Author Topic: Sims Eugenics II, or, The Mouth of Persephone  (Read 64608 times)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2018, 11:39:27 PM »
The children's room will someday be a drafty stairwell. So organized! You've even planned the drafts!
The toddler pictures are memorable, indeed. I find each of the children as charming as I do their parents and I look forward to watching them age. Since they didn't end up a tidy boy/girl pair as you'd planned, will there be an heir selection process, or do all three get the chance to pass on their genes? Scarlett's my fave so far. I love her evil eyebrows, thought at the end of the day I'll probably end up being Team Whoever-Gets-Persephone's-Ears.
The house is impressively house-like and functional. A room to do things in, even! I'm still having trouble picturing how it's going to fit together in the end, but I'm really enjoying the process of getting there.

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Sims Eugenics II - Chapter IV
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2018, 06:27:34 AM »
@Shewolf13  I've had sims in the past inherit blue or pink hair - in fact from the same starting couple. But something might have changed. I'm not fussed about it. In the end we want to get some normal, average looking sims without anything crazy, so the kid's hair is totally fine. I think the black suits Scarlett. Her dangerous cheek bones she gets from Cornelius, as well as the shape of the brow.

Which follows onto @oshizu 's question nicely. All the girls have their mother's mouth. And eye shape. But yes, there seems to be far more of Cornelius in Scarlett than in the twins. Some things we'll only know when they're teens, like the body shape. Arguably the worst thing about Cornelius is his eyes, which are too large, yet have a tiny iris. I don't know if that would show in children.

@FrancescaFiori All three will have children. Gotta do that. I'll be really interesting to see which house loses the strangeness first. I don't want to try to have two branches of the same family under the same roof again. As it is, I think we'll stick with the first born. The twins actually look their mother's name at birth. They are Rosalind and Alexis Davenport. The thing with such horrendous looking sims is that it motivates one to try for baby pretty much on the first day of Young Adult. Why delay! So I'll be moving out pregnant Davenport girls as soon as possible. And Ahilac and Chadwick will then move in, we'll see what gender their child is, and then get Scarlett pregnant.


Chapter IV

I think I'm creating an illusion of organization to this save, but no! You don't see the times I go googling for answers to questions I should have long sice settled. I'll just have to have a private vet clininc for the household hounds. What else will work in the west wing?

That's Scarlett as an Child. When the twins age up to children, you'll get CAS pictures of the whole gang. But it's fine just seeing Scarlett at a distance. She doesn't really improve close up. But you knew that.

The house very briefly went through a Windenburg phase.

All for the sake of some visual interest.

It was mostly brought on by needing to have a chess table. That's a perfectly good reason to redecorate the house.

There was no room for chess inside, so it had to be outside. And just sitting on the grass seemed undesirable, especially as the end goal is the terrace. So some of it was added now.

And for a sim week or so, we fullly committed to making this into a livinng room.

All that furniture would still be used when the living room relocated, so nothing was lost. We're still lacking a dining room at this point.

But the kitchen is great. So.

The whole family are in the picture. Most of Persephone is missing, but do not feel heartbroken at that. The memorable children are scattered about, and Cornelius does battle with The Onion again.

We needed to expand, and the first expansion is up rather than to the side.

Cornelius needs a room for his painting things. The Inspiring décor he unlocks get ever more bulky and ever less appropriate for a bedroom or kitchen or whatever. Let's not imagine Corny seductively flicking his hair to the side, "oh Persephone, have you seen my stack of paintings sitting exactly where you wanted that make-up vanity table thing?". No. We're not imagining those things. But upstairs, he got his own place for painting and Persephone got a place for her Invention Constructor and other lab things.

The family being unchatty modern folk, gathered around the TV.

Scarlett playing with the doctor set of a morning. She could be on track to get all 5 good character traits.

As you see here, the twins are sleeping in the future laundry stairwell - now with added stairs. Scarlett's bed is in a future bedroom, but some space will disappear with a walk-in cupboard and en suite bathroom, and that doesn't leave enough room for three beds.

