Author Topic: Sims 4 - Relieve Freezing and/or Game Lag  (Read 22586 times)

Offline MrsFlynn

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Sims 4 - Relieve Freezing and/or Game Lag
« on: November 03, 2015, 01:39:23 AM »
Relieve Freezing and/or Game Lag

Here are some tips to relieve some lag and freezing. Please note it's normal for the game and it's camera to have some stuttering when zooming in/out and scrolling around, even with having better graphics cards due to the way the game has been optimized. - We're sorry for this exhaustive tips list, but something from this list is sure to help fix the issue.

In-Game/Origin Tips
Tech Related Tips
How to reduce loading time, so it loads faster? (Tips)
General Crashing Issues/Stopped Working

In-Game/Origin Tips

These are some in-game and in Origin troubleshooting tips to try:

1.  Turn off Origin In-Game:
Open Origin, Select Origin > Application Settings > Origin In Game tab and click the on/off switch to disable Origin In Game. - This deactivates Origin In-Game, as it has been known to cause problems with games.

2. Try lowering the in-game graphics, resolution and settings:

3.  Try playing the game in "Offline" mode
-- In Origin, go to the Origin Menu and select Go Offline.

4. Empty Sims personal and family inventories. Often too many items in the inventories can cause issues. - Also, playing on large lots (40x40 and above) can cause lag, having a large family and house with a lot of furniture/decor and landscaping will cause lag after awhile.

5. Reset Sim and/or Household - Have them travel to a different lot

resetsim [firstname lastname]

Have them all travel to another lot, and then send them home. This should reset all family members.
-- * Use the M key for map, for fast travel.

6. Check recent downloads - If the lag/freezing has just started or has been going on for a bit, check over what you've recently downloaded.

- For example: If you've recently downloaded a house, you may want to check that the house isn't glitched in some way. By moving the family into a different house and if the game runs more smoothly, there may be a problem with the house.

7. Repair Game:
In Origin > Games Library, right-click on Sims 4 and select Repair. - Do note this repairs the game's install files for the actual game. It does not make any changes to the saved game files. Meaning that your saved games are safe, they won't be deleted. If you'd like you can copy the Sims 4 folder to a USB key, for safe keeping.

8. If you feel the crashing/lag and freezing are game related, you may want to report it to the Sims 4 AHQ forum - and offer to share your game saves and/or crash files with the Sims Team.

[INFORMATION] How to Send User Files to The Sims 4 Team

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Tech Related Tips

These are some technical troubleshooting tips to try:

1. Make sure drivers are up to date

Troubleshooting graphics on PC

If the above doesn't help, try uninstalling your graphics driver and reinstall it. -- You may need to search on the manufacturer of your video card (Nvidia or AMD) to help find your graphics drivers.
 -- If you have a dual graphics card system, make sure the game runs on the card and not the chip.

2. Move the mods folder to the desktop, delete the game cache and the localthumbcache.package from the Sims 4 folder to help with troubleshooting. Launch the game and try a new save as a test. If it loads and plays okay it may be that some of the mods/cc have become outdated. Please see link below to learn how to fix mod/cc issues.

How to Fix Problems with Mods/CC

3. Even if you don't play with mods or custom content installed, it's a good idea to delete game cache and the localthumbcache.package from the Sims 4 folder.

Delete both game cache and Origin cache files

-- Delete Game Cache and localthumbcache.package out of the Main Sims 4 folder found in the Documents folder

-- Delete Origin Cache

---- Reduce the amount of mods/cc you're using. Having a lot of Mods/cc in your game does cause performance issues. - Maybe start by using only half of what you have.

4. Move the Tray folder to your desktop and launch the game again to test. - This helps the game from loading what you have stored in your library.

Your Tray folder should be found using the path below:
C:\Users\<Username>\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray

5. Remove some of your old saved games.

How to Backup a Saved Game

Please be careful in removing save games, as the saves may have many files that go along with it. If you delete the main save file, the game can't recognize the save any longer and will need to be renamed to be recognized by the game.

How-To: Recover a Saved Game

--- Having a lot of older game saves and a lot of files in your Tray folder will cause lag and freezing in-game.
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