Author Topic: Sims Eugenics II, or, The Mouth of Persephone  (Read 64606 times)

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #60 on: April 19, 2018, 06:33:17 PM »
Well Wolfgang Munch still looks like a moody teen, that's all. That's what I hope to cure him of. But he's an adult.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #61 on: April 19, 2018, 09:06:32 PM »
My, what an excursion to get Gavin! I cracked up at both his and Johnnie's faces XD All the Wolfies! Gah! Lol

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #62 on: April 20, 2018, 02:13:41 AM »
Thank you. :) I'm now 55% less embarrassed at my architectural ignorance.
Well, Gavin plays hard to get like nobody else. The man wants to be Pursued! To the ends of the earth, no less! Well, all's well that ends well, and even without strawberries I'm glad to see the twins happily married off and impregnated.
I see Katrina wears no less eyeshadow to the jungle than she does to maid. It matches her top nicely, though (and her children, for that matter), so I guess I'll let it slide.
That brow furrowing on the nearest toddler, though! That's impressive, especially for one so young. He is dis. pleased.
All hail the Chapter of Lurve! It was delightful, indeed! Very excited for the abundance of Wolfies to come!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #63 on: June 15, 2018, 03:10:14 AM »
Our purveyor of all things architecturally Grande and Magnifique is dearly missed, along with your super-dry wit and endearing Capitalisation.
I hope that all is well with you @Heart Foam and that you will return, after your break, in time for the release of Seasons.

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #64 on: June 15, 2018, 11:04:15 AM »
Quite. Real life things suddenly commanded attention and time, and on the Sims front another save was more interesting - the house below to be precise. I got simmed-out.

I do have loads of not-uploaded pictures of this eugenics save though, and Windmilles & Wine got a redone dining room. And the upstairs for the relics was improved and so on. I can see from my screenshots folder I haven't simmed in about a month. There's a lot there.

It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Heart Foam

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Sims Eugenics II - Chapter XII
« Reply #65 on: June 19, 2018, 12:04:14 PM »
Chapter XII.

Yes. I am rereading my story to remind myself of the people's names. Imagine my alarm! Who names these sims?! Yeah. I got over-simmed. The immanent arrival of Seasons makes me think that if I want to see yonder chateau in the snow, I should catch the story up a little bit. So where were we...

… right. The Chapter of Lurve. Everyone seemed to eventually get hitched.

The house is slightly emptier now. That means more time focusing on aspirations, and Scarlett - that's the blue one - apparently went in for Fitness. Jumping about in a short skirt is a phrase I used once. And it's nice to have other sims to mentor.

And we had dogs too! Neat! I really think this save is not bad! Going back to photos two months after the fact has it's reward. I'm stoked. The entrance hall does get remade into something fancier. Obviously. This family of snobs are all about being posh. Such a good plan having dogs. English Setters too. I'm fairly chuffed with my younger self.

Ahh! Plot point. Now I remember. We shunted the green twins out so there was room to get our fav (not really, she's heejous) blue Scarlett a nooboo of her own. And there was great husband hunting, and after consultation Wolfie Munch was decided on. And here he is.

He went straight to the makeover closet, and suddenly matured from his teenage personality. I kept the blonde hair and dark eyebrows because that's how he comes, and Scarlett has black hair. We don't want the nooboo to be predictable.

Scarlett had already waited quite a long time for there to be house space, so she did "try for baby" pretty much the next thing after giving Wolfie (the man) a makeover. Wolfie couldn't move in right away... because once again there wasn't space in the house as I wanted Zippo and Wolfie (the dog) to have puppies...

The dogs again in a slightly remoddled bedroom:

This bedroom was moved to the other side of the house, and the dining room was extended into this space, with a separate bar.

The dining room wasn't dreadful, and I like the colours, but I have far grander dining rooms in other houses, and I really couldn't abide such a small one in such a large house.

That's Cornelius aging up to elder. He was in the business career, which I hoped to get him through to unlock some of the nice office furniture. It's grand, solid, expensive looking furniture which rather suits this house. Does he make it to the top of the career?! Does he die first?! (He totally dies too soon.) Find out later!

