Author Topic: Her Lasting Legacy- 20th December.. Final Chapters Up! Story is now complete  (Read 42678 times)

Offline KTK10

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I bet you can guess who I am..  and.. I bet you are as surprised as I am that the Watcher has chosen me for her Dynaty! If you remember, the last time that the Watcher told a story with me in it.. well let’s just say.. I was not portrayed especially well.  Just in case you still can’t work out who I am, I will give you some hints.. These are my flatmates:

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Ok. So are we on the same page now? I’m Dina.. Dina Caliente. But because my Watcher absolutely hates my last name and couldn’t have it for 10 more generations.. she changed it to White.. Which incidently led to this..

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I was feeling ashamed. My Mum told me I was not only abandoning this “family” by entering into this ‘foolish escapade’ but by not allowing our name to continue on throughout the generations was selfish and thoughtless. She ended the conversation by telling me that if I do leave this house – she will find it difficult to forgive me, let alone acknowledge me

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After some serious soul searching and trying to talk to my sister about this.. with absolutely NO help.. I decided to go ahead. Why not? Nina or my Mum have always been the ones to shine on this forum and I thought that for once I SHOULD be selfish and thoughtless.. so why not annoy Mum completely and decide to begin my Dynasty with a.. well I want to say Man.. well with.. him..

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Yep, I know it’s hard to believe. I fell in love. You can say what you like about him, use whatever you think is the correct terminology, but all I know is that he listened to me, he made me smile and more importantly, he made me feel loved.

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Our first kiss was a little lack lustre. Yes, hearts were going off all over the place, but he was just so solid. Yes, that is the only word I can think of.. solid. Like a statue

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After a few average starts and a number of misses in the flirting and being flirted with game, we finally hit our stride. Maybe it was a Human to Vampire issue.. or maybe we were just one of those couples that needed some time to warm up to each other… well .. romantically.. but we did it. Caleb makes my toes curl and my body shiver – not in fear but in joy and happiness. I have never felt so alive. So our serious dating began

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The surprise on Caleb’s face when we went to an experimental restaurant was so funny. I know that he can still eat human food, and he is also a foodie.. what was surprising to him was the lack of Plasma dishes on the menu.. Ok, when I say surprised? I really mean annoyed

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However, once the incredible food was delivered he couldn’t help but revel in the taste and the gorgeous way it was presented to us

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I am so thankful for his smile

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At the end of our meal I asked him to stand with me as I wanted to talk to him about something.. Now, I’m not sure if he knew what was coming or if I just looked up at the wrong time.. I will let you decide

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Caleb Vatore, love of my life, man of my dreams and my waking moments. I hold this ring in the hope that you will agree to become my Family. My family that I want to grow and cherish, love and nourish throughout my life. It is also my hope that you will watch over them for all of your eternity. I am trusting you with my heart, my soul and my happiness. Please Caleb.. will you accept this ring and marry me?

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*crickets chirping*

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My heart was sinking, I could see the next chapter of my life disappearing before my eyes.. but wait.. it wasn’t my life disappearing.. where did my ring go?

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“It’s here my love. On my finger. Is this not what you would expect me to do? Have I done the incorrect action in accepting your kind offer?” Caleb said responding to my horrified look

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It was the perfect response. I mean the absolute perfect response. I could not have chosen a more perfect being.

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Watcher note.. For the first time in 5 year... I have actually finished this story!

Offline KTK10

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2017, 06:22:14 PM »
So toady is the day. Today I get to marry Caleb and start my new life. I am, well, anxious.. thrilled, terrified, sad, excited.. I am all of those emotions and more. Growing up, I had no idea that when I married, I would be completely alone. Not when I am with Caleb.. but the leading up to it. No one to help me do my hair, pick my dress or even to share a glass of nectar with. But I take a deep breath and go up to meet him.. being alone is NOT my fault.. I was not the one to cut all ties with my family.. they were. So I continued up the stairs with determination and happiness

