Author Topic: The Life and Times of Maren Wilder - Chpt 6 added 04/16/17  (Read 8644 times)

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The Life and Times of Maren Wilder - Chpt 6 added 04/16/17
« on: March 19, 2017, 04:24:47 PM »
The Life and Times of Maren Wilder

This is my first attempt at a story...all comments/feedback (including constructive criticism) are welcome. It is more of a factual
account (with somewhat of a sarcastic tone) of the life and times of Maren Wilder. While quite a bit of it is game driven, I do
some of the driving myself. Hope you enjoy.

Here lies the story on the life and times of Maren Wilder. A new Sim to Simville - she is a confident Sim whose love for food has
given her a dream of opening her own Vegetarian Restaurant one day. She has moved into an apartment in the Spice District
of San Myshuno and looks forward to what life will bring her. Although she cannot afford to open her own restaurant at the
moment, she does hope to save enough so that her dream can become reality.

Please note that all venues in my game have been downloaded by some awesome creators in the gallery. I did not build them

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Offline vancanuckfan86

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Re: The Life and Times of Maren Wilder
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2017, 06:05:52 PM »
Chapter 1: The First Week

Some of Maren's neighbors came by on the first day in her San Myshuno apartment (Spice District). She met neighbors; Geeta
and Raj Rasoya (a mother-son duo) and a married couple; Arun and Jesminder Bheeda.

Almost everyone was friendly (except for the old lady Geeta). Though Arun had no interest in socializing. Instead he decided to
watch some Saving Private Ryan type movie on Maren’s TV. Those movies don't pay for themselves Arun.

Maren was quickly bored of the everyday chit chat and went off to read Crisis Barn instead. A couple of minutes later the
neighbors just got up and left. Probably due to Maren's great hosting skills.

That evening Maren decided to head down to the local community area in the neighborhood. She discovered that none other
than The Don Lothario working as a local food vendor. The Don must be going places if he is working as a food vendor.

Maren ordered a Spinach Wrapped Veggie Burrito and left The Don to bask in the glories of his new found career.

Shortly after Maren finished her meal, this Sim showed up. I just had to send Maren over to meet this wonderfully dressed Sim.

Maren was not impressed with his outfit or his personality. Maren was basically livid after her conversation with Akito Tanaka
(City Living has really taken the naming of townie Sims hostage).

Maren went home to bake some sugar cookies and became even angrier when her neighbors across the hall decided to
woohoo as loud as they possibly could.

The creepy thing is that door leads to Raj and Geeta Rasoya's apartment and as far as I know neither is seeing anyone....

The next day, Maren decided to checkout her local Spa so that she could join a yoga class. Maren was able to find a beginner
yoga class and she landed a questionable instructor. After the class she did learn that his name is Avik Ghandi (really?!?).


Maren encountered this on her way home from the Spa. I have no comment.

A couple of evenings after Maren had moved in Raj decided to invite himself over. Apparently was lured over by Maren's baking
of sugar cookies. Maren has become fast friends with Raj although he is a bit weird…

Shortly after Raj finished his sugar cookie he poured himself a bowl of cereal. He proceeded to take one bite and then went
back to the fridge for a bowl of yogurt parfait. He at least finished the yogurt. After he was done eating he left without saying

He is a Chef at the local Italian restaurant. Does he not have food in his fridge?

The great Ghandi instructor fell asleep at the next yoga class Maren attended. This confirmed Maren's thoughts that Ghandi is
lazy. After talking to Ghandi for a bit after class she also realized that he is quite gloomy and has a jealous streak in him. Now
that is what I call the perfect yoga instructor.

After the best yoga class ever, Maren decided to check the local noticeboard to see if there were any clubs she could join. She
found the Upper Crusts which looked like the perfect fit. This was a club that was all about cooking – what more could she ask

She went over to the Bjorn residence that afternoon for her first outing with the Upper Crusts. Within a couple of minutes the
teenage daughter had set the grill in the backyard on fire. Another perfect event for Maren.

I watched for about three hours as Maren just stood in a field beside the Bjorn residence with a smile on her face. She didn't
seem to have a care in the world that the backyard was on fire. After the three hours I sent her to put out the fire since she
was just stuck on the lot until the fire was out. She quickly left the Upper Crusts club after the fire was out.