I decided that he had earned a CAS plastic surgery adventure. He's still blue, but not the skinny pear he was. And because he's comically evil, he is totally shameless about that, and wears the Mad Scientist glasses unlocked by his equally notorious wife.

Persephone, the wife in question, was near the top of the scientist career. Sure she could've reached the end much sooner, but I was intent on completing a collection of all serums first. And they can't be done by a non-scientist. So there was no rush. She took days off sometimes to work on the serums at home, and to tend the garden (can't wait for the sprinklers in Seasons - just by the way). But eventually she decided to go back to the lab to do the cool Alien Party on Sixam.

And, joy unconfined, super-sim Ahilac showed up! And thankfully not in her alien costume.

Rather frustratingly, some party objectives couldn't be completed because of giant glowing mushrooms blocking the only access to the game cube and the piano.

I figured I could play computer games back at the lab... and I could put a piano there too... which explains this scene:

Persephone, however, wasn't quite done testing serums...

So the entrance hall got remoddled, and there are better and grander photos showing that off.

Persephone and a pregnant Scarlett in matching outfits. Just because. The symmetry. The cheek bones. It's all there.

More serum testing. I was testing the Age Away serum on some of the women who were romanced by J because I wanted them to live longer. I think this was the final day of Adulthood for all the original Young Adults. So... who knows. Of course the serums might fail, especially the untested ones. This woman at Geek Con is one of the Caliente girls.

Summer Holiday, who did have two daughters with J, Maia and Kiara, was another sim I wanted to test Age Away on. Maybe Persephone hadn't met her yet? Can't say. Anywho. Nice house! I found a corner of the main living room for the grand piano, and as well as a bar there's a art deco drinks trolley. And the puppies. I can tell you that one of 'em (the nice one) is Apollo. I think the other one was Paris. Apollo is the one we kept.


I intend to update more later this evening. But I am in a banana republic, and the state owned electricity supplier - partly due to mind boggling corruption - might have to euphemistically "shed" some power from the grid. In normal English it amounts to 2-hour power cuts. If I am subject to "load shedding" then, such is life. If not, then a visit to Johnny Zest and Alexis awaits...
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #66 on: June 19, 2018, 12:30:38 PM »
Welcome back!
It will be great to follow your household as you play around with Seasons! Yayyyyy!!!!
Wolfgang looks quite amazing after his makeover--you chose great hair for him and he does that jacket/scarf ensemble proud.
He has only ever been a good friend in my challenges, so you lead me to reconsider him for a larger role.

That double-woohoo shot cracked me up. Well, the dogs are not actually mating at that very moment, but they're at the scene of Scarlett's crime.
And you lucky simmer you, with your two mama-dog-lookalike puppies! Did you mean "the nice one" based on the puppies' traits or their behavior/misbehavior?
Will you keep all three dogs forever? That's a lot of precious household space! (I'm thinking on this very issue for myself....)

Cornelius is a shadow of his former self. I hardly recognized him with his not-angular face!
He does look very regal, with his mustache and all. The scientist monocle is a bizarrely fitting touch. I like it!

What are the chances of Ahiliac showing up at that once-in-a-lifetime Sixam bash?!?!?!
Looking forward to getting reacquainted with your house! :D (and that of Johnny and Alexis)

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Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #67 on: June 19, 2018, 02:02:12 PM »
It was according to their traits. Apollo is a stubborn, friendly, sleuth. I think his sibling was a troublemaker and I don't fancy the high maintenance. Also, 3 dogs is too many. I put zippo and Wolfie and Paris up for adoption one after the other. Many long faces, and screenshots of that. So we've just got Apollo now, and the doggy bloodline will continue through him.

When Wolfgang moves in for good he got made over again with a relaxed rich guy nautical style.

I hoped Ahilac would show up. The fact she's in a 500k mansion and wasn't even born in Sixam doesn't matter. It seems like any pure alien Sim can be at the party.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Heart Foam

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Sims Eugenics II - Chapter XIII
« Reply #68 on: June 19, 2018, 03:44:20 PM »
Chapter XIII.

