Author Topic: Worlds Apart - Season 4, Chapter 22: Sibling Issues  (Read 54877 times)

Offline Agathon

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Re: Worlds Apart
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2017, 07:53:35 PM »
Chapter 9 - Showdown at The Rashford's

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Roberto Strablansky: …in the history of music. To your uneducated ears, Three Men and a Llama may sound like the pinnacle of music, but in a bigger perspective, one that takes in the truly greats, and views the whole tapestry of sounds, woven through thousands of years with varying instruments, many of which you have never heard, and attempts, through the greatest discipline, to remain unfettered by one’s own…

Bah! Music class with Roberto Strablansky. The pinnacle of boredom. Daniel closed his ears and focused on his own life. Race Day? Check. He had handled it quite well, hadn’t he? No big scenes, and he had spoken his mind to his mother about riding. Done. Car? Check. On its way. Learning to drive? Well, he wasn’t quite there yet, but it was coming. Maureen Sw0rd? Check. Out of his life, which presumably meant that he was free to do his own suiting. Danita Rashford? There he had some work to do, and it couldn’t be put off. Today. He would do it today, with or without the car.

Possible clouds on the horizon: None. No, wait. One. Corrie Sw0rd. Hm. With her blues, that was more like 9 clouds. Would they actually do something? To him? Or the family? His imagination started working…

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Corrie: Access code Niner, X-ray, Sierra, Delta, Mike, Six, Wun, Papa.
Corrie: Affirmative.
Corrie: Commence Operation Wipeout. Target is 20 Summer Hill Court, a.k.a. Memory Lane.
Corrie: Negative. Don’t leave a single foundation standing.
Corrie: Takeoff at 1500 hours, ETA is…
Roberto Strablansky: Class dismissed!

Get a grip, he thought as he gathered his books, Corrie doesn’t have that kind of power… What did she actually do in the military, anyway? Bah, he knew nothing about what was going on there. Nothing at all. He really did have lot to learn, like his grandmother said… As he walked down the stairs outside school, a car flashed by at high speed.

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It was Mayor Nandini Landgraab. In a black Empire Eidolon with lilac wheelcaps… No, no, no…! That was his car! How had she gotten hold of it? Why?! Why was all this crap happening to him?! Had it been delivered to the wrong house? Was the car dealership really that incompetent? Aaaarggggh!!

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Daniel: I hate being a teenager!
Daniel: I hate Sunset Valley!
Ok, steam blown. Get a grip now. You always knew impersonating your father to buy that thing could go wrong any number of ways, he told himself. He sighed heavily and, accepting defeat on that particular issue, tried to wipe the Eidolon from his mind. He could still learn to drive, but what he would be driving remained to be seen…

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Daniel: Pops, can you teach me to drive... now?
Jackson: Of course! But not now.
Daniel: Why not now?
Jackson: I’m painting. Must finish it.
Daniel: How long will it take?
Jackson: Not sure. I must eat too.
Daniel: Looks like a portrait?
Jackson: Yes. The girl. Who lives downstairs.
Daniel: What girl? Aunt Aria is a woman.
Jackson: Not Aria. The girl.
Daniel: There is no girl here, pops.
Jackson: Here, under here!
He stamped his foot.
Daniel: The nursery?
Jackson: Yes! Yes!
Daniel: Pops… There is no girl living in the nursery.
Jackson: There is… She isn’t happy.
Daniel: What is her name?

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Jackson: I didn’t hear.
Daniel: You better snap out of it, pops. There is no girl here.
As his father started murmuring and looking grumpy, Daniel gave up and walked off. He’d give his father a chance to finish the painting, but he better be quick about it. He had to see Danita today, with or without a car.

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He went for a swim in the pool, worrying about his father. The new medication seemed to be doing nothing to keep him on his rocker, and if this kept up, his parents’ marriage was going down the toilet. Jackson needed to see a specialist, quickly. He’d better have a talk with his grandmother about it.

The exotic panoramas and the gold statue managed to distract him for a while. Someone had done a lot of traveling and photography in this family... Alecia had said the statue was Alyssina Lane. The writer. The jockey. She was probably the redcoat who was always pictured sitting on a horse. A Death Flower had saved her life, and he would need more of them for Danita, his future wife, and their children. That meant gardening. Yuck.

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After a few minutes of Got Garden, he was bored out of his skull, and learning nothing in the process. Was Danita the gardening type? Probably not. He couldn’t picture her with… His grandmother had exploited the thick carpets to stealthily join him.

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Alecia: Are you actually trying to learn something, young man?
Daniel: Yeah, but… I'm not.
Alecia: You should start by taking a class. Or reading a book. Do you know where the skill books are?
Daniel: The reading room?
Alecia: Yes. The bookshelf to the right. Fishing books and children’s books in the middle one, fictional books in the one to the left.
Daniel: Are you done with the list of potions?
Alecia: No, that is so much work. My fingers started hurting from all the writing. I think I have arthritis. My knees hurt too. I really should see a specialist…
Daniel: So should pops, quickly. He’s still a goner, imagining things.
Alecia: Watch your tongue now… Yes, I’ve noticed some problems. He’s also buying things we don’t need. An expensive car was delivered here this morning. As luck would have it, Nandini came by for tea, so I gave it to her. She was very pleased.
Daniel: You did, huh...?

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Alecia: She needs to know she’s appreciated, in spite of The Presentation being canceled. Besides, she needs some cheering up, with the political situation being what it is.
Daniel: Hm. If Nandini gets a car, what will Corrie get?
Alecia: 325 Oak Grove Road. The ancestral home of the Moores. She's a Moore descendant, so it’s quite fitting, really.
Daniel: And how much will that cost…?
Alecia: Nothing, my dear. We already own it. That and Villa Carsonia. Years ago, when Moses Carson fumbled away the financial remnants of their “joint venture”, I swooped in and bought both, incognito. I’ve kept those estates unoccupied just to show everybody who runs this town.
Daniel: Wow. I guess Corrie is off our back, then?
Alecia: Hopefully. But never underestimate a woman scorned.
Daniel: I won’t… Is pops still painting?
Alecia: Didn’t you hear him leave? Half an hour ago, to do some appraising.
Daniel: *sigh*

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He hadn’t planned to approach the Rashford house on foot, but he left Memory Lane by cab on impulse, only to realize he hadn’t thought it through. Realizing his mistake, he had the cabbie drop him off some distance away, to ponder matters while walking. As the house took shape, so did his lines, until he saw a hobo submerged in the Rashford’s trash can. A hobo? What was this town coming to?
Daniel: Hey, you!

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As the hobo looked up, Daniel recognized him. It was Moses Carson, looking scared and much worse for wear. His cozy days at the communal retirement home must have come to a sudden halt. Seeing Daniel, he scurried across the street and disappeared behind a neighboring house.

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Through the grapevine, Daniel was already familiar with Danita’s husband: Freddy Rashford. Full-time author of the blog “Junior League Hockey, Andy Warhol and The Virtues of Male Upholstery.” Both “full time” and “blog” were relative concepts, as Freddy was so absent-minded that he barely ever remembered to write or post anything. When he did post something, he paid absolutely no heed to grammar. To his constant surprise, his blog had extremely few followers.

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Danita wasn’t home yet, so he joined Freddy in the couch for some fascinating conversation.
Daniel: So, how’s your blog doing?
Freddy: My blog… are…
The interior of their house wasn’t much to look to at, but he had to do something while he waited for Freddy to speak his mind. Everything looked cheap and disposable. Compared to what Danita deserved, this was squalor.
Freddy: …ooooookayyyy.
They sat in silence for quite some time, listening to the singing sounds of the plagued refrigerator. Then Freddy turned around and looked him deep in the eyes, as if he was preparing to say something truly sublime.

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Freddy: You know… icccccinggg are like….
He waited for what seemed like an eternity, but Freddy never finished his sentence. Instead, he just looked at the wall. Hours seemed to pass, but Daniel did not flinch. How could she be living with this clown? He would see her today, and say what needed to be said, no matter what. When he finally heard the entrance door creak open, he knew his patience had been rewarded.

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Danita: Daniel? What are you doing here?
Daniel: Danita… I’ve come here to tell you to get divorced. I love you, I really do. Hereby, I ask you to mar…
There was no reaction from Freddy as he solemnly got up and reached for the ring in his pocket, one he had “borrowed” from his grandmother’s jewelry box. Then, he froze…

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Daniel: You’re… pregnant…?!
Mother of all crap... Had she already been pregnant when he ran into her at Performance Park? How could he not have noticed?!

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Danita: I think you’re making a big mistake, Daniel. And you shouldn’t be sending me love letters. I love Freddy, and after all, you’re just a teenager.
As it started to sink in what a humongous fool he’d made of himself, so did her words, like a knife. Just. A teenager. Just?! He was a Lane, offering her everything, and she preferred to live with this moron?!

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Daniel: Why do you live with this... loser?! Couldn’t you kept your legs together!? Had just a little bit of patience?! I would have given you every…

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Danita: You little brat! Who do you think you are? Don’t think you can come here and behave like that just because you’re rich!! Your money means nothing! Now get ou… Ow. Ow! Ooooowww!

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As the water broke, even hockey-mask Freddy took notice. He started jumping hysterically around, waving his arms like a sissy, and screaming repeatedly:
Freddy: A new goalie! A new goalie! A new goalie!
Danita looked desperately over at him, hoping he would take charge. Daniel, still seething from his mistaken venture, stepped in.

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Daniel: Do something, you fool! Your wife’s in labor!

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Freddy’s reaction did at least demonstrate what kind of a man he was… With Danita’s moans ringing in his ear, Daniel sighed wearily and called for a cab.

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Cabbie: Parents-to-be! Congratulations!
Daniel: No!
Danita: Drive! Ooooow! Drive!
Cabbie: Oh, sorry…
Danita: Oooooww… Thank you, Daniel… Ooow…
Daniel: Shut up. And keep it tight until we’re at the hospital. I’m not being your midwife!

He didn’t stick around for the birth, and he never knew if hockey-mask Freddy bothered to show up, to witness the birth of his new goalie. On his way home, even his black mood couldn’t prevent him musing on the absurdity of the whole thing. He also asked himself if they made hockey masks for toddlers…
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Offline Agathon

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Re: Worlds Apart
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2017, 06:25:33 AM »
Chapter 10 – Astray in The Dark

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After walking the short stretch from school to the beach, Daniel flung himself in the lounge chair with a huge sigh. He had no intention of going home, or doing his homework. Right now, all he sought was peace. Room and time to be alone with his thoughts. Concentrating on his breathing, and on feeling the sun on his skin, he begun the process by emptying his mind.

After 20 minutes, he opened his eyes and allowed himself to remember. Danita. What a colossal disaster that had been. I love Freddy… How was that even possible, how could she… Stop. Stop. Don’t go there. Breathe. And realize that you’ve been a fool. You had no indication that she had feelings for you. You just assumed. Because you’re a Lane. And a bit of a dreamer.
The picture he had painted of Danita in his mind had been… very assumptious. The next time he met someone he fancied, he’d be a realist. Take it slow. Don’t just dive in. Out there, by the lighthouse, how deep could it be? Take a sounding. Find out. Danita was a lost cause, but sooner or later there would be new causes worth pursuing, he told himself.
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At times, he’d glance over to his left, and catch glimpses of Villa Carsonia and the Crumplebottom house on top of the cliff. Though there were no Crumplebottoms left, the house still carried their name. The protruding box-shapes of Villa Carsonia were intriguingly modern. Completely different from Memory Lane. Hm. If the Lanes owned it, why couldn’t they use it? How did it look up there, anyway? Was there a caretaker? Could he get in and have a look?

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Alecia hadn’t just bought it, she had put up a landmark too.
“Villa Carsonia. Designed by the incomparable Kate Carson, who lived here until her death. Birthplace of Chloe Carson and ancestral home of the Carson family. Owned by the Lane family.”

She really had to stick it to them, didn’t she? The Carsons had lived in that house for generations, and it had to be the birthplace of many a Carson, but Alecia only bothered to mention Kate and… Chloe, whoever that might be. Maybe they were the “real” Carsons to her. From somewhere in the heavily planted garden, a big fountain spurted a substantial plume of water that easily surmounted the hedgerow. He took note of the twin searchlights and elevated fairy statues. So, Kate had probably been a fairy, one who liked to make a statement.

