Keon: No looking watcher!
Watcher: Can you at least tell me what you are painting?
Keon: Zip! Who else?

Keon: Whaddya think Zip?
Zippo: Wuf! *lick lick*
Keon: Oh, he loves it!
Watcher: Err... yes, it's *pause* very nice.

Watcher: I like this one a lot.
Keon: Thanks. Do you know where Zip is? I Haven't seen him for a while.
Watcher: I'll go take a look-see.

Watcher: Oh! Well... umm, good you've been having fun but you do stink a bit. Quite a bit actually.


Watcher: It is a refuse receptacle. You know... sims put waste stuff in it. omg, what am I even doing explaining a bin to a dog. *face palm*

Watcher: He's brought you a present!
Zippo: Wuf wuf!
Keon: Oh! *gag* What a good boy. Gawd, what did you do to him watcher... smells so bad!

Keon: You sure there's a b.a.t.h. here?
Watcher: Yep. I saw a bath last time we were here.

Keon: I told you not to say THE word!
Watcher: Opps, sorry!
Keon: It's ok boy... it's all good.

Keon: Right, get in or we can do this the tough way Zip. You stink!
Watcher: And hurry up about it. Phewwww
After a few attempts at Pushing Zipp into the B.A.T.H.

Keon: You big baby, see, it's not so bad.
Watcher: Woah! This b.a.t.h. has taken way longer than I thought! It's school time!
Keon: K, I'll head out, you take Zip home.K?
Watcher: K.
A few Hours later...

Watcher: *yawn* I'm sooo bored. *yawn*
Zippo: *yawn*

Watcher: Gah, time drags when Keon's at school. *Jaw Cracking Yawn*

Keon: How's yr day Zip?
Watcher: Boring.
Keon: lol Well I'm going to spend some time with Zip here so go find something to do.
Watcher *sigh*

Keon: Shake.
Zippo: Woof

Watcher: Ah, there you two are. It's time to head to the museum. Those paintings won't paint themselves you know.
Keon: *Grumble* Don't see what the big hurry is.
Watcher: Well we need money to build a house. Money doesn't grow on trees you know.
Keon: My Great, great, great grandfather used to have money trees. He lived in Sunset Valley.
Watcher: Bah humbug, old urban myth.

Watcher: It's a bit dark out here. Can you actually see what you're doing?
Keon: Yeah, nearly done. Whats the square root of 46?
Watcher: Errr, umm to simplify that we'd, umm, extract the err factors that are raised to have an even..umm... component and then we, err... Are there any? Umm... *cough*
Keon: Math not your thing watcher?
Watcher: Oh yes, no. Totally is. It's just important that you do your own homework, so that you can benefit from, the err, mental exhaustion. No the mental exertion that ... *cough*
Keon: *snicker*

Keon: Don't tell buddy but the watcher doesn't know how to math! lol
Zippo: *snuffle* Wuf.

Watcher: I don't like those colors much
Keon: Me neither actually. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Watcher: Oh well, just complete it and sell it, you know.
Keon: Hm mmh.

Watcher: What on earth are you doing?
Keon: Just doing 3 emotional paintings. I got all confident 'cos my last painting was excellent so I started 3 and now I'm finishing them.
Watcher: I'm bored.
Keon: Well, you're the one who wanted me to do this. Go play with Zip or something.
Watcher: K

Zippo: *snore*
Watcher: *sigh*