This is another quick catch-up kinda thing. As I write it occurs to me that there are some nice interior shots of Ahilac's house. I think there are some exterior shots elsewhere on the forums, but I might take a current up-to-date picture and edit that in. You might think it's weird to see the inside but not the outside. You might be thinking of football. You might be thinking of continental drift. I literally have no idea. But for that singular specific thought about the exterior of Ahilac and Chadwick's house... I can do something about that.

Maaike, one of J's romantic conquests in Chapter X, is visiting to get a swig of age-reversing magic potion. I'm worried some of these sims will turn to elder and then die of old age when their kids are still kids. And then I think the household would disappear.

You've seen the grand piano on the other side of the room, and here's a big fireplace and chairs and dogs. Once upon a time I thought of two fireplaces in here, but it's not possible. It's a fairly awkward room to decorate because of the amount of doors.

Next, Scarlet practicing talking to herself because she wants to be insane like her mum and dad! That's so sweet!*

To the left of the picture you can see the beginnings of the study.

*It's actually to level charisma for her bodybuilding career. Being insane is not cool.

And rather, abruptly, you're now looking at the green twin boys of Alexis and Johnny in one of the bedrooms at Slipshod Mesquite. Drew and Kurt. Obviously girls would've been preferable, but no matter. If no girls are born to Alexis, then I'll have a fun time finding a street rescue girl for one of the green boys.

Cornelius, in a suit and without pink hair, is scarcely recognizable.

That's one of those pictures that feels like it should be in a caption contest. At least he doesn't wear the mad glasses to work. Yes, that's an outdoor grill indoors. Because it makes sense. You want to be able to cook all types of food in one place.

Johnny's house comes with a well established garden. In exchange for harvesting a few collectables she didn't have, Persephone thought watering and weeding was the decent thing to do.

Cornelius cooks and Alexis cringes.

And this is the rather spectacular dining room at Slipshod Mesquite which has windows on three sides, and two fireplaces on the other.

And fountains and stuff. It's quite nice.

So, from the back of the house, here's a series of pictures from the same angle of each floor. Starting at the top. Rocket bunker. Sadly the rocket got un-built when I plopped the house down.

Back at Windmilles & Wine, Summer Holiday gets her magic potion.

And then Grim Reaper showed up.

Yeah... behind that door Persephone was testing the Reaper's Friend serum. Nothing to worry about.

And the moment we've all been waiting for... Scarlett's daughter Katherine. Who is not blue!

And we got Scarlett to have a girl because the plan was always to bring Ahilac and Chadwick's child into the family tree, and he is a he. He is...

… Giancarlo. No kidding. Chadwick Suzuki (half alien), and Ahilac (100% alien) called their nooboo Giancarlo. Love it.

So we're in the library at Twin Oracle Point here. I briefly switched control to the Ahilac house to kill two birds with one stone. Ahilac went missing. If you remember when Gavin Richards got stranded in the jungle, well, the same kinda thing had happened to Ahilac. I wasn't able to invite her over, and it occurred to me she was stranded on Sixam after Persephone's office party there.

Giancarlo was destined for my main house, but we can't let Ahilac and Chadwick's house die out! So I wanted to switch to them to have them try for another nooboo. And switching to them brought Ahilac back.

Giancarlo was conceived at the end of the Vlad's Nose save, so it's nice to see that kid.


Edit: Ahilac's house.

It's one many of you will have seen before but I finally figured out the diagonal roof, and it's now got a castle-esque tower.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #69 on: June 19, 2018, 08:55:37 PM »
It's nice to see your Sims and dogs and houses again.  Welcome back.  I  hope you have lots of fun with Seasons.

Offline Heart Foam

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Sims Eugenics II - Chapter XIV
« Reply #70 on: June 24, 2018, 03:17:03 PM »
@BallerinaHippo Thank you. :) I've messed around with Seasons and scratched the surface of the features in another save, but somehow a whole winter on the Oakenstead lot passed without snow. But that made me wonder if - weather machines aside - it'll snow here in Brindleton. So I have loaded up this family and had some fun. And who doesn't want to see Don Lothario's hot weather wardrobe choices...


