Would you be willing to try that?" I asked.


"Good, I look forward to it." I smiled.

"Thank you."

I smiled.

So, Khloe is officially starting to feel at home! And a new child soon?! Whhhaaatttt. 
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2018, 10:58:20 PM »
Awwww, so cute!  Loving this.  Love that Sarah is trying and can't wait to see Khloe with a sibling hehehe

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2018, 09:59:29 PM »
Simon's POV

"Okay, so you're all set?" The agent asked.

"I think so." I said.

"Okay, well give me a call if there are any issues!"

I smiled as she got back into her car and pulled away.

"Okay Brianna, shall we go inside?"

She just looked at me.

"It's okay, there is nothing to be scared of."

I walked inside with her, Jasper was at work and we allowed Khloe to take a vacation day to have girls day with Sarah. I was so glad that those two had finally gotten along and sorted out their differences. I set Brianna down in what used to be the office but now was her room.

"Well, this is your room." I told her.

She looked around.

"I am your dad, and your other dad is at work."

"Work." She babbled.

I smiled, "You have a big sister named Khloe and an Aunt named Sarah."

I didn't know if she knew everything I was saying but I felt like it was important to explain things to her. Khloe and Sarah got home and Khloe was already dressed in her new outfit and she looked really cute in it!

"Very nice!" I said.

"Thank you."

"So, Brianna is home."

That's all it took for Khloe to go see her. She was excited for a little sister, even more than I thought she would be which made me happy.


Everyone has met Brianna, and she was still quiet but it was a new place for her and it might take some time.

"Dinner is almost ready!" Sarah said from the kitchen.

"Wanna get her in her chair?" I asked Jasper.


"So, if I could have everyone's attention." I said.

Sarah was bringing the food to the table at that time and she sat down.

"What's going on?" Sarah asked.

"So, next Friday is going to be a big day." I told them.

"Why?" Khloe asked.

"Because, with your permission of course, we are going to the agency and signing the adoption papers."

"You mean, make it official?" She asked, her voice cracked.

"Uh huh." I said smiling.

She started to cry.


"I'm sorry!" She said, "I've just been waiting for a family that actually wanted me long enough to do this!"

We all gathered around her and hugged her tightly, and she didn't even protest that much this time.

"Hug!" Brianna cooed.

We all laughed.

Khloe's POV

I just finished giving Brianna a bath. It was almost bed time but she needed one. She started to cry and throw a fit.

"You better watch that, these guys don't take to tantrums very well." I joked.

She just looked at me.

I picked her up and carried her towards her room.

"Time for bed?" Dad said.

"Yeah, but would you mind if I read her to sleep? I remember what it was like my first night and I think it may help having me do it."

Dad smiled and nodded.

I carried her into the room and placed her on the bed, covering her up and grabbing the book.

"The cat and the fish." I began.

She was out in no time. I slowly closed the book and looked at her for a few minutes before going into my room. I shut my door and got my journal out from my hiding spot.

I have a sister, and her name is Brianna.

I read her to sleep tonight, it was her first night and I thought it would be important for me to do it. I remember my first night in the old house, I was so angry and resentful towards everyone and I remember being scared. Truth be told back then I wasn't sure if I was even going to stay long enough to experience this. Dad told me next Friday we are signing the adoption papers for me. I started crying like a baby, what a wimp right? Whatever, the old me would have thought so but I feel like I've came a long way. I was proud of the new me and I was even doing better in school. Aunt Sarah took me shopping for a new outfit and then after we went out to lunch and then down to this little lake to feed the ducks. She's actually pretty cool now that I gave her a chance. Maybe things aren't so bad after all...

Simon's POV

I watched as Brianna waddled up to Oscar.

"Oscar, be nice." I warned.

Jasper got up just as a precaution. Oscar really hasn't encountered children before and hasn't really noticed Brianna much. She walked over to him and he actually licked her face causing her to squeal and bounce in excitement. Jasper looked at me as I nodded and he sat back down.

