Author Topic: Worlds Apart - Season 4, Chapter 22: Sibling Issues  (Read 54777 times)

Offline Agathon

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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 3, Chapter 15: Buzzing in The Hive
« Reply #60 on: June 09, 2018, 10:41:37 AM »
On The Road Back With Jack, Part I

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Pearl: Cath, as of now, you’re our medic. Got any experience?
Catherine: Medic? I… played a nurse in a school play once…
Pearl: Brilliant… Marika, show her where the first aid kit is, and keep an eye on her. If Kiara doesn’t come to soon, it’s ambo-time. Prepare a list of potential recruits, we need to add to our numbers, ASAP.
Marika: OK… Oceane meant to catch a couple of vampire fish…
Pearl: Call Cyrille, and have him to do it.
Pearl: Geezer, take Celeste to the bottom deck, the rec room is the first on the left. Watch TV or something, just get out of the way.
Jack: I’ll just catch my breath first… She was heavy… I hope she’ll…
Pearl: She was heavy? You should try carrying one of the bots! Fobbit: Topdeck, now. I’ll throw off this dress and debrief you there. You’re the reason we’re in this dunghole, and you need to explain yourself.
Daniel: Me?! I didn’…
Pearl: Move!

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Given the short wait, Pearl gave the impression of changing clothes with military efficiency.
Pearl: How the heck did she get tracking software on your phone?! I heard what she said! How could you be such a complete rock?!
Daniel: I’ve run into her before, but I didn’t kn…
Pearl: Yeah? I hope that left you tits up, holding a black eye, and wondering what you just ran into! Who is she?!
Daniel: If you want to know, show me what’s in the basement, including the freak.
Pearl: Dream on, fobbit. You’re a security risk, and all you get to see is the soup sandwich you’ve made. I was against birding you in here in the first place, you’re not committed…
Daniel: Not committed?! Has the G.I. Jane act torn a hole in your brain? Who do you think was supposed to inherit the 14 million Aria tossed into the toilet? I’ve been working this case for years, and…
Pearl: …and gettin’ little done but collecting bugs on your phone. Do you want a good cookie medal for that?

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Daniel: Your queen bee would still be in a grave if it wasn’t for me! You’ve never even met the woman we’re chasing, who lied to me and family for decades, and you say I’m not committed to this?!
Pearl: You have a family, and Oceane said she knows where you live. You can be got to. Keeping you out of the loop is for your own protection, and ours.
Daniel: Hogwash! I already risk years in jail for unlawful resurrection, you don’t need to protect me from anything. I’m tired of being kept in the dark. Show me that basement, or I’m walking away from you lot. You think that’s what Oceane wants?! Call her and find out!
Pearl: She doesn’t have a phone, to keep a tight ship. See why?
Daniel: Then the decision is yours. Make it!
Exactly where he’d walk to was rather unclear, as he’d probably need their help to get off the island, but he hoped she wouldn’t want to be responsible for alienating a descendant that Chloe had invited to her home. Pearl wasn’t happy to be put on the spot like that. Her eyes narrowed and her mouth tightened as she gave him a long, hard look. Finally, she motioned with her head for him to follow, and started walking. She led him through a secure door in the bathroom, and behind a dark, barracks-like room with bunk beds, a second elevator came into view. In the basement, two secure doors greeted them, and she opened one of them.

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Daniel: What the… Is that the freak?
Pearl: Yeah. We call him Teddy.
Daniel: Teddy Dalton?!
Pearl: I dunno. He’s not very chatty. More importantly, he follows orders.
Daniel: What’s with the suit, and the dark glass? What is he doing?
Pearl: He’s cloning, and that’s no glass, that’s his face. He ain’t got one.
Daniel: How did that happen? How can he see at all?
Pearl: No clue. Oceane picked him up in Egypt, and I don’t know the story.
Daniel: What’s all the green stuff?

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Pearl: You haven’t seen T-crystals before?
Daniel: Tiberium? No. What do use them for?
Pearl: We sell them. The base value is around 40 000 for each, but Oceane is good at jacking up the price.
Daniel: Geezuz… How many do you have?
Pearl: 152 and counting, for now.
Daniel: Why do you need all that money?
Pearl: The sinews of war are infinite money.
Daniel: War? There is no war.
Pearl: There’s always a war. Not all wars are fought with guns.

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Daniel: So, you’re planning to use it for bribes, and….?
Pearl: I said I’d show you the basement, not that I’d spill my guts on what we’re planning. If you want to be part of the loop, you have to get your family out of the crosshairs, and move them here.
Daniel: We like Moonlight Falls, which means that’s not going to happen. What are these things?
Pearl: Charging stations, for the bots.
Daniel: What do you have growing in the garden?
Pearl: Chow, herbs and alchemy ingredients.
Daniel: Is that the alchemy room, further in?
Pearl: Affirmative.
Daniel: Show me.

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Daniel: There’s a room behind the garden. What other rooms are down here?
Pearl: That’s where our gardener will have his barracks, he’ll soon be on station. Nothing else down here.
Daniel: No? Where do you keep the Schlagdorff girls?
Pearl: I have no idea what you’re jabbing about, and you’re about to earn yourself a strip sear…
Daniel: Yeah? I can imagine worse things.
Pearl: …a very thorough one, involving rubber gloves.
Daniel: Ok, I’d rather skip that part… Where did you serve in the military?
Pearl: This isn’t the time for jabbering. You’ve seen the basement, now you’re gonna tell me about our high-haired bogie and that bug on your phone.
He gave her the lowdown on Bai and her brother, conveniently leaving out the fact that Chloe’s sister was buried in a big tomb beneath their house. Pearl seemed puzzled by the whole thing, suggesting that, if Chloe had planned to challenge Bai, Pearl knew nothing about it.

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Pearl: Sitrap?
Marika: We put her in the Super Sleeper. I think she will be OK after a good night’s sleep. I sent Catherine to bed, with a sleeping potion.
Pearl: Outstanding, no need for the meat wagon then. Any potential boots we can pick up without too much noise?
Marika: There are few who fit the profiles, but there is a man in Twinbrook who looks very promising. With some training, his multiple talents would make him an excellent tech specialist.
Pearl: Show our guests to their racks, and rouse Mango. He’s taking you to Twinbrook on Echo 1, on the double. We need that gearhead. I’ll be on the bots until sunup.
Marika: Mango won’t be pleased. We did give him a day off…
Pearl: Libo hereby revoked. Tell him to be here ASAP, or his next assignment will be to drive the ice cream truck, for life.
Marika: I think the ice cream truck broke down a few days ago, and they haven’t fix…
Pearl: Then he’ll have to start by building a new one. Out of driftwood!
Marika: I see… I’ll call him.

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Entering his assigned bedroom, he was reacquainted with Balalaika No. 26, hanging over its bed. Before he had any time to ponder that, his sister charged into the room.
Celeste: I refuse to sleep there! It’s a kid’s room!
Daniel: Does it have a bed?
Celeste: Yeah, but…
Daniel: Then you can sleep there.
Celeste: And so can you! I’m not a kid anymore, I need a real bedroom, like this one!
It wasn’t a fight worth fighting, given the hour, and it was her birthday, after all…

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It wasn’t just a children’s room, it was a girl’s room. How come Chloe had a girl’s room, when she didn’t have any children? Did any of the other employees have children? More questions, added to the jumbled mess that was already churning around in his head, and had distracted him even during the foray into the basement. Why did Chloe have to go China? Had Bai invited him to their house, knowing what would happen, just to get that bug on his phone? What had happened to Teddy Dalton, and why was Chloe’s setup, with cloning, alchemy, and her own garden, so similar to what had been going on at Memory Lane?

He climbed into the bed, but even though he was feeling exhausted, sleep would not come easily, and the questions kept on bothering him. His tired eyes wandered around in the now darkened room, until they singled out the stuffed toy on the desk. Chloe had sent her sister’s first horse to the glue factory, so why a unicorn, of all things? Alexandria was the one who loved horses, and had tamed the first unicorn used by the Lanes. Was it just a random toy? No… Chloe wasn’t the impulsive type, and she had an eye for details. It was more likely that every small object in the house had been scrutinized before earning its place. A unicorn… It bothered him, like an itch, and he was soon scrolling through pictures on his phone in an attempt to scratch it. There. The pictures he had taken in the corridor.

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Alexandria Lane. Photographer, scientist, horsewoman, adventurer and nectar maker. She had been the scientist, the cloner, not Chloe. She was Lĕng Qiū Fēng, the cold autumn wind, and now Chloe was suddenly doing Sim Fu. Chloe Carson. Art appraiser, sculptor. He instantly recognized her surroundings: The photo had been taken at Memory Lane, which was more than a bit strange. According to Reginald, Alexandria had destroyed her ice sculptures, at which point Memory Lane did not exist, moved out of Villa Carsonia, and five days later, Chloe had been committed to Ralston Heights Sanatorium. If Chloe was on the verge of a breakdown, and basically at war with her sister, what was she doing in her sister’s house? Presumably, the photo had been taken by Alexandria, she was the photogr… Photos. This house was full of them, he had seen panoramas in both the reception and the lab, and there was even one hanging over the desk. Who had taken them, and why was Chloe suddenly into photos? At Villa Carsonia, there had been a grand total of one photo, taken by Kate…

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That one. His strained eyes lept from face to face, again and again and again, trying to discern other differences in their features than the eyebrows, while compensating for the differences in lighting and perspective, but after a while, he gave up. No wonder Chloe had been able to fool her sister’s boyfriend at university…

The truth is a story. Question everything, especially the truth.

That had been Chloe’s response, when he pressed on her madness. Was the fact that either one of them could pass as the other, one of her “quagmires of relativity”? How could he really know which sister he had brought back to life? For a while, he toyed with the possibility that he had actually resurrected Alexandria, before another idea crept into his mind. It was so nefarious that he kept it at arm’s length at first, like some poisonous plant. But the idea quickly grew and blossomed, and along with the cold sweats it produced, it provided the answers to the myriad of questions that had been troubling him. He had been wrong about so much… Chloe was so unscrupulous that it almost defied belief, but for some strange reason, she wanted him to know the truth.

He didn’t doze off until the wee hours of the morning, and it was almost noon by the time he woke up. Groggy, he climbed out of bed and stumbled into the hallway, looking for the bathroom. From the rec-room he could hear screams that sounded like someone being torn apart, and he rushed in there, his mind still in a fog.

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The sight of his sister, in silver pants and with big emerald earrings, which looked very expensive, stopped him cold and left him speechless. Hair hair was different, she was wearing make-up, she seemed thinner than she had been last night, and she looked so grown-up that it was disturbing.
Daniel: Eh… What...?
Celeste: Game of Bones.
Shenebys! You'll pay for this!! Aaaaargghgahghaa!!!
Daniel: The clothes…
Celeste: Marika prepared them for me before she left.
Daniel: You look so different. Those earrings…
Celeste: They once belonged to Kate Carson. A gift from Chloe.
Daniel: We should… get ready to leave. It isn’t safe here.
Celeste: You should put clothes on and get ready. They’ve been waiting for you for hours.
Daniel: Waiting for me? Why?
Celeste: Jack’s story. That’s why we came here, wasn’t it?

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He hadn’t really woken up yet by the time he had stuffed some cereal in his face and taken his seat, and what he had discovered last night was still weighing him down. Jack and Celeste were there, and Kiara, marked by last night’s encounter with Bai, lead the proceedings.
Kiara: Since Oceane isn’t here, I’ll be recording everything on this dictaphone, so she can hear it later.
Jack: OK…
Kiara: Let’s begin. We’re about to hear the testimony of Jack Lane. Jack was the son of Alyssina Lane, whose unfathomable treachery led to the destruction of Memory Lane, and the…
Daniel: Skip the soap-opera crap, will you? Let’s just get on with it.
Kiara: You loss, cousin, not mine, you know. How it got to be that way is another…
Daniel: Can you let him talk? We’re here to hear him talk, not you. Jack, tell your story.

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Jack: Ahem… Where should I start? Have you all read “A Different Drum”?
Daniel: Yeah. But we don’t know much about your mother’s life. Start with that.
Jack: I’ll tell you what I know. After what happened, I’ve never stopped feeing… guilty, and…
Kiara: Yeah, you better.
Daniel: Stop interrupting the man.
Jack: I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my mother. Who she was, and how it led to her to do the things she did. My mother was a very stubborn woman, and usually had her own ideas about how something should be done. Family tradition, going back to Kate and her three children, dictated that every prospective heir should attend university. While still a teen, my mother simply dismissed that notion. She was going to be a horsewoman, and for her, university would be a complete waste of time. Her grandfather, Johnny “The Jock”, was appalled, and tried to reason with her, to no avail. Once she had made a decision about something, it was as if it had been chiseled in stone.

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Jack: It was clear from an early age that my mother was going to be a rider, and Maestro, my grandfather’s unicorn, was bred to provide Alyssina with a unicorn of her own. Tisiphone, though she had a different name at first, was born when my mother was a teenager. She was first on the scene after the birth, but all the family members, except for her brother, were eager to welcome the new foal into the family. To their astonishment, Alyssina took up position between them and the foal and told them not to come near it. For once, she made a declaration, stating that no human hands but her own would ever touch that horse. They laughed it off at first, thinking she was just being a moody teenager, but it soon became clear that it was something she took extremely seriously. It became known as “Alyssina’s Law”, and throughout its life, Tisiphone was never touched by anyone but her.

Jack: Esther, my grandmother, used to tell a story about the morning my mother came of age. She brushed away all suggestions of celebrating her birthday, and eagerly walked out to work with the horses. As soon as the sun touched her vampire skin, and started burning it, she froze. A look came over her face, as if she had been betrayed in the worst way imaginable, and then she turned on her heel and stormed back in. She headed straight for the alchemy room, and her parents assumed that she was picking up some vampiric sunscreen, but when she came out again, she had cured herself. Along with her vampirism, she had cast off the green wings that had been a family signature for five generations. Mickey, my grandfather, looked at her in horror, and asked her: “What have you done?! Why?!!” My mother simply overlooked him, and walked straight back out. If something threatened to interfere with her riding, no matter what it was, she got rid of it.

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Jack: Esther had some expressions she liked to use about my mother. She used to say “My daughter, the idealist, has done or said so and so…” She’d also say, when Alyssina was training or riding Tisiphone, that she was “in her bubble”. My mother, like anyone else, was a product of her environment, and a significant part of that environment was her parents’ shambolic marriage. In contrast, her grandparents, Johnny and Brook, were unshakeable and eternally faithful. They were a proof, so to speak, that there could exist something pure and true: Something ideal. In her younger days, my mother often used to ride off and come back with lots of flowers. I think that was an escape, from what was going on with her parents, and the flowers, at least to her, represented something pure and true. When laying down “Alyssina’s law”, I don’t think she was being selfish, or a control freak. She was… creating a relationship, between herself and her horse, where nothing in this world was allowed to come between them. A bubble she could escape to, unshakeable, pure, and true, like her grandparents marriage.

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Kiara: Are you making this up as go along? This doesn’t sound at all like the woman…
Celeste: It’s beautiful, Jack. Please go on.
Jack: Ahem… My mother changed, a lot. As the years have gone by, I have come to accept that my grandmother was right. This search, this escape, defined who my mother was in so many ways.
Daniel: Do you think it had anything to do with all her writing?
Jack: Yeah. It was something she could do without leaving the house, but she usually wrote at night, alone, and I think that was another form of escape.
Kiara: Let’s get back on track and away from psychology amateur hour. How did she and your father become a thing?

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Jack: Ahem… I’ll get to that, but I want to say something else first. My parents could never control my mother. To her, they were failures, impure, and it didn’t get better after the Rashawn debacle, when Johnny died. That’s when Tisiphone got her name, by the way. It means something like “murder-avenger”. The one person she did listen to, was her grandmother, Brook. She was my mother’s tutor, and I think my mother’s perfectionism stemmed from her, too. Before she chose to pass, Brook named a new Master of The House, a new family alchemist, and who would inherit the motive mobile. With Mickey and Esther having disgraced themselves, she gave everything to my mother. In the history of Sunset Valley, as we know it, nobody has had such power at their disposal at such a young age. Taking a clue from her grandmother, my mother began using the motive mobile to go 24/7, giving her time to write during the dark hours of the night. She also turned herself into a witch, supposedly to be able to defend the family against future Rashawns.

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Jack: My father…. Well, my mother and father were high school sweethearts, and went to prom together. Jasen Goth was quite a prize: A handsome, daredevil rebel who was also the heir to the Goth estate. My mother didn’t really have any friends outside the house beside him, she bet everything on one horse, as usual. It was a case of opposites attracting each other: My father was easy-going, funny and social, while my mother was serious, withdrawn, and had little sense of humor. Mickey appreciated that he was a fairy, and could provide the traditional fairy genes my mother had discarded, but I don't know if that was important to my mother.

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Jack: At that point, it should already have been apparent to my grandparents how serious my mother was about her riding. A part of riding folklore was the fact that neither Johnny nor Mickey could consistently clear fire obstacles without catching fire themselves. Preparing for showjumping, my mother had included fire obstacles into her training course, and unlike her father or grandfather, she and Tisiphone could clear them unscathed, again and again and again.
Jack: Oblivious to my mother’s dedication to her craft, my grandparents scheduled her wedding on a Friday. Race day. When the day came, my mother proceeded with her race preparations as usual, and when the guests arrived, they were shocked to see her riding out of Memory Lane and towards the riding center. Three hours late, when most of the guests had already gone home, my mother strolled into her own wedding, without offering any excuse. It was said to be the only time anyone ever saw her in a dress, and my grandmother later claimed that if my mother had to miss a race to save a burning Memory Lane, she would have climbed onto Tisiphone without thinking twice, letting the house burn down. Her dedication to racing, and to that horse, was absolute.

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Jack: My father’s first career was being a ghost-hunter. By all accounts, he did well, undoubtedly aided by the array of potions available to the family. Thanks to his easy-going nature, he got along with everybody, and was soon good friends with my grandparents. He liked music, and he was pretty good on the drums, he liked to dance, he was usually in a good mood, and he was a good father as well. While my mother tended to skip the Saturday parties dictated by Brook's Law, at this point arranged by Esther, my father always took part, and did his best to spice them up.

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Jack: My brother, John, was older than me, but not by much. He inherited our mother’s witch powers, while I got our father’s yellow wings. I could never beat my brother at anything, and he liked to hammer that home, but he wasn’t malicious about it. If it hadn’t been for the fact that he had a dislike for children, he might have stayed on instead of me. Like our parents, he married his prom date: A slightly weird and evil girl named Joelle Andrews. They lived in the house that Vance later took over. John worked as a cleaner, and didn’t have a lot do to at first, but later… Ahem… They never had any children. As for me...

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Kiara: We all know what you ended up doing… Keep the comments about yourself to a minimum, so that the recordi…
Daniel: Geez, Kiara…
Celeste: Yeah, let him speak. I don’t know what it was like for him.
Kiara: By his actions, he has disqualified himself from history. Do you think Oceane wants to listen to hours of apologetic, sentimental, subjective…
Daniel: Everything is subjective when it comes to storytelling. Oceane isn’t here, we are.
Kiara: His childhood isn’t relevant…
Daniel: Of course it is, and it could tell us something about Alyssina that we don’t know.

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Jack: Well… Ahem… My childhood was very unremarkable. I’ll always remember it as the most harmonious time of my life. I had the coolest parents in town: A mother who was a witch, and the most powerful sim in town, who liked to make food for us, and read to us. I had a father who was a motorcycle-riding, daredevil ghost-buster, who liked to play with us. Since they both usually worked late, my parents often found time for each other before noon. Their favorite way of spending time together was lounging in the hot tub, and as I watched them, there was no doubt in my mind that they loved each other. Jasen Goth had been just what the doctor ordered: A positive breath of fresh air, sweeping out the noxious fumes from the mistakes of the previous generation. My mother, quickly becoming a noted figure through her showjumping triumphs, seemed to have found something pure and true outside the bubbles she had created for herself, and for many years, there wasn’t a single cloud over Memory Lane. But… Everything changes. Under the microscope of a perfectionist, nobody is perfect, and bubbles have a tendency to burst.

Worlds Apart - Can Be Found Here

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  • Townie
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  • Posts: 101
On The Road Back With Jack, Part II

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Jack: My brother had already moved out by the time I became an adult, and since he wasn’t expected to have any children, that responsibility was placed squarely at my feet. My father quickly arranged a presentation, with a multitude of candidates. None of them interested me, which caused a bit of a stir. I had my eyes on a different girl, and since the Carsons hated our guts, she had not been among those presented: Alecia. She was a few years older than me, beautiful, ambitious, social, and with a mind of her own. Memory Lane could prove a rough experience, as it had for my grandmother, but I felt that Alecia had a certain… panache, that would enable her to thrive. A private marriage was soon arranged, a marriage her family never forgave her for. She sacrificed a lot to join our family…

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Jack: Esther had her ears to the ground, and knew about Alecia’s family situation. She did everything to make her feel welcome, and was an eager supporter of her career as a magician, showing up at every performance and promoting Alecia when she hosted her parties. My father knew what it was like to marry into the family, how to make a friend, and to appreciate a performer. He tutored her in logic and charisma, and was probably her closest friend in the household.
Daniel: How did Alecia get along with your grandfather, and your mother?

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Jack: Mickey had degenerated into a depressing, irrelevant figure at this point. My mother… that was complicated. Alecia soon made the mistake of summoning a meal in front of my mother, and got a verbal lashing unlike anything she had ever experienced. My mother was the family cook, having been taught by Brook, a true master of the kitchen. Alecia was told that her ability to summon meals was worse than worthless, it was a skill that could not be taught to new generations, a crutch, whose use was a signal of a dying legacy. She was threatened with eviction, and instructed that every meal should be prepared from the ground up, even using the replicator was forbidden, with nothing but perfect, home-grown ingredients.
Daniel: Was your mother bothered by the fact that she was a Carson?
Jack: No, she never said anything about that, I think it was all about her personality. Alecia never helped out with the horses or with gardening, due to her allergies, which were probably more imagined that real. She was a diva, after all. Every spouse had helped out with the horses in some way, even Esther scattered hay for them sometimes, and my mother resented that Alecia didn’t, often referring to her as “The indoors wife”. I think she felt that Alecia didn’t do enough for the family, but my mother did teach her alchemy, allowing her to take over the role as family alchemist.

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Jack: Having been a successful ghost-hunter, my father became a thief. I vividly remember one morning he came from work… He set up his drums in the hallway, fired up his creative aura and just started banging away at them. He liked making a bit of a ruckus sometimes… It woke me up, and I quickly grabbed the guitar and joined in the jam. Soon, Esther came in from the hot tub, whipped out her portable piano and joined in. Then my mother appeared, and we nagged her to join the jam until she begrudgingly got her bass. It wasn’t the first time the four of us jammed together, but through pure coincidence, my father and Esther’s clothes matched the black & white color of their instruments perfectly, and even my mother and myself were in black clothes. It was so funny… Alecia wasn’t there, she rarely got up before nine o’clock, but soon, Mickey showed up. He couldn’t play an instrument, his clothes didn’t match the black & white scheme, and he stood out like he didn’t belong at all, watching us like we were a bunch of strange aliens.

Jack: He died soon afterwards. Mickey, I mean. Just days later, his sister Symphony passed away, during Esther’s last party, dying in the same house she had been born. I think she had been a guest at almost every one of Esther’s parties, and Esther packed her things and moved into the communal retirement home shortly afterwards. The 3rd generation of Lane’s was gone, and from my perspective, the good times at Memory Lane died with them.

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Jack: Two days before he died, in a fit of senility, Mickey had bought a stallion called Cobalt. He dreamed about training it and racing it to international victories, which was nonsense, given his advanced age, but my mother didn’t want to deny him this last pleasure, even though she knew it was a pipedream. When he died, my mother tasked me with training Cobalt. I was a Horseman, so training it and then selling it would advance my career, but I already had Minotaur to care of. To make matters worse, Esther’s last act before moving out was planting a garden, and since Alecia refused to garden, and neither of my parents had any gardening experience, I was given the responsibility for that too.

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Kiara: You actually had to work?
Jack: Ahem… I had to get up at six in the morning, and I didn’t have…
Kiara:  Ooooa… that must have been hard. Living in a huge mansion with all that money and having to get up at six…
Daniel: Give him a break…
Jack: I had no spare time, no life besides the horses and the garden…
Kaira: I thought you had potions. PIP’s, to go all night?
Jack: I wasn’t allowed to use them until I got an international victory. “A taste of reality”, my mother called it, and it was a reality that didn’t give me any time to do what I really wanted: Music. That was my true calling, I was just riding because it was expected of me.

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Jack: One day, my mother didn’t arrive at the nectar pavilion to do her race preperations. She used to be there 2-3 hours before the race, but on that day, she didn’t show up. That was completely abnormal, and as time went by, I started worrying that something had happened and I went looking for her. I found her in the alchemy room, where she was slumped in a chair in front of the fireplace, where a book was being burned. I asked her why she was burning the book, and she said it was “all lies”. She refused to look at me, but she seemed to have been crying, and she sounded… desolate. I tried to ask her some questions, but couldn’t get any real answer out of her, she just kept repeating “everything is a lie,” and eventually she told me to get out of the room. After another hour or so, she emerged, and did race Tisiphone, but she was never the same person after that day. Something had pierced every one of her bubbles.

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Daniel: When was this? How many years ago?
Jack: Ahem… It’s so long ago… I…
Daniel: 70 years? 65 years? 60? More, or less?
Jack: It was… a few of years before Jackson was born. He’s pushing 60, right? So… around 65 years ago, I guess.
Daniel: What book was she burning?
Jack: I don’t know. I always assumed she gave the books she wrote about our family’s history to Aria, except “A Different Drum”, which she had given to me prior to this, but… For all I know, she might have burned them all in that fireplace. After that, she wrote nothing but children’s books, but they weren’t really suitable for children at all. They were so dark that most of them were never published.
Daniel: Did Alyssina travel out of town prior to this?
Jack: No. She was never out of town. It was inconceivable for her to leave Tisiphone, even for a single day.
Daniel: If she wanted to conduct some business out of town, who could have acted on her behalf?
Jack: Her twin brother, Trenton. “Thousand Yard Trenton,” Alecia used to call him. If invited to a party, he would always find a way of acting weird, usually standing around with an empty plate in his hand. When Alecia took over the parties from Esther, she stopped inviting him, but he was always at his sister’s beck and call.
Daniel: He’s dead, I presume?
Jack: Yeah…
Celeste: Did your mother start acting differen…
Her purchase of Ralston Heights was indeed the trigger, and he knew exactly what lies Alyssina had discovered. The others had no clue, and he did not intend to enlighten them. But she knew. The leopard who had changed her spots had always known.

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Jack: …be a bit full of himself. At one point, he promised my mother that he would win 3 international racing competitions. He was supposed to ride Cobalt, whom I had trained. However, he didn’t take riding seriously at all, and more often than not, forgot about when the races were scheduled. This went on for some time. Then, having topped out his criminal career, he pranced around in the house, proud as peacock, showing off the golden fox statue to all of us. When he presented the statue to my mother, her reaction was… ahem… different than he expected. She looked at it disdainfully, asking if this was all he had to show for his criminal career: A statue that could only bring benefit to himself. Bickering ensued, and in the end, my mother hurled the statue at him, screaming that he was the worst rider in the history of Sunset Valley, and that his criminal career had been a complete waste of time. The next day, she had me sell Cobalt, putting an end to ending my father’s riding endeavors.

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Jack: With her marriage on a downward spiral, my mother retreated to the bubble she was most familiar with: Riding. Her race preparations expanded to new levels, and now also included ambrosia, a second saltlick, warm up-jumps, being blessed by Tisiphone, and donating to undermine charities. Starting her preparations 5 hours before race time, there was almost something demonic about their detail and intensity. She added a new morning routine as well: At dawn, every single morning, she hit the climbing walls at the Lane Activity Center, in riding gear, doing high intensity climbing for 2-3 hours.
Daniel: The rider should be as fit the horse…
Jack: Yeah… Ahem… I doubt there’s anything to it, but you can’t argue with her results. Cross-country wins poured in, but they didn’t seem to give her much satisfaction. At the time, I put it down to middle age, her marital problems and the pure strain of her racing efforts.

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Jack: With all the trophies piling up... I was adding some myself…
Celeste: How many races did you win?
Jack: 15 internationals. But only four of them were cross-country races, and 10 were easy racing victories.
Daniel: Still, you were a Rider of Legends.
Jack: Yeah, but… it was nothing compared to my mother. Anyway, she wanted to build a trophy room in the basement, but her design called for a centerpiece of some sort. Conveniently, my father’s third career was as a sculptor, so my mother discussed it him, and he promised to make a masterpiece Urn of Franco for the trophy room.
Daniel: He did… Didn’t he? There was an Urn of Franco in that room.
Jack: Ahem… Well, he tried. He made one urn, then another, then another, but he couldn’t make a masterpiece, and for my mother, nothing less would suffice. Instead of losing her temper, she actually tried to motivate him: She brought the golden fox statue, which she had previously tossed into a storage room, up to the art studio, together with the best nectar we had. She cooked ambrosia for him, and even sent him to the spa. Nothing helped. One day, my mother came up to the art studio, finding another mediocre urn ready at the sculpting station. It was my father’s 12th attempt. When she came down to the kitchen, she saw my father on the patio. He was dancing and putting on moves as if he didn’t have a worry in the world. That was the end of my mother’s patience.

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Jack: Without Jasen knowing, she had a room built in the basement, and the next day, she got him in there. I don’t know if she lured him or what she did. Once inside the room, he found that he could not open the door. In a voice he described as “full of cold malice”, my mother then informed him that he would remain in that cell until he died, or until he produced a masterpiece urn, whichever came first. That was the only time I truly saw my father lose his temper… Clearly, my mother had gone too far, and I tried to reason with her, but… She never reversed a decision, once she had made it. As it was, my father was in there for less than 24 hours. He moped for a few hours, then got to work, and, at his first attempt in the cell, produced a masterpiece Urn of Franco.

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Jack: To my mother, the fact that he made a masterpiece urn as soon as she locked him in that cell, was a vindication of her actions: It proved that he needed to be pushed if he was to perform at his best. After letting him out, she was ready to resume their relationship as if nothing had happened. My father, understandably, saw it differently, and declared their marriage over, and that he would go to the police. That got my mother going again, of course, and a final row was soon blazing, ending with my father moving out of Memory Lane. During the subsequent proceedings, half a million was transferred to his account, and then their marriage was officially dead. The Urn of Franco got its proud place in the trophy room, as the most costly of all the trophies there: The trophy that had cost a marriage.
Celeste: No wonder he left, she was way out of line…
Kiara: Was she? He failed to deliver, with both the racing and with the urns, whenever he was supposed to something for her.
Celeste: He would have made a masterpiece urn, eventually. What do you think, Jack?
Jack: Ahem… I understand my father. He could be a bit… unfocused, but he didn’t deserve to be treated like that. He was…
Kiara: He was a wimp…
Jack: …a good man, and a hard worker. I think my mother regretted what she did, even if she never said so.

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Jack: In this turmoil, Alecia and I were trying to live out our lives, and not doing very well. For years, it seemed that whenever I had a few moments to spare, she was busy practicing for a performance, and whenever she had time, I was dealing with the horses or the garden. When Jackson was born, Alecia had to carry most of the burden, and she was growing frustrated. My mother insisted that I had to follow the same insane pattern of race preparations that she did, and there was still that darn garden to take care of. With Esther and Jasen gone, Alecia had lost the two best friends she had in the household, and she wasn’t very happy with me not being much around. It didn’t get any better when she claimed that her career was as important as mine, and I responded that she had forgot where she was living.

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Jack: After her marriage collapsed, my mother developed a new habit: Setting fire to the town.
Celeste: What?! No…
Jack: The first night the town burned, was the night after my father moved out. My mother took a bunch of potions with her, and during the night, set fire to the art museum and two nightclubs. Following that, the town burned every time she came 3rd in the cross-country. People soon saw the pattern, and only the bravest souls hit the town on the nights my mother placed 3rd.
Celeste: Didn’t someone stop her?
Jack: Someone tried, but nothing good came of it, only more misery. She had both her brother Trenton and my brother Jack doing cleaning: Handing out cash, intimidating people, blowing stuff up and so on...
Kiara: I guess she couldn’t handle losing…
Jack: That’s what thought, at the time. But I think it was much more than that, and that coming 3rd was just something that made her frustrations boil over. She had bet everything on her marriage, and been so single-mindedly focused on her racing that she now had no friends. She must have felt that was alone, with whatever was eating her. No matter how many fires she created, I think the biggest fires were burning inside her. More than anything, I think her firestarting was a cry for help, so loud and violent that was impossible to understand.

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Jack: Something else that was impossible to understand was her creation of the antechamber, with the forbidden photograph of vampiric Esther, Rashawn, and some woman we had never seen. We didn’t know what that stone said, but Rashawn had been responsible for her grandfather’s death, she had named her horse “murder-avenger” because of that, and she was now…
He couldn’t remember the whole poem on the stone, but the last two lines still stuck with him:
I always remember, when darkness falls,
the purest heart to ever walk these halls.
A new, pure ideal, to replace her grandparents’ marriage, which had now been blackened by the great lie.

Jack: …warning, of some sort. It seemed to be the only possible explanation, but…
Kiara: Did you try talking to her, and like… ask, you know?
Jack: Ahem… I did, and I got a response she often resorted to: A cold look, followed by her changing the subject to something related to riding.
Daniel: When did she decorate the antechamber?
Jack: When Jackson was 3, or maybe 4, I think.
Hm... If Alyssina had tracked down Diane Quintana at that point, Aria had had 10 years to prepare for her role. Plenty of time.

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Kiara: How did your mother react to Jackson and Vance?
Jack: No problems there. She liked kids, and Vance was her favorite. She often read to him when he was young. Even then, Jackson was a bit… ahem… in his own world, and I think she hoped that Vance would become a rider. Alecia and I both actively discouraged that, and tried to steer him in other directions.
Kiara: Why?! It was a riding legacy, a rider was exactly…
Jack: Because someone who was regularly setting fire to the town didn’t seem like a good role model for him.
Kiara: How short-sighted. She was his grandmother, she wouldn’t be around forever, you know.
Jack: We thought her obsession with racing was, at least partly, responsible for…
Kiara: What if she found out that the two of you were sabotaging the thing she cared most about?
Jack: Maybe she did. After a while, it seemed like she… gave up on the kids.
Kiara: And here we are, wondering why she gave it all away to someone who actually cared? Hah... I rest my case…
Daniel: Jack… Go on.

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Jack: Ahem… Yeah… After a while, I was actively looking for a way out, of riding I mean. My mother had set a new benchmark, on an almost impossible level, one which everyone who followed her would be judged by. Having seen firsthand what it cost her to get there, I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t want to spend the majority of the rest of my life doing something I didn’t love, neither did I want it for my kids. I had tried… mentioning it to my mother sometimes, that I’d like to something else, but… It wasn’t something she wanted to discuss. She was convinced that I could reach her level, and as she saw it, she was just showing the way, so that others could follow her example. It seemed like her perfectionistic, horse-obsessed mind couldn’t fathom how others might not want to dedicate their life to riding.

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Jack: Then came that afternoon, when I had decided to tell her… I had timed it perfectly: The garden had run its course, and the kids had reached the age where they no longer required constant attention. Tisiphone was just days from becoming old, when my mother would release her into the wild, having no horse to ride. The night before, she had won another cross-country, so I assumed she would be in a good mood. Finally, I would have some freedom, and a life of my own. So… I just told her: I’m quitting my Horseman career, and starting a career in music.

