Author Topic: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story  (Read 77559 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #135 on: March 23, 2018, 08:18:25 PM »
Wait...Rhonda and Felix are aliens?!?!?!?  I love when the game does that shocking reveal.
I had already dismissed Rhonda in my own mind based on how things had been going, so you threw me quite the curveball there!  I can't wait to see how their relationship plays out and if they'll be able to comfort and console each other as Tatiana stomps them underfoot in the race for first place  ;=)
Go Team Mary!

Offline Playalot

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #136 on: March 24, 2018, 09:03:00 PM »
I'm not a Rhonda fan! I shall fly in the face of popular opinion! I am, however a Felix fan.  :)
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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #137 on: March 25, 2018, 01:37:36 PM »
Wowza!  Quite the reversal with Ariel and Rhonda.  But I think Felix can pull off just about anything lol  I may be team Honey all the way, but Felix is a close second ^^

Offline commasplice

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #138 on: March 26, 2018, 02:25:18 PM »
Oh wow! Was not expecting that!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #139 on: March 27, 2018, 07:18:02 PM »
@oshizu I know! She's beautiful! I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that. I really like her now that she's disguised most of the time. :)
And yes, Beech Byway. I'm avoiding the tiny lots as long as I can. The rocketship takes up a lot of space! (sort-of pun only sort-of intended)

@rika1431 Isn't he gorgeous? Don't worry, there are plenty of shameless Felix glamor shots to come! I'm so glad you like all three heirs. Me too. My favorite tends to be whichever one I'm currently playing.

@wa-wa-world I was so bummed about Arielle. I really want the nooboos to have all the alien possibilities, though, so she had to get pushed aside lest she pass on her less-than-ideal genes. Everyone loves her, though. There are constant whims to be friendly with her and flirt with her from all household members (!). I'm excited you're thinking about doing an RDC! I'm really having fun with it and I recommend it highly.

@PeregrineTook I know! So shocking! Every time! I'd dismissed Rhonda, too, but she found a way to fight her way back in! Gotta respect that.

@Playalot Aww. Rhonda's not so bad. I suppose. ;) And she makes Felix happy, so we'll have to live with her.

@Shewolf13 I was as surprised as you were. Poor Arielle! Felix is certainly cruising along. The aliens are fastest at everything except careers so far, so they are definitely fierce competitors.

@commasplice Me either! Gotta roll with it, though. No time in this race for regret. :)

Moneypenny, Week 4, Part 2

Hello Again Mum,

A quick peek at the day to day of Moneypenny 2.0:

A shot of the house from the back. I think it looks nicer from there.

Poor Jillian was abducted the very first night. I suppose headquarters was wondering what all the fuss was about her and wanted to see for themselves.

She was not happy when she returned. I’d had some idle thoughts about trying to fix her up with Addison, but at this point I’m not sure she wants anything to do with any of us. I hope the baby cheers her up!

Rhonda stepped in as trainer for me while Jillian was indisposed. I’m following in your footsteps (at least at first) as an astronaut, so I’ve got a good deal of skilling up to do in fitness. Yes, yes. Treadmill only. I can hear your voice in my head!

See there? I knew you guys would love it.

Wellness is a right pain, but I’m working on it. I’ve got about as many points as I can safely get from Bodybuilder without risking completing it, so I’ve switched over to Renaissance Sim and I need one more skill at level 5 to advance.

Addison and Jillian did have a few nice chats, but I don’t know if there’s anything there in the way of romance. I think it might be the hat, but I’m not going to be the one to tell him.

I know what you’re thinking, but if it weren’t safe to do while pregnant then it simply wouldn’t be allowed. Rhonda’s a wise woman and she’s going to be a fantastic mother, and you’re never ever going to beat her high score on the rock-climbing wall. These are things you’re going to have to learn to accept.

She spent at least as much time reading parenting books as she did climbing the rock wall, so I think she’ll be very well prepared when the baby makes its appearance.

Addison’s doing great as a painter, even though the backyard is a mess of emotional auras. We’re going to have to start making clearer designations between the energized, inspired, and focused areas.

Got myself a promotion . . .

And immediately thereafter, an abduction. Headquarters is keeping quite close tabs on us this week.

Addison’s delighted it wasn’t him . . . this time. On second thought, it may be his athletic outfit that’s holding him back in the dating department. I’m not touching that one, either.

