Author Topic: Sims Eugenics II, or, The Mouth of Persephone  (Read 64604 times)

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #45 on: April 14, 2018, 04:55:39 PM »
I'm happy that you choose english setters for Zippo and Wolfie makeover. That's one of my favorite breeds.

Also, you solved a mystery for me. Tulip make sims energised. It explains an "energised decoration" I saw on some of my sims when they were outside.

Is the money garden that usefull? Won't you drown in money after a few generations?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #46 on: April 14, 2018, 05:24:35 PM »
First of all, may I see I'm loving your capitalisation of significant nouns.
It reminds me of Daniel Dafoe, Eliza Haywood, Aphra Behn, and other British writers of "that period" (not sure what it's called....) who wrote in that style. :D

This is turning into such a completionist endeavor! Craft every serum, harvest every plant, keep all the households going!
I like Eliza with her snooty walk; if she had the Snob trait, she would be close to perfect!
I'm looking forward to future screenshots of your favorite Huntington spawn.

Persephone seems to be everywhere, doing everything. Apart from brewing herbal remedies, what are you plans for Scarlett in terms of non-romantic activities?

Haha, I am ridiculously over-excited about Bears' Night!

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #47 on: April 15, 2018, 02:02:09 AM »
Eeee, love the doggies!  Can't wait to see more of them!  Bahahahaha, love how J was worked into the house hehehe. He's doing well in his designated job, it seems.

--shifty eyes-- There may or may not be puppies and/or kittens at some point in the RKC XD  I keep going back and forth about it lol, but I should know better. I can't seem to help myself.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #48 on: April 15, 2018, 02:26:01 AM »
TULIPS! Tulips? You mean to tell me it's been tulips the whole time? You don't understand. It has been bothering me since base game that my sims would waltz through the garden and randomly get energized, and I've never been able to figure it out and I always just assumed it was a glitch. I've been irritated with tulips for years and I had no idea. I will never look at those cheery spring bulbs the same way again. TULIPS!

Anyway, thank you so much for solving that deep, dark mystery, and thank you also for choosing the English Setter as the Family Breed. My family had one when I was growing up (presumably for pheasant hunting, but in practice more for running highly energized non-tulip-related circles around the backyard) and I am deeply fond of them. Beautiful dogs and elegant even enough for Windmilles & Wine, I think. Bravo!

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #49 on: April 15, 2018, 10:14:44 AM »
Tulips!  Who knew?  Well, apparently you did, but not the rest of us.  Like FrancescaFiori, I've been having Sims get randomly energized in the garden when they were supposed to be focused, darn it.  Now I know and will place my tulips accordingly. 

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #50 on: April 15, 2018, 05:54:19 PM »
I'm glad to be of service to so many! I know orchids are inspiring, and I think roses are flirty. When I first tested and researched this I'm pretty sure lilies were focusing, but I've been testing that again and I can't see any effect now. :/

Let's all stay calm and not do anything rash to the cheery spring bulbs. 

@oshizu I think when those mostly 19th century authors do their random capitalization, it's for something sincerely Important and Serious (and it's exactly where I get it from, and from having friends who have the same humour as me). I can imagine a page of Dickens' strident social commentary where every sentence has some capitalization.

Your comment about the snob trait reminds me, and I should've said this before: everyone born in this house (so, the three girls) has been and will be given the snob trait. I think they would be snobs. Scarlett is going to go into one of the athletic careers. I know Wolfgang Munch is in athletics, so whatever branch he isn't, Scarlett will take. I don't like putting crystals (or tulips) in a home gym. To me it looks awkward. And there's a shortage of energized decor, and I don't mind making a hulking bodybuilder out of a sim that's already strange looking. It's all in service of the house. She'll also take over the archaeology from Persephone. Every generation is going to max that skill and aspiration because this snobbish-in-a-fun-way family does want those collections. I half thought of her as a stay-at-home sim for the sake of the gardening and training / walking the dogs, but an incomplete gym irks me too much.

@Tynynounours We might very well drown in money. But at the moment the house is 1/4 furnished, and without conscious effort put into painting and sculpting we'd not be able to pay the bills each week. In the future, if the family are making obscene amounts just in interest, then I've got a few ideas for what can replace the money garden. But the money garden itself is a creative thing. I'm hoping it's going to look cool... at night... Otherwise, I might try attach a conservatory somewhere.