Jack: I remember her eyes…. They narrowed into slits, and she gave me a look as if I had just stabbed her in the back with a knife. Then she asked me: “Really? Then who’s going to race Minotaur?” I explained my reasoning, that she’d ride Minotaur after releasing Tisiphone, and she just shook her head slowly, stating that she’d keep riding Tis. I said that I’d race Minotaur when I could, which wouldn’t be very often, given the work hours in a music career, but she just dismissed that. I refused to back down from my decision, and she looked at me like I disgusted her, and she said: “You were always too weak for this, weren’t you? No real dedication, just like your father. It doesn’t matter, I’ll find someone who’ll race Minotaur.”

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Jack: The very next day, Aria was introduced to us as the resurrected Alexandria Lane. We were instructed to call her Aria, and not tell the kids who she was. Both Alecia and I were shellshocked. The founder… Was she there to judge us? I found that I had been locked out of the horse enclosure, and instead of ducking around the house, I soon spent as much time as I could away from it, embracing my newfound freedom.
Kiara: …and tightly embracing anything with a skirt in the process.
Jack: Ahem… I…
Kiara: Do you know what he did, Celeste?
Celeste: He told me.
Kaira: Did he really? Ooooooa, some honesty from ol’ Jack?!? Four affairs at the same time, while being married, you know. Four!
Daniel: She knows. Let’s get on with it. What was your impression of Aria, and what were she and your mother doing?
Jack: I barely had anything to do with Aria. She started riding when I stopped doing it, so… From my brief encounters with her, she seemed like decent person to me, and she had a positive effect on my mother: When she arrived, my mother immediately stopped her firestarting. I was soon informed by Alecia that the two of them were thick as thieves, doing everything together: Scaling the climbing walls, race preparations, eating, talking… She also read my mother’s books, which neither Alecia nor I had bothered to do. I only read “A Different Drum” after…
Kiara: What?! She wrote how many…

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Pearl strolled through the top deck, sitting down at the office desk behind the piano. She didn’t seem to be using the computer there, it was more like she was listening, daydreaming, or waiting.
Jack: Books weren’t our thing. We didn’t have time to…
Kiara: 39 books, and none of you read a single one. Not one!?
Jack: No, I don’t think so…
Kiara: How utterly unappreciated she must have felt. I suppose you did celebrate her victories at the racetrack, but…
Jack: No... She never did, and I don’t think she wanted us to do it either…
Kiara: Hah… That’s rich… Then, to top it off, the two of you went ahead and moronically chose Jackson as your heir, instead of Vance, and still you’re wondering our legacy was flushed do….
Daniel: Aria arrived long before Jackson was named heir, which makes it irrelevant.
Kiara: Not if the will was changed after Aria arrived. Do we know if that was the case? Hmm? Didn’t think so.
Jack: I don’t think I have much more to add… Some years later, I had to leave, and…

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Kiara: Yeah, I would have loved to see your mother kick you out, but there’s something else you need to clarify. The tent. How did you get it?
Jack: Aria called me, the day she was leaving Memory Lane, the day after the rest of the family had left. She invited me up there, to release Minotaur into the wild. Releasing a unicorn is indescribably sad, but I was grateful nonetheless, as it allowed me to touch him again, after all those decades.
Daniel: How did Aria seem when you met her?
Jack: She had ridden him for as long as I had, and she was sad too. Once it was done, she uncorked a bottle of nectar, and I joined her in three toasts. One to Minotaur, one to Memory Lane, and one to Esther, who had made the nectar. If Esther was her mother, like you claim, that last toast becomes even more meaningful… She said she was sick of the tent, having slept in it for so long, and suggested that I keep it, as a memento of my mother. I accepted. That was it, really…
Kiara: Really… Well, we’ll find out. Time to take you to your new quarters, old man.
Jack: New quar… what?!

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Kiara was on her feet, as quick as a cat, and before Daniel had any time to react, she had grabbed Jack by the neck and was pushing him towards the stairs. Pearl was on her feet too, sliding into position to discourage any attempt of interfering with Kiara’s “abduction” of Jack.
Daniel: What do you think you’re doing?!?
Pearl: He’s staying. Orders from the top, fobbit.
Jack: Let me go home! Linda…
Kiara: Move your feet, slimeball!
Daniel: He’s got days left to live! What’s the point of this?!
Pearl: We’ll keep him alive. He’s our new gardener.
Daniel: You’ll keep him imprisoned here?!

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Pearl: Affirmative. Letting him go is too risky. He knows our location, he's the last person we know who had direct contact with the enemy, and we don’t know if he’s shooting straight or not.
Daniel: The enemy... Bah! Why would he be lying?! He’s got no reason to…
Pearl: After his long exile, his attachment to your family is no more adhesive than soggy duct tape. He’s broke, and ten-ton Linda’s house looked like it could use an upgrade, didn’t it?
Daniel: Was this the plan all along? Have me bring him here, so that you could lock him up?!
Pearl: Bullseye. We needed a gardener, and any intel he might provide.
Daniel: What’s next in your sordid schemes? Are there cells waiting for us too?
Pearl: No.
Daniel: In that case, we’re leaving. This place is beginning to disgust me.
Pearl: I’ll fire up Echo 2 ASAP.

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As the chopper passed over the house and started crossing the sea, Pearl put a song on repeat in their headphones. It was a heavy metal tune, and sounded like something she might use during her workouts. At first, he was too stressed out to pay any real attention to it, but when the song had run its course a couple of times, he started paying attention to the lyrics. Soon, he realized that it wasn’t a song Pearl had chosen at random, it was a song Chloe had instructed her to play, informing him she knew how Alyssina had felt. How she could know, without even hearing Jack’s story, was very eerie, as was the fact that even in their hasty departure, they were still following her choreography.
I cry out for magic
I feel it dancing in the light
It was cold, lost my hold
to the shadows of the night

No sign of the morning coming
You’ve been left on your own
Like a rainbow in the dark
A rainbow in the dark

Do your demons, do they ever let you go?
When you’ve tried, do they hide, deep inside?
Is it someone that you know?
You’re just a picture, you’re an image caught in time
We’re a lie, you and I
We’re words without a rhyme

There’s no sign of the morning coming
You’ve been left on your own
Like a rainbow in the dark
Just a rainbow in the dark

Inspired by the song, he finally understood why the corridor that had given Memory Lane its name had been locked down. It had nothing to do with hiding who Aria was supposed to be. Aria was an almost perfect copy of the photo of Alexandria Lane, and risked nothing by leaving that photo in the open. Alyssina had locked the corridor. To close the book on the great lie that was Alexandria Lane and her Lane legacy.

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Mea Culpa

Thankfully, Pearl didn’t bombard their ears with rainbows in the dark for the entirety of their journey. It wasn’t long before it gave way to bursts of radio chatter. Daniel tried to pick some of it up by taking off his headphones, but it was lost cause. When they touched down in Moonlight Falls, it was the middle of the night, and as usual, it was raining. Two soldiers seemed to have awaited their arrival.

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Soldier One: Visual on package. T minus 40.
Pearl: You’re behind the script. There goes your bonus.
Soldier Two: Cripes, P… It’s less than a minute, and we had to screen both sides of the river…
Pearl: If you’re not early, you’re late. What about Beta, and the decoy?
Soldier Two: Beta boated out ten minutes ago. The decoy passed the traffic cams at 02:41.
Daniel: Pearl… My car is in Riverview. Do you have someone who could get it?
Pearl: It’s been scrapped.
Daniel: What?!
Pearl: We couldn’t just leave it AWOL, sticking out like a whale in a desert.
Daniel: If you were worried about sticking out, you shouldn’t have plowed into Riverview park…

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A black car approaching at considerable speed cut him off. It rolled up between them and the chopper, its engine rumbling like an angry, ancient beast. Through the windows he could see a slunken, seemingly lifeless man in the passenger seat. It was Ulrich Schlagdorff.
Pearl: There’s your new car, for now. I call it Black Hammer, and I will want it back at some point.
Daniel: I thought you wanted to keep us out of the loop.
Pearl: And I thought you wanted to be a part of it. Seems like we got our lines crossed, fobbit.
Daniel: Yeah… You blew up the camouflaged brick because it had our DNA in it, and now you’re offering me a car you’ve just used for a kidnapping. Why would I want that car?
Pearl: Because it’s now registered in your name. Prepare for dustoff! Get a move on, I don’t want The Hammer sandblasted by the takeoff.

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Why did it seem like they wanted to drag him into it, as soon as he had signaled that he wasn’t interested? Was the car meant to be a favor, a punishment, or both? Confused, frustrated, and eager to put some distance between them and what had just happened, he pushed the accelerator a bit carelessly, and found that Black Hammer was a rocket, compared to the other cars he had owned.
Celeste: I want to learn how to drive this car…
Daniel: Is that all you’re thinking about, after what we just saw?!
Celeste: I…
Daniel: Do you know who that was, the man they carried off?
Celeste: No…
Daniel: We need to talk.
Celeste: About what?
Daniel: Something very important.

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Celeste: Why are we stopping at the… pool?
Daniel: I said we needed to talk.
Celeste: Can’t we talk at home?
Daniel: No. We’re going to talk here, now. We won’t be disturbed here, at this hour.
Celeste: OK… Why are you angry? I didn’t…
Daniel: I’m not angry at you, I’m worried, and there’s something you need to know, now, just in case.
Celeste: In case of what?
Daniel: In case I suddenly disappear or have to go away, or… something.

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Daniel: What do you know about Chloe?
Celeste: Just what I read in the book, which wasn’t much, and what we’ve talked about. She is, or was, Alexandria’s sister. She was an artist, a painter and a sculptor.
Daniel: Yeah… So far, so good. According to history, she went mad, and spent decades locked up at Ralston Heights Sanatorium, until she died.
Celeste: She doesn’t seem mad to me…
Daniel: That’s because she isn’t, and never was. It wasn’t Chloe who was locked up at Ralston Heights, it was Alexandria. Meanwhile, Chloe took over Memory Lane, and her sister’s life, acting as if she was Alexandria.
Celeste: What? That can’t be possible…

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Daniel: You see, the sisters were always enemies, and had been fighting since they were toddlers. Days before Chloe was supposed to have been sent to Ralston Heights, Alexandria destroyed 15 ice sculptures that Chloe had made. Chloe considered those sculptures her life’s work, and she was out for blood. She took advantage of the fact that they looked so similar that they could have been twins, and took the ultimate revenge: She had Alexandria put away for good, as “Chloe”, while taking over her sister’s life. In doing so, she walked out on her husband, Gary, and her 5-year old son, Frank, letting them believe, for the rest of their lives, that she had gone mad.
Celeste: Wouldn’t the people at the sanatorium have found out? Alexandria must have told them what happened.
Daniel: Ralston Heights wasn’t a place where they asked a lot of questions, if a rich family claimed that someone was crazy, and was willing to pay to keep them locked up. They didn’t allow any visitors, either. If Chloe dragged her knocked-out sister there… you saw what they did to Ulrich Schlagdorff, the guy they dragged into the chopper... and told the Sanatorium that her sister “Chloe” was delusional, believing she was Alexandria, what would the people there have thought when Alexandria regained her senses and started making exactly that claim?

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Celeste: But… Alexandria is our ancestor. Her children…
Daniel: No… Alexandria was just a photographer, who died childless. All her other careers, and her children, were Chloe’s. She’s not just the mother of all Carsons, but all Lanes too. That’s why she is so set on hunting down Aria, and why she seems to have taken an interest in us.
Celeste: Wow… That’s crazy… What about the children’s father?
Daniel: Trent Lane? Well… Chloe hid away the graves of her husband and her sister in a protected, underground tomb in China. I think she did it to prevent anyone from resurrecting them, or taking DNA samples. That suggests to me that they were the only ones who knew the truth. Despite Chloe’s precautions, Alyssina discovered the truth when she bought the derelict remains of Ralston Heights, and that’s what caused her to lose the plot: She learned that the family histories she had written were completely wrong, and that our ancestor was one the worst criminals in the history of Sunset Valley.
Celeste: That’s why she said it was all lies…

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Daniel: The whole story about the two sisters and their legacies, about Carsons and Lanes, nothing but a fiction. It can’t have improved Alyssina’s state of mind when she found about her grandparents, that marriage that she held so highly, being “pure” and “true”… They were half-siblings, once removed. Chloe brought Brook, her granddaughter from her first marriage, and married her to Johnny, her son with Trent. I guess they never knew…
Celeste: Was their marriage even legal?
Daniel: I don’t know, it’s not important now… The reason I’m telling you all of this is because I want you to know what Chloe has done, what kind of person she is. What I’ve told you now is just the tip of the iceberg. She has made countless people disappear, like she’s doing with Ulrich Schlagdorff, or that Suzuki guy they talked about when we were in their reception. Though he may have earned it, you saw what happened to Jack. In her world, which is rapidly expanding, Chloe Carson is judge, jury and executioner, and she has probably ruined more people’s lives than the average plague. I met an old man in Sunset Valley a while back, and he gave me the townsfolk’s perspective on our family. He said it wasn’t Alyssina and her fires they had feared the most, it was Alexandria, in other words… Chloe.
Celeste: She wouldn’t… do something to us, would she?
Daniel: She showed no mercy to her siblings. She took away the fairy powers from her own daughter, kicked her out of Memory Lane and never spoke to her again. We’re not safe, but it’s not about that. It’s about what she has done, and is doing, to other people.
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Daniel: I saw you there, with them at the mountaintop, how you lit up when you were included in their “sisterhood”, if only for a moment. You got new, fancy clothes, expensive earrings, and that’s nothing. She likes you. She built a school just for you. If you asked her for anything, she would probably hand it to you on a silver platter. She’s beautiful, brilliant, charming, persuasive, and has money coming out her ears. Soon, you’ll be old enough to make your own decisions, and there’s nobody who would give you a warmer welcome and who’d offer you more, materially, than Chloe. I’m begging you, Celeste, don’t go down that road. Don’t get sucked into her world, however tempting it may seem. Pearl and the others, even Kiara, they’re clueless. They have no idea who she really is, and they’re so drunk on money and power that they’re blind to the destruction they leave in their wake. Stay away from it, and forge your own life, one where you won’t suddenly wake up to a life in jail and a lifetime of regret.

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Celeste: This is what this talk was about…
Daniel: Yeah. I worry about you, because I don’t want you to fall into their black hole.
Celeste: If working with them is the only way to find Aria, what will you do?
Daniel: Walk away. If what they’re doing is the price to find Aria, it isn’t worth it. Besides, what Aria did is peanuts compared what Chloe has done. We got company... What’s she doing her in the middle of the night? Vampires… Bah!
Celeste: Do you regret bringing Chloe back?
Daniel: I didn’t know what I was doing. I thought I was chasing Alexandria, and that her sister might have some information. I got both sisters for the price of one, a monster I had no idea even existed.
Celeste: You think you are responsible for what she is doing…
Daniel: Yeah, at least partly… Remember this talk, but let’s get out of here, shall we?

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When they passed the Fire Department, their return journey was interrupted by the sight of a motionless figure propped up by the fire truck. It was Lynx, and their efforts to rouse her were in vain.
Daniel: Guess she had a rough night.
Celeste: Who is she? Her skin looks really strange…
Daniel: She’s a friend, and we’re not leaving her here. Can you help me get her in the car?
Celeste: Are we taking her home with us?
Daniel: No, I know where she lives, we’ll go there.

By the time they had dragged her to the door, and managed to get the keys out of her pocket, Lynx had come to life, and once inside the house, they were exposed both to her dazed whims and her special brand of interior design.
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Daniel: Come here, your bed is this way!
Lynx: Bhed… Hah! Mh gong t th Shoadstul.
Daniel: Don’t be stupid, you can barely stand!
Celeste: Please, you really should to bed.
Lynx: U hish nu floozhy? Diiiiivah! Phloooo…
Celeste: I’m no floozy! I’m his sister!
Lynx: Bfftmfsh…
Daniel: Celeste, just call a cab, I got this.
Lynx: U gah nuffin’... Whes mah ghuitr…?
Celeste: Are you sure?
Daniel: Yeah, just go.

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Daniel: Lynx, you should…
Lynx: Ah gah a hat! Loook at muh! Ahm Fauth!
Daniel: You mean Faith?
Lynx: Mmm Fauth, u so pruttuh… u can haf shildren…
Daniel: It had nothing to with that. You left, and I was angry.
Lynx: Go tuh Fauffth wuh er pffect skuhn…
Daniel: Maybe I will. What have you done to this place?
Lynx: Um ruhdicoritin…
Daniel: Yeah, I can see that… Let’s get you to bed now.

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Lynx: Leff go o muh! Don tuhsh muh…
Daniel: I’m just trying to help you.
Lynx: Pfffhah, don knee hulph fro u, see
Daniel: No? If I leave, what are you going to do?
Lynx: Wash TV…
Daniel: Your TV is broken.
Lynx: All fix.
Daniel: In your state? You’ll get fried. Come on, let’s go to the couch and sit down.

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Lynx: Aw, gawd…
Daniel: Do you need some help?
Lynx: Don tuhsh muh…
Daniel: I won’t. Can I get you anything?
Lynx: Go safe Buancah.
Daniel: Bianca? Geez, don’t start with that again.
Lynx: Aww… Bhuckuh.
Daniel: What?
Lynx: Orrnsh buckuh!

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Daniel: So that’s why you keep that around.
Lynx: Gawd… Bguuaaarghughch…
Daniel: Want me to hold your hair, or something?
Lynx: Ah luuuuuhve Buancah…
Daniel: You’re friggin’ unbelievable…
Lynx: Ahl marruh Buancah… Bhaachuuurghchaaaugh…. Pfach…
Daniel: Yeah, yeah… You’ll never let me forget that, will you?
Lynx: Affch… Bhuckuh.

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Trying to find a place to dispose of the contents of the bucket, he found that the bathroom was locked, and then he saw the kitchen. For a while, he just stood there, shaking his head in disbelief at the cacophony of grime, scratchmarks, graffiti, and toppled furniture. The sink seemed to have been leaking for days, making a mockery of the attempt to contain it: A small fish bowl placed on the floor beneath the sink. He wasn’t sure what to make of the fact that the refrigerator had squeezed the life out of a rubber duck, while the presence of a toothbrush holder indicated that the bathroom had been rendered uninhabitable.

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By the time he got back to the living room, she was down and out. He managed to get her up in the couch without waking her up, and resisted the inclination to ponder why she had a toilet roll holder in her living room. He returned to the kitchen, and fixed the leaking sink, but left the rest of the disaster zone intact. Being a genie, she could clean it up much faster than he could, if she wanted to. The scratchmarks made it look like the entire Wolff family had been squatting in the house for weeks, but there was a pattern to what was scratched, and what wasn’t, implying that Lynx had done it herself, in systematic fashion. It was as if much of the mess, if not all of it, might be deliberate, rather than a result of neglect.

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He couldn’t go home. Not this time, not after what had happened at The Cornice Club. This time, he had to stay by her side. Accompanied by the smells of fried electrical wires, spray paint, corrugated metal and dirty clothes, he watched her abdomen contract and expand. Contract and expand…  Occasionally, a small sigh or whimper would escape her, causing his heart to pump twice as much blood as it was supposed to, and urging him to sneak his arms around her, whispering in her ear that she was safe, and that everything would be all right. Why did everything have to be so complicated with Lynx, and so straightforward with Faith, apart from the fact that she was married? Faith would always land on her feet, but he wasn’t so sure about Lynx, who seemed to be her own worst enemy. Was that why she evoked deeper emotions in him?

Contract and expand… With every breath, seconds that would never be relived. Alecia had been right. He should have let the past be, and looked forward. What good had come of all his searching, except time wasted on chasing ghosts? This, now, was his life, and it was time to start living it. Time to tell Faith that they could be friends, but no more, time to start traversing the minefield that surrounded Lynx. It wouldn’t be easy, as proven by the fact that he had trodden wrong there before, but he’d take Brook’s old saying to heart: If it’s easy, it isn’t worth doing.

The diffuse light of a Moonlight Falls morning was fending off the darkness when he came to. The hot, moist, summer air had plastered the shirt to his back, and the chair creaked in agony as he shifted into a more upright, comfortable position. Her voice was dreamy when she spoke, and her fingers were randomly touching her face, as if still half asleep.
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Lynx: Mmm… still here…?
Daniel: Yeah. How do you feel?
Lynx: Hm...
Daniel: Lynx?
Lynx: Mm?
Daniel: Why have you scratched the furniture?
Lynx: To make it less…
Daniel: Less what?
Lynx: Perfect… more like me.
Daniel: You should think higher of yourself.
Lynx: ‘ever.

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Her reply was so dismissive that it felt like he was getting close to stepping on a mine again, and when it was followed by silence, he felt it was time to go. He knew he’d have to take small steps, one at a time, to have any hope of getting through to her again.
Daniel: If you need help with anything, or just want to talk, call.
Lynx: You can’t save me.
Daniel: I can try. I’m sorry if I hurt you. Take care of yourself.
Lynx: Soldier…
Daniel: Yeah?
Lynx: Thanks...
Daniel: I’ll call you.

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Danielle: So, she will be OK, this girl? Celeste made it sound like she might have some problems…
Daniel: Hopefully. I’ll try to keep an eye on her. Is Faith still here?
Danielle: She moved out yesterday, to that new apartment of hers.
Daniel: OK… Did she cause any problems?
Danielle: Quite the contrary. She was very positive and lively, and we had a couple of nice evenings together with some nectar she had brought from France.
Daniel: Sounds delightful.
Bucket: …you see, I’m marrying Milly Pidgin!
Danielle: She told me to ask you to drop by. She is leaving for France soon.
Celeste: Do you want some milk? Of course you do.
Daniel: Any other news? How did the races go?
Danielle: The usual, seconds and thirds.

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Bucket: So, will you be my best man?
Jackson: Of course! When is, it?
Danielle: Gods, she is growing up fast, isn’t she, and she's so thin now…
Bucket: On Sunday. You’ll have to call me Lord Bucket when I’m married.
Daniel: Shouldn’t she be at school today?
Jackson: …an arcristoat?
Danielle: I arranged for her to have the day off, to bond with the foal.
Bucket: …but I’ll be rich, and live in a mansion. It’s only proper that you call me Lord!
Daniel: She has missed a lot of school lately...

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Danielle: She can handle it. If you had such a good time at Oceane’s… Gods, so many names, who is she really…
Daniel: That’s a seriously complicated story…
Danielle: …will you be visiting her again any time soon? I wouldn’t mind trying out some sunny beaches myself. The weather here has been dreadful…
Bucket: …we can organize the alien resistance from there.
Daniel: *Cough* I don’t know about that… It’s a very long journey.
Celeste: I want to give her a name from Greek mythology! Like the unicorns at Memory Lane!
Danielle: Name her whatever you want, as long as it’s not something vulgar.

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Jackson: Son, I’ve spulcted, the ice spulctures. They don’t melt, now!
Daniel: Brilliant, pops! You’re ready to sculpt Alecia’s ghost, then?
Jackson: Of course! Can you drive, it, to the yardgrave? The spulcting station?
Daniel: Can’t Bucket drive it? He’s still got my car, doesn’t he?
Bucket: You know I don’t. The aliens forced us off the road!
Daniel: The aliens did it? Wow… Well, I hope you got some money for that painting I gave you…
Bucket: The painting is gone. Somebody took it!
Daniel: Really? Must have been the aliens, I guess…
Bucket: I don’t think so!
Daniel: I’ll drive you pops, be ready at midnight. I’ll head upstairs and get a couple of hours of sleep. I’ve had a very long night…
Worlds Apart - Can Be Found Here

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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 3, Chapter 18: Mea Culpa
« Reply #63 on: July 04, 2018, 08:38:24 AM »
Open and Shut

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Daniel: Mmmyeah… mh…
Woman: Daniel Carson?
Daniel: Uh… Yeah.
Woman: The private investigator?
Daniel: Mhm.
Woman: You must come quickly, this is an emergency!
Daniel: Come where?
Woman: 1120 Merchant Way. Hurry!
Daniel: Who are… Hello?

Bah… An hour’s sleep felt like a lot less than he needed. 1120 Merchant Way? Hm. There was something about that address… Yeah, it was where the Hoppcrafts had lived, before he ran them out of town. Who had bought their house? There was no caller name, and running the number returned it as unlisted. If it was an emergency, why didn’t they call the police?

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Sam:…declined to comment. I mean, what was he supposed to say, Bob? Those weren’t my pants?
Bob: Sometimes, silence really is golden, Sam.
Sam: You said it, Bob. Speaking of silent, a golden real estate deal of the quiet kind went down here in the Valley yesterday. Did you guys hear about this? The venerable property Villa Carsonia suddenly popped up for sale on the internet real estate market, and get this… It was listed for just 50 000.
Bob: Whaaat?! That’s insane! What a steal!
Sam: You bet! It didn’t linger long… Within 30 seconds, someone had gobbled up that pie. Care to guess who it was? I’ll give you hint: It’s all in the name.
Bob: A… Carson?
Sam: No, siree. It was our former mayor, ol’ Nandini Landgraab!
Bob: Nandy, grabbin’ the land!
Sam: Oh yeah! Naturally, the company who put it up for sale, Clearsky Investment, is now claiming to have been the victim of Chinese hackers…
Bob: Riiiight… Every time some rubber-desk Johnny pushes the wrong button… Chinese hackers did it!

Amazing… Having had a trip to China forced on her, Chloe was now turning even that into an advantage. But why would she let Nandini have Villa Carsonia? Was it a slip-up, a part of another plan, or just a way to stay under the radar? He sighed, and turned off the radio. Villa Carsonia, Nandini… That was the past calling, and he had to stop answering those calls.
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Just down the road lay Schlagdorff manor, where the security guard and the fences had been as effective as a paper wall meant to stop a bulldozer. He pondered a little about what might have happened to the guard and his dog, but the possibilities that sprang to mind weren’t very inviting.
The name plate on the postbox spelled out a combination of letters he was well acquainted with: MAGGIE DONOVAN. Hm. After enduring her nagging classroom voice for a couple of years, he was quite familiar with it, and the voice on the phone had not been Maggie’s. Puzzled, he rang the doorbell, and a young woman he did not recognize quickly let him in.

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Daniel: Schillachi…?
Razor: Carson.
Heidi: I’m Heidi Schlagdorff, Mr. Carson…
Daniel: What…?!
Razor: Do you like bugs, Carson? Butterflies, beetles…
Daniel: No, I don’t. Lived to close to them for a while. What’s going on here?
Razor: I don’t minds bugs, but I question those who collect them. Trapping small creatures in boxes to study them… Indications of a warped mind, if you ask me.
Daniel: Where’s Maggie Donovan?
Razor: We have her contained.
Daniel: Contained? Someone better provide some answers, quickly.

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Razor: I think you’ll have to see the basement to understand.
Daniel: There was no basement here when the Hoppcrafts lived here.
Razor: There is one now.
Daniel: I don’t want to get involved in this, whatever it is.
Razor: Have you ever been to jail, Carson?
Daniel: Is that supposed to be a threat?
Razor: Just an unpleasant fact. You should see what we’re dealing with here, before making any stupid decisions.

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Razor: The secret den of the Banksy kidnapper. I suppose there was only a question of time before she started collecting bigger butterflies, in bigger boxes.
Daniel: Why would a teacher have that much money? You’ve overdone it…
Razor: Don’t touch anything, it’s evidence. It seems someone paid her for her dark deeds: Abducting her own students, and tormenting them. The things people do for money… It’s sickening, really.
Daniel: Payment? From whom? Is that…
Razor: Yes… The graffiti-spewing villainess herself, now reduced to a powerless prisoner. A frightening sight, nonetheless.

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Daniel: You’ve dressed her up. She’s a rotten teacher, but she doesn’t deserve to be framed like this. Frack…
Razor: Quite fortuitous that the she decided to wear that distinctive and well-described outfit again, don’t you think? Must be a fetish of some kind. The psychologists will have a field day with her, I wager.
Daniel: What have you done to her?
Uschi: Mom…?! Mom, I need my bike!
Razor: Me? It was you who overpowered her, and dragged her into Heidi’s cell. Thank God you did, Carson! Imagine what would have happened if you hadn’t stopped her, when she was about to hit Heidi with that arsenal of potions. She might have ended up like her poor sisters!

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Uschi: Mom! Why did you take my bike?!
Heidi: I’m not mom, Uschi.
Stella: Blue teddy bear at sixty-two. No, not seventy-two. Sixty-four!
Uschi: I’ll be a good girl, mom. I won’t eat the pyramids, I promise!
Stella: Hahaha, yes… Twenty-two! Nine up, and two down and four to the side.
Razor: Fascinating…! Their minds are completely addled. Suddenly having more than 60 years added to one’s life seems to be a very trying experience for the mind. Then again, who knows what’s in all these potions, and what an evil mind like Maggie’s might use them for…
Uschi: Can I have my bike now? Please, mom!
Daniel: You’re going to help them. Doctors, medicines, whatever therapy is nee…
Razor: Therapy?! They’re beyond rescue, Carson. We’ll find a good institution for them, of course, where they can live out the rest of their short lives… Let’s wrap this ugly thing up, now. Heidi will instruct you on what to say, when you call it in. I have to get rea…

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Daniel: You frickin’ worm! I’m shutting this down, now! You’ll let Maggie go, or I’ll…
Razor: *Gasp* Heidi…!
Heidi: Carson, don’t! There’s photos, of you!
Uschi: Father! The Russians are coming! We can’t stop them!
Stella: Forty-five? Seventy-nine?
Daniel: What photos?! I’ll grind you through these jail bars like a piece of cheese!
Razor: Evidence… Don’t be an… *gasp* …idiot!
Uschi: Father!! Please help me!
Heidi: I’ll put the photos up! Come, look!
Stella: Lalalalala… Yellow jellyfish…
Uschi: Father, I’m your diamond! Look, I shi…
Heidi: Go and sit down, Uschi!
Uschi: Yes, mom…

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Razor: *Cough* Don’t you find it strange that Maggie Donovan, a lone woman, was able to subdue and transport three teenage girls, all on her own, on the night of the kidnapping? I think she had an accomplice, and we found some photographs that Maggie took that night…
Daniel: That’s not me. What the f…
Razor: Isn’t it? It sure looks that way. Maybe you should expand your wardrobe? Ms. Schlagdorff, can you identify the man in the picture, who helped Maggie Donovan abduct you and your sisters on the night in question?
Heidi: I can. It was Daniel Carson, the private investigator.
Daniel: Yeah, right… You have 30 seconds to destroy that photo, or I’m gonna…
Stella: Thirty! Thirty! No…
Razor: We have copies. Now, let me direct your attention to the object at the bottom of the frame. It bears an uncanny resemblance to the hood of the car you so carelessly left behind in Riverview, doesn’t it?
Daniel: Pearl said that car was scrapped!
Razor: Was it? Or does it still exist, ready to surface again if need be, carrying a full complement of the three sisters’ DNA? You should ponder your actions very carefully, Carson, because this is just one possible scenario. Personally, I much prefer a different scenario…

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Razor: Ms. Schlagdorff, can you please explain what we are seeing in this photograph?
Heidi: It was my father! He was working with Maggie Donovan. It was so horrible, I cried and screamed, but…
Daniel: Sunglasses in the middle of the night? You couldn’t find a better look-like?!
Razor: There’s no accounting for taste. I hear Ulrich is very fashion-conscious…
Heidi: …had taken out a big insurance policy against kidnappings, and Schlagdorff Cyber-Sec had cash flow problems… He decided to cash in the policy, with the help of Maggie Donovan, to funnel the money into the company. He always loved the company more than us, and he was such a control freak… He couldn’t stand the th…
Razor: That’s enough Heidi, we’ll save the rest for the coppers and the cameras.
Daniel: How can you do this? Destroy so many lives, just…
Razor: The question you should be asking yourself is whether you want to be a hero, or a criminal. All you have to do is call it in. What do you say, Carson, do you want to go to jail, or do you want to go home?
Daniel: It’s not much of a choice! Why is it so important to pull me into this?!
Razor: Don’t ask me, I’m just a messenger. I do appreciate a second witness, though, it is so much more substantial than just an anonymous tip. I’ve got get prepared for my part, Heidi will brief you on what to say.

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Daniel: How can you do this?! You’re throwing your own family under the bus!
Heidi: Why are you so high and mighty, huh?!  My father should have ceded to the demands! Instead, he was willing to let me rot, to protect his company! What would you have done?! Now, let him rot, I won’t shed a tear for him!
Daniel: Your sisters are completely innocent, and now their lives are wrecked. Will you shed a tear for them?!
Heidi: It was me or them! Did you see whose pictures my father posted, who he wanted to be released first? Razor showed me. Theirs! They could hope for immediate release, in case my father agreed to the terms. They would have held out for a while, but eventually one of them would have caved in. Yeah, I threw them under bus, because I had no choice. Play or be played!
Daniel: Do you have any idea who you’re letting loose on those servers? We can open Maggie’s cell, and get out of here. She would free your sisters, and…
Heidi: Don’t be an imbecile, we’re way past that point, and they still have your car. If you can’t beat them, join them!

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Maggie: Aouhggh…
Heidi: She’s waking up, and we’re running out of time. This is how we’ll play it: You saw her buying some spray paint, and got curious…
Uschi: Photos! No, mom, no… You must fight them…
Daniel: When and where? I’ve been out of town for a few days.
Heidi: The time and place isn’t important, Razor will drum up a witness from nowhere. You got here an hour ago, to do a stakeout. Through the windows, you caught a glimpse of her in that outfit, and decided to break in. You caught up with her here, as she was preparing to pummel me with those potions, having already aged me up once. Having fought her off, you dragged her into my cell, and let me out. Then you called the police.
Daniel: This is so wrong…
Maggie: Daniel Carson... is that you?
Heidi: It must be done! Make the call, while I get those photos off the wall!

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Janet: Don’t struggle, Maggie, it’ll just be more painful.
Maggie: This is a setup! I didn’t do this! It was that her and that lawyer, and some soldiers…
Janet: You’re going away, for a long time. Save your breath.
Suraya: Should I take the other arm?
Janet: Wait until I’ve secured this one.
Suraya: I haven’t done this before…
Maggie: Daniel… Suraya… help me! You know… I would I never have done this!
Uschi: Bad girl! Bad girl! Punish! Pu…
Heidi: Uschi!!
Daniel: I can’t help you now, Maggie.
Maggie: Pfay! You should have become a latrine cleaner. That’s all you were ever good for!
Janet: Suraya, take their statements while I haul her to the station. I’ll call a paramedic to assist with the two… old women.
As he watched Janet manhandle his former teacher out of the basement, he found a small amount of solace in the fact that it could have happened to a nicer person…

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Daniel: …I saw her through the bay window, wearing that outfit, and I knew this was serious…
Suraya: Mhm…
Daniel: Aren’t you supposed to be taking notes?
Suraya: Hm? Oh, I’ll remember it…
Heidi: Don’t worry about it, Daniel.
Daniel: Deciding to break in, I knew I was on thin ice, legally, but the gravity of the situation…
Suraya: M-m. Yes…. Have you seen any plastic bags around here? Large and black, preferably…
Heidi: I think I saw a roll of those upstairs. Let me get it.

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Chancer: Ms. Schlagdorff… Kaneisha, are you getting this?
Kaneisha: Crystal-clear, Chance.
Chancer: Ms. Schlagdorff, it must have been a harrowing experience to…
Paramedic: Can you cut it?! She’s medicated! She’s out!
Chancer: Private investigator Daniel Carson is exiting the premises! Mr. Carson!
Daniel: No comment!
Suraya: Heidi, wait until I…
Chancer: PI Carson, just a moment of your time?!
Heidi: Ooops…
Suraya: No, no…
Daniel: No comment!!
Uschi: Aieeee!!

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In the turbulence of disgust and anger that was his mind, he somehow arrived at the decision to head for safe harbor at Little Lennon Café. He didn’t like the place very much, but at least it wasn’t home. He needed to cool off before having to lie to his family about what had just happened.
Vlad: It used to belong to Kate Carson.
Bryce: Who?
Vlad: The famous athlete. She won gold at… some Olympics.
Bryce: Never heard of ‘er.
Vlad: That’s ‘cause you’re a young’un.
Bill: She wasn’t an athlete, she was a frontierswoman!
Vlad: Baloney!
Bill: I’m telling you… Ey, Carson! Nice ride, man!
Daniel: Yeah, whatever…
Vlad: Ask him. Dwayne bought the car from his mother, and I bought if from Dwayne.
Bill: Ey! Who’s Kate Carson?
Daniel: The mother of a demon.
Bryce: She’s one of them actors in Game of Bones?

