Pippin: We finally make our way to the Von Carloff household to find Shana chatting with the Count.
Shana: So, Vlad, I need to have a vampire father for my vampire heir, so I decided to choose the most handsome vampire in Forgotten Hollow.
Vlad: Why, Lady Shana, I'm so flattered...
Shana: But it seems Caleb's busy, so I guess you'll have to do.
Pippin: Nice.
Vlad: I'm assuming that you're merely teasing me as foreplay, but I know that a lady likes to be wooed.
Shana: I was thinking more woohooed, but this is nice too.
Vlad: Wow! This is
very nice!
Shana: Bet you've never used a closet
that way before, eh grandpa?
Vlad: (huff huff) Who...(huff huff)...you callin' (huff huff)...grandpa?
Shana: If you'd prefer, I could call you Izumi. Seems every other founder got an Izumi.
Shana: Wow, thanks for the privacy, Pippin.
Pippin: But...you're pregnant! It's an important moment to share!
Shana: And you post a shot of me on the toilet on the internet. Pretty sure I can press charges.
Pippin: Okay, Miss Sassy, let's get on to the helper aspect.
Vlad: What are we doing here?
Shana: Flippin' some Pancakes. You sweet talk Bob, I'll use their computer to research vampires.
Pippin: Good multi-tasking approach!
Vlad: Greetings, Robert Pancakes. I am called Count Vladislaus, but you may call me Vlad. Lady Shana and I were wondering...
Bob: Excellent start to your sales pitch there, Count, but if you want us to be dynasty helpers, I'm pretty sure it's my wife you should be talking to.
Vlad: Alright, looks like I must "pull out the big guns," as the locals say. If you agree to take part in our dynasty, I'll take a selfie with you.
Bob: Done!!
Pippin: And so, our household now has two happy couples.
Vlad: Care to share my death bed, my dear?
Shana: Hey, I never said I was your dear. I just needed a baby daddy.
Vlad: But...I thought we...
Shana: And yes, of course I do!
Pippin: But Vlad and Shana weren't the only ones enjoying time together.
Eliza: That's right! We're havin' a baby! Go Team Pancakes!
Shana: Umm, pretty sure FrancescaFiori has that copyrighted.
Pippin: Stop breaking the fourth wall, Shana! But yes, pretty sure you can't use that phrase.
Eliza: But...we're the Pancakes...
Pippin: And the Pancakes are excellent helpers as they contribute gardening help,
Pippin: and rocket building.
Jaivan: Lookin' good there, Bob.
Bob: Feelin' good...random guy...who knows my name...?
Pippin: And Shana begins recruiting young ladies to become her vampire progeny.
Shana: So, you wanna become a vampire and be a possible future spouse for my dynasty line?
Blair: Umm, considering I just jumped from randomly generated extra to significant plotline character, absolutely!
Shana: So, Pari, I know Jaivan didn't pick you for his spouse, but I'm picking you for my vampire regime. What d'ya say?
Red-haired Izumi: Haha, loser.
Pari: Oh, I'm
so in and I'm drinking from Miss Priss over here!
Pippin: Hmm, looks like Vlad beat her to it.
Vlad: Well, I was rather parched and she was willingly here, so that seemed to be close enough to permission.
Pippin: Wow, vampire rules seem
really morally questionable. But Shana goes on to recruit Siobhan,
Pippin: and Amelia,
Pippin: before completing the crew with Alice.
Pippin: And speaking of vampires, everywhere she went, Eliza kept running into this vampire fellow.
Pippin: And she'd be autonomously flirty
every single time.
Eliza: I'm just very friendly.
Pippin: And he even came along when she and Bob went on a...fishing date?
Pippin: Um, are you really wearing your robe out in public, Bob?
Bob: Soak it in, ladies. This is what a real man looks like.
Random Vampire Guy: So, Eliza, wanna run off together?
Eliza: Tempting, but I kinda love that ridiculous lug over there.
Bob: Aww, thanks, baby.
Pippin: And speaking of babies...we'll have to add them into the next update as I have too many images left to fit into one update...