Author Topic: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story  (Read 77569 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #150 on: March 29, 2018, 04:21:46 PM »
Oh Felix, you are too adorable!  And your daughter is gonna be gorgeous!  Still #TeamHoney, but #TeamFelix is a close second ^^

Offline commasplice

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #151 on: March 30, 2018, 10:44:27 AM »
Rhonda Blue! I love it!

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #152 on: April 02, 2018, 01:27:26 PM »
@PeregrineTook I do the same thing with festivals! Just let me hit the next level of this skill, and water the plants and rally the troops and . . . oh, it was yesterday! Oops! Had to take a chance on the UFO, though, it's so hard to come by!

@oshizu I think Jillian's PJs are cupcake-themed, but I'm with you! 10/10 would wear IRL. :) And those boots were probably my favorite item from Laundry Day Stuff. They're so perfect!
As far as I can tell, the alien disguise forms are based on genetics. You can alter them any way you want, but I never touched Felix's, and he's got Corey's jaw, and Eve's skintone and eyes (I think). It's really nice! I believe the facial features are the same in alien form and disguise form, although it's hard to tell because the absence of hair and eyebrows and the alien eyes and skintone make them look so different!
I'll see if I can get the other teams to swing by the Moneypenny estate once or twice to check on Felix's tummy this week. :) I feel like the game was trolling me with that thought bubble, so I'm just passing along the troll. Or something.

@wa-wa-world I'm so glad you like Felix! He is a sweetie. He's my golden boy and he can't do anything wrong.
The pointy baby alien ears kill me, too! So adorable!
I am super jealous of your Jillian pjs!

@Shewolf13 Thank you! I'm pretty sure Tiffany is going to be a looker just like her daddy.

@commasplice Hehe! Thanks!

Ponsonby, Week 5, Part 1


Mum, I don’t even know what to say about this week. If I could stop a minute to think, I believe we’d be doing . . . okay . . . ? . . . ish . . . but I really just can’t stop.

Anyway, here’s Sergio not hating children. Not even a little. He adores Aki, which is a good thing, since he was the number one parent this week while I was at work.

We took advantage of Aki being bassinet-bound for the first few days and ran the restaurant for all it was worth. Thank you for the five-star ratings, by the way. I’m not ashamed. I’ll take ‘em! They count just as much as reviews from people who aren’t my mother, so you and the fam are welcome any time! In fact, if you had a mad desire to become a food critic all of a sudden I wouldn’t try to talk you out of it.

You can see we finally got up the nerve to change the employee uniforms and the sky didn’t fall. We’re freshening up The Roadstead bit by bit but I confess there’s a tightness in my chest every time we open, and I’ve worn fingernail grooves in some of the dining chairs by gripping them anxiously as I wait to see if all the staff will show up. Fortunately, that adds to their rustic charm, which I think is the vibe we're going for.

Serge and I got married. It was a quiet backyard ceremony and I think I’m probably the luckiest girl to ever live.

With nothing else particular to do, I started leveling charisma. It’s slow, but I’d love to avoid the wishing well if I can, so we’ll see how long it takes me to get bored of the sight of my own face in the mirror.

Four stars. Can you believe it? I almost want to ask people what they’re thinking. I’m not being modest when I say it’s an absolute pit, and we’ve still got the same randomly selected tables and chairs we had when it was just a patch of grass. We even make a profit most days, though, so we must be doing something right.

I work hard at the restaurant, but usually sneak out in the middle of service to get ready for work. My poses are still a little shaky but . . .

Again, must be doing something right. Don’t know what it is. Just going to keep at it. Maybe after a quick nap.

Joaquin’s started producing masterpieces. We just keep a radio playing next to the easel and he’s unstoppable!

The final star we need for the restaurant will have to wait until next week because . . . tada! Our baby’s a toddler!

A prim little thing she is, too. She agreed to early potty-training (Mother Geeta style) but insisted that I give her some privacy by turning my back. Cheeky little girl!

She’s as transfixed by Sergio as I am and spends hours just watching him make camping mascots. I’m so relieved we started my handsome hubby on crafting them early. I remember our old backyard money factory so clearly! I still have stress dreams about it! That won’t be necessary this time. Between the mascots and Joaquin’s paintings, by week’s end we had over $100,000 in the bank, so once we’re brave enough to renovate the restaurant it’ll just be a matter of finding the most expensive intentionally distressed, fashionably rustic furnishings we can lay our hands on and plopping them down.

