Author Topic: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story  (Read 57332 times)

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Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« on: November 10, 2017, 09:23:14 PM »
Introducing Keon Welsh and his dog Zippo

Chapter 1 The Beginning -What else!
Chapter 2 Companions and a New Command Mastered
Chapter 3 Painting
Chapter 4 A Fight!
Chapter 5 The 1st Phase
Chapter 6 Fleas and Obstacles
Chapter 7 More Painting
Chapter 8 Squirrel - Yikes
Chapter 9 The End, or is it?
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

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Re: Brindleton Bay - Chpt 1
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2017, 09:23:28 PM »

Keon: Who's a good boy then?
Zippo: Snuffle
Keon: Well it's you and me now boy. sigh Still, could have been worse, right? Could have been stuck with a watcher.

Keon: Sit! Siiit! SIIIIt?
Zippo:  ???

Keon: Yeah! Woo! That's wut Ima talkin about!
Watcher: Huh, that didn't take him long, 'mazin.
Keon: sigh So much for not having a watcher Zip. Way to ruin a moment watcher.

Justin: Hi! Welcome to the neighborhood!
Keon: massive sigh
Watcher: Don't mind him Justin, he's just all out of sorts that I'm here.
Justin: Well I can always go and come back at a better time.
Watcher: Good idea.

Keon: Well awkward much?
Watcher: Yeah. Umm, just keep doing your homework, I'm sure Justin will leave soon.
Keon: sigh

Brent: Morning watcher. Going for a walk there Zippo?
Zippo: wuf!
Watcher: He's a good dog.
Brent: Probably should have him on a lead there watcher.
Watcher: Yeah yeah, I hear ya.

Watcher: Bliss, nothing better than a walk along the beach to clear out the cobwebs eh Zip?

Mayor Whiskers: Morning Zippo. Watcher.
Watcher: Wut? You talk?
Mayor Whiskers: Of course I do, what kind of question is that?
Watcher: Umm, well, it's not every day you meet a talking cat. Just saying.
Mayor Whiskers: Not every day you meet an invisible watcher either, just sayin.

Mayor Whiskers: Goodness Me! These stray dogs are becoming quite a problem.
Watcher: Don't look at me, I'm only in charge of Zippo and ...
Mayor Whiskers:...he's a good boy. sigh Yes yes watcher.
Nina: Arghh...DOWN! Stop it!

Keon: Woo, first fish!
Watcher: Good job, that's dinner tonight.
Keon: Yuk, I'm not eating this.
Watcher: Fair enough. I'll remind you said that later. Might as well sell it then.
Keon: How was your walk?
Watcher: Good... umm, have you met the local mayor yet?
Keon: No. Is he an old crusty dude?
Watcher: Err, no. Not really... Doesn't matter.

Keon: Thanks for buying a food bowl.
Watcher: No worries, us watchers do have our uses you know.
Keon: Hmm.

Keon: Sheesh, only one! I'm not going to get rich doing this watcher. This is silly.
Watcher: K, well maybe try the dig sites?
Keon: *shouts* Zippo!

Keon: Umm, not sure about this either watcher. It's just making me all dirty and smelly. Gross.
Zippo: Wuf!

Watcher: OK. I've got an idea.
Keon: Oh gawd. I'm starving!
Watcher: Err.. umm.. Well, fish. You know.
Keon: I hate you

Watcher: Oh Zip, I don't like seeing him starving either. Come on boy, things will look better in the morning.

And so everyone went to bed...with empty stomachs.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Brindleton Bay -Chpt 2
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2017, 09:23:39 PM »

Keon: Whose a good boy?
Zippo: snuffle
Watcher: You know Keon, if you feed all the strays we're going to find saving money difficult.
Keon: I know but I couldn't bear to see him go hungry.
Watcher: I know, it's pretty awful seeing that. *pause* Umm... so you ok with taking a day off school?

Keon: Gawd no. It's just the worst! *eyeroll*
Watcher: lol, well, you know. You might have been sad.
Keon: Nope.
Watcher: K, well enjoy the day with Zip, getting to know him and stuff.

Keon: Wait! What did she just say watcher?
Watcher: *cough* Something about some buns being down by the BBQ's?
Zip: *snort*

Watcher: What now. I thought you'd be pleased Zips learnt how to pee outside now.
Keon: Yeah,I am.. but, you know... people!

Keon: Like time and place watcher, this is just embarrassing.

Watcher: Hehehhe I think you've got a bigger problem now.

Keon: NOO, Zip! NO. Oh yuk... man, so gross, stop it.
Watcher: Hahhha oh man that's so gross.

Zippo: Wuf wuf WUF!
Keon: No, bad dog. Yuk.

