Glimmerbrook Edition
This post provides information about the 4 residential lots and 2 premade houses in Glimmerbrook.
For info about Glimmerbrook's premade ttonies, go to the separate Sim 4 Resident Info thread.
Please note that:
Information on amenities and harvestables only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood.
There are probably more harvestables than I've noted. I tired of waiting for them to grow. Sorry!
I may have mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Lot traits: none
Community lots: Elixirs & Brews (bar, 30x20)
Amenities: Bench x2, Fishing spots x 2, Portal to Magic Realm, Trashcan x2
Harvestables: Lemon, Parsley, Sage