Not the smoothest re-entry, but the landing wasn’t too bad. And no, no belly sparkles. You’re only going to be a grandma once this week . . . so far.

I made things official between Rhonda and I.

And we wasted no time in exchanging our vows. I know you would have liked to be there, Mum, and I’m sorry we didn’t invite you, but it was just a quick backyard affair, and I don’t think you can blame Rhonda too much for wanting it to be private.

We completed Soulmate not long afterward.

Addison’s turn came the next night. Three for three on abductions this week. Do you suppose something’s going on up there?

Addison was a little shaken up by the whole thing, and it showed in his paintings.

Thanks for turning the club leadership over to me, though if I’d known it was going to upset you so much I think I wouldn’t have asked. Tell you what, I promise I’ll never kick you and Dad out, no matter what, all right? You’re senior executive club members, and you get first crack at the rock-climbing wall each meeting.

And I promise to give you as many mother-son cheering up sessions as you require. Deal?

Addison got promoted, but my real concern is who’s this guy and why is he always walking past, giving our house the stink eye? Do you know him, Mum? What’s his deal?

There we are! All better. I knew it. I’m a genius.

The rocket’s coming along well, even though I pretty quickly outpaced everyone else in the rocket science skill, so I’m the only one who can upgrade at this point.

Don’t tell Rhonda I included this one, but I just had to. The look on her face! That’s the, “Oh dear, I’ve just gone into labor and now I have to get down from here,” look. It’s priceless.

Put down your phone! I promise I'll call you the second there's news! Texting me won't make the baby come any faster, either! Just breathe, mum. You'll be holding your grandchild before you know it.



Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #140 on: March 27, 2018, 07:30:28 PM »
Awww! I love that last part! Lol, I can totally hear my own family saying/texting that XD

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #141 on: March 27, 2018, 07:35:17 PM »
Such a sweet update!  Felix is doing a glorious job as the new Moneypenny narrator.
Crazy amount of abductions going on!  Do you have the satellite going and calling aliens to come get you?  Are we hoping Addison has an abductaboo?  Yes, adbuctaboo.  I'm patenting it!  Unless someone else already has!
Rhonda and Felix are adorable together.  I know she wasn't mama's choice, but surely she can see how happy she makes her little boy.
And Caleb is keeping tabs on things to report back to Mary.
Go Team Mary!

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Offline Playalot

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #142 on: March 27, 2018, 08:27:11 PM »
Belly sparkles for Felix would have been epic! But not nearly as epic as Addison's athletic outfit lmao!
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Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #143 on: March 27, 2018, 08:58:32 PM »
Addison, don't despair! Every household needs a scapegoat for comic relief!
It won't last forever, though. Look at how far Rhonda has come!

Nice work with Rhonda's pregnancy before Saturday night!
And, wow, that's a lot of abductions!
Is it just me or does it seem like abductions are happening more often in the past month or so?

Offline rika1431

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #144 on: March 28, 2018, 06:46:03 PM »
Ahhh, I love Felix and Rhonda, they're so cute! I can't wait to see their baby. I kind of wish Felix had belly sparkles, hehe, I think that would have been interesting. And you've got yet another beautiful house! I also love how his mom had basketball and now he has rock climbing :P Gotta keep the club members busy!

Offline commasplice

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #145 on: March 29, 2018, 11:09:51 AM »
That is a lot of abductions, but you appear to have handled it in stride.

I was literally chuckling out loud at the stuff about the rockclimbing wall.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #146 on: March 29, 2018, 12:15:10 PM »
@Shewolf13 Thanks! That would be typical for my family, too. :)

@PeregrineTook Of course he is! Felix is great at everything! I don't know what was up with the abductions. The Monepennys have no satellite. They're just really popular. 4 out of 5 days that Felix was in charge! I would LOVE an abductaboo (and that term is amazing, I will gladly pay royalties), particularly if it were Addison's, as then we'd have another alien spousal prospect (the game hasn't generated any new blood since Arielle).

@Playalot Inorite? That was the outfit he came with, and I was so close to changing it and then I thought . . . nah, it's working for him. It stays!

