Author Topic: The Biggest, Happiest Family Challenge v.2! (Ch. 4 8/24)  (Read 8420 times)

Offline EchoLegacy

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The Biggest, Happiest Family Challenge v.2! (Ch. 4 8/24)
« on: August 19, 2017, 04:21:42 AM »
Hey there everybody! So I tried this challenge last year and "failed" it earlier this year when I gave up, however I truly only gave up because toddlers came out, and I wanted to play more with them! Now that parenthood has been released, it's the perfect time to start this back up again.

The Biggest, Happiest Family Challenge

1. Your Sim must start with the Big, Happy Family Aspiration and complete it at some point in their life.
2. At least 3 children in every generation, with a max of 5 (to account for twins/triplets in final pregnancy)
3. Each generation, a descendant takes the throne, and takes the aspiration upon aging up to teen.
4. Every toddler must age up with the "Happy Toddler" trait, meaning they had 3/5 on all skills
5. Every one of the children must complete at least one childhood aspiration
6. Each teenager must max one teen career.
7. Each child must have a career, a positive character value trait, be married, and have at least one child before moving out (can be modified for storytelling purposes)
8. One family photo must be taken every time someone ages up in the family.

Additional Options(to make it more challenging):
1. No additional traits(outside of earned aspiration traits)
2. No life potions*
3. No potions at all
4. Each descendant has to have the "Family-Oriented" trait*
5. All skills completed have to be unique (for descendants or entire family)
6. Descendants also have to complete "Successful Family" and/or "Super Parent" aspiration*
7. House worth (100k/500k/1000k/etc)
8. Descendants have to complete an additional aspiration*
9. Kids must max a skill before moving out

* in my playthrough

1. Get married and start baby making A-S-A-P! You've gotta be alive for the birth of your last grandchild! (Note: And for your child to max a career! This takes the longest by far)
2. Add a sim to your family by manage worlds to take family photos with everyone in them
3. Have fun! This isn't as much of a competition challenge as a fun way to play the game

Challenge ends when you hit 5+ generations (your choice!), or when you fail to meet one of the goals.

Please let me know what you think, and what changes should be made!

(of course, it is partially inspired by the Immortal Dynasty challenge by MetroMan, although unintentional after I read through I figured giving credit where credit is due is important!)

I'm beginning this challenge anew, with the grandson of my simself in my previous attempt, Sebastian Lee.

He's a Family-Oriented, Genius, and Neat.
I also moved his family(father, mother, twin sister, little sister) into the world as well, just because I can't imagine him without them.

Let's proceed with the madness!

Table of Contents:
Chapter One: Mission Simpossible
Chapter Two: It Takes Two to Tango
Chapter Three: It's Getting Going
Chapter Four: Twice as Fun
Chapter Five: Just a Couple of Kids

Offline EchoLegacy

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Chapter One
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2017, 06:18:41 AM »
Chapter One: Mission Simpossible

Sebastian begins his very first morning by joining the Secret Agent Career, and browsing intelligence. Thrilling stuff. Little does he know I have a lady in mind for him to meet ;)

Despite her roomate's apprehension, Seb managed to secure a date with the prettiest Sim in the game. Point offense!

The karaoke bar was a brilliant call on Seb's part! Juice flowing, lips moving... Excellent place to get to know someone.

Good thing they both had a couple of drinks at this point, otherwise Miko definitely wouldn't be smiling about Seb's singing. Yikes.

Waking up for your 7 am job with a pounding headache is no fun. Having little recollection of the night before is very understandable... But hey, at least Miko being asleep in his bed helps fill in some gaps. "Nice," he murmurs, and gets an unfortunate sniff of his breath. Whew! Let's do something about that.

It wasn't until he went to brush his teeth he saw the quarter machine tin sparkling on his ring finger.


"...mrph. It's like... ssseven in the murnin. Ssssshhh."

A quick glance at his phone confirmed she was right. He was going to be late on his first day.
"Please, don't go anywhere! We'll talk when I get home."

"Warm. Bed. Yerkay..."

Seb comes home from work exhausted, only to find Miko still in his bed. Well, he did ask her not to go anywhere.

"Hey, Miko. Ready to talk?" he loud-whispers, shaking her shoulder gently.

"Yeah..." she sits up, and yawns. "You got any food?"

Seb whipped up his specialty, eggs and bacon. He grabbed a serving and started digging in, before Miko had a chance to grab one.

"Smells goo-hrmph!" she interrupts herself by running to the bathroom.

Seb hears atrocious noises through the bathroom door. Poor girl. When the coast is clear, he gently knocks on the door and makes his way in.