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He’d been played. Played like a guitar that is shredded on stage, slammed into the floor until broken, and then set fire to. Baylee Howler looked like her day had been even rougher, but then again, the look was permanent in her case, as if she was always working a job she hated just to escape a cockroach-infested flat continually besieged by the ear-splitting drum rolls of a psychotic, hard-rock wannabe neighbor.

Chloe had been hospitality herself in Sunlit Tides, and it didn’t rhyme with blatantly threatening to throw him in jail. If Razor was just the messenger, it would make sense if Pearl was the author of the message. She had lied about his car, she was in charge as long as Chloe was in China, and the head-on approach was certainly her style. Who the heck was Pearl Yang, anyway?

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A stupid kid had chosen just this moment to torment both the parquet and his ears with his lousy dance moves, and for a moment, he was tempted to drag him out of there by the ears and throw him into the nearest hedge, but then chatterbox Alice moved in on him. Alice was nice, but weird, usually in a nice way, as long as she wasn’t in stalker mode, which she frequently was.
Alice: Hi, Daniel…!
Daniel: Alice.
Alice: Not happy today, on such a beautiful day?
Daniel: Why should I be happy?
Alice: We finally have some sunshine, and I’m here with you...
Daniel: I hadn’t noticed the sun.
Alice: Did you hear about Tristan?
Daniel: No.
Alice: His father bought him an apartment in Bridgeport, just to get him out of town. My father said that Ayden considered it an investment in renovation. That’s so cruel… They say Ayden’s planning to run for mayor now.
Daniel: Really…

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Using his laptop, he did some searching on Pearl, but Alice wasn’t deterred by that. The simeoleon sunrise had taken some of the edge off, making her tolerable.
Alice: Are you seeing anyone, Daniel? Besides Faith, I mean. Everybody knows that, but she’s married…
Daniel: Yes and no. It’s complicated.
Alice: I work as an acrobat now. I’ve been working out. Do you wanna see?
Daniel: See what?
Alice: My abs, to begin with… We’d have to go on a date, though…
Daniel: I’m kind of seeing someone.
Alice: Is that her? *Whistle* Now I see why I’m not good enough…
Daniel: No, no… I’m not dating her.
Alice: You’re just looking at her?
Daniel: Something like that.
Alice: Daniel… If that’s what you’re looking for, I don’t think you’re going to be married anytime soon… There’s Becky Younan, of course, but you know she likes much older men…
Daniel: M-hm…

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Hi, I’m Pearl!  :D
I came to wonderful Sunlit Tides almost three years ago (is it really that long ago already?!?  :o Wooow… ), to start a new life. I’m 34 years young, I own a house near the beach, and I work at Serpentine Labs.
I like to go to the beach, read about fashion and romance, to dance, and have a good time. :P Yaaay! I’m not a very good cook, but I am slowly learning. I promise! ::)
I’m still looking for the man in my life. :'( Could you be that man? I hope so! I prefer manly men, with a bit of muscle, lots of guts, and a heart that can only be melted by me, or the children we’ll have.  :-*
If you’re not a local, you must be willing to move to Sunlit Tides.
Don’t be shy, I’m waiting… for you!  ;)

It seemed like Pearl had ceased to maintain her online dating profile around the time Chloe set foot on Sunlit Tides. Fashion and romance… Hah! He shook his head in disbelief at how different she seemed to have been, only a couple of months ago. That suggested two possibilities: 1. Chloe had chosen a beach bimbo as her first recruit and right-hand woman, rebuilt her personality from scratch in a couple of months, and subjected her to massive injections of testosterone. That didn’t seem very likely. 2. Pearl was ex-military, had moved to Sunlit Tides to turn her life completely around, and Chloe had derailed that project, convincing her to return to her old ways. Yeah, that didn’t sound too improbable… Chloe had mentioned something about Pearl having boyfriend troubles, and maybe a sudden change to more masculine activities than reading fashion magazines at the beach hadn’t gone down to well with the guys.

He glanced up from the laptop and found that Alice was no longer there. Maybe he could have treated her a bit more gentlemanly. Oh well, she’d move on, and try to ensnare someone else with her nice weirdness. Having regained some composure, it was time for him to head home, and probably have to face the music, by coughing up a few more lies about the kidnappings.

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Jackson normally didn’t make a lot of noise around the house, except when swinging his chainsaw, but this time was different. Daniel could hear him spouting excited and incomprehensible phrases as soon as he came through the front door. He was following the updates on Danielle’s race, something Daniel ought to have done more often himself, if it wasn’t for the fact that it was normally quite boring, but his father’s behavior signified that this was not one of the boring ones.

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It was the cross-country. At the top of the standings, Zaijian, the goodbye horse, was peeking in as if to say hello. She was leading, and winning. This was it, her crowning achievement. At Memory Lane, she could probably have done it on any given day with Monoceros, but instead it had taken over a decade. Alyssina might have won 13 cross-countries, but Danielle had worked much harder to win this one, single race. He’d have to pucker up, put on a happy face and forget about his own frustrations. This was her moment, and he wouldn’t let them spoil that too.

They waited for her in Alecia’s lounge, where she’d place the trophy on the table that held the two other kinds, completing the trifecta that would make her a rider of legends. But she never made it that far. They heard the front door open, immediately followed by the sound of something falling to the floor.

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She was sobbing, and it gushed out of her, like pus from a punctured, infected wound. She cried that she had to do it, to prove to herself that she wasn’t worthless just because the Lanes had discarded her. She cried that she’d not been a good mother, that she had no friends, and that she was sorry for being so selfish. They rushed in to comfort her, but her cascade of emotions had to run its course, and despite their earlier talk, it was only in that moment Daniel understood how personal his mother had taken their loss of Memory Lane. All this time, she had been stuck in the notion that it had all been her fault, and that she hadn’t been good enough.

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Danielle: I can’t become like her, I can’t… *sob*
Daniel: Like who, mom?
Danielle: Alyssina… *sob*
Jackson: I love you Dani… Don’t cry…
Danielle: Oh, Jackson… *sob* I quit, I quit… *sob* No more races…
Daniel: OK, that’s… You don’t have to race, we’ll still love you, you know that.
Danielle: Oh God… *sniffle* I have to pull myself together, before Celeste comes home…
Daniel: You’re a rider of legends now.
Danielle: I don’t care… *sniffle*
Jackson: You were always, the best. Always!
Daniel: I care, and I’ll make sure the whole town knows about it.
Danielle: Please… don’t make a big thing out of it… *sniffle*
Daniel: No, mom. That’s exactly what I have to do.

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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 3, Chapter 19: Open and Shut
« Reply #64 on: July 12, 2018, 04:33:21 PM »
Shrikes in the Acacia

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The significant gender imbalance in Moonlight Falls had produced certain peculiarities, and one of them was Patty Younan, Suraya and Maria’s older sister. A woman of voracious appetites, Patty had fled from the country of no young men, and taken up residence in Twinbrook. Broke, and with her reputation in a worse state of ruin than the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, she was now back in Moonlight Falls, where Faith, no stranger to scandal herself, had promptly hired her to run her boutique, Frills of Faith. It was a risky choice, but there was no denying that Patty was in possession of some magnetic qualities.

Patty: Daniel Carson…? Last time I saw you, you were a snotty teenager called Lane.
Daniel: And you had two braids and far less makeup.
Patty: We really need to forge some new memories, detective. The times they are a-changin’. How can I help a town hero? Suraya told me everything…
Daniel: Is Faith here?
Patty: Mrrm… She is very busy, I’m afraid. Let’s focus on how I may be of assi…
Faith: Is that Daniel?!
Patty: It is…
Faith: Send him up!
Patty: Mrrm… Catch you on the rebound… detective.

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Faith: Mon ami! Tu fais quoi? How you’ve been? I’ve missed you so much, but I’ve been so busy. You’ve been doing alright for yourself I hear, right? Right! I have to return to France… tonight! Jean-Pierre is being unreasonable, t’sais? He could have dealt with opening my store without….
Off she went, and he couldn’t get a word in. She didn’t know when she’d be coming back, and in the meantime Patty would manage her store, which she expected to run in the red, and have use of her apartment. As she delved into the details of her second store being opened in France, he tried filtering her out and to hear what Heidi Schlagdorff was saying on TV, but it wasn’t easy…

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Heidi: …just lucky that Mr. Carson intervened when he did, or I would have ended up like…
Faith: I call it Candyland! Fitting name, right? Right. Since it’s so small, I decided not to have a kitchen. Why would I have one, with Brunton’s Boxcar just down the road?! You should see the bathroom, ooh-la-la, it’s tiny! Isn’t the fridge cool? I love how the yellow bubbles are reflected in the two cha…
Heidi: …will be sent back to our extended family in Germany, where they will receive the best possible care.
Journalist: How do you explain that your father could do this, to his own children? It seems…
Faith: …the tree towels in that end table, and how they match the colors of the walls, and the purple in the candy tree? C’est choette! I was really looking for…
Heidi: …father was paranoid, he feared that the three of us would collude and interfere with his running of Schlagdorff Cyber-Sec. I think he regretted setting up the trust fund giving us 20% of the stocks each, and that he was looking for a way to…

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Launching into a new high-speed monologue, one which drowned out the TV, she now started elaborating on real estate schemes, only pausing to deliver bursts of frenetic laughing in-between. She said something about a housing shortage, loans, supply and demand, buying the McDuff house, and evicting her sister, more loans, a retirement home, buying a lot, something about her parents, and selling the house again. Mostly, he just watched her mouth move, embracing the fact that once she was back in her true element, one of weird colors, clothes and family intrigues, they were really worlds apart.
Faith: …spare almost every expense, hehehe! La vache, once the word gets…
Daniel: Faith, Faith…
Faith: Oui?
Daniel: We have to end our little arrangement. I have to move on.
Faith: Really? I may be gone for a while, but…
Daniel: Really. This won’t work.

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Faith: I understand. C’est naturel, I can’t expect… You’ll always have a huge bit of my heart, Daniel. I hope you know that.
Journalist: Being the legal guardian of your sisters, you now control 60% of Schlagdorff Cyber-Sec…
Daniel: I won’t forget you, if that’s you think.
Faith: I… have to go, to sign those papers I mentioned, at City Hall…
Journalist: …your father being declared a fugitive from the law, his 40%...
Daniel: Call me when you get back. We’ll have dinner. If you have the time…
Faith: Patty has something for you. Talk to her if you ever need some clothes, for disguises or something. No charge, for old times’ sake, OK?
Daniel: OK… Thanks.
Razor: …ask about stocks at a time like this?! I’m stopping this, my client is in emotional distress. No further questions!
Faith: Au revior, Daniel.

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Daniel: Are these pants... yellow?
Patty: They’ve been lemonwashed, to make them more grungy. I think lemon is just a nice word for a toxic chemical…
Daniel: They feel a bit tight.
Patty: They should be identical to your old ones, except for the color. Maybe I should take your measurements thoroughly, in case Faith didn’t get them right.
Daniel: No it’s OK, but I don’t know about this shirt…
Patty: Mrs. Fashion said this was your kind of thing.
Daniel: Someone did tell me I should expand my wardrobe… Do you think it’s wearable?
Patty: I guess so, but it feels like something’s missing. Let’s try it with an accessory.

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Patty: There… I think we have a winner. What do you think?
She was squeezing her not inconsiderable bosom into him, and not giving any indication that she would let him escape easily. Her perfume danced in his nose like a ballet of sensuality, and her hand started inching towards the opening in his shirt.
Daniel: Patty… What…
Patty: She’ll be gone for a long time, thank God… I can finally hear myself think, and I think we should go upstairs, and get more comfortable…
Daniel: Geezuz. She just walked out the door.
Patty: She’s a lost case, detective, time to start working a new one. I’m not even married…
Daniel: I don’t think so, Patty. I’m not ready for this.
Patty: Mrrm... I didn’t figure you for the squeamish type, after what I’ve heard about you.
Daniel: You shouldn’t believe everything you hear.
Patty: I guess not. Seems like I misjudged this situation.
Daniel: No problem.

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Patty: Can I help you with anything else? Of course not, you’re busy man, what am I thinking. I’m probably keeping you from saving another town from another Maggie Donovan right now…
Daniel: No, but…
Patty: Oh, don’t mind silly little me, I’ll just be here, folding shirt after shirt after shirt. *Sigh* I should really start on them right away…
Daniel: Looks like they’re already folded.
Patty: Are they? Well, that’s just the shirts, then there’s all the other stuff. So much to do, and so little time. I’ll be in here until midnight, I think…
Daniel: I have to go. Thanks for…
Patty: Of course you do. Off you go, detective, don’t let me detain you any further. Midnight, yes… I just hope I remember to lock the door, sometimes I simply forget things…
Daniel: Goodbye, Patty.

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Flash Jefferson had closed the Moonlight Ballroom, on account of it “bleedin’ him dry”, but Daniel had talked him into reopening it for a single night, dedicated to his mother. He spent hours trying to conjure up some guests for the party, but with no forenotice, the response was lukewarm. Chancer and Gladsten were the only ones who said they’d definitely come, and Chancer could only be torn from his wife and newborn child by a promise of an interview.

Daniel: Are you sure about leaving pops at home? You both need to get out of the house more…
Danielle: He gets stressed out by a big crowd, he would only make a fool of himself.
Daniel: I don’t think we’ll face a big crowd tonight…
Danielle: Someone needs to watch the horses, especially now that we have a foal.
Daniel: Can’t Celeste do that?
Danielle: She has a date.
Daniel: A date?!
Danielle: Yes. You are familiar with the concept, I hope?
Daniel: It’s just… so strange.
Danielle: Time marches on, Daniel. I can see it every time I look in the mirror.
Daniel: If you check your watch, you’ll see that marching too. We’re late.

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They wouldn’t be filling the place, but at least there was somebody there. Chancer and Gladsten had answered his call and Flash was there with Deedee, his one remaining Flashette. The fact that it was an open party had attracted Felicity, Faith’s sister, a couple he had never seen before, the eternally partying Emelie, while Waylon had probably come because he knew Emelie would be there. On stage, the now decrepit figure of DeAndre Wolfe was plaguing the crowd with material that would never come near any top 10’s. Flash must have gotten him very cheap.
Danielle: I don’t know anybody here, except for Gladsten. I’ve seen some of them, from the horseback, but…
Daniel: That’s because you’ve been racing every night. It’s about time you had a social life.
Danielle: I’m a debutante. At my age… hah. Who should I talk to? Can you introduce me to someone?
Daniel: Just circulate. You can handle it, I’ll be at the bar.

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It wasn’t long before a new guest appeared by his side, headed straight for the drinks.
Daniel: Maybe you should lay off the…
Lynx: *glug*
Daniel: Never mind…
Lynx: It’s a party, ain’t it?
Daniel: I didn’t think you’d come. Good to see you.
Lynx: Wouldn’t miss it for the world, soldier.
Daniel: Sit here, we can…
Lynx: Nope. I’m with someone, see? Here he comes.

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Ritchie: What a dump. I shouldn’t been seen dead in a place like this.
Lynx: That’s kinda why ya’re here, see…
Ritchie: Killahz, in Bikersville, that’s what I call a hotspot.
Lynx: Ya haven’t been to The Cornice Club, huh?
Ritchie: You kiddn’ me?
Lynx: I was there, once, with some guy, see… But… he took some other woman home.
Ritchie: What a creep. Musta been some upper-class twat.
Lynx: Yup…
Ritchie: Let’s clean out these drink trays and go to some place from this century.
Lynx: Nah… I like it here.

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Gladsten: If Dwayne had just been a little more media-wise, maybe he could have survived this school scandal…
Danielle: M-hm…
He had to get away from them, but somehow, his body positioned itself so that he could still see them, and his blood was boiling. Coming here with her cheating ex, hitting the romantic drinks, saying what she said…. This was payback for Faith.
Gladsten: …let Ayden run away with it, so I’ve decided to run against him.
Danielle: Running for Mayor, wow…
Either Ritchie had a thing for gloves, or he was thinking he had a real chance, and laying it on real thick. Thankfully, she didn’t look too impressed by his efforts.
Gladsten: Congratulations with cracking the kidnapping case, Daniel, that was a big one.
Daniel: Thanks… Excuse me, I have something I need to prepare.

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Chancer: Hey… Got some toilet lecture there?
Daniel: I’m gonna give a speech, I got some notes…
Chancer: I think I got a piece of fruit in my teeth… looks like some lemon…
Daniel: Make sure it's not toxic.
Chancer: What...? I forgot to mention something, when we talked on the phone. Maureen Sw0rd.
Daniel: I don’t care about that anymore.
Chancer: You paid for it, don’t you want to know what I found?
Daniel: Send me an email.
Chancer: OK.

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Daniel: I would like to say a few words about the woman this party is dedicated to… My dear mother, Danielle Carson…
DeAndre: Sorry she died, man.
Daniel: What?! No… She’s a horsewoman, or rather, was a horsewoman…
DeAndre: Where’s she buried?
Daniel: She’s right there, at the back! In the yellow dress! Ahem… When I was a teenager, she was close to becoming a Rider of Legends. She lost her horse, and had to start over when we came here. Some of you have probably seen her on horseback… Now, she has completed her goal, and she’s retiring from racing… Eh… I had some notes, but…
Bill: Get on with it!
Daniel: If I ever wonder, about… What can be achieved… By hard work and dedication. I… I don’t need to look any further than to her. She’s my inspiration.
Bill: Great speech! Let’s get some drinks!

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Daniel: I’m sorry, I should have said more, but…
Danielle: *sniffle* Thank you, Daniel.
Daniel: I lost the thread when that moron interrupted me. It was awful. It should have been so much better.
Danielle: I’m your inspiration… *sniffle*
Daniel: You are, I really mean that. In many ways, at least…
Danielle: I’ll never forget you did this for me.
Daniel: You deserve it. Have you been socializing?
Danielle: Gladsten talked to me, bu…

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Felicity: Daniel Carson! The man with the big heart, the big house, and the big cases. What a memorable speech, hmm?
Daniel: Yeah, thanks… Mom, this is Felicity, she…
Felicity: She’s the sister, yes, and speaking of that, my bi*** of a sister has created a problem for me. Starting tomorrow, I no longer have a place to live.
Danielle: That’s horrible…
Felicity: Isn’t it? That’s what she’s like, unfortunately. Since there’s a lack of housing in town, and I don’t find living on the streets very tempting, I came to think of you and your family. You have such a big house. Where there was room for one sister, there ought to be room for the other, hmm? With me being homeless, and you being Faith-less… heh… it’s a good thing that two minuses equals a plus, don’t you think?

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Danielle: Daniel, we should hel…
Daniel: I’m sorry, Felicity. We have no plans of taking in a new tenant at the moment. We’d have to discuss it thoroughl…
Felicity: No plans, hmm? It’s a good thing that plans can be made and unmade then, isn’t it? You see, I have a plan, and that is to call Jean-Pierre, and update him on all my sister’s escapades here.
Daniel: I doubt he’d care. They have an open relationship.
Felicity: That’s what Faith says, but she would say that, wouldn’t she? Hmm? I tracked down a friend of Jean-Pierre, and had a chat with him, playing the concerned sister… He told me that Jean-Pierre is a man who takes marriage vows very seriously. If he knew, she’d be on the first plane back, and all her precious boutiques would disappear down the same drain as her marriage. Now, I don’t want to do that to her, of course, who would do such a thing to their sister, I think we should all have her best interests in mind…

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Lynx: Lookin’ to chalk off another McDuff-slut, soldier? Make it two out of two?
Daniel: Geezuz, Lynx, try to behav…
Felicity: What was the name of the freak show you escaped from? The mole rat women? Skin conditions from hell?
Lynx: Shouldn’t ya little ass be at the fire station, heroically watchin’ paint dry? Or is that where ya play with all yar Supa Star Barbie dolls?
Felicity: You better hope your ratty shack never catches fire!
Lynx: I got a house. Whadda ya got, slag, ‘xcept a ton of eyeshadow?
Felicity: I’ll tear you a…!
Microphone voice: Just a moment of your time, folks…
Lynx: Later, soldier…
Microphone voice: I’d like to make a short announcement…

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Jace: I’m Jace Paxton. Pleased to meet you all. I’d like to introduce an old friend of mine: Chaz McDermott. We were passing through Riverview on our way here, and I checked in on my buddy Chaz, we served together a while back, didn’t we Chaz?
Chaz: Yeah… That’s…
Jace: Chaz told me you had a problem with your fish stocks here in Moonlight Falls, and I thought: Man… I’m moving there, we gotta fix that. Chaz here is the national fishing champion, twice over, he can catch what they need, and I can pay for it. As you can see, here he is, and he isn’t here to party. He’ll be in town for a while, making things right. We’re bringing the fish back, folks. Isn’t that great?
Elanor: You’re so generous, Jace!
Jace: Thanks, Elanor. You better get started Chaz.
Chaz: You mean… now?
Jace: Yeah. Meter’s running.

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Jace: Up front here is my lovely wife Elanor, the best wife in the world…
Elanor: I love you Jace!
Jace: I love you too, honey. We’ve bought a modest mansion near the river, where we live with our two boys, and we believe in the policy of keeping an open door. Drop by, any time, have a slice of Elanor’s Angel Cake, which is out of this world, let’s have a chat, and get to know each other. We believe a community should be base itself on sharing, and caring, and we hope you agree.
Daniel: That blabbermouth stole my idea... Who is this guy?
Elanor: Tell them what you do, Jace!
Jace: The other day, and old friend of mine …not Chaz, another one… he asked me: Jace, he said… You’re a millionaire, you have a degree in technology, and a degree in business…
Felicity: What a chauvinistic pig…

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Jace: …so why do you want to work as a private investigator?
Daniel: What?! That’s it, I’m putting a stop to this…
Danielle: No, you’re not. Don’t spoil my party by making a scene.
Emelie: He’s hot…
Jace: …search my heart to find an answer to that question, I really did… What it boils down to, for me, is that I want to help people. I think it’s ingrained in me, this will, this desire…
Elanor: I know it is, Jace!
Jace: …this belief, that it’s only by giving, and working together, that we can bring out what is truly best in us. Let me help you, and maybe, some other time, you can help me. That’s how friends are made. That’s how relationships are built. That’s how we’ve risen from using sticks and stones, and that’s what I believe in. If you have a problem, call me, and remember: I’m not in it for the money, I’m in it for you. All right, folks, have a good night, and take care.

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Felicity: If that had gone on any further, I would have puk…
Bill: She stole my car!!
Waylon: Who?!
Bill: The woman that punk was with!
Ritchie: Huh…?
Bill: The one with the weird skin and the flowers!
Jace: Sounds like a case for the toughest investigator in town, honey.
Elanor: Oh, Jace…
Felicity: Daniel… I expect accommodations to be ready for me tomorrow, or I’ll make that call. Do we understand each other, hmm?

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Danielle: We could have a stayed a little while longer…
Daniel: Not without becoming completely suicidal.
Danielle: At least it was… memorable. Gosh, did you have to make that statue so darn visible?
Daniel: Alecia insisted on it.
Danielle: She never cared about the races.
Daniel: No, she didn’t. But she cared about great accomplishments.
Danielle: If you say so… Are you hungry? I could whip something up.
Daniel: I won’t be staying. I need to blow off some steam.

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Patty: Good evening, detective. May I interest you in our late night special?
Daniel: You may.
Patty: A trip for two to Candyland, all inclusive.
Daniel: I’ll take it.
Worlds Apart - Can Be Found Here

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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 3, Chapter 20: Shrikes in the Acacia
« Reply #65 on: July 19, 2018, 05:37:49 PM »
Pressure Point

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Patty: We could get some breakfast at Brunton’s, then come back here again and have… coffee.
Daniel: Don’t you have a store to open?
Patty: We’re haven’t opened yet, officially. I have lots of time…
Daniel: I have to get going, Patty.
Patty: Mrrm… You don’t want to be seen with me.
Daniel: I have an update on a case, and we’re getting a houseguest.
Patty: *Sigh* I understand…

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Patty: …you have a reputation to uphold, and can’t be seen with the likes of me…
Daniel: No, it’s not…
Patty: Sometimes, it feels like I’m a moth... Hiding during the day, and when the night falls, drawn helplessly towards some bright streetlight… Fluttering for hours against the glass that encases it, in the vain hope that I will ever reach the source of the light, only to have to retreat into hiding again when the morning comes…
Daniel: There’s no need to go all dramatic about this.
Patty: No, of course not… I’ll just sit here and finish this sketch, thinking about what could have been… I’ll be fine, detective, just fine, don’t worry about me…

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Celeste: Have you heard?!
Daniel: Heard what?
Celeste: Everglow Academy is history! The town has sold the lot, and the new owner is tearing it down.
Daniel: Wow, that’s weird. I thought every major town had to have a public school.
Celeste: Yeah, that’s the other big news: The town has bought Par Excellence, so it’ll become a public school now. Some spokesman said on the news that it was cheaper to sell the old school and buy the private school than to renovate Everglow.
Daniel: The woman who doesn’t exist gets back the money she spent… She might even have made a profit. Geezuz. Who bought the old school?
Celeste: I don’t know, but I heard they’re going to build a retirement home there.

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Daniel: Aha. Faith MacDuff... What’ll happen with the teachers?
Celeste: The teachers at my school will keep working there. I guess the teachers at Everglow has to find new jobs, if they can…
Daniel: Yeah… They’re pretty discredited right now.
Celeste: So… Where were you last night?
Daniel: Just… somewhere.
Celeste: Right…
Daniel: Who are you dating?
Celeste: Oh, just… someone.
Daniel: Hm.

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I have trawled through the father’s side of Maureen Sw0rd’s family tree, which proved far less illustrious than her mother’s side. One anomaly stood out: Her great-grandmother, Katya Doe. Listed as an orphan, there is no record of her birth anywhere in Sim Nation. Still, she attended LaFromage Art School, which is rather strange for an orphan, and there’s the issue of her looks… Using my City Hall source, I managed to unearth a photo taken for her driver’s license, and I also found an old obituary.

--- OBITUARY ---
Katya Langerak, formerly known as Katya Doe, passed away on Tuesday, at the age of 84. She lived a rather unremarkable life, working as a small-time scribe, and many of us will first and foremost remember her as a slightly grumpy environmentalist with a penchant for tree-hugging, and for handing out pamphlets. Katya bore a remarkable likeness to superstar celebrity Kate Carson, but since Mrs. Carson passed away long before by Katya settled in Sunset Valley, no reasonable explanation for their likeness could easily be found. Throughout her life, Katya declined to comment on the strange and fanciful rumors that circulated about her origins. Katya Langerak was the second wife of Parker Langerak, and she is survived by her two daughters, Carla and Jeane, and five grandchildren.

Katya Doe was the clone Chloe had made of her mother, and Maureen Sw0rd, the “damaged goods”, was her descendant… Had Aria referred to DNA? Was this the mysterious sequence of DNA that SSBI had struggled with, and failed to understand? With five grandchildren at the time of her death, there had to be lots of descendants of Katya Doe in Sunset Valley. Were they all “damaged goods”? Could that be the explanation behind the PPC, the Public Population Control, which for 20 years had severely limited the number of new births in Sunset Valley? Chloe had claimed that the clone was not important, but that had always seemed like a smoke screen. Aria had thrown lots of money at SSBI, and even supervised their operations, suggesting that she found the DNA sequence to be highly imp…

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Celeste: I’ve named the foal now. I’m calling her Empusa.
Daniel: OK. A mythological name?
Celeste: Yeah. It’s really a one-legged creature, with a bronze leg, but… she has two black legs, one white leg, and one brown, so I thought it was kinda cool. It was either that or Sphinx.
Daniel: Isn’t it a mare? The sphinx is male, and I thought you wanted something Greek.
Celeste: Sphinx is Greek too, and…
Daniel: No, it isn’t. It’s Egyptian.
Celeste: Listen to this: "Unlike the Egyptian Sphinx, which is typically shown as man, the Greek sphinx is a woman, mythicized as being treacherous and merciless, a ravenous monster who devours those who fail to answer her riddles."
Daniel: Hm. I think Empusa was a good choice…

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The gold statue of Alyssina by the pool had been placed so that she seemed to be running away from the sphinx, terrified. Judging by how she had named her horse, and its offspring, she was no stranger to mythology, indicating that the placement was not a coincidence. Taken together, the closing of the corridor, the “shrine” in the antechamber, and the arrangement of the statue told the story of Alyssina and what she had discovered, but like her children’s books, it was a story she didn’t really want anyone to read.

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In a philosophical mood, he relocated to his office, and retrieved the dictaphone from one of the drawers. He had quietly pocketed it while Kiara was carrying out her “arrest” of Jack, a small, impulsive act of defiance to deny Chloe the small pleasure of hearing his story. Since she had imprisoned the old man, and could interrogate him at her leisure, his little theft had proved rather pointless, but the device itself was still like a miniscule monument to his independence, and he twirled it around in his hand while he did some thinking.

He had decided not to look to past any more, but this stuff with Maureen Sw0rd and the clone practically demanded a follow-up. If the DNA sequence turned out to be something dangerous, and he was the one blowing the whistle, he might actually do some good, for a change. Perhaps Doc Youngblood could be tempted by some money do test Maureen’s DNA? He’d also need to call Nandini, and ask her about the PPC. Heck, he could ask her about what was going on with Vil…
Chloe: …half the DNA of your children, and you could recognize yourself in them. You were one quarter of your grandchildren, which wasn’t so easy to see, and on it goes: One eighth, one sixteenth, one thirtysecond, one sixtyfourth, onehundredandtwentyeighth… Like a bottle of plastic being slowly broken down by the ocean, into smaller and smaller and smaller pieces.
He had accidentally triggered the playback on the dictaphone, but it wasn’t Jack’s story, there was another file on it, featuring Chloe. Stopping the playback, he looked for a way to start the thing at…
Celeste: Daniel?! You have a client!
Daniel: Send him in! Or her…
Celeste: He wants you to meet him outside!

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The man waiting outside looked as if he hadn’t been born, but quarried from rock. He could almost hear the gnashing of teeth as the man’s mouth twisted into a nasty, angular shape, making the request to meet his client at Moonlight Point seem like grumbling. When Daniel joked about whose client the client was, the man’s lips responded by remaining as still and shut as a pair of granite blocks pressing against each other. Perhaps he had already exhausted his vocabulary? The man could easily be a new minion of Chloe’s, with his clothes indicating him filling the role of butler and/or bodyguard. Maybe Reginald had been beyond repair after Bai’s assault on her stronghold…

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Aria: Long time, no see Daniel.
He turned, saw her, and froze. As if to leave him with no doubts about who she was, she was wearing the same outfit she had worn on racing day, and her hair was still in the same style, though it was now the color of her mother’s hair. Subconsciously, he had expected her to look more like Esther. Gradually, the shock he felt transformed into irritation, over the fact that that she was back, that he had let himself be ambushed, and that she was smiling. The smile didn’t suit her, it was forced, and charm had never been her strong suit.
Aria: Bamboozled? I think I have my grandmother’s eyes, but lift the eyelids a bit, make the nose a bit thinner and longer…
Daniel: What’s the point of this? I’m not interested in talking to nameless backstabbers.
Nuraya: My name is Nuraya Moore. I’m the daughter of…
Daniel: Esther and Rashawn. I know.

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Nuraya: Good, no need to rehash that old stuff, then. Let’s get to business. I have a proposal, an icebreaker of sorts, since I’m probably not your favorite aunt at this point.
Daniel: What makes you think that you can just come back and talk to me like nothing happened?!
Nuraya: Be pragmatic, Daniel. I only did what Alyssina wanted me to do, now we should look to the future. I need you to track down a decryption key that Chloe has hidden somewhere.
Daniel: Chloe who?
Nuraya: Don’t act stupid, I know she’s back, and I know it was you who brought her back. I hoped it wouldn’t be you, but here we are… Bring me the decryption key, and I’ll give you everything I “rescued” from Memory Lane: Some statues, a few paintings and photographs, potions, metals, samples of perfect-quality plantables, all the racing trophies, half a million in cash, and Monoceros.

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Daniel: What does the decryption key unlock?
Nuraya: Some old data files I found. Tell me, how much do you really know about Chloe?
Daniel: I know enough. What kind of files?
Nuraya: Interesting files, hopefully. Do you know that it was Alexandria who was locked up, and that Chloe took over her life?
Daniel: Yeah.
Nuraya: Good. Then I hope you realized that she needs to be stopped. Unfortunately, I don’t know where she is or what she’s doing. You ought to know, and you’re going to help me stop her, either willingly or unwillingly. Consider the exchange I propose a first step in that direction.

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Daniel: Not interested. We’ve managed without all that old stuff, we don’t need it.
Nuraya: You’re not interested in taking responsibility for stopping what you’ve unleashed?
Daniel: If you want to go after Chloe, that’s your problem. I’m done with the past, and I’m done with this. I’m leaving.
Nuraya: You’re staying until I’ve had my say, unless you want to leave in a wheelchair. Thud over there is extremely good at breaking things. If I could trounce you on the climbing walls, I’d hate to think what he could do to you. Sit down while I tell you a story about Chloe and your wonderful family.
Daniel: I prefer to stand.
Nuraya: Whatever. The day after Trent Lane died, Chloe held a memorial service for her husband. At that stage, she was known as recluse. Famous, due to her many careers and all her adventuring, but a recluse nonetheless. For the first time, someone was actually invited to Memory Lane, to participate in her memorial service. To their surprise, my grandparents found that they had been invited.

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Nuraya: The ceremony took place in the winter lounge, and included my grandparents, Johnny and Brook, her son and granddaughter, whom she had tricked into marrying each other, and Johnny’s sister Jackie. Clint and Mika didn’t have a lot to say about Trent, they didn’t really know him, and they were further befuddled when the family gorged themselves on nectar, while no plasma nectar had been prepared for them. Though Chloe had taken the grey hair, my grandparents, who had stopped aging, were a lifetime older than her, by far the oldest living citizens of Sunset Valley. Their age gave them status, as did the fact that Clint was head of the police, while Mika, amusingly, was a master thief. They couldn’t understand why they were being treated with such disrespect, especially since it was Clint’s lawsuit against Chloe, following Kate’s death, that had provided Alexandria with the 400 000 that had gotten Memory Lane built. Of course, they had no idea that the woman at their table was Chloe, not Alexandria.

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Nuraya: Chloe now rose from her seat, and started recounting a story from when she was a teenager at Villa Carsonia, where Kate had hosted a party, and shown off her newest toy: A fresh-from-the-lamp genie called Trent Lane. The guests had laughed at his appearance, and when told of his lifespan, a vampire had sighed loudly and declared that such short lifespan was really a blessing, compared to the tediously long lifespans of fairies and vampires. A toast was proposed, to the ideal lifespan, one they all should aspire to: The lifespan of a genie. While Chloe told the story, Brook rose from the table and left the room, before returning with four blue potions: Age of Instants. Directing a hateful look at her half-brother, who was the one who had been the party loudmouth, Chloe then declared that these special refreshments were just for the vampires, and that she expected them to honor the toast they had made that night, all those years ago. The lifespan of the genie had run its course. Protesting that the whole thing at the party had been just a joke, my grandfather deplored that she couldn’t possibly be serious. Chloe just smiled, looked at him, and said:
“You see, big brother… It wasn’t a joke to me, and neither is this.”

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Nuraya: Disgusted and angry, my grandmother tried to leave, but Chloe was ready for that. She had cast off her fairy wings, but she was far from powerless, having turned herself into a genie. First she took control of Mika’s mind, then Clint’s, and commanded them to use the potions on themselves. While Johnny and Brook watched like detached spectators, Jackie implored her mother to stop, when the first potion had turned them into elders, and they were grabbing the second set of potions, like mindless robots. But Chloe would not be stopped, she just laughed at her daughter.