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Of course he is not alone. He is so charming and charismatic, people just flock to him. My he looks handsome in his formal wear

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I am so lucky. I just feel the tension from before just fall away.. I am ready

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The watcher decides that my museum is not private enough.  Apparently Caleb knows just the place

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Of course!!! I have always dreamt of a park like this. It just appeared a few months ago and to be honest, I have not even had the chance to visit it yet. How amazing that the first time I come here, is to Marry my soul mate

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Suddenly I am running. I am running as fast as I can. I just can’t get to Caleb fast enough, I can’t wait to be standing next to him, having him hold my hand

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I can see him waiting and it warms my heart to see that he is smiling too

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“So my beloved” Caleb says “Are you ready to be joined together in matrimony?” Then he leaned towards me and bowed.
“Is this too formal for you?” He says with a twinkle in his eye

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I sigh. Such an incredible feeling to have that one being on earth hold you and touch you with so much tenderness and love

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If I had any doubts at all about marrying Caleb, they were all wiped away with the way he was looking at me now.

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“Do not fear this life my love. I have no concerns for our attachment. Although I will live longer than you, you will be loved long after you have left this plain.” Caleb then wiped my tears and kissed my cheek.

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He always knows how to calm me

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We then proceeded to exchange our vows

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I don’t think this moment could have been any more perfect.

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We are married!! I have just moved in with him and the first thing I want to do?

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2017, 07:06:39 PM »
I am nervous and so very excited.. my wedding night. I am sure that he is waiting for me upstairs. I only wish that I was more familiar with my new home.  I now have a sister as well, her name is Lilith and she is younger than Caleb. I have no idea by how much, he just told me she was his little sister.. Wow.. did you feel that gust of wind?

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My love was waiting for me upstairs in his bedroom. He promises me that a new bedroom will be set up for us in my favourite colours and style very soon. I cannot quite believe how lucky I am to be here right now.

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We giggled and snuggled and committed ourselves to each other all over again. I teased him on his age, and he teased me with his Vampire fangs

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This is me trying not to laugh.

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I feel, rather than see Lilith enter the bedroom, I begin to say hello, but one look from Caleb makes me stop. I decide that perhaps now is the right time to have a shower.

“I sense that you are not entirely impressed with my betrothed, sister” Caleb says with a smirk

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“This is not amusing Caleb. You are putting that young child’s life in danger! Not to mention your own!”

“Child Lilith? She is hardly a child” Caleb narrowed his eyes in warning

“We may still be Young Adults – technically my brother – but that Child..” A hiss from Caleb stopped her short “Yes Caleb.. that CHILD is going to cause problems..mark my words” with the end of that comment, Lilith turned and left.

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I thought I would leave the siblings to work out whatever it is that is bothering them and explore my new home. As I think only Caleb and I will be eating human food, I decide to cook. After glow they call it.. this feeling of happiness, contentment and being bullet proof. Then I look up and notice something

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Mmm, now I am brought back to reality.. This is really surreal. Cobwebs..

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I promise myself that I will clean those up as soon as I can and then I hear my Caleb coming down the stairs. Suddenly I am in his arms and his is kissing me

“My love. I would like to formally introduce you to my Sister. Lilith

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“It is lovely to meet you Dina White” Lilith says politely “It is unpleasant, however, that you are now residing here with us” Lilith then looked at Dina with a smile.

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I’m stunned! I knew that things were going to be awkward for a little while, but I certainly did not expect such a hostile welcome. I was quite verbal about it too

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I was trying to talk with Lilith, ask her why she would talk with me like that, why is it so unpleasant that I moved in, when Caleb interrupted me

“Please my love, calm yourself” Caleb says with infinite patience

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“A Child. She is just a child Caleb. Where is her patience, her class, her style?” Lilith put her hands on her hips with clear confusion and disdain. Caleb clenched his eyes and hissed under his breath
“That is ENOUGH”

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“You cannot continue with this farce Caleb, I am telling you this Child..” Lilith raised her hand to point “is going to be more trouble in her very short lifetime”

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My speech was gone, I just couldn’t think of a response at all. Was this a threat? Was she even actually talking to me? I felt my mouth go slack

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Very softly, and controlled Caleb responded “I said enough Lilith. When Dina retires for the evening, you and I will discuss this. Not another word”

Yes, that is my husband

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I decide to leave shortly after finishing my dinner. I am hoping that this can be sorted out quickly. It is quite a dampener to my night..

