@oshizu He certainly does, I don't know how many times there was something interesting or pretty enough to screenshot. I hunted through all my pictures and maybe there is a lack of Antwan + green daughter. So I'll try and throw them together at some point. Anissa was always on hand to do the parenting.
So far Christin hasn't successfully bitten
anyone ever. She hasn't got the hang of this "vampire" thing yet.
@FrancescaFiori Thank you kindly. I got lucky with Ahilac's skin colour. Those really intense blues and purples can be harder to deal with. I like the green.
Part 20.
Sigh. The impossible read-to-a-child objective. This is why we don't see Antwan with Ahilac. He doesn't have the patience.
So, here we are ensconced in the comfortable cozy library, Anissa has begun reading to a green child. She has another book in her inventory about Johan Strauss II's op. 449 Pizzicato Polka. Which I'm listening to now to get in the mood. (Growing up, there was only Classic FM in the house. The pizzicato is not my fav polka. I have a fav polka. *shrugs*) I've digressed. So that reading was going fine. I left it. I didn't pay attention. Worst case scenario only 1 of the 2 required hours would be complete, right... ?
So with that sorted I decided this was as good a time as any to redecorate the kitchen. Adding the window makes a difference. Who knew. I do apologize to m'sims for being rather behindhand in fitting a window.
If I can explain the general principle of a window, my understanding is that they're transparent. So light - or whatever - can get through? I know right. I was sceptical too. And then like the room - or whatever - is like brighter or something. I dunno. I think it works.
Maybe it was entering build mode that cancelled the reading, but to my surprise some hours later Ahilac was discovered to not have even completed one hour of being read to. And of course Anissa marched all the way up to the top floor and Ahilac had to find her way there, and half the book was finished.
It's now evening, but as you see in that picture the sun hasn't set yet. This is to give readers an idea of time passing and long and arduous this reading adventure was.
Later that evening - Antwan is coming home from pro-athleting - and there's this innocuous scene. It is however, Ayaka's last space mission before moving out.
EDIT: This is where Ayaka moved!
Yes, that's a toddler you haven't officially met yet.
Back inside the Newcrest house, the reading was really taking it's toll on Anissa and Ahilac. I was Very Tense. Anissa in her wisdom decided to march all the way from the top floor the depths of the basement to read to Ahilac. You can tell from the colour of the plumbob how things have deteriorated. I wasn't even sure this third attempt would finally complete before either or both of them fell asleep from exhaustion. But it did finally happen sometime after midnight.
But seriously... that sofa? Down there? I'm still annoyed. The first picture I took in the library is almost routine because it's cute. It's a fun parenting moment. Some wild gesticulation, some skeptical looks on Ahilac's face. But as it became obvious how much of a not-even-slightly-fun trial it was, I was determined to document the ridiculousness of it.
At least Anissa's nerves recovered. She back in the green.
Autonomous seranading happens fairly often in the house. Especially between these two who are very Fond of each other.
Hey, Ayaka is back!
She's still part of the family club, so she's often visiting. Which is nice.
We haven't had anyone on the yoga mat for a while. Here the resident masseuse / opera singer / gardener gets focused for yet another round of weeding.
Altogether, the family was rather musical. Quentin was learning many instruments for his musical aspiration and future career. He wrote at least two songs as a teenager.
Anissa had also decided to learn the piano for the sake of something to do. And because it seems posh.
And Ahilac was pursuing her creativity aspiration. I don't cake anyone up early, so children have their full childhood and we always complete all 4 aspirations. And Kelly and Quentin both came frustratingly close to getting all 5 postive character traits. But one of them was really hard to raise as a teen, so mistakes made there were going to be corrected in Ahilac. She would be Perfect. We hope.
The superfast skilling from happy / top-notch toddler in addition to the small headstart in the childhood aspirations means it's easy to complete all 4 with a week to spare. And then the focus switches to parenting. Ahilac had maxed creativity before she started her "play musical instruments for 5 hours".
The 6 sims of the household. The adults of which are getting close to elder.
Ah. Well, here's all of 'em interacting. Mum and dad and (tired) kiddo.
And behold! Ayaka visits!
At time of writing, I haven't seen her nooboo(s), or what colour it is. I should go get some pictures, and of the house she moved to. I'll come back and edit the house in. I think the father is the alien she was cuddling once in the drawing room.
Next time: I'll drink mine if you drink yours, happy Caleb*, Antwan visits family
*not really happy