Scarlett tending the garden as one of the green kids climbs down the stairs.

That is a tree of emotions, we also have avo and the black beans. I did a test. One sim morning at 7:14am it was harvested, and sure enough by the next sims morning at 7:14am it was full of emotions. So that's a 24h tree. A candidate for when this gets artistically turned into a money garden. I'm also half wondering if the growfruit tree / and or forbidden fruit tree are fast growers. I want some trees to line the path. But if they're grafted with UFO or alien fruit they need to be 18h or 24h plants. Most trees are too slow. I've got a garden in some save with all the trees, and as it's really an aesthetic question I have no qualms about using those plants. I'm writing this of a Saturday morning, but last night I was playing this save and in Persephone's second rocket mission she came back with a UFO fruit. And that's the most valuable fruit. So the question of how to plan the plants is somewhat on my mind.

Cornelius once again painting furiously.

That's the fancy level 8 Patron of the Arts easel. I like going down that branch early in a save just for the rustic bed.

So Persephone is taking out the trash, but I say the real highlight is the fact Scarlett has two potties in her bedroom. The dining room is empty on account of lacking Funds to even get the cheapest long table. That's what eventually happened. The long Cool Kitchen Stuff table and matching red chairs. Not entirely suiting a house like this, but the chairs were soon changed.

But no fear, one of the potties was soon moved here.

As best I can remember and rationally deduce, it's Rosalind on the blocks in the foreground and Alexis at the doll house. And Rosalind is absolutely and consciously a name taken from As You Like It. The random names weren't doing it for me. Rosalind has many good moments in AYLI, chief among which: "I pray you, do not fall in love with me. For I am falser than vows made in wine. Besides, I like you not." It's a great posh name.

And both kids in the new living room. :)

The interiors are all a bit rough and ready. It's my go-to paneling and wooden floors just to cover the drywall, but it'll obviously change. I plan for two fireplaces in here. And that's a fearsome smile from Rosalind.

A few changes outside too...

One of the reasons I'm including the earlier garden picture is because of this one. I hadn't added the lawn yet. The lawn stripes is a detail I didn't do on the build mode mock up. It's something I miss from the Sims 3. There was a grass texture that was already striped and took much less effort. On the other hand, scale and proportion are important and very thin leetle stripes wouldn't do. The house has left it's Tudor phase and now sports the glorious vampire brick wall texture.

Jungle Adventure #3!

Scarlett came along for the ride this time because otherwise she'd make no progress on any aspirations. She's hidden behind the Tourist in this picture raising her social skill.

Persephone can now survey for dig sites and set up excavation sites, so on this trip she didn't leave the comfort of the rented villa and it was highly productive. She maxed the local culture skill and learned some recipes that no one else can stomach, and brought home enough dirt clumps and artifacts to maybe max her archaeology skill.

Persephone plays with Alexis in her new grand bedroom.

The twins spontaneously emerge from their toddler beds at the same time, and you know what that's for.


In extraordinary, over-hyped episode 5: green children! Cornelius tries to dress posher (there is only small room for improvement, but I try!). More house stuff! And Alexis doesn't tease her sister!
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2018, 12:44:22 PM »
Oh the twins will be moving out? Will you be treating us to rotational gameplay or take us on visits to their house then? Hah, I miss them already!
As for your tree-lined avenue, you could graft your cash crops to fast-growing plants in the beginning.
Later, when the family is obscenely rich, you could graft your cash crops to which type of entrance-lining trees you find most aesthetically suitable. Just a thought.
After a few generations, I tend to put most of the garden away because the cash is no longer needed and gardening is time-consuming.
Unless, of course, someone rolls Freelance Botanist.

While watching as your house underwent its transformations, I flashed on how awesome it would be if you did one of those history challenges.
But, alas, those seem to require scads of custom content for the various "period effects," which throws a wet blanket over my burning enthusiasm to see you attempt historical builds.