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To his irritation, the gates were locked. He shook them pretty hard, enough for anybody inside to hear, but nothing happened. He was in a pretty sour mood when a voice came from behind him. It was “The Impeccable”.
Matthew: Admiring your family’s conquests, Mr Lane?
Daniel: I guess I am. Maybe I’ll use it as my summer residence.
Matthew: Really? That would be quite undiplomatic… I come here sometimes, to mourn the loss of our home. I am Matthew Car…
Daniel: I know who you are.
Matthew: I see. Well, I could offer to read your future, but… There would be no real point.
Daniel: And why is that?
Matthew: Because it will be unremarkable, Mr Lane, as mine will be. That is the curse, and the blessing, of Kate’s blood, which we both carry a plentiful supply of.
Daniel: Blood doesn’t determine the future.

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Matthew: No? In our family, if I may use the term, I’m afraid it does. Every closely related female descendant of Aikaterina Carson, as was her full name, has been a remarkably talented individual, who has gone on to achieve great things. Every male descendant has been correspondingly unremarkable and mediocre. Surely, you are aware of that?
Daniel: No, I’m not.
Matthew: Really? You should study your family’s history. I admire it, I really do. No other family has been so skilled in pulling talented women from the midst of my family and into their own. Brook and Alecia… Such losses takes generations to remedy, though I am confident that we will, eventually, rise to new heights.
Daniel: I’m sure your solutions will be impeccable.
Matthew: Hehe, you humor me, Mr Lane. I can only take comfort in the fact that no woman has been born to your family since Alyssina Lane. If it had not been so, every rock in town would have been engraved with the Lane name.
Daniel: Hm. I quite like engraving rocks.

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Matthew: Really… You are not much of a diplomat, are you? Well, a change is coming, Mr Lane. Your grandmother is old, and when she is gone, mediocrity lane beckons. Your continuing transgressions against us will not be easily forgotten. I bid you farewell, and good luck in the years to come.

With no caretaker in sight, little to see from the outside, and bad memories from jumping fences, Daniel didn’t stick around either. He made a short stop at neighboring 325 Oak Grove Road to see if his grandmother had erected a landmark there too. With Corrie taking over the lot, a similar landmark would not be left standing for long. There was a landmark, though it was far less grand-sounding than the first.
“325 Oak Grove Road. Ancestral home of the Moores. Owned by the Lane family.”
Not much to glean from that, Daniel thought. As far as he knew, there were two Moores in existence, two obscure women stuck in low-paying and unglamorous jobs. If both got married, there’d be no Moores left.

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Satisfied with his little expedition, Daniel made this tour of duty at the Lane Activity Centre. This time, the place had some life, so he hit the climbing walls to look the part of the energetic Lane heir. Soon, he was egged on by Zsazsa Hendrix, the retired tattoo artist and firewoman, who was an old family friend, and the coolest elder in town.
Zsazsa: Go, Daniel, go, go! You can do it!

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As he took a breather, a familiar figure stepped forward to the climbing wall on his right. Aunt Aria.
Aria: Best of three.
It wasn’t a question, more a declaration.
Daniel: Ok… Easy mode?
Aria: No.
As he watched the walls crank into more difficult shapes than he thought possible, he breathed in deeply, steeling himself for the humiliation that was bound to follow.

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It was a humiliation. Both times, she flew up the wall, while he fell off it, far below her. She jumped off the wall after having nailed it the second time, landed softly, and stated quietly: “Too weak, too slow.” She then proceeded upstairs, presumably to run some treadmill to shreds.

Daniel hit the hot tub, keeping a close eye on the entrance. When Aria left the gym, he followed her. Unfortunately, she wasn’t doing anything interesting, just “playing” doctor around the festival grounds, handing out pills and painful injections. Hm. He had hoped for more. He was getting hungry, and with Corrie and her blues no longer a threat, hopefully, he knew just who to see about that…

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Nelle Bryant, who was so glad to see him. It felt like the right place to go right now, somewhere he would always be welcome, without any lectures or judgements. If she wanted him for the money, so what? When hearing he was hungry, she rushed to the stove and started cooking.
Daniel: The lights in here are a bit red, aren’t they?
Nelle: Are they? Oh my. I’ve never noticed. You are so observant, Daniel.
Daniel: What are you making?
Nelle: Mac and Cheese. My specialty, and it will be rather good, I think.
Mac and Cheese. No Dim Sum? Lobster? Quite underwhelming, and not a good sign.
Nelle: Why don’t you put on some music? Choose whatever you want… This is going to be so nice, Daniel.

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Easy listening seemed to be the only choice, and he passed his time looking out the windows and at various pictures. At least it was a lot more modern than Danita’s place, with good views. Soon, he could smell what could only be burned food.

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Daniel: How’s it going, Nelle? I think I smell…
Nelle: Fabulous! I always cook my meals rather well, so they are safe to eat.
Daniel: Ok…
Nelle: I hope you like salt, Daniel? Oh my. I’ve added quite a bit. I rather like salt, you know. This is going to be so good!
Daniel: Heh…

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As the burned sludge hit the table, he found he wasn’t really hungry after all.
Daniel: I was at the gym today, had a really good workout in the climbing wall. The walls are more exciting than running on a mill, don't you think?
Nelle: I've never been to the gym... Oh my, you’re so fit Daniel. But but I’d like you any which way. Even if you were old and very fat....
Daniel: Sometimes, I think I look a bit fat. Mom says I have big bones, but…
Nelle: You are perfect, Daniel...
Daniel: Thanks Nelle.
Nelle: Isn’t this so nice? I wish we could to it more often. Is my place ok? Oh my, you’re used to so much space, it must seem very small here…
Daniel: It’s very nice, Nelle. You have rooms upstairs too?
Nelle: Two bedrooms. Maybe we can go and have a rather good look later… Oh my, you’re not eating? Eat, Daniel, please eat! I have cake too, and I would be so sorry if you don’t like my cooking…
Under her watchful eyes, he forced himself to put spoonfuls of burnt, salty sludge in his mouth, and, with increasingly momentous efforts, to swallow it.

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It was, beyond compare, the most horrible meal he had eaten in his entire life. As she cleaned up the kitchen, he could feel the sludge churning in his stomach like some rapidly growing, boil-covered alien abomination. He felt bad, and soon, even worse.
Nelle: Do you want some cake, Daniel? Oh my, you look a bit…
Daniel: No Nelle… I have to go.

He rushed outside and, with flickering ghostly spirits as witnesses, forced the sludge back up. As he wiped the sweat from his brow, he started feeling slightly better, and with a great sigh, slowly moved in the direction of the park. He had no intention of being home before curfew. If his family now knew about his visit to the Rashford’s, some sort of scolding was guaranteed, and he wasn’t ready for it. In the park, everybody might know, but nobody would say anything.

His plans were unraveling faster than he could replace them. Danita, the Eidolon, his father, even Nelle, all disappointments. What was the point of learning to drive he wasn’t trying to impress someone? Who was he supposed to marry now? He could almost hear his grandmother’s voice: “Remember, your options are limited, young man.” Shawanda was probably a nice girl, but… no.

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Rosemarie Jablowski, the ugly hag, whose nose assumed the proportions of a double-barreled shotgun? Gods, no. Wait until university? What was he supposed to do in the meantime? Shut himself in his room? Bah!

Everything seemed so pointless now… What if he never found anyone? He’d watch his mother and father, if their marriage even lasted, get progressively older, and older… until only he remained. Even the horses would be gone. What if Matthew Carson was right, that he was destined for mediocrity? Would he walk the streets a decrepit, old man, with people pointing fingers and whispering behind his back: “There he walks… the last of the Lanes…”?
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Suddenly, he found himself face to face with the menacing figure that was Glen Andrews, who somehow seemed to have stolen his Race Day jacket, and who managed to make an invitation to chuck horseshoes sound like a threat. Daniel backed off in the direction of the food merchants, got some edible food and filled his ravaged stomach. Regaining some purpose, he made a quick scan for Aria and established that she had left the park. She was probably racing Mintotaur right now, but what would she be up to later? Another mysterious visit to the family graveyard?
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Daniel had every intention of sticking his nose in Aria’s doings, but he needed to kill some hours first, as she wouldn’t be at the graveyard until after midnight. That’s when she’d been seen up there. He settled in on a bench near the pond, and his full stomach quickly added to his sleepiness. As he dozed off, he wondered if he would have to find a girl the same way his father had done, by hiring a horsewoman. But how well was that really turning out…?

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He reached the graveyard by cab just before midnight, and hid behind a shrub, keeping a close lookout both for Aria and curfew-enforcing coppers. Half an hour later, he could see her enter, whereupon she sat down on the fountain and started using her tablet. Was she reading? Accessing medical files? Scientific data? Or just waiting for something?

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As ghosts started to appear, she sprang into action. She talked to quite a few, and seemed to know many of them, if not all. The ghosts moved erratically, and since he had known none of them, their ghostly shapes gave few clues about who they might be. A couple of them received the doctor treatment, and Robyn Masterton, who happened to be nearby, seemed quite shocked to discover that even ghosts had a heartbeat.

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There seemed to be no end to the technical thingamajigs at her disposal, and Daniel understood nothing of what she did, but as he inched closer to the proceedings, he managed to catch snippets of dialogue, and she kept asking several of the ghosts the same question, to which all of them answered in the negative: “Have you seen Trent?”

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As the ghosts disappeared, Aria ceased her activities, and remained standing in one spot. Her gaze seemed fixed at a spot beyond space and time. Was she thinking? Reminiscing? Or simply phased out? It went on for so long that Daniel started to worry a bit, and, being without his outdoor clothing, he was also feeling the chill. He probably couldn’t call a cab without her noticing, so he'd have to make up a story. What was nearby? The fire station? Hm. He was breaking curfew and tagging the fire station, and then he just happened to see her. He finally got up and approached her, and it was almost as she didn’t even see him at all.
Daniel: Aunt Aria… are you ok?
Aria: Daniel…?
Daniel: Yes?
Aria: Pack your bags… We’re leaving Sunset Valley.

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Daniel: What?!
Was she still in a daze, believing she was talking to someone else?
Daniel: You must be joking.
No… She was back, from wherever she’d been, eyes fixed on him.
Aria: I’ve told one joke in my life, and that wasn’t it.
Daniel: You can’t sell Memory Lane?!

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Aria: You’re quite mistaken. I’m the only one who can.
She walked off at a brisk pace, leaving him there, gape-jawed. He was so shocked that he couldn’t even move. He should have heard her car, but all he heard was her voice, over and over: “I’m the only one who can.”

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After a while, he managed to turn his head in the direction of the road, but she was long gone. He turned towards the tombstones for answers, and they just glared back at him in cold silence. Soon, he found himself staring mindlessly at some distant star, as if the answer could be found there. And he was still gaping.
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Offline diamonddaisy

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Re: Worlds Apart
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2017, 03:52:39 PM »
Gosh, I hope Aria doesn't sell Memory Lane! Great update as usual  ;D

Offline Agathon

  • Townie
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Re: Worlds Apart
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2017, 07:22:16 PM »
Chapter 11 - All Doors Opened

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With the questions churning in his mind, Daniel didn’t get much sleep that night. After a while, he gave up and positioned himself at the kitchen table, in a sour mood. How could Aria be the only one who could sell Memory Lane? Did she own everything? Why did she want to sell, and leave Sunset Valley? How would that impact him, and the rest of the family? Could he stop it? When he heard steps upstairs that could only be his grandmother’s, he ambushed her when she got out of the toilet, and almost dragged her downstairs to the alchemy room.

