Pippin: As we rejoin the Took household, we find Detective Officer...
Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Ah-
Pippin: (sigh) We find
Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina at a crime scene.
Diane: So...uh...why are you on the floor?
Nobuya: Oh! I just thought she was short!
Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Well, you see, my informant advised me that I needed to look at things from another angle to figure out what Moriarty was really up to.
Nobuya: Smart!
Diane: Yeah...so, what has your new angle revealed?
Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Your skirts match!
Nobuya: Brilliant! They do! They really do!
Pippin: Yeah, somehow she manages to keep her job. Anyway, back at the Took household we have a visit from fledgling vampire Herbert Mahajan, son of Gaivan and Saanvi.
Herbert: Hey, Dad!
Gaivan: Hey...it's...because you...and seeing...for so...and nice!
Herbert: Yeah. Anyway, did you really have to name me Herbert? I mean, none of the other vampires are really intimidated by me or anything.
Saanvi: Right, so you'll have no trouble suckering them into dueling you.
Herbert: That's...brilliant, actually. Thanks, mom!
Pippin: Yeah, it's possible Kasandra has some competition for that future founder spot.
Kasandra: Hey!
Pippin: Speaking of lovely Took children who'd make great founders...
Pippin: Milo goes to visit Nobuya and their four lovely girls and discovers that Samara has aged up into a lovely teen!
Samara: So, why can't you live with us again?
Adeline: Yeah, daddy! We miss you!
Milo: Sorry, my dears, but we only have a little longer before your Auntie Senior Detective Officer...
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Ah-
Milo: Oh, right! She got promoted! Your Auntie Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina will be aging up to elder soon and then I can move in!
Adeline: So just in time for my teen mood swings?
Samara: Yeah, and I'll still be in the midst of that and Mariana will also be a teen by then.
Milo: Oh. Great.
Pippin: Sorry, Milo, but at least the girls
are lovely.
Milo: Thanks.
Nobuya: Nobu-nooboos!!
Pippin: Anyway, Milo does spend some time with his happy little family...
Pippin: and the girls are so sweet and just love each other so much!
Saanvi: Are you fangirling, Pippin?
Pippin: ...a little. Anyway, happy family time can't last forever as we need to return to the hunt for Moriarty.
Kyra: ...and she's been a key orchestrator for everything Moriarty's done. Trust me, I've worked with her, so I know she's crafty.
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: I
love crafts! Maybe we can have some arts and crafts time in the prison! I'll bet everyone would
love that! I'll see if she'd be willing to lead it! (leaves)
Kyra: (sigh) I'll just lock myself up...again...
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: HaHA!
You're a brown-haired adult woman in a skirt and short sleeves!!
Suspect: Umm, yes?
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: So you
admit you're guilty! To the station where you will spread 'em!
Suspect: ...what?
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Oh, I see you thought you could bring a getaway car!
Suspect: Umm, that's a toy...
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: No excuses! To the interogatey room!!
Suspect: Ugh, you're giving me such a headache. If I just tell you all I know about Moriarty, can I please just be left alone in my cell?
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Not until you tell me all you know about Moriarty!
Suspect: That's literally what I just said.
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: No, I said it. I'm the one with the hat. That's how you can tell us apart.
Suspect: Ugh, headache is getting so much worse.
Pippin: And with more information gathered, Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina returns to her corkboard of crime solving.
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Hmm, I've got all this yarn and I keep wrapping it around, but it hasn't made an oven mitt yet. Arts and crafts time is
clearly not working. Curse you, Moriarty!
Pippin: Yes. Indeed. Anyway, her arts and crafts time gives way to crime solving and leads her out to a crime scene...
Pippin: with weird llama graffiti. Anyway, she turns her attention to interviewing witnesses...some of whom are enjoying the attention more than others.
Jayden: So, you think I'm pretty, right? I mean, prettier than Kasandra? Sure she's got the purple hair and all, but I'm pretty, right?
Other Officer: Umm, yes, but that doesn't really answer my question about...
Jayden: So you really think I'm pretty? (turns to Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina) And what about you, do
you think I'm pretty?
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: What? Oh, sorry. I wasn't listening. I was just doodling a sketch of Kasandra. She's so pretty!
Jayden: UGH!!!
Pippin: Anyway, Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina finds enough clues to head after her next suspect.
Pippin: She knows it's a young adult male with blonde hair. Jean jacket is good, but prep sweater is evil, so our obvious choice is...
Pippin: the good one?
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: He's good at being guilty!
Good Suspect: Umm, what?
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: BAM! Is
this your card?
Good Suspect: Umm, those aren't cards and I didn't pick a card, so...
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Tada!!
Good Suspect: ...yay?
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: BAM! Light of truth! Now you have to confess!
Good Suspect: Umm, no I don't...
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Light. Of. TRUTH!
Good Suspect: You're right. I confess.
Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Woot! Done. Lock yourself up. I'm dismissed!! And promoted! Bam!!
Pippin: And with another case closed, we return to the household and Abernathy has an unexpected date.
Pippin: Apparently he made quite the impression on the pollination technician!
Abernathy: No way Her will catch me on
this date!
Pippin: Yeah, a massive beam of light isn't painfully obvious and visible or anything. Anyway, it's about time for ambrosia again, but the stove breaks down...
Sergeant Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: To the rescue!!
Gaivan: I...and can't...to the...
Pippin: Oh. Guess I should have canceled his cue to repair it when Sergeant Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina jumped in to do it.
Saanvi: You think?
Pippin: But the day is saved and we don't have to break into the surplus stash hidden in the inaccessible basement under the vet clinic. And now we turn our attention to finishing some less-than-necessary dynasty business...
Pippin: by getting a picture of the final heir and her unique best friend to adorn our wall of awesomeness.
Izumi: I made the wall! I'm awesome!
Sergeant Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina: Nope! Krista's awesome, you're just not related.
Izumi: (sigh)
Pippin: Every heir, their spouse, and their unique bestie commemorated in painting and photo, and through the wall, the wall of wives.
Grim: Not a wife.
Tessie: Gnomeycakes is my wife!
Pippin: And speaking of Tessie and her wife...
Pippin: they get in a double date with Ericka and her loser husband.
Blurange Blur: I get so tired of being called a loser!
Grim: I get so tired of being called a wife!
Ericka: And I'm tired of listening to both of you whine. Let's crank up the romance!
Blurange Blur: Your wish is my command!
Grim: I got you a rose.
Tessie: I got you a me!
Grim: Wow, I really won that trade!
Tessie: Did you just call me a loser?
Grim: I...uhh...
Pippin: And as Grim sticks his foot in his non-existent mouth, we draw this update to a close.