After the fire was out Maren went home to put on her best clothing and head out to the local Italian Restaurant (Italian Rose). 

And look who was sitting at the table next to her - the Bjorn parents. They don’t seem to mind that their entire backyard was
up in flames just an hour ago. Not a worry in the world.

Watch out Maren - apparently the local parks are filled with quicksand.

Maren headed out to the Bamboo Lounge in order to try and meet some new people. Shockingly enough she finally met
someone who didn’t have brown eyes! The Convivial Lot Trait ensured that they became friends right away.

I quickly went and deleted all lot traits from the venues…talk about ruining the fun in the game!

Maren received a phone call from Gheeta soon after getting to the bamboo lounge. It was about a raving party down at the
Ruins. Maren decided to check it out since the prospects at the Bamboo Lounge weren’t the greatest.

Turns out everyone from the Bamboo Lounge just headed over to the Ruins. Ugh – stuck with the same old Sims again. Are
there any other redheads in this town (besides the crazy St. Patrick's hat guy?)

And it turns out this party was pretty lame. Maren decided to take a nap and it wasn't even midnight yet.

Maren being ever so polite once again as she orders coffee from a local café.

Raj invited himself over yet again. This time he ate three slices of bread. He sure is a glutton…for not being a glutton.

And that concludes Chapter 1. Please feel free to leave comments/feedback. Constructive Criticism is always welcome.

Offline vancanuckfan86

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Re: The Life and Times of Maren Wilder
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2017, 04:11:01 PM »
Chapter 2: A Job and a Date

Maren headed out to one of the local bars called the Tavern one night. They were having a singles night at the bar and Maren
hoped that she might meet a fellow red head. As the night wore on she realized that red heads don't seem to spawn in any of
the neighborhoods.

Maren had a few drinks and was about to head home after what she considered to be an unsuccessful night out. Just as
Maren was about to leave Joaquin appeared by her side and offered to buy her a drink. A few drinks later Joaquin started
flirting with Maren's face lit up.

The next day Maren walked over to the Rasoya residence across the hall. She had never been into their apartment and she
noticed that it was beautifully decorated by Geeta.

While Maren was visiting she asked Raj if he could set up an interview at Italian Rose. He told her to come in later that day
since Alicia Spencer-Kim (the owner) would be helping out with the hosting duties. Alicia sometimes did this in order to gain
insight on the customer's dining experience.

That afternoon Maren took the subway out to Italian Rose for her interview. They currently only had an opening as a lowly
dishwasher. Maren accepted the position hoping that better positions would open up soon. She was tight on money so she
needed to take the job. Her first shift would be in 3 days.

Maren realized she had never invited Candy Behr (her first friend who was a girl) over to her apartment. She took some
initiative and invited Candy over. They enjoy each others company so much they decided they would talk through the closed
door of Maren’s apartment.

After about an hour of talking through the door Maren decided she was brave enough to hang out with Candy in person. They
took their conversation into the hallway.

The conversation was so exciting that Maren decided a movie about a dog chasing a cat would be a more productive way to
spend her time.

Maren should invite Candy over more often. She was kind enough to take out Maren’s trash while she was watching the dog
chase the cat. Candy wasn't a fan of something in that garbage.

Candy was determined to throw away Maren's trash correctly.

Something in the trash offended Candy so much that she decided to throw a glass of water on Maren. Geeta is not impressed.

Before Maren headed off to her first shift at the Italian Rose she discovered a beautiful park area near the fashion district. She
was a bit confused by the memorial for those lost in the "Big Lizard" incident. I must admit that there are quite a few
disguised aliens hanging about.

Maren came home from the park so she could get ready for work. I guess she forgot to lock the door. I think Maren was right
in thinking that Raj is on the stranger side when it comes to Sims. At least he was only watching some old lady in a kitchen.

Maren was definitely not impressed and quickly asked Raj to leave. Not sure why she is looking at me – I certainly didn’t let
him in.

I know you are lazy Ghandi but Maren doesn't travel to the yoga studio to watch you read.