Back to your current house, it seems to be expanding so rapidly and so nicely.
There's a large square with an enclosed diamond (nice flooring!) at the front of the house. It's entirely outdoors?
When you eventually build/design your formal dining room, will the kitchen remain as is? (I love it!)
Or will the seating be minimized to (once again) gently nudge the family to spend time in the dining room?

So many questions! You needn't answer them all, of course. I'm just blurting out my thoughts as I read/view this update. Hehe

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2018, 02:39:19 PM »
@oshizu you should see the house now... :P It's such fun to play. I've actually a hired a professional gardener now. It says he won't harvest. He had better not! I'm only about a week and a bit ahead of this, but the whole shell is up, the pool is in, many things are added. The family is *not* rich. Funds dipped below $1k with the expansion, and bills are getting hilariously large. But that's fine. If we go bankrupt that'll be exciting. Given all the other stuff happening, and only two adults, it's a challenge. The garden isn't perfect yet: the best plant I have at the moment is a magnificent snapdragon. I want to get the fast growing Granite Falls plants. I intend the garden to be a fixture. Or... if I move the plants, I could put fountains or roses or many other things... those are good thoughts.

1. No rotations, the goals are with this house. There just won't be room to have 3 or 4 different branches under one roof, but we can't not have more strange kids. I wondered if the heirs could be settled by feeding 'em fruit cake and seeing if there is an odd one out. If I moved the twins out after they complete a career, their children will be out of sync with Scarlett's. I don't want that. And I think a posh house should always have some dogs about, so we need room for them. :) In time, we may try and reunite a distant branch of the family through marriage.

2. History challenges? Well, this house is a poor, (much edited for actual sims), shadow of a real 17th century French "house". Which fairly obvious. I'm not a fan of loads of CC. This save is my happy space as it is. I'm reluctant to say which house because the disappointment will be real.

3. Entirely outdoors. I once had the idea of trying to design something that looked like a family crest for that spot. It's just to break up the vast swathes of outdoor concrete.

4. Yes! The kitchen is staying where it is, and in the layout it is. I think I'll upgrade the counters and overhead cupboards in time. I'm happy enough with the formal dining room as it now is, and when I swap out the cheap table and I think it'll look just as awesome as needed.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2018, 03:06:38 PM »
Ooo, loving the house so much so far!  Seeing the evolutions is always so much fun for me ^^ And doing it with the genetic challenge is a lot of fun.  Wow, all 5 traits?  I've never managed that XD

Offline Heart Foam

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Sims Eugenics II - Chapter V.
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2018, 09:02:56 AM »
@Shewolf13  Scarlett's conflict resolution is a bit below the threshold for the trait, but so long as she get a random chance at school to raise that, she'll be fine. It's best to teach them to say sorry (and praise them for it) as children. If they don't learn it then, it's harder later in life. I didn't do that quite enough with her as a child, but it's close enough that I don't have to rely on too many chance cards. To get all 5 my current strategy is to prioritize Empathy and Conflict Resolution as children. It's never a given. On the last day of school you just know they'll get an event that decreases one of the stats.


Chapter V.

I've been sorting out pictures and realize I have about 60 between here and the current status. Even with 20 per update, that's 3 updates. I was a little bit into the save before I started posting it. But I don't want that gap to grow, so I might Deluge pictures of the overgrown house and dangerous eyebrows on you, the dear faithful readers, over the next few days in order to catch up. Today might even be a double upload day.

Last time, in a chapter filled with danger and excitement, two toddlers crawled out of bed with great determination. Was it to potty? No! It was not to potty! 

Green children. Look, I yearn for Ahilac too. That's partly why I wanted a boy - to avoid the obvious comparison. These lovely, yet awful girls, will not be the epitome of green elegance.

