Author Topic: Zazatototl Relic, Balampalsoh Relic and Totecallama Relic Information (Spoilers)  (Read 40975 times)

Offline Playalot

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This is the list of all the relics and their associated buffs and in-game notifications. I wasn't going to post it but then figured it might be useful for planning challenges or dynasty players.

BE WARNED: Major spoilers for those who want to discover all the relics in-game and just what they do.

Zazatototl Relic
(Becomes Curses of the Personal Rain Cloud when base and crystal are added when moused over in inventory)

Watcher Base:

Sims Buffs Text

Common Crystal:
Sad+2 Curse of the Sadness Cloud
(From Being Cursed)
This curse is causing overwhelming sadness. Work hard and become extremely happy to dispel this curse
3 days

Uncommon Crystal:
Curse of The Shocking Cloud
(From Being Cursed)
This curse is causing overwhelming sadness with a chance of lightning. Work hard and become extremely happy to dispel this curse
3 days

Rare Crystal:
Curse of the Emotional Cloud
(From Being Cursed)
This curse is causing Sims’ Name to have very wild mood swings. Get back to a very happy mood to dispel this curse.
3 Days

Notification Text

Common Crystal
Sims Name is afflicted with The Curse of The Sadness Cloud. This sad mood is going to follow sim around until he can find a way to become happy again.

Uncommon Crystal
Sims name is afflicted with The Curse of the Shocking Cloud. This cloud is going to follow sim around while letting out dangerous lightning bolts until he can find a way to become happy again.

Rare Crystal
Sim is afflicted with The Curse of The Emotional Cloud. This cloud is going to follow sim around causing his emotions to change wildly until he can find a way to be happy again.

Various Mood Swings caused by Uncommon: Sims Mood Buffs. Note they all stack on each other so your sim will be sad from main curse and tense/stressed at the same time.

Buff Text:
Tense +2
A Stressful Shock
(From Being Struck By A Stressful Cloud)
That jolt from the Personal Shocking Cloud is causing sim to fee stressed.
Counter this curse or visit the Statue of Madre Cosecha to dispel it
1 hour

Various Mood Swings caused by Rare: Sims Mood Buffs. Note they all stack on each other so your sim will be sad from main curse and  bored etc at the same time.

Bored, dazed, confident, angry, happy, energized, flirty, sad, embarrassed and uncomfortable experienced. Inspired and focused not but they may be possible.

Buff text as follows (they’re all the same minus name of mood basically):

Bored +2
Boredom Cloud
(From being Struck by Emotional Cloud)
The Curse of the Emotional Cloud is causing sim to feel bored. Counter this curse or visit the Statue of Madre Cosecha to dispel it
1 hour

When your sim becomes Very Happy the main curse is dispersed and they receive a Blessing

Notification Text:
Curse Dispelled
Sim has pushed through all the dreariness a (Name of  Curse. i.e. Personal Rain Cloud Curse) could throw at him.
The curse has been dispelled!
Sim now has his own personal ball of sunshine following him around because of a Blessing of Personal Sun.

Buff Text:
Happy +2
Blessing of Personal Sun
(From Dispelling Curse of the Personal Rain Cloud)
My own personal ball of sunshine brightening my day
2 days

Thoughts: totally worth cursing yourself, curing with happy potion and then having this positive +2 buff for 2 days to help with work moods etc.
Also note can’t be cursed when under a blessing

Chaos Base:
(Becomes Curses of Greedy Needs when base and crystal are added when moused over in inventory)

Sims Buffs Text
Common Crystal:
Uncomfortable +3
Curse of Arbitrary Needs
(From Being Cursed)
This curse is causing random drops in all of your needs. Get your needs into an overall excellent state to shrug off the effects
3 Days

Uncommon Crystal:
Uncomfortable +3
Curse of Torpid Needs
(From Being Cursed)
This curse is causing all of your needs to refill more slowly. Get your needs into an overall excellent state to shrug off the effects
3 Days

Rare Crystal
Uncomfortable +3
Curse of Atrophying Needs
(From Being Cursed)
This curse is causing all of your needs to quickly decay. Get your needs into an overall excellent state to shrug off the effects
3 Days

Notifications Text
Common Crystal
Sim is afflicted with the Curse of Arbitrary Needs.
Sim is experiencing periodic drops in all of his needs. If sim can manage to return all of his needs to an excellent state it could reverse this curse.