I guess Maren will just light fireplaces while she waits.

Ghandi beats to his own drum even when "running" a yoga class.

Who knew Maren could become so filthy while attending yoga class? Look at that grime!

Maren decided to have a seat at the park behind the yoga studio after spending the entire afternoon waiting and attending
another perfectly run Ghandi class. She received a surprising phone call while enjoying the view of the river. It was Joaquin
asking her out on a date. She accepted.

The date started off badly when Joaquin asked her out to the local Sushi restaurant. Did he not know that Maren was a
vegetarian? In the end, the menu had quite a few vegetarian options even if they were in the appetizer section. Although
Maren was unsure about the whole fedora style going on.

There is an invisible couple in the house.

I sense a fake laugh from Maren. Doesn’t look like Joaquin’s joke was a success.

Even so, Maren is giving Joaquin her best flirty eyes.

Those flirty eyes didn't go over well. No meal yet and the date abruptly ended before it was even half way done. By the look
on Joaquin’s face it looks like he ended it.

After all that Maren waited until 11 PM for her food. No food ever arrived but Maren just kept on smiling (and she was
starving). Eventually I had her abandon her table and then she did something I didn't think Sims could do. She traveled back
in time when she went home. It went from past 11 PM to around 6 PM.

Even after that disaster of a date, Maren decided she wanted to woohoo with Joaquin. Apparently Maren doesn't have very
high standards.

Time to delete that restaurant and add a new one. It clearly wasn't working properly.

End of Chapter 2. Hope you are enjoying my odd way of storytelling. Feedback and comments are welcome.

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Re: The Life and Times of Maren Wilder - Chpt 2 added 03/21/17
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2017, 04:42:35 PM »

I like it! There is not set way of telling a story, and I just love to see other people's take on things. Joaquin also recently got cold feet in one of my games. It got me upset since he had led my Sim on. Went back to Don - he at least can be trusted to want romance if nothing else ;D But actually, it's my impression that non-romantic Sims need time to warm up to the thought of getting together. It's me who is the impatient one :-[
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Offline vancanuckfan86

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Re: The Life and Times of Maren Wilder - Chpt 2 added 03/21/17
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2017, 08:58:00 AM »
Thank you @Nindigo  :)!! Glad to hear someone is reading and enjoying the story.

I quite enjoy Maren dating Joaquin at the is leading to some humorous moments (at least for me).

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Re: The Life and Times of Maren Wilder - Chpt 2 added 03/21/17
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2017, 12:16:52 PM »
Chapter 3: A Second Date

Argh! Another night, another woohoo session at the Rasoya residence. May I remind you that neither Geeta or Raj have any
romantic interests. I am growing overly concerned.

Yet again, Maren must stay awake due to the apartment noise. She decided to work on her baking skill. Maren has now
graduated from Aluminum Chef to Captain Cook. She is exhausted though.

No Raj, you may not come over whenever you are bored. Especially after keeping Maren up until the wee hours of the night
with your excessively loud woohooing.

Due to Raj’s excessive stalking, Maren decided to walk over to the Bheedi’s and hangout.

Jesminder was home because she was on maternity leave for a bit. Normally she works as a mixologist at the Italian Rose
(the same restaurant Maren works at). Only cool Sims have conversations in this stance.

Eventually Jesminder invited Maren to sit down on the couch and chat. Jesminder wanted to start a vegetarian dinner club but
with a new baby didn’t think that her place was the best for hosting. Maren decided that this was a great idea and let
Jesminder know that she could lead and host the club. Maren would post on the Sim Veggie forum and see if she got any

Maren posted onto the Sim Veggie forum and a few Sims showed interest. The Vegetarian Dinner Club was officially formed.
Maren would have to wait for a day off work before she could host the first club meeting. She is hopeful that maybe one of
these Sims will be a red head.

Maren realized she would need more dining space if she was going to host dinner parties at her apartment. So she bought
the same table and a couple more dining chairs instead of a longer dining table. The gap looks amazing if I may say so myself.

Even the creepy background “Sims” all have brown and black hair.