"Hey, uh, wifey... How ya doing?" Sebastian cheeses in an attempt to break the tension. The daggers Miko shoots him in the mirror send a clear signal. He gets curious, "Is that my--"

"I stole your toothbrush, sorry." she hoarsely murmurs, spitting out toothpaste. Seb shrugs. The circumstances warrant it. "But, I need another favor from you."

"Yeah. Shoot."

"Can you run to the store and grab a pregnancy test?"

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Offline EchoLegacy

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Chapter Two
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2017, 02:29:15 AM »
Chapter 2: It Takes Two to Tango

Turns out, when two people are just meant to be together, they figure it out and make it work. Their new inside joke is they do everything backwards. How many people do you know that got pregnant, then got married, then fell in love?

Meeting the family went well, without even considering the circumstances. Miko charmed each and every member with her charisma and bubbly personality.

Plus, it doesn’t take a genius to know the way to any Lee’s heart is video games…

…and babies :)

Otherwise, life goes on! Miko went around schmoozing the neighbors for her career, and Seb attempts to improve his logic for his.

This, of course, is much easier said than done.

First family photo! <3

It’s that time :o

Poor Seb worried so much through the entire delivery. Lucky for the both of them, Miko is a rock. Because...

Yikes. Twins.
Welcome, Miss Aurora Mei Lee!
Welcome, Miss Cyrus Bai Lee!

….Well, no one said this challenge was going to be easy!

Offline EchoLegacy

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Chapter 3
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2017, 07:46:13 AM »
Chapter 3: It's Getting Going

Despite an astonishing level of exhaustion, Seb managed to secure a promotion at work! He’s already a Field Agent.

Tandem screaming is a frequent occurrence these days. Can you tell which one is Rory and which one is Cy?

...Me neither.

On the plus side, we got our second family photo! Mom has Rory and dad has Cy.

Amidst the insanity, Seb's family finally got to meet the girls! It would seem they approve. They kindly offered to watch them while the lovebirds get their first night of freedom since parenthood.

Where else would they go but the infamous karaoke bar!
“This time, I’m not ending up pregnant!” Miko half jokes, with a serious edge to her voice.
“I think you jinxed it,” Seb teases back. Her stone cold stare makes him quickly backtrack.
"Jinxed... Your chance of getting pregnant. Heh heh," he meekly corrects.

Regardless, the end the night with… Chess ;)

No, really.

Boy, does the time fly! These two cuties are getting so big. Aurora has taken to purple in most of her clothing, and is a bit clingy. Cyrus, her opposite, has taken more to blue and is as independent as a toddler comes.

An unfortunate result of two busy, basically broke parents is a lot of tablet time. We got the tablets thanks to selling the TV and the video game system. #priorities

However they still make time for these cuties whenever they can!

These two are so precious! They got to have their first outing going to Uptown with mom for work.

While the girls were enjoying their nightly milk, Seb finally let slip something that had been on his mind for a while now.

“Miko, I think I want another baby,” he enthused, with a smile. “Yes, the girls are a handful and a half, but they are so happy and healthy… And I want more of this. This… Happiness.”

“I was going to bring up the exact same thing soon!” she excitedly remarked back. They shared eager smiles while impatiently waiting for their unwitting daughters to finish up.

The fun has just begun!

Offline EchoLegacy

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Chapter 4
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2017, 10:21:16 PM »
Biggest, Happiest Family Challenge

Chapter 4: Twice as Fun

“So, I took a test…” Miko grinned.

“No way, no way!” Seb excitedly shouted.

“I am so, infinitely happy,” he whispered in her ear. Their little family was growing so quickly!

The girls both love to shake their tail feathers to the music :D They’re both quite proficient young ladies, and seem very well-rounded in all of their skills.

I put them in some adorable matching tuxedos and I’m still not over the cuteness! The occasion?

Aunt Olivia’s birthday party, and yet another family photo op!

Only moments after getting home from the event…

“Looks like Olivia is sharing a birthday with her niece or nephew!” Miko carefully spoke between breaths.
“Round two, we so got this!” Sebastian enthused.

His calm and cool demeanor melted away pretty quick once they got to the hospital.

Okay I don’t get my lucky unluck right here?? What on earth is this?? I mean Sebastian is a fraternal twin and his dad was a triplet so I guess it makes sense but?? O. M. G.
Welcome, Miss Everett Wen Lee!
Welcome, Miss Harlow Yan Lee!

Staging a family photo with these four was a work of art, lemme tell ya. Dad has Lo and mom has Ever.

With so much going on in one house, it’s unsurprising the girls’ birthday crept up so quickly.

Rory seems more and more creative these days, really letting her artistic side show. Cy, on the other hand, loves any and every sport, especially shooting hoops with grandpa.