@oshizu Addison is very cheerful scapegoat, indeed. I'm growing quite fond of him. I feel like with all the abductions we're bound to get some sparkles soon. Much as I'd hate to raise yet another toddler, I'd be so happy to see either Felix or Addison with a baby bump. I think you're right that something is up with abduction rates. They're going crazy lately!
Don't give me too much credit on Rhonda's pregnancy. :) Felix moved out on Monday, so I think Rhonda was pregnant late Monday night or early Tuesday morning. We had to switch just a couple of hours before the baby's toddler birthday.

@rika1431 Thank you! It would be interesting indeed if Felix got pregnant. Maybe he'd have a son that looks exactly like him! One can dream. I'm glad you like the house. I'd never really used the rock climbing wall, so I thought it would be fun to throw it in, and the sims are CRAZY about it. It's only unoccupied when it breaks. I'm hoping to give each alien family a fun object to mess around with during club meetings. Maybe a water slide next time? Too many underused objects in my game!

@commasplice It was a lot of abductions. So weird! They must be connected to being aliens or building a rocketship or something because this week was out of control. It's fun, though. I like them, and I really like the chance of pregnancy!

Moneypenny, Week 4, Part 3

Dear Mum,

Your patience is rewarded! Only sixty-eight texts. You're improving! Bravo!

There she is! Your very own grand baby. Tiffany. She’s not quite Tiffany blue, but she’s Rhonda blue, and that’s far more valuable to me.

We’re all smitten with her, especially her mum.

The most interesting sim in the world. As if there was ever any doubt! Got this designation upon purchasing my third reward trait. Only one left to go!

Jillian jumped back into nanny duties with only a little reticence.

I think she and Tiffany are destined to be best friends.

The romance festival swung into town, and we hit the jackpot with a nice UFO plant to add to the garden.

I think your pal Geoffrey Landgraab was very disappointed that you didn’t show.

The week was coming to an end, so there wasn’t much point in a vow renewal, but we did it just the same. Why not? I love her and I never want to let her forget it.

Back home just in time for the fourth abduction of the week.

Stuck the landing that time.

I had to switch over before I really had time to assess whether the pollination technicians had had their way with me, but who knows? Maybe we’ll get lucky and you’ll get to be twice a grandma by next week.

In all seriousness, Mum, I love you very much. I’m grateful for all you and Dad did for me in giving me my start, and please remember that no matter what, you’ll always be my number three girl (First Tiffany, then Rhonda, then you. That’s as it should be). ;)



Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #147 on: March 29, 2018, 12:54:18 PM »
Aww, Felix is sweet!  I mean, he's no Mary (nor even Tatiana), but he's still sweet.
What luck with the UFO plant!  I really must get into the habit of having my Sims actually attend the festivals and such more often.  I commonly dismiss the notification thinking that I'll finish up this one more thing first...and then it's the next day before I realize I'd been thinking they'd go.
Fingers crossed for an abductaboo!!
And of course, go Team Mary!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #148 on: March 29, 2018, 01:17:38 PM »
I must say, before I begin gushing over Felix, that I adore Jilly's PJs!  Those adorable ice cream cones (izzat what they are)!!!
Also a big fan of Rhonda's boots that I noticed while she and Felix renewed their vows. Girls be looking fiiiiiiine!!!

Can you tell me how the aliens' human disguises factor into family genetics?
Are only the genetics of the alien form passed on? I hope not! I'm hoping for nooboos that resemble Felix...well, okay, Rhonda, even, or a combination of both.
Felix is moving right along with his aspiration!
Lucky Felix finding a UFO plant at the Romance Festival--of course the Moneypennys totally deserve that plant with all their space missions and the general awesomeness.
Hahaha, the diaper thought bubble at the end!
Watcher, please say you'll have one of the other heirs (forgot their names, what can I say? #TeamMoneypenny) visit Felix.
You can still keep your cliffhanger, lol, but I'd love to see shots of a pregnant Felix (if he is) during the next Moneypenny week. Pretty, please?

I'm trying to shorten my comments, I really am. Go Felix! Go Rhonda! Go Tiffany!

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #149 on: March 29, 2018, 02:56:47 PM »
I think felix might be swaying me away from team goodnight :0 haha

Tiffany is cute I never realised baby aliens have little pointy ears its so cute!

Also I'm pretty sure I have the same pyjamas as Jillian irl or at least something very close, great job as always I cant wait for the next update!
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