We hired a caterer to prepare some meals for Aki since none of us can cook to save our lives, and it ended up being the waiter from our first restaurant, Wolves and Barley. I’d missed him and was really sad we couldn’t re-hire him at the new place, but from the performance he put on in our kitchen it looks as though we may have dodged a bullet.

Poor Joaquin is doing great at work but comes home stressed out of his mind.

And then after five minutes of some highly uncomfortable-looking dance moves in our living room he’s right as rain again. He’s a funny guy.

A funny guy with max painting skill!

I discovered I can read to my little sis and my baby daughter at the same time (she's just outside the frame toddling to bed in this shot). Sergio discovered he can be in a room with both of them and not lose his will to live. It’s been a struggle for him, so he’s awfully proud.

He’s really sweet with Aki, and very attentive, and his Winnie the Pooh voice is second to none!

Aki even lets him face her when she’s going potty.

But he respectfully turns his head when she’s doing her victory dance afterward.

About a thousand “Why’s” later, Aki maxed thinking.

Let’s hope she can teach a thing or two about it to the rest of us, who discovered an exception to the “incense on the floor doesn’t start fires” rule.

Hope your hair’s all right, Mum, by the way. And your arm. And your . . . well, I hope you’re okay.

She’s such a dear playing with her dollhouse, but for some reason she can only do it alone so we had to cut Playtime with the Squirrel Family short and steer her back toward Intensive Skill-Building Playtime with Daddy to get Imagination maxed.

This is a sweet shot of Sergio carrying Aki to bed, but the real point of the picture is to show that our dragonfruit are fruiting. Hallelujah! The Ponsonbys are rolling in simoleons!
Can't wait to share the rest of the week with you. It's a doozy!

Lots of Love,


Offline commasplice

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #153 on: April 02, 2018, 01:40:46 PM »
"Sergio discovered he can be in a room with both of them and not lose his will to live. "

HEH. Also the adorable toddler insisting on privacy while she used the potty chair made me laugh so hard.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #154 on: April 02, 2018, 02:49:16 PM »
So glad things are going well at the Restaurant this time. 4 stars already!
Aki is as cute as her older sister is pretty!

Glad Honey and Sergio are so much in love. Sergio is one studly sim!
And I really like Honey's hair for her athletic outfit.
Noice! The Posonbys are swimming in simoleons!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #155 on: April 02, 2018, 03:27:09 PM »
Woo!  Go Honey!  --waves pomspoms-- Love that they got 4 stars!  And the lines about Sergio are wonderful hehehehe.  Love that he's a good daddy, even with Hates Children hehehe.  They do say it's different with your own or those you know ^^

Offline MarianT

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #156 on: April 02, 2018, 03:55:25 PM »
Incense on the floor causes fires? Who knew? And I'm happy that Sergio can get over the "hates children" thing.
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Offline rika1431

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #157 on: April 02, 2018, 07:46:52 PM »
Awww, Aki is just the cutest little thing in the world. I know most toddlers look the same, but she's so cuuuuuuute! And her little potty dance :D Gah, I'm in love. Congrats on getting to four stars so quickly! I'm sure you'll hit five in no time at all as soon as the toddler frenzy is over. And yessss, camping mascots ftw! They're such quick money makers, hehehe.

Offline Playalot

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #158 on: April 02, 2018, 07:50:04 PM »
Aki and Honey together are just gorgeous. With every new chapter my allegiances change!
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #159 on: April 04, 2018, 02:18:01 PM »
@commasplice Glad you liked it! I thought that pose was just so funny. Aki makes some great faces.

@oshizu Yeah! The restaurant is humming along, now that it's open! I'm almost sorry. I really like running restaurants and it looks like this one will be all wrapped up pretty soon (knock on wood!).
Sergio is studly for sure! And he knows it! I swear I'm not putting him in his shirtless outfits on purpose. Guy's worse than Don Lothario!
I love Honey's athletic hair, too. The modding community has been going nuts with the wavy hair lately. It's awesome!

@Shewolf13 It's true! Sergio's constantly getting angry and smashing the dollhouse when Domino is around, but he's all sweetness and light with Aki. What a guy!

@MarianT I know! Who could have seen that coming? :) I've had good luck with floor incense so far. I think the problem this time was something hanging on the wall right above it. Oh, well.