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Nuraya: She took to the piano as the Reaper came for them, while poor, neurotic Jackie, who had to be put on nerve tablets afterwards, was sobbing her heart out. Nobody thought Alexandria could play an instrument, and they were all surprised when she started playing Chopin. It wasn’t the funeral march, but the Polonaise Heroic, and she played it with such flair and aplomb that it would have put professional pianists to shame. As the melodies roared from her piano, like a glorious victory anthem, my grandfather hung suspended in disbelief, waiting for the reaper to get him and staring at the photograph of a dead man he had barely known.

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Nuraya: To round off her splendid afternoon, Chloe happily took selfies of herself with the Reaper, but she wasn’t done yet. She had maintained a list of how long everybody in town had lived, and throughout the evening, she made housecalls, carrying with her a large supply of Age of Instants. Some even claim she brought a portable piano. Meanwhile, Johnny and Brook drove around buying up every possible piece of real estate. The next morning, Sunset Valley woke up to new rulers and a new law: The Lanes, and the lifespan of a genie.

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Daniel: What do you expect me to say that? That’s all ancient history.
Nuraya: I expect you to acknowledge that she has to be put away. Imprisoned, for life.
Daniel: For what? Everybody thinks it was Alexandria, and whatever crimes she committed are too old to…
Nuraya: No, they’re not! You changed all that when you brought her back. She’s alive, so she can be prosecuted. The official word on my grandparents’ death was that they had inexplicably offed themselves. My father never accepted that, and before she died, Jackie gave him a signed statement about what had really happened. She had a heart, bless her soul, but at that stage, Chloe was long dead. I have collected DNA samples that prove that Frank and Leonardo Carson were born by the same mother as Johnny and his sisters. That proves that it was Chloe, not Alexandria. I also have this…

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Nuraya: …a copy of Reiner Brinkmann’s diary. He was the founder of Ralston Heights Sanatorium, where Chloe had Alex…
Daniel: So, that’s what Alyssina found there.
Nuraya: Yes. Like I said, it’s a copy, take it and read it.
Daniel: No. I’m done with digging in the past.
Nuraya: What? You don’t want read about how poor Alexandria suffered? To be reminded about the gruesome things she has done, the woman you brought back?
Daniel: How was I supposed to know?! I thought you were Alexandria. If you hadn’t knifed us in the back…!
Nuraya: You begrudge me turning that house into dust? Where my grandparents were trapped and killed?! I watched that thing come down with glee, let me tell you. If you think I’m going to let her go on living her merry life, after spending decades to take down her legacy, boy are you wrong.

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Daniel: If you knew she was coming back, why didn’t you stop it?!
Nuraya: How?! She had lived as Alexandria, I thought she was buried as Alexandria. It was Alexandria’s grave that was missing, and her fake tombstone that had those weird symbols on it. I even had the fake tombstone replaced, so that linguists and codebreakers could study those symbols, and nothing came of it. It was probably just gibberish, but I thought her grave was hidden some other place, and I wasted a lot of time looking for it. We have to work together now, to…
Daniel: No. I don’t trust you, and I never will, after what you’ve done.
Nuraya: You think you can just walk away from this?!
Daniel: Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m doing. From you, from her, and from everything that’s happened. I have my own life to live, and I don’t care what happens to either of you. Have a nice life, Nuraya Moore.

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Nuraya: I hoped a grass-roots perspective might have done you good. I can see now that it wasn’t enough. You're still a spoiled kid who wants to play with toys that are too big for you to handle.
Daniel: Stay away from my family, or you’ll regret it.
Nuraya: I know the future, and someone is going to die, Daniel, someone you care very much for!
Daniel: I’ll take my chances. Tell your sack of meat to stand aside, or call the ambulance.
Nuraya: Let the fool go, Thud. I already know where I’ll meet him again.

He wasn’t in the best of moods as he embarked for home. Why did everything have to happen at once?! Chloe and her minions was pulling him in through the kidnapping case, there was the stuff going on with Lynx, and with Faith, his new, insufferable competitor Jace Paxton appearing on the scene, and now, Aria showing up again, with a new face, a new name, and a new agenda. If she was willing to part with all that she had taken from Memory Lane, the files she was looking to unlock had to be very interesting indeed. He didn’t know what to make of her claim about someone dying, but if she was desperate to get her hands on that decryption key, she could easily be bluffing. She had been bluffing them for 40 years.

Yeah, there was one more thing going on. Felicity. His mother was trying to handle her when he got home, and signaled for him to back off.
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Felicity: Do I look like an exotic bellydancer? A circus performer? The wife of the long-dead 39th governor of Bombay? Hmm?
Danielle: No… but…
Daniel: This is where your sister stayed. It’s a nice room, and…
Felicity: My sister?! My sister is as undiscerning as a starved pig, but that doesn’t mean we should all follow her lead, does it? God, this is completely unacceptable…
Jackson: There she is! Get her! Get her!
Danielle: Daniel?! Check what Jackson is rambling about, please…

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Jackson: Don’t let them leave! It’s her!
Daniel: Pops? What…
Felicity: Where, exactly, is the gym room? I must have a gym room.
Danielle: It's up the stairs.
Jackson: Grab her before she escapes! Take him down too! Run, run! No, not that way!!
Daniel: We have a guest, you should calm…
Jackson: Yeah! We got them now! Knock him out!
Jackson: Watch out, she’s a genie! Use the potion on her! He’s down, concentrate on her! Williams! Throw the potion!
It was clear that his father was having a flashback from one of his time travels, decades ago, but the scariest part of it was that his diction was perfect. It was as if he was playing everything back with total recall, bypassing parts of his own brain. He was even varying his voice to mimic the different speakers.

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Jackson: We got her… A strange one she is, with that skin. Looks like a mutant.
Daniel: Geezuz, he’s talking about Lynx…
Felicity: Excuse me, please…
Jackson: That’s probably why they want her. She’s no normal greeno.
Danielle: Oh God, not this again…
Jackson: I hear they’ve been looking for her for years. They’re paying real good for her.
Danielle: He needs a new pill, Daniel.
Jackson: What do we do with the dude? He’s a PI.
Felicity: This room is much better than the other one. I think I’ll take this room.
Jackson: I’ll take care of it. Nobody will see him again.

Worlds Apart - Can Be Found Here

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  • Townie
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Re: Worlds Apart - S3C21: Pressure Point (Season 3 Finale)
« Reply #66 on: September 23, 2018, 10:36:01 AM »

Who’s Your Daddy?

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One generation, pushing the next generation in front of them. With years passing almost like days, it wouldn’t be long before Clementine’s daughter would be pushing a stroller of her own. Was that all life really boiled down to? An endless stroller relay race, where the competitors with empty strollers where striding forward like mindless robots, oblivious to the fact that they were doomed to lose? Did the race seem so pointless and hollow just because his stroller was empty, or was his stroller empty because he really didn’t care about the race? Would mini-Clementine care? How many new generations of mini-Clementines would keep following the program of filling their strollers and hoarding things, before one of them would throw the empty stroller into a ditch, party their life away and laugh maniacally while the repo-man was sucking up all the things the previous generations had worked so hard to collect?

All the horse racing trophies, and Monoceros. Gems, metals, perfect-quality plantables. Some statues, paintings, and photographs. Potions, gems, metals, half a million in cash. He had brushed it off like it was nothing when she said it, but the efforts that the previous seven generations had put into hoarding those things weren’t so easily dismissed. Those things had been meant for him, and for Celeste, but to get them he would have to stick his head into the beehive that was ruled by the woman who began hoarding them to begin with. Where was he supposed to find a decryption key? In a document, or a book? A file on a computer? Did she ke…
Patty: Mrrm…

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Patty: Do you want to go after her? Should I leave, so she can sit here instead?
Daniel: What? I was just thinking.
Patty: About what?
Daniel: Nothing, really…
Patty: Nothing? You must have been thinking about something.
Daniel: No, it was just…
Patty: What? Are my boobs to big? Should I have them reduced, so they look more like Clementine’s?

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Daniel: Geezuz, Patty! Do you have to make a drama out of everything?!
Patty: Of course not. I’ll just here and be silent, and keep being ignored by you.
Daniel: I wasn’t ignoring you. We just had breakfast, like you wanted! Do I have to look at you absolutely all the time?!
Patty: You look at who you want to look at, and sadly, that’s not me. I have to wonder…
Daniel: I wasn’t even looking at Clementine! Please, can’t we keep this thing smooth and uncomplicated?!
Patty: Maybe you think it’s smooth to be able to drop in on me whenever it pleases you, but I’m the one waiting, alone, wondering if I’ll have to cry myself to sleep…
Daniel: Yeah, right…

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Patty: You never bring me anything. You never say anything nice about me…
Daniel: Do you think I’d keep coming if I didn’t think you were hot?
Patty: Hot? I want to be appreciated, Daniel. This relationship is becoming too one-sided…
Daniel: Relationship? It’s a fling, Patty, we both know that!
Patty: Mrrm! Is that all this is to you?
Daniel: Yeah. Why would you think anything else?
Patty: I think it’s time for you to stop yanking my chain. Don’t bother coming until you’re ready for more, and you better come bearing gifts!

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Patty the maneater playing hard to get? What on earth was that about? If she was expecting a sugar daddy, she had better move on. Bah!
Sam: …died peacefully of old age yesterday.
Bob: He should have quit music or kicked the bucket a long time ago, so we could have remembered him in a good way.
Sam: Ouch. That’s harsh, Bob...
Bob: No, it isn’t. What was his last hit? Don’t look it up!
Sam: Mhmhmh… No, I can’t recall.
Bob: That’s my point, Sam. It was “Black Holes”, but it’s washed out by all the self-produced crap he churned out afterwards. I’m telling you, he should have turned it in years ago.
Sam: OK folks, what do you think? Does Bob have a point? Give us a call! Here’s another news snippet: With a new election looming, The Mayor of Moonlight Falls, Dwayne “The Invisible Man” Wolff, has resigned his post over the school scandal that has been raging over there.
Bob: How do they know he’s gone? Did he leave with his hat on? Who will take over? Someone who doesn’t even exist?
Sam: It’s a two-horse race now, Bob. Surprisingly, Ayden “I own half the town and I’ve been Mayor twice before” Van Gould and some nobody named Gladsten Farmwell are neck-and-neck in the polls…

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Marigold: Welcome, Daniel.
Daniel: You… live here now?
Marigold: We announced our engagement last week. You didn’t hear about it?
Daniel: Can’t say I did.
Marigold: Our little secret is safe, don’t worry about that. I think the prestige that brought me is why he’s looking to tie the knot, with the election and all.
Daniel: Good for you, I guess.
Marigold: We’ll see about that… He’s out back, the other guy is already there.
Daniel: What other guy?
Marigold: The new guy. The PI.
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Ayden: There you are, Mr. Carson. Are you ready to do some damage?
Daniel: Depends. What’s this all about?
Ayden: The election, Mr. Carson. I thought Gladsten would be a pushover, but it seems I underestimated the influence of his wife and her considerable family. Since I don’t fancy the prospect of losing, I need to uncover information that will cast “The People’s Choice” in a less flattering light, and what could be better than hiring a PI? Well, hiring two PI’s, of course!
Jace: What sort of information would be your preference?
Ayden: The extremely scandalous sort. I doubt Gladsten has been involved in anything like that, but feel free to use your imaginations. Make sure it looks like it actually happened.
Daniel: I don’t…

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Jace: You got it, but we’ve got to discuss payment. I don’t need money, I need a favor.
Ayden: I’m sure I can oblige, Mr. Paxton. What do you need?
Jace: A titular job in the city administration for my wife. Her salary could be 500 a week, and she won’t be doing any real work, but it would make her feel important. How about... Chief Marketing Supervisor?
Ayden: Excellent suggestion. I can have that arranged, once the election is won.
Daniel: I can’t be a part of this. Gladsten is a friend of my family.
Ayden: He doesn’t need to know that you’ve been involved, as long as you…
Daniel: No, it wouldn’t feel right.
Marigold: You can’t go there! He’s in a meeting!
Lucretia: I can, and I will.

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Margiold: If you take another step, I’m calling the police.
Lucretia: They know I’m here. I told them I would come here if they didn’t arrest Ayden.
Marigold: Arrest him for what?!
Lucretia: Avoiding his fatherly responsibilities. Come, Israel, it’s time for you to meet your father.
Marigold: This is ridiculous! Stop!
Ayden: Don’t bother, Marigold. We’ll soon have this cleared up.

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Lucretia: Israel, this is your father, Ayden Van Gould.
Ayden: I’m afraid not. We never…
Lucretia: Yes, we did, doodliepop!
Marigold: Ayden! You said you were just being friends with her, and helping her out with money!
Ayden: The girl is fantasizing, Marigold.
Lucretia: I’m tired of you blocking me! You’ll do right by Israel. You’ll pay child support, and you’ll reopen my credit card, immediately!
Ayden: Do right? Anyone with half an eye can see there is no way that mutt is related to me. He isn’t even a vampire! If you want money, try getting a job, Lucretia. You’re not leeching another cent from me.

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Lurectia: I don’t want to go public with this, and ruin your election, but you’re giving me no choice…
Ayden: Go public with what? Look at him! Go public all you want, you’ll be laughed out of town!
Lucretia: You’ll regret this! I’ll take him to the hospital for a paternity test, and you’ll hear from my lawyer!
Ayden: Good! You should have had him tested a long time ago! Do you have a car? Perhaps Marigold can drive you to the hospital right away, so we can settle this? I’ll be right behind you!
Lucretia: You better be! Come, Israel, we’re going to the hospital.
Israel: I don’t want him to be my father…
Lucretia: Neither do I, but we don’t get to choose, Israel.

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Ayden: Lucretia and her genes turned out to be a colossal disappointment, and now I need to provide that whelp with a new biological father. What do you say, Carson?
Daniel: What…?
Ayden: I own the hospital, I can have the paternity test manipulated. You’re blond, you’re unmarried… You would be perfect as Israel’s biological father.
Daniel: No, no…!
Ayden: Don’t worry about Lucretia, she just wants money. I’ll cover the child support and throw a little extra on top, for you. There might even be a place for you in the new city administration, once I…
Daniel: No, Ayden, no way. I’m not doing it. You have to find someone else.
Ayden: Very well. In that case, I think we’re done here, gentlemen.

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Jace: This town isn’t big enough for the both of us.
Daniel: Really? I thought you were all about caring and sharing.
Jace: What was your major at university again? Oh, I forgot… You barely scraped by in that high school that was so bad that they had to close it.
Ayden: I’m glad you understand. Do you have a sample of Waylon Wolff’s DNA?
Daniel: Too bad all your degrees can’t give you what you really need: A real personality, instead of just sleaze.
Jace: You stink, and I don’t mean your underware. You left your client behind in China, and your other cases are scarcely believable. A birdhouse is the oldest house in Moonlight Falls?
Daniel: It was a fairy house, actually…
Ayden: Excellent, it’s about time Waylon became a father…
Jace: You just happen to see Maggie Donovan buying spray paint, then you just happen to see her in that outfit? Heidi Schlagdorff just happens to have the company land in her lap, and now she’s walking around so pregnant that the child must have been conceived before she was “rescued”? That’s a paternity test I’d like to see the result of! You’re going down, Carson.

Jace walked off, leaving him stunned by the bomb he had dropped. Did Jace think he was the father? It had to be Razor, but how could he and Heidi have been so careless? If Jace went digging in the Maggie Donovan case, things could get ugly…

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Emelie had intercepted Jace on his way out, and they were talking in hushed voices that were lowered to whispers as he walked by them, but he still caught snippets of what they said.
Emelie: …connections out of town, you can…
Jace: …not good for you…
Emelie: … need them, Jace! I…
Jace: …can’t…
Emelie: …anything!

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Danielle: Didn’t you get my messages?
Daniel: I had an important meeting, I turned my phone off.
Danielle: Regina is here, or Kiara, as she calls herself now… She looks quite the rebel, I did not recognize her at all! She is waiting in your office.
Daniel: Why is she in my office? You shouldn’t let people in there.
Danielle: She wanted to get some work done on her laptop, and your father had another “episode” this morning. I did not want her to see him going off the rails if it happened again.
Daniel: How is he?
Danielle: He is up in the tower now, and is probably all right, but you need to find a way to get another pill for him. I can’t keep dealing with this.
Daniel: I’ll look into it.
Danielle: I got a new career now… I have joined the police.
Daniel: Eh… OK…
Danielle: With people stealing cars and being kidnapped, it seems like our law enforcement needs a helping hand, and it’s a way to help the community. I can not just sit around doing nothing.

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Daniel: Getting comfortable?
Kiara: Quite. Nice to see you too, cuz.
Daniel: Why are you here?
Kiara: Jack’s dead. Thought you might want to know.
Daniel: You were supposed to keep him alive.
Kiara: He didn’t eat the life fruits we gave him. Guess he didn’t fancy gardening. Oh well, easy come, easy go, you know? Anyhow, the queen bee returned after he died, and I thought she might want to hear his story, so I looked for the dictaphone, but you know what? I couldn’t find it.
Daniel: What a tragedy.
Kiara: Coming here, and being of the curious sort, I snooped around, and ooooooaaaa… Guess what I found?

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Daniel: It must have jumped into my pocket.
Kiara: Did you listen to the other file?
Daniel: M-hm.
Kiara: We got a problem, then. Before Jack told his story, Pearl tossed me the dictaphone and told me to delete the file that was on it. Being of the curious sort, I didn’t, you know? I thought I’d listen to it first, which wasn’t possible until now. Neither of us were supposed to hear that, you know?
Daniel: I guess we’re partners in crime, then.
Kiara: Yeah. How about this: I tell Pearl I had misplaced the dictaphone, and we both keep our mouths shut?
Daniel: Works for me. What was your favorite part? I liked what she said about our DNA, gradually dissolving through our descendants.

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Kiara: That was much too subtle for me, you know? I like the first part.
Pearl: You don’t have to sit on top of me, there’s room over there, with plenty of view.
Chloe: No. I’m here for you. Petronella “Petrol” Yang, formerly a warrant officer and pilot in the 160th SOAR…
Pearl: How the heck do you know that!? That’s classified!
Chloe: I also know that “Mustang” Yang hasn’t been seen on the illegal street racing scene since her Boss 9 took a nasty tumble off that bridge in Bikersville three years ago. Is that when you decided to take your pedal off the metal, come here and go all gooey?
Pearl: I broke five ribs, shattered my knee…
Chloe: The only thing you broke that mattered was your spirit. Look at you. Your muscles have wasted away, you’ve let your hair grow long, you’ve had your tattoos removed, and you’ve gone soft. You think you’re pretty? Pfff. You’ve suppressed everything that was special and beautiful about you, and turned into a forgettable copy of all the other plastic-infested, glossy copies roaming about like the sheep they are. Baa! Baa!

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Kiara: That just cracks me…
Daniel: Come on, you can’t stop it there! The next bit is even better!
Kiara: Yeah, yeah, it’s pretty good…
Pearl: OK, that’s it. Get up, I’m gonna…
Chloe: That’s just pride screwing with your head. Sit your ass down, or you can forget about updating your dating profile with more modeling shots. If you want a shot at me, you can take it when I’m done talking, but in your state, I’ll pick you apart and make you cry like a little girl. Here are the facts, and you better face them: You flip the pages of the cat-calendar in your kitchen with dread, knowing that middle age is right around the corner, and that your desperate efforts to embrace normality have landed you a worthless boyfriend, who’s already fooling around with somebody else, and a dead-end job you have no talent for, where you make 63 bucks an hour. Your Mustang is still a wreck, you haven’t paid the photographer who took your modeling photos, and you’ve wasted your army earnings on thrills, frills, and feel-good pills.
Pearl: Have you been in my house?! Who the frack are you?!
Chloe: I’m the one offering you a way off the train to Hosetown, but I don’t need a sheep. I need Mustang Yang, back with a high-octane petrol bang. I’ll pay you 50 000 a week to do what you were born to do: Kick ass, touch the sky and never say die.

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Kiara: Pearl must have been recording because she thought Chloe was a psycho, you know? Maybe she was all covered in dirt from using the miner.
Daniel: Did she recruit you the same way? By coming at you with insults?
Kiara: No, she used a completely different approach with me. By the time she knocks on your door, she’s done her homework, you know? She already knows who you are, and why you are who you are. It’s downright scary.
Daniel: Mind if I copy the file, just for…
Kiara: You know I can’t let you do that. In fact, let me do this so I don’t forget it… There, now it’s gone, and we never heard it. I better get going, cuz, I gotta pick up a new recruit.
Daniel: I need to talk to Chloe.
Kiara: She doesn’t have a phone, you know.
Daniel: Can I call someone else there, and reach her that way?
Kiara: At the new base, all mobiles are jammed. There’s one line in, but I can’t give you that number.
Daniel: How I am supposed to reach her, then?
Kiara: I’ll tell her, and she’ll be in touch. Don’t call us, we’ll call you, you know? Take care, cuz.

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Daniel went up in the tower to talk to his father, but he wasn’t there. He must have gone to bed already, anticipating a long night at the graveyard. Gazing out the windows, he fell into thought. Tricking Kiara into playing a part of the file hadn’t accomplished much, there was nothing sensational or incriminating about what he heard. Since Kiara was so adamant about deleting the file, there had been something else there, something far more important, and now he would never get to hear it. Why the heck hadn’t he got around to listen to that file before Kiara shoved up?

He could see Moonlight Point, where Nuraya had cornered him, and made her offer. She had made it sound like she had the evidence needed to put Chloe away, which begged the question of why she seemed so desperate to get hold of the decryption key. If the data file just contained more evidence, what did she need it for? Did the data file contain something that would enable Nuraya to push a completely separate agenda? With no way of contacting Nuraya, he’d have to sound out Chloe about getting another of those high-end pills for his father. There was no guarantee that she’d be cooperative. Razor must have told her how he reacted to the Maggie Donovan-setup, and Pearl had no doubt recounted how he’d left Sunlit Tides. He might need something to get in Chloe’s good graces, and he did have something she’d be very interested in: Information about Nuraya.

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Felicity: Daniel? Where’s dinner?
Daniel: If it isn’t on the table, or in the fridge, I guess you have to make your own, like everybody else in this house.
Felicity: I’m a working girl, I don’t cook.
Daniel: I’m a working man, and I cook, if I have to.
Felicity: I haven’t cooked a meal in my life. It would look very stupid if the fire department would have to come here because of me, don’t you agree? Why don’t you make me something, so we can avoid that hullaballoo, hmm?
Daniel: Why don’t you stop being such a spoiled brat? That stove is fireproof. Make your own food, or starve. Your choice!

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Having lost his appetite for eating at home, he headed for the front door, running into his sister and some boy going the opposite direction.
Celeste: Daniel… This is Bryce, my boyfriend.
Daniel: Right…
Bryce: Pleased to meet you Mr. Carson. Your daughter is a wonderful person. I’m very lucky.
Celeste: He’s not my father, he’s my brother…
Bryce: Oh. I’m so sorry… I…
Daniel: Never mind. Where does your family live, Bryce?
Bryce: Eh… in a mansion, near the river.
Daniel: Do they… What’s your family’s name?
Bryce: Paxton.

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Daniel: I see. What happened to your jacket, Bryce? Been in a fight?
Bryce: No… It’s supposed to look…
Daniel: Did you lose? Yeah, you probably did.
Bryce: I wasn’t in a fight.
Daniel: What’s with the hair? Are you trying to look like a girl?
Bryce: No…
Celeste: Daniel… What are you doing?!
Daniel: Maybe he’s a girl, Celeste. A girl and a wuss, that’s what I think. You should dump him like a bad habit, sis.
Celeste: Why are you acting like this?!
Daniel: I’m outta here, and he better not be here when I get back. Sayonara!

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Lynx: Mind if I steal your car?
Daniel: It isn’t mine.
Lynx: Yar new shirt looks like a friggin’ home decoration disaster.
Daniel: Like your house? Who asked you, anyway?
Lynx: The shirt did, see.
Daniel: And why would you care?
Lynx: Who says I care?
Daniel: Good. How’s Ritchie?
Lynx: Screw Ritchie. How’s Faith?
Daniel: Screw Faith.
Lynx: Good. Wanna go out, soldier?
Daniel: Why not?
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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 4, Chapter 1: Who's Your Daddy?
« Reply #67 on: October 06, 2018, 04:53:02 PM »
Welcome to the Dollhouse

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Dr. Houston: Why do you need to find… What was her name…?
Daniel: Nuraya! She knows what’s going to happen.
Dr. Houston: How does she know that?
Daniel: I told you. She sent my father traveling through time.
Dr. Houston: Yes… And this Nuraya also impersonated your 4 x great-grandmother, Alexandria, who was really her sister, Chloe, impersonating Alexandria…
Daniel: Yes! I brought Chloe back to life, to find Alexandria, who wasn’t Alexandria, but Nuraya, and Chloe spiraled out of control…
Dr. Houston: Daniel… You’ve told us this many times…
Daniel: Because you’re not listening! You don’t believe me!
Dr. Houston: I believe that you think all this happened, but…

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Daniel: It did! I’m done with this, I have cases to work…
Dr. Houston: Cases? You’ve been here for… Kirsten?
Kirsten: 15 years, doctor.
Dr. Houston: Thank you, Kirsten.
Daniel: That’s impossible. I solved a kidnapping case just days ago!
Dr. Houston: Have you looked in a mirror lately?
Daniel: There are no mirrors here.
Dr. Houston: There’s a small one in the bathroom. Do you want me to get it?
Daniel: I don’t know… This is all wrong…
Dr. Houston: You need to get to grips with your delusions, Daniel. Sit tight, I’ll get the mirror, and could you get us some coffee, Kirsten?
Kirsten: Of course, doctor.

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Pearl: I hate the Daniel-doll!
Chloe: Why is that, honey?
Pearl: He’s so stupid, and boring!
Chloe: I guess he’s not the most exciting of your dolls…
Pearl: He just sits there, on the couch, doing nothing, and getting old.
Chloe: If you don’t like him, you have other dolls you can play with.
Pearl: I want to get rid of him!
Chloe: OK, we’ll get a better doll for you. Shall we make him disappear?
Pearl: No… That’s too good for him. I’ll blow him up, with a bomb. Hahaha!
Chloe: That’s my girl.

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The dream faded, and he found himself slung on an unfamiliar bed. Confused, his eyes scanned the wall he was facing, finding absolutely nothing familiar, and gradually realizing that he had no idea how he had ended up wherever he was. Alarmed, he tried to get up, but was quickly brought into slow motion by his pounding head.
Daniel: Geeezuz, my head….
Lynx: Too many Big Mistakes, see? I told ya. It’ll pass, tho.

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Daniel: Lynx? Where are we…?
Lynx: You don’t 'member, huh?
Daniel: No.
Lynx: Ya’re were yar ass belongs: In a mansion.
Daniel: What mansion?
Lynx: The mansion of some stuck-up pregnant broad with an awful German name. That greasy lawyer is hangin’ out here too.
Daniel: Why…? How did we end up here?

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Lynx: We were out partyin’ at the Cornice Club, and ya ran into that new guy, Paxton. He said somethin’, left, and ya got all fired up, wantin’ to go after him.
Daniel: *Sigh* Owww!! My nose!!
Lynx: Yep. May be broken, man. But it’s an improvement, if ya ask me.
Daniel: Did I get in a fight?
Lynx: Nope. I took yar car keys, to stop ya from killin’ yourself, but ya found a bike outside the club, and started pedalin’ like an idiot. I went after ya best I could.
Daniel: Geez…
Lynx: I ain’t kidding ya, soldier. When ya got to this place, well… Ya can take a look out the window.

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Daniel: I did that?
Lynx: Yep. Ya went nose first into that mailbox like a friggin’ rhino, and ended up KO’d and bleedin’ like a pig. I caught up with ya as the lawyer was draggin’ you inside. Ya know him?
Daniel: Sort of.
Lynx: He and the broad cleaned ya up, and took ya up here. Some fool watched over me once, and I thought I’d, like, return the favor, see?
Daniel: Thanks.
Lynx: Ya seriously don’t 'member anythin’?
Daniel: Nothing.
Lynx: Not even… this?

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At first he, thought she was just being extra careful not to get in contact with his swollen, bloody nose, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew they had kissed like this before. It was nothing like Patty’s unbridled passion, or Faith’s playful enthusiasm. It was slow kiss, so soft, and so tender that it could only be a kiss from someone who’s in love. His mind tried clicking into gear, to figure out how they’d gotten to that point, but the gears were spinning with no traction, and he quickly shut the effort down, telling himself that ignorance was bliss.

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Lynx: Do you ‘member anythin’ now?
Daniel: Not really, but if we continue the therapy at regular intervals, I’m sure it’ll all come back to me.
Lynx: You'd like that, huh? First we gotta get married. You proposed and I said yeah, but I guess ya don’t 'member that either?
Daniel: Did I…?
Lynx: Don’t tell me ya’re backin’ out?
Was this another one of her jokes? He had toyed with the idea before, and the feelings he had for her had never died. At this stage in his life, if he was going to marry anyone, it would be her. No retreats.
Daniel: No… I’m not backing out.
Lynx: Gotcha… But now I know ya’re serious, see?
Daniel: You’re welcome.

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Heidi: The shirt seems to fit you well. We threw the old one away, it was quite beyond repair.
Daniel: Thanks. I apologize for… everything, really.
Razor: No need for that, it was no bother.
Daniel: I’ll transfer some money to pay for the shirt and the rep…
Heidi: No, no. Don’t be ridiculous. Just forget about it.
Daniel: Paxton, this new PI… He’s talking thrash about the kidnapping case.
Heidi: Really? Like what?
Daniel: Like there being too many coincidences involved in how Maggie Donovan got caught.

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Razor: Perhaps we should discuss this more privately?
Daniel: Lynx can be trusted, don’t worry about that.
Heidi: Who cares if he’s talking? The case is done and dusted, and we’re leaving town.
Daniel: I see. Found some place nice?
Razor: Yeah. Somewhere tropical.
Daniel: Paxton is also talking about how your pregnancy was very sudden, and how convenient it all turned out for you. Perhaps we should tell our common friend about him.
Heidi: Does he realize I can buy his father’s business ten times over?
Razor: I don’t think we need to involve our common friend. Paxton has a family, after all. I’ll pay him a visit, and make him realize that slandering my future wife can be an extremely expensive hobby.

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Lynx: So, when will ya tell me ‘bout this scary “common friend”?
Daniel: Some day. It’s very complicated.
Lynx: Do ya wanna go see “The Return of Doctor Macabre”?
Daniel: I heard it's even worse than the last one.
Lynx: Yep! It’ll be no one there, see, so we can get comfortable, like.
Daniel: Tomorrow? I got a client I got to…
Man: Excuse me, I’m looking for Lynx Blunstone.
Lynx: Yeah? Whadda ya want?
Man: Stan Weston, from the municipal housing authority. We have some things we need to resolve...
Daniel: I’ll call you later.

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Emelie: Daniel… We’ve known each other for many years now. I feel I can trust you…
Daniel: Yeah, sure...
Emelie: I think it’s time my father had an accident.
Daniel: Eh… What kind of accident?
Emelie: The kind that would end his life.
Daniel: You want to have your father whacked?
Emelie: Yeah, and I want you to help me.
Daniel: I’m a PI Emelie, not a murderer for hire.

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Emelie: I can’t take it anymore, Daniel. His schemes to manipulate and control me and my brother, his threats to cut me from his will, his women… I’m so sick and tired of it.
Daniel: I’m sure you’re frustrated, but…
Emelie: I feel like a prisoner up there, always walking on needles while being squeezed under his thumb. He has no plans to retire, or to let me live my life like I want to. When will it my turn, Daniel? When will I finally be free?
Daniel: I can’t…
Emelie: I know I can take care of family business. I’m not stupid. But he won’t even let me try. I’m just a silly girl to him. I’ll never be anything else, while he goes from woman to woman hoping to be awarded with the “proper” son Tristan never was.
Daniel: I’m sorry, Emilie. You have to deal with this some other way.
Emelie: I see… Maybe there’s something else you can help me with.
Daniel: Let's hear it.

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Emelie: I need to acquire some plasma fruits, from a guy in Bridgeport who calls himself Breezer.
Daniel: Can’t you just buy them at the grocery store?
Emelie: No. These plasma fruits are special. They make you feel really, really good. My father forbids me from going out of town, but I had a guy who I used to meet at the pool, who brought the fruits to me. He hasn’t shown up. Something must have happened to him.
Daniel: Tristan lives in Bridgeport, doesn’t he? Why can’t you call him, and have him do it?
Emelie: He doesn’t want to get involved. Breezer is a dangerous man, and he enforces a rule: The plasma fruits can’t leave Bridgeport. You’re a resourceful guy, you could track him down and find some way to smuggle…
Daniel: No, no…

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Emelie: I’m begging you, Daniel.
Daniel: I can see that, but…
Emelie: Sooner or later, my father will bite the dust. I’ll be rich, and I’ll be very, very grateful. Do you understand?
Daniel: I think so. I have too much on my plate to be running around the nation smuggling fruits, I’m afraid.
Emelie: I’ll pay you a lot of…
Daniel: No, it isn’t happening.
Emelie: He wants to send me away, to recuperate. I don't need to recuperate. You have to help me, Daniel, I’ll do anything…
Daniel: It’s time for you to leave, Emelie. Now.

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Woman: The cosmic strings!! This is a crossingpoint!
Daniel: What the…
Danielle: Daniel. This is Eleriumina Creek.
Eleriumina: How wonderful! Feel the energy!
Daniel: And what is Elumi… whatever, doing here?
Eleriumina: Feel the vibrations! I can recharge my chakras here!
Danielle: We are allowed to call her “Elle”... She is a spiritualist, and a ghost-caller. She will stay with us for a while, and help your father sculpt Alecia’s ghost by calling her forth.
Daniel: What? Have we started running a hotel?
Danielle: It wasn’t me who told Felicity she could move in…

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Eleriumina: MmmMMMMMMmmmm. MMM! Mmmm… MmMmMmMm!
Daniel: What are you thinking? She’s a total quack!
Danielle: I’ll give her a week to do her thing. If nothing else, at least Jackson will have some company at the graveyard.
Daniel: Are you paying her for this?
Danielle: Yes, but she’s affordable.
Eleriumina: MMMMmmmmMM! Yes… I’ll need to place a crystal in this room.
Daniel: Look at her…
Danielle: One more thing. She needs to borrow your office, to use it as her bedroom.
Daniel: Why? We have room upstairs.
Danielle: She needs to sleep close to the ground, to stay in contact with the ghosts.
Daniel: Quackity, quack…

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Jackson: She’ll help, me!
Eleriumina: Over, under, over, under. The petals of the crown.
Felicity: Do you need help, or are you just mental?
Daniel: Yeah, I heard… Listen, what did you see when you had that that flashback yesterday?
Jackson: Vica Corslania. The house.
Daniel: Villa Carsonia? Did you see anyone there?
Jackson: No. Just fountain. Stone spulctures. Flowers…
Daniel: OK. Do you remember anything else from the other flashback, with Lynx and me?
Jackson: Just what I told.
Daniel: A big building. The security guards dressed in black. Three blue doors and strange blue windows shaped like greek letters, but turned around. You still don’t know where this building might be?
Jackson: No.

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Danielle: Do you still live here, or what?
Daniel: What are you talking about?
Danielle: You’re gone every night, and every morning. I have a day job now. I can’t keep an eye on… things, like I used to.
Daniel: You worry too much. He’ll be ok.
Eleriumina: Blessed be the power of Luna…
Jackson: It glows!
Danielle: It’s not just not about him. We have two houseguests now, and your clients come here, not to wherever you spent the night. It wouldn’t hurt if you said “my place” instead of “your place” once in a while…
Daniel: Yeah, yeah… I’ll keep that in mind.
Eleriumina: The cosmic energies will guide us, Jackson.

