Author Topic: How-To: Make Sure Drivers Are Up To Date  (Read 6355 times)

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How-To: Make Sure Drivers Are Up To Date
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:41:45 PM »
How-To: Make Sure Drivers Are Up To Date

Sometimes not having your drivers up to date will create graphics problems or make the computer act odd, so make sure your drivers are up to date. To help with this, search your computer's manufacturer (or maker) and it's graphics card maker.

Troubleshooting graphics on PC

How to Find Out What Graphics Card You Have

If the above doesn't help, try uninstalling the graphics driver and reinstall it.
How do I uninstall my NVIDIA display drivers?

Uninstalling AMD drivers

If you're unsure how to get this information. Please refer to the Find System Specs thread (link below). When you get your DxDiag.txt file, it should give you the computer's manufacturer and it's graphics card maker.

--- Update your drivers (HowTo - Mac)
1. Click the Apple menu and choose Software Update. - If an update is available for your video adapter, install it.

2. Go to manufacturer's site to check for updates to the card’s software or firmware. Make sure it works with your version of the Mac operating system. Unlike audio drivers, video card drivers are updated often.

If you've got your drivers up to date, and it's still not helping. You might want to try a clean install of the drivers.

Reference Links:

Topic: How To: Find System Specs - Windows 10, 8 & 7,21030.0.html

Howcast - How to Update Graphics Drivers on a Mac

Note: This post has been locked as it's for informational purposes.
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