Chapter XIV.

Right. So. Gardening has changed. Updates and weather and Things have caused changes to the house. But! The events hereafter foretold are yet prior to all that. It makes even less sense to me when I read that back, don't worry.

The two initial Hounds, Zippo and Wolfie, and one of their Offspring, were put up for adoption because 4 dogs is too many.

Two aliens, and a Caliente - so basically three aliens - arrived, one after the other, to catch Zippo and Friends. So have a gentle sigh over that collection of pixels which was once another breed altogether, and was living in a jungle, and which died and ate and barked and did other doggy things.

No sooner had the dogs gone, than another Wolfie arrived. Mr Munch. It's not strictly necessary to have him around, but having both Katherine's parents around adds that sense of Danger and Jeopardy! Will she ask her mom (who has good parenting skill) for advice? Or will she just ask her dad (who has... less parenting skill), because he's totally going to let her eat dirt? 

Welcome, Mr Munch.

He soon got another makeover.

Luckily - this wasn't deep planning on my part at all - he's also in the athletic career. Frightful Scarlett is a bodybuilder, and Wolfgang is going to be a pro-athlete. Together they wll unlock all the cool gym stuff. So that's why he often goes for jogs with Apollo. I love using that to raise fitness and get energized. He is already an Adult, and will become and Elder before he maxes the career.

Of vast interest to both readers *waves* is the hatching of Katherine. Mother Scarlett is "unique" looking, and Mr Munch doesn't have the most neutral face either. So Katherine is a very interesting personage.

Yes. We're all thinking it. What a lovely smile Kate has. And she has quite the exaggerated brow. Even though I'm in the future a little bit, I haven't seen her yet as a teen, so that's going to be something to savour I'm sure.

The family are really still in the process of moving into the vast shell of this 17th century home. Funds are spent on bills or furniture as soon as we have any. To the left of the Grand Salon is the library. Persephone does have the amazing Instant Upgrade trait, but for fireplaces I prefer to just have the fireguard upgrade and not the autolight. Fireplaces switching on and off doesn't charm me, so I leave them lit and enjoy the glow. And live in Peril. Because. One must strive to use Peril more often.

So the toilet paper in the staircase is not a feature, it's an oversight. I only noticed it later. That place taken by the stairs was a bathroom. But the study is nice. I love those high backed chairs in that colour. Gorgeous. Persephone is still an adult, but then she had her aging delayed by two pregnancies. Cornelius has been an alder for some time already. Trying to get him through as much of the business career as we can. Persephone is a secret agent now. 

This is the only decent picture of the dome.

It's not bad. It was a bit of a pain to get it so seamless. Other things in the photo: the avenue gardens are fully planted now, and the painful process of grafting all the alien plants has begun. And there's a Outdoor Retreat stone campfire. Great. Not sure what was going through my mind.

Kitchen makeover. Gone is the professional cooking station that we're never going to get around to using, at least not in the early generations, and back is the trusty Yum Cooker! Stone flag floor, wood, fireplace. I do like this kitchen now. The purple couch, the homey and comforting bar stools. The dog.

The dog pops up in many interesting shots. Here, Wolfie multitasks.

And now the dome is gone. I think this is neater. The central mass of roof makes more sense now.

And the tree moved to the opposite corner, because I was already entertaining the thought of a conservatory being built on to the back of the house to the left of the pool. The dining room has also been rotated and extended, and been given more light - you can see the two large windows the ground floor. 

The other side of the kitchen:

The entrance hall.

Upstairs! This is the relic museum. Until now Persephone has had the archaeologist table in her bedroom, and clumps of dirt too, and that had to change.

The family are in a safe routine at this stage. Wolfgang studies his next opponents (who would absolutely give away all their tactical secrets online) and little Katherine causes Havoc. Her bassinet is still there in the living room.

The simple artistic idea for the money gardens:

So glow orbs can be grafted to fast growing morel mushrooms, and the spike fruit are grafted on to equally fast growing fireleaf. The contrasting height and colour especially at night when it's all ripe is Visual Interest. Seasons has caused me to delete this - sigh - huge endeavour. But no matter. 