Uncommon Crystal
Sim is afflicted with the Curse of Torpid Needs.
Sim is experiencing a slowdown in recovering of all of his needs. If sim can manage to return all of his needs to an excellent state it could reverse this curse.

Rare Crystal
Sim is afflicted with the Curse of Atrophying Needs.
Sim is experiencing a faster drop in all his needs. If sim can manage to return all of his needs to an excellent state it could reverse this curse.

Death Base:
(Becomes Marked For Death when base and crystal are added when moused over in inventory)

Sims Buffs Text
Common Crystal:
Uncomfortable +2
Marked for Death by Electrocution
(From Being Cursed)
Sim feels electricity in the air gathering around him. An electrical shock is inevitable
3 days

Dazed +40
Seriously Fried
(From being Electrocuted)
That was a close call… I really shouldn’t mess with any electronics for a while…
3 hours

Uncommon Crystal
Uncomfortable +2
Marked for Death by Combustion
(From Being Cursed)
An ancient heat is ringing within sim. Keep a fire extinguisher handy because spontaneous combustion is likely
3 Days

Tense +3
I’m On Fire!
(From Being Lit on Fire)
Oh no! This sim needs to be extinguished…and quick!

And then, of course:
Tense +3
(From Previously Being on Fire)
Covered head-to-toe in soot. Better wash this stuff off.
1 hour

Rare Crystal
Uncomfortable +1
Marked For Death by Poison
(From Being Cursed)
Those jungle toxins have found their way into Sim. Find some Bone Dust and trade it for an antidote quick.
3 days

Dazed +6
(From Being Cursed)
Poison is coursing through sims veins. Better find an antidote quickly! Surely someone from Selvadorada knows where they can get one. Maybe search online?
3 Days

And finally:
Energized +1
Blessing of Bones
(From Being a Skeleton)
Sim has been blessed with a temporary transformation into a being of bones. With less to worry about while in this skeletal form, they may be able to get a few extra things done!
4 days

Notifications Text

Common Crystal
Sim has been Marked for Death by Electrocution
This is a shockingly dangerous situation to be in. One too many jolts of electricity will be fatal. A can of Farady Fizz will ward off fatal shocks, but sim should look for a jungle antidote

Uncommon Crystal
Sim has been Marked for Death by Combustion
An ancient heat is ringing within sim. Keep a fire extinguisher handy and search for an antidote.

Rare Crystal
Sim has been Marked for Death by Poison
This Jungle Poison is deadly. Sim’s skin is looking sickly. He needs to find some bone dust to trade for an antidote, or shell out the simoleons to buy and antidote before Death finds its Mark.

When sim is cured from rare crystal curse they get Blessed with skeletal form:
Notification text
Curse Dispelled!
Sim has dispelled Marked for Death. Now he is blessed with a skeletal Form.
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Balampalsoh Relic
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2018, 12:11:13 AM »
Balampalsoh Relic

Watcher Base:
(Becomes Blessings of Wealth once base and refined crystal are added)

Sims Buffs Text No moodlets/buffs but the following:

Common Crystal
A small amount of money gets deposited into your sims household account instantly. Around $25
Uncommon Crystal
A small amount of money gets deposited into your sims household account instantly. Around $125
Rare Crystal
A ‘large’ amount of money gets deposited into your sims household account instantly. Around $500

Notification Text

Common Crystal, Uncommon Crystal and Rare Crystal
The spirit of Balampalsoh has blessed sim with a small amount of extra Simoleons. What s/he chooses to do with this money is yet to be seen.