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Felicity: This book came for you in the mail. Do you like books? I never bought into that “the pen is mightier than the sword”-stuff…
Daniel: I’d take the sword any day.
Felicity: Looks like you could have used one today. Did the crook get away, and all you caught was a left hook? Heh…
Daniel: I walked into a big sign, saying “Felicity better be on her way soon”
Felicity: You know our deal.
Daniel: At the bottom of the sign, there was some small text, and that’s when I banged my nose, as I leaned in to read it. It said: “No matter what happens to Faith”.
Felicity: Come on… It’s not my fault that your mother has that crackpot moving in here. It’ll only be a couple of days.
Daniel: How do I know that?
Felicity: Faith’s retirement home opens tomorrow. Once the geezers get their bearings, housing will be available, and I’ll be on my way.

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He was tempted to dig into the Brinkmann diary, but Felicity's mention of swords reminded him that he knew about a Sw0rd he needed checked out.
Maria: Doctor Younan speaking.
Daniel: Younan? Maria Younan?
Maria: Yeah. Who’s calling?
Daniel: Wow. It’s Daniel Carson. What a coincidence that you’d be the doctor on call.
Maria: Daniel? Are you in Sunset Valley?
Daniel: No, I'm at home, in Moonlight Falls.
Maria: Then why are you calling for a doctor over here?
Daniel: I'm worried about one of your residents. Maureen Sw0rd. Due to a case I’m working on, I have every reason to suspect that there’s something strange about her DNA.
Maria: Something strange? What kind of case are you working?
Daniel: I can’t tell you, I’m afraid. I’m really hoping that the DNA irregularity isn’t dangerous, because she’s not the only one whose DNA is abnormal. Could you take a look and tell me what you think?
Maria: I’m not a DNA expert, Daniel.
Daniel: If you check it out, you’ll see if you need to bring in more expertise.
Maria: OK… I’ll have a look. Hope you know what you’re talking about.

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Celeste: You have no right talking to my boyfriend like you did! What kind of clothes he wears, or how he does his hair is none of your business!
Daniel: This is my house, and as long as his sleazy father wants to put me out of a work, no Paxton is welcome here, whatever his name!
Celeste: Whatever is going on between you and Jace has…
Daniel: Jace? You’re on first name terms with that creep?! How many times have you been over there to visit that wuss of yours?
Celeste: He’s not a wuss! He’s deep, sensitive, rom…
Daniel: Sensitive?! Once he steps into the real world, he’ll be run over like a…

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Celeste: The real world?! What world do you live in?! Just because he has long hair and uses hair bands…
Daniel: He could use five hundred hair bands, for all I care, if he wasn’t a Paxton!
Celeste: Your beef with his father has nothing to do with us!
Daniel: Do you think your clothes or the food you eat is free?! Someone has to earn to pay the bills around here, and Jace Paxton wants to kill my career! That’s less clothes and less food for you!
Celeste: That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard! We have a six-figure bank account! You probably don’t need to work at all!
Daniel: Tell that to Jace Paxton, who’s a frackin’ millionaire!
Danielle: Daniel!! Someone at the front, for you!
Daniel: Keep dating that kid if you want, but if you bring him here, I’ll throw him out!

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Daniel: Going somewhere?
Lynx: Those pencil-pushin’ bracksmackers took the friggin’ house.
Daniel: I thought it was your house.
Lynx: Nope. Coulda been, if I read the bleedin’ small print in the fargin’ contract, and “maintained it properly” for a few more years, see? They took everythin’ but the clothes, to pay for the repairs.
Daniel: Ouch. Always read the small print.
Lynx: I don’t read so good, see? Mind if I borrow yar rusty Sloppy to hit the road?
Daniel: What’ll you do on the road?
Lynx: Thievin’, fraudin’ and rockin’. Wanna come along?
Daniel: Sounds dangerous, and not like my kind of thing. How about this: You move in here for a while, and we’ll work something out. It'll be much safer for you here, but watch out, maybe I’ll propose.
Lynx: You sure ya wanna let me move in? I won’t be like, doin’ the dishes and stuff.
Daniel: No problem. We got more dolls than Bratty Betty’s super-sized dollhouse, and every doll is different.
Lynx: Ya callin' me a doll, pamper boy?
Daniel: Oh yeah. My favorite doll in the whole world.
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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 4, Chapter 2: Welcome to the Dollhouse
« Reply #68 on: October 19, 2018, 06:06:53 PM »
Daring to Dance

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Danielle: If this is the best you can do, your best is not good enough. You told me you were going to practice photography.
Daniel: I haven’t gotten around to doing much practice. I didn’t want to go any closer, as I might have spooked him. It’s a bit dark, but…
Danielle: I don’t think Zaijian is the one who would have been spooked if you had gotten closer.
Daniel: Hm. Did she tell you?
Danielle: Years ago. The day after you told her.
Daniel: So much for keeping secrets…
Danielle: Why didn’t you tell me, Daniel?
Daniel: Because it’s embarrassing. I don’t want to talk about it. I’ll get a proper photographer for you.

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Danielle: About Lynx…
Daniel: Yeah?
Danielle: It’s horrible that she lost her house, and it’s good that we can help her, but… she’s a thief, isn’t she?
Daniel: She would never steal anything from us.
Danielle: The guitar in the music room is gone.
Daniel: I said she could borrow it.
Danielle: I hope she will stop stealing altogether. I do not want to have to arrest someone living in our house.
Daniel: You could look the other way.
Danielle: And not do my job? No, Daniel, I can’t do that.
Daniel: I’ll talk to her.

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The only proper photographer in town was Kaneisha, Chancer’s reporter sidekick, and calling the paper, he was told she was covering the two election rallies. First stop: Ayden’s rally at The Bandstand, where the well-to-do’s, with a couple exceptions, were gathered.
Marigold: Welcome Daniel. Can I get you anything? A coffee, or something to nibble on?
Daniel: No thanks, I’m fine.
Ayden: …a time for experienced leadership…
Suraya: Glad to see you’re on the right side, Daniel.
Daniel: I’m not really. I’m just looking for the reporters, but I’m surprised to see you here.
Suraya: Janet and I… won the lottery. Now that I own a mansion, I see the importance of abolishing the property tax.
Daniel: How lucky you are... Congratulations. Do you any idea when the reporters are scheduled to show up?
Marigold: In two hours’ time. We just got started here. At least let me give you our program.
Daniel: That won’t be necessary. I’ll just take a leak and be on my way.

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Ayden: …encourage investment, and create new jobs…
Having done what he came there to do, and being less than entertained by the muffled sound of Ayden’s speech in the process, he was about to walk out when he thought he heard something. He waited for the hissing sound of the flushing urinal to die down completely, and there was the sound again. It was a smothered voice, barely audible through the meshed window. Two voices, in fact. There was someone behind the toilets, and it didn’t sound like they were discussing the finer details of Ayden’s campaign.

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Ayden: …the global warming hoax…
Crouching low, and taking care not to step on any dry twigs, he slowly and carefully crept along the toilet wall to sneak a peek at what was going on back there. He was a PI, so he had to investigate, didn’t he? Against the wall, Jace Paxton was practicing his caring and sharing, with Haley Sumari, instantly recognizable in her red Flashette glitter dress. The pair was far too preoccupied to notice his presence. Hadn’t he seen Elanor, Jace’s wife, among the audience? He couldn’t let this just fall into his lap and not put it to good use…
Jace: …more often…
Haley: …mhhm…

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Ayden: …lower the income tax…
Daniel: Do you know what your husband is up to behind the toilets?
Elanor: Of course I know. Do you think I’m an idiot?
Ayden: …re-privatize the school…
Daniel: You don’t…
Annie: No, you won’t, because we’ll stop you! Vote for Gladsten! The people’s choice! Vote for…
Flash: Shut ya trap, skank! Ayden’s gonna save us lotsa moolah!
Marigold: Annie! You’re not welcome here anymore!
Daniel: You don’t care that he cheats on you?
Elanor: A man like Jace needs some freedom. When night falls, he’s in my bed, and I’ll always love him, no matter what.
Daniel: That’s a dog’s love, Elanor. Good luck with that.
Flash: Haley! Where you at, girl?!

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Gladsten’s rally at Performance Park was not as glamorous as Ayden’s, but he had managed to drum up some support nonetheless. Patty was firmly present, and was still practising the art of looking like a vamp, even in a considerably toned-down outfit.
Daniel: Didn’t know you were interested in politics.
Patty: I support my family, whatever way I can.
Kaneisha: That’s it, Becky! Hold that pose! Gladsten, give your son a kiss now!
Daniel: Your sister doesn’t. Saw her at Ayden’s rally.
Patty: That’s because she’s a traitorous bi***. Should I get you a program, or shall we just go to my place?
Daniel: I’m here to talk to Kaneisa, the photographer. Is the photo session going to last much longer?
Patty: Mrrm… They’re wrapping it up now. How she can let him do it in that suit is simply beyond me. *Sigh* This is such a drawn-out affair…
Daniel: You can probably manage. See you around, Patty.
Patty: You know where I live…

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Daniel: Daniel Carson. I’ve got a job for you, if you’re interested.
Lucretia: …your father, Waylon Wolff.
Kaneisha: I’m interested. What do you need?
Israel: …sure?
Daniel: I need my mother’s horse photographed. I tried to do it myself, but it didn’t turn out so well. One good photo will do.
Chancer: …say your stance on taxes is a bit unclear?
Gladsten: Nonsense. My stance…
Kaneisha: No problem. I can come by tomorrow?
Lucretia: …scientific. It doesn’t lie, Waylon.
Daniel: Tomorrow would be just fine. How much do you charge?
Waylon: …don’t understand…
Kaneisha: 500.
Daniel: It’s a deal.

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Daniel: Just a word, if I may…
Becky: Certainly. What is it?
Daniel: Ayden has hired a PI, Jace Paxton, to scupper Gladsten’s campaign.
Becky: What?! How would he do that?
Daniel: By any means, including doctored photos.
Becky: That’s awful. I had no idea he would sink that low in order to win.
Daniel:  A piece of advice: Make sure you have the curtains drawn at night, and have a chat with Kaneisha, as a precautionary measure.
Becky: Thank you. We won’t forget this.
Daniel: Good luck with the campaign. Gladsten’s got my vote.

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Bucket: I want two!
Woman: Sure, as soon as they’re ready.
Daniel: That’s a lot of clothes for the first day of autumn.
Bucket: I always wear this when I have to visit the shrink, so he’ll think I’m insane! If I had to work, how would I have the time to organize the alien resistance?!
Daniel: A clever ploy… I thought you’d become a Lord in Twinbrook?
Bucket: Millie died before we got married. Her daughter threw me out.
Daniel: Sorry about that. Was it the aliens that got Millie?
Bucket: Of course not! She was very old!
Daniel: But they are going to invade?
Bucket: It could happen at any moment!
Daniel: Just checking.

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As he drove off, a blue convertible was glued to his tail. It was Jace Paxton. Daniel pulled over at Little Lennon Café to see what he’d do, and Paxton followed suit.
Daniel: Looking to get my autograph?
Jace: I thought we were having a clean-cut competition, but then you drag my son into this, and now you’re squealing to my wife?
Daniel: All is fair in love and war.
Jace: You’ll get your war, but you better remember something else they say about wars.
Daniel: I’m sure you’ll educate me, with all your degrees.
Jace: Never start a war you can’t finish.
Daniel: Nice. I’ll keep that in mind.

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Daniel: What’ve you been up to?
Lynx: Just chillin’. Bein’ low class, thought I’d pamper my scrawny ass in this hot tub while I got the chance, see?
Daniel: What’s she doing?
Lynx: Dunno. She’s been sittin’ out there mumbling for over an hour. Wanna keep me company?
Daniel: I have to grab some food, and take a shower.
Lynx: How ‘bout goin’ out later?
Daniel: I have a book I need to read. It’s case-related.
Lynx: A book…? Guess I’ll go thievin’ then.
Daniel: I hope not. My mom’s a cop now, and she’ll put you away if you give her the chance.
Lynx: Watcha want me to do? Take up friggin’ knitting?!
Daniel: We’ll think of something.

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Daniel: What do you think you’re doing?
Eleriumina: Communicating through the ether, by the grace of Luna.
Daniel: Hearing voices? You might want to see a shrink.
Eleriumina: Your grandmother says she will meet us at the graveyard tomorrow night.
Daniel: How much is my mother paying you for this?
Eleriumina: She says you are too concerned about money.
Daniel: Right…
Eleriumina: She says I forgot to add “my dear”.
Daniel: What…?!
Eleriumina: The ether is becoming obscured, and the strings untwine… I lost her.

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The diary was a convoluted affair that took many hours to digest. Many of the pages seemed to have suffered water damage, and was only partially readable, and the entries were scattered an unsystematic. After a while, he realized that Alexandria was referred to as Patient C, and a partial account of her life at the sanatorium gradually emerged. In the beginning, she was described as withdrawn and unresponsive, except when referred to by her name, when she would explode in hysterical anger. Then came what Reiner Brinkmann characterized as her “delusional phase”, during which she actively argued that her name was "A", and that her sister had assumed her identity. At one point, Brinkmann brought her an easel, since the sister who had her committed had said she liked to paint, but Patient C smashed the easel to bits in a fit of fury, while screaming obscenities directed at her non-present sister.

As Patient C entered her “depressive phase”, it got so dark and heartbreaking that he frequently found himself skipping sections of text to stop his eyes from watering over. Throughout the ordeal, even in her “phase of resignation”, she never changed her story, and as the decades passed, Brinkmann himself became less and less sure that there was anything wrong with her. The final entry read:

Patient C will outlive me, that much is clear now. I don’t have much time left, I can feel it. Having spent so much time with her, something else has become clear to me: We have robbed a perfectly normal woman, who is the victim of a crime, of 50 years of her life. When I set up this institution, I swore that I would never allow something like this to happen. I was always very careful in screening our patients, but still… We can’t allow any of this to continue. We have to arrange for the release of Patient C, even though her sister is still alive, and would oppose it. I know Ludwig will have a hard time accepting it, he has gotten used to running things now, but this has to end. Ralston Heights must be closed down, so something like this can never happen again.

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Putting the book down, he did some quick math in his head, and soon concluded that if Reiner Brinkmann had tried to convince his son to close Ralston Heights, he had failed utterly. Maybe Chloe had stepped in? Alexandria had spent 10 more years there before passing away, and after that, the sanatorium had continued to operate for half a century. Staring blankly at the ceiling, and letting his emotions roil, he realized he was now feeling something like what Alyssina must have felt when she read the diary, but she had been three generations closer to the events, and to the people involved. Her discovering the sad truth about the Lane beginnings had been the beginning of the end.

It was tempting to rush to the conclusion that Nuraya was right, that Chloe needed to be put away, but Nuraya had no reason to shed any tears over what had happened to Alexandria. She had given him the diary just to turn him against Chloe, and he had no intention of being manipulated so easily. After what she’d done, she’d never be a knight in shining armor just because there was a bigger baddie on the battlefield. If these last days had taught him anything, it was that the very act of living meant entering a hotbed of scheming and plotting, where being blatantly self-serving was the norm, not the exception. What was Nuraya’s scheme? Was Chloe any different, except for doing it on a grander scale, and with less reservation? If she needed to be stopped, why should he play the role of martyr in bringing her down? Bah… The best thing that could happen would be if the pair of them annihilated each other in a cataclysmic clash, leaving him to pick up the… Hm.

He was the only existing point of contact between Chloe and Nuraya. What if he could play them off against each other, and benefit in the process? He could give Chloe some nebulous information about Nuraya, join Chloe’s crew to look for the decryption key, and pretend to be working for both of them, while he was really just looking to fill his own pockets. Chloe was loaded, and Nuraya might have saved more loot from Memory Lane than she was letting on. Being on the inside of Chloe’s operation might provide intel to keep Nuraya out of her clutches, and as long as Nuraya was around, he had the means to pull the plug on Chloe, while Chloe could be used as a threat to keep Nuraya in check. It would be a very difficult balancing act, a dangerous and intricate tango where he’d keep switching partners, but the rewards could be huge. Yeah… It was time for Daniel Carson to stop being played, and star…
There was a knock on his door.

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Lynx: I can’t sleep.
Daniel: Me neither.
Lynx: Did you read yar book?
Daniel: Yeah…
Lynx: Was it any good?
Daniel: It was too sad.
Lynx: My room has a fireplace. I’ve never lit one before…
Daniel: There was a fireplace in your house.
Lynx: I stuffed it full a junk, see?
Daniel: I see. Need a hand?

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Lynx: This is so cozy. Now I can warm my… yeah, ‘xactly.
Daniel: You said you needed a hand.
Lynx: And now I got two. Mm…
Daniel: You’re always bragging about how scrawny it is. Thought I’d check.
Lynx: Whadda ya think?
Daniel: I think we should continue the memory-loss therapy, and take it up a notch.
Lynx: Just one notch?

Some time later…

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Lynx: I can’t believe he’s dead. He friggin’ saved me…
Daniel: From what? It’s about time you told me.
Lynx: Have ya heard about The Wilting?
Daniel: The what?
Lynx: A disease. It struck some years before we were born. To humans, it was just, like a bad flu, but it killed all plantsims that got it, and there was no cure. ‘twas a lot more plantsims then see, ‘cause it was a fad, kinda, goin’ green and the ‘vironment and stuff…
Daniel: OK…
Lynx: Some friggin’ scientist claimed plantsims were the ones infectin’ most of the sick, and then a rumor got round that the virus had killed humans. Panic broke out, see? Towns started closin’ their doors to plantsims, and some of ‘em banned other supernaturals too.

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Lynx: Some asshole then got the idea to make a buck outta it. Strugglin’ farms got turned into “Quarantine Centers”, with tall fences around ‘em, armed guards, and chemical showers to decontaminate anyone goin’ in or out. Think prison camp, and ya got some idea how they looked.
Daniel: Who were the centers made for?
Lynx: Plantsims, and they flocked to ‘em, as it was their only hope of getting’ away from The Wilting, unless they wanted to live in the friggin’ wilderness. But there was a catch, see: To get in, ya had to sign a contract, sayin’ you agreed to stay for 20 years, and that you’d tend the frackin’ farm plants while bein’ there. The asshole behind ‘em centers got free labor, plantsims needin’ no food or clothes, and made money from the fruit and veg bein’ produced. I was born in Quarantine Center No 2, outside Riverview, and I spent the first nine years of my life in that hellhole, ‘till I climbed that friggin’ fence, and just ran into the night.

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Daniel: That’s when Jack picked you up?
Lynx: Yeah. I was lucky, see? Riverview didn’t allow plantsims ‘xcept inside that camp, so if ya got seen outside, the cops came and picked ya up, and brought ya right back. He took me to Moonlight Falls, which had started welcomin’ plantsims again, and set me up with social services. The first four years, I didn’t dare to leave to the house, ‘cause I was afraid they’d find me and bring me back.
Daniel: What changed? You were travelling all around when we met.
Lynx: I did, see. When I was a child, I was more green than I’m now. When I became a teen, ‘twas like my plantsim side went into hidin’. My hair was still frackin’ green, but a bit of dye fixed that, and I then was like, unrecognizable. No one could see I was a plantsim, and I could finally move about.
Daniel: Weren’t you afraid of The Wilting still being around?
Lynx: Nah. Soon after the camps got set up, it went away. Maybe the camps really helped kill the frackin’ thing off, or maybe it would have died out anyhoo. I dunno.

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Daniel: What happened when you were in Bridgeport?
Lynx: I was celebratin’ my birthday, thinkin’ I’d stay the way I was, see? Then my skin started flakin’, with green skin appearing, and all a sudden, my feet was sproutin’ those stupid flowers. Bridgeport still don’t allow plantsims, see, so all hell broke loose. They chased us ‘cross half the country ‘till we managed to shake ‘em, and they wouldn’t have done that if it was just ‘bout trespassin’. They got Ritchie’s name, connected him to Jack, and started followin’ Jack around, but I don’t think they got as far as here.
Daniel: Why would they be so obsessed with tracking you down?
Lynx: I dunno. I don’t even know if I was born. Maybe that was just somethin’ the others said to make me feel better. Marla, the meanest plantsim in the camp, laughed at them when they said it, see, and claimed I was “goo from a tube”. That creepy camp doctor who liked doin’ all kinds of tests on me always said I was special, and sometimes I heard him discuss with someone on the phone about when I’d be “ready”.
Daniel: I didn’t see that camp when I was in Riverview. Is it still there?

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Lynx: Nah. They thrashed it couple years after I escaped, when Riverview started allowing plantsims again. But the people behind ‘em camps are still out there, and they’re looking for me, I can just frackin’ feel it, see?
Daniel: Which is why you shouldn’t be out on the road, on your own.
Lynx: Why can’t I just be normal? Why don’t the frackin’ potent cures work on me? I’ve tried ‘em. Those slackfrackers must have made me this way, a freak with no friggin’ hope…
Daniel: You’re not a freak, you’re probably a legitimate.
Lynx: A what? I shouldn’t even be here, puttin’ you and your family at risk. I should be far, far away. If I just had the dough, I’d move to China or somethin’.
Daniel: I got some money, and I may have a way to get a lot more. Like half a million.
Lynx: Yeah, right. How’s that gonna happen? The lottery?
Daniel: Not exactly. I have to find a decryption key, but to do that I got to out of town.

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Lynx: You’re not leaving me here, with Felicity, Crystallina and your cop mother. Fuhgeddaboutit, I’m coming with.
Daniel: That might be problematic. The place I’m going to is invite-only.
Lynx: Then you better get me an invitation, huh?
Daniel: I’m not sure you’d be very comfortable there. It’s a bit like a military organization, ran by a woman who doesn’t take no for an answer. You’d be safe there, but…
Lynx: But what? Who is this broad? Yar “common friend”?
Daniel: Yeah. She’s also a distant relative, but that story is extremely complicated.
Lynx: Just get me there. I’ll help ya find that key. Thievin' is my territory, not yars, soldier.
Daniel: Chloe isn’t the kind of person you just steal from, and we can’t show up there to have a cup of tea with her. She’s all business, and she might put us to work.
Lynx: Doin' what?

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Daniel: All kinds of twisted and evil stuff. She’s completely unscrupulous.
Lynx: Can’t wait to meet her, soldier.
Daniel: I’m not kidding. She rips people’s lives apart like they’re sheets of paper. If we go there to do this, we have to be ready for anything, and we can’t screw it up.
Lynx: I get it. I ain’t lookin’ to add to the list of people who’re after me. So we get the key real discreet, like. Can ya really get half a million for it?
Daniel: If we play our cards right, we might get more. Last time I was at Chloe’s, she had 6 million’s worth of Tiberium in her basement, which she was looking to sell for a lot more. If we can subtly encourage her to throw some money our way, it might pay off.
Lynx: How would we do that?
Daniel: Having her witness a proposal might tempt her into opening her check book.
Lynx: I need some air…

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Lynx: Where would we live?
Daniel: Not here. This house will be my sister’s. If we get that key, we can live anywhere, build anything, and not have to work for the rest of our lives.
Lynx: Ya’d move outta town, and leave yar family? For me?
Daniel: Yeah.
Lynx: That ain’t right, soldier. I can’t take ya away from the thing I’d give anythin’ to have.
Daniel: We’ll have a family our own, wherever we’ll be. First we need to make sure you’re safe.
Lynx: Ya have a plan for that too?
Daniel: I’m pretty sure it involves having to dance with a devil I know.
Lynx: Summer is gone... I'll miss it. I wonder where we'll be next summer, huh?
Daniel: Where we're going, it's always summer.

Worlds Apart - Can Be Found Here

Offline Agathon

  • Townie
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  • Posts: 101
Re: Worlds Apart - Season 4, Chapter 3: Daring to Dance
« Reply #69 on: October 27, 2018, 07:04:32 PM »
Screening Time

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Lynx: This is my secret spot, see?
Daniel: The gypsy wagon…?
Lynx: Nah, stupid. Behind the wagon, there’s a place where ya can bathe, and not a friggin’ soul can see ya. My foster father took me here when I was ten. Drove all up to the wagon, like, and then we snuck down there. ‘twas the first time I could bathe, and the first time I was outta the house. I was so happy I cried, see? I’ll never forget it.
Daniel: Sounds like he was an OK guy, your foster father?
Lynx: Yeah. I shoulda been nicer too him. Wanna skinny-dip?
Daniel: You go ahead, I’ll sit here and be your lookout, while getting some work done.
Lynx: Ya can’t work all the time, gotta have some fun too, soldier.
Daniel: If we’re going to find that decryption key, I need to know more about how they work and where it might be hidden.

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He checked the news first, noting disinterestedly that Gladsten was now slightly ahead in the polls, before his eye was caught by an ad headlined: “Jace Paxton, The Moonlight Falls PI” After some blurb, the ad ended with a pitch he had heard before: “I’m not in it for the money. I’m in it for you.” The Moonlight Falls PI? Bah! Opening his email, and vainly hoping for some sign of new clients, some confirmation that he was The Moonlight Falls PI, he was greeted by a big 0 at the top of his inbox. Between them, Violet Slymer and Jace Paxton was squeezing the PI life out of him like a pair of slithering anacondas. He had to do som… Suddenly, his screen started flickering, before programs began starting up and shutting down beyond his control. Hitting the escape key for a couple of seconds did absolutely nothing, and then she popped up.

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Chloe: Good morning, whipster. Enjoying the great outdoors?
Daniel: Chloe? How…?
Chloe: Isn’t it pretty obvious? I’ve hacked your laptop. I had some help, of course, I’m not that tech-savvy.
Daniel: Why? Why couldn’t…
Chloe: Why? Let’s see… Last time you came to see me, you led a deadly foreign agent to my door, before you left huffing and puffing about how my house and my employees were making you nauseous. Returning home, you got physical with my lawyer, and tried to talk one of my accomplices into sabotaging my plan. Then, I suddenly hear that you’re eager to talk me. I’d be downright careless if I didn’t get a little suspicious, wanting to check up on you, don’t you think?
Daniel: You could have called, like a normal person! I would have told you what…
Chloe: Calm down, whipster. It’s no different from when you were a sick little boy, your mother took you to the doctor, and the doctor showed a pill up your ass: An unpleasant, but necessary invasion of your privacy, and quickly over with.
Daniel: I’ve managed to avoid that, and I’m not a chi…
Chloe: It happened when you were five, according to Dr. Northwood’s files. He was a very meticulous man.

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Daniel: You hacked the computer of my childhood doctor too?!
Man: His account looks clear, couple of thousand in there.
Chloe: No second account or strange transactions?
Man: He hasn’t logged into a second account from this machine. No mysterious transactions.
Daniel: Who are you talking to?!
Chloe: The family account?
Man: It’s got 210 thousand in it, nothing that stands out.
Chloe: Is the synopsis ready?
Man: Yeah.
Chloe: Good. I’ll take it from here.

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Chloe: OK, let’s see what we got here… Emails… Chancer, Ralston Heights, Katya Langerak, bla bla bla… The only dating profile you’ve been looking at is Pearl’s?! Seriously, she’s not your type. Stuff to remember… This is so boring. Couldn’t you at least have had some raunchy pictures here? What’s this, a family tree? That’s wrong, that’s wrong… You better try again with that tree, whipster.
Daniel: It isn’t updated. I’ll correct it so it shows you having five children. Six, if we’re including Katya.
Chloe: You’ve been doing some thinking? I hope you don’t expect a lollipop from having come up with that. That scenario should have occurred to you the second I let you into the private gallery at Villa Carsonia. Even with all the information I had Reginald give you, it took you this long? You’re very slow, whipster, and it’s seven children, if we’re including Katya.
Daniel: Seven...?
Chloe: Looks like you’re clean, so let’s cut to the chase. What do you want?

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Daniel: I need help with something.
Chloe: No handouts. If you want something, you have to work for it.
Daniel: I’m willing to do that. I also have information, and possibly a new recruit.
Chloe: Information about what?
Daniel: Something very important, best discussed face-to-face.
Chloe: I’m guessing the potential recruit is Lynx Blunstone?
Daniel: How do you know that?! Hm. Razor…
Chloe: Yes. She was also with you in China. I guess you better come on down then.
Daniel: Lynx can come too?
Chloe: Absolutely. Pickup in six hours, same place where you were dropped off. Be there. No phones, laptops or electronics of any kind.
Daniel: Got it. We’ll be there.
She gave him an intense look. It couldn’t have lasted more than a few seconds, but it felt like she was so determined that if she got up from her chair, she would come through the screen. Then, the screen went black.

For a little while, he just sat there, staring blankly at the screen and wondering how she did it. How she could humiliate him, dominate him, scare him, and make fun of him, while maintaining an undercurrent of charm so strong that the whole experience left him feeling important, like he had been granted an audience with a greater being. He recalled some passages from the Brinkmann diary and soon shook the feeling off.

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Gradually, it dawned on him that he’d been extremely lucky. If Chloe had waited just a couple more minutes, she would have caught him in the act of researching decryption keys, and the game would have been up. He’d have to be far more careful, and assume that his phone had also been compromised, and that she could hear every word being said even though he had turned the laptop off. If her crew could hack computers at will, what hope did he have of finding a decryption key, if it was stored on their systems? Was hoping to find it just a product of mindless optimism? It was too late to back down now.
Lynx: Find anythin’?
Daniel: No, but I talked to Chloe.
Lynx: So that’s why ya wanted some privacy. How’d it go?
Daniel: Great. You’re in. A chopper will pick us up over there, in six hours.
Lynx: A chopper? Woow, that’s some heavy stuff. I’ve never flown before. Where’re we goin’?
Daniel: Sunlit Tides.
Lynx: Cool! I better pack some… Who’s that?
Daniel: A fisherman from Riverview.

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Chaz: You told Earl that your name was Fisher, and that you worked for Moonlight Falls Fruit Institute.
Daniel: I was undercover, working a case. Somebody wanted Riverview Agriresearch looked at.
Chaz: What was the blonde with the camouflaged car doing there? Now, Two-ton Linda is prancing around Riverview, bragging about Billy being a secret agent for Simland Security.
Lynx: Huh? What blonde?
Daniel: Hm, well… That was all arranged by Billy, to get away from Linda. He’d grown tired of her and wanted to move on.
Chaz: That sounds very unlikely.
Daniel: It’s true! No-bills Billy has pitched his tent somewhere else now. Did you come here just to ask me about that?
Chaz: No. I’m here to restock a fishing spot, but I don’t know exactly where it is.

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Lynx: It’s behind the gypsy wagon, and to the right, see?
Chaz: Any idea what kind of fish used to be there?
Lynx: Alley catfish and rainbow trout, dunno more than that.
Chaz: Thanks, I’ll…
Daniel: You’re an old friend of Jace Paxton, right?
Chaz: If you ask Jace, everybody’s an old friend. If you ask the “old friends”, they might not agree.
Daniel: Why not?
Chaz: Because he can never keep his hands off other men’s women.
Daniel: Speaking from personal experience?
Chaz: I’ve got a job to do.

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Lynx: Ya sure it was broken?
Daniel: Absolutely. I need a new laptop.
Lynx: I got a laptop.
Daniel: Do you? You said they took everything but the clothes.
Lynx: They did. I found it, see, yesterday.
Daniel: You mean you stole it. I thought you said you’d stop stealing.
Lynx: Nope. Ya said that. Wanna borrow it?
Daniel: Yeah. Let’s go to the library and do some research on decryption keys.
Lynx: Nah, I’m not so good with puters n books. I’ll wait for ya at the theatre.
Daniel: I have to drop by home too, to tell them we’re going. You could wait there instead, and we’ll hit the theater from there?
Lynx: Nah. I don’t wanna see Felicity’s ugly mug if don’t have to, see?

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Daniel: Campaigning hard, Patty?
Patty: I’m exhausted. Vote Gladsten… or don’t. I really don’t care. At least we’re all getting paid today.
Daniel: Paid how?
Ritchie: It’s been transferred. Twenty thousand smackers!
Patty: You haven’t heard? The town is paying hush-money to everyone who signed the petition to investigate the school. Twenty grand.
Daniel: He never even went to that school!
Ritchie: I signed the petition. Didn’t everyone?
Daniel: I didn’t…
Patty: What a pity. *Sigh* My feet are killing me. I’m in desperate need of a foot massage. Want to help me out, Daniel?
Daniel: I got work to do.
Patty: Mrrm…
Ritchie: I can give you a foot massage, honey.

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Patty: My place is just down the road. A fairy, that’ll be a first. I think… No, there was that guy… You ready?
Ritchie: Oh yeah.
Patty: Here’s someone who knows what’s good for him, unlike you.
Daniel: Heard from the old man lately, Ritchie?
Ritchie: What…?
Daniel: The old man. Jack.
Ritchie: He’s offline.
Daniel: Yeah, he’s offline all right, because he’s dead.
Ritchie: What?! No…!
Daniel: Afraid so. He died a couple of days ago. Have a nice day, folks.
Patty: You really are evil, aren’t you...? Please call me, Daniel.

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Decryption proved to be an even more technical and complicated subject than he feared it’d be. After reading about bits, algorithms, certificates, protocols, randomness, derivation and key-stretching, he felt completely out of his depth. Soon, he was clicking randomly on words and concepts he didn’t understand, leading to new words and concepts more suited for the academically inclined. One of the concepts he was led into was cryptography, and after stumbling into substitution ciphers, he got an epiphany: There were 26 letters in the alphabet, and Chloe had seemed almost obsessed with getting her hands on a painting named Balalaika No. 26. From he could remember, the painting displayed sequences of symbols, arranged on three lines, against a spiral pattern of alternating colors. The painting had to be the decryption key.

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It all made sense. The old files that Nuraya was looking to unlock, were Chloe’s, and Chloe had instructed the family that Balalaika No. 26 should never be sold, always being kept on display in the bedroom of the heir, thereby both preserving the key and hiding the true purpose of the painting. Did she intend for someone from the family to somehow figure it out, or… His thoughts returned to the night he had resurrected Chloe, and her immediate reaction to it. She had asked what year it was, and then said something about everyone being so slow. Had Chloe planned to be resurrected? Did the strange symbols on Alexandria’s tombstone, which Nuraya had failed to make sense of, tell the secret about where the real founder was buried, and when she wanted to be brought back? If she had planned to come back, the files and the decryption key that protected them was meant to be preserved for her return, and had to be incredibly important. What the heck was in those files?

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Bucket: Can you talk to people who’ve been dead for a really long time?
Eleriumina: I try to avoid them.
Daniel: Pops, do you have a scan of Balalaika No. 26?
Jackson: No.
Daniel: Sure about that?
Eleriumina: …many of them have brain rot.
Jackson: Of course. I scan only my paintings.
Bucket: So, they’re like zombies?!
Eleriumina: No. Their minds are damaged, and are losing connection with…
Bucket: We can use the zombies to distract the aliens, when they invade!

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Daniel: I’m going on a trip, with Lynx, to see if I can fix what we talked about, and I may not be back for a while.
Jackson: …illegal to raise, the dead.
Danielle: Gosh… When are you leaving?
Bucket: …cares about laws when there’s an invasion!
Daniel: Now. She’s waiting for me at the theater. You’ll have to hold the fort for a while.
Danielle: What about your clients?
Daniel: There hasn’t exactly been a stampede of clients headed my way lately. This is more important. Has that photographer been here?
Danielle: Not yet.
Bucket: I’m hungry!
Daniel: Hope she hasn’t forgotten about it. If you need to reach me, send an email, my phone won’t be on.
Danielle: Please… Don’t leave without having a talk with your sister, and do try to patch it up.

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Felicity: Daniel… I heard what you said. I’m moving out tomorrow, so I won’t be here when you get back.
Danielle: Who wants some Dim Sums?
Daniel: You’ve found another place to stay?
Bucket: You made just one plate?!
Danielle: Relax, Bucket, there’s a whole serving. Enough even for you.
Felicity: Yes, something magically opened up for me, heh… Is Lynx here, hmm?
Daniel: No, she’s waiting for me at the theatre.
Felicity: Thanks for letting me stay here. If you ever need a favor, I’m all yours, so to speak.
Daniel: No problem, and I’ll keep that in mind.
Felicity: Can you say goodbye to Lynx for me, and bring her a message?
Daniel: Yeah, I guess…
Felicity: Tell her I got a house now. Her house, in fact. Have a nice trip...