So, it's CAS time at Windmilles & Wine. Um yes. Er... Windmilles & Wine is the (hipster) name of the glorious estate. It makes no sense. That's not a typo. There's an extra e in Windmilles, because that gives it foreign, continental sophistication. And now the odd reader (you know who you are) can say "I like windmills. And wine." And that's a mild pun.

Curiously, I noticed as teens that Alexis had pink eyebrows and Rosalind some-shade-of-red eyebrows. So this is Rosalind. I did give all the girls a makeover, but I also don't want to go overboard with the CAS stuff. They're identical after all. That hairdo they both aged up with shows off their facial features nicely. In future, know that Rosalind (with the longer name) has the longer hair.

I realized that there hadn't been a closeup of Persephone.

And Scarlett.

Persephone had a Hug-The-Alien-Tourist-Day at work, and that same evening was abducted. I'm still charmed by the abductions and like to take pictures of them. The windows at the back of the house will change when pillars go up. That back view is not indicative of the final look.

Rosalind (in the purple, with the longer hair) and Alexis (the other one) play chess in the gloom. At some point we'll make this more picturesque. There are so many rooms in the house, it's sure to get a library with a chess table, but even then I think I'll keep the outdoor set because... Visual Interest.

Persephone is upstairs in the east wing. In time this will change, because after she's done with the mad science no other sim will be able to use the invention constructor or the serum making device.

As you see, we have a cloning machine! And she's finally making the SimRay and doing the first few upgrades.

This is the formal dining room where the bedroom was right at the start.

The bedroom is adjacent in the same colour scheme as before. Even to my eyes, that's not a great wall covering. I swapped out the cheap, red ice-cream-parlor chairs for something more pretentious. They're not too bad. The table will have to go. and maybe the Van Gogh sunflowers.

I got an itch for building. Much is happening here.

There is a staircase to nowhere. That's where the bathroom first was. That got moved to where the another staircase is (or will be), parallel to this one. For a short while before I put these stairs in, there was a laundry, but it didn't seem to be working. The maid wasn't doing any laundry. Whether that was another glitched washing machine or if it was inaccessible... I dunno. But I figured I might was well build out the laundry properly - the drafty stairwell where Scarlett in youthful exuberance once made a mess. But that's where I still had some beds. And because we have too many children in the house for what I had planned, space had to be found for Scarlett. The twins are sharing a double bed downstairs. It's green because they are green. And Scarlett's bed is blue because she is blue. So Scarlett now has a bedroom above the kitchen. And while I was extending the upstairs, I figured it was time to take a deep breath and do the roof as it should be.

Downstairs was remodeled too. This was a day of much building.

I decided I liked the red on the bed. And I didn't want two red themed rooms next to each other. So we've got cream an' green in the dining room. That's how it remains right now. I'll change the out-of-place table eventually.

In the inspiration room, which was where Cornelius lived, he aged up to adult while painting. I am sorry about that. But the first generation has some disappointments like this, hopefully offset by the thrill of building a new house. All the painting, and gardening, and science upgrades, and raising kids... birthdays aren't even slightly considered. We'll find time for a birthday in the future which I'm sure Cornelius will enjoy.  I won't say why.

This is Scarlett's sparse new bedroom upstairs.

It has the only computer. We had to buy one for the children's aspirations, and that's what Alexis is doing here. I love Scarlett's cynical eyebrow as her sister tries to explain how her high score was beaten.

And here's a nice look at the front, and the roofs that were added.

I didn't attempt to roof that middle section in this interim state... because... the staircase to nowhere rather complicates things... and that's a big motivation to get the whole house built. Because it does look a bit silly. All low and flat.

Jungle Adventure #4.

Cornelius had to go to work on the Saturday, but all the girls tagged along to work on the Social Butterfly aspiration.

"Tease about face". I couldn't believe it. I didn't allow it. And a profound lack of self-awareness, because... your face is the same Ros. Teasing about face is not okay in this family. What I learned from having the girls here is that it doesn't seem like children can learn the Selvadoradan Culture skill, which is a shame. I wanted them to all eat and learn different foods.