@Shewolf13 It'll be great whatever you choose. :) I've found that going for jogs with the dogs is amazing for fitness. J did very well. We hope he made some girls. Only a short time before he has to move back to the Roomies. We're full, and no one in the house can get pregnant until he moves out again.

@FrancescaFiori That's a happy coincidence with the dogs. I didn't feel like going with any breeds I've had (and the Rhodesian ridgebacks in game don't have the beautiful colouring of mad, destructive, aristocratic Gamma) and a hunting breed seemed a appropriate for the estate. I don't suppose the game will make it easy to get more English setters without some CAS magic.

@BallerinaHippo It can be useful if you've got permanent monkey bars in the garden. Or outdoor gym? Otherwise, the pool makes sense. Today I've learned about a collection of plushies in Christmas crackers from Oshizu that I did not know was a thing. We all have different bits of the puzzle. Possibly no one has it all! I certainly don't.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Heart Foam

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Sims Eugenics II - Chapter X
« Reply #51 on: April 17, 2018, 05:39:46 AM »
Chapter X

Arg. There was a power cut in the real world when I was compiling and writing this, and so I have to start all over. And as that usually goes, it'll probably be more concisely written than before. No grammatical flourishes! None!

1. Wolfie as an English Setter. Cornelius on his utterly boring Device. Why you ask? He's ditching painting for business. Go him. Yeah.

2. The new kitchen. Don't expect it to stay this way. Seriously. Don't. The cooking station was because of a vague idea of learning and cooking experimental foods, but let's face it - who has the time? Gotta stay on the home lot so plants can grow.

3. Scarlett's YA birthday. Because sims grow old and die. There's literally nothing you can do about that except change a setting - it's under gameplay options.

The ridiculous man that Cornelius is, he baked a cake and then took a slice. Like... thanks. Are we supposed to shove the candles in horizontally? That's a bit mean. Just saying. So Scarlett had to make her own.

4. So the pink haired wonder just stands and paints. And Rosalind takes Wolfie for a jog. To frighten the locals with her face.

5. Zippo came back. Now we have to bath him. Hope he's grateful.

6. So Gavin invites Scarlett to Bears' Night... in the jungle... with no bear costumes in sight. Dude. Don't get a girl's hope up like that. What if she set her heart on being a bear? It's a disappointment. And this venue is supposed to be for holidays. So... you'll get home fine? Won't you Gavin?

Scarlett was so enjoying the evening she surveyed for dig sites.

7. J is back on the couch playing Density Effect. And the colours of the room are finally a bit more balanced and almost okay. There's a bar with matching dark blue cushions.

8. Persephone finished the Friday of the previous week perilously close to the level 10 promotion. Couldn't she have tried a bit harder? Anyway. We left the SimRay and Wormhole device at the lab, so she had to go back for that. And a tourist man caught fire drinking a rose serum. He was hot.

9. And she got home and ruined the front view of the house by putting the invention constructor down on the floor pattern thing to do the wormhole upgrade. There's no space in the focus room any more because of all her other clutter.

10. And as soon as she could she visited Sixam with Ahilac. Because she wanted protection. And someone to give advice on alien plants or push alien buttons.

11. Local aliens with pointy ears. Ahilac doesn't have pointy ears. Impostor.

12. Persephone vainly setting up scenic shots for herself, but failing to find any alien crystals. She's had enough practice simming, you'd think she'd be better at it by now. Seriously.

13. Aw. That'll perk me up. Dog on yonder Furniture.

14. Wolfie goes on yet another jog. Scarlett is a bodybuilder, so all this athletic skill is very useful. And I'm sure the dogs appreciate it.

15. The side of the house with dog and man. A door has been added, because a door was needed.

16. Scarlett had made the herbalism recipes she could, including the Sadness Alleviation Lotion. It cures moody teenagers.

17. Yuki Behr has been to the sauna. Maaike is next. Time is running out before Alexis and Rosalind will need household space to get pregnant, and to facilitate that J will have to be moved back to the Roomies.

18a. In preparation for the twins, and the lucky men destined to live with them, some changes were made to Slipshod Mesquite:

18b. ... and Cacti Casa:

19. Further preparation included Scarlett visiting the Munchies. That seems like a good plural of a singular Munch. This singluar Munch is Lucas, all grown up.

20. This singular Munch is Wolfgang, looking munch the same.

It's fine to cringe. I would cringe. It's such a low-effort pun. One cannot laugh!


