Author Topic: Lower In-game Graphics  (Read 9919 times)

Offline MrsFlynn

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Lower In-game Graphics
« on: January 16, 2015, 04:59:41 PM »
Lower In-game Graphics

Please note it's normal for the game and it's camera to have some stuttering when zooming in/out and scrolling around, even with having better graphics cards due to the way the game has been optimized.

However, if you are having issues running the game, such as in graphics stuttering or low frame rate, here are a couple of things you can try: 

Click the Options button - It's the 3 dots (...) in the upper right corner of the Main Menu. Select Game Options.

Under Graphics, try setting all graphics options to medium or low to see if that helps.

Try different resolutions under Display. For example 1920x1080

 --- Under Graphics:

Uncheck Uncompressed Sim Textures. (This will help take less memory)

Uncheck Post Processing Effects (Turning this off helps lower end computers play the game better.)

Checking Laptop Mode may help play the game smoother, but visual quality will be lower.

Note: This post has been locked as it's for informational purposes.
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