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Alecia: My dear, this better be important. I played dominoes with Zsazsa last night, there was good nectar, it got very late, and…
Daniel: Aria says she’s selling Memory Lane.
Alecia: What? She said that? I’m sure she meant we are selling Memory Lane…
Daniel: You knew about this?! She said she was the only one could see Memory Lane.
Alecia: Did she now. Did she… There was a decision taken last night, and I… Well, this is ungodly early and I am quite tired… And my knees hurt. I really should go back up and get some more…

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Daniel: Cut it out! She’s really old isn’t she? I’ve seen the picture in the bathroom, where she meditates. It was taken before Brook made the unicorn statues. I want some answers, and I want them now!
Alecia: How did you get into that bathroom?
Daniel: Mom gave me the key, to clean them.
Alecia: How careless of her… You’ve become observant, young man. Oh well, I guess the cat is well and truly out of the bag now…
Danielle: Daaaaaaniel! You’ll be late for school!
Alecia: He’s not going to school today!
Alecia: I think it’s time you took a stroll down Memory Lane itself. Here, take this key. Meet me in the nectary when you’re done.

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Vance had told the truth. Apart from a fountain, there were only photographs and plaques with inscriptions in the corridor. There she was, first on the left hand side. Green fairy wings, different hairdo and more makeup, looking somewhat older, but there was no doubt: That was Aria. Was she the great secret, why the corridor had been locked down? He read the inscription:

Alexandria Lane. Founder. Photographer, Scientist, Horsewoman, Adventurer and Nectar Maker. Mother of triplets: Johnny, Jackie and Katusha.

He started haphazardly browsing the pictures and the inscriptions. To her right was Trent Lane, her husband, whom she had asked the ghosts about. Then there was Johnny, their son, and Brook, his wife. He saw the redhead from the antechamber, Esther, now without her vampiric eyes, he saw the redcoat, Alyssina Lane, he saw their husbands, he saw Alecia and Jack, without inscriptions. It seemed that only the dead had inscriptions, but in that case, why did Aria/Alexandria have one? As he started on the children and the siblings, he was getting overwhelmed, and he soon decided to use his mobile phone to take pictures of both the photos and the inscriptions, to save them for later.

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As he photographed worked his way through the corridor, he was slightly shocked to discover the name mentioned on the Villa Carsonia landmark, Chloe Carson, as well as two Moores, and even Plantsims. Edora and Apollonia, referred to as Resident 1 and Resident 2. Quickly scanning the insciptions, it was easy to see that nobody else had as many careers listed as Alexandria Lane. She was either a very long-lived or very busy woman, perhaps both…

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Daniel: Why is she the only one who can sell Memory Lane?
Alecia: She financed it with her inheritance, built it, and all rights to the house, and all of its contents, are hers in perpetuity. A wise precaution to prevent the sale of an ancestral home, and one the Carsons and Moores neglected to take…
Daniel: How come she has a plaque if she isn’t dead?
Alecia: My dear, she was dead, for a very long time. Then she was resurrected.
Daniel: Why? By whom?
Alecia: By Alyssina. We lacked a rider for Minotaur, and maybe she hoped to make a friend. She didn’t have many. Or perhaps I should say any. But I think there may have been other reasons too. Alexandria’s tombstone had a strange inscription that nobody could read. Some speculated that it was in the alien language, telling the aliens to keep Memory Lane free of stray meteors. Somehow, Alyssina managed to decode it. She was a voracious reader, and quite knowledgeable.
Daniel: Was the code similar to the Rosetta stone in the antechamber?
Alecia: No, it was different. Much shorter and more cryptic. Alyssina herself put up the Rosetta stone, before that.
Daniel: We were short a rider because my grandfather had been kicked out, right?
Alecia: No, Alexandria was resurrected before that. When he quit his horseman career and became a musician. Working nights meant he couldn’t do the races.
Daniel: How did Alyssina resurrect her?
Alecia: I don’t know the details, but I know Alyssina could cook Ambrosia, for her racing. One morning, I just woke up and Alexandria Lane was alive, sitting in the kitchen and chatting with Alyssina.

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Daniel: You didn’t… object, or something?
Alecia: I was in no position to object, young man. Alyssina was Master of the House, calling the shots, and she was a very headstrong woman.
Daniel: Hm. That must have been strange.
Alecia: It was quite uncomfortable for me. I felt… degraded. I had married into the family, and suddenly I had two formidable Lane women to relate to.
Daniel: She seems to have had a lot of careers. Aria, I mean.
Alecia: That plaque is not up to date. If you count her adventuring, which was very extensive, and the careers she’s had since coming back, she has topped out 7 careers. Despite that, I think her careers are no more than a hobby to her…
Daniel: Seven?! Holy crap…
Alecia: She’s a very busy bee, and skilled to the hilt. From observing her, I think she mastered everything that isn’t related to music or art, even before she was brought back.
Daniel: What?!
Alecia: She doesn’t slack off, my dear. Even when adventuring, stories say she was going 24/7, with her Motive Mobile and various potions. She has Sim Fu-kicked her way through every mummy-infested tomb that exists, often more than once. All relics in the house, and almost all of the photos, are hers. All the stuff she gave away to charity had been gathered by her and her husband.
Daniel: Geeez…

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Alecia: Your great-great-great-great grandmother is a woman of countless accomplishments, but she has never celebrated any of them. She’s not looking for fame or attention, quite the opposite, she just wants to get on with it.
Daniel: And what is the “it” that she does? What is she doing at the graveyard, or when she goes out of town?
Alecia: I have no idea, and I really don’t want to know…
Daniel: Bah, what’s with all the secrecy? The locked corridor, the locked bathroom, what she’s doing, calling herself Aria…
Alecia: Alexandria doesn’t like a fuss, and there would be quite a fuss if people knew who she really is. That’s why.
Daniel: Don’t people recognize her? She doesn’t look that different from her picture.
Alecia: What people? The only ones who are still alive from when she last walked the earth are the aliens. Outside this house, there are no pictures or portraits of her. She was always a private person, and in her days, Memory Lane was like a fortress, accepting no visitors.
Daniel: Hm. Well, we need to talk to her, and change her mind about selling Memory Lane.

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Alecia: Change her mind?! Are you insane?
Daniel: No, I’m not! We can’t just let her do it?! Where will we live?
Alecia: Listen, young man…

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Daniel: What? Are you ok with this? She says we’re leaving Sunset Valley!
Alecia: Listen! You obviously have no idea who she is. I will…
Daniel: She's Alexandria Lane, my great-great…
Alecia: Stop interrupting me, my dear. I will explain, but to do that, we must start at the beginning. With Kate Carson. Everything begins with her. The wonderful and horrible Kate Carson. She had already lived a lifetime when she arrived in Sunset Valley with her motley crew, changing this place forever. They came from Starlight Shores, where Kate had been a rock star, and she was already a 4-star celebrity. With her were her two husbands, her son and his fiancée…
Daniel: Two husbands?

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Alecia: Yes. Kate was an irresistible charmer, with fantastic music skills and artistic talent. She was also evil, and incredibly ambitious. Her ex-husband, Jack Carson, was so old that he was verging on death, but still completely under her spell. He died while fishing, on the same day that the family arrived here, without any claim to fame.  Through potions, Kate herself was the picture of youth, as was her new husband, Mike Acker, or “Fairy Mike”, as he was commonly known. Fairies were rare those days, and he was the first one in town.
Daniel: I’ve never heard of any of her husbands.
Alecia: Very few has. If you got romantically involved with Kate Carson, you were doomed. After a pleasant start to the relationship, you would slowly be turned into nothing more than a slave. When she was done with you, you would be tossed aside like thrash, and nobody would remember your name, while Kate herself climbed to ever new heights.
Daniel: Wow, that’s… rather sordid.
Alecia: Yes, my dear, it certainly is. Now, where were we? Yes, the others. Along with Kate and her husbands came Clint, her adult son, and his fiancée, Mika Moore, whom he had met at university. Mika was a vampire, possibly the first of all. Not content with being older than his own slow-aging mother, who had now become a fairy, he had Mika turn him into a vampire.

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Alecia: Here is the only existing picture of Mike Acker, with Mika Moore, taken at Starlight Shores. He’s running Aura of Soothing just to stand being around her, as he was good, while she was evil, due to Kate’s shenanigans... Anyhow, soon after arriving here, tensions were also rising between mother and son, as Clint took Mika’s name when he married her, to distance himself from how Kate had treated his father. Eventually, the money was raised for them to buy 325 Oak Grove Road. Clint was a grim man, a copper who eventually became an International Super Spy, while Mika, quite comically, was a prominent criminal. They were the founders of the Moores, and they aimed to form their own vampire dynasty.

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Daniel: I saw their pictures. But what does this have to do with our family, the Lanes?
Alecia: Hold your horses, young man. I’ll get there, eventually. First, we must get back to Kate. She worked as a self-employed painter, doing very well, while using her charms to create an ever-expanding network of friends. If Kate was your friend, you felt as if the sun itself shone upon you, as she was also very generous. Everybody got invited to her house, and nobody left Villa Carsonia without having been treated to a great meal, and a valuable present, usually a significant gemstone collected and cut by Mike, or a signed painting by Kate.

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Alecia: During this period, Kate and Mike were also blessed with the birth of two daughters, born within days of each other. I think you will recognize the youngest one in this family tree…
Daniel: She’s Kate Carson’s daughter? Why isn’t she mentioned on the landmark at Villa Carsonia?
Alecia: She wouldn’t want to be mentioned there. Or anywhere else, for that matter…
Daniel: What? I don’t get it… And where does the name Lane enter the picture?
Alecia: Patience, young man, patience. Now then… As her daughters entered their teen years, Kate begun tiring both of painting and of Fairy Mike. She relaunched herself as singing sensation Kata Strophy, wielding the same guitar that had taken her to rock stardom. She installed the two searchlights at Villa Carsonia, and they lit up every time there was a party at Villa Carsonia, which was every night she didn’t perform. Reaching 5-star celebrity status, she was everywhere, shaking hands, signing autographs, on the radio, doing concerts, handing out gifts all the while.

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Alecia: This is the only picture I have of Kate, painting in the art room at Villa Carsonia, with its breathtaking view. The Carsons didn’t believe in taking pictures, they were all about portraits. Her subject is a butler called Miles. The butler thing didn’t turn out so well, but let’s get back to the story. As Kata Strophy, Kate cast all caution to the wind, and the scandals started pouring in. Suing for slander became a daily routine, but she was soon best friends with everybody at Town Hall, owning the courts too. She was a suspect, on trial, in cases regarding paparazzi and zombies that had mysteriously disappeared, but the trials were a farce, with the judges all licking her boots. She publically took the woman who delivered her mail as a lover, and kicked “Fairy Mike” out of Villa Carsonia, without giving him a dime. He tried to sue, which turned into another farce, with Kate firmly at the wheel. Shortly afterwards, he died in a tragic accident.
Daniel: Poor man…
Alecia: Yes, he deserved better, but that is how Kate was: Very cruel to her romantic interests, and loved by just about everybody else. She was a heroine to the townsfolk, not just for her art, music or generosity, but also because she did not look down on anyone. Even if you were a lowly Playground Monitor, you were welcome at Villa Carsonia. Yes, she probably played some role in the disappearance of the zombies and the paparazzi, and she cured some werewolves, but people didn’t mind that, in fact, they applauded it. Now then, let us get back to the sisters.

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Alecia: In the midst of the hurricane that was Kate’s, or Kata Strophy’s, turbulent life, Chloe, whom you have a picture of there, and her younger sister, were growing up, and both were marked by the experience in different ways. Chloe was an artist of infinite promise, but unhealthily obsessed by her painting and sculpting. Alexandria, meanwhile, lost all the things she poured her love into at an early age, including her father. She also took a lot of stick from her elder sister, and at some point, I don’t know which, I think large parts of her soul turned into carbon steel.
Daniel: So that’s why she’s so abrupt...
Alecia: Abrupt? My dear, Alexandria is quite certainly not just the most capable woman you will ever meet, but also the most dangerous.
Daniel: Dangerous?! Why is she dangerous?
Alecia: I know, it’s hard to believe. She looks so young and innocent, doesn’t she? Sometimes, I look at her and think I’m looking at some girl-next-door who ought to be manning the counter at the pet adoption center. But… No, I need some nectar to strengthen myself for this…

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Alecia: What I am about to tell you must never be told to anyone else, including your parents. Do you understand?
Daniel: That serious, hm? Ok...
Alecia: Good. Remember I told you that Chloe used to give her a lot of stick?
Daniel: Yeah…
Alecia: After Alexandria took her revenge, Chloe spent the majority of her adult life in a mental institution.
Daniel: Ouch. What did she do to her?
Alecia: I don’t want to talk about that. I am a descendant of both sisters, and closest to Chloe, so my heart bleeds when I think about it...
Daniel: Are you related to Aria too? I thought you were a Carson?

