Author Topic: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story  (Read 77552 times)

Offline rika1431

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #60 on: February 22, 2018, 10:48:27 PM »
Oh my GOSH this story is just terrific! I can't decide who's my favorite--so difficult, it just can't be done, they're all so GOOD! Keep these updates coming!

Offline commasplice

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #61 on: February 23, 2018, 10:04:31 AM »
Unfortunately, she became so angry at that point that she had to seek out somebody to bite. The plus side is, Geoffrey Landgraab happened to be walking by.

I love this story so much. It never fails to make me smile!

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #62 on: February 23, 2018, 01:19:24 PM »
@oshizu Yeah, the weekend-only job was a mistake, I think. It seemed like the best fit for her skills, but there's just not enough opportunities for promotions. I think I'll be sticking with barista, fast food, and retail from here on out.
I hadn't had that happen before with Grim suddenly appearing and being angry when a vampire drinks uncontrollably, but I haven't actually played with vampires a lot before now. It must not happen every time. I was super alarmed when he poofed into existence right next to Tati. I was afraid she'd somehow killed Mr. Landgraab! He didn't actually explain himself, just said, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" and then decided he despised her. Poor Tatiana is on thin ice! I will see if she can bat her eyes at Tessie and ask a favor. :) She can be charming when she needs to be.

@commasplice Thank you for reading! Poor Geoffrey Landgraab has become a bit of a punching bag in this story, but I swear he brings it on himself. :)

@rika1431 Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like it. No plans to stop updates anytime soon, so don't worry!

Goodnight, Week 3, Part 3

All right, then. Where did we leave off? Oh yes, a nice hot bath:

Next morning she made another attempt with the well,

and while she didn’t get another bad result, all she got was a bonus, which didn’t move her performance bar back up one bit.

A selfie to commemorate the disappointment. I really feel for my poor girl. Sure, she’s obnoxious, but she’s worked very hard to get where she is, and she doesn’t deserve these repeated gut-punches from the fates.

We occupied our time by rearranging the plants in front of the museum.

Caleb attempted to understand knock knock jokes.

Tatiana won a game tournament, then hopped back into the bath to get in the right mood for her babysitting shift that evening.

And topped up her energy with a little vampiric meditation. You can see Jana's been at the bar. Ever since she maxed the pipe organ skill she's been a bit at loose ends.

Not to make a dig at Felix’s expense, Eve dear, but it does cheer one up to know that one still has friends at one’s darkest hour.

At midnight, my poor little ruffian returned home. She wasn’t fired, thank heavens, but of course wasn’t promoted, either. She sulked off to her coffin in disgrace. I’ve no doubt she could have maxed video gaming by morning, but she was too morose to try, and I don’t blame her.

Here’s her museum collection, barring any really exceptional finds in terms of posters next week. Everything, literally everything, is complete for Tatiana and I except half a tick in video gaming and her part-time job.

It would have been a heartbreaking way to end the week even if Jana hadn’t bested me in a sparring match. She’s two full ranks below me and yet I still can’t whip my own progeny in a fight. Ugh! It’s enough to make me want to imitate my daughter’s pout and take a selfie.

So, I’m sorry for the, “Woe is me!” tone of this letter. It’s just such a disappointment, and I don’t know how we’ll get ourselves out of this situation. We’ve got the money to keep pouring into wishing wells, but perhaps not the mental stamina to keep facing the disappointment when the wishes backfire.

Ah, well, I’ve got two weeks to think about it and cultivate a plan. Wish me luck, dearies, and I’m sorry again about the chain letters. Just mark her messages as “spam.” It’s what I do.

Much Love,


Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #63 on: February 23, 2018, 04:55:18 PM »
So very sorry to hear about Tati's wishing well blues.
I don't know which is faster:
(1) taking the time to get an A in grade school so we can start high school with a B and a Level 2 part-time job, or
(2) not bothering with the grade school A and starting the part-time job at Level 1.
I tend to choose for Option 2 unless, of course, the child is a Whiz Kid.  Early age-ups make shortcuts appear so tempting...
Well, it's not too late for Tati to switch jobs! I like the daily ones with 4- or 5-hour shifts.

I'm a little sorry that Tati couldn't move out this week, even though I'm Team Moneypenny.
Considering the lack of reward traits, though, your vampires have been doing great, Watcher! Tati will catch up in no time at all!

Yay, next comes a Felix--I mean, a Moneypenny--update! *waves team banner

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #64 on: February 23, 2018, 10:08:29 PM »
Psh, I think the Goodnights had an excellent week!  Tati's vamp form is outstanding!!  Of course, she comes from such a glorious pairing of genetics, so how could she not be gorgeous?
Poor Mary looked so sad in that last shot.  Quite a good match to the tone of her letter (even though I think the vamp line is going to dominate this dynasty).
Go Team Mary!!