"So, what do you think of our little family?" Jasper asked setting his hand on my knee.

"I think we have the perfect one." I told him.

"Two little girls." He smiled.

"Oh lord, we are in trouble." I laughed.

"We'll be fine, we'll just have to shoot for a boy next time."

"Next time? You want more?"

"As much as you want. Not right now though, I don't want to overwhelm ourselves. Maybe when Brianna is a teenager. Might be nice to have another little one around that time."

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Well. It is time for her bath and bed time, you do bath and I'll tuck her in?"


So we had two little girls and all of us had pretty good jobs. Everything was going our way and I hoped that it stayed that way.


I looked towards the window.


Time seemed to slow down. Especially when Jasper ran inside panting.

"Khloe got hit by a car!" He screamed.

Okay, so before you guys kill me for that cliffhanger I have a few things to say.

I know we are in the beginning still, but thank you for the views and taking time to read the story even if you are a silent reader! =D
Secondly, I will be going out of state soon and I may not be able to get chapters out. I leave in about three days and I will be gone for a week visiting family. I have three days though until I leave so I will try to get as much chapters out as possible without making it feel rushed! Aging is also back on, it may still seem like everything is dragged out but I wanted to have them stay the same age just for a little longer!

Okay, now you can kill me =P
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2018, 11:31:10 PM »
Jasper and I walked into the house and threw our keys down. I rubbed my neck and walked into the living room with Jasper following.

"What do we do now?" He asked.

"I don't know." I told him.

I felt empty.

"Try to go on I guess."

He nodded.

Sarah walked out from Brianna's room.

"What is Bri doing?" I asked.

"Playing with toys."

"Did she nap?"

"Yes, and she ate as well."

"That's good."

"So, how was it?"

"The same."

She sighed.

We heard squealing from the backyard, we all looked at each other before heading out to see what the noise was. Brianna was escaping outside a lot lately and causing trouble and sure enough when we walked outside she was dumping paint all over the place.

"Bri!" I scolded.

"It's my fault, I forgot to put them away." Sarah said.

I sighed, I was trying not to lose my stuff on Bri, but I could not handle this right now.

"I'll take care of it." Jasper said.

"I'm going to go lay down. Let me know if they call."

"I will."

I walked into the bedroom and took my shoes off before laying in bed and staring at the ceiling.


"A company bought my jingle." Jasper told me.

"That's good, we'll need the extra money."

"Yeah." He sighed.

"Well, keep it up." I said and walked out of the room.

I felt like a robot on auto pilot.

"How are you doing Simon?" Sarah asked.

"I'm fine."

"The truth?"

"I don't know if I'm ever going to be fine again."

She nodded sadly.

"Can you give Brianna some food?" I asked.

"Of course."


It's been about a week since the accident. Khloe was outside going for a late night walk and she took two steps off the sidewalk and a driver hit her. We rushed her to the hospital not knowing what was going to happen. She suffered multiple injuries, her left leg was broken, and a few of her ribs were broken as well. You would think all of that would have been the worst of it, but that wasn't even the beginning. The doctors say it happens all the time, the body goes through too much shock and it shuts itself down. She was in a coma and in a hospital bed with no signs of waking up. It's been a week and there hasn't been any changes to anything. The doctors were hopeful, whatever that meant.

I looked at my phone, I had a few pictures of Khloe and Bri on my phone. She was so excited to be a big sister and I hoped with everything in me that it could still happen.

Jasper sat down.

"You're smiling." He said.

"Look, I found these on my phone."

"She was so self-conscious about singing, but it was a fun day." Jasper said.

"It really was." I smiled.

"She'll pull through." He told me.

I looked at him.

"What if she doesn't?"

"I don't know how to answer that."

I looked at my hands. I felt helpless, but I guess Jasper was right and we needed to have hope that she would come back to us.

Sarah walked over to us.

"Guys?" She said.

We looked at her, "What?"