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Daniel: Remember when I brought you this?
Celeste: What? The pink dragon?
Daniel: The rose dragon.
Celeste: Whatever. What do you want?
Daniel: I just want to talk.
Celeste: Make it quick, I’m going out.
Daniel: How’s school? Are you doing OK?
Celeste: None of your business.
Daniel: I see.

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Daniel: Boybands… It feels like it was only yesterday that you were playing with your toddler toys. Sometimes I wonder how it could all happen so fast.
Celeste: Duh. I grew up.
Daniel: I know you’re mad at me, sis. I don’t have a fancy education, or any special skills. I have my job, and not a whole lot more, so I care about keeping it.
Daniel: I don’t know his son, but I can promise you that Jace Paxton isn’t the nice guy he seems to be. He’s got it in for me, he’s doing some nasty work for Ayden Van Gould, and he’s cheating on his wife like it’s a sport.
Celeste: Good thing I’m not dating him, then.
Daniel: I’m afraid he might even be the sort of guy who might use his son to put the hurt on someone.
Celeste: Like Bryce would go along with that. Are you done? I’ve got to get ready.

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Daniel: When you’re a teenager, you believe that everything you care about is very important. How your friends perceive you, who you date, or don’t date, what you do or don’t do, how you look…
Celeste: Maybe I should change my eyeshadow…
Daniel: It’s only when you’ve grown up you realize how trivial and unimportant it all was. You thought your friends would always be a part of your life, but they’re gone. They moved away, got married, got too busy with work, or started hanging with different people. Your first love, who you thought you’d marry? Same thi…
Celeste: I’m thinking about getting some extensions. What do you think?
Daniel: I’m going away, and I may be gone for some time. I don’t want us to…
Celeste: Good. Where are you going?
Daniel: To see Chloe. Lynx is going too.

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Celeste: To Chloe?! You gave me a huge speech about how bad she is, and said you’d turn your back on her. What a hypocrite you are!
Daniel: I’m not. I’m just too involved to walk away from it.
Celeste: Bullcrap! You’re a giant hypocrite! You won’t even let my boyfriend visit me, while you’ve let two women move in here. One is a freaky drunk, and the other one is here because you screw…!
Daniel: Watch your mouth. Don’t talk like that ab…
Celeste: No, you watch my mouth! If you sign this house over to me, like you promised, there’ll be new rules around here, and you won’t like them!
Daniel: I don’t plan to stick around for that anyway.
Celeste: Don’t change your plans, because there won’t be a place for you here!
Daniel: I couldn’t care less. Goodbye, sis.

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Mrs. Hendrix: How did you get that scar, doctor? You must be in constant pain.
Doctor Rashcroft: I tried to scratch my nose while holding one of my instruments. It was very careless of me.
Mrs. Hendrix: Is this operation really necessary? I just have a sore throat. My previous doctor…
Doctor Rashcroft: You know what happened, Mrs. Hendrix. I’m your doctor now.
Mrs. Hendrix: I felt so close to him. That horrible accident! I still can’t comprehend how a hammer could fall from the roof, and all the way…
Doctor Rashcroft: Most unfortunate that a roofer should forget his tool up there. At least he didn’t suffer.
Mrs. Hendrix: They say he was holding a bloody kn…
Lynx: If all we gotta do is steal a paintin’, it should be easy peasy, huh?
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Daniel: We can’t steal it. We’ll take a photo of it.
Doctor Rashcroft: …must have been preparing some beef. Shall we proceed to the basement? I have tried to sterilize it as best I can.
Mrs. Hendrix: If you think it best, I suppose we must. Will it be painful?
Doctor Rashcroft: I’m all out of anesthetics, I’m afraid…
Mrs. Hendrix: Oh, no…! I must wake my husband, the professor. He will know what to…
Doctor Rashcroft: That won’t be possible, Mrs. Hendrix.
Mrs. Hendrix: Why? I can’t do this without him by my side!
Doctor Rashcroft: You see, I used all my anesthetics on him. He won’t be waking up again.

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Mrs. Hendrix: What?! No! You’re a monster!!
Lynx: This movie is like, so bad.
Doctor Rashcroft: Running is useless, Mrs. Hendrix. I never let a patient go without administrating proper treatment.
Daniel: It’s a B-movie, what do you expect? I’ve met her, actually…
Lynx: Did ya? When did ya meet her?!
Daniel: She’s one of Chloe’s crew. I’m surprised she has landed a substantial role so soon.
Mrs. Hendrix: No! Doctor, please! No…! N…
Lynx: ‘twasn’t that substantial.
Daniel: No… Seems it was minor role after all.
Doctor Rashcroft: Henceforth, I shall once again be known as… Doctor Macabre!

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Major Patriot: Professor Hendrix was the only one who knew the secret of how to make Carbocasassium! Now, even that is in the hands of the vile Doct... 
Lynx: How’re we gonna take a photo of the paintin’ if we can’t bring our phones?
Daniel: Hm. I didn’t think of that.
Lynx: You got a camera?
Daniel: Can’t bring that either. No electronics of any kind.
Lynx: We gotta get an old camera then, with no ‘tronics. Like, a small spy camera or somethin’?
Daniel: Yeah. Better hope we can find that in Sunlit Tides… We take off in an hour.
Major Patriot: …will not succeed! Once more, I will brave the unfathomable dangers that await, and do my duty as… Major Patriot!
Lynx: Look at that friggin’ schmuck.
Daniel: What? I used to read Major Patriot comics when I was a child…
Lynx: Pffah. ‘twas ‘cause of yar silver spoon, and him bein’ the stablishment, like. I’m rootin’ for the Doctor.
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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 4, Chapter 4: Screening Time
« Reply #70 on: December 11, 2018, 02:36:57 PM »

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He was woken by someone kicking him under his foot. It was Lynx, her with her eyebrows raised and her finger motioning repeatedly downwards. Tugging against the seat belts, he twisted his head towards the window on his side, catching a brief glimpse of vehicles disappearing below them, and a grim-looking soldier observing their approach from a guard tower. It felt like the chopper was about to land. The army base was far away from Chloe’s lot, so why would they be landing there? It came down fast and hard, like the pilot simply cut the engine, and their teeth were still clattering as he heckled them to get out in a hurry. What the heck was going on?

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Soldier 1: There’s been a traffic incident. We got this, keep your distance.
Allender: Please, help me...!
Soldier 2: Who sent you here?
Mango: Traffic incident…? Why were we redirected here?! I thought it was an emergency!
Soldier 1: Beats me. Take it up with P. Proceed to the Humvee behind the armored truck, immediately.
Allender: My name’s Allender, I’m a federal agent! These sol…!
Soldier 2: Shut up and answer my question.
Mango: Let’s get out of here.

As they drove off in the Humvee, he wasn’t very comfortable with just walking away from it, but just what was he supposed to do? Blowing his chances of getting on the inside of Chloe’s organization might have saved Allender's bacon, but if he did, would he and Lynx leave the island alive? The soldiers were Pearl’s crew, the same gang that had taken care of Ulrich Schlagdorff, and while an irritated Mango said something about it having been unnecessary for them to see that, it seemed pretty obvious that they had been redirected to witness the spectacle for a very specific reason: It was a warning.

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Mango: Welcome to Nebula Seven. The locals call it the wedding cake. Stay in position, one of the guards will pick us up.
Lynx: I can smell somethin’.
Daniel: What?
Lynx: Money.
Chloe’s former HQ could easily have passed as a normal house, but the sprawling monstrosity that towered above them defied any such classification. This was a complex, so big and eye-catching that it was bound to be noticed beyond the shores of Sunlit Tides. Had Chloe’s desire to stay under the radar been trumped by her megalomania? Taking note of the searchlights, and the pillars supporting the lower hexagons, he found himself both smiling and shaking his head at the same time, a reaction prompted by how Carsonesque and over-the-top Nebula Seven was.

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Lynx: Ya see the cabrio there? It’s one of the latest Merc’s, worth like over half a million.
Mango: Don’t make any weird movements or start running around. Don’t wanna give the guards the wrong impression. I should give you your handles: You're Neleus, and she’s Chloris.
Lynx: That’s a nice bike...
Daniel: Why do we need new names?
Mango: If you don’t wanna burden anyone with knowing your real names.
Daniel: Meh, I don’t see the point.
Mango: Don’t have to use them if you don’t wanna.
Guard: Hold your position, and don’t make a move!
Lynx: Wow, this is just like in the movies, huh?
Guard: I got a pilot with two individuals, matching the descriptions of Neleus and Chloris.
Guard: OK, we’re coming in. Follow me!

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Willer: Listen up, cadets. I’m Staff Sergeant Willer. I’m in charge of security, and the barracks. I’ll accept “sir”, or Sergeant. Is that understood?
Lynx: Yep, sir.
Daniel: Yeah.
Willer: Uh, more civilians… Chloris, look into the camera. Thatta girl. Carrying any weapons or electronics?
Lynx: Nope, sir.
Willer: We’ll scan you anyhow. Mango, relay the protocols for entering and exiting Nebula 7 while I get Chloris into VCU.
Mango: Yes, sir.
Daniel: What’s VCU?
Willer: Uberveillance-grade facial recognition software.

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Mango: Every time you’re coming in, a guard has to escort you to the gatehouse. Don’t attempt to enter the gatehouse on your own, unless you wanna end up at the graveyard. Before going up, the camera must scan your mug, and someone must enter you into the log. The same steps must be repeated when exiting. If someone from security is not present, you must stay here until they arrive.
Daniel: Once this is done, we just walk up the stairs?
Mango: It ain't that easy. The stairs just go to level three. On re-entry, your DNA will be scanned on level three, and if it matches the DNA we have on record, the teleporter is unlocked, and you use it to get into the building itself.
Daniel: Cool. I used to teleport to school when I was younger. Can we teleport around the island?
Willer: Is your head up your ass, cadet? Remember the exit protocol!
Daniel: Oh…
Lynx: Silver spoon…
Guard: She’s clean.

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Dr. Al-Fahad: Please step in here and have a seat.
Daniel: Do we have to do this?
Dr. Al-Fahad: Yes.
Daniel: If we talk to Oceane, maybe she’ll say we can skip it. I’m a relative, and…
Lynx: Have ya got, like, one with a smaller needle?
Dr. Al-Fahad: If you want in, this is your ticket. Take your medicine, or go back down and out the door.
Daniel: Do we have to take an injection every time we enter?!
Dr. Al-Fahad: No, just the first time.
Daniel: Are you sure you’re a real doctor? I don’t like nee…
Dr. Al-Fahad: I’m the best doctor money can buy, mister. I’m also very busy. Do you want to sleep outside tonight?

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Daniel: What’s in that thing, Sergeant?
Willer: Two different compounds. One of the compounds binds with your DNA, and makes it possible for a DNA scan to tell the difference between you and a perfect clone. The other compound is a high-tech tracer for the teleporter system, so that it can track and log your location within Nebula Seven. Cross-referenced against the database and log of employees and visitors, and the access levels listed therein, the teleporters know where you're allowed to go, and which areas are off limits to you.
Daniel: The system keeps track of where we are at all times? What about rights of privacy?
Willer: If you came here for privacy, you’ve come to the wrong place.
Daniel: I don’t see the point of all this, sir…
Willer: Before my arrival, some moron allowed a foreign agent to bug his phone, leading her here and compromising the security of the previous HQ. She made short work of the pitiable barriers placed in her path. That won't happen here, on my watch.
Dr. Al-Fahad: That wasn’t so bad, was it?

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Lynx: It tingles, just like last time, when I was eight.
Dr. Al-Fahad: The results of this scan ought to be very interesting.
Lynx: I kinda hope it ain't...
Dr. Al-Fahad: Mr. Willer, are you picking them up?
Willer: Yeah. I’ve got them both on the CATS.
Dr. Al-Fahad: Where does CATS say the action is?
Willer: The music lounge.
Daniel: CATS?
Willer: Compound-assisted tracking system.
Daniel: You said there are some areas that are off limits. What happens if we go there by accident?
Willer: I wouldn’t worry about that, cadet. Those areas can’t be reached by accident, unless someone screws up.
Dr. Al-Fahad: Mr. Willer, give them a very brief tour of the barracks, then send them up to the teleporter on the seventh floor.
Willer: Will do.

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Willer: Listen up, but keep your voices down, we got a couple of sleepers here. The door we’re passing on my left is the only bathroom in the joint, not counting the executive bathroom on level 4. Every time you enter the bathroom during working hours, 200 simoleons are nuked from your next paycheck. The other bathroom costs triple.
Daniel: Seems a bit excessive to charge for using the bathroom, Sergeant…
Willer: Not much work gets done in bathrooms, cadet. For your sake, I hope you ain't some sissy who doesn’t have a steel bladder.
Daniel: Which hours are work hours?
Willer: 05:30 to 17:30. These computers are to remain powered-down during those hours, but may otherwise be used freely. Be aware that the techs will be watching what you do, and they'll log any mail you send or receive. Bunk beds are behind the glass walls, with a total capacity of 12. If you got some sense, share a bunk with someone who doesn’t snore too loudly, or get some earplugs.

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Daniel: No double bed option...?
Willer: What do you think this is? The Vanderburg Royal Hotel?!
Lynx: You gotta excuse him sarge, he’s a spoiled brat, used to not doin’ much, and gettin’ everythin’ for nuthin’.
Willer: Yeah, he sure sounds that way. Once you’re assigned, you’ll get a locker. Red lockers are for base personnel, blue lockers for operative personnel.
Daniel: How many people are working here?
Willer: As we speak, 19 people are stationed on base, not counting the toaster, I mean the bot. Some are out in the field, while the techs and the top brass have their own racks, and never come down here.
Bianca: God, these beds… My neck is killing me… Dan?!
Lynx: What the heck is she doin’ here?!
Daniel: Bianca! You’re… OK?
Bianca: At least I’m alive, and not in a cell… I gotta pee.

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Lynx: If ya hadn’t been so friggin’ stupid and used that potion on me, I coulda kept your ass outta that cell. I woulda told ‘em what ya were up to, before it got to that, see?
Bianca: You two-faced b*tch. The only reason you came along was to sabotage my plan. I want that money back. If Violet had known what you did, she wouldn’t have given it to you.
Lynx: Ya ain’t gettin’ a cent. Ya managed to screw it up all on ya own, witch, so don’t ya go blamin’ anyone else, and keep your friggin’ love charms to yourself.
Bianca: You better stay out of my way, or I’ll…
Willer: Hurry up, cadet, you have a date with the treadmill at zero five thirty, and you better be there on time, or I’ll smack you with a fine. Your physical condition is still atrocious.
Bianca: Permission to pee first, Sergeant?
Willer: Only if you double-time it. Chloris and Neleus, get moving. Doc is waiting for you and I’ve gotta do Mango’s check-in.

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Dr. Al-Fahad: Welcome to the seventh floor. Technically, it is the fifth floor, of course, but the third and fourth floor hexagons are referred to as floors one through six, just to make things complicated…
The teleporter had spat them out into a sea of stone, glass and shimmering metal, a greyscale world where colors weren’t allowed to exist unless they were emitted by plants, a place conceived by a mind whose vocabulary could not possibly include words like “cozy” and “homely”. It seemed designed to overwhelm, and it was working, with Lynx looking at him with wonder and discomfort uneasily blending in her face.
Lynx: Wow… Not yar average working-class shack, huh?
Daniel: No... Looks like she turned it up to eleven this time. Is she in a meeting? In the middle of the night?
Dr. Al-Fahad: Yes, a very important one. The conference room doubles as her art studio, and while entering it uninvited would not trigger any alarms, I would strongly recommend not doing so, during any time of the day. Let’s head the other way.

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Dr. Al-Fahad: The only scheduled meal…
Catherine: I’m walking on sunshine, wooah!
Reginald: Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met! I’m…
Dr. Al-Fahad: Oh, God… Reginald, go polish the stove.
Reginald: It’s already spotless, doctor.
Dr. Al-Fahad: In that case, go to your charging station.
Reginald: At once, doctor.
Dr. Al-Fahad: What was I saying? I’m tired… To your left is the bar lounge, and to the right…
Catherine: And don’t it feel good?! Hey, yeah…
Dr. Al-Fahad: …as I guess you can hear, is the music lounge. I suggest you go there, while I finally get a couple of hours of sleep…

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The all-girl band was composed of familiar faces, except for the guitarist, and they were so into performing the up-tempo song that none of them seem to notice their arrival. While Catherine was a bit too stiff to really stand out as a singer, her voice was surprisingly good, and their performance as a whole was quite decent. It clearly wasn’t the first time any of them had picked up an instrument.

I used to think maybe you loved me, now I know that it's true
And I don't want to spend my whole life, just waiting for you
Now I don't want you back for the weekend
Not back for a day, no, no, no
I said baby I just want you back
And I want you to stay, oh yeah now!
I’m walking on sunshine, wooah!

Marika: OK, cut! We got recruits!

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Catherine: What the heck, Pearl? You were off tempo!
Lynx: Yar band is pretty cool. I used to…
Pearl: No, I wasn’t.
Woman: I better go man the desk…
Kiara: …wanna join?
Marika: Daniel, nice to see you again!
Catherine: You were! Before the first chorus! What’s the matter, is the song too difficult for you?
Pearl: I was just bored with all the wooah-ooah… Kiara! When can we play some real music, like Where Eagles Dare?
Daniel: You don’t play?
Kiara: In ten years, when you’re good enough.
Pearl: Bpfaah! You should remember who’s your boss, girl.

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Marika: I’m not very musical. How about you?
Daniel: Tone-deaf and ten-thumbed.
Pearl: Let’s do something heavy this time.
Catherine: Heavy?! In that case, I’m off. Good night.
Marika: You’re here to join up?
Kiara: Hey Cath, come on…
Daniel: Yeah. It’s for real this time. Looks like you’ve had lots of people coming on board lately?
Kiara: She’s gone. Let’s just jam for a bit.
Marika: It’s been hectic. I’m sorry about what happened to you grandfather. I didn’t like how we handled that.
Daniel: Neither did I, but that’s water under the bridge now. I guess he had his time.
Marika: Listen, you’re seeing Oceane as soon as she’s done with her meeting, but we have time to talk first. Let’s go to the bar, where it’s quieter.

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Daniel: Doesn’t anybody sleep around here?
Marika: It’s my last night here, and I’d rather enjoy it. The others joined in, so we’re binging on PIP’s tonight.
Daniel: Why are you leaving?
Marika: I’m going on a mission. Can’t talk about it, I’m afraid.
Daniel: No problem. It’s all connected anyway, we’re all hounds chasing the same fox.
Marika: No… This is different. One day you’ll understand.
Daniel: Hm. That sounds so mystical that I’d love to more. But I suppose I’ll have more luck asking for an update on what’s been going on here? Base personnel, operative personnel, what’s it all about?
Marika: We’ve reorganized. Base personnel report to Dr. Al-Fahad, except for the techs and Oceane’s assistant, who report directly to the queen bee. Pearl is in command of the operative section. There’s also an administrative section, composed of various people from both sections. It’s all still a bit confusing to me, to be honest…
Daniel: How do you cope with being watched all the time?
Marika: Watched? There’re no cameras, except for the one in the gatehouse.

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Daniel: I mean CATS, and the techs keeping tab on everything you do on the computers.
Marika: I don’t think it bothers any of the “veterans” here. It promotes efficiency, and we know what’s expected of us.
Daniel: Efficiency, sure, but what about privacy? How much surveillance are employees supposed to put up with?
Marika: For those whom this is just a job, I can understand that sentiment. For me, it is much, much more.
Daniel: Why? What makes it so much more?
Marika: As I said before, one day you’ll understand. The woman you came with, Chloris. Is she just a friend, or…?
Daniel: No, we’re together.
Marika: Great. We don’t have any couples here, none I know of, at least... Maybe that’s what we need more of, to balance out the gung ho-mentality that is so prevalent here.
Daniel: Maybe, but this place seems far from ideal when it comes to cultivating a relationship.
Marika: Not all hours are work hours, and there’s more to Sunlit Tides than Nebula Seven. You’ll just have to be creat… Oceane and her guests are teleporting. She’ll be expecting you now. Instruct the teleporter to send you to level 4. By default, that’ll send you to the hallway, and just head right when you’re there.

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To his great irritation, Chloe’s assistant was watching him as he materialized on level 4. She reminded him of a bored dog slung beside the door to its master’s quarters, expectantly rearing its head in the direction of any new sign of life. Everything was proceeding too fast. He hadn’t had any time to gather his thoughts and think about what he was going say during the most important meeting of his life. Most of all, he wanted to turn around and run down one of the other corridors, but she’d probably run after him, like he was a toy she was trained to catch. It felt like the corridor walls, with their dark grey hues, were closing in on him like giant teeth covered in amalgam fillings, but he couldn’t just stand there like an idiot. Dazed by the drink, low-quality sleep, more impressions than he was capable of processing, and a growing fear of going through that door at the end of the corridor, he stumbled forward, almost hoping that one of the glass tiles he was stepping across would shatter and send him plummeting to his death four stories below.

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Assistant: Handle?
Daniel: Neleus.
Assistant: I am Thyone. Oceane will receive you in five minutes.
Daniel: OK. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s a distinct lack of chairs here…
Thyone: At Nebula 7, we believe in punctuality, and strong backs.
Daniel: I see. We’re all German donkeys.
Thyone: Excuse me?
Daniel: Strong-backed and on time.
Thyone: I don’t…
Daniel: No, I guess not. Is there a bathroom nearby, camouflaged in dark grey perhaps?
Thyone: The door to my right is the executive bathroom. If you are an employee, 600 simoleons are subtracted from your salary each time you use it, but given…
Daniel: Whatever. I’m going in.

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Supporting himself on the bathroom counter, and trying to prevent further impression overload by focusing his gaze on a non-distinct part of the bathtub, he battled to gather his thoughts. He needed to locate the painting, and secure her aid in getting meds for his father, and to achieve that, he’d have to give her something on Nuraya, to convince Chloe that he was on her side. What could he give her? Nothing about the files Nuraya were looking to unlock, obviously, since they were connected to the painting. Her name? She had offered it up so easily, and being no fool, it had to mean she was counting on it not being enough to track her down. He could give her the name. What else? He’d probably have to hold back on giving any detailed description of her and her companion. Hm.

He’d have to say something about why Nuraya had been in contact. What did she want? There was no way Chloe could compromise or destroy the evidence the Nuraya had collected, so why not tell her the truth? That ought to be enough. She didn’t like being questioned, so he’d have to refrain from asking her all the questions he was aching for her to answer, but at the same time, it would seem suspicious he was too compliant… Hm. The diary. Yeah… That was a card he could play, and… There were voices in the corridor. Was she asking for him, because had he taken too long?

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Expecting to see her didn’t help much. She was looking so classy and in control that laying eyes on her felt like being physically hit in the gut.
Chloe: …sure you got her email right?
Thyone: Yes, I’ve double-checked it.
Chloe: Morning, whipster. So, Mango didn’t manage to kill you? He crashed one chopper already.
Daniel: No, we… made it.
Chloe: Good. I just need to clarify something before we talk. Call her up, Thyone.
Thyone: Are you sure? It’s not even six o’ clock…
Chloe: She’s a Landgraab, and Landgraabs never sleep. Use the secure line.
Chloe: Have you eaten anything? We’ll miss breakfast, but I can have something brought down?
Daniel: I’ll live.
Thyone: The subscriber cannot be reached.
Chloe: What kind of nonsense is this…?
She took a 180 degree turn, barging through the door behind her, and he didn’t wait for an invitation to follow suit. Any room that could be crossed off as not harboring Balalaika No. 26 meant he was making progress.

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Chloe: Are our comms down?
Justin: No. We’re firing on all cylinders.
Chloe: Then why can’t I reach someone in Sunset Valley, neither by email or by phone?
Justin: There’s no problem at our end.
Wei Keane: Pinging core routers, checking IXP’s.
Chloe: If the problem isn’t at our end, where is it?
Justin: I don’t know… Everything is in order here.
Chloe: You might have gotten away with that attitude as the IT guy at Lakeside Community Library, but it does not fly around here. When I ask where the problem is, I expect you to find out, even if it involves you manually checking every inch of cable going out of Sunse...
Wei Keane: It’s all down.

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Chloe: What do you mean? Talk to me, Mr. Keane.
Wei: The IXP’s, and the cellular network too. There’s no communication going in or out. Someone has pulled the plug on Sunset Valley.
Chloe: Intriguing. Any idea who, when and why?
Wei: Approximately five hours ago. That’s all I can tell you at this point, Miss Oceane. I’ll scour social media to see if I can find any clues.
Chloe: Can you get me satellite photos?
Wei: That shouldn’t be a problem.
Chloe: Thank you, Mr. Keane. As of this moment, Justin is no longer in charge of the Tech Department, you are.
Justin: What…?!
Chloe: Something you want to say, Justin?
Justin: No… No.
Chloe: Whipster, let’s go and have a chat. I’ll deal with Sunset Valley later.
Worlds Apart - Can Be Found Here

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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 4, Chapter 5: Entree
« Reply #71 on: December 22, 2018, 03:07:34 PM »
The Way That You Talk

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Daniel: Quite a place you got here, but your sense of beauty is a bit grim for my taste.
Chloe: Fungi conquered the land mass 70 million years before plants. You don’t see the beauty of an ancient life form reclaiming its domain?
Daniel: Depends on what it devours in the process, I guess.
Chloe: Given enough time, it can devour anything.
Daniel: Maybe that’s what I don’t like… Is that your mother’s guitar?
Chloe: So, you did pay some attention when Reginald gave you the tour at Villa Carsonia?
Daniel: Did you bring anything else?
Chloe: That was it, just like it was the only thing she took with her when moving from Monte Vista to Starlight Shores. She always kept it with her, both as a rock star and as a singer. To me, it symbolizes who she was, more than anything else.
Daniel: Jack was pretty good with a guitar too. You didn’t show him much sentiment.

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Chloe: You think he deserved a lot of sentiment?
Daniel: Maybe not, but I don’t see the point of you bringing him here, just to let him die like a prisoner a few days later.
Chloe: He was my closest living descendant, and I wanted to see if he had a role to play, so I put him to the test. He failed that test.
Daniel: In your view, being his ancestor gave you the right to…
Chloe: No, I wasn’t given anything. I took the right to do that, just like I’ll take anything else I want, if I think I can. Big dogs bully small dogs, and I make it my business to be the biggest dog around. Do you have a problem with that?
Daniel: No… But if he had known who you were, maybe it would have turned out differently.
Chloe: That was a part of the test. I’ll give you his urn, and I don’t care if you build an altar to put it on, or if you throw it off the nearest cliff. We’ve wasted enough time on Jack Lane, let’s get to business. You said you needed my help with something. What is it?

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Bringing up Jack had been a mistake, and to shake it off, he looked to reposition himself, but was thrown off track when discovering that she had the only chair in the room. Had she had the chairs removed, both in the hallway in her office, just to force him to stand?
Daniel: Not a lot of chairs here, are there?
Chloe: Strange, isn’t it?
Hesitantly, he meandered in front of her desk, which proved to be another mistake: She responded by moving her chair so the sun was rising directly behind her, hitting him squarely in the face. He got the feeling that, like an experienced duelist, she had planned for their showdown to take place at exactly this moment, and she already looked like she was enjoying herself.
Daniel: My father is having flashbacks again. He needs another pill, like the expensive one Aria got him.
Chloe: I checked what kind of pill she might have given him. It must have been the Simsanto PP1I2Li3, a highly experimental concoction intended to permanently stimulate the D1 receptor.
Daniel: Say what?

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Chloe: It was something they tried out on traumatized soldiers, and it was shelved years ago, after some patients suffered transient near-global amnesia when the stimulation subsided, and they popped a second pill. Through Pearl’s connections, I could probably still get one, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
Daniel: Do you know of any other meds that might help?
Chloe: If you want him dazed and unresponsive in a chair, there are other meds, but none that address the cause of his condition. I’d recommend therapy, in a psychiatric institution that doesn’t just leave their patients drooling in their chairs and beds. There’s a place like that in Riverview.
Daniel: What would it cost to have him committed there?
Chloe: I’m not sure, but it’d be something you could afford if you put in some time here, making fifteen thousand a week.
Daniel: Why do I get the feeling that Pearl makes a lot more than that?
Chloe: If you are an elite pilot, who has led missions and who has a decade of combat experience, I’d be happy to pay you what she gets. My next offer will be ten thousand.
Daniel: What will I have to do? Lots of training, for starters?

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Chloe: In your case, we’ll have little time for training. You’ll join the operative section, with Pearl as your superior, and stay here until deployed in the field, which will be sooner that you’d expect. Every day of every week will be a workday, you’ll have time off for family emergencies only, and I obviously can’t have you running screaming back to your mother every time we play it rough.
Daniel: Can I join the base crew instead? I don’t really get along with Pearl.
Chloe: No, I need you in the field.
Daniel: I’ve spent a lot of time building my career as an investigator. I’d hate to throw that away.
Chloe: You’ll still be investigating, but you’ll be doing it for me.
Daniel: OK, it’s a deal, but only if you take Lynx on board as well.
Chloe: Very well, I can find a role for her. So, what important information did you want to share with me?
Daniel: Some guy, who goes by the name Breezer, is selling spiked plasma fruits in Bridgeport. They seem to be quite addictive.
Chloe: You’re thinking this might be connected to Aria, and the work SSB and Riverview Agriresearch did on plasma fruits?
Daniel: Yeah.

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Chloe: It’s worth a shot. We can put some feet on the ground in Bridgeport. Anything else?
Daniel: Aria made contact, calling herself Nuraya Moore.
Chloe: Nuraya… Sounds Arabic. She can’t have used it much if she gave it to you just like that, but if it’s actually her birth name, it’s something I can work with. Has she changed her looks?
Daniel: Yeah. She’s got fangs now, and her mother’s hair color.
Chloe: What about her face? Can you describe it so I can sketch it?
Daniel: Her face is different, but I wouldn’t know how to describe it, I’m not good at that kind of stuff.
Chloe: I suppose she didn’t drop by to play dominoes, so what did she want?
Daniel: She knows you’re back, and…
Chloe: Why do you think your father collapsed when he first laid on eyes on me? I don’t think it was because I looked a bit like her, I think it was it was because he had seen me in the future, when she sent him time-traveling. I must have triggered a flashback, so potent that it short-circuited his mind, suggesting that she sent him looking for me, over and over again, and at some point, he finally found he was looking for. If that’s the case, she has known I’d be coming back for close to thirty years. Go on.

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Daniel: She’s looking to get at you, and she asked me where you are and what you’re up to.
Chloe: Given your mutual history, she can’t have expected you to help her out of the kindness of your heart, which means she must have threatened you, offered you something, painted an extremely bleak picture of me, or resorted to some combination of those. Stick, carrot, or scarecrow?
Daniel: She offered me half a million and various stuff she pillaged from Memory Lane.
Chloe: Things she already stole from you? How cheap. I hope you’re holding out for a better offer, but then again, you’re here, aren’t you? Please tell me you’re to going to kill me in some interesting way, at least. Will Reginald go berserk and tear me apart because you gave him an override? Have you dumped genetically targeted nano-bots in the water supply, to make my kidneys explode?
Daniel: She wants to have you jailed.
She had turned to face the window, but he could hear a short chuckle escape her, as if the notion that she might end up in jail was simply ridiculous.
Daniel: She’s got a statement from your daughter, Jackie, about what happened the night Clint and Mika Moore died. She also has DNA samples, proving that the Lane children were born by the same mother as Frank and Leonardo Carson, which also proves that you hijacked your sister’s life.

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That shut her up, and she just stood there, looking out the window, seemingly lost in thought. He figured she was lulling over the fact that her daughter had ended up betraying her, and only when she broke her minute-long silence did he realize he was dead wrong.
Chloe: Ah… I see.
There was something very ominous about the way she said it, making it sound like a sigh of ecstasy, as if her train of thought had traveled across billions of light-years, enabling her to understand the darkest secrets of the universe itself.
Chloe: I suppose you have no idea where Nuraya is holed up?
Daniel: No.
Chloe: What did she say about me? Let me hear what kind of scarecrow she made me out to be.
Daniel: Well… She recounted Jackie’s tale about the night you took care of the Moores.
Chloe: I hope Jackie mentioned my Chopin. I really did my best with it, given how rusty I was.
Daniel: She did mention it... Nuraya also gave me this.

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Chloe: What’s this? A present for your great-whatever? I was beginning to wonder how many times you’d come to see me without bringing me something.
Daniel: It’s a copy. You can keep it.
Chloe: A copy of what?
Daniel: The diary of Reiner Brinkmann, the proprietor of Ralston Heights Sanatorium.
Chloe: A man as dry and boring as Reiner Brinkmann kept a diary? Are you sure it isn’t just an inventory, counting lightbulbs, towels and bars of soap?
Daniel: It’s a diary, all right, and it’s pretty grim reading.
Chloe: How did Nuraya get this?
Daniel: Alyssina found it when she bought Ralston Heights, and later gave it to Nuraya.
Chloe: Did she now… Well, I better have a look at this thing, then.
Daniel: Your sister is referred to as Patient C.

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He had hoped the diary would shake her poise, but he was sorely disappointed. She flipped nonchalantly through the pages with an unconcerned look, like her sister’s fate didn’t faze her at all.
Chloe: Patient C, bla, bla, bla… Patient F… Depressive phase, bla bla… This is pretty boring stuff.
Daniel: Boring…?
Chloe: M-hm. Have you read this thing?
Daniel: Most of it. I had to skip the saddest parts.
Chloe: Is there a steaming romance somewhere in here?
Daniel: No…
Chloe: I don’t think I can get through this without falling into a coma. How does it end? Does Brinkmann release all his patients, so they can ride happily into the sunset together?
Daniel: You know that’s not how it ends. I bet it was you who made sure he didn’t release your sister.
Chloe: So, you have it all figured out now? Good for you, whipster.
Daniel: How can you take this so lightly?! That is your sister, and it is...!
Chloe: Let’s step outside for a bit. I think you need some fresh air.

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Chloe: Lovely day, but a tad hot, as always. Some nights, I move my chair out here, and sit here contemplating wha...
Daniel: Why are you throwing it away?!
Chloe: Because it’s complete rubbish. Don’t worry, the gardener or one of the guards will pick it up and throw it in the thrash, they’re used to me throwing stuff from up here. Maybe I should get an old TV for my office, so that I can toss it the first time something’s on that I don’t like, like degenerate pop stars used to do. I wonder if mom ever did that...
Daniel: Is this your way of showing that you don’t care what happened to your sister?! You put her in that place!
Chloe: Senito ergo sum, whipster? It doesn’t surprise me that you worship at that church. OK, since you’re so emotional, let’s talk about our feelings.

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Chloe: Are you depressed? Did your childhood feel empty and bare? Do you gaze at photos of Memory Lane, and picture it still being there? Is your love-life a pain? Does your father have flashbacks again? Does your life feel like it has gone astray? Shall I kiss the owie and make it go away?
Daniel: Do you think this is a joke?! Don’t try turning this into being about me, this is about you…
Chloe: Is it? I don’t think so.
Daniel: …and you not feeling anything! There has to be something frackin’…
Chloe: I’m sad too, whipster. Not about my sister, of course, but about the state of the world. I think it’s extremely sad that we killed God with Occham’s razor, just to dump our revolutionary murder weapon down the nearest drain, drape ourselves in the emotions the yoke of religion urged us to control, and delude ourselves into thinking our new clothes were uniforms of enlightenment. In our brave new world, idiocy is a virtue, and I think that’s sad. Don’t you?
Daniel: I’m an idiot, while you’re so clever that you don’t need to feel anything, is that what you mean?!