Next time: Gavin is lost and found, much romance, and an unexpected family reunion with Katrina Whitman... and her blue kids
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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Offline Tynynounours

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #52 on: April 17, 2018, 09:30:28 AM »
Your builds are always impressives. I'm not sure which one I love the most. The green twins are lucky.

Obviously Evil Cornelius would pick a slice of birthday cake. He needs Scarlett to be sad from a missed birthday so he can be happy being near her.

Rose serums seems dangerous.

Lucas Munch grew up well. In my games, he seems to always pick ugly hairstyles.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #53 on: April 17, 2018, 11:12:55 AM »
I promise I won't get too attached to the kitchen.  Sorry you had power troubles.

The dogs are gorgeous.  I really like the shot with one of them on the couch and the other looking regal in the background.  They might take up two spots in the house, but it's worth it.   

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #54 on: April 17, 2018, 04:24:47 PM »
I'm also sorry to hear about your power outage. I missed your Serious Capitalisation in this udpdate. ;-)

Both of your newly placed homes for the twins are gorgeous, of course. By now, I'd expect no less!
I'm curious how both ended up in Oasis Springs.
Do you prefer the surrounding scenery for your two builds in those particular lots rather than that of the 40x30 lots in Willow Creek, Newcrest, or Windenburg Countryside?
I favor the Cacti Casa home for its luxurious pool and lush setting, even though that zone has no fishing spots.

Okay, I giggled that your sims have no time to learn experimental foods yet your sims go to Sixam and Selvadorada.
One of your household sims will choose the Chef career/Master Chef aspiration then proceed to insist on a collection of Experimental Food Photos! Just you wait!

Ohhhhhhh, Bears' Night without jungle bears. :( 
But then I perk up at realizing that Gavin invited Scarlett, not one of the twins. Does that mean what I think it means? o.O
But nooooo, Scarlett visits...The Munch as well? Hmmmm, will she have a child from each guy before moving in one of them?
Scandalous yes, but also very practical from a genetics perspective.

I look forward to learning what the mastermind is actually planning, lol.

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #55 on: April 17, 2018, 05:41:22 PM »
@oshizu Originally that Selvadorada themed house was in Willow Creek. It was a Holiday Home. Because puns. J should be moderately happy to move back there. Yo, Sixam is a need! Not just for the alien plants, but for the metals and crystals for the serums.

There is so little masterminding going on. Placing some of those other houses in the world has reminded me how awesome other houses are. I'm really quite dissatisfied by the internal layout and design of not-Vaux-le-Vicomte (which is Windmilles & Wine). At some point I want to gut the interior and have a long think about where rooms should go. Sigh. I still think the Vlad's Nose house is the ideal. And that can fit on a 20x30, if one doesn't care about the garden.

I can't really say whether I prefer them in Oasis Springs or not. They were chosen because these are the houses I have in the right dimension and orientation for those lots. Johnny's house is obviously stupidly out of place, but that's part of it's charm. (It's part of the charm of building a 300k Nookstone.) I've never played any family in the Cacti Casa neighborhood or lot. It feels like a golf course.

@Tynynounours Yes! I'm equally amazed by how normal he looks - given how abnormal randomly generated outfits and hairdos and starry glasses can be! The Cacti Casa is really closely based on a Sims 3 University dorm. The L-shape one is just because I can only manage decorated boxes, and thought of daringly placing two decorated boxes. The dining room got too big (because of the windows, and the carpet and whatnot) and was sticking out too far. So the external architecture - those pillars, the deck above, the arched passage thing - are all band-aids to make the box look more uniform. The top and bottom floor started out the same width.

@BallerinaHippo I'm glad you mentioned that picture of Zippo on the couch. :) That's the one I had in mind when I was enthusing about glorious, picturesque dogs. That's easily my favourite picture of the update.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #56 on: April 18, 2018, 11:56:48 PM »
--snickers-- I had to read it twice to get the pun at the end XD I think it's me though, since I had an issue at work the other day in sending an email and didn't notice I'd forgotten a word XD So yeah... chalk it up to me being slightly brain dead XD  Anyway, love Zippo on the couch! He's so cute.  And yeah, jogging is amazing for fitness.  Blakely takes Maxim quite often.  Love the houses too.  So jealous!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #57 on: April 19, 2018, 12:32:50 AM »
Ah! Vaux le Vicomte! Now that's a pretty house. I had to look it up, but I 100% should have recognized it because it's the villain's house in Moonraker (though for the purposes of the movie's plot it's located in California and they claim it's been brought, stone by stone, from France. Because Supervillains.), which I just re-watched. Anyway, it's gorgeous and I'm angrier than ever that we can't do curved walls in The Sims.