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Alecia: Yes, and yes. Look here, I’m down to the right, and Alexandria is my great-great grandmother. Down to the left is the current crop of Landgraabs, including Nandini. My genie powers, and Nandini’s, have been handed down from Alexandria’s husband, Trent Lane, who enters the story at this point. Have you seen the photograph of the blue man in the upstairs bathroom?

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Daniel: Yes. I know blue men are genies, grandma.
Alecia: Do you now? Very well. That’s him, being sculpted in ice by Chloe, at Villa Carsonia. Trent was straight-outta-the-lamp blue for most of his life, he only looked like he does in the corridor picture after plastic surgery. Anyhow, he was freed by Kate while the sisters were teenagers, and while she did allow him to join the military, he was kept going around the clock as her super-butler. She used him for summoning food, cleaning the house, doing alchemy and, once Fairy Mike was kicked out, gathering.
Daniel: Another one of her slaves?
Alecia: More or less. Once she had freed him, she showed off her new acquisition at one of her parties, where juice was flowing freely. Present were several faeries and vampires, who sniggered at his blue color and made jokes about his short lifespan. One of them sighed loudly, lamenting his immense lifespan as being tiresome, and declared that the lifespan of a genie was a happy medium. In jest, he proposed a toast that those present should all restrict themselves to the lifespan of a genie. Quite a few joined in the toast, among them Clint and Mika Moore. Alexandria was present, but instead of joining the merriment, she observed, and took note. Some years later, she moved out with Trent Lane, married him and took his name, distancing herself from the Carsons. When Trent died, having lived a long and full life, Alexandra arranged a funeral for him. She had kept a list of everyone who was still alive from that party at Villa Carsonia, almost a lifetime earlier, and invited them to the funeral. At the funeral, she reminded everybody who had joined in that toast of their callous promise, and declared that they now had to honor it. Then, using Age on Instant potions, she sent them all to the beyond, including her half-brother Clint and his wife, Mika, both immortal vampires.
Daniel: Holy llamacrap…
Alecia: That story illustrates quite nicely some aspects of Alexandria’s character: Her patience, and determination, when she believes something is worth doing, and her ruthlessness. To her, it does not matter who you are if you offend her, or how long it takes her to destroy you. There are more stories, but for now, let us talk about her daughters, Jackie and Katusha.

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Daniel: I got them.
Aleica: Good. As you can probably imagine, Alexandria was not easy-going as a mother. She expected her children to always obey her, and constantly work on their skills or their homework. My great-grandmother, Jackie, to the right, got so stressed out by it that she became a neurotic loner who only wanted to write. Still, because she was an obedient child, Alexandria always looked out for her. She bought her a nice house, gave her financial support when she went through a rough patch, and always kept in touch. When Jackie’s husband, Kelsey Andrews, left her for another woman, someone turned him into a Simbot. You can probably guess who. Katusha was a different story. She was a bit of a rebel, and refused to follow her mother’s instruction to attend university. In response, Alexandria stripped her of her fairy powers, kicked her penniless out of Memory Lane, and never spoke to her again. If she was your mother, and you told her that you didn’t want to try riding, you’d be on the first bus to the orphanage!
Daniel: Thank god she’s not.
Alecia: Combine Alexandria’s mentality with her otherworldly set of skills, and I think you’ll agree that trying to change her mind is not very advisable.
Daniel: Hm. Is it because she’s so… unapproachable that you don’t get along with her?

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Alecia: Not really. I used to be her friend, and we even had sparring sessions. I could not match her, of course…
Daniel: Wow, I didn’t know you were into martial arts.
Alecia: I just dabbled with it. For a famous actress like me, it is convenient to be able to ward off over-eager autograph hunters… Anyways, our relationship changed when Alyssina moved out, and I became Master of the House. When that happened, Alexandria declared that we could no longer be friends, our affiliation would now be purely professional. I would run the family, while she would tend to her projects, each operating in our own spheres, with as little interference as possible.
Daniel: But now she interferes, and we are supposed to follow her lead...?

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Alecia: Yes, my dear. Anything else would be…
Daniel: How I am supposed to be able to accept that?! I am the sole heir! In a few years, I will to take my place in the Sunrise Room, start making changes, expanding the business, erecting buildings…
Alecia: And you still can, somewhere else.
Daniel: If she owns the house, she probably owns everything!
Alecia: No, she doesn’t. The money belongs to the family. The house may be worth quite a lot, but you’ll still have around 11 million to play with. Will that be sufficient?
Daniel: 11 million? Really…?
Alecia: Yes. Besides, we choose where we want to go, not Aria. Alexandria, I mean. We’ll build a new house, I see no reason why it should not rival Memory Lane, and we will own it, not her. What is keeping you here? Do you have a lot of friends, or a girlfriend? Do you want to grow old together with the effects of The Great Gap? I’m sure the retirement home will have plenty of room when you are ready for it…

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Daniel: Hm!
Aleica: When you consider the alternative, I think relocating the family is quite sensible. I think you should be the one who decides where we go. I am old, I am not important, while you are the future, not your parents. You have some thinking to do, young man!

She walked off and left him there, quite stunned. He would decide where they were going? As Nelle Bryant would have said it: Oh my. That was something. Something very interesting indeed...
Worlds Apart - Can Be Found Here

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: Worlds Apart
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2017, 04:18:42 PM »
Such a decision Daniel; where will you go?  More important, who will you take with you?
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

Offline Agathon

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Re: Worlds Apart
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2017, 02:15:34 PM »
Chapter 12 - Escape Velocity

Alecia had soon brought the news that they’d be leaving town to Jackson and Danielle, camouflaging it as a joint decision with Aria, who was said to have lived in the house “previously”, while still maintaining her youth through ambrosia. Daniel had half expected his father to start rambling, and his mother to cry her heart out, but nothing of the sort happened. Jackson simply shrugged his shoulders and went back to his easel, while Danielle clapped her hands in excitement. That they didn’t have a closer bond with the estate baffled Daniel, who soon looked to the basement for some peace and quiet to think things over.

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The big talk with Alecia had brought up too many issues for him to process at once, and he shuffled around like a sleepwalker in a failed attempt to get a grip of it all. After a while, he found himself staring down a photograph-heavy corner in the storage room. Her photographs. Alexandria. He realized he was seeing exactly what she had seen, many lifetimes ago. Mummies, treasure chests, burning statues… She had been there, overcoming everything in her path. If there was any story he would want to hear, it was hers, but that was probably the one story he would never be told. Yet, somehow, he would have to try.

He sighed, feeling the burden of the new responsibility that has been laid so hastily upon him, and which had at first seemed so exciting: Deciding where the family would relocate.  Where would he even begin in making such a huge decision? Completely at a loss, he soon latched onto to a new thought: He needed advice, from someone who could see it all with a little bit of perspective.

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Before stepping into the teleporter, he cast a furtive glance over at the brain enhancement machine, immediately hearing his grandmother’s voice in his mind: “Work on you skills, young man.” What skills? How was he supposed to have time for that, with everything that was happening?

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Vance had requested that they meet at the beach, as his wife and newborn daughter was as at home, and they were not privy to Lane family secrets.
Vance: So, what’s up nephew?
Daniel: I don’t know if you’ve heard, but we’re leaving town…
Vance: I know, Alecia told me.
Daniel: I am to decide where we go, and I have no idea how to go about it.
Vance: I see. Quite a responsibility.
Daniel: It’s stressing me out. I need advice.
Vance: Well… First you should consider what the family needs. Career and environment-wise. Aria can take her of herself, Jackson doesn’t need much besides an easel and some solitude, but the others have more specific needs.
Daniel: Hm. Mom needs something like the JRE, to race.
Vance: Yes. While Alecia needs a film studio. Both should be in place before you arrive.
Daniel: How much time does it take to arrange that?
Vance: That’s just a question of money, so not too many worries there. Then there’s the environment.
Daniel: You mean like, no pollution?
Vance: Not exactly. Surroundings, terrain, lot size, views, distance to town center. Do you think your mother and the horses would find Bridgeport ideal?
Daniel: No…
Vance: No. So you’re probably looking at something more rural. Do you think Alecia would enjoy the ranches and cowboys of Appaloosa Plains?
Daniel: I guess not…
Vance: So, you need something in between. The horses need plenty of space, which means a big lot, preferably not too far from the town center, with nice views in a relatively peaceful location. When you’ve found that, you can start thinking about yourself and what you are looking for.
Daniel: Hm. And what do you need?

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Vance: Just a small place for me and my family, but don’t worry about that, I won’t join you until you’re settled in. What are you thinking about in terms of a house?
Daniel: Something big? I don’t know… I’m not sure if I get to decide that. And I guess we need to be there to plan it properly.
Vance: A prudent choice. It’s hard to build a big house in one’s mind, like she did…
Daniel: Who?
Vance: I heard you saw the corridor, so I guess I can tell you… I was in Shang Simla once, where the memory of Alexandria is still very much alive, due to her Martial Arts prowess. One of the locals told me a story. During one of her early visits, she meditated very extensively in the Scholar’s Garden, and someone asked her what was her point of focus during her meditations. She answered that she was building a house. She planned Memory Lane: Every wall, door and window, and how it would all interact with the passing of the sun, in her mind, while in that garden.
Daniel: That can’t be possible.
Vance: Perhaps it’s just a story, perhaps not. I always thought I was good at chess, I even dreamed of becoming a chess grandmaster, until I played her. Her mind is something special.
Daniel: Hm. At least I now know why her being a cleaner would be inappropriate… What else do you know about her?

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Vance: Not much more than you. I was barely a teenager when Alyssina resurrected her, but I do remember this: They talked all night, and the very next day Alyssina celebrated her return by throwing the biggest fireworks extravaganza the town had seen in 40 years.

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Vance: I think they made some kind of agreement, about what I do not know, but Alexandria started riding Minotaur the next day. Alyssina also threw a party, inviting nobody but the two aliens, who were both very old and seemed to know Alexandria.
Daniel: What is she doing out of town, and at the graveyard?
Vance: I have no idea. I have few qualms about keeping tabs on people, but her? No… No.
Daniel: Are you scared of her?
Vance: Of course I am. Any sane man should be. Thank the gods she’s family.

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As Daniel returned home, he was greeted by the sight of his mother talking to some old geezer. He heard the geezer say: “Very well, Mrs Lane, I will do my best,” before proceeding down the stairs to the basement.
Daniel: Who was that?
Danielle: Horatio Fumblethrush, the famous Egyptologist! I have had him brought over from England to examine the Rosetta stone. Perhaps we can uncover some new, wonderful secrets about the ancient Egyptians!
Daniel: Have you talked to Alecia about this?
Danielle: No, I have not. Why can’t I make some decisions around here, for once?!
Daniel sighed and started making his way towards the antechamber. Perhaps there was something to be gained from this anyway…

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Horatio: …a complete and utter, utter, waste of my time… I have never…
Daniel: Mr Fumblethrush?
Horatio: Yes? These aren’t hieroglyphs! Not even close! Any sim with half a…
Daniel: Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Daniel Lane, Division Manager at Lane Industries.
Horatio: Divison Manager? You’re such a young chap?

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Daniel: I learn quickly. Now then, I’m afraid my mother may have been wrongly informed about the stone, however..
Horatio: Wrongly, indeed! This is…
Daniel: However, there is still a mystery to be solved here. It is my hope that a man of your magnificent academic standing can be very useful in enabling us to decode the stone.
Horatio: I am no codebreaker, Mr Lane, and this might an expensive undertaking.
Daniel: I am sure you are aware that my family is one of significant means.
Horatio: Oh yes, I did not not mean do imply that you weren't.
Daniel: What would be the cost of…

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Horatio: 3000 simoleons.
Daniel: Let’s make it 5000. And in your next publication on Egyptology, you will credit my mother with some obscure, small discovery that is otherwise unaccounted for.
Horatio: Did you say 6000?
Daniel: I believe I did.
Horatio: Excellent. We have an agreement, Mr. Lane. Give me one hour, and I will have the thing decoded.
Daniel: One… hour?
Horatio: Indeed. As far as I can see, this is simply stylized ASCII-corresponding hexadecimals, easily translatable into regular text. Checked, double- and triple-checked in one hour.