Uncommon Crystal
The spirit of Balampalsoh has blessed sim with extra Simoleons. What s/he chooses to do with this money is yet to be seen.

Rare Crystal
The spirit of Balampalsoh has blessed sim with a large amount of extra Simoleons. What s/he chooses to do with this money is yet to be seen.

Chaos Base:
(Becomes Blessings of New Relationships once base and refined crystal are added)

Sims Buff Text

Common Crystal
A new friend is added to the relationship panel
New Friend
(From Making a Friend)
Making a new friend can really cheer a Sum up!
4hrs (already in base game)

Uncommon Crystal
One new friend and one new good friend is added to the relationship panel
New Friend
(From Making a Friend)
Making a new friend can really cheer a Sum up!
4hrs (already in base game)
Made a New Good Friend
(from Socialization)
Feeling happy from making a new, lasting friendship!
4hrs (already in base game)

Rare Crystal
Four good friends were added to the relationship panel
Made a New Good Friend
(from Socialization)
Feeling happy from making a new, lasting friendship!
4hrs (already in base game)

I suspect that it is random between a friend being added or a good friend being added.

Notification Text

Common Crystal
The spirit of Balampalsoh has blessed sim with the Blessing of Budding Wallflower. Will this introduction to a new random Sim lead to a great friendship, a steamy romance, a bitter rivalry, or will it simply fade away?

Uncommon Crystal
The spirit of Balampalsoh has blessed sim with the Blessing of the Social Butterfly. Will this introduction to two new random Sims lead to great friendships, steamy romances, bitter rivalries, or will they simply fade away?

Rare Crystal
The spirit of Balampalsoh has blessed sim with the Blessing of Plentiful Buddies. Will this introduction to four new random Sims lead to great friendships, steamy romances, bitter rivalries, or will they simply fade away?

Death Base:
(Becomes Blessings of Skeletal Tranmogrification when base and crystal are added)

Sims Buff Text

Common Crystal
Energized +1
Blessing of Bones
(From Being a Skeleton)
Sim has been blessed with a temporary transformation into a being of bones. With less to worry about while in this skeletal form, s/he may be able to get a few extra things done.
12 hrs

Uncommon Crystal
Energized +1
Blessing of Bones
(From Being a Skeleton)
Sim has been blessed with a temporary transformation into a being of bones. With less to worry about while in this skeletal form, s/he may be able to get a few extra things done.
20 hrs

Rare Crystal
Energized +1
Blessing of Bones
(From Being a Skeleton)
Sim has been blessed with a temporary transformation into a being of bones. With less to worry about while in this skeletal form, s/he may be able to get a few extra things done.
2 days

Notification Text

Common Crystal
Sim has been blessed by becoming a… Skeleton!
This will last a short time. S/He should be careful with meals. It doesn’t look like there is a stomach to catch that food.

Uncommon Crystal
Sim has been blessed by becoming a… Skeleton!
This will last a[sic] for a time. S/He doesn’t have to worry about taking care of most of those mortal needs.

Rare Crystal
Sim has been blessed by becoming a… Skeleton!
This will last a long time. At least s/he knows some seriously humerous skeleton jokes.
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Totecallama Relic
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2018, 12:11:28 AM »
Totecallama Relic

Watcher Base:
(Becomes Curses of the Ancients once base and refined crystal are added)
Note: The cure for this is cooking up Bone Dust on a stove (Remedy of the Ancients) or donation to statue  of Madre Cosecha in town square of Selvadoradia.