“What is it Lilith? What would cause you to be so rude and abnoxious to my wife?”

“Sit with me Caleb”

Caleb remained standing, staring at his sister.

“Please Caleb” Lilith asks again “Please sit down with me, we have much to discuss” She begins to lower herself in the chair and looks at her brother with a smile.

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“I am astonished at your lack of respect. Why Lilith? Why would you start an argument with my wife? Are you threatened? Do you feel that my attention will be diverted from you to her? Is this mortal jealousy?” Caleb’s anger was completely under control, he opened his arms to indicate he was ready to talk

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“I understand that you are angry Caleb, I believe that I would have been too. But you must know that this has nothing to do with that Child, is has to do with you and your safety”

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“We once lived in such a wide world, full of Vampires, Warewolves, Witches.. even Faries . Taking a Mortal for a wife was tolerated. We are now living in a tiny world where we are a minority.” Lilith leans further towards Caleb “I do not care that you married her, I am delighted that you love her and I can see that she loves you, but if something happens to her there is no one.. and I mean no one else to blame!”

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“We have been thrown into a town as an experiment. We have been uprooted and the rules have changed” tears started to well up in her eyes “We are not welcome here Caleb, and I think you know that. I think that you are trying hard to not acknowledge that fact.  No one else was invited to witness your wedding Caleb.. surely that tells you something!”

“We had our reasons Lilith. Reasons that you are not entitled to know. But here is something that you should know” Caleb rises from his chair “I will NOT tolerate your disgraceful behaviour towards my wife, if you force me to choose between you Lilith, you will not like my decision”

“You would choose that Child? That.. girl?” Lilith sneered

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“I believe that you already know my answer to that question”

Lilith sighed.. “I will do my best brother”

Caleb left the table, but before he reached the stairs he said “I would expect nothing less from you my sister”

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2017, 06:05:51 AM »
This looks like it is going to pack a whallop! Can't wait to see more!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2017, 09:40:49 AM »
@Magpie2012  Thank you! I will be putting a new chapter up tomorrow

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2017, 02:41:56 PM »
@KTK10 In case I haven't mentioned it before somewhere, I absolutely love the makeovers you give to Townies! It's so "easy" to make a CAS Sim look good, when you can tweak every aspect of them. The true talent, which you have, is in taking an ordinary to slightly more than average looking Townie and turning them into hunks/babes! I would never have recognized Dina, and it took me a minute to recognize Lilith after you showed her outside with her "normal" hair and then the makeover once she was inside. Well done and please let tomorrow come quickly ;-D
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2017, 02:50:31 AM »
@Magpie2012  What a lovely thing to say! Thank you so much. I have always had fun 'tweaking' these incredible Townies!  I appreciate you reading. Next update coming up now:

I feel sad today and I don’t know why? I have heard that after all the wedding celebrations and excitement, comes a low.. but I didn’t really have any celebrations… although I did have some of the excitement .. I guess.

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I see Lilith come in and think perhaps now is the time to try and make amends, if not for me, but for my darling Caleb. I begin by opening my arms and clear my face of any negativity and greet her..

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“I see what you are doing Child, and I am willing to be more cordial towards you”

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“But please be remember.. I have warned you and I will not do it again. Am I making myself clear?”

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I left without replying.. I have no idea what she means by “I have warned you”.. Is she going to bite me? Drink my blood?.. Worse.. ? I am so unsure as to what to do.. I do not want to trouble my Caleb, but I do need to talk to someone!