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Feeling slightly foolish about the terms of his well-intended agreement with Fumblethrush, Daniel retreated to the sauna to ponder the matter of their relocation. With Danita Rashford written off, his number of friends in Sunset Valley were few indeed. Nelle was one, but it was well known that she was betting on more than one horse in her attempts to secure her future: Rumors had her frequenting both the Goth and the Landgraab estates. His grandmother would probably say that he could do far better than ending up with Nelle Bryant, and in essence, she was right. With her Mac and Cheese still firmly in mind, he decided that she could be written off too.

Though prom was by no means imminent, it was looming on the horizon, and he had always thought he would have Shawanda as a back-up for prom if he was so inclined, but that was no longer the case. She had recently turned to one of his dorky classmates for comfort, forever disqualifying her from any of his future considerations. His prom options were now reduced to either going alone, or with Rosemarie, the ugly hag.

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Realizing that the was the steam was doing nothing to make him relax, he sighed and plunged into the tub for some hydrotherapy, which immediately improved both his mood and his clarity of mind. They sooner they got out of here, the better. A quick relocation would not just mean prom somewhere else, but perhaps even time to prepare for it, and form new bonds. Where ever they were going would have to have girls, and plenty of them. No more of this Great Gap nonsense, he thought to himself.

Content with his discovery of the importance of demographics in relation to the relocation, he spent some time musing on what he liked about Sunset Valley. It was green and lush, and he would like their destination to share those traits. No deserts. Though living by the ocean was nice, it didn’t feel mandatory, as long as some form of water feature was present to break the monotony of green. A nice river or lake would do just fine. Now I’m making progress, he told himself, nodding with satisfaction.

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Horatio: It’s a shrine, Mr Lane!
Daniel: A shrine?
Horatio: Absolutely. What a cold way to encode such a warm message… I guess the maker must have been a computer aficionado. Anyway, here it is Mr Lane, my bill will be in the mail.
While Fumblethrush made his exit, Daniel examined the text.

None shall judge the acts of Esther Lane,
or the life she lived, neither short nor plain.
You knew her not, nor felt her embrace,
just the noxious rumor of her disgrace.
Though blessed with this gentle dove,
her husband would not return her love.
Spurned, ignored, by him unseen,
she did not cry, nor make a scene.
She sought naught but love, her only goal,
with no hint of malice in her angelic soul.
I always remember, when darkness falls,
the purest heart to ever walk these halls.

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He quickly located the pictures he had stored on his phone to put faces on those involved. Alyssina, the redcoat jockey and author, had put up the stone, to honor her mother, Esther, who at some point had ceased to be a vampire. Esther’s husband, who had not loved her, was Mickey Lane, the disinterested-looking greenwinged fairy. Presumably, the vampire dude in the antechamber had been her lover. It seemed rather strange for an author of evil-sounding children’s books to create a shrine to her “purehearted” mother and her lover, and it was certainly a condemnatory indictment of Mr Mickey Lane… Excited by his discovery, he tracked down his grandmother.

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Daniel: Grandma, you know so much about our family history…
Alecia: I do, my dear, But it’s still sweet of you to come to me.
Daniel: Who is the vampire dude in the antechamber?
Alecia: Rashawn Moore, the son of Clint and Mika Moore.
Daniel: He was Esther’s lover, wasn’t he?
Alecia: What?! How did you…
Daniel: Look, here is the text on the Rosetta stone, decoded. It’s a poem.
She read the text with what seemed like growing irritation, even letting out a snort.
Alecia: What drivel… If only that woman could have invested some emotion into the rest of us, instead of wasting what little she had on her dead mother… Ridiculous. Though how she kept Alexandria from tearing that photo of him to shreds, I still don’t understand…
Daniel: The photo of Rashawn?
Alecia: Yes… But why are you concerned with this? This is ancient history. Leave it be, you have far more important things to consider. Get on with that instead!

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Finally, someone had that stone decoded, and that was the reaction? Bah! He thought he’d slam the door to his room and get his homework done, but something distracted him before he got that far: The sight of his young great-great-great-great grandmother entering the hot tub. He had never seen her use it, and there was something unnatural about the thought of her simply relaxing. If he ever wanted to have a talk with her, here was his chance.

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She said nothing as he climbed in, and he thought he’d ease into it by returning the favor. It suddenly struck him how utterly ludicrous it was for Matthew Carson to be running around town speaking about his impeccable bloodlines, when here, just inches from him, sat Kate Carson’s daughter, a woman of far greater exploits than the great Kate herself. While her mother had hugged the limelight, she stuck to the shadows, and could hide even in plain sight. She seemed so peaceful with her head resting against the edge of the pool, yet here was the woman who had swept aside her siblings, and whom even Vance was terrified of. It felt wrong to break the spell by saying something, but she could probably sit there in silence for hours…

Daniel: I saw your photo, in the corridor…
Alexandria: Mm.
Daniel: What’s it like to be dead?
Alexandria: Unproductive.
Daniel: What are you doing at the graveyard?
Alexandria: Private stuff.
At least she was answering, but he felt it wasn’t going very well.
Daniel: You had three children…
Alexandria: Yes…
Daniel: Do you miss them?

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Boom. Her eyes opened and she sat up.
Alexandria: The past is the past. Nothing is gained by dwelling on it.
Daniel: Ok…
Alexandria: Think about the future. There isn’t much time.
Daniel: Time to…?
Alexandria: To think. There will be family meeting in 3 hours, and I expect a decision by then.
Daniel: In 3 hours…?
Alexandria: Yes. I start selling stuff tomorrow morning. By nightfall, there won’t be a bed to sleep in.

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This would be their last night at Memory Lane? Holy crap. Daniel scurried out of the tub, barely pausing to throw on his clothes on the way to the reading room. Keeping in mind both the advice given by Vance and his own reflections, he started hurriedly going through available real estate in a number of locations. Having established a list of candidate lots, he rummaged through the demographics, quickly narrowing his list in the process. Left with two promising locations, he looked to his gut feeling to make his final choice.

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Alexandria immediately took charge of the meeting, issuing a longer statement than he thought her capable of, and even one tinged with emotion. Jackson didn’t seem to be paying attention, while Alecia looked suitably solemn. His mother looked at her with a mix of pride and adoration, very pleased with what she was hearing, and the tone in which it was delivered.

Alexandra: My work in Sunset Valley is done, and it is time for me to move on. The sun has always been setting on Memory Lane, and for every passing season… the sun is a little lower in the sky. It is time for a fresh start, sweeping aside old memories and the dreams of generations long past. Only a few select items will survive the liquidation, but I wish to have some time to tidy up here and say my goodbyes to this place, before the bulldozers take it down. I suggest that you travel ahead while I settle matters here and arrange for transport of the horses. It should take no more than a day and half.

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Alecia quickly chimed in with a complete approval of what she had said, declaring that she wanted to be well gone by the time the bulldozers started their work. Daniel, keeping in mind the possibilities of new friendships, and the eventual prom, also acknowledged the advantages of a quick exit. As the discussion turned to more practical matters, such as career opportunities and the rapid construction of a riding center and film studio, even Jackson seemed to have dialed in, and was making excited eyes towards his wife, as if he was trying to tell her something.

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After the quick meeting was concluded, the realization that she would have to spend a day and a half without the company of Monoceros hit Danielle, and she burst into tears, offering to stay behind to help her “aunt” to tidy up. Knowing how Alexandria valued her privacy, Daniel and Alecia managed to convince her that she would survive the ordeal.

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Preparing for the last night he would ever spend at Memory Lane, Daniel took a stroll around the house, feeling his sentimentality growing all the while. From the top porch, the city and the sea was laid out before him in a breathtaking vista. Across the valley he could see Villa Carsonia, looking dead and dark except for some scattered outside lights. He sighed deeply with the realization that, despite his ramblings about how old the place looked, Memory Lane would be a truly monumental loss. And if he could feel that way, after living less than 20 years there, how about the others? How about Alexandria, who had now lived here for almost 40 years, after having built it, organized it, and lived here for a lifetime even before that? Whose children and grandchildren had lived and died here? How did she really feel about it? What could be so important about her work that Memory Lane was worth sacrificing? Had she already said her goodbyes to the place when she embraced death all those years ago? Was her setting sun the immense weight of accumulated memories that was getting harder and harder to bear?

Knowing that he would never again see Sunset Valley like this, he swallowed hard and tried to clear his throat. Even though he hated The Great Gap, and the town’s increasingly geriatric profile, it was still his home, still beautiful, and it was all he knew. But there was no turning back now. “Goodbye, Sunset Valley,” he whispered into the night.
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Re: Worlds Apart
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2017, 09:15:59 PM »
Loved these two most recent updates. The detail you're putting into the Lane family history is really impressive, and I enjoyed the history lesson from Alecia. I wonder where Daniel's decided to move them to? I'm betting on Riverview.

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Re: Worlds Apart
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2017, 09:58:27 PM »
Chapter 13 – The Plunge

Daniel's last day at the Sunset Valley Community School was no more memorable than the others had been. Mostly, he spent his time being a bit miffed about the way they were leaving town: With a whimper, and not with a bang. Had it been up to him, they would have held a party so magnificent that it would have been remembered for generations. He had suggested the idea to his grandmother, who shot it down in flames after having discussed it with the others: “Alexandria says there’s no reason to celebrate”. Seeing his few fellow pupils keep their distance, before slogging off for the last time, he thought she may be right. Maybe it was the townies that ought to celebrate their departure.

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Though he was somewhat prepared for it, coming home to a rapidly emptying house was a shock. Memory Lane was dying, before his eyes. They spent some time gathering up Jackson’s paintings, which were the only items they were taking with them. Jackson refused to go without them, and even Alexandria conceded that point, commenting: “One does not separate an artist from his art”.

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One painting, the one of the girl in the nursery, could not be found, and during the last sunset they would ever experience at Memory Lane, they searched for it in vain. None had seen it finished but Jackson himself, and some doubts were exchanged behind his back on whether he had really completed it. Managing to convince Jackson that it would somehow show up, the search was eventually abandoned, and some final calls were made. Alecia said her goodbyes to Nandini Landgraab, Daniel called Nelle Bryant, who was devastated to hear about him leaving, while Danielle hugged the horses and cried a little.

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Alexandria was looking a bit tired and distant, so Danielle and Jackson made a collective effort to cheer her up by hailing the excitement of moving to a new place. Predictably, it did not have the intended effect. Danielle suggested they all do one last, collective walkthrough of the house, to honor all the years the family had spent there, but Alecia stopped it, saying she wanted to remember the Memory Lane in all its glory, and not the state it was currently in.
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With suppressed feelings, and under encroaching darkness, they walked through the front door for the last time. Proceeding towards the gate, Danielle cast long glances in the direction of the horses, while Jackson peered through the windows, as if he was looking for the girl from the nursery. Alexandra met them outside the gate, where Alecia called for the limousine from her days as a magician, as they had every intention to arrive at their new home in style. Their “aunt” wished them a safe journey, and exchanged some quiet words with Jackson. Daniel could only catch her final words: “Thank you”. Her back was turned as he climbed into the limo, and as it set in motion, the silhouette of Memory Lane quickly disappeared into the night.

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“They have no idea what is coming,” Daniel mused to himself, as their destination started to materialize. He had read some superficial accounts of what was going on in Moonlight Falls. Apparently, the Van Gould vampires and the Wolff werewolves were feuding over who were the real founders of the town. Two petty families engaged in a meaningless dispute, and whose modest nouveau-riches would soon be completely dwarfed by the Lane juggernaut. Neither of the two families had really achieved anything except scraping together the funds to build their homes, and one day he would erect landmarks at their previous homes, like Alecia had done in Sunset Valley. Or maybe he could bulldoze them and turn the lots into office parks for Lane Industries. The thought of Danita behind an office desk somehow crept into his mind, but he quickly abolished it. In Moonlight Falls, there would be plenty of fish in the sea.

