At times, there are events so traumatic that they can turn your world upside down.Rileen: WHEEEEEEE!!!!
Card: Yeah, upside down, but I don't think that's a bad thing.
Pippin: I have a suspicion that Rileen agrees.
Rileen: Gaggy!! 'gain! 'gain!
Jaxly: Hahahahaha! When she says "Gaggy," she means you!
Card: (sigh) Yeah, we need to work on her "D" sounds.
Pippin: And little Rilan also got some attention.
Ablowitz: Hey, little guy! I used to have that same hair!
Rilan: No! It
me hair!
Ablowitz: No, I'm not taking your hair, I just mean I used to have the same hairdo.
Rilan: It not you hair, it
me hair!
Ablowitz: Yeah, I don't think he's getting it.
Ananya: Yeah, kids can be so funny, right?
Ablowitz: ...who are you again?
Ananya: Ananya? The maid? I've been working here since you were a teen?
Ablowitz: Maid? Oh, the lady who dresses as a maid for the Spooky Day parties! Your costume is top notch!
Ananya: I...I give up.
Rilan: Me hair, not you hair.
Pippin: And the twins spend time with each other as well.
Rilan: Sissy move! Me need poody shair!
Rileen: No, it be me turn. You gumb!
Rilan: Gum? Yes, pease. Me want gum!
Rileen: You
awe gumb!
Rilan: Yes pease.
Card: Yeah, really need to work on her "D's".
Ghost of Rilee: Rilee need to!
Pippin: And even as our youngest members are getting in some time together...
Pippin: so are our eldest.
Tanvi: I'm so cherishing the little time we have left.
Spodluck: Qrn gumph zaxdy?
Tanvi: Teehee, yes. Haunting me
would be considered romantic, you old smooth-talker.
Pippin: Awww, they're so cute. And Spodluck has made some serious contributions to this legacy family by maxing multiple skills while working on, and completing, the Renaissance Sim aspiration. Speaking of working on skills...
Lisee: Woot!! Maxing the vampire lore!
Pippin: Well, working on maxing it anyway. Since Grim had given Spodluck his final days warning, we made time for a family get together.
Pippin: As mentioned, he and Tanvi had several more kids after she moved out. Only one girl. Let's hope she grows up to be a Tanvi clone.
Tanvi: Aww, thank, Pippin. Although, we may end up having another girl since I'm still pregnant.
Pippin: Oh yeah! Anyway, Card left the get together to head off to work, but returned with a promotion.
Card: Only one way to celebrate...
Card: Dance party!
Pippin: Cool, but why aren't you doing the group dance with everyone else?
Card: They're my back up dancers. I'm the featured performer. Right, Angels?
Angels: Right, Cardlie!
Pippin: And after some dancing, Spodluck enjoyed some fishing.
Pippin: For a little bit, at least...
Pippin: and despite Card's pleas, Grim took Spodluck off to be with his mom.
Ghost of Rilee: Welcome to paradise, Spodluck!
Ghost of Spodluck: Drm vivmn srt!
Ghost of Rilee: Oh. Umm, when will Tanvi be getting here?
Pippin: We now distract you from your feelings of loss with adorable toddler spam.
Rileen: Tat!!!
Rileen: Tat say moo!! Moo!!
Nanny Masato: Actually, mistress Rileen, it is pronounced "cat" and it says "meow."
Rileen: What Tat? Tat say no? Tat say not say me-now? Tat say Tat say Moo? Otay! (walks away)
Pippin: Oh. We hired a nanny, by the way.
Nanny Masato: Come, master Rilan. It's time for a story.
Rilan: No! Not want! Story dumb!
Rileen: Yeah, it Gumb!
Rilan: Gum? Me want gum!
Nanny Masato: No sweets until after dinner. Now, "Once upon a time..."
Rileen: Oooo...
Rilan: What hap necks? Want more!
Rileen: Mo' stowy!!
Pippin: Yeah, he's pretty good at this nannying thing. However, later we got a less impressive nanny. It was right around the time that this happened.
Lisee: Ohmanohmanohmanohman!!
Pippin: Awww, my little baby's becoming all immortal!!
Eris: Are you fangirling, Pippin?
Pippin: A little.
Lisee: Hmm, I'm famished!
Pippin: Gee, if only we had a less-than-useful service Sim around.
Pippin: Hey look! We do!!
Lisee: Wow, he was delicious! Let's hire him again!
Pippin: Aww, my baby liked her first meal.
Card: Umm, if the Watcher is finished gushing, perhaps I could get on with my aspiration?
Pippin: Huh? Oh! Right. Yes.
Card: Woot! Back-to-back Spooky Parties!
Card: Wow! Your maid costume is...out of this world!
Ananya: I hate my life.
Pippin: Wow, did you really convince your aunt and brother to do the pumpkins?
Card: I really did.
Ghost of Rilee: Rilee did?
Card: Really Rilee! At
both parties!!
Pippin: And I think somebody just loves showing off her costumes.
Jaxlyn: And this is what awesome looks like!
Rileen: Mama awzim! Gaggy no!
Jaxlyn: My little girl's a genius!
Pippin: And everyone's new favorite vampire came as Princess Leia.
Eva: What are you supposed to be? Princess Leia?
Lisee: Better than being Princess Lame-uh.
Eva: Why you'd better take that back!
Lisee: Nah, think I'd better break your back.
Jaxlyn: Aww, look who else is nailing that Public Enemy aspiration!
Lisee: Thanks, Jax!
Jaxlyn: I think this calls for an Angel night out!!
Eris: What are we gonna do on our night out?
Lisee: Let's go for ice cream!
Jaxlyn: Or commit a felony!
Eris: We can decide in the car.
Pippin: I'm guessing felony.
Lisee: Actually, I'm pretty hungry. Can we stop for a bite to eat?
Pippin: Oh my goodness!!
Old Nanny: I know, it's horrifying that she...
She looks so pretty in that white dress!!!Old Nanny: ...oh...
Lisee: Mmmm, sorry, Old Nanny, but this guy was way yummier than you. Think I just found a new favorite take out order! (walks away)
Old Nanny: ...but
I was your favorite...
Pippin: Sims are so weird. Anyway, Lisee got double her money's worth with her next fight as it was also her first vampire sparring match!
Pippin: She won. Of course.
Eris: Because our littlest Angel is awesome!
Jaxlyn: True stuff!!
Lisee: Awesome!
Pippin: Yep. She's adorable. And speaking of adorable...
Rilan: Mmmm! Sammichy good!
Rileen: Me ginner aww gone! Empty pwate is gumb!
Rilan: Yes pease! Me want gum!
Rileen: No, you gumb!
Rilan: Yes! Me want gum!
Pippin: And with that bout of cuteness, we bid farewell to the Sharebears.