Maren could hear lots of yelling from her apartment so she decided to go downstairs and check it out. It seems to be some
sort of protest. As she walked closer to the protest Joaquin quickly put his sign down and pretended to just be watching the
protest. Turns out the San Mashyno police department isn’t too popular. Joaquin then went to stand close to Maren and kept
coyly checking her out when she was looking the other way. I think Joaquin is into Maren even after the dinner date disaster.

Even though Maren has not had any dealings with the police department she decided to join the protest. No matter where
she moved to in the protest Joaquin would follow.

Maren didn’t care too much about the cause. A few minutes after finding her social conscience she ran off to work.

I don’t eat enough so you can’t see me bank robber.

Maren is bored. In 5 minutes she has changed her mind on what to do. Watch a kids movie, no; read a book, no; drink a
glass of water, no; clean the apartment, no; watch a TV movie, no; read a different book…wait…YES we have a winner.

It is probably my fault for only placing a TV and a bookshelf as hobby type items in her apartment.

Maren – why do you keep looking over that way with that grin on your face? I never knew a bedroom door could be so

After seeing Maren at the protest, Joaquin decided to ask Maren out for coffee. He hoped this date would run a bit smoother.
Lily Feng didn't seem to think it would.

Here at the Tick Tock café we don’t need baristas in order to open and serve our customers.

Oh wait –my mistake – here is the barista – the café’s top employee playing some online soccer at the internet café upstairs.

Awkward hug but Maren seemed happy enough with it I guess.

Sure Joaquin – just stand over your date.

Joaquin proving the great date he is by only buying himself a coffee. And yet Maren still seems to be having the time of her life.

How nice of Annik to join the date.

Maren figured since Annik was so gracious as to join their date that she could drink Annik’s mocha.

Maren didn’t seem to mind the many social faux-pas that occurred throughout this date. She is really determined in her quest to woohoo

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Re: The Life and Times of Maren Wilder - Chpt 3 added 03/24/17
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2017, 02:49:17 PM »
@vancanuckfan86 Aww :) Well, Joaquin better dedicate himself, because Maren seems like a real sweetie 8) The Rasoyas are something else, I'll give you that. Why is that grown man living with his mother still? That's not gonna impress the ladies. And I've had the exact same concerns about the woohooing going on over there ;D

By the way! I like that she doesn't appear to wear make-up :P
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Offline vancanuckfan86

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Re: The Life and Times of Maren Wilder - Chpt 3 added 03/24/17
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2017, 03:19:36 PM »
@vancanuckfan86 Aww :) Well, Joaquin better dedicate himself, because Maren seems like a real sweetie 8) The Rasoyas are something else, I'll give you that. Why is that grown man living with his mother still? That's not gonna impress the ladies. And I've had the exact same concerns about the woohooing going on over there ;D

By the way! I like that she doesn't appear to wear make-up :P

The Rasoyas are definitely interesting. I've never really had much interaction with them in any of my games so this is certainly a creepy introduction, lol.

She isn't wearing makeup  :D! Quite a few of my Sims don't end up with makeup (with the exception of formal wear and sometimes party) dependent on their traits. As a yoga loving vegetarian I didn't think makeup was appropriate for the most part.

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Re: The Life and Times of Maren Wilder - Chpt 3 added 03/24/17
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2017, 05:20:08 AM »
...She isn't wearing makeup  :D! Quite a few of my Sims don't end up with makeup (with the exception of formal wear and sometimes party) dependent on their traits. As a yoga loving vegetarian I didn't think makeup was appropriate for the most part.

With you there. I guess my real life's make-up-lacking environment has left its mark on me as well. But also, I like the soft and gentle face on Sims who are not wearing any. It's difficult to achieve the same mildness with it. Boring and colorless, perhaps, but I have a few male Sims wearing make-up on the other hand. Just be different and not "normal" ;D
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Re: The Life and Times of Maren Wilder - Chpt 3 added 03/24/17
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2017, 12:44:58 PM »
Chapter 4: The Vegetarian Dinner Club

The newest Sim trend: Wearing hiking boots while practicing yoga.

Maren decided to host the first Vegetarian Dinner Club outing. Maren was planning to serve curry but everyone else had their
own ideas.

The sink and the fridge were both broken within the first hour of the get together. I guess this is what happens when you find
club members on the internet.