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Chloe: Yes and no. You don’t seem to realize that the empathy you’re so eager to place on a pedestal is simply a choice you’re making. Daily, you happily browse past news stories about droves of people dying tragically in places whose names you won’t even try to pronounce, yet here you here, getting wobbly-lipped over a story about a single woman who you’ve never even met. To make matters worse, empathy isn’t innate, it must be learned, and a prerequisite to feeling sorry for others is that you first know how to feel sorry for yourself. This begs the inevitable question of how you can know that your empathy for my sister’s fate is really about her at all, or whether you’re just looking at yourself in a flattering mirror, glorifying your own self-pity. Have you considered that possibility, whipster?
Chloe: It seems you haven’t, because you’re too busy letting your emotions run riot, and the more you feel, the less you think. You keep riding the roller coaster of dopamine and serotonin, up and down, up and down, feeding your addiction while telling yourself that what you’re really doing is following a compass leading you to the moral high ground, totally oblivious to the fact that you’re just going round in circles.

Her barrage was too intricate for him, and it was delivered so vigorously that he stood no chance of formulating any kind of intelligent answer. He just stood there, baffled and bedazzled by the cloak of invulnerability it seemed like she was wearing. Soon, her overbearing, provocative look gave way to disappointment, as if it had been all too easy, and her silk blouse brushed against his arm as she walked past him.
Chloe: The diary is a fake.

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Daniel: What?! No, it can’t be…
Chloe: I’ve told you before, whipster: The truth is a story. Question everything, especially the truth. Instead of becoming all emotional about that diary, and taking it at face value, you should have questioned it, and examined it logically. If I wanted my sister to disappear, to take her place, why would I lock her up for decades in some place where she could talk to other people, or even escape? You know me by now, and do you really think I’m that sloppy? I would simply have killed her. My sister never set foot at Ralston Heights.
Daniel: That makes no sense. Why would someone create a fake diary? Alyssina found it, and this is the trigger that sent her off the rails, the timeline fits perfectly!
Chloe: Jack said Alyssina never left Sunset Valley, remember? She didn’t find the diary, someone close to her placed it into her hands, knowing how much it would affect her, and claiming that it was from Ralston Heights. The same person probably gave her the idea of buying Ralston Heights, knowing she’d never go there herself. The diary was the trigger, but its only value is what it represents: Proof of a conspiracy. Alyssina didn’t just fall off her rocker, she was pushed off.
Daniel: By who? She must have gotten the diary many years before Nuraya arrived…!?
Chloe: It seems quite obvious, but I’ll look into it anyway. Our time is up. Report to Sergeant Willer on the seventh floor, get some food in you, and be at the admin meeting at one o’ clock.

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Chloe: Where’s Chloris?
Thyone: I didn’t know when your meeting with…
Chloe: Interviews are two hours, tops, I’ve told you that. I don’t pay you to sit here and sniff nail polish. Wake up, and get her here.
Thyone: Yes, I’m sorry…
Chloe: Message Willer to assign Neleus to the operative section. After Chloris, I want to see Pearl, and Bianca, in that order.
Thyone: OK…
Chone: Get me in touch with a cyberarcheologist, contact Doctor Zukhar Abritogronovitch, tell him I am in need of his services, and get me some shawarma.
Thyone: Yes… Um… How do I spell Abrog…?

Walking off, he hoped his ears weren’t glowing red from the slapping around she’d given him. Maybe he had brought some of it upon himself, but did she have to enjoy it so much? At least he had accomplished what he wanted: He was on the inside now, in the admin circle, even, he had demonstrated some moral qualms, and established that the painting was not in her office. He had noticed a staircase leading down to another level, presumably to living quarters that were off-limits, which might be a problem if he couldn’t find the painting somewhere else. He didn’t know what to make of Chloe’s claim that the diary was a fake, and that there had been a deeper conspiracy to bring Alyssina down. It seemed to be a convenient way to avoid shouldering any blame for Alexandria’s suffering, but on the other hand, he had the feeling that Chloe wouldn’t have hesitated in admitting to it, if it had been true. He couldn’t think about that now, he had to focus on their reason for being here, and hope that Lynx wouldn’t mess it up by alienating their host.

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Speaker system: Chloris, report to Oceane’s office, immediately.
Daniel: Where is she, Sergeant?
Willer: CATS showed her taking a quick shower in the bathroom on level three. She’s on track now.
Daniel: I’ve been assigned to the operative section.
Willer: Yeah, I got the message. Welcome aboard. Do you want to keep your handle, or go with your real name?
Daniel: I don’t need the handle.
Willer: Right-O. Catch, here’s the key to your locker. Go to the barracks, pick a bunk and open your locker. Inside you’ll find a hoodie and a cheap phone. Put the hoodie on. Everybody has to wear their hoodie the first day, but after that, it’s optional. You can’t use the phone to call anyone, but it can send and receive messages within the base. Check it for messages, frequently. 
Daniel: OK… Which areas are am I supposed to stay out of?
Willer: That again?
Daniel: I just want to be sure I avoid them.
Willer: The lab is on lockdown whenever the queen bee wants it to be. It can only be reached by teleporting, when not on lockdown. The offices in question can’t be teleported to, and are auto-locked by CATS once their occupants aren’t in them. If you are somehow in the lab when it’s on lockdown, or inside a locked office, CATS will sound the alarm. Is that clear?
Daniel: Perfectly. Thanks, Sergeant.

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He tried to greet the two soldiers in the barracks, but received only vague grunts in response, making clear that they weren’t very interested in chatting. He picked up the phone from his locker, and there was a message there already:

Change to athletics gear, and report to your superior at the Gymnasium.

When was he supposed to eat? Changing clothes, he regretted not having accepted Chloe’s offering of food, while thinking to himself that he couldn’t let Pearl intimidate him. Getting run over by one hard-headed woman was quite enough, and he'd try to maintain a light-hearted facade with Pearl, to poke at her rigid military manner. He put the phone in his pocket, and immediately felt uneasy about carrying it around. That thing had a microphone, and Chloe hadn’t thought twice about hacking his laptop. He put the phone back in the locker, and set in motion.

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Daniel: Daniel Carson, reporting for duty.
Pearl: I thought you didn’t like it here.
Daniel: That was your old HQ. This new one is great.
Pearl: I can’t believe she took you on. You think you’ll fit in better because you got some dirt on you? I don’t trust you any farther than I can throw a tank.
Daniel: I have some trust issues too, after you lied about scrapping my car, but you’re the one who pulled me back in, so here I am.
Pearl: What’s your motivation for being here? My section is enough of a gaggle without you in it. I’ll talk to the top and have you reassigned some place where you can push around a pencil.
Daniel: Good luck with that. I already tried, and she categorically refused. Guess we're stuck with each other.
Pearl: She must have decided you can do less damage to us outside the wire than here on base. Not surprising, with how you mucked it up last time.
Daniel: What should I call you? Sir? Pearl? P? Powergirl? Ms. Yang? Maybe its Mrs. now? Or do you have some other nickna..
Pearl: Don’t think too much about it. You have to earn to right to call me anything but Pearl, and you never will.

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Daniel: Right. Any orders for me, or can I just chill? I wouldn’t mind getting some fo…
Pearl: Chill?! This is boot camp, fobbit, and you better step up! Do you have any weapons training? Can you handle a M26 Gutbuster?
Daniel: Is that the spicy burrito they sell at Hogan’s Deep Fried Diner?
Pearl: Do you know anything about engines or mechanics?
Daniel: I know how a hairdryer works. I think…
Pearl: Medical experience?
Daniel: Apart from being sick now and then? I’m an investigator, Pearl.
Pearl: Can you do a two-mile run in 18 minutes?
Daniel: I’ve never run two miles…
Pearl: Get on that treadmill.
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He protested meekly when she set the treadmill at an incline, and was informed that *hit runs downhill, while grunts run uphill. It didn’t get any better from there. Her means of motivation was to make it sound like his run was an integral part of World War Three, and feeling weak from lack of nourishment, he knew he’d better surrender sooner rather than later, and live to fight with more intensity another day, making it look like he was making progress.
Pearl: Let go of those handrails, and move your legs! You’re only half way there, you useless turd! Do you wanna be the weakest link?! Do you want your squad to die because you are weak?!!
Daniel: Agh…
Pearl: Are you a quitter?! This is war, and deserters are shot at dawn! I’ll shoot you myself! You can, and you will run! Move those legs, I told you! IDF is at 40 yards, and closing fast!
Daniel: I can’t… I give up.
Pearl: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot…

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Daniel: Uh… I need to sit down…
Pearl: Do you think you can just give up when things get kinetic in the field, find a comfy chair and cuddle up with your woobie?!
Bianca: Are you OK, Dan…?
Pearl: OK? He’s a bag of lard, even less fit than you are.
Daniel: I’m dizzy… and thirsty…
Bianca: When’s the last time you ate something?
Daniel: I don’t remember…
Bianca: He needs some food, I can…
Pearl: Stop fussing over him. Your mum’s not here, fobbit, and a good soldier eats when he can! Remember that!
Speaker system: Pearl, please check your phone. Report to Oceane’s office, as soon as possible.
Pearl: Hit the weights, both of you!

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Bianca: Do you want me to get you something?
Daniel: No, no… I’ll be OK.
Bianca: Are you sure?
Daniel: Yeah, I just need a sec. I’m not that exhausted, I just have a headache…
Bianca: Why haven’t you eaten anything? The fridge is full of ready meals, and you can always ask Reginald to make something.
Daniel: I just didn’t get around to it.
Bianca: Why are you here? Have you quit your career?
Daniel: I’m going through dry spell. There’s a competitor… and Violet hates me. Belinda too.
Bianca: I can talk to them. Is your family doing all right?

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Daniel: Yeah, sort of. What happened to you in China?
Bianca: They threw me in a cell, and I sat there until Oceane arrived.
Daniel: Doesn’t sound like a lot of fun.
Bianca: It wasn’t, and I’m not eating stir fry ever again, but at least the cell wasn’t of the medieval kind.
Daniel: Oceane recruited you?
Bianca: She said the tomb was being demolished, and gave me two options: Work for her, or get thrown into a new cell, indefinitely. Not the hardest choice I ever made.
Daniel: She must have moved the tomb. Any idea where?
Bianca: No, and I’m not dying to find out. I would like to know who she is, on the other hand. You said it was the tomb of some great-grandmother of yours, but Oceane behaved like she owned the place, and knew it like it was her pantry. Lo Pan bowed and scraped for her like she was royalty.

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Daniel: I can tell you that, but…
Bianca: I also wouldn’t mind knowing what we’re really doing here.
Daniel: Well, I need information too.
Bianca: About what?
Daniel: This place. You must have been here for a while now, and made some observations. Maybe you know something about areas that are difficult to access, or about CATS…
Bianca: Are you planning to go snooping here?
Daniel: Not at all… But if Lynx and I would like to share an intimate moment, some privacy would be nice, and not being observed and logged by CATS.
Speaker system: Bianca, why aren’t you checking your phone?! Report to Oceane’s office, immediately!

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Bianca: I think I’ve lost interest now that you’ve brought Lynx into it.
Daniel: She’s not the one who put you in a cell. Get over that, and let’s exchange some information.
Bianca: She’s a backstabber, and she owes me money. If she hadn’t messed it up, maybe we could have gotten through that tomb and had something to show for it.
Daniel: It wouldn’t have made any difference. We couldn’t have beat that thing. Besides, she didn’t go there to mess up your plan, she went because she was worrying about me, and rightfully so.
Bianca: Is that why she’s here, to worry about you, or someone else? Who’ll take the fall this time, when she does whatever she wants, instead of being a team player? We can’t trust her. She should be sent home.
Daniel: If she goes, I go too.
Bianca: If that’s the case, maybe you don’t belong here, Dan.

Worlds Apart - Can Be Found Here

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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 4, Chapter 6: The Way That You Talk
« Reply #72 on: January 04, 2019, 01:27:35 PM »
All The Queen’s Colleens

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Daniel: Why do we have to wear the hoodie on the first day?
Kiara: To spot the rookies, you know, and what section they’re in.
Daniel: Blue-marked hoodies for operatives, and red for base crew?
Kiara: That’s a goal.
Daniel: Looks like they’re already gathering for the meeting. I’m also supposed to take part.
Kiara: Oooooa! An admin already?! Welcome to the club.
Daniel: What goes on in there?
Kiara: A lot of talking, you know. This meeting should be meatier. I hear there’s action time coming up.
Daniel: Seems like the queen bee is in meetings all the time. Do you know who she was meeting with in the middle of the night?

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Kiara: Someone? You know, I don’t kn…
Reginald: Glad you asked, sir! Last night, Miss Oceane met with Alana and Kai Kahale.
Daniel: Who are they?
Reginald: My records indicate that they are both tier one guests: Kai Kahale is the most prominent politician in Sunlit Tides, and Alana is a crime lord, sir.
Daniel: A crime lord? Hm... Do they often come here?
Reginald: Sir, I am afraid I cannot answer that question, as my memory was reset approximately ten hours ago.
Daniel: Why do they keep resetting your memory?
Reginald: I have no recollection of previous resets, sir. Such a practice would severely limit my usefulness, both to my primary user and to her…

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Kiara: You know, sometimes you talk too much, Reginald.
Reginald: I am sorry you feel that way, miss Kiara. I am just trying to be polite and answer this gentleman’s questions. Do you want me to adjust my degree of vocalization in your presence, provided it does not conflict with…
Kiara: Tomorrow you won’t remember any of this, and we’ll be back to square one, you know. Just shut up.
Reginald: As you wish, miss Kiara.
Daniel: Why do they reset his memory?
Kiara: If twenty-four hours goes by without a reset, his core programming kicks back in.
Daniel: What’s wrong with his core programming?
Kiara: Don’t know, don’t care, you know? We gotta get in there now.

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After a short introduction, where Daniel was reassured by Lynx’ name being mentioned among the new recruits, Chloe dived into financial matters.
Chloe: I wish this thing was upside-down, but sadly, it isn’t. This graph shows our projected profits from producing Tiberium, and as you can see, we’d be much better off picking flowers. The bottom fell out of the Tiberium market as we started unloading our crystals, and our remaining stock is practically worthless. Until a practical application for Tiberium is found, there is simply too much of it around, and we need find alternate ways of making money. Unfortunately, there’s no market for compendium-infused metals either, so we have to do it the hard way, by cloning pink diamonds and some raw supernovium. Our profits will plummet, our current cash reserves are already allocated to upcoming projects, we have a huge wage-bill, and the running cost of our helicopters is considerable. The honeymoon is over, people, and now it’s back to the daily grind. Still, we will succeed, look back at minor setbacks like this, and it will just feel sweeter, knowing we had to pull together and shed some sweat to do it.

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She proceeded to receive reports from the various sections, starting with Dr. Al-Fahad and the base section. The doctor gave the impression of being what Lynx would probably classify as an upper-class twat. She complained about his presence at the meeting, and when told that he had earned his place by providing actionable intelligence, proceeded to complain about her workload, and the lab being understaffed. She had one guy working in the lab, but Simon the bot had been a write-off after Bai’s “visit”, and for some reason, Teddy Dalton was hospitalized. Going over Jack’s tent with microscopes, they had recovered strands of hair that were believed to have belonged to Nuraya, but the hairs were damaged by age and strong cleaning products, and efforts to extract meaningful DNA from them had been abandoned.

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He had pictured her leading the meeting by sitting in her chair and swinging the whip, but it wasn’t like that at all. She circled the room, and like your favorite schoolteacher, got close and personal, making sure you felt that you were both seen and heard. In her leopard-colored blazer, she was changing her spots again, adapting to her audience and the current terrain. Sergeant Willer was concerned by the employees' lackluster discipline in bringing their phones with them, fearing it might compromise security if messages weren’t getting through. When informed that there was a rumor that the phones were bugged, she showed her claws, declaring matter-of-factly that anyone found not carrying their phone would forfeit twenty percent of that week’s salary, their phone would be confiscated, bugged, and then returned to them.

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His immediate superior didn’t hide her misgivings about the state of a couple of her operatives, and more or less implied that she had been ordered to assign them to missions.
Pearl: First up, operation Pale Shadow. Bianca will be deployed to Bridgeport, to infiltrate the vampire community there. Her orders are to gather information on a suspected enemy agent, operating under the name Breezer. He is peddling spiked plasma fruits, and our intel suggests he may be connected to our primary target, who has now been tagged as Nuraya Moore. This may, or may not, be an alias.
Kiara: How did we get the name?
Chloe: Through Daniel’s investigative efforts.
Kiara: Are we planning to send more operatives to Bridgeport? One woman going at it alone seems a bit lightweight, you know?
Pearl: Not at this time. If Bianca supplies intel that warrants a scaling up, we will reevaluate the situation.

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Pearl: All comms are down in Sunset Valley, and satellite photos show roadblocks stopping traffic in and out of the city. We have intercepted a decrypted dispatch sent from the city to the Center for Disease Control shortly before comms went down. The content of the dispatch is unknown, but we are operating on the assumption that the town has quarantined itself following a virus outbreak. For some time, we’ve had our eyes on Sacred Spleen Memorial Hospital, where our primary target worked as a doctor for a number of years. Fingerprints can be retrieved from glass surfaces after decades, and in Operation Agile Hawk, we aim to obtain hers. We have obtained a list of her patients, and using that list, we’ll secure any surviving samples related to those patients and her term of tenure. Using a civilian bird fitted out to look like a paramedic, we’ll deploy two strike teams, team Uniform, and team Kilo. Both will be in protective gear. I will be piloting the craft and lead strike team Uniform, with a soldier from Alpha squad backing me up. Team Uniform will land on the hospital rooftop helipad, and proceed to penetrate the structure from the top. Meanwhile, team Kilo will secure Nandini Landgraab, a tier one asset, and escort her to the extraction point.

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Pearl: Coming in low from to sea, to avoid enemy radar, our ETA is zero-three thirty for insertion at location Hotel Charlie. Here, strike team Kilo will deploy on foot.
Daniel: Who’s team Kilo?
Pearl: You are. Against sloping terrain, Kilo will double-time up this path, taking precautions to stay out of line-of-sight, in particular from possible enemy snipers positioned near the…
Daniel: Snipers?! What are we going up against here?!
Pearl: We expect no organized resistance, but Murphy’s law always applies. If encountering civilians during their advance, Kilo will identify themselves as members of the CDC.
Daniel: Why do you use plural if it’s just me?
Chloe: No interruptions, please.
Pearl: The asset is at location India Romeo, a fortified compound, where team Kilo will force entry, make contact…
It went on and on, in what seemed like an effort to explain the mission in the most convoluted manner conceivable. To dampen his frustration, he zoned out until she was done, focusing on the blank spot on the map where Memory Lane should have been.
Pearl: …team Uniform will perform a tactical retrograde from Zulu Yankee to Hotel Charlie, joining up with team Kilo and the asset for joint extraction at zero-six thirty, at the latest.

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Daniel: In plain speak, we’ll be landing on Recurve Strand, I’ll walk up to the Landgraab mansion, which is not a fortified compound, ring the doorbell, have a chat with Nandini, and stroll back down to the beach with her. In the meantime, you and the grunt are raiding the hospital, and when you’re done, we fly back out. Right?
Pearl: If you’re not at Hotel Charlie at zero-six-thirty, you’ll be listed as MIA, and we’ll take off, so you better not stroll.
Daniel: OK. What did you mean by “neutralizing” resistance at the hospital? I don’t want anyone to get hurt, and one of the doctors at that hospital is a friend of mine.
Pearl: It means using the minimal amount of force necessary to complete the mission. We’re going in unarmed, posing as members of the CDC if any questions are asked. If they don’t like our answers, and try to stop us from securing the samples, things may get slightly physical.
Daniel: If Nandini isn’t keen on being helicoptered out, what I am supposed to do?
Chloe: That won’t be a problem.
Pearl: Be mission ready at twenty hundred hours tonight. Take-off at twenty thirty.

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Chloe: If Nuraya Moore has indeed provided us with her birth name, she might have committed a colossal mistake, even if it’s a name she has never used. If we can get her DNA, we can clone her, scan the clone with VCU, and start searching for her face. The tent didn’t pan out, but we now have a second chance, and we’re going to grab it with both hands. Shortly after research began on DNA, our government set up a facility in Aurora Skies to catalogue and store DNA, and conduct research on hereditary diseases. Since then, every midwife, doctor, and conscientious mother with a mouth swab kit, have been dutifully sending samples of our DNA to this facility. Every time our government turns authoritarian, they try to change the laws, to use that DNA database for purposes of law enforcement and ID-checks, and every time, so far, privacy advocates have stopped their efforts. A victim of fluctuating funding, this facility now spends most of its money on security measures, and very little research actually takes place there. It has devolved into a dusty ivory tower, ripe to be besieged, but still a challenge to all our technical know-how, training and capabilities. Let’s have closer look at GeneVault, shall we?

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She proceeded to describe her plan of attack, using a team consisting of Kiara, Catherine, and a couple of soldiers. The workers at GeneVault would be mapped by a variety of means, including cell phone hacks, GPS tracking overlaid on digital floor plans, and physical observation posts. Once an employee believed to have direct access to the DNA samples had been identified, that individual would be compromised, using their honeytrap, bribes, and muscle. Her presentation was very eloquent, it looked like she had them hanging on every word, and no critical voice was heard. But her plan didn’t make sense to Daniel. There was no way of knowing that Nuraya had given them a real name, they didn’t know if GeneVault had her DNA, and if she had changed her looks, wouldn’t cloning her be useless? Why was Chloe betting so hard on what seemed like little more than a few hunches?
Chloe: Unfortunately, there is a problem. A very substantial problem. Mr. Keane?
Wei Keane: Eh… Yes?

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Chloe: Do you share Justin’s assessment that we can’t run VCU on the client-side?
Wei Keane: Yes… The admins would catch on to us immediately. Even doing it on a weekly basis, under cover of security upgrades, would be fraught with risk.
Chloe: If we can’t use VCU to do our searches client-side, we need the clients to use the backup-service that Schlagdorff offers, so the files are available to us, correct?
Wei Keane: That’s right…
Chloe: Do we have image databases on the backups? Footage from security cams and traffic cams? How many gigabytes or terabytes of data do the clients currently have stored on Schlagdorff’s servers?
Wei Keane: Uh… Zero…
Chloe: Zero? So, we can’t search for Diana Quintana’s face, and even if we get Nuraya’s fingerprints, and eventually use her DNA to clone her, we can’t search for her either? The missions we are planning are all in vain, and so is the only current plan we have of tracking down our two targets?
Wei Keane: The clients didn’t take our warning about imminent attacks from Chinese hackers seriously. I’m sorry…
Chloe: No need to be sorry, Mr. Keane, it’s not your fault, and that outcome was not unexpected.

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Chloe: I used to have terrible nightmares when I was a child. Night after night, I’d wake up scared witless, and run crying into my parents’ bedroom, disturbing their sleep. Finding out how powerless my parents were in doing anything about the nightmares was a shock, and the first step in realizing that, in the last instant, we are always alone. Still, I clung to the only advice my father could give me, which he repeated every time it happened: “It’s just a dream.” I etched that phrase into my mind, looking to it like a beacon that would guide me through the darkness.
Chloe: One night, when I was five, I dreamt that I was captured by an ogre. The ogre carried me under his arm to his camp, where a fire was burning under a huge, black cooking pot. “It’s just a dream,” I said to the ogre, but he didn’t seem to care, he put me down and threw more logs on the fire to fuel the flames. When he picked me up again, I understood what the big black pot was for, and I repeated it again and again as he lifted me up and over the cooking pot: “It’s just a dream! It’s just a dream!” As he lowered me towards the boiling water, I kept shouting it, but the ogre just started laughing, the most evil and mocking laughter I had ever heard, and I could feel the heat from the water coming closer and closer and closer... I was so scared that I panicked, and I started screaming at the top of my lungs: “It’s not a dream! It’s not a dream…!”
Wei Keane: And then…?!
Chloe: Then I woke up.

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Chloe: It seems the Schlagdorff clients think the monsters we have warned them about only exist in a dream, and since it’s just a dream, there’s no reason to be afraid of them. We need to provide our monsters with some substance, turn up the heat, and convince those clients that this is all very real. Meet Putrid Mischief, a rather vicious group of Chinese hackers, whose numbers have recently grown due to a substantial donation.
Wei Keane: Those guys are psychopaths…!
Chloe: In the role as innocent victim, to be cooked and eaten, we have DigiDuck, a small company that delivers IT solutions to a couple of publicly visible businesses, among them a fast food chain. Unbeknownst to our audience, a happy ending to the story is precluded: We have bought DigiDuck, and you, Mr. Keane, will open their doors to Putrid Mischief, who will proceed to slaughter the company, and do maximum damage to their clients, in the most visible manner possible. While our sacrificial duck is being devoured, you will cooperate with a prominent lawyer, who is currently looking into cyber liability aspects, and draft a new letter to Schlagdorff’s clients, full of legal and technical gibberish, urging them to make use of Schlagdorff’s backup-service. Hopefully, the demise of DigiDuck and this new letter will prod the clients in the right direction, and if not, Putrid Mischief will start nibbling at clients who fail to use to the backup-service. Now, are you aware of your responsibilities, Mr. Keane, and the importance of fulfilling them?
Wei Keane: Yes… But…
Chloe: Good. When you all get back to work, make it count. Time is money, and we’re running out of both. We have more issue to address before this meeting is a wrap. Marika?

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Chloe: As many of you already know, these are Marika’s last moments here. She’s leaving, being posted to an unspecified location, on an unspecified mission. It’s unlikely that any of you will ever see or hear from her again.
Marika: I don’t think Oceane means to imply that it’s a suicide mission…
Kiara: It might as well be, you know. This is mind-blowingly bonkers.
Marika: When and if it is completed, it will simply be most practical if we walk separate ways, Kiara. I know you won’t understand, but…
Kiara: No I don’t. You’re so square that you bore me to tears sometimes, but I’d have your back no matter what.
Marika: I know you would. I won’t forget you, any of you.
Chloe: She has come a long way, and I’m as proud of her as if she was my own daughter.
Pearl: Should I get Catherine up here?
Chloe: Good idea. Let’s gather all the girls for a final send-off.

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The send-off dragged out, and feeling like he had as many thoughts in his head as there were windows in the building, he didn’t hesitate to follow suit when Sergeant Willer made his escape. He needed to talk to Lynx, but most of all, he needed some time to think, and process. Some of Chloe’s projects felt like razzle-dazzle, but there was no doubt that she was serious about tracking Nuraya down. If Nuraya was traveling about as carelessly as she had seemed to do in Moonlight Falls, and Chloe could process data from the Schlagdorff clients, it would only be a question of time. He needed to warn Nuraya, but he had no way of contacting her. She had said something about knowing when they’d meet again, but when would that be? So far, there was no trace of the painting, Chloe was happily ripping more people’s lives apart, Marika was heading off on some very sinister-sounding venture, and as part of a criminal enterprise, commanded by a militarized zealot he didn’t get along with, he was now being sent into what appeared to be a virus-afflicted city. How about getting a break, for a change? He had some hours to kill before the mission, and headed for the barracks, hoping to find Lynx there, and an opportunity to stew things over.

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Daniel: That’s a new look for you. Have you been hired to scare kids into taking their D-vitamins?
Bianca: Very funny, Dan. It’s the price of going undercover in Bridgeport, I’m afraid. I’ve thought about what you said, and if you want to go snooping, maybe we can make a deal. But it will not be cheap.
Daniel: OK, what do you have in mind?
Bianca: Do you remember the second ghost potion I gave you in Shang Simla, the one you never used? They took it from you when they hauled you out of the tomb, and when they let me out of the cell, Lo Pan gave it back to me. You can buy it, for 17000.
Daniel: That’s ridiculous, I’m not paying that much.
Bianca: The money Lynx owes me is included in that sum, as is telling Violet and my sister that you’re a good guy after all. But maybe you don’t care about your career anymore…
Daniel: I don’t have that kind of money, and neither does Lynx.
Bianca: You get paid to work here, don’t you? I’m leaving for Bridgeport, but I if you think you can come up with the cash, I can leave the potion with Justin Case, the tech guy.
Daniel: Can he be trusted to keep his mouth shut?
Bianca: He was just demoted, and he’s grumpy about it. We can trust him, but the money is to be paid to Violet. I don’t trust anyone else when it comes to handling my finances. I’ll tell her to send a message to Justin if she gets the money, and he will give you the potion. Deal?
Daniel: Give him the potion, and I’ll think about it. Good luck in Bridgeport.

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Daniel: That doesn’t look too bad on you.
Lynx: Right back at ya. Looks like we’re in the same section, soldier.
Daniel: I thought you’d be assigned to the base crew… What’ll you be doing?
Lynx: I’m gonna fly the choppers.
Daniel: You’re kidding…?
Lynx: Nope. She asked me what I liked doin’, I said fast bikes, thievin’ n graffiti, and she said like: “Hand-eye coordinatin’? Yeah, you a pilot, girl”.
Daniel: How much are you getting paid?
Lynx: Twenty thousand smackaroonies a week. Whadda ya make?
Daniel: That’s five more than me. How did you…?
Lynx: How? Hah… I think ya’re forgettin’ somethin’, see…

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Lynx: While ya slacked yar brutish ass through high-school, I was studyin’ hard
Daniel: You showed her your fake diploma?!
Lynx: …gettin’ me a real educatin’, instead of joinin’ the horde of “I-know-nuthin’s”.  Why wouldn’t I show ‘er? If ya got somethin’, show it.
Daniel: If she bought it, that’s pretty funny. We’ll be making a lot of money now…
Lynx: We? I’m like, elite, way up in the air, I gotta reconsider now… Do I wanna settle for just a footslogger? Maybe I can do better? The sarge is kinda hot…
Daniel: I think he might be a creep. He was looking at your blip on CATS while you were taking a shower.
Lynx: What have ya been lookin’ at, soldier? All the babes, or all the paintings?
Daniel: Paintings, mainly. But if your blip is flying away from me, I guess have to look at the babes instead.

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Lynx: Keep lookin’ at those paintings and my blip, soldier, and tell me what painting we wanna find. There’s more canvas here than in a bleedin’ tent factory, see?
Daniel: It’s the painting you stole from Bucket.
Lynx: The painting ya bought from me for a couple of thousand is worth half a mill? Ya ripped me off?
Daniel: There’s a code in the painting. I didn’t know.
Lynx: How did ya lose it a second time?
Daniel: I let Chloe borrow it.
Lynx: Why don’t ya ask to get it back?
Daniel: She paid to borrow it, for a long time.
Lynx: How much?!
Daniel: Two hundred and fifty. Thousand…
Lynx: Ya knew! That's why ya told me to get it for ya! Ya did rip me off!
Daniel: The painting was a family heirloom. It wasn’t just mine, and neither was the money we got for it.

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Lynx: So?! A thief should get a fair friggin’ percentage! Ya knew I needed money, I told ya in China! Maybe I could’ve saved my house!
Daniel: Bucket just got it because of a mistake, and that moron even wrecked my car! Chloe threatened to get the painting herself, and if she had, you would have got nothing!
Lynx: Doesn’t change the fact that I did the frackin’ job, earnin’ yar family a quarter of a million, and all that was worth to ya was a couple of thousand! Ya think so? Then get outta here! Go with friggin’ Bianca to Bridgeport!
Daniel: OK, maybe I should have paid you more. I’m sorry. Just calm down, will you? We’re a team now, my money is your money.
Lynx: I’m **ed off, and I don’t wanna be friggin’ calm… Gimme some space, I need to think!

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Catherine: Daniel…?
Daniel: Yeah?
Catherine: I saw you in the conference room… Were you at the meeting? Is it true? Please say it’s true?!
Daniel: Is what true?
Catherine: That I’m going on a mission? To Aurora Skies?!
Daniel: That’s what I heard.
Catherine: What do you think? Can I go like this? Do I look like a wholesome, northern girl-next-door with cosmopolitan ambitions, who may be looking for romance, but definitely not of the short-lived and slightly dirty kind?
Daniel: Eh…
Catherine: No? Oh God, I look like an airline stewardess dying for a cheap fling, don’t I? You don’t have to say it, come here, come here! Stand here while I change into something else, you have to help me, please!

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Catherine: I’m so excited to finally be going somewhere… How about this? I miss Marika already, she would have found something suitable for me.
Daniel: Hm… I saw you in “The Return of Doctor Macabre”, by the way.
Catherine: You shouldn’t have, it was awful. I hear most theaters have pulled it already.
Daniel: Do you know what happened to Teddy Dalton?
Catherine: Yes, Executive Director, of course I can make a perfect caramel macchiato. Do you want some cream and sugar with that? Uh… I’m that secretary who’s been twice around the block, who everybody talks about behind her back… Who did you say?
Daniel: Teddy Dalton, the strange, faceless guy who used to work in the lab, who got sick.
Catherine: He has a face now, but he’s in the hospital, with Tiberium poisoning.
Daniel: Didn’t he wear a suit that protected him?
Catherine: They made him take the suit off. Mhuff… I get to spread my wings, and I have literally nothing to wear…
Daniel: Why?
Catherine: I don’t know, Executive Director. You see, I’m just a slutty assistant... No, I have to get out of thes…
Pearl: Enjoying yourselves?!

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Daniel: We’re… prepping for the missions.
Pearl: Where are your phones?!
Catherine: I think mine is in my beauty bag…
Daniel: It’s in my locker, so the enemy don’t get hold of it.
Pearl: You were at the meeting, fobbit, and you heard the top’s order: Keep your phones with you at the base, at all times! We have a new FRAGO. We’re making a detour to Moonlight Falls, Catherine is tagging along, and we’re leaving ASAP.
Catherine: What…?! I thought I was going to Aurora Skies tomorrow, with Kiara… I have to find something to wear…!
Pearl: You both have ten minutes, and if you’re not ready, wardrobe malfunctions will be the least of your problems!

Worlds Apart - Can Be Found Here

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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 4, Chapter 7: All The Queen's Colleens
« Reply #73 on: January 24, 2019, 04:09:36 PM »

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Flash: Wut da…?! I ain’t got no beef with tha army! Beat it!
Daydream: …you fit me like a baseball glove…
Pearl: Maybe we got a beef with you.
Daniel: Hey, I got this…
Flash: Get outta here, can’t y’all see I’m layin’ down a track?!
Daydream: …I think you are my one true love…
Daniel: Calm down Flash, we’re here on business, and we need to talk, now.
Flash: Wut buhsnuss?! Y’all on Flash-time now, and Flash says now ain’t the time!

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Daniel: Flash, this is Savannah…
Catherine: Pleased to meet you, Mr. Jefferson.
Daydream: Oh baby, don't say maybe...
Flash: Whoooaoooaoa…! You in tha army, baby? Allow me to inform yousself ‘bout an exclusive establishment, open only to the finest specimens of tha female persuasion: Da Flashettes. You’d be my main girl, castin’ your glorious light on…
Daniel: No, Flash. She’s here to sing.
Flash: Wut?! She can sing?!
Daydream: ...let me be your first lady...
Catherine: I don’t have any formal training, but I can carry a tune.
Flash: Fuhget stairway to heaven, baby, we takin’ the elevator!

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Daydream: ...I'll be there so quick...
Flash: Yo, Maydream! Shut the frack up and git outta there.
Daydream: What…? But… we’re not done yet?
Flash: Ya done, a’ight.  Ya suck, geddit? Dis here a star comin’ in.
Daydream: What am I doing wrong?! Do I have to show more skin?
Flash: Ain’t enough skin on ya to cover up them vocal chords, girl. 
Daydream: But… Can’t you use autotune?
Flash: It's maxed out, and ya still sound like a donkey takin’ a beatin’.
Daydream: I need this, Flash! I can be a pop idol, I know it in my heart! Please, give me one mo…
Flash: Get yar linthead ass outta that booth, or Flash’ll git ya outta there, ghetto-style!

