Author Topic: Issues with the Save System  (Read 7746 times)

Offline MrsFlynn

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Issues with the Save System
« on: May 30, 2017, 01:55:29 AM »
Just a note: This is not a How-to. My and Play's posts are explaining our first few experiences with the new save system and the problems we have had and the questions I and Play have for the game devs. We're more trying to get answers from one of the SimGurus, or Crinrict herself.

-- In my updated post I do note that SimGuruNick and his team have reproduced what we call the "Save As" bug. So not only do the devs know about it they can hopefully do something to fix it.

I've tried to read up on how to save files, using Save and Save As. I've tested the system and have had some issues with them not saving correctly.

First, here's the information on my game folder and game files:

Origin up to date, Newly created Sims 4 folder, No mods or cc, patched game, online features access off, copied some saves over to new folder, deleted the auto save files. -- I did my test in 2 parts, so I also deleted localthumbcache and game cache.

Going to walk through steps I've taken:

Using Save

How I use Save:
1. Pick a saved game and click the load button.
2. Click Options Menu and Save.
3. Click Exit to Main Menu > Load Game.
-- It saved as it should.

When I had tried this before, the problem was after saving (using an example of Save 1 and Save 2) Save 1, I went to load and save a different game save - Save 2. Basically save 2 had overwritten Save 1.

At this time, I can't reproduce that problem. As currently, Save is working as intended as far as I can tell.

Using Save As

No matter how many times I've tested the Save As issue, I get the same result. I have to rename or edit the name of the save, even if I'm saving over the same game file.

How I use Save As:
1. Select save game and load it.
2. Go to Options Menu and select Save As.
-- It creates thumbnail with generic name. (My Game Save 4)
3. Renamed the file. Click Save.
4. Click Exit to Main Menu, and Load Game button to go back to the load game menu.

I could use the Recover a Save to maybe (?) "fix" it.  But I'd still have to rename it to give back it's unique name, due to the system giving it a generic name, like My Game Save 4.

Is this the wrong way of using Save As? The part I don't understand is, that even with using Save As, it should at least give the option to keep it's unique name that was previously given. Specially when overwriting the same game save.

I understand this is probably how it's intended to work. It's still none the less confusing and frustrating to those of us that like to use Save As. It would be nice to have the game let us have the option to keep it's unique name if we're saving over the same game save file.
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Issues with the Save System
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2017, 01:58:16 AM »
My deal is a little different, every time I play a second game and use the Save function, it saves this second game over my first played game. - Basically save 2 overwrites Save 1 every time.

So I have to use Save-As so that I can nominate it to save over the correct file.

Every time I use Save-As I have to rename the newly saved-as file to it's original given name as it automatically renames all saves to "My saved game 9". Probably as I have 9 saved games currently in the Saves folder.
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Re: Issues with the Save System
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2017, 04:29:09 AM »
I've been chatting on the official forum, a few people have the overwriting wrong save problem but everyone who has bothered to post (including myself) needs to rename the file each time they use 'Save As'. 

As of late last night UK time there was no bug report on EA Answers but the discussion on the official forum is here:

At least one person there is hoping this forum will come up with an answer :)

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Issues with the Save System
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2017, 11:38:05 AM »
The 5/25 Patch's New Method of Saving

Quote from SimGuruNick
Apologies for the late reply here. We're able to reproduce "Save As" not auto-filling your save's name, and defaulting to "My Saved Game X". I don't think that's by design, it seems like a bug to me and QA is currently treating it as such. Thanks for the reports everyone :)
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Offline coolsim9999999

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Re: Issues with the Save System
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2017, 12:50:51 PM »
I use "save as," and every time I use "save as,"  I rename the file, and nothing gets deleted.  For example, last night I saved my Sullivan family game as Sullivan 138.  The previous save was Sullivan 137.  I do that with each new game.  I have a city family, as well as a few others, so I just put their last name, followed by a number.

Offline Playalot

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Re: Issues with the Save System
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2017, 09:57:39 PM »
I use "save as," and every time I use "save as,"  I rename the file, and nothing gets deleted.  For example, last night I saved my Sullivan family game as Sullivan 138.  The previous save was Sullivan 137.  I do that with each new game.  I have a city family, as well as a few others, so I just put their last name, followed by a number.

This is a great example of the problem... when using save-as you should not need to retype/rename the name of your current played game in unless you actually wanted to change the name.

We know this is a reported bug now so hopefully a fix should be on its way.
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Re: Issues with the Save System
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2017, 05:22:39 PM »
I took a break from Sims 4 for about a month and came back to this new saving system.
I've read carefully through this thread, but I'm confused about how I should proceed.

Is this correct?
To save over the latest file, I click Save then select the last file.
To save a new file, I click Save As..., select a new slot, and rename.

How is this different from how it used to work? I realize I'm just being dense but I'm failing to understand. Arrrggghhh!

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Offline Playalot

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Re: Issues with the Save System
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2017, 06:02:52 PM »
I explain this a bit more here:

*edited: You don't need to select a new slot when saving-as. I normally save-as over my current game as I just don't trust the 'save' function as it has basically rewritten my files every time I've used it. Just have to remember to re-name when using save-as.

Not an issue if you only have one game going, but I have about 9 files all in various stages of play etc.
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Re: Issues with the Save System
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2017, 06:10:16 PM »
Basically as long as you rename the 'save-as' file the exact same name as previously, you should be fine. The issue is that you should not have to rename when using 'save-as'.

If you do not re-name the game automatically renames it for you along the lines of 'savegame 3' (or how many saves you have up to that point).  This is causing players to become confused as to which file is what.

The next issue is then when using 'save' the game automatically saves the currently being played game as the last game played. This makes it super easy for save games to get rewritten basically, if you started playing a different game. (Or in other words, if the game you are playing now is a different save file to the one you played last.)

Thank you so much @Playalot for summarizing how the new saving system works or, rather, fails to work.
I have a better understanding of it now and will try a few "Save As..." actions for practice.
I don't want to overwrite a significant save then encounter a fatal glitch! *sighs