Scarlett looks entranced with Wolfgang, and I'm delighted! Hooray for blue-eyed, blue-skinned babies! As for Lucas, there's one hair that looks great on him, and that's not it. Better luck next randomization, friend! And yes. Munchies. Absolutely.

I really enjoyed this tour through your neighborhood. Your builds are delightful. The twins should be quite comfortable when they move out.
Very much looking forward to seeing the offspring of Cornelius and The Maid!

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Sims Eugenics II - Chapter XI
« Reply #58 on: April 19, 2018, 06:06:41 PM »
@FrancescaFiori 100% should have recognized it? I'd have settled for 45%. Truly. I think in broad strokes I've got the proportion and the roof. What always bothers me is the wall texture. It's got the vampire bricks because I like the definition of the corners, but sometimes the smooth flat stone from Spa Day is a better approximation of the stone of such a house. I dunno. Both have pros and cons.

You had me singing along to Shirley Bassey. Which is all I remember from Moonraker. So Vaux is in that. I'm intrigued. My problem with the house is that I'm only building the two main floors. In the real house the kitchen with Mrs Patmore is no doubt downstairs. Gah. I shouldn't start on Downton. It went downhill after the main story arc with Matthew and whats-her-face was complete. The cast was too big. It became a parody of itself. So the question is where to put the kitchen.

I did build it with the dome at the back. I don't think that's appeared yet in a picture. I haven't slavishly stuck to the original house, and the dome is now gone. There's no point in a clumsy digital house. It has to look neat and balanced. It's it's own thing now. I like the simplicity of the terrace.

@Shewolf13 It was a very low-effort pun. I hope your spring cold is warming up.


Chapter XI

We rejoin Scarlett in the amorous Clutches of Wolfie Munch. Ya know. It's just hard to resist! It was going to be Gavin, but that's a dreary name we cannot have fun with. And he's so clean-cut and sensible. Wolfie - who is in no way surprised at the turn of events this evening - needs more Help in not being a moody teen. We'll perk 'im up like Vlad. Well, no. No one can be as great as Yoga Vlad. 

Elsewhere (oh, yes, this is very much the Chapter of Lurve), J Huntington Three is out on the town again.

Cassy is sweet, but she ain't got that figure. As offensively sexist as it is, J would possibly love it. Does Bella have ribs removed? It's too narrow.

After the Goth house, one of the Bjergsens. Time was running out for J. This was his last hurrah.

And then the one I can't quite remember. Maybe Summer?

You might notice roses in each corner of the hedge, though they're not in bloom yet. They might give a flirty mood. I'm not sure any more, but they're there. If nothing else, they'll give an environment boost. Sometimes the person you're the bush with* is actually rather upset with you, for various reasons, and it's helpful to keep that angry moodlet buried under happy ones!

*to be clear, this is not encouraged... there's not much room in a bush

J's parting gift is a crummy chocolate cake. Oh the things he's learned from Bake Off!

It's their birthday. Pink-haired Alexis goes first. I hadn't really planned who would go first and who would get what man. I invited Johnny, and he came. But Gavin could not be invited to the lot. This is a problem. Here I am ready to have the green girls get Romanced and move out because we want to get to Scarlett's kids - she's been a YA for a week. Doing things other than woohoo. Which seems unproductive in a eugenics experiment.

So Johnny. You were added to the group - and it's nice to meet you by the way - for a reason. Do you wanna know what the reason is?

We can see the cog turning in the active Mind of Mr Zest. This is his "say what?" moment.

Ah. The Strawberry Problem.

Keen enthusiasts of Deductive Sleuthing will have figured out what's just happened. And you're totally right. The only strawberry bush we have is spliced, and it isn't ready to be harvested. (I'll get the hang of Simming one day, but today. Is. Not. That. Day.) So mild problem with planning. Alexis thought watering might help. Plants seem to like it, but has anyone ever asked -- like really, truly asked? Maybe not. Because plants. Mind blown.