"That was the hospital..."

"And?!" Jasper said.

"They want us down there right away." She said.

My heart fell.

Bum bum bummmm... Yup, still cliffhanger! I'm evil.
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline TheGoat

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2018, 11:34:34 PM »
No! You're not evil! You're building tension! This is great. Very well done. It's not easy to tackle such a difficult topic. You are doing it very well.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2018, 02:18:46 AM »
You are evil, but it's delightful!  As TheGoat said, you're building tension! I'm on the edge of my seat!

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2018, 06:54:44 PM »
Simon's POV

Jasper walked over and handed me my cup of coffee.

"Thank you."

"I'm forgetting what it feels like to sleep." He said.

"Tell me about it."

I took a sip of coffee and looked around the room.

"I can't believe Oscar is an elder already." Jasper said.

"I know, it'll be sad to see him go." I told him.

"Simon? Jasper?"

We looked up and there was Nurse Anna, we both stood up and looked at her.

"Where is Sarah today?" She asked.

"She had to work sadly." I told her.

"Oh, well you can come back whenever you guys are ready."

We grabbed our things and followed her through the ICU doors. We walked down the hall until we reached 234 and we headed in, Anna closed the curtains behind of us for privacy. I set our jackets on the chair and headed over to Khloe who was laying in bed. She was now off the breathing machine now and was stable and awake, the doctors were impressed at her progress.

"Hi princess." I said sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Hi." She whispered.

"Did you just wake up?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah, I had a fever earlier and was sleeping it off."

"So, we talked to the doctor." I told her.


"He said as long as the fever stays down and you stay the same that you can go home tomorrow."


"Yes, but you have to still take it easy and any changes we come back to the hospital."

"Got it."

I kissed her forehead.

"Now, are you comfortable enough being in your room or do you want us to move your bed out in the living room?"

"No, I want to be in my room."


She chose a blue cast for her leg. (For obvious reasons you will have to imagine the cast)


So, everything went as planned and she was discharged from the hospital. She had her own pair of crutches and some pain meds for her various pain needs.

"Welcome home princess." Jasper said.

"Thanks daddy pop."

Jasper smiled, it had become their little joke to call him daddy pop, it was cute.

"So, we got your homework for the time off and you have another week to relax. You do have a project though so I would get started on that as soon as you can." I told her.

"I'll do it now."

"Do you need help?" I asked.

"No, I think I can do it."


"Can I read Bri to sleep?" Khloe asked.

"Of course." I told her.

It was crazy to think that in a couple of days Brianna would be a child already. We did get her pretty late into the toddler stage though so that was why it was so fast. Khloe got upset in the hospital when she realized that she had missed so much time with her little sister. She had been in a coma for about a week and felt like she missed a lot more than that. So she was trying to make up for lost time with everyone but especially with her little sister. I had to stop her a few times because she would wear herself out and have to go relax and that wasn't the best thing to do.

"Welcome home." I said to Jasper as he walked through the door.

"Thank you."

I gave him a welcome home kiss.

"Gross." Khloe said as she hobbled into the dining room.

I laughed, "What can we get you to eat?"

"How about a sandwich with ham?" She asked.

"I got it babe." Jasper said.

"Thank you."

I ruffled Bri's hair as she ate her food.


"Wait." Khloe said.

She grabbed her phone and got the camera ready.

"Okay. Now." She said hitting the record button.

"Happy Birthday dear Brianna, Happy Birthday to you!" We all sang, the full version but I'll spare you the horrors of our singing.

Just like that we watched Brianna grow into a child.

"Well kid, you're next." Jasper said to Khloe.

"Young adulthood here I come!" She cheered.

"That's right."

Khloe's birthday was coming up quickly as well as all three of our birthdays. It was crazy how close together all of our birthdays ended up being.

But, until then we would enjoy each other's company while we could.

So I feel like this chapter was a bit blah. Maybe I am off my game today, but hopefully it's still okay!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