Sims Buff Text

Common Crystal
Uncomfortable +3
Sneezing Curse of the Ancients
(From Being Cursed)
The ancients have cursed sim with uncontrollable sneezing. S/He needs to avoid touching friends, and cook up a Remedy of the Ancients before this spreads too far.
3 days

Uncommon Crystal
Uncomfortable +3
Screaming Curse of the Ancients
(From Being Cursed)
The ancients have cursed sim, who can no LONGER control the VOLUME of HER/HIS voice. Cook up a Remedy of the Ancients before everyone goes deaf or gets infected.
3 days

Rare Crystal
Uncomfortable +3
Sleeping Curse of the Ancients
(From Being Cursed)
The ancients have cursed sim, who seems to have come down with a bad case of narcolepsy. These yawns are very contagious, so cook up a Remedy of the Ancients before the slumber spreads.
3 days

Notification Text

Common Crystal
Sim is afflicted with the Sneezing Curse of the Ancients.
S/He needs to be careful or this will spread. Find some bone dust and cook up an ancient remedy before it turns into an epidemic

Uncommon Crystal
Sim is afflicted with the Screaming Curse of the Ancients.
S/He needs to be careful or this will spread. Find some bone dust and cook up an ancient remedy before it turns into an epidemic.

Rare Crystal
Sim is afflicted with the Sleeping Curse of the Ancients.
S/He needs to be careful or this will spread. Find some bone dust and cook up an ancient remedy before it turns into an epidemic.

Chaos Base:
(Becomes Curses of the Food Mirage once base and refined crystal are added)

Sims Buff Text

Common Crystal
Curse of the Food Mirage
(From Being Cursed)
This curse is causing visions of food everywhere, but none of it is edible. Satisfying your craving for Selvadoradian cuisine could help.
3 days

Uncommon Crystal
Curse of the Feast Mirage
(From Being Cursed)
This curse is causing visions of food everywhere, but none of it is edible. Satisfying your craving for Selvadoradian cuisine could help.
3 days

Rare Crystal
Curse of the Pancake Mirage
(From Being Cursed)
This curse is causing visions of Pancakes, and Bob, everywhere. Satisfying your cravings for light, fluffy, golden brown pancakes could help.
3 Days

Notification Text

Common Crystal
Sim is afflicted with the Curse of the Food Mirage.
Delicious dishes are everywhere s/he looks but none of them can be eaten. Eat some real Selvadoradian food to combat this curse.

Uncommon Crystal
Sim is afflicted with the Curse of the Feast Mirage.
So many delicious dishes everywhere s/he looks but none of them can be eaten. Eat some real Selvadoradian food to combat this curse.

Rare Crystal
Sim is afflicted with the Curse of the Pancake Mirage.
Pancakes everywhere! Since cannibalism isn’t an option, eat some stacks of pancakes to combat this curse.

Death Base:
(Becomes Blessings of the Skeletal Assistant when base and crystal are added. Can only be active on self)

Sims Buff Text No text but skeletons give certain moodlets to other family members, or not.

Common Crystal: Other family members
Skeletal Shivers
(From Being Near a Service Skeleton)
The extra skeletal helper is creeping Sim out. It is hard to relax while listening to all those bones clacking.

Uncommon: No moodlet
Rare Crystal

Rare: All family members
Skillful Skeleton
Watching a set of bones work has motivated sim, who will gain extra skill while around this temporary skeleton help!

Notification Text

Common Crystal
Sim has been blessed with a skeletal assistant.
An undead assistant like this is going to stress out the household, but the help with the household chores is worth it.

Uncommon Crystal

Rare Crystal
Sim has been blessed with a skeletal assistant.
This charming creature will bring a it of cheer to the household while helping out with the more mundane chores.
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Thank you for putting your Sim through all of this, so that we all can become wiser!
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Offline MarianT

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Thanks, Play! This will definitely be helpful in planning a challenge or two.
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 ;D REALLY appreciate all this hard work.  I've gotten through like 3 so far and it's crazy.  I really didn't think I'd like the Jungle Pack but it turns out, it's the most fun so far

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Just dropping by to thank you @Playalot for putting this thread together.
It's way more information than I could ever remember!!!

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Offline Playalot

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@oshizu  yw Carl has a Guide here which is very succinct.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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