More of Apollo taking Wolfgang for a walk!

And one of the cutest pictures so far. :) Katherine using the Large Dog entrance to the kitchen.


In the next thrilling chapter: Cornelius is dressed for the occasion, Medium Kate, and a new house member who isn't very new at all, and will likely pop off shortly!
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #71 on: June 24, 2018, 05:10:12 PM »
The shot of Scarlet and Katherine is simply terrifying. Katherine seems to take after her mother a lot, at least at that stage.

I'm not sure I'll have time to get used to Wolfie's new look.

And the garden is beautifull at night. I wonder what changes Seasons will make to this all.

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #72 on: June 24, 2018, 11:45:04 PM »
The Twin Oracle Point, Slipshod Mesquite, and Hound's Head homes are all looking grand and fantastic!
Oooooh, Alexis and Johnny had twin greenboos! I wonder if they will grow up to resemble green Zests?
Ahilac and Chadwick's son getting named Giancarlo cracked me up. Maybe Ahilac has always wanted to visit Tuscany?
Or maybe she saw that classic film "Swept Away" and has harbored a secret crush for Giancarlo Gianini ever since?
And wow, Kate! Now that Cornelius looks so conventional and glad that Kate has inherited all the family angles!

Love the floorwork in the entrance of Scarlett & Wolfgang's home.
Good decision on the dogs. Honestly, I found even two dogs a lot of work, except I lucked into a second dog with the Independent trait.
I like the Munchkin's latest makeover.
As for your lovely garden, why did you delete that because of Seasons? Oh right, because our plants have all become seasonal and greenhouses lining your approach would be unseemly.
(Origin and my game have been troubling me so much lately, I've haven't played more than a few minutes of Season so far, LOL!)
Finally, that shot of Kate entering through the doggie door is simply adorable. <3

Haha, a street rescue girl for the Slipshod twins? It sounds so much more humanitarian and compassionate than "an NPC rando," lol.
Oops, I didn't mean to write an essay. *coughs

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #73 on: June 25, 2018, 12:16:31 AM »
Wolfie has made quite the transformation from teenage troublemaker to Lord of the Manor.  It makes sense that he would stop bleaching his hair.

Toddler Kate looks like a not-blue mini Scarlett.  It will be interesting to see if medium Kate inherits any of her father's features.  And I didn't know that toddlers could go through doggie doors.  Probably because I never bother with the dog doors, but now I have a reason!

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Sims Eugenics II - Chapter XV
« Reply #74 on: June 29, 2018, 07:03:31 AM »
@Tynynounours  Season will cause many changes. Well, the general gardening update has changed plant values. Now it looks like obscene amounts of money are to be made in flowers, not alien plants. I liked the design I had, but with the plants only growing half the year it wouldn't be the same visual spectacle. Just not worth it. I dunno. I have so many unanswered questioned about plants and values and yields. Yes, Katherine has her mother's smile. :) 

@oshizu You've reminded me that the family really ought to visit Rosalind who has a daughter with Gavin. Ros is the forgotten one. But Alexis is sociable - she invites, and that's why we go. And then there's the Flint family that moved into a very nice Oakenstead which was destined for one of the green twins. Machinations on that front have already begun. Hopefully only one of the green Slipshod boys will need a (humanitarian, compassionate) street rescue, because I aim to grow a spouse for one at Oakenstead. We hope.

Not sure about green Zests, although that would be very cute and is to be hoped for. Their mother is surely going to pass along some of her strange looks.

@BallerinaHippo Wolfie is doing well! I had no idea toddlers could use the doggie doors, and was as amazed as you are. I think in most houses there's no point to the doors. But this is so big, and it allows the dogs to get straight to their food without a massive detour that it makes sense. I'd not have accidentally had this moment in a smaller house. (I've been testing gardening on a 20x15 lot. It could fit in the entrance hall + grand living room of this house. Madness.)     

I see I missed the start of your Sharebear legacy. I'll be catching up on that.


Chapter XV.