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The lot Daniel had picked out was 2345 Waning Way, slightly bigger than even the Memory Lane lot, and until recently scheduled for communal use. It was in a quiet location, close to both the river and the falls. From the upper levels of their future house, the sea would be easily visible. Daniel’s choice was met with approval: Danielle clapped her hands in delight as she saw the brand new Equestrian Center up the road, while Jackson was mesmerized by the beauty of a nearby bridge. “A very good choice, young man,” Alecia commented, while taking in the picturesque view of the City Hall tower and the mountains behind it.

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Their first day in Moonlight Falls passed so quickly that he couldn’t remember much of it, except for their running around like headless chickens. Jackson went for a swim to have a closer look at the bridge, Danielle visited the arboretum and Alecia the library, while Daniel dropped by at the nearby gym. By nightfall, no one had assumed the responsibility of buying some furniture. While the three fairies took shelter in a fairy house that happened to be close by, Alecia wasn’t that lucky, and had a pretty rough night.

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Daniel was really looking forward to school. Not for academic reasons, but to enjoy the first fruits of his planning. As he walked through the doors at Everglow Academy, he was greeted by the glorious sight of 11 teenage girls, accompanied by 4 teenage boys. The presence of Tristan Van Gould, the self-proclaimed King of school and God of Goth Rock, was a slight spanner in the works, but even Tristan couldn’t damper his sense of achievement. By day’s end, he had chatted with several of the girls, and was feeling quite optimistic.

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To his surprise, he found the lot still being an open void as he returned home, and Danielle had strange news. Earlier that day, when she tried to order some building materials, she was told that the main Lane account did not exist. Upon calling the bank, she was told that all Lane accounts had been closed, by Alexandria Lane. Thinking that their aunt had set up an account for them in Moonlight Falls, she had called the local banks, but there were no Lane accounts registered anywhere. As she was explaining this to him, a car carrying a horse trailer stopped on the road. But it wasn’t Alexandria’s Vaguester, and the horse that emerged was unknown.

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The driver handed Danielle a note, and quickly drove off.
Danielle: A new horse! Aria must have sent it! But… it’s a stallion. Monoceros needs a mare if he is to breed. I don’t understand...
Daniel: If Minotaur is getting old, don't we need a new horse anyway?
Danielle: Of course! It’s Minotaur’s birthday today. How could I forget? That is why! He’s so beautiful!
She unfurled the note the driver had handed her.
Danielle: The note says Zaijian. That must be his name. Hello, Zaijian!
At that moment, Jackson chimed in:
Jackson: It means goodbye. Its name.
While Danielle told him to stop talking nonsense, Daniel felt a chill running down his spine as he searched the web for meanings of Zaijian, and it didn’t get better when he found that it did mean goodbye. In Chinese. As he reported his findings, the discussion started getting overheated, with Danielle angrily insisting that the meaning had to be a coincidence.

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A grumpy and sleep-deprived Alecia returning from work now took control of the situation. Hearing of the problems with the accounts, she shut them up by summoning some food, declaring that there had to be some misunderstanding. Alexandria did not have access to the accounts, they were controlled by the Master of the House. After sending Jackson to check for street art commissions at City Hall, just in case they did need some pocket money, she hit the phone to find out what was happening.

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Her first call was to Vance, whom she set in motion to report on what was happening at Memory Lane. He could tell that the demolition was well under way, and there was no sign of either Alexandria or the horses. Using his criminal contacts, he also found out that a Vaguester carrying a horse transport had left Sunset Valley late last night. Calls to the traffic authorities revealed nothing about the path the Vaguester had taken, but ascertained that there had been no traffic accidents between Sunset Valley and Moonlight Falls.

After several failed attempts, she also managed to get hold of Mr Berenson, the Lane family lawyer, and one who could shed some light on the situation with the accounts. At first, Daniel didn’t pay attention to what was said, being lost in ponderations about how his father could have known about the name of the horse. Then, as the call seemed to take an ugly turn, he tuned in.
Alecia: simply impossible. Alexandria cannot close the accounts!
Alecia: No, she can't! She must go through me! Only the Master of the House can close the accounts!
Alecia: What?! Alyssina?! She’s been dead for 15 years!
Alecia: When?!
Alecia: That can’t be… I’ve had access to those accounts since…
Alecia: Alexandria gave me access? So I never…
Alecia: Oh my god…
Alecia: Yes… Oh my god…
As they tried to ask her about the call, she raised a shaky hand to stop their questions, closed her eyes and just shook her head slowly. Changing to her normal attire, she threw her actor’s clothes haphazardly off, as in tired disgust, before proceeding to gaze at the stars for several minutes. Her mouth was moving slowly, as if in prayer. Then, she approached them with a look of complete dejection plastered to her face.

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Alecia: The accounts are closed. Gone… Alexandria took all the money. Everything.
Daniel: What?!! How?! You said the money was ours?
Alecia: The money has always followed the family, but… Alyssina changed the will, just before she moved out. That horrid woman... She gave Alexandria everything. I had no idea.
Daniel: But… what about all the money we’ve spent? You bought three houses. The car, that Nandini got…
Alecia: It seems she let us have unlimited access to the accounts, but they were under her control. I never knew. I’m so sorry, my dear. I’m so sorry.

He stood speechless as she shuffled off to embrace Jackson, who was back having completed his street art commission. Everything belonged to Alexandria, and had been hers as long as had been alive. He had never been the heir to anything. His whole life had been a lie, an illusion, orchestrated by her. How was that even possible? How could his grandmother and parents have let it happen, for all those years, right under their noses? He could feel the rage boiling up in him, like a cauldron of expanding lava that simply could not be contained, and then he tore into them like an explosion.

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He started with his grandmother, and how she had been duped for all these years, how Alexandria had taken everything, even the money from her acting career, how all the guidelines, instructions and history she had tried to teach him was completely useless, and how she had never really been Master of the House. She just took it on the chin. He then launched into his parents, telling them what morons they were, and how they had failed, on all accounts, to protect both theirs and his interests. They didn’t even know who Aria really was, and where was the money his mother had earned on racing, or the money Jackson had earned appraising and selling art? Where was Monoceros, her unicorn?

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After yelling at his father for not speaking up, Danielle got in his face, declaring that Aria was the best friend she had ever had, and that she would not hear a bad word spoken about her. If it hadn’t been for her, there would have been no Memory Lane, and no Daniel Lane. It was Aria who had brought her over from England, and made her and Jackson fall in love, using some strange app. Then, she started blaming him. Why couldn’t he at least have tried riding? He must have known how much that meant to Aria, and what Memory Lane was all about, and he didn’t even try. Besides Race Day, when was the last time he had asked how they had done at the races? If Aria had decided to start her own family, one that would really care about horse racing, who could blame her? Having fingers pointed at him made Daniel even angrier, he called her the stupidest woman who had ever sat her ass on a horse, and he was prepared to follow it up with stronger stuff, but at that point Alecia intervened.

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Pulling him aside, she told him to stop behaving like a boy who had his toys stolen, and act like a man. There was a possibility that Alexandria might show up, or that she’d at least have the decency to give them something more than an untrained horse. And if she didn’t, if they got nothing, all they would have were each other, in which case they better stick together if they wanted to avoid living on a lawn for the rest of their lives.

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Having shut him down, Alecia spent some money on a rackety single bed, an easel for Jackson and a single kitchen counter. Before she collapsed into the bed, she declared that if any hint of arguing reached her ears, she would banish the instigator and burn down the fairy house. Daniel and his mother retreated to fairy house in silence, but not without eying each other with angry stares. Jackson, seemingly realizing that he was now the main provider for the family, hit the easel and drummed up a large painting, while Zaijian seemed to quickly adjust to his new, close-proximity life with the family.

Everglow Academy had already lost some of its glow for Daniel as he struggled through his second day at school. The girls were still there, but he found it hard to concentrate on anything but the predicament they were in. Lane Industries would never exist, and unless some handouts were forthcoming from Alexandria, he was part of a family who couldn’t even afford beds to sleep in. Some questions were asked, and he concealed the ugly truth by answering that they were still planning the construction of their house.
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Returning to his lawn home, he was greeted by the sight of some new furnishings, thanks to the sale of Jackson’s nightly brush strokes. A table, with chairs of the cheapest kind, a fridge that was far more plagued than Danita’s had been, a sink, a decent bed, and even hay, a water tray and some racing posts for Zaijian. His father was busy upgrading the water tray, and Daniel caught himself thinking that he had underestimated his father. He didn’t know he was that handy, or that he could do street art, and even his ramblings seemed to have stopped. Compared to the contributions his father was making to their new household, he was just dead weight. Hm.

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The paper brought some news from yesterday’s election in Sunset Valley, featuring a shot of the new mayor, Lukas Keaton, doing his victory speech in front of town hall. He had won by a landslide, while Nandini had completed her political suicide by propping up by the Public Population Control until the bitter end. The triumphant Keaton proudly declared that abolishing the PPC would be his very first act as mayor.

That was not the only news from Sunset Valley.
Massive donation to charity by the Lane family.

In an unprecedented move, an anonymous member of the Lane family has donated 14.6 million simoleons to the Arcadia Foundation. A spokesperson for the Arcadia Foundation declared their extreme gratitude for the immensely generous donation, stating that it would greatly aid their efforts to combat world hunger

He had to read it three times before he comprehended it. As long as she had the money, there had been some hope, but now it was all gone. She had scattered it to the winds like it was a handful of ash, and they had nothing. Then he cracked. He flung the newspaper into the chair beside him and started raving.

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Daniel: 14.6 million! Who does that?! That is insane! That is our money! It’s gone! Gone! We have nothing!
As he kept on raving, the rest of the family rushed over to read the paper.
Daniel: How could she do that?!
Alecia: 14.6… She can’t have kept much, if anything, for herself. My god...
Jackson: She didn’t want to buy the moon…
Daniel: Why?! Why?!
Danielle: I’m so proud of her. We didn’t need all that money.
Daniel: What?!!

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Sensing another nasty argument rapidly brewing, Alecia pulled him up and tried to comfort him, in her own way.
Alecia: The money is gone, just accept it.
Daniel: Just accept it?!
Alecia: Yes. Now we must look forward, not backward.
Daniel: How could she…
Alecia: Shut up about her, my dear. We won’t mention her name ever again. It’s all about us now, not her, and we’ll manage. I've wasted enough of my life on the Lanes, and will not answer by that name. From now on, we are Carsons.
Daniel: Carsons? What good does that do?!
Alecia: Do you still want to be a Lane, a part of her family, after this? It’s a matter of honor.

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Honor? In changing their family's name to Carson? Whatever, Daniel thought as he wandered off, taking the path down to the beach. The sun was sinking beneath the horizon, like the remnants of his former self: Daniel Lane, the heir to a fortune. Carson… Bah! He wanted answers, not a new name. Why had they lost their inheritance? How could Alyssina leave it all to Alexandria, instead of her own descendants? Had Alexandria stayed behind for two decades after Alyssina moved out just to ride Minotaur?

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Had they failed to live up to Alexandria’s expectations, like her daughter Katusha, and shared her fate of been cast aside penniless? Had she kept the “warchest” from the laboratory, being able to clone herself to a new fortune in a matter of days, while building a new legacy? Right now, it did not matter. What mattered was that she had posed as their friend, living with them for decades, and then mercilessly pulled the rug from under them, even giving away money that wasn’t hers to give.

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As the last rays of the sun was swallowed by the ocean, he made himself a promise: One day, he would track down Alexandria Lane, no matter how dangerous she might be, or what it could cost him. Maybe it would take decades, but eventually, she would pay for what she had done. That was a matter of honor.

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Offline diamonddaisy

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Re: Worlds Apart - End of Season One
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2017, 10:46:27 PM »
Wow - what an ending! I hope Alexandria gets her comeuppance, though it was good of her to donate all that money to charity. Looking forward to the next season!

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Re: Worlds Apart - End of Season One
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2017, 07:15:31 AM »
Thank you. Riverview was under consideration, but I have a feeling that the population in Moonlight Falls is younger, which would be important to Daniel. Besides, like Jackson, I think those bridges look great...