Leaving the kids behind, Persephone was loaded up with cloned moodlet solvers, and ready to reach the end of a temple. I told her to group up with one of her lab colleagues!

Persephone didn't appreciate that.

Much Adventuring.

Right. Yes. Persephone got poisoned. Ah. That was my fault. She had correctly identified the correct thinggum to correctly pull, and I told her pull a different one. So... don't do that. She got all the treasure, and I took more screenshots, but how many can anyone stomach of a lonesome green woman in orange pants? We've got 3 golden frogs now!

We decided to wait and see how Persephone's poisoning went. If she needed a cure, I'd rather ask a local for an antidote and use up some bone dust than spend $1k.

And stray dogs were walking past, and I decided we needed a dog back home. I feel like the family should have a breed of dog they're known for - like Queen Lizzy and her corgis. Zippo is an elder, but he'll do - death and age are not Obstacles to dogs with treats. And there'd be space for a vet clinic! And the stay-at-home gardener could also be the resident dog walker and vet! There'll be puppies! Zippo was adopted with hours left in the holiday in the early hours of Monday morning. There wasn't time to adopt a mate for him. But we're on the lookout for a mate for him.

Persephone didn't shake off her poisoning, and got an antidote. But as you see, she's trudging back home in Sickly Fashion, still poisoned...

While she trudged, there was a quick stop in Build Mode. I wanted to change the dimensions of the lawn area by a tile, and to extend the house to the left in preparation for a home pet care room.

And she trudged all the way to the cloning machine to drink a copy of the antidote. I thought it would be clone-able, and it is! T'riffic. So now we have an antidote on a shelf. Ready for my next mistake!


Next up: Scarlett gets bigger. Cornelius makes a friend. Persephone makes a discovery.

It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2018, 02:35:22 PM »
Oh my! That 'tease about face ' interaction had me laughing a bit too hard XD since it's like looking in a mirror XD. Loving the evolution of the house ^^ Hehe especially the name.

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2018, 02:41:04 PM »
A deluge of eyebrows? You spoil us! I can hardly wait!

The house is looking wonderful, indeed. I'm having your same issue with the bills becoming overwhelming as they house grows, but it's just so hard to stop once you get going on improvements. I adore your rows of cypress trees. And the elegant lawn stripes! *sigh* So lovely.

Windmilles & Wine! With the extra "e"! Perfect!

So happy to know that Rosalind's name is intentionally Shakespearean. That really is a phenomenal line. I will do my best not to fall in love with her.

So what breed is Zippo? I love his curly tail. Very posh.

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Sims Eugenics II - Chapter VI
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2018, 03:32:12 PM »
Chapter VI.

I want this to catch up a bit, so... yeah. So much of the early stages is just grinding through umpteen different goals and I'm conscious that it's the people that's important not the overgrown house, but I also want to get the house built (or at least the shell; it'll take time to move in completely).

Persephone takes Zippo for a walk.

There are many forum saves happening on this Brindleton Bay lot, and that's good because the views and countryside are really pretty. I wish Persephone was in some other outfit. Even her orange pants would've worked better.

And when they got back, she gave Zippo a good brush. It was very much my intention to visit the vet for an Age-Down treat, but this is in the morning before Persephone heads off to the lab at 10am, and there wouldn't be time.

Cornelius took a break from painting and became more involved in teaching and encouraging Rosalind and Alexis. If the scores on the screen are anything to go by, he's not taking it easy on them. And as this raises motor skills, everyone is a winner!

Cornelius had more time at home anyway being in the higher levels of the art career. And he had hired a maid. Who wears too much makeup for maiding. Katrina Whitman.

When he wasn't getting to know Ms. Whitman better, he Simstagrammed Zippo!

And he put an easel outside for the many occasions that being stuck away upstairs didn't suit.