Offline commasplice

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #65 on: February 25, 2018, 11:10:21 AM »
Tati is stunning!

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #66 on: February 25, 2018, 05:17:15 PM »
I'm finally catching up on other, real stories. Wishing well woes indeed. That's such a setback, but other families will have their bad luck too.

Not at loose ends! In sims world, drinking is just another skill! Like cooking or logic. Sort of... yeah. 
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #67 on: February 26, 2018, 01:26:06 PM »
@oshizu Switching jobs is definitely on the table if we can't get babysitting sorted out for Tati. Oh, the curse of being the first heir. They're all kind of guinea pigs while I get my strategy sorted out, but I'm learning from my mistakes and hopefully Gen 3 with have things a little easier.
The vamps are doing impressively well, though. Tati started a couple of days behind the other two and she's definitely made up the difference and even passed Honey, if I'm being honest. It's a very close race, though!

@PeregrineTook It really was a good week, just a disappointing ending. The vampires are really fun, though, and they're all super pretty so I definitely take the most pictures of them. I'm pretty confident the vampires can hold their own going forward.

@commasplice Thank you! I think so, too! I'm excited to see what her offspring will look like. I sort of wish I didn't have to rush through playing with her because she's so lovely.

@Heart Foam Psssh! Real stories! You're right about the luck, though. The score does seem to find a way to even itself. I suppose you're right about drinking, or rather "mixology", too. It's a ten-level skill! It counts! And it can be very useful. Anyway, glad you've caught up!

Moneypenny, Week 3, Part 1

Hello, hello!

I have most excellent news. The fates have heard the cries of a doting mother and saw fit to bestow on us a new alien citizen this week. Her name is Arielle and she doesn’t give me even a hint of the willies!

Felix played it cool, naturally, but I could tell he was as happy as I to meet our new compatriot. Corey looks rather intrigued as well, but of course that's only paternal interest.

Rhonda did not play it cool, but rather engaged in some rather vulgar synchronized basketball antics with another club member. It won’t work, sweetie. You’ve been deposed.

Mr. Handsome struck out handsomely for his job as a handsome manual laborer. Just look at that focused aura! He’s a wonder. A handsome one.

I gained the ability to practice fight. I exercised this ability. It’s marvelously bracing. I can’t recommend it highly enough. I may or may not have practiced on Rhonda.

This is her everyday wear. A girl after my own heart. Her shoes even match.

A promotion shot with accompanying self-satisfied sneer. No need to pat yourself on the back, dear, there’s a houseful of women aching to do it for you.

Rhonda feigns shock at finding Felix upgrading objects in the bathroom when she enters to take a shower. Desperation doesn’t become you, dear.

The gladiatorial games continue unabated. Cory has managed to avoid the lions for another day. Godspeed, my love!

The boy takes the rocket-ship for its maiden voyage. I built the blasted thing almost single-handedly, yet he’s the one to enjoy the wonders of space flight. Ah, well. Nothing is too good for my baby.

I cornered Matthew here and bombarded him with jokes to raise my comedy skill. I needed another skill at level 5 to get the points from Renaissance Sim and comedy happened to be closest. Didn’t you know I’m hilarious? Well, I am.

I didn't see much of Caleb, Paolo, or even Geoffrey this week, but nevertheless the neighborhood provided adequate entertainment. Look at these two snooty ships passing in the night. If they’d only turn their heads they’d see happiness lies right down the end of their noses. A match made in heaven! 

Jillian continues to be a treasure. Neat, active, and family-oriented. She gets everything done in the house before I even think to try. She’s also level 5 gardening now, so she can graft plants. While it will break my heart to lose her, I think I’m going urge Felix to bring her along when he moves out. She’s saved our behinds on so many occasions. I’d feel better knowing she was around to look after him.

Jillian was not without her own accomplishments this week. She received a special achievement for discovering ten aliens in disguise. Shocked herself silly with every last one of them, too.

Corey visited Brindleton Bay to view paintings at a museum and briefly considered adopting this impressively ugly cat (he says it’s a rare breed, and I say mange), but our household runs like a well-oiled machine and I can’t have any creatures climbing in and mucking up the works, not when we’re so close to finishing.

I, too, can make smugly satisfied promotion faces.

Oh! I stand corrected! Our favorite stalker did make his required appearance. I saw you, Caleb dear, even if you were being vampirically speedy! That really was his only cameo this week, though. I feel downright neglected.