Apollo returns! You missed his fluffiness heartily!

And three generations all together. Not long now before Cornelius bites the dust, and I can't say I miss his pink mohawk.

And here he does indeed expire. He was heading out to Business, but didn't make it there. He had an accident. And the gardener had just arrived too. 

I love the drama much. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely...

The gardener is less theatrical, and takes the proud man's death in his stride:

Presumably Alexis invited Scartlett over to mourn their father.

Neither seem too cut up. They might have had some personality conflict with their so-called "evil" father - hey, maybe that's just character defamation. People can be mean, and, apart from cheating on Persephone with the maid Katrina Whitman and spending the family fortune building Katrina a home in the same neighborhood (we'll have to visit that and her brood one day), what did Cornelius ever do to upset people? Was is it the maniacal laughter? Gah. Some people enjoy that. --And don't just roll your eyes and think "yeah, only other evil sims". Now there's a "right" way to laugh? just so some fragile folk aren't "offended". Nonsense, I tell you. No one likes the "evil" sims for who they are! ;p Anywho. Alexis and Scarlett don't seem too wounded. I can't say if the toddler is Drew or Kurt.

And who was walking by... but fan favourite Mr Donald Lothario. Ooooh.

There's Chadwick in the background with Persephone, too. My cogs were turning at this point. Zesty had failed to produce a daughter... and a space in the household had just opened up for a morally questionable gentleman. More of that later.

Katherine aged up as a Happy Toddler. I'm like you. I can't be asked to micro-manage my way to Top-notch Toddler.

And that's the freshly rotated and extended dining room. It feels grander now.

Persephone finished off the read-to-child goal which is always the first thing to do, so we can do the first homework while focused and have that count toward the aspiration.

After that was done, it seems like there was a trip to CAS for the purpose of this portrait. Of Katherine. Who is very like her mother, only not blue. But I do like Wolfie's eye colour! That's a win.

Finally the garden was mostly grafted, and hence the picture. Rather pleased with that. The only constant in life, and Sims 4, is change. So while this garden is no more, we look back on it and enjoy it or something. 

With Katherine's childhood and having a backlog of dirt clumps, we haven't been Adventuring lately - the plan was to go every weekend - but Persephone in her adventuring outfit is with her adventuring prizes, and Scarlett adventurously comes home from bodybuilding... adventurously.

Persephone then ages up to Elder. That's the same swimming outfit she had in the temple. Those were the days! I had the home club use the diving board as one of the activities so that the glorious pool gets used, which explains why they're always in their swimming gear. Um. In winter I think I'll change that.

Don Lothario strides purposefully across the hall. You may have noticed him - also in his swimming shorts - in the garden earlier. He is with us to romance Alexis and hope for a girl. Don makes good looking kids as we know. I think this time might be an exception. Also, Johnny's Age Away serum test didn't work. So he's not long for the world, and now that Don is in the Windmille, he's been aged back to the start of Elder. I've used Don a fair bit, so he's not destined to be a permanent member of the household. I always intended to move him in with Alexis. 

Yup. That floor pattern is gonna change a few times.

And one last shot of the glowing gardens at night. This is after all what I had in mind when I was laying out the beds in the early days.

And the entrance hall has changed again.  ::) At "Winterfest" we put the tree here, and a big red carpet that fits so nicely with the floor pattern. This floor is settled. It's not as busy, it's more neutral. Apart from the central swirl it's just black and grey marble.

This was Seasons prep. I kinda expected that outdoor gardening might not be the way to go, so I built a conservatory on - taking inspiration from another house. Those are dance floors as skylights. The glass roofs are great, but this is a fairly elegant solution too if you want a flat roof. Ignore the paintings on the outside of the house. That happened because of major remodeling. The vet clinic has swapped sides with a bedroom.

And then Seasons arrived. I wasn't sure we'd get snow in Brindleton, which is why I loaded this family up starting in winter.

And that's Wolfie as an elder already. :/


Next time! Winterfest at Windmilles & Wine! Cas awfulness! A visit to the Flints at Oakenstead as plotting continues apace!
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