We hadn't got any school projects until now, and we got two in one day. Scarlett didn't need the grades - she's a straight A student due to age up to a teen at any moment, so the girls all set about building Alexis' medieval castle.

And unlike Cornelius' missed birthday, and Persephone's which happened one day at the lab while she was at the Invention Constructor, we actually got a cake baked. I feel like the family is making Moral Progress.

That is Scarlett, the first child of the save. She hasn't got her father's stick thin figure - which I have had him pass down in other saves. That was something I was worried about.

There were some thoughts of a proper birthday party event, but a festival was on and I can't pass up the chance to learn new foods and unlock the t-shirts. So the big party would have to wait for the twins, perhaps.

Morgan compared to Scarlett. Cornelius' dangerous cheek bones and Persephone's eyes.

And those fireworks are just because it's a nice picture in my little head. No deep reason at all. If we consider this as part of her birthday, and I do, then it was a good day.

Zippo got rather attached to Scarlett. Often he was physically attached. With a leash. Like he was a dog! Or something!

I figured maybe Scarlett would be the sim to learn dog training and veterinary things. She wasn't going to spend her time with any of the boys at school, because I had hopes of Bjorn Bjergsen with his blue eyes living long enough to lend his genes to the family. On that subject I'm open to suggestions! Because Scarlett is still a teen, and Bjorn is dead. There'll be a bit of an anticlimax in the future. Don Lothario? Johnny Zest? Any dashing manly men whose eyes and nose we want?

With the ever growing number of appliances, Persephone now made an effort to get Nerd Brain. I really do like a Handy sim. Ayaka was my main girl for that last time. We need another.

So we've got a rocket, but nowhere really to put it. Cornelius painted some of the concrete blue - he calls it "Anthropomorphic Inversions XI" - to mark where the pool would go... when we had the money for it. In the meantime, the rocket could use that space. I need to get the glow orb and spike fruit, but I'm not reliant upon level 10 rocket science for that because Persephone will build a Wormhole Device at the lab. So the rocket is just to get her through Nerd Brain.

Scarlett in CAS.

The return of the glorious, bee-youtiful Cats & Dogs scarf and sweater thing. The colours look fantastic I think. I'm fond of Scarlett.

Evil Cornelius was being Evil. What a face.

But maybe Ms. Whitman was wanting a few minutes of fame and notoriety for being seduced by a rich man. Well, that's how she'll sell it, but who wears that much makeup for maiding? Exactly. And we're super keen for more strange kids. So this is great.

Persephone's aspiration was progressing far better than expected. It's such a happy moment I took a screenshot!

I methodically work through "Launch or Upgrade a Rocket 5 Times" by doing an upgrade, then a mission, doing an upgrade, then a mission. This is Persephone's second ever rocket mission, and it was the Green Man, she she came home with a UFO! Totally brilliant. I'm conflicted a little bit. I know the UFO is worth more than the glow orb / spike fruit but aesthetically it's not very interesting. There is something I want to try with the glow orbs. But regardless, we've got the most valuable fruit and so easily too! That's only a good thing.

And finally, having tried everyone's patience far too much (you don't have to pretend to read this waffle), Scarlett and Zippo on the sofa.


Next episode: the shell of the house is finally done, the twins age up to teens, and things happen with pets...
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2018, 03:42:27 PM »
@Shewolf13 and @FrancescaFiori I saw your replies while I was doing that update. I was a mixture of being aghast and highly amused by the "tease about face". That was mad. I had never seen it before. And I had to double check. I couldn't believe it.

As I write I still don't know what breed he is. We'll find out in due course. But I thought that I could turn him into something specific in CAS. It wouldn't be possible to find two strays the same breed, so some CAS magic would have to happen.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2018, 06:07:37 PM »
Are you kidding?  I love reading your updates! lol  They are equal parts humorous and very informative ^^ --shudders a bit at the thought of what the maid and Cornelius's children will look-- I actually rather like Scarlett's looks.  They are quite different.  Not quite beautiful but very striking.  My vote is for Zesty!  He's a favorite of mine. Congrats on getting the UFO plant so quickly!