After a few hours of everyone in the club trying to cook in Maren's tiny kitchen a poor meal of faux BLT was finally completed.
These sandwiches must be delicious with these facial expressions.

Can I just point out that every member of the Vegetarian Dinner Club (with the exception of Maren) has Brown or Black hair
with Brown eyes. UGH!

I am definitely getting rid of cooking from this club so the Vegetarian Dinner Club can actually have a hangout session.

After the most successful Vegetarian Dinner Club there could've been, Maren decided to invite over Joaquin for a little woohoo
session. I’m not sure how I feel about the slippers.

The woohoo session went so well that Maren decided to give Joaquin a key to her apartment. Joaquin can’t wait to come
over....anytime…and Maren instantly regretted giving Joaquin the key.

Joaquin has decided that they are now boyfriend/girlfriend. Maren is worried about what she has gotten herself into.

Joaquin invited himself over to stay the night. Maren learned a few things:

1) Joaquin doesn't take his earrings off while sleeping.
2) Joaquin snores in his sleep.
3) Joaquin sleeps in until 10 AM.

Once Joaquin woke up he abruptly left; ignoring the breakfast Maren cooked.

Maren needs some black tea after that visit. I don’t think Maren’s life is going quite as planned.

That ankle twisting looks painful!

By noon Joaquin had already come back to Maren’s apartment for another visit. Maren is not sure about this whole apartment
key business. But she did give out the key after two dates...I mean, who does that?

But here is Maren giving Joaquin her best flirty eyes. She seems to have a thing for the creepy.

Joaquin is dehydrated.

And that concludes Chapter 4. As always comments and feedback are welcome :) .

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Re: The Life and Times of Maren Wilder - Chpt 4 added 04/01/17
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2017, 03:42:13 PM »
Poor Maren. Planning and good intentions don't always go a long way in TS4. And it's easy to get carried away when it comes to romance. I've ended up deleting so many kids because of this and feeling it's been going way too fast ::) Please let Maren get an interesting life before burdening her with motherhood! Even though Joaquin is not a bad choice at all. I'll be following with anticipation! :)
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Re: The Life and Times of Maren Wilder - Chpt 4 added 04/01/17
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2017, 02:51:17 PM »
Maren is still holding out - hoping she can meet a fellow red head...although I'm thinking this highly unlikely at this point. Long lifespan means she won't be getting married and settling down anytime soon :).

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Re: The Life and Times of Maren Wilder - Chpt 5 added 04/04/17
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2017, 04:21:35 PM »
Chapter 5: Maren Goes Bowling

Maren decided to check out the bowling venue that just opened up in her neighborhood. She arrived a bit before moonlight
bowling began so she decided to eat a bowl of olives. How delicious.

Maren gobbled down the olives pretty quickly so she ordered a wrench drink while she waited.

Maren gets angry when she drinks. This was her third wrench.

And then Maren ordered a fourth wrench. Maren is not the friend you want to go out drinking with.

And a fifth wrench.

No wonder Maren has so few friends and dating prospects.

Maren did not appreciate the joke attempt by Gunther Munch.

Of course it happened to be ghost night. It couldn't have been red head night?

I must force Maren to bowl or she would have just spent the night ordering wrench drinks. She doesn't even enjoy them.

Maren's first bowl looks pretty good if you ask me....

Or not.

Well the form sucked but Maren scored a spare.

Maren giggled when she nearly broke her foot by dropping the bowling ball.

Strike! Maren scored a strike in her very first game ever.

No, Maren did not dance when she scored a strike. She danced when she knocked over four pins. Ok then!

Maren bowled by herself for about three hours or so. It really wasn’t that exciting and I don't expect we will see Maren bowling
very often.

The end of chapter 5 which was really just to try out the bowling stuff pack. As always - feel free to leave comments and feedback :) .

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Re: The Life and Times of Maren Wilder - Chpt 4 added 04/04/17
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2017, 03:22:34 PM »
Awesome! Thanks for the update - I enjoyed as usual ;D It's true that there isn't much to bowling. The most fun is when they fail and the nice neon lights. I have an could change the hair color of the other households ;)
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