“Hey! How’s it going out there in the big world? Loving the life of the ‘Vamp Queen’? Got a good instant family there huh?? What about your poor Mum? Given any thought to her Ms White”

Oh Gawd.. not now..

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This man used to be my friend.. he used to protect me and even for an instant there when I was younger.. I actually thought he cared for me too. After everything that I had been through over the last few days.. I had to set a few records straight

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I’m guessing it didn’t go down too well

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“Well then.. I’ll just leave you to it. You and all your friends” Don smirked as he walked away. The sad thing was? I looked around and there was no one

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I swear I could hear laughter from somewhere

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“And then I shall wield my power and control is mine!” Caleb’s eyes grew wide with concentration

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“Oh Brother, you do amuse me with your lights and fancy. But must you always recite those bothersome poetry books some old Master Vampire has written” Lilith felt the first feelings of mirth since Dina had moved in, it was refreshing.

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“It is a weakness my dear sister! Is it wrong to enjoy some ancient writings?”

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“Ancient writings Caleb? Oh my goodness! More like a strolling minstrel if memory serves me correctly?”

“Oh my Lilith! I believe you are correct!” Caleb exclaimed with a laugh

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“Come sit with me brother, I have thoughts I would like to share”

“I will NOT discuss this again Lilith.. I am sure that any debate on my wife has been put to rest” Caleb’s warning could not have been clearer

“I will do as you ask brother, please.. just sit with me.” Caleb grabbed a seat

“I think that the Child is sad.. Before you say anything, let me continue.. I think that you need to take her somewhere for some fun.”

“Are you beginning to like her my Sister?” Caleb raised his brow “I am confused by your need to look after her emotional well being”

“If you wish me to reside here with her, then I will insist on at least impersonating some type of..” *cough* “happiness”

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 What a change a day can make! I get home and immediately Caleb and his sister decide to take me out.. to the Geek Com! We didn’t even get time to change out of our workout gear! Oh my goodness.. there’s the Super Lama!! Oh.. hang on..I have to turn around.. that’s Mum!

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“This was NOT what I had in mind brother” Lilith sneered

“I know” Caleb responds with a chuckle

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I was watching Mum talking with Marcus and for a moment I was struck with pangs of homesickness. So much of me wanted to run over and greet her.. I soon realised that I looked AWFUL in my workout stuff.. so I ran quickly to change

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By the time I returned they were gone. Part of me was relieved, but also curious.. maybe there is hope? Maybe if I tried? Deciding to shake my head of any thoughts of my ‘old’ family,  I soon  heard that there was a Video Gaming taunament.. why not?? How fun!!

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I was soundly thrashed.. not only by some woman with white hair and shockingly green eyebrows, but by Geoffrey himself!!

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I think some more practice is in order.. LOL

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“Lilith, don’t you think it’s time to perhaps leave?” Caleb asked quietly so only she could here

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“Of course my brother.. just after I state my hunger”

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- May 29 Update
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2017, 11:25:27 PM »
I’m getting a bit confused lately.. I can’t hear the watcher. I mean in her Cloudbringer Dynasty she was talking with Alena all the time, giving her encouragement .. isn’t it weird that I haven’t heard a thing? Maybe the rules of this Dynasty are different.. maybe she isn’t allowed to say anything to me?.. And where are all the stats? I swear I have seen Caleb and Lilith break some of the rules.. Oh well.. who am I to complain? I am so lucky just to be with the man that I love

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“Oh for goodness sake.. this child is exasperating..” Lilith rolled her eyes at Dina’s perceived stupidity

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“I think I’ll go out dancing.. by the look of these two, I would consider it better not to be here” Lilith was peering through the window at her brother and the woman that she calls Child   

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“My love, you look troubled. How may I assist?” Caleb stared at his wife with an encouraging smile

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“Come to me, let me peer into those luminous eyes. I wish to help you my cherished wife”

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I got lost in his embrace and the enthral of his stare. How could anything be wrong when I can see my world in front of me smiling, encouraging and loving me. I am quick to explain that nothing is wrong and that I am so very happy and lucky to be with him

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“I can see that my warning has gone unheeded.. I can do nothing but watch this peaceful world that we worked hard to create, fall apart..”