We got the same luck you had, Mary, with the school project. It was doubly lucky for us, though, in that this one raised the Handiness skill, which Felix is trying to max, anyway.

Here I am being triumphant about the sack lunch I’ve just packed for Felix. And thus the satisfaction points creep up bit by bit. I don’t think I’d have been quite so satisfied if I’d known Felix was going to leave it to rot in the fridge all week, but what’s done is done. They’re all bound to break their mothers’ hearts in one way or another, aren’t they?

And here you see the prelude to an extremely awkward conversation in which I found it necessary to explain to my husband why I had any need to practice pick-up lines in the bathroom mirror. It’s the points, darling, the points! 4,000 for Hardly Hungry, and I earned every single one!

Cory’s been practicing the Oshizu Technique as well, but got bored of looking at my face after about fifteen portraits, so he whipped this one up as a joke. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you it was deemed a masterpiece.

Fortunately, so was this one, which he created shortly afterward.

And soon thereafter, this alarming piece of architecture appeared in the backyard. It’s one square off-center with the basketball court, which drives me batty, but it does the job, so I grit my teeth and carry on.

It’s possible that this is a picture of me maxing fitness. Hard to say, anymore. There's so much going on here, and it's only Tuesday!
Love you all to bits, girls, and I'll speak to you soon.



Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #68 on: February 26, 2018, 05:49:08 PM »
Wow, it's Promotionsville at the Moneypenny residence! Felix, Corey, and Eve all got promotions within three days!
Eve has been racking up that satisfaction and I glimpsed that little notice of Felix reaching Level 4 Handiness already.
Everyone's doing great!

I really love how Felix's human disguise combines the best features of Eve and Corey.
Haha, I went back a page to check Rhonda out. In that shot of her playing chess with Felix, she looks like an adult already.
So glad that Arielle has arrived on the scene! I laughed aloud at Eve's comment about Corey expressing paternal interest in Arielle. Dat look in Corey's eyes!

How expected that the "joke" yoga shot would be a masterpiece! Too funny. For Eve's sake, I'm glad he painted a masterpiece head shot as well.
The museum looks great!
Another marvelous update! All three families are great, but the Moneypennys are the best! :)

Offline Nindigo

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #69 on: February 27, 2018, 02:34:50 AM »
@FrancescaFiori Hey, just wanted to let you know that I'm still reading your kewl story and enjoying it! You're such a great storyteller :) Moneypenny is still my absolute big fave 8) Her family is alien and black - two awesome features. *thumbs up* Aliens are paid way too little attention from us Watchers, if you ask me. I also adore colored Sims...Caucasian can get so immensely boring in my humble opinion :-\

Your Caleb in this particular story is such a sad, unfulfilled individual. *facepalm* Clearly not the same person as my Caleb ;D :P

Lilith, on the other hand, you have played very much as I believe I would have. Although it could be fun to play her differently.

I hope Arielle is as cool a Sim as she looks!
Keep up the good work, FF 8)

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Offline reggikko

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #70 on: February 27, 2018, 01:45:18 PM »
Oh, my. I just got all caught up with this story and it's just wonderful. I love the chatty yet posh style so much!

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #71 on: February 27, 2018, 05:44:24 PM »
Oh dear. The wry narrative tone. :p I liked this update. The alarming piece of architecture feels slightly Lord-of-the-Rings-baddies.

Well, if you may or may not have beaten up Rhonda, and you're not sure about it, I say do it again. To be sure. I know I said she's nice, and I made excuses for her failings, but I'm over that.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #72 on: February 27, 2018, 08:49:16 PM »
Hahahaha!  The museum being one square off center driving Eve batty just cracked me up!  Of course, her doting on her handsome son handsoming handsomely was pretty great as well  ;=)  She's no Mary, but she's pretty enjoyable.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #73 on: February 28, 2018, 08:41:16 PM »
@oshizu Yes, Rhonda's an adult. Somehow the wrinkles on aliens are really unappealing. She looks downright elderly. Arielle is an adult as well, but she carries it off better. :) Your shameless favoritism for the Moneypenny family is deeply appreciated.

@Nindigo Yay! Glad you're here! And I agree about the diversity in game. I do my best to make sure I've got as much of it going on as possible.
I do give Caleb an awfully hard time in this story. I like him as a sim very much, but I decided it was time to poke a little fun at him. However, I'm very glad you (and Don!) treat him better in your game.

@reggikko Thank you! I'm so glad you're reading. "Chatty yet posh." I love it! Just what I'm aiming for.