Resident gardening sim Persephone - she's not Greek, she's a sim - had a total of 6 strawberries to give to The Cause. We'll see if that has any effect. We can't pick and choose the best time if there is such a thing to eat them because the household is now full again, and Alexis has gotta go.

Also maybe not how he saw the evening playing out.

"You'll soon get used to her looks", said [me],
"And a very nice girl you'll find her!
She could very well pass for forty-three,
In the dusk with a light behind her!"

(Before anyone asks, that's Trial By Jury.)

So that's one down, one to go. But where was Gavin? We went to Cacti Casa.

Nothing doing. No Gavin about. Trying to invite him to the lot didn't work. But what I really need from him right now was Prompt Woohoo. Alexis was already pregnant, and we don't want Ros falling too far behind. If I can't invite him to the sauna on my home lot... maybe I can invite him to a spa lot. (Belgium has the best Spa. - The one fan of motor racing out there will appreciate that.)

We've got Persephone, Rosalind (in need of a man... but not J or Mitchell), and Scarlett -- because Scarlett is the only one who actually knows Gavin and went on that disappointing date... Oh! I know where Gavin is! I know why we can't get hold of him!

Persephone makes the call.

And this is Cornelius' first trip to the jungle.

Scarlett wasn't part of the holiday group because she has to jump about in a short skirt later that day, and can't stay long. And I didn't think we'd need her. I fully expected to find Gavin wafting about. As a Wand'ring Minstrel, aye. In the jungle. I figured he hasn't left since the not-bear night.

We even loaded up the bar, but no Gavin was to be found. Things were getting rather desperate for Rosalind, but if we forget about her (it's not hard) and move on to more interesting people, we did find Katrina Whitman at the bar! And decided to migrate back to the rented villa with her in tow.

Gasp! I hadn't seen them before. I didn't expect this! There's Jax, Dexter, and Maurice.

More good news. I tried as a last resort to invite Scarlett to join the holiday so she could invite Gavin and see what happens. And here he is. Meeting Rosalind.

And then, the two blue kids aged up while they were there.

Cornelius - who does have max parenting skill after all - becomes all fatherly to Dexter, and Scarlett in the spa robe warns... um... one of the others... about the Perils and Virtues of Being Blue. You may remark how uncanny it is that I am acquainted with the name of her speech, but no, it's quite expected. I made it up. 

More of the Whitman kids. Sadly no girls. Girls are better. Men are a pain. (I say that merely as a strategic point, not and as a general rule too.)

The blue young gentleman seems to be paralyzed with fear after Scarlett's speech.

Ros and Gavin. Yes. Well. This is her equivalent of sexy. We'll go with that.

There seems to be an overpopulation of men, young and old, in this chapter who aren't quite sure what they've got in to.

Of course, while the family are in the jungle, the message pops up about a Romance Festival. And we're all about the romance just at the moment.

I've never had a quick Vegas-style sims wedding, so this is new for me too. I even had (I was in a very emotional mood at the time, apparently) Cornelius and Persephone renew their vows. Aw.

Then it was the turn of Ros and Gavin. Hey! She bought the t-shirt. Which, I think because she's pregnant, caused some minor issues like her legs turning invisible. Hence the close ups.

Success. What drama. We found Gavin. Both twins are sorted out, although the gender of their children is sadly being left to chance. But that was my own poor planning. If necessary, we'll get a street rescue moved in to Windmilles, and then move her on to a male descendant. But a female nooboo is much easier to manager. Here's hoping.


Next time: Scarlett, Wolfie, Cornelius, (dog) Wolfie, Zippo, mini-English setters, Ahilac, piano...
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #59 on: April 19, 2018, 06:29:35 PM »
I cracked up at the sight of Katrina Whitman's toddler with the black hair.
His angry (?) countenance is the spitting image of his father's!
Is that the same kid as a child in a green sweater and curly hair? It seems his looks have softened. That's a good thing, right? Or?

Strawberries: Go to San Myshuno's Art Quarters at dusk or later to find the produce stand. Buy all the carrots or strawberries you need there.
Sorry if that's old news! :/
Wow, Gavin was sure playing hard to get. How hilarious that you even went back to Selvadorada in search of him.
How bizarre that the festival t-shirt made Rosalind's legs disappear. Never heard of that one before!

Wooooo, all the second-generation girls are pregnant now!!! Oh wait, the Munchkins are still teens.
Wooooo, both twins are pregnant now!
Looking forward to nooboos and puppies!