After some planning, there will be a Season 2, with some new characters. More townies than Tristan might get a makeover, and there will be some new people moving in to Moonlight Falls. I have a feeling that a crackpot or two a la Freddy Rashford might appear, for comic relief. I probably have to make some changes to the town too, at least adding a club or two for our soon-to-be young adult.
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Re: Worlds Apart - End of Season One
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2017, 07:28:37 AM »
A Week of Mondays

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Sometimes, life is easy. When you are the golden boy, with almost limitless resources at your disposal, on the threshold of taking control of the family that rules the town like they were royalty. Then, you are cast into a new town, and in the space of a day, you discover that your previous life was really an illusion. You could order a 100 000 simoleon car for fun, and now, your family can’t afford a car at all.

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You lived in a mansion worth millions, where just the nectar collection could have bought rows of houses, and now, you are living on a lawn. You try to focus on the fact that you still have your family, with the exception of she who took everything, but all you are really feeling is the pain of all you have lost. Then, life isn’t quite as easy. But you try to cope, in your own way.

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You lie, thinking that will keep the dark thoughts at bay. You tell the little girl you meet at the pool that your family will build a house, you’re just waiting for the architect to finish designing the grand thing, which will be a true marvel. You tell her of your previous home, which could have housed the Van Gould mansion in its basements, and when her eyes flicker with excitement, you feel better for a second or two. But deep down, you know you’re just scratching at fresh scars, making them even worse.

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When another bleak-eyed girl seems excited to see you at the pool, you cringe. You know it is based on the lie, not reality, and you hate yourself for lying, you hate her for being so shallow, and most of all you hate the person who caused all of this to happen.

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Frustrated, you look for ways to blow off steam, and when you see a woman so dorky that she makes Shawanda Masterton look like a fashion icon, you sneak behind her back and light up that paper bag. Was it the sound of the lighter? That slight crackle from the paper? You never know, but she catches you, and the cops are fast on the scene.

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When you live on a lawn, every scolding is liable to be public, and two Goth ghosts driving by drinks it all up as your mother lays into you. You’re not particularly worried about them, but you know it all adds up to how you and your family are looked upon. You remember how you used to be closer to your mother, and you know that she is no longer one of your precious few friends.

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You miss the talks you had with your grandmother about family history, and you want to learn, most of all about Alexandria and how all this could happen, but not only doesn’t she want to talk about the past, she's always busy. When not working, she’s at the library, trying to improve her writing skill to achieve a promotion. Burning the candle at both ends has its costs, and you’re not surprised when you hear that she has collapsed of exhaustion in the center of town. And you know her collapse adds up too, to a gradually increasing sum that is bound to eventually blow open your lie.

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You go to school, hoping for some kind of reprieve, but that is the domain of the King of Goth Rock, and you also discover that Tristan has a sidekick: The half-psychotic Faith McDuff, prone to mistimed hysterical laughter, probably due to her insecurities and complete lack of humor. Together, they form the duo “Tristesse”, and perennially plague the schoolyard with their amateurish, depressing music.

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All isn’t bad about school, because after all, that’s where you met her. Daydream. You meet her again at the festival grounds, beside the photo booth, and you talk and laugh. The light breeze makes the shadows from the trees dance on her face as she invites you to a date. Why not, you think. It’s not like you’re drowning in attention, she seems ok, and you think her hair is really cool.

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The fishing pond didn’t seem like the ideal spot for a date, and to make matters worse, she was late. You waited… and waited. As darkness began to fall, two hours after she was supposed to show up, you began wondering if you had been trolled.

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You call her multiple times, but she doesn’t answer. You go to her house, ring the doorbell and shout her name, but the dark building remains utterly unresponsive. After feeling like a complete fool, you start thinking that maybe something is wrong. What if she’s had an accident? Or someone else in her family? With tomorrow being Saturday, you won’t see her at school, but you need to find out. She asked you out, she’s worth the effort. Isn't she?

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Despite repeated calls, Daydream did not pick up, and feeling you had to get to the bottom of it, you went over there again. This time, her father, Rainflower, was at home and let you in. He could assure you that Daydream was ok, and that she should be home in a couple of hours. Settling in among some disturbingly colorful furniture, you wait. And do your homework. And wait some more. As you check your watch, you realize it is past curfew, and her father has already hit the sack. Where on earth is Daydream? What are you supposed to do?

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Tired and annoyed, you quietly find a spare bedroom and sneak under the sheets. You doze off, dreaming about the horse whose name means goodbye, and suddenly Mr. Rainflower Ivy is waving his finger at you, yelling about not behaving properly.

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This time, the copper is a fairy woman, and you try to explain yourself, hoping for some sympathy, but she cuts you off briskly.
Copper: Just because your family doesn’t have a house doesn’t mean you can sneak into other people’s houses and sleep in their beds! I don’t know where you come from, but here in Moonlight Falls, you make do what you’ve got!

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The scolding that follows is no more pleasant than the previous one, and just as public. As you fall into your crappy bed you feel that even the stars are mocking you, and you bury your face in your pillow while wondering if you will ever again be on speaking terms with your mother.

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You are back there, in the enclosure, with Nelle Bryant and the horses. She is talking to you, but you can’t hear anything, so she starts shouting, louder and louder. Eventually you can make out the words:
Nelle: You have no money.
Nelle: You have no money!
Nelle: I can’t marry you!
Nelle: You have no money!
You recoil from her, feeling dejected and confused, and you notice that the house is still there, as it was. You know it can’t be, but it’s dragging you in. You must see it, feel it.
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She is there, in the hallway. Maybe she always was, and always will be.
Daniel: Why?!
Daniel: WHY???!! How could you do it?!!
You are shouting at her, but she can’t hear you, or see you. Coming towards you, her gaze is fixed at some spot way beyond, and she is smiling, as if some great weight has been lifted from her shoulders.
Daniel: Why…
She passes through you, and you wake up.

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Monday, and you know it’s going to be bad one. Yesterday, your mother was rummaging through the Van Gould trash, hoping to find something worth selling, and she was spotted. By Tristan. You know the lie you have been maintaining is going to blow up in your face, and that it will happen today.

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Tristan: Daniel Lane? Daniel Lawn! Hahaha! You are dirt poor! Hobos!! Tramps! Hahaha! Where’s your house Daniel Lawn?!
Tristan: You really thought Daydream would date you? She set you up! Hahahaha!
You cringe under the humiliations, but say nothing, and try to keep to yourself. What can you say? You’re thankful that Faith isn’t at school, but news travels fast, especially at a high school. You can hear the whispers, see their eyes, needling you. Daydream is among them, and you thought she was your friend. What a fool you are. If hiding in a hole for weeks would solve anything, you’d do it, but it wouldn’t. This is temporary, you tell yourself, everything is, and you’ll get through. Just take it, and remain standing. Somehow.

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After debate club, Faith has joined him, and you know, long-term, there’s no escaping it. You might as well face it now, get it over with.
Tristan: There he is. Daniel Lane. Daniel Lawn! Hahaha!
Daniel: We’re not Lanes anymore… We changed our name, to Carson.
Tristan: Why? To avoid being called LAWN? Your family is nothing but thrash.
Faith: Shall I toast him?
Tristan: Turn him into a crisp, babe. We don’t need his kind around here.

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She pulls out a wand, and you think it’s just for show, but when streaks of color appear as she swings it, you realize that Faith is indeed a real witch.
Tristan: This is gonna be ugly, I can barely watch…
For the first time in your life, you are not only witnessing magic, you are the target of it, and you have no idea what half-psychotic Faith is capable of. As you hear the incantations and watch the colors swirl in your direction, you are truly scared. Preparing for the inevitable impact, you close your eyes… And nothing happens.

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When you open your eyes again, it’s obvious that she’s very pleased with herself, but you are just relieved not be hurt.
Faith: Scared you good there, didn’t I? Next time, little fairyboy. Next time…
Tristan: Get outta here, loser. And don’t come back to your geeky club, or else…
Faith: Hahahahhahaha!

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As you walk away with her laughter still ringing in your ears, you remind yourself that coming here was your idea. Outside school, you take some time to collect yourself. You try to swallow the lump in your throat, and dry out the corner of your eyes. Trying to shake it off, you start walking, you think that tomorrow is another day, trying to snatch some hope. Then you hear the sirens behind you, and you ask yourself if tomorrow is really worth looking forward to.

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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 2, Chapter 1
« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2017, 07:42:35 AM »
In The Nick Of Time

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Daniel: Are you doing appraisals today, pops?
Jackson: No. Quit job.
Daniel: You quit?!
Jackson: Of course! It was a loss. Painting, son! Much more money.
Daniel: I see. Well, we do need money.
Jackson: Maybe you can paint. I haven’t seen.
Daniel: No, pops. I really can’t paint.
Jackson: Not important. You will find things.

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As the morning sun crept over the mountains, Daniel felt himself tensing up more and more. Today, the sight of that yellow school bus would be dreadful. He wasn't recharged, wasn't ready.
Daniel: Pops… Today, I don’t really don’t want to…
Jackson: Of course! No school today.
Daniel: How did you know…
Jackson: You need a break. From bad things. Obvious! School not important.
Daniel: Not important?
Jackson: Not today. Today we take a trip. To the beoratum.
Daniel: You mean the arboretum?
Jackson: Of course!

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As the limo closed in on their destination, Jackson suddenly shouted to the driver to stop the car, declaring that they’d walk the rest of the way. When Daniel got out, his father remained seated, promptly closing the door behind him, and the limo set in motion again, leaving a head-scratching Daniel behind.

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With the Arboretum just around the corner, Daniel didn’t hesitate to start walking. When he closed in on the nearest house, he could see a man seated on its porch, and a girl walking towards the road. The girl was a teenager, but he hadn’t seen her before, and she looked… different. She saw him approaching, stopped in her tracks and assumed a defiant pose as he approached.

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Daniel: Hi, I’m Daniel... Carson. Nice to…
Girl: Yeah? You a noob around here, huh? Most teens have the brains to stay clear of me.
Daniel: We moved in about a week…
Girl: And someone put you up to go and see the freak?
Daniel: No. Who’s the freak?
Girl: Have a good look. I’m blue, grey and pink, all messed up. Now start running before I…
Daniel: You don’t look like a freak.
Girl: No? What do I look like?
Daniel: Interesting.

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Girl: Really. You look square, you know. Bet you’re going into business, huh? Or politics? I hate both.
Daniel: Eeeeah, no… I… plan to join the military.
Girl: Doesn’t look like it. You better muscle up, huh?
Daniel: I plan to. Why haven’t I seen you at school?
Girl: I don’t go to school.
Daniel: Oh. So, what you are you… into?
Girl: Theft, fraud and rock n’roll.

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Her answer left him quite speechless, and a slight chuckle escaped her as she set in motion.
Girl: Cat got your tongue, huh? Well, gotta go, places to be and things to do.
Daniel: What’s your…
Girl: I’m Lynx. Don’t go get yourself killed in some stupid war, soldier.
Daniel: But…

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No buts. She jumped onto a hefty motorcycle, styled in the same color as her scarf and headband, and with a roar, she was gone. Flabbergasted, he stood there until the voice came from behind.
Man: Don’t worry about it. Others have fared worse than you.
Daniel: Worse, how?
Man: Most are banished.
Daniel: She’s a genie… That’s some bike she’s got.
The man sighed wearily as he answered.
Man: Yeah… I’m sure someone misses it very much.
His mind was squarely on Lynx as he made his way to the arboretum. She was by far the most fascinating teenager he had ever encountered. Theft, fraud and rock n’ roll. Who would say such a thing? Fraud? She had to be posing, right? And why didn’t she go to school? Hm. If others were calling her a freak, her prickliness was quite understandable, though a bit over the top. She was pretty… Wasn’t she?

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His musings on Lynx were quickly pushed aside by his father, who seemed to have come to the arboretum simply to talk.
Jackson: We’re astronauts, Daniel! How do you like the moon? I said we’d go here!
Daniel: Moonlight Falls isn’t exactly the moon.
Jackson: But that’s what I meant.
Daniel: It isn’t always so easy to understand what you mean, pops.