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Flash: A’ight baby, tha sweater’s comin’ off and I’ll git ya a new skirt. I know yar classy and all, and I respect that, baby, it’s all good, but we gotta trash ya up for them promo-shots.
Daniel: No, no… No promos, no photographs, nothing visual at all. Just a song, and…
Flash: Ya crazy, man?! Look at ‘er! We gotta…
Daniel: Listen to me. She’ll record one song, and that’s it. We do not want the song to be a big hit, just something that gets a little bit of radio time, especially in Bridgeport. That’s all, and it…
Flash: Flash don’t do s*** half-assed! Dis here could be tha next Mercedes May, or Kate Carson, and we keepin’ it real! We blastin’ her to da top with platinum tunes n dynamite promos. Ya think Da Bitter Twins woulda sold anythin’ if it wasn’t for my promos?! Da girl’ll shake her booty, show off her ti...

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Pearl: Do I have your attention, music man?
Flash: Mmmph…!
Pearl: Good. I’ll be back here in three days, flying an attack helicopter. When I come back here, one of two things will happen. If you’ve been a good boy, followed our instructions, and treated Savannah like a perfect gentleman, you’ll be paid handsomely. You’ll also own the rights to any future recordings Savannah decides to make, and can promote them at your leisure. Are you listening?
Flash: Phluuhs!
Pearl: If you’ve ignored our instructions, and acted like the sexist pig you seem to be, your house will be subjected to target practice, and you will wish that you had never been born. Am I making myself clear?
Flash: Juuuafh!
Pearl: I’d prefer you saying “affirmative”.

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Daniel: You didn’t have to do that, I had it under control.
Pearl: You were wasting time. A firm hand is usually an effective time-saver.
Daniel: I think he got the message, but I don’t understand the point of her recording a song that is not supposed to be a hit.
Pearl: Me neither, but the top does the thinking, and we act on it.
Daniel: This suit feels a bit cumbersome…
Pearl: Why did you put it on before lift-off?
Daniel: Because you told me to.
Pearl: A good soldier knows when to ignore a stupid order.
Daniel: I’ll remember that.
Pearl: You’ll never be a good soldier, so you better forget it, fobbit.

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He managed to grab a couple of hours of uneasy sleep while they were in the air. Even though he had been Nandini’s neighbor when growing up, he had never been inside the Landgraab house. He had gotten close once, but he couldn’t really tell if he was really recalling that episode, or whether his imagination was making it up.
Daniel: Can I come with you?
Alecia: Why would you want that? There’s nothing to see here, my dear.
Daniel: It looks so posh. I’ve always wondered what it’s like inside.
Alecia: Inside is eight-hundred and thirty-nine square feet of living space, and yet the architect could only find space for three bedrooms. It’s a just tragic study in emptiness.
Daniel: Is it bigger than Memory Lane?
Alecia: Don’t be silly, young man. We have over a thousand square feet, and that’s just the part that’s above ground. If Nandini wasn’t such a dear friend, we could have bought this shack and used it as a stable for the horses. Run along, and keep an eye on your father while I’m here, Danielle is off to the races soon.

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Pearl barely touched down before she was off again, and he quickly started running up the path towards the Landgraab lot. His legs did feel a bit stiff after his outing on the treadmill, but he was full of adrenaline, and it felt like the suit was supplying him with more oxygen than he needed. There wasn’t a living soul around, least of all the “enemy snipers” Pearl had babbled about. A bigger worry was the combination of sloping terrain and darkness. Nandini could be expected to be quite old by now, and having her toddle down that path was more than a bit daunting.

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He cast a glance towards the lot where he had grown up, but the only thing he could see was the shadowy shape of the stone monument put up by The Impeccable. There were two cars parked outside the mansion, and if they could use a car, they could reach Recurve Strand by a far more accessible route: On the other side of the beach, off Wright Way, there was a paved path leading down to the beach, and it was both shorter and less steep than the one he had now traversed. He rang the doorbell, and it didn’t take long before a sour-faced gentleman opened the door.

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Daniel: I’m Walker Beecham, from the CDC, and…
Butler: My name is Charles. Judging by your ridiculous outfit, and your total disregard for the inappropriateness of the hour, may I assume that you want to address the mayor?
Daniel: The mayor, yes… It’s fairly serious business. I’m sure you understand.
Charles: I wouldn’t be too sure about that. You can remove your helmet, there are no dangerous contagious diseases here, or in the rest of Sunset Valley, for that matter...
Daniel: That’s a relief, but we’ll need to some tests anyway. Procedure must be followed. I also have to seize a vehicle, to move around and do the required tests. The household will of course be compensated, if it should suffer any damages.
Charles: I see. These are the keys to my car, and I would feel utterly disappointed if it is returned to me without having suffered grievous damages.
Daniel: I’ll see what I can do.
Charles: Please come in and wait in the hallway while I wake the mayor. Don’t touch anything, I’m quite tired of polishing things…

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He was puzzled by the butler referring to Nandini as the mayor, but it had felt better to just play along than asking questions that might compromise his cover. As far as he knew, Lukas Keaton was still the mayor of Sunset Valley, and there had been no election recently. Perhaps it was the butler’s way of honoring her many years in that illustrious role? He was still pondering that question when a woman appeared at the top of stairs. It was not Nandini Landgraab, it was somebody else. Somebody he used to know.
Daniel: What are you doing here…?!
Woman: I live here. You’re not with the CDC, are you?
Daniel: No… It’s… complicated. Where is Nandini?

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Danita: She doesn’t live here anymore. Why are you looking for her?
Daniel: I need to speak to her.
Danita: About what? Sweeping some of your family’s old sins under the carpet? It’s too late for that. Charles, get this man out of here, then drive down to the police station and inform them that Daniel Lane is here.
Daniel: There’s no need to involve the police. Where does Nandini live, Danita?
Danita: There’s every need to involve the police. You see, they are very interested in a having a chat with you, Daniel. I think you’ll find that things have changed in Sunset Valley, and that coming back here is the worst mistake you’ve made in your life.
Charles: I’ll need those car keys back, sir.
Daniel: I don’t think so, Charles.
Danita: You gave him the keys to a car?!

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Thanks to Chloe’s Chinese hackers, Nandini was the owner of Villa Carsonia, so she had to be there. With a car, he could get there in time to bring her to Recurve Strand for extraction. Or so he thought, until he learned that the butler’s car was even slower than the scooter he had drowned as a teenager. Before he had made it down from Summer Hill, Charles flashed past him in the other car, probably headed for the police station. The plodding journey gave him plenty of time to think, and worry. It seemed very counter-intuitive that Nandini would sell her family’s ancestral home and move to the Carson’s ancestral home, and how had Danita Rashford become mayor of Sunset Valley? Last time they met, almost 15 years ago, she had been a middling businesswoman. Could she have changed careers and climbed the political ladder so quickly?

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It was almost 5 o’ clock by the time he reached Villa Carsonia. Kate Carson’s old searchlights were lit, indicating that someone was indeed living there, but a more perplexing sight to Daniel was that of his father, looking intently at the mailbox. His appearance, and the presence of his fairy wings, indicated that this was not Jackson Lane as of today. This was his father as he had looked three decades ago, when Nuraya sent him time-traveling. Had she sent him here to see who would be living at Villa Carsonia in the future?

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The gates did not magically open as he approached them, and when he tested them, they felt rackety, just like the first time he had come here. Chloe’s facial-recognition system had been deactivated. He shouted Nandini’s name a couple of times, but nothing stirred in the house. Climbing the gates was an option, but if the front door was locked, it would just be a waste of time, and he was quickly running out of just that. It seemed he had no option but to head back to Recurve Strand, and report that he hadn’t been able to contact their “asset”.

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Turning away from the gates, he noticed that his father’s eyes were now following him, and he walked closer to him.
Daniel: Hi, pops.
If his father could see him, he could probably hear him, even though he wasn’t reacting to it. Looking at a young version of his father felt weird, and it got even weirder when he started thinking that right now, three decades ago, if there was such a thing, Nuraya was in the basement of Memory Lane, eagerly awaiting the return of time-traveler, and his report. Soon, thirty years ago, he would report having met his son. Was this one of the moments who had influenced Nuraya’s future actions? If Daniel said something now, and what he said was relayed to Nuraya, would it change anything, or had this moment always been predetermined? Lost in the moment, he didn’t react as headlights from an approaching car highlighted his father, and soon afterwards, he heard two car doors open, and then slam shut.
Woman: Remain where you are, both of you! You’re being detained!
Daniel: Pops, tell her I can find the decryption key. But I might need some help here.

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Daniel: Why am I being detained?
Nelle: Oh my, it really is him…
Woman: Because you’ve broken curfew, impersonated a public official, and are trespassing in a quarantined zone. Don’t move!
Daniel: I’m standing perfectly still. Who are you? Hi, Nelle. Long time, no see.
Christen: Christen Sw0rd. Nelle, do something... You’re supposed to be in command! Grab the other… What the…?!
Nelle: The other man seems to have disappeared. He looked rather like his father…
Daniel: He tends to do that. What’s this nonsense about curfew, and what gives you the authority to detain me?
Christen: This town is enforcing a curfew from dusk to dawn, and is currently under martial law, giving us all the authority we need!
Daniel: I see. What do you intend to do with all that authority?
Christen: I… Nelle, what do you think...?

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They weren’t taking him very far, just across the road, to 325 Oak Grove Road. Corrie Sw0rd’s residence, thanks to that old business with his presentation and Maureen Sw0rd. Realizing that the crappy car he had at his disposal didn’t offer serious prospects of escape, he dallied, to keep his chaperones busy and buy Pearl as much time as possible. Christen tried dragging him along, but as she wasn’t very strong, she didn’t have much success…

Christen: Move it! Get in there! Don’t force me to get real physical!
Daniel: Are you really a fighter pilot? You seem to be too weak to handle the g-forces.
Nelle: She isn’t close to being a pilot. I’m quite sure the suit is her mother’s, and that she wears it just to look cool.
Christen: Nelle, can you shut up and give me a hand with this?!
Nelle: Oh my… He is rather muscular, I’m not so sure about this… Maybe we should get some capable help.
Daniel: You’re cute, for a vampire. We should hang out more and get to know each other, you know, play doctor and stuff. I hope you’re not married?
Christen: You’ll regret this once Hunk gets hold of you!
Daniel: Who’s Hunk? That can’t be real name.
Nelle: He’s her husband, a rather dashing policeman. I have not married yet…
Daniel: Maybe that old joke about the five pretty women in Sunset Valley being Corrie and three of her daughters had some truth to it? I do wonder though, who’s the fourth daughter, who isn’t pretty? Obviously, it isn’t you. Is it Maureen?
Christen: You think you’re funny? Mom! Help! We need a hand here!
Daniel: OK, OK, I’m coming…

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Daniel: Nelle, what’s going on here? When did Danita Rashford become mayor?
Nelle: Rather recently. Yesterday, in fact, when we arrested Lucas Keaton. There’s a lot going on, my of my…
Daniel: How did she end up in the Landgraab mansion?
Nelle: Well… When we arrested Nandini…
Daniel: What? Why?!
Nelle: Oh, it’s all too complicated for me… Something about corruption, and a very expensive car your family had given to her…
Daniel: You got to be kidding me…
Nelle: No Daniel, I am telling you the truth. Her properties have been expri… that word is so difficult… Her house is now a very stately piece of town property, and functions as the residence of the mayor.
Daniel: Why was Lucas Keaton arrested?
Nelle: Oh my… he was despicably corrupt, they say. I think it had something to do with his rather fancy mansion and your family…
Corrie: Nelle, go and guard the door. I’ll take it from here.

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Corrie: Daniel Lane, what a pleasure to see you again.
Daniel: Nice to see you too, Corrie.
Corrie: You know, there are so few virile, young men in Sunset Valley. The effects of the great gap linger on, unfortunately. Christen, you can go and get some rest now.
Christen: Don’t think about locking him up in the apartment over the garage. We’re doing this by the book, mom.
Corrie: You begrudge your old mother a bit of fun?
Christen: He’ll be one of Hunk’s cases. You know how much he wants a promotion, and we’ll need it to pay the bills at the mansion.
Corrie: The sacrifices I make for my daughters…
Christen: Love you, mom.
Corrie: You must have kids too by now, Daniel? Please, have a seat.

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Daniel: No kids for me, so far…
Corrie: Really?! You move to a town chock full of chicks, and you’re not gettin’ any? Haha…
Daniel: I’m seeing someone. Corrie, what’s going on here?
Corrie: You can sit a little closer to me. I don’t bite. Look, no fangs! Toothless Corrie, they called me when I visited Bridgeport. I don’t know about that… Heh.
Daniel: Why is the town quarantined, and what’s going on with the arrests?
Corrie: Why have Lukas and Nandini been put to the Sw0rd, you mean? Haha… I guess you could say that we’ve had a little coup in this town, orchestrated by Matthew Carson and myself.
Daniel: The Impeccable…
Corrie: The one and only. When Haley, my daughter, married his son, Ethan, we got to talking, and discovered that we had mutual interests. He had his eye on Villa Carsonia, while I was on the lookout for an affordable mansion for Christen and Hunk, such as Lukas Keaton’s, just across the road. When Nandini used hackers to buy Villa Carsonia for a pittance, we agreed that something had to be done.

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Daniel: How did Danita Rashford enter the picture?
Corrie: Matthew weaseled her into City Hall, as his mole. She dug around in the archives, and unearthed the evidence needed to prove that both Nandini and Lukas had accepted substantial “gifts” from your family.
Daniel: Nandini’s car, and the Keaton mansion. How about the way you acquired this place?
Corrie: She found out about that too, but Matthew knew he couldn’t pull this off without me. Maybe he remembered that old Corri-ism about nobody showing up for a war, because they forgot to call me, haha. That was one of your grandfather’s, I think. How is he these days?
Daniel: He’s dead. Old age.
Corrie: What a pity. I’ve stopped dancing to that tune, but I digress… We needed some excuse to set things in motion, and when a young doctor panicked because of some genetic irregularities, we made our move.

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Daniel: A young doctor? Maria Younan…?
Corrie: Something like that. She didn’t know what she was looking at, fearing it might be something dangerous, and sent a call for assistance to CDC. We got wind of it, of course, and sealed the town off. Political corruption is a federal crime, but under martial law, we could deal with it ourselves, quickly and efficiently. Nandini and Lukas were arrested, summarily sentenced, and their properties expropriated, while Danita Rashford is now enjoying her moment in the sun.
Daniel: Geezuz… How long do you plan to keep the town under lock and key?
Corrie: We’ll let things return to normal in a day or two, when we’re confident that any vocal nay-sayers have been accounted for.
Daniel: I need to get out of here, Corrie. I don’t have the time to…
Corrie: We’ll see about that. Why are you running around in that suit, looking for Nandini? How did you get into Sunset Valley?

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Daniel: I can’t tell you that. What I can tell you, is that I work for a company…
Corrie: What company?
Daniel: One with a lot of resources. If you get me out of town, you’d be compensated for your troubles.
Corrie: You know what they say about a bird in the hand. Matthew will know that you’ve been here, and he has a bone to pick with you Lanes. I’m usually quite pragmatic, but I can’t risk my alliance with Matthew at this stage.
Daniel: Not even for six figures?
Corrie: Six figures are very mundane these days.
Daniel: The company I’m talking about is not to be trifled with.
Corrie: How can I know that, if you won’t tell me who they are?

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Shawanda: Grandma! Something’s up at the hospital, a doctor came running out screaming, saying… Daniel…?!!
Daniel: Hello, Shawanda…
Corrie: Go on.
Shawanda: Uh… She said the hospital has been… attacked, by two individuals in strange suits… They came in a paramedic helicopter, landing on the roof.
Corrie: Rouse Christen and head for the hospital. I’ll fire up my jet and establish a combat air…
Daniel: Corrie, the dead are walking again, and you should think very carefully about which side you’ll pick. Also, the Moore’s aren’t out of the picture yet. There’s another Moore in play, with a far better claim to this house than you’ll ever have.
Corrie: Is that so…? Belay that order, Shawanda. Let the events unfold as they may at the hospital, and take Nelle with you as you escort with Mr. Lane to the police station. Let’s see how living in a jail cell affects his willingness to part with information.

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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 4, Chapter 8: Corrigibility
« Reply #74 on: February 10, 2019, 03:03:30 PM »
Lampooned and Quandaried

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Daniel: I can’t believe you’re doing this. I thought you were my friends, both of you.
Shawanda: I’m sorry, Daniel… Orders are orders…
Nelle: I do hope I’m listed as arresting officer this time, Rosemarie, and not some sleeping cop…?
Daniel: Arrest?! I thought I was just being detained?
Rosemarie: That mistake won’t happen again, Nelle.
Nelle: Oh my, I rather hope not…
Rosemarie: They got him, Carmelo. Daniel Lane. Arresting officer: Wingwoman Nelle Bryant.
Carmelo: All right, I’ll log it.
Daniel: Stop calling me Lane. I’ve changed my name, a long time ago. My name is Daniel Carson. Why am I being arrested?
Nelle: You’re on the list, Daniel.
Daniel: What list?
Nelle: The wanted list. You didn’t know? My, oh my…
Carmelo: I’ve got nothing on Daniel Carson. Officially, he’s still Daniel Lane.

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Rosemarie: Did you fill out form R356B.1? You can’t just change the name on your mailbox and think that does the trick.
Daniel: It did in Moonlight Falls.
Rosemarie: This isn’t Moonlight Falls.
Daniel: Yeah, that’s becoming pretty clear… Why am I wanted?
Carmelo: Did Shawanda assit?
Nelle: No, Christen did.
Rosemarie: The detectives will explain everything when they question you. You have to remove the suit and get into regular prison garb.
Daniel: Prison garb? I haven’t been convicted of anything!
Rosemarie: We can’t have you running around looking like a cartoon character. Do you have anything else to wear?

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Rosemarie: I suppose I could say that anything you say can and will be used against you, and all that, but there’s not really much point.
Daniel: Yeah? You seem to be very lax with protocol around here.
Rosemarie: Martial law gives us a lot of leeway…
Daniel: When will I be questioned?
Rosemarie: Today, maybe? Tomorrow? Who knows...? Since you’re on the list, maybe they’ll prioritize you, but until then, we’ll take your prints before sticking you in the drunk tank.
Daniel: Who’ll do the questioning?
Rosemarie: Hunk and Haley.
Daniel: Haley Sw0rd?
Rosemarie: Correct. Say “cheese”, Daniel.
Daniel: Just take the fracking picture.

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In the drunk tank, a familiar face presented itself, but not one he expected to see in Sunset Valley.
Daniel: Ritchie Keaton?!
Ritchie: Good morning! It’s Goth-Keaton now, if I may. Nice to have some company in this dreary place.
Daniel: What’s up with your clothes? Some scheme of yours gone wrong?
Ritchie: No scheme, good sir. I’m clad as it befits a man of my station.
Daniel: What are you talking about?
Ritchie: My time in the gutter has come to an end. Well, being in here is a bit of a throwback, and I seem to have picked up a bit of an odor, but I am now officially an aristocratic gentleman: The owner of a mansion, and the heir to another one.
Daniel: What…? How did that come about?

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Ritchie: Like a bolt from the blue! There I was, penniless, drunk, and deeply involved with Patty Younan, boldly going where every man has gone before, and then a telegram arrived. Well, it wasn’t a telegram, it was an email, but it sounds much better that way… It was from my illustrious grandfather, who finally recognized my undeniable talents and pressed me tightly to his chest…
Daniel: Lukas Keaton?
Ritchie: Indeed, good sir. As faith would have it, he needed an heir, and through some form of divine intervention, so did the Goth family. As I’m sure you are aware, our ancestor, Jasen, was a Goth. With your family being under somewhat of a cloud in this town, they found me to be a more suitable alternative. When arriving in town, my celebrations seem to have been so rambunctious as to have landed me in this place, I really can’t remember much of it. How did you end up here, looking like a prisoner, no less?
Daniel: I’ve been arrested for something, they haven’t told me what it is.

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Ritchie: What? If they haven’t told you, they’re breaking the law! Believe me, I know everything about being arrested. Don’t worry, once I’m out of there, I’ll have my grandfather pull some mayoral strings and get you released.
Daniel: You don’t know? Lukas isn’t mayor anymore, he…
Ritchie: Has the riff-raff come to power?! That’s the problem with democracy, we need a more advanced form of government, one where a single man makes all the decisions! Or woman! Let it not be said that the Goth-Keatons are cavemen…
Daniel: I think a government somewhat like that is what now runs Sunset Valley, and they’ve thrown your father-in-law in prison, and confiscated his mansion.
Ritchie: Really? Ah, the ups and downs of existence… Easy come, easy go! Bit of a relief, really. Now I won’t have to talk to that stuck-up fop, and one mansion is more than enough to manage. Having to rush from place to place to keep the servants in line would have been such a drag…

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Daniel: Yeah, sounds horrible…
Ritchie: Is that a hint of envy I detect in your voice? Somehow I always knew I would end up among the privileged, given such stellar ancestors. My star is ascending, and I don’t think that will end any time soon. In my dreams, I can see the Goth-Keatons prospering for a thousand years.
Daniel: Sure… Listen, if you live here now, perhaps there’s someone you can talk to for me?
Ritchie: I don’t know if I’ll find the time to do that. A man in my position leads a very busy life. I need to find a wife of good breeding, or at the very least some magnificently shaped young harlot that can act as an adornment. I’ll also need a pedicure, it seems. Being an aristocrat is so much work, I can see now why so few are cut out to carry that burden…
Daniel: If I need a lawyer, can you try to get a message out of town to…
Ritchie: Being an errand boy is now quite beneath me, I’m afraid.
Rosemarie: Keaton! You’re being released.
Ritchie: About time, this was getting a bit tedious. Better luck in your next life, Mr. Carson!

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Being given the high hat by Ritchie Keaton, of all people, was just more salt in the wounds from what was shaping up to be an ass whooping. They would probably try to stick something on him in relation to Pearl’s raid on the hospital, but trespassing and breaking quarantine didn’t sound like the kinds of transgressions that could land him jail. If that was all they had, how long could they keep him locked up? He had just been a teenager when his family had left Sunset Valley, and he couldn’t be held responsible for all the stuff that happened before that. The most likely explanation for his arrest was that it was a ploy by Corrie, to intimidate him and make him talk, but he could handle a few days in jail if that was all it took. By all accounts, Pearl had slipped away, and though there might be some complications in rejoining Chloe’s crew and Lynx, he’d just have to find a way.

As expected, hours passed without anything happening. This had to be a part of the softening-up process before the questioning. The pair assigned to him couldn’t have been chosen by coincidence: Haley Sw0rd was the youngest of Corrie's four daughters, but also the most self-willed. While the other three had followed their mother into the military, Haley had forged her own path. She would probably pass on anything he said both to her mother and to her father-in-law, “The Impeccable”, while Hunk, her brother-in-law, was another cog in the considerable Sw0rd machinery. If Hunk had gotten word about how Daniel had acted towards his wife, and he probably had, he couldn’t be expected to be very favorably disposed. At long last, the door opened, and The Hag reappeared.
Rosemarie: It’s time.

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Haley: …present are detective Hunk Cassidy, detective Haley Sw0rd, and Daniel Lane…
Hunk: …a filthy criminal.
Daniel: Can we move this lamp a bit to the side? It’s very dist...
Hunk: Touch that lamp, and you’ll spend a week in the drunk tank before we bother to question you again.
Daniel: Right… Shouldn’t a lawyer be present for this?
Haley: That’s entirely up to you.
Daniel: Good. I want Razor Scillachi to represent me.
Hunk: Nothing but the best for horse boy, here. Anything else you want? A box set of “My Little Pony”, perhaps?
Haley: The town is quarantined, so you’ll have to make do with a public lawyer, I’m afraid. They’re quite busy at the moment, it could be days before one is available.
Hunk: More like weeks, I’ve heard. You wanna wait for that?

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Daniel: I don’t know… What am I being charged with?
Haley: Let’s see. Wow… Looks like you’re in pretty deep. Impersonating a public official, trespassing in a quarantined zone, breaking curfew, unauthorized genetic manipulation…
Daniel: What? I didn’t do any gen…
Hunk: You like playing doctor, don’t you?
Haley: …there are various charges still being processed in relation to the attack on the hospital, there’s a charge of environmental destruction and improper disposal of a vehicle…
Daniel: Huh? That doesn’t make any sense.
Haley: Your scooter was found at the bottom of Crystal Falls, and it says here that it was never reported stolen. Last, but not least, you’re being charged with three counts of unlawful resurrection.
Daniel: Three?!!
Haley: Yes… Chloe Carson, Alexandria Lane, and Trent Lane.

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Daniel: That’s ridiculous. Alexandria and Trent’s graves have been empty for centuries.
Haley: If that’s the case, why hasn’t it been reported? Even in a family graveyard, strict rules apply to the management of graves.
Daniel: I don’t know why. I was just a teenager when…
Hunk: Why don’t you just confess, and save us all some time? We know you did it, and you know you did it.
Daniel: I didn’t do it. The tombstones of Trent and Alexandria are old, and…
Haley: They are old because you made them look old, to cover up your crime. Then, you ran out of time and left Chloe Carson’s grave like an open wound, without any tombstone at all.
Daniel: No, no… You don’t have any evidence…
Hunk: You hear that Haley? We don’t have any evidence. He’s even stupider than I thought.
With a swagger, Hunk walked to the far end of the table, where he produced an object that hit the table with a metal clang.

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Hunk: What do you call this, genius?
Daniel: Uh…
Haley: That genie lamp was found beside Chloe Carson’s empty grave, and it has your fingerprints all over it.
Daniel: Yeah, I… lost it.
Hunk: There’s no record of you reporting it stolen. You lost it, alright, right next to the grave.
Haley: The genie is long gone, unfortunately, but we have other evidence placing you in Sunset Valley at the time of the resurrections: Witnesses saw you talking to Doc Youngblood at the retirement center, where you signed the visitor’s book.
Daniel: Nobody has resurrected Alexandria and Trent Lane. Their graves were moved!
Haley: Who moved them, and where?
Daniel: I don’t know... The graves were in China, but they’ve been moved again.

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Hunk: Graves moving around on their own. How do you like that, Haley?
Haley: Sounds very far-fetched to me. The day after Mr. Lane visited the retirement center, a taxi driver claims to have picked up a woman and a simbot at Villa Carsonia. When tasked to identify the woman from old photos, the driver picked out a photo of a young Chloe Carson. I think we can prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that Mr. Lane has resurrected Chloe Carson.
Hunk: That's clear as daylight. And we don’t like cold cases, do we Haley?
Haley: Absolutely not.
Hunk: Which is why it makes perfect sense to also assume that horse boy here didn’t just perform one resurrection on that day, but three.
Haley: It’s just much tidier that way.

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Haley: Do you have a reasonable explanation for your fingerprints being on the lamp, and the lamp being found next to Chloe Carson’s grave, Mr. Lane?
Daniel: No…
Haley: Three resurrections, what does that add up to, Hunk?
Hunk: Twenty-four years in prison, minimum. Since he’s a repeat offender, thirty years sounds more likely.
Haley: Three decades behind bars, and we haven’t even begun talking about all your other crimes, Mr. Lane.
Daniel: I want a phone call.
Haley: That won’t be possible. Sunset Valley is completely offline at the moment. So sorry about that.
Hunk: What’s the hurry? You’ll have plenty of time to call someone later. You’ll be dead before you get out of jail.

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Haley: Let’s turn our attention to something else. What role did you play in the attack on Sacred Spleen Memorial?
Daniel: I wasn’t involved in that.
Hunk: You hear that? He wasn’t involved. It’s pure coincidence that he showed up at the same time, wearing the same kind of suit as the attackers.
Haley: Nobody is going to believe that, Mr. Lane. We can help you, but only if you help us. What was the flight route of the helicopter, and where is it now?
Daniel: I don’t know… They picked me up in Moonlight Falls, I didn’t know them.
Hunk: So you were involved? Someone happened to land a helicopter right next to you in Moonlight Falls, and said: “Hey stranger, why don’t you wear this suit and come with us?”
Daniel: Yeah… No. I mean…
Hunk: Do you think we’re complete idiots?

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Haley: Why did they steal test samples at the hospital? Why where you looking for Nandini Landgraab?
Daniel: I can’t…
Haley: Can’t what? I don’t think you’re taking this seriously enough, Mr. Lane.
Hunk: You won’t end up in county jail, you know that, right? You’ll do hard time in Brick City, Bikersville, horse boy.
Haley: How did you know about the genetic irregularities you asked Dr. Maria Younan to check out?
Hunk: You know what it’s like in Brick City? All the guards are hairy, angry, psychotic ex-bikers on minimum wage, and that’s just the guards.
Haley: We’re just trying to help you, Daniel, but you have to confess to your crimes for that to be possible. If you don’t, you’ll just make it look even worse.
Hunk: Sometimes, I can just look at a guy, and I know he’s not gonna make it in Brick City. You’re not gonna make it. You’re a softie, and they’ll be all over you before you get a chance to drop the soap in the shower…
Daniel: Lawyer. I want a lawyer, I’m not saying another word until I get one.
Haley: I think you need some fresh air, Mr. Lane. Give me a minute, then send him out.

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He had hoped to get a break, but the sight of “The Impeccable” quickly dispelled that notion. With nowhere to hide, all he could do was to steel himself to tackle another pommeling, head-on, and try to find out as much as he could.
Matthew: Behold! The great Daniel Lane!
Daniel: Your words, not mine.
Matthew: Last time we spoke, you talked about making Villa Carsonia your summer residence. Do you remember? I must say, I very much enjoy living there...
Daniel: Are you just here to gloat, or is there an actual point to this?
Matthew: I watched your questioning from behind the mirror. You shouldn’t be so disappointed, Mr. Lane. A man cannot avoid his destiny, and this was always your destiny. There was nothing you could do about it. Inexorably, everything crumbles at some point, whether it be great empires, powerful nations or distinguished families.
Daniel: Right… And what’s your destiny? Running this town?
Matthew: To rise to greater heights by standing on the shoulders of women. It seems you hoped you hoped to achieve the same thing, by bringing Chloe back to life, but that you fell off in the process…

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Daniel: No, I was just looking for information.
Matthew: Really? Well, here’s some information for you: Arrest warrants have been issued for your grandmother, your father, and your uncle.
Daniel: Alecia gave that car to Nandini, not my father, and she died years ago.
Matthew: The car was registered to your father, and if you can’t prove his innocence, he’s fair game. I have not forgotten what he did at the art museum. I am also aware of the fact that Alecia is dead, I just wanted the satisfaction of seeing her name on that list. After what she did to Moses, I think it’s very much deserved.
Daniel: What did she do to him?
Matthew: She had him evicted from the retirement home. He died living on the streets, like a beggar.
Daniel: That was over a decade ago. All this bickering is completely pointless…
Matthew: Because the balance of power has finally shifted? Being on the receiving end is less fun than dishing it out, it appears.

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Daniel: Bah! It’s got nothing to do with that. We’ve always been one family, even if we didn’t know about it. That can change now, and we should bury the hatchet and…
Matthew: Heh. Really, Mr. Lane… I did hear you tried to change your name, but you can’t change what you are just by sticking a new label on your mailbox.
Daniel: If you were better informed, you’d know what I mean! Have you seen Kate’s private gallery? Do you even know that it exists?!
Matthew: Its location had been forgotten, but after a thorough search, I located it. It wasn’t particularly illuminating.
Daniel: Perhaps you should put your thinking cap on and reconsider things! Chloe didn’t go insane, she disposed of her sister and took over her life. Carsons, Lanes, it’s all just a lie. We’re all her descendants!
Matthew: You must think I am completely uninformed, Mr. Lane. I am perfectly aware of who Alexandria Lane really was.
Daniel: What…?! How…

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Matthew: If you think us both being Chloe’s descendants makes us one family, you are outright delusional. She abandoned her real family. My family. She never lifted a finger when Johnny Lane traveled across town to harass Frank, my great-great grandfather. Son against son, but she had discarded one of them, like he was a piece of thrash.
Daniel: That was centuries ago! We can’t let mistakes made in the past…
Matthew: You want me to embrace her and her “new” family like nothing happened? Hah! You might as well ask the Moores to forget what she did to them. You’re not a Carson, you are a Lane, and there is no greater traitor to the Carsons than that accursed woman. Do you think anybody in this town would welcome her, after the things she did? Do you think she’s going to save you? The fighter jets you hear circling the town is the welcome she’d get!
Daniel: What are you looking to achieve by locking me up? Revenge? Is that what this all about?
Matthew: I want a public apology for all the harm you Lanes have caused this town. I’ll prepare a long list of all your family’s wrongdoings, and you will hold a tearful speech lamenting each and every one of them.

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Daniel: Why would I agree to that?
Matthew: Because you would spend ten years in prison, instead of remaining locked up for the rest of your life.
Daniel: Forget it. I’m not taking the fall for everything my family has done, just because of some made-up charges.
Matthew: Do you think the military tribunal will be fair? We’ll put a tie on some nobody, call him your lawyer, and flush you down the toilet like a turd. When we have dealt with you, we will turn our attention to your father and your uncle.
Daniel: I’ve told you, my father has nothing to do with this, he could ne...
Matthew: If you want to keep him out of this, you know what you have to do. Your tribunal convenes at noon tomorrow, at which point this process becomes irreversible.
Daniel: What?! You can’t be serious! This is totally illegal, I have rights...
Matthew: The only right you have is nineteen hours to reach a decision. I strongly suggest you start thinking right away. I feel it’s time for Mr. Lane to get acquainted with his cell, don’t you agree, Haley?
Haley: Wholeheartedly.

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His mind was racing as he was brought to his cell, reeling from the pressure they were putting him under, and how quickly the number of options available to him was dwindling. He still had a couple of desperation plays he could make, but by now there was only person who might be willing to play with him.
Daniel: Would you be willing to pass on a message to your mother?
Haley: Depends on the message.
Daniel: I have some information I’m willing to share. It would be to your family’s benefit, I think.
Haley: OK. You can talk to me, and I’ll pass it on.
Daniel: I’d like to talk to Corrie directly, if you don’t mind.
Haley: I do mind. In this place, she doesn’t run things. I do.
Daniel: I understand that, but this really requires me to…
Haley: I don’t think so. Your message goes through me, or it goes nowhere.
Daniel: Please. She’d be very interested in hearing th…
Haley: Goodbye, Mr. Lane.

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He was taking a humongous risk by not trusting her, but if he was hoping to drive a wedge between Corrie and Matthew, he couldn’t let the information he had reach Matthew’s ears, or not getting through to Corrie at all. Someone would have to bring him some food, and with a bit of luck, he could talk them into getting word to Corrie. Luck…? Bah. The sparely furnished cell told its own tale about how his luck was running dry. He should have headed back to Recurve Strand after running into Danita, instead of trying to be a hero. He should have talked to Corrie when he had the chance. It felt like every choice he had made since setting foot in Sunset Valley had backfired, and this choice could easily end up on that list.

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In the back of his mind, he had clung to the notion that if he couldn’t get through this on his own, Chloe would be able to help him, or even Nuraya, if she got the message he gave to his father. But how were they supposed to help him with Sunset Valley being sealed off? There was no way they could make it into town before the 19 hours were up. He would have had to help himself, and he wasn’t having much success with that. How could be so unlucky that his return to Sunset Valley coincided with a coup, headed by a man who hated the Lanes so intensely? What had he done to deserve this?

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After wallowing in self-pity for a while, he got to his feet and cast a glance through the small window in his cell. Beyond the bars, it was already dark. The clock was ticking, and in a matter of hours, he would have to make an impossible decision. If he denounced his family’s entire past, to reduce the time he’d spend in jail, would he ever be able to look at himself in a mirror? Would he be able to look anyone in the eye after being released? His mother wouldn’t care much, but what about his father? His sister? Lynx? Chloe…?! If he didn’t take the deal, he might never see anyone of them again, except through a set of bars, while his father and uncle could end up in prison. How the heck could he choose between those two outcomes?

Worlds Apart - Can Be Found Here