Not too long after, the little sisters followed suit! Everett is a little angel, who has taken to the color yellow, while the redheaded firecracker Harlow is a bit fussy, and loves the color orange.

In a rare moment of maturity, Miko decided to dye her hair back to her natural color. With four little ones to look after she doesn’t have time to maintain the pink.

Until next time!

Offline Nindigo

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Re: The Biggest, Happiest Family Challenge v.2! (Ch. 4 8/24)
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2017, 10:46:13 PM »
W00tness 8) I'm hooked and remember your first go at this challenge. Adorable kids. It seems the parents' genes play well together...for now at least! Teenhood is always something I dread in TS4. That's when my purdy little sims turn into anorectic abominations with either no or supersized chins ;D
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Offline EchoLegacy

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Re: The Biggest, Happiest Family Challenge v.2! (Ch. 4 8/24)
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2017, 07:33:35 AM »
@Nindigo so good to see you again! yes, I always find myself biting my nails when my kids aged up. Miko has pretty good genetics, so fingers crossed! not sure if you remember, but Seb is actually Tamora and Hamilton's son :) you named him!

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Re: The Biggest, Happiest Family Challenge v.2! (Ch. 4 8/24)
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2017, 07:45:59 AM »
...not sure if you remember, but Seb is actually Tamora and Hamilton's son :) you named him!

Ehh...have I had an unscheduled blackout? ???
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Offline EchoLegacy

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Re: The Biggest, Happiest Family Challenge v.2! (Ch. 4 8/24)
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2017, 06:35:34 AM »
@Nindigo yikes, how embarrassing! I got you confused with another reader *facepalm*
I hope you stick around after my idiocy!  ::)

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Chapter 5
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2017, 07:02:24 AM »
Chapter 5: Just a Couple of Kids

These two are still so adorably in love, which is good because their lives are constant chaos.

Poor little Everett had a nightmare, but luckily Cyrus was right next door to comfort her.

Rory and Cy are already A students! They’re such bright young ladies :)

Here’s one dad that isn’t too proud to play dolls with his daughter!

Getting all four girls in bed is such a feat, but getting to have a moment of alone with each other makes it all worth it.

Both Seb and Miko have been steadily advancing in their careers, which is awesome!

All the girls had tons of fun exploring the new park that was just built! Just in time, too, as Everett and Harlow age up tomorrow, and the park got all their skills up to par.

Yet another successful family photo, with a couple of glamour shots of each set of twins to boot!

It’s that time again! Shout out to Cyrus causing a riot when Harlow was aging up :P

What a couple of adorable young ladies! Everett is quite the genius, and Harlow is a total goofball.

…and I’m going to end it here! With four young girls in the house… Yikes! Wish me luck ;)

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Re: The Biggest, Happiest Family Challenge v.2! (Ch. 4 8/24)
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2017, 06:03:56 AM »
Of course I'll keep reading, silly ;D

The toddler state is very cute, but challenging - my adult Sims want to do something with them all the time even if it's just staring at them. How do you deal with the adults' CPDS (compulsive-play-dolls-syndrome)? Mine never have doll houses as it drives me nuts.

All the girls look sweet at this time. I wonder if you would be brave enough to post before/after plastic surgery pics when they hit their teens? ;) My personal favorite state is when they are grade school kids. At that point, they are neither screaming furniture, attention hogs nor anorectic abominations with chin issues :P

Black hair looks good on Miko. I have never seen her offspring inherit her original lilac hair - it seems to convert to pale blond.

Keep up the good work!
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Biggest, Happiest Family Challenge v.2! (Ch. 4 8/24)
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2017, 06:18:05 PM »
I'm so glad you've started this up again, and that you started with Seb. He's such a cutie! Miko's a great spouse choice, too, and I loved their unexpected and quick method of getting together. :)
Incidentally, I've always wondered what Miko would look like with black hair, but never tested it out myself. Thanks for giving me a peek and saving me the trouble! :)

So funny about your double sets of twins! They're all gorgeous and I can't wait to see how they age up.

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Re: The Biggest, Happiest Family Challenge v.2! (Ch. 4 8/24)
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2017, 02:51:11 PM »
Seb is such a handsome sim omg, and all of his daughters are very pretty! Good luck on this attempt!

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Re: The Biggest, Happiest Family Challenge v.2! (Ch. 4 8/24)
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2017, 09:02:28 AM »
Oooo So glad to see this come back!! Can't wait to read more. Is it wrong that the 2nd set of twins are my favourites? I mean, come on! A genius and a goofball :-) You just have to give them the other trait when they next age up!!! Then, we'll have 2 genius goofballs! (I've been binge watching TBBT lately lol)
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