Keon: Oh great. just what I needed a....
Watcher: Don't say it.  :-X

A little while later...

Keon: Wanna play fetch boy?
Zippo: Woof!

Watcher: I think you're playing that wrong.
Keon: Very funny.

Keon: See, there we go! Good boy!

Watcher: He's learnt a new command! Awesome.
Keon: I know, he's the best.

Keon: He's my best friend. Aren't you boy.
Watcher: I'm glad you two are gonna be best friends. Everyone needs a companion. Come on, I want to take you guys somewhere.

Watcher: You could have chosen a more comfortable place for star gazing.
Keon: Nah, it's fine here. there's one super bright star, right there.
Watcher: That's Sirius.

And so we leave our two boys chatting and painting the night away.
This time both with full stomachs, even though I forgot to show Keon eating the left over hotdog buns. *grin*

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2017, 10:11:41 PM »
Oh yay!!! I'm so glad you will be gracing us with your "Teen Runaway Challenge: Pets" story!
Keon is so cute!  And Zippo appears so...stoic!  Lol, did Zippo pick a fight with Nina Caliente!?

Oh my gosh, if your sim and his dog are starving, the rest of us lowly mortals don't have a chance! o.O

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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2017, 10:27:40 PM »
Ha! No, I'm just super rusty playing without cheats! That was some stray dog that fought Nina... Dina? I never know which is which with those two sims. I just happened to catch it when I was watching Zip going for his walk. Pretty funny!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2017, 01:18:24 PM »
It was Nina. Dina is the blond @KTK10 has a brilliant story going with her as the star of the show. She's prettier than EA makes her, with a little hair and clothing change.

I kept going hehehehe throughout this reading :-)
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

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I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Playalot

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Re: Brindleton Bay - Chapt 3
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2017, 09:07:20 PM »

Keon: No looking watcher!
Watcher: Can you at least tell me what you are painting?
Keon: Zip! Who else?

Keon: Whaddya think Zip?
Zippo: Wuf! *lick lick*
Keon: Oh, he loves it!
Watcher: Err... yes, it's *pause* very nice.

Watcher: I like this one a lot.
Keon: Thanks. Do you know where Zip is? I Haven't seen him for a while.
Watcher: I'll go take a look-see.

Watcher: Oh! Well... umm, good you've been having fun but you do stink a bit. Quite a bit actually.

Zippo:  ???
Watcher: It is a refuse receptacle. You know... sims put waste stuff in it. omg, what am I even doing explaining a bin to a dog. *face palm*

Watcher: He's brought you a present!
Zippo: Wuf wuf!
Keon: Oh! *gag* What a good boy. Gawd, what did you do to him watcher... smells so bad!

Keon: You sure there's a b.a.t.h. here?
Watcher: Yep. I saw a bath last time we were here.

Keon: I told you not to say THE word!
Watcher: Opps, sorry!
Keon: It's ok boy... it's all good.

Keon: Right, get in or we can do this the tough way Zip. You stink!
Watcher: And hurry up about it. Phewwww

After a few attempts at Pushing Zipp into the B.A.T.H.

Keon: You big baby, see, it's not so bad.
Watcher: Woah! This b.a.t.h. has taken way longer than I thought! It's school time!
Keon: K, I'll head out, you take Zip home.K?
Watcher: K.

A few Hours later...

Watcher: *yawn* I'm sooo bored. *yawn*
Zippo: *yawn*

Watcher: Gah, time drags when Keon's at school. *Jaw Cracking Yawn*

Keon: How's yr day Zip?
Watcher: Boring.
Keon: lol Well I'm going to spend some time with Zip here so go find something to do.
Watcher *sigh*

Keon: Shake.
Zippo: Woof

Watcher: Ah, there you two are. It's time to head to the museum. Those paintings won't paint themselves you know.
Keon: *Grumble* Don't see what the big hurry is.
Watcher: Well we need money to build a house. Money doesn't grow on trees you know.
Keon: My Great, great, great grandfather used to have money trees. He lived in Sunset Valley.
Watcher: Bah humbug, old urban myth.  ;)

Watcher: It's a bit dark out here. Can you actually see what you're doing?
Keon: Yeah, nearly done. Whats the square root of 46?
Watcher: Errr, umm to simplify that we'd, umm, extract the err factors that are raised to have an even..umm... component and then we, err... Are there any? Umm... *cough*
Keon: Math not your thing watcher?
Watcher: Oh yes, no. Totally is. It's just important that you do your own homework, so that you can benefit from, the err, mental exhaustion. No the mental exertion that ... *cough*
Keon: *snicker*

Keon: Don't tell buddy but the watcher doesn't know how to math! lol
Zippo: *snuffle* Wuf.