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2018, 06:47:06 PM »
I knew the minute I saw her that maid had grandiose ideas.  Too much make-up indeed!

Thanks for the CAS pictures.  The close-ups really help to show the gene pool that you're starting with.

As for a future spouse/partner for one of the Heckings since you are in Brindleton Bay?  I mean, they are married, but so was Bjorn so infidelity obviously isn't a deal breaker.  Or, as Shewolf13 says, Johnny Zest is a solid choice.

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2018, 07:27:58 PM »
How about Lucas Munch? He's got similar coloring to Bjorn Bjergsen, and he's almost certainly still alive. He's also not bad-looking with the right hair. Not a very interesting nose, but we can't have everything.
"Anthropomorphic Inversions XI" is nothing short of genius. I could look at it for hours.
I could also look at Scarlett for hours. I enjoy her face very much. So glad she and Zippo are getting along so well.

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2018, 11:31:00 PM »
I love the symmetry of the front lawn with the striped grass and the bushes that bracket woohoo bushes.
It all looks so very grand!
There was a section in there where you commented something to the nature of: much building happened on this day.
As an amateur builder, your explanation of what was happening in your house went well over my head.
My architectural imagination is quite impoverished, but not my architectural appreciation!
The second floor and its roofing look majestic already!

The close-up of Persephone: why do I feel like I've never seen her face before?
She is doing fabulously and I envy her bringing home a UFO plant on her second space mission.
In my Townie Dynasty, we didn't get a UFO plant until near the end of Gen5. That implies roughly 9 sims with maxed Rocket Science.
You, my friend, are obscenely lucky! :D

Aside from Persephone's wiiiiiiiiide mouth, Scarlett as a teen looks quite nice.
The twins are quite lovely and don't look much at all like their mother...
I look forward to their teen birthday!

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2018, 04:28:59 PM »
So many good names! We'll need 3 men ultimately because the twins will be romanced, fall pregnant, and get stuffed full of strawberries before being moved into a house. @Shewolf13 I think Zesty is a well-liked good choice and one lucky girl will get him. He's not a sim I've used very often.

@BallerinaHippo On your suggestion I'll do some investigation off-stage in another save because I'm wondering what the jaw and chin shape is behind Brant's beard. Having looked on the wiki, I'm more inclined to use him than Brent. Brent is well put together, but I'm not sure about that chin and cheek on another sim. It's sort of the Bob Pancakes school of exaggerated design. But I'll poke around Brant and see what he looks like.

@FrancescaFiori Grey-eyed Lucas has made me think of blue-eyed Wolfgang. Yes? No?

Thinking of finding an agreeable man, I'm on the fence about Marcus Flex just because the wiki says his body shape is "muscular". I don't want a hulk. But for everything else he'd be great. Unless he's dead already. He might be. He starts as adult.

@oshizu I reckon we're all amateur builders here! Well, I like it too, but really the component parts are pretty easy. I haven't done such a house in TS4 before where the goal is to look this grand. I am proud of the woohoo bushes. They're consistently useful (pollinator sims will not need to upset the house by inviting guests in - just use the bush and send her on her way!), but they looked a bit lonely without the hedge. I'm laughing as I write that because it's so awful. To be so methodical! So nonchalant!

I wondered if the Green Man story had a higher chance of occurring because the rocket didn't have many upgrades. Some missions clearly benefit from having upgraded thrusters or whatever, but  this mission doesn't require any of that, and might be more likely on a low-level rocket. I dunno. I was speculating wildly at the time. In general, my experience is more in line with yours. It might just be dumb luck after all.

The twins definitely have a lot of their mother in the face. I want someone to get Cornelius' strange eyes and optimistic nose. He might have to go on a Night of Passion around town.   


EDIT: Marcus Flex is still alive.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.