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Jackson: Of course. I know. But not the moon, but this one, in the world. Where would it be? Here. I saw it!
Daniel: Saw it where?
Jackson: In visions. Or, what’s the…
Daniel: Visions aren’t real, pops.
Jackson: Mine are. They are! Not visions, but… gah! I can’t remember words. I told you about the horse. The goodbye horse, didn’t I? It was true!

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Daniel: Yeah, but who bought the horse? How do we know you didn’t buy it? To make it come true?
Jackson: I didn’t.
Daniel: Really?
Jackson: Of course! I saw it.
Daniel: I have a hard time believing that. You said we’d build a house, and we’re still living on a lawn.

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Jackson: We will build a house!
Daniel: When?
Jackson: Very soon.
Daniel: You don’t know that, and we don’t have the money!
Jackson: We do! We will do! I mean… I have seen it, I have drawn it. We can just put it up. When we do.

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Daniel: If we build the house you have drawn, you are making it come true. Don’t you see?
Jackson: Gah. I didn’t think that… way. I shouldn’t have drawn it.
Daniel: If you didn’t draw it, we wouldn’t build your house, we would build a different house.
Jackson: No…
Daniel: Yes!
Jackson: You don’t understand. Let me think…
Daniel: I think I do understand.
Jackson: No. The word! Backflash.
Daniel: What…? Do you mean flashback?
Jackson: Of course. Backflashes are the visions.

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Daniel: Flashbacks from what?
Jackson: Machine time.
Daniel: You’re not making any sense…
Jackson: Machine time! To go… Gah. To go, in the machine… Travel! Machine time travel. Backflashes from that!
Daniel: From when you traveled in time? That’s years ago.
Jackson: Yes. That’s when I saw, everything. But I can’t remember when I traveled. Only in backflashes.

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Daniel: No…?
Jackson: Yes. Heavy backflashes. Then I see. That’s why I become… strange. You understand?
Daniel: So you have seen our future?
Jackson: Yes. And backwards. But only the backflashes made me remember, so I had to tell, when. I had them.
Daniel: And what did you see?
Jackson: I can’t remember! Only what I told. And I forget that too. After some time.
Daniel: Have you had any flashbacks recently?
Jackson: No. Aria stopped them.
Daniel: What?! When?

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Jackson: Before we came here. The day you were out at night.
Daniel: How?
Jackson: She put me in the machine brain, to study. Then she gave me pill, big one. Backflashes gone. Grasshoppers gone. I feel better.
Daniel: Does Alecia know about this?
Jackson: Of course. She took me to Aria. Aria could always do it.
Daniel: Always? Then why didn’t Alecia take you to Aria earlier?
Jackson: She didn’t trust her.
Daniel shook his head in a futile attempt to reshuffle all the questions popping into his mind. It all sounded a bit too fantastic to be true, but how could his father making be making all this up? He had seemed better lately, less prone to frustration and outbursts. Why hadn’t Alecia trusted Aria, if Aria claimed she had a cure for Alecia’s “dearest” son? Not that trusting Aria had worked out so very well for them…

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Jackson: You like the girl?
Daniel: How… Hm. You got me out of the car because you saw her.
Jackson: Yes, I have seen her.
Daniel: She was cool. I think I like her.
Jackson: You should be nice to her.
Daniel: I’m nice to all girls, pops.
Jackson: You should be nice to her. Call her.
Daniel: I will…

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Jackson: Write her. Girls like writing.
Daniel: I think I’ll hold back on the love letters for now.
Jackson: Go dancing. Girls like dancing.
Daniel: But...
Jackson: What time is it? I forget! I must meet bucket.
Daniel: Bucket?
Jackson: My new friend. Don’t forget the girl. Don’t forget. Bye.

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His father got up started walking, but Daniel felt compelled to inquire about his father’s obsession with Lynx.
Daniel: Pops! Why are you so hung up on this girl?
His father stopped briefly, delivering a typically puzzling answer.
Jackson: She is the cat.

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Daniel stopped by the library, where his grandmother was pulling long hours, as usual. She summoned some bouillabaisse for them.
Alecia: So, how has your day been, young man?
Daniel: Very interesting.
Alecia: Glad to hear it. Do tell.
Daniel: I met a genie girl, she seemed a bit… special.
Alecia: Really? Not too special I hope. We’ve certainly had our share of special women in this family…

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Daniel: She claimed she was into theft, fraud and rock n’ roll. Her father said she had stolen her motorcycle, and didn’t seem to care about it.
Alecia: Sounds very ominous. Your grandfather was a rocker, and you know how that turned out, young man. Anything else?
Daniel: I had a long talk with pops, at the arboretum. He seems better.
Alecia: Yes, a little… What did you talk about?
Daniel: Nothing special, just this and that. What’s mom been up to? Training?
If she didn’t want to tell him about Alexandria’s cure, he would also would keep his cards hidden.

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Alecia: Not today. She got sunburned yesterday, so she stuck to the shade today, doing a whole lot of nothing. She’s much better already.
Daniel: She’s been training that horse pretty hard.
Alecia: Yes, and earning practically nothing for all those hours of work.
Daniel: You know her dream, she wants to be a rider of legends.
Alecia: Pfff! A pipe dream. To win the cross country without all the tools we had at Memory Lane she’ll need a miracle. She should focus on racing for money.
Daniel: Maybe you're right...

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Alecia: You skipped school today. Any particular reason?
Daniel: There’s some issues there.
Alecia: What issues?
Daniel: There’s this girl, and a goth dude, giving me hard time. I just needed a break.
Alecia: Are they bullying you?
Daniel: Just a bit, about the fact that we live on a lawn. I can handle it.

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Alecia: I see. Don’t let them put you down. Besides, we won’t be living on a lawn for much longer, my dear.
Daniel: Really?
Alecia: Our financial situation is improving, rapidly. There’ll be a house in a matter of days.
Daniel: The one Jackson has drawn?
Alecia: Perhaps. We’ll have a family meeting tomorrow and discuss it.

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Wanting to avoid any nagging motherly questions about homework, the nearest bridge beckoned to Daniel as he got home, leaving him alone with all his thoughts. Most of all, he had to try to remember the previous ramblings of his father, if they really were snapshots of their future. Struggling, he ended up looking at the clock tower at City Hall. Thank goodness they were going to build a house, and about time, he thought to himself. The tower… Hadn’t his father said the house would have a tower? Hm. Think, Daniel, think! No! Empty your mind. Breathe.
What was Jackson talking about back then, what was the topic? Hm. The moon. He had said Danielle would be burned by the sun on the moon. And it had happened. He had also talked about a cat, but Daniel couldn’t remember the details. A lynx was some species of cat, wasn’t it? Her eyes were even yellow… It seemed his fathers “backflashes” were the real deal. Holy crap. That was good, as it meant his father wasn’t quite as insane as they had thought. But… since his father had also rambled about a funeral, it meant that someone was going to die.

Worlds Apart - Can Be Found Here

Offline Agathon

  • Townie
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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 2, Chapter 2 - In the Nick of Time
« Reply #27 on: July 20, 2017, 08:37:33 AM »
Squaring Off

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Suraya, wannabe-model. Faith. Maria, the over-achiever. Emelie, the sister of the King. Alice, the childish moocher. He watched them posing, looking and whispering, knowing he’d come here for them. What a waste. Doubt had been sown in a couple of them, by the limo from Alecia’s magician days and him not backing down from his lie. What if he’s telling the truth? What if they have money after all? Ironically, now that his lie was starting to pay dividends, he had stopped caring.

School, grades, prom, popularity, it was all superficial nonsense. Nonsense about to be blown away by the inevitability of adulthood, in just a few days. Knowing this was one of the last times he’d see them like this, he started consigning them to the past. If they didn’t want to get to know Daniel the lawn boy, they wouldn’t get to know the man either.

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Alecia: All in all, we have a little over 30 thousand, mostly thanks to your paintings, my son. I’m sure we all want to end this lawn nightmare as soon as possible, but we won’t get much of a house for 30 grand, and it would look completely out of place on this big lot.
Danielle: Well, it would mean more space for Zaijian…
Alecia: You’ve all seen Jackson’s drawings, and you also know such a house can’t be had for the money we have, unless we want to sleep on the floors. However, I have important news that puts the situation in a new light.

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Alecia: My dear life-long friend and cousin, Nandini, has sold the car I gave her, and chipped in 20 000 more, sending us 50 000.
Danielle: Wow! That…
Daniel: Wasn’t that car worth a lot more?
Alecia: It was used, my dear. But that is not all. My dearest son, Vance... Oh, my heart flutters when I think about it... has sent us 50 000 out of his own pocket to help us out, putting our account at over 130 000.

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Danielle: How kind of them! I almost have to cry!
Jackson: My little brother… When does he come?
Alecia: He isn’t coming, Jackson, we can’t afford his services any more.
Danielle: What services?
Jackson: I think he will be here. For the funeral.
Danielle: Please, Jackson…
Alecia: Never mind, Danielle. The important thing is that we can now build the house.

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Danielle: The house that Jackson drew? With the tower?
Jackson: The tower!
Alecia: Yes, and we can furnish it too.
Danielle: It’s very nice, but quite big, and wide.
Daniel: Big? I think it’s small, and narrow.
Alecia: It’s no Memory Lane, but…
Jackson: I’ll paint and paint in the tower.
Danielle: Maybe you should paint a little less, Jackson.
Daniel: Can’t we make it a little bigger?
Danielle: No… Why? Memory Lane was so big we barely saw each other after breakfast. Here, we have been close, and cozy. Let’s keep it that way.
Alecia: Cozy?

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Danielle: Yes! People are so nice here! Today, there was something in the mail…
Jackson: A present.
Danielle: Tell them what it was.
Jackson: A gem. Uncut. Alderem.
Danielle: Emerald, Jackson. From someone called Suraya Younan. Isn’t that nice?!
Alecia: Uncut emerald? Worth about 10 simoleons…
Danielle: It’s the thought that counts. Anyway, at Memory Lane we were rarely together outside the big house, and I don’t want…

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Alecia: I have had quite enough of the outside, thank you. My allergies are…
Danielle: But look at us, here out in the sun! Isn’t it beautiful?
Alecia: A few days ago, you looked like an orange, Danielle. Now you’re training… whatever his name is…
Danielle: Zaijian. His name is...
Alecia: …at night, to avoid being sunburned again.

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Danielle: Just temporarily! That doesn’t mean we need a big house. Let’s not turn this housebuilding thing into a competition. We don’t need a big house because the Van Gould’s have a mansion.
Alecia: Of course not. We need a decent house because we’re Carsons.
Danielle: That’s just a name, Alecia. Small is cozy, we used to say in England.
Jackson: I’m hungry.
Alecia: It’s more than a name. Do you know what Kate Carson said after building Villa Carsonia?
Danielle: No, I don’t, but…
Alecia: “Carsons don’t keep their feet on the ground.”
Danielle: Now you’re comparing again, and that is like a comp...

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Daniel: Mom. Let’s just get this thing built.
Danielle: Houses never get smaller over the years, Daniel. The opposite happens, and I’m afraid that if we…
Daniel: I need a house. Now, no matter how big or small. Almost the entire school have been making fun of me because we live on a lawn, and it’s getting a bit…

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Danielle: What?! I didn’t know that, why haven’t you said something?
Daniel: I can take it. That gem in the mail…
Danielle: Yes?
Daniel: It’s from a girl in my class, and it isn’t a present. It’s an insult.
Danielle: Oh… Is it? How mean! I’m sorry Daniel.
Daniel: Never mind, let’s just build that house.
Danielle: All right, then. We will.

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He'd said he could handle it, but he hadn’t handled them so well the last time, had he? Avoiding them after debate class would turn that statement into another lie, and he was tired of lies. Besides, some quick research on his phone had shown that most witches weren’t dangerous, especially young ones like Faith. He wouldn’t let fear get the better of him this time.

She was the most vocal, making threats and demanding that he’d admit his family were paupers. Tristan acted cool and egged her on. When he calmly stated that there would be a house on their lot by tomorrow evening, she reached angrily for her wand, but it was Tristan who stepped up.

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It began with pushing, and rapidly evolved from there. Once Tristan’s