Watcher: I don't like those colors much
Keon: Me neither actually. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Watcher: Oh well, just complete it and sell it, you know.
Keon: Hm mmh.

Watcher: What on earth are you doing?
Keon: Just doing 3 emotional paintings. I got all confident 'cos my last painting was excellent so I started 3 and now I'm finishing them.
Watcher: I'm bored.
Keon: Well, you're the one who wanted me to do this. Go play with Zip or something.
Watcher: K

Zippo: *snore*
Watcher: *sigh*

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2017, 09:19:12 PM »
I was looking at dog breeds in CAP last night and realized that Zippo is a New Zealand Cattle Dog! *puffs with pride

First I was wondering when Keon had moved into such lush digs then realized you're in Willow Creek!
May I ask which Brindleton Bay lot you've started on? Dachsund's Creek?

Haha, Keon and Zip are so adorable together!

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Re: Brindleton Bay - Chapt 4
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2017, 09:36:27 PM »

So here's what I spend my days looking at. That tiny little splodge on the lot is Zippo, he pretty much goes to sleep when Keon leaves for school and I spend the sim day looking around the neighborhood. Which, thankfully, is rather lovely.

Watcher: YAY! You're home....bwahhahhaHAHAhahhaa...*coughing fit* Hahahahha
Keon: I got a B.
Wacther: *weakly* Congrats Bwhahahhahaha

Keon: I think I'm going to take a nap.
Watcher: K, lol. Wait! Are you asleep? 'Cos your eyes are still open!
Keon: *faint snoring*
Watcher: Creepy!

Keon: Well, you know, you shouldn't wake me but I'm really pleased to see you as well Zip. Been a tough day *sigh*
Zippo: *licks*

Keon: Fetch!
Watcher: Woah! Zips super good at that now!
Keon: Yep, it's fun. Don't suppose I could change watcher?
Watcher: Well, we kinda don't have any wardrobes or, yeah. That's a thing.
Keon: I want to paint some more.

Keon: Yeah! Let's DO This! I'm super pumped after my nap, imma gonna paint all night and get me some money!
Watcher: Much as I highly commend your 'can-do' attitude, there is a small issue to take care of before we head out.
Keon: Such as?
Watcher: Umm... you know *head tilt*
Keon: No *stares blankly at watcher*
Watcher: You KNOW.... poop

Keon: Look watcher, honestly I'm not even all that hungry.
Watcher: Just keep cooking, a growing boy like you can't live on just fruit.
Keon: Wut? But you told me to cook fried FRUIT.
Watcher: It's different.
Keon: How?
Watcher: I don't know, it just is.

Short time later at the Willow Creek Gym...

Keon: All this fruit is playing havoc with my guts. Oooo.
Watcher: Yeah, sorry about that. I'll work on getting you the ability to eat other things soon.
Keon: Might as well have a shower now I'm here. Shoo watcher. Get out!

Watcher: *GASP* KEOOOOOON!!! Come quick! Some nasty dog's attacking ZIP! KEON!
Keon: *from the shower* Ugh... Shoo it away.
Watcher: I can't! HURRY!

Watcher: Oh lordy this isn't looking good. You ok Zip?
Zippo: *whine*

Keon: Argh, you NAUGHTY dog, bad bad BAD. SHOO!
Watcher: Yeah, you tell him. Bad dog. I'll go find Zip

Watcher: Oh nooo! Oh poor Zip. It's ok Zippo... da baddy dogs all gone.
Zippo: *whine* *shiver*

Keon: Awww, there's a gooood boy. Zip. You'll be right.

Keon: See? All better, poor boy.
Watcher: Oh MY GOODNESS! Can you see that CUTE KITTEN?
Kitten: *miow* *puurrrr*
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2017, 09:42:09 PM »
I think it is Hindquarter Hideaway. I'll double check next time I'm in game. Yes, Keon is spending a lot of time painting in Willow Creek. I normally don't let my runaways paint but I actually want to see if I can find anymore of the new paintings so this seemed like the perfect opportunity. Zips a breed of dog I'm familiar with in rl and they are such clever dogs that it was an obvious choice.  :)

OK so at this point it is about half way through the first week. I've just bought Keon the Never Weary trait so now he really only needs to nap to top up his energy levels saving a lot of time. His Training Skill is level 3 and he's obviously working on the Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration. I was going to complete the Friend of the Animals aspiration but it involves training too many bad behaviors from Zippo and I quite like a lot of the so-called 'misbehaviours' lol. They have such cute animations.

The next reward trait I'll buy will be marketable so that we can really capitalize on the values of Keon's paintings. So more or less on track for building at the end of his second week...hopefully!
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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2017, 09:50:43 PM »
Wait, what? Was that whole fight scene a setup to show Keon in a towel? (Totally worth it!)
Why is Keon dressed in the Level 4 Athlete uniform? Is that a premonition of things to come or a new posts-Pets glitch?