@Heart Foam You flatter my museum far too much by comparing it to Lord of the Rings, but I'll take it! I was going for "vaguely rocketship-shaped plus cool windows," but your description is much better.
I'll be sure Eve gives Rhonda a good pounding on your behalf, but maybe don't give up on her yet. :)

@PeregrineTook So glad you can forgive Eve for not being Mary, at least long enough to appreciate her and her handsome son. Thank you for reading!

Moneypenny, Week 3, Part 2

And we're back!

Felix was not excited about achieving an A in school. Poor lamb. Look at that pout!

Nothing a quick trip into space can’t cure.

Still a teenager, even in alien form. He did of fair job of ransacking the home planet for museum items and valuable treasures to take with him when he leaves the nest.

Rhonda continued to show off.

No one gives a pep talk like Jillian. No one.

I did attempt to nudge her in the direction of Bronson Vo, Loelia dear, but I’m afraid there were no sparks. She’s neat and he’s a slob, so it just would never have worked. Shame. The girl deserves a life of her own. We’ll see if we can’t work something out.

It think it was the eleventh or twelfth discovery of an alien in disguise that drove her a bit over the edge. Naturally, she picked that trash can right up after she kicked it over, and cleaned up the mess, but I’ve never seen her like that before. It was a little frightening. Yes, I think we’ll definitely need to figure something out.

It turns out Addison Su has played enough games of chess during our club gatherings to raise his skill high enough to mentor Felix in logic. That was certainly lucky. He maxed it lightning-fast after that.

Corey rendered himself obsolete by completing his last required masterpiece portrait.

And here you see the historic hip bump that pushed me over the top to 4,000 satisfaction points, enabling me to buy my last required reward trait. Huzzah! Now that I no longer need to eat, sleep, bathe, or go to the loo I can devote myself to my real passion:  worrying over my career.

Astronaut seemed to make a great deal of sense when I initially chose it, but I was only level 6 when this week began, and had a dismal three work days to try and raise that number. I never dreamed we’d get as close to finishing by week’s end as we did, but when Thursday rolled around and Felix had nearly everything complete I realized I needed to start taking drastic measures.

Appropriately enough, I arrived at the Lost Garden of Healing in the middle of a bush.

I was sick with worry after all of your bad experiences, Mary, but this well doesn’t seem to suffer from the same cantankerousness as yours does, and it gave me a guaranteed promotion after next shift.

I am not kissing the ground with relief and gratitude. Those are push-ups.

I returned home to this scandalous scene. *sigh* Rhonda. SMH, as the kids are fond of saying.

Promotion received as promised, but that was Friday, and that was Level 8. Felix had nothing left to complete on his end other than one more promotion, a level or two in Handiness, and the Friends and Enemies bit. It was all down to Mummy and the well at that point.

Secure in the knowledge that his mother was the only thing holding him back, Felix set about making good friends with our newest club member.

They got quite friendly, indeed. About as friendly as a teen and adult can get, I daresay.

The Spice Festival rolled into town, and was a nice way to kill a few hours and gather a few more harvestables.

Then mother and son set off to throw money down a hole together.

A full promotion for mummy to level 9 astronaut.

And a sadly disappointing bonus for her perfect son.

He made enemies with your lovely daughter, Loelia, but he didn’t enjoy it.

She lost the fight, but I have to say how much I admire her spunk. She stretched and yawned immediately afterward to show how bored she was with the whole ordeal. Felix was crushed.

He rebounded quickly, however, and Captain Smugface got his next promotion all on his own in spite of that stingy wishing well.

Another pilgrimage netted me a guaranteed promotion after my next shift . . . Monday.

I’ll leave to you to wonder breathlessly about what happened next, my dears, and whether my progeny managed to beat yours out the door. All shall be revealed in time.



Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #74 on: February 28, 2018, 09:48:40 PM »
I had much admiration for Eve! The astronaut career has to be the hardest non-active career because it requires level three different skills.
As soon as Eve mentioned "drastic measures," we all knew the well would be involved. I'm so relieved that the well played so nicely with Eve.
The performance points Eve needs to push to Level 9 are light years farther than Felix reach Level 3 Manual Labor.
So glad she got the promotion (and that you had her go first!).
Let's hope that Rhonda was the one asking Felix for a massage. I find massage tables so troublesome--I only take them out right before work now.

Great job on the masterpiece portraits, Corey! Of course you're not obsolete. Who else wears that gladiator helmet?
I'm shocked that Rhonda and Arielle are the same age. I wonder if desperation has led to faster ageing in Rhonda's case....

Excellent work, Moneypennys! Eve, the well seems to favor you. I can't help but admire its discernment.  LOL
Great update!