@rika1431 I do think Aki is especially cute. Something about her eyes. I have very high hopes for the restaurant. If I recall correctly the last one went from four to five stars in one shift, so we'll see if Honey can do as well as her mom!

@Playalot Thanks! I do think they're a very sweet (and attractive) family.

Ponsonby, Week 5, Part 2

Dear Mum,

We were afraid Joaquin was getting lonely, so we got him a hedgehog. He’s mad about the prickly little thing (even though it bites!) and spends a lot of time watching it and talking to it.

He even tells it stories, and swears it understands him. I find the little critter a bit unnerving, to tell the truth. It makes the oddest noises in the middle of the night.

Aki made Sergio demonstrate roughhousing solo first before she’d consent to participate. Perhaps we shouldn’t have maxed thinking first. She might just be a touch too discriminating.

He did win her over in the end, though, and our darling was ready for her birthday on Friday at about 4:45 in the afternoon.

She gave Drago one last cuddle.

And Daddy did the honors as I, as usual, was at work.

And then it was really Joaquin’s time to shine! He’s an excellent mentor and really puts his heart into it.

You can tell Domi I’ve noticed she’s being more helpful at club gatherings these days, and I’m grateful. You might also mention to Dad that everyone’s noticed how much time he spends talking to the plants, and it’s causing some concern.

At this point in the week I remembered about the Great Kisser reward trait. I feel like a real ditz for not thinking of it sooner and yakking away to myself in the mirror when I could have been smooching my handsome hubby to raise the skill!

We rectified all that pretty quickly. I was actually a bit sad to reach level 10. I think there might be one or two rooms in the house we haven’t snogged in yet! I’d do it all over again! Twice!

Here’s our sweet Aki after a hardly necessary makeover. She looked very cute in that dress for 18 hours or so. Nanny Banerjee took over the mentoring for this part. He’s such a saint.

Calling for a bonus . . . and receiving a bonus. All that kissing paid off! Who’d have thought! Going for the handsome husband paid off in the end!

Saturday, 12:22 p.m., Aki became an artistic prodigy.

And then a teen

You might have noticed Sergio a little absent during Aki’s childhood. He banged out mascots the whole time and never really had to see our baby as a child, but the moment she hit teen Daddy and Mummy were fighting each other to be the first to help with homework.

Level 9! I even surprised myself! I don’t want to count my chickens, Mum, but I really think we’re making a solid go of this! The career’s the worst bit, after all, and I should have that knocked out in two more shifts easy! Maybe less if I can get another bonus negotiated. No wishing wells required!

Joaquin produced a masterpiece of our lovely daughter in no time at all.

He seemed rather enraptured with his subject. Surprising as he's usually more a soup-cans-and-dogs-wearing-hats kind of guy. I’ve no idea whom our baby plans to marry, but I do know one fellow whose arm wouldn’t have to be twisted all that hard. She’s nose-deep in her novel writing for the time being, however, and won’t have a chance to think about it until Bestselling Author is much further underway.

So that’s the week! We’re going to nab that fifth star at the Roadstead first thing Sunday, and raise its value by creating the most luxurious writing room imaginable for our little prodigy. You’ll be so proud when you see her, Mum, she’s an angel. We’ll win this thing yet!

Lots of Love,


Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #160 on: April 04, 2018, 02:31:32 PM »
Honey and her posse achieved so much this update!
Maxing charisma seemed like such a hardship, though. Way to take one one for the team, Honey!
Great job with Aki's early age-ups! I only hope--nay, I'm sure--that Tiffany will fare as well. :D

Superb job, Watcher! Impressive skilling there and that portrait of the gorgeous teen Aki does her justice!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #161 on: April 04, 2018, 06:05:28 PM »
Eeeee!  Look at Aki go!  Woot!  --does happy dance and cheers--

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #162 on: April 04, 2018, 06:10:47 PM »
They grow up so fast *sniffle*

Joaquin and the hedgehog was great! So was the Charismatic Making out haha I never knew that's what that trait did
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Offline LenaLJ

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #163 on: April 05, 2018, 05:59:52 AM »
Lovely update, and a lovely Aki
Childhood goes so fast in these dynasties.

Offline commasplice

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #164 on: April 05, 2018, 01:23:03 PM »
Looks like everyone is doing really well!