Seriously, though, poor Zip! He looks so sad! I'm glad he wasn't injured.
Can Keon report that other dog to the pound or something? We need reveeeeeeennnnnngggge!

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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2017, 09:57:43 PM »
lol. No it wasn't a set up, it actually all happened as I've shown in the story. I had to cancel Keon's shower so he could 'stop the fight'. Which is an interaction that is available when you click on two pets fighting. He then auto told the other dog off and then went and hugged Zip. Poor Zip, such a scaredy cat!  :P dat kitten tho!

**edited: Oh that suit! It's a bug that happens sometimes when teens/children get a 'promotion' at school. Gaining a better grade makes them dress weird. Beats me!

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2017, 09:59:46 PM »
What are Zippo's traits?
Do Australian Cattle Dogs (is that Zip's breed, btw?) come with a default trait?
Agreed, that kitten is to cute to pass up, Watcher.

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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2017, 10:09:17 PM »
Zippo - Adult, male dog. Hunter, loyal and active. (Comes with troublemaker I think, but in my experience that really doesn't suit these dogs.) His breed is actually Australian Cattle Dog.  ;)

Keon - Teen, male. Creative, Dance Machine, High metabolism from choosing Athletic Aspiration.

Basically just chose some of my fav traits for this, nothing super challenging.

No Lot Traits but will apply some once the house is built.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

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Re: Brindleton Bay -Chpt 5
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2017, 10:36:46 PM »

Watcher: Good day at school?
Keon: Yep, whew! I need a shower though.
Watcher: You're not that stinky. You can wash your hands a few times at the museum. Not too keen on going back to the gym after last time.
Keon: Yeah, good point. OK, let's head to the museum then. Zip! Heel.

Justin: hehehe, not a cat person then Victor?
Victor: Argh...Shoo! I guess not!

Watcher: Keooon, if ya feed all da strays we won't be able to save money.
Keon: lol I know, I know. I'll paint extra to make up for it.

Watcher: Oh good boy Zip, still sitting where you were told to. Cute! Come on...let's take a look around.
Zippo: Wuf!!

Catrina: Err, I'm more of a cat person actually watcher.
Zippo:  :o  ???
Watcher: That's cool, so am I really but Zips extra good and very cute too.

Watcher: He's too young for you. Shoo!
Katrina: I'm simply looking at his painting watcher. Don't be so rude.
Watcher: Hmmf... just you keep your eyes where I can see them.

Katrina: *scoffing* 'Eyes where I can see them', what does that even mean?
Watcher: I don't know. It sounded a lot better in my head. Anyway, you just keep them feet walking, walking you right outta my sight.

Quite some time later...

Watcher: oh dear....
Keon: What?
Watcher: Well..come see.

Watcher: How come you didn't tell him off?
Keon: Naaa. It's no biggie and he's kinda cute when he plays in water anyways.
Watcher: True, as long as it's 'water', ya know?
Keon: lol Yep, I know!

Keon: Here. Stay!

Keon: Good boy. I'll take you for a hmmmm as soon as I finished this painting.
Watcher: What's a hmmmm?
Keon: I can't spell it out 'cos Keon's so smart he knows how to spell this.
Watcher: Wuut? Woah! That's cool. It is a.... er perambulation?
Keon: *grin* Yep.

Watcher: Gee, the moon looks beautiful! This part of the Simverse is quite lovely.
Keon: It's pretty nice out here for sure.
Watcher: You wanna move out here?
Keon: Nope. I love being near the beach.

Keon: Ohhh. he's found something. Cool!
Watcher: lol, excited eh?
Keon: Last time he bought me a space rock!
Watcher: Now that IS cool! Worth coming all this long way right down here then.

Keon: Uh oh!
Watcher: What?
Keon: I've just remembered I've got a homework assignment due tomorrow.
Watcher: *sigh* Ok I guess we just have to run back then....

Watcher: Oh cool Zips found something else!
Keon: Nice! Hope it's worth millions.

Watcher: Well least Zips enjoying that extra squeaky ball he found. *eye roll*
Keon: Pretty annoying eh.
Watcher: Yep. Well, if you hurry you might have just enough time to paint one more before school. Keen?
Keon: Yep, sounds a plan.

Keon: *Unrepeatable words*
Watcher: Woah! What's got up your nose?
Keon: Wrack off watcher, I'm feeling all out of sorts. *Various more definitely unrepeatable words*
Watcher: *sigh* Oh... you're having a "phase" aren't you. Welp, there goes all our well-laid-out plans for the foreseeable future.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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