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So, just then.. in the bathroom.. Caleb  told me he wanted to start a family! A family??!!  I am just catching my breath about being a wife and losing my first family (that is what I am calling them now.. my first family) I am not sure if I am ready to be a Mum yet.. but seeing as Caleb has already super speeded upstairs.. I have no choice but to follow… although I am a little bit excited in the prospect of cementing my position within this new family so soon.. I mean.. so many generations will have gone by before the end of this challenge, this is my way of being remembered always

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Yep.. I think that I have done it!

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“It is done”

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“.. *sigh* it is done”

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OMG!!! I’m pregnant!!!

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I am stunned to realise how incredibly excited I am! I rush off to tell my amazing husband! How clever am I?? I was BORN to create this child!

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“You are with child? My beautiful Dina, you have made me the happiest entity in this universe” Caleb’s smile showed his bliss and contentment at the news

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“Shall we celebrate my wife? Would you care to perhaps go dancing?”

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Huh? Oh yes.. already changed and ready to go! It’s like he can read my mind

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Wow.. I have walked past this club a number of times, I’ve even been in here with my first family.. but tonight? I feel like I am seeing it for the first time!

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“I feel that I may be overdressed for this establishment.. perhaps the lounge may have been a more appropriate venue?”

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 1 Update
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2017, 04:37:28 AM »
I Have only 2 complaints... Well, 1 is a complaint, the other is a correction :-)

Caleb just doesn't seem like Caleb without his original hairstyle, although, that could just be because I love that style myself lol (ok, complaint done)

Now for the correction: you said she was beaten by Malcolm, but, it was actually Geoffrey :-)

Ok, the good stuff: I am absolutely loving Lilith! I can't wait to see how she goes in this story. And, I had to giggle when Dina was wondering why the Watcher wasn't talking to her :-) Although, now, I'M wondering why the Watcher isn't talking to her lol

Great chapters and I can't wait for more ;-D
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 1 Update
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2017, 08:42:51 AM »
@Magpie2012  First of all.. THANK YOU! I can't believe I wrote Malcolm instead of Geoffrey  :o I have since fixed it. Also.. I know how you feel about Caleb's hair.. he just doesn't look the same. but there is a reason for that later (which you will find out!) I would have changed it just for you, but I have actually written almost all of this story so it's too late to change it now! As for the watcher not talking to Dina.. well.. she isn't actually doing a dynasty/legacy or anything.. she just thinks she is  ;)

I know I have often started stories here and never finished them, so this time I played all the way through to the end and have the story almost completely finished (only 2 chapters left to pre write! But lots more chapters to post)  I had promised myself not to ever post a story again until I had it all written up and ready to go!

I am planning on putting another chapter up soon! I hope everyone is enjoying it and it isn't too heavy or disjointed! Thanks so much for reading. I love getting feedback, it makes me smile.  ;D

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 1 Update
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2017, 12:25:35 PM »
Lol no sweat. We all make little oops like those. I'm pretty sure my posts are full of them as spelling is not my strong suit and spellcheck doesn't always like me :-)

I'm glad that there's a legit reason for the change in hair, I would have hated to lose all that hotness unnecessarily :-)

Nope, not too heavy or disjointed. I'm loving it all the way!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 1 Update
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2017, 11:36:20 PM »
@Magpie2012   :)

New post coming up... NOW! hehe

“It is favourable to see you come with us tonight Lilith” Caleb smiles at his sister

“It seems like there was some type of celebration in the air brother, how could I have resisted?” Lilith responded

I was just thrilled to see Lilith and Caleb get along, even more, she wanted to spend some time with us.. dare I say it... as a family! I thought some nice conversation and maybe a dance together might start to build some well needed bridges between us.. and what a way to start!

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I suddenly thought it might be nice to talk about fashion. I mean, what girl isn’t obsessed with amazing shoes and incredible dresses?!  I even went so far as to perhaps…suggest.. that possibly.. a party outfit might be more comfortable for Lilith rather than her gorgeous formal dress.. she complied! Although by the look on her face, I think I may have slightly stepped over the new ‘friendship’ boundaries

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“Is this where I thank you child for your well meaning but completely unwanted advice?” Lilith said without emotion

I could do nothing but stare.. as I had no idea how to respond to her

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“Perhaps you should join your husband for a dance, I will join you in a moment”

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“I know you are pregnant Child.. This is not something you should celebrate.. you should be afraid”

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What did she just say? Did I hear her correctly?

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“You felt it dear Lilith? Did you feel our life force being created?” Lilith could hear the pleasure in Caleb’s voice

“Indeed.  We are walking on such dangerous ground now my brother, these people will not forgive us OR our kind if something should happen to this woman. Have you not seen her friends?  Even if they are few, humans will pull together when disaster strikes.. and believe me.. it will be noticed if something goes wrong. This.. what do you call it?.. Marriage? a first of it’s kind in this world, eyes are watching us” Lilith’s concern and disdain was clear

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“You will be mindful of your tone Lilith. My marriage to Dina is one made from love and deep affection, I will have you stop alluding to it being otherwise. This talk of something happening to Dina must desist immediately. Am I making myself clear?”

“Perfectly” Lilith responds dutifully

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Gosh I am hoping that Caleb is trying to get Lilith out of her mood.. I just couldn’t stand anyone ruining this night for either of us

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“Hiya Dina! How’s life treating you over in the dark city?” Jade asks as she wonders up

I explain that although Forgotten Hollow gets darker quicker and stays darker longer.. it’s got some beautiful lakes and loads of wildlife and is in fact quite beautiful

“Huh.. well maybe I should check it out someday.. Oh hey! Isn’t that your sister over there?” Jade says as she keeps walking towards the dance floor

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I know it’s silly.. but I think I should go over there and say Hi.. I mean we haven’t really spoken since I left and I just know that once she finds out that I’m pregnant she will be thrilled

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But before I could even get up off my stool, Nina is already beside me.. looking at me .. with a smile! I let out a small sigh of relief

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We manage to talk for ages, whispering jokes and talking about our past.. my heart lifts! How wonderful to have my sister back in my life. So I decide to share with her my most precious news

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“You ..are…WHATt?” Nina snarls

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I must have misunderstood her, I am in such a happy bubble I am so sure that she will be as thrilled as I am

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“Excuse me Lilith, I expect that I will be needed” Caleb forces a smile on his face as he rushes to his wife’s aide

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“I thought you had changed your selfish ways Dina.. How could you do this to our Mother? How could you bring an abomination into this family?”

I feel anger and despair rush through my veins, and those feelings quickly turn to fury. I grit my teeth and remind my sister that our Mother threw me out of the ‘family’.. That I know longer even use the name Caliente.  Her response is a stare that seems to be filled with hatred

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“It seems my wife does not need my interference after all” Caleb thinks with some pride

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“Although I conclude that a discussion of sorts must be had with that young lady.. and soon”  Caleb stares after Nina with some thought

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I am calmer than I thought I would be.. I don’t even watch her walk away.. I take a deep breath and I can feel my Caleb near me.. yes.. I am stronger than I thought.

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“Mmmm..” Lilith sighs.. “.. and so it begins”

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Offline janesimmer

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 6 Update
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2017, 01:43:35 AM »
This is so good!!!!! :) :) :) :) I love how the townies look better. The plot is just great!!!

Offline KTK10

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 6 Update
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2017, 09:38:07 AM »
Awww.. thank you @janesimmer!! I'm so pleased you like it  ;D

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 6 Update
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2017, 10:02:06 AM »
Oh my gosh... I hope this isn't a foreshadowing of a "Twilight" style birth O_O not that I have anything against those books, but, I really don't want to see Dina get hurt. Especially not by birthing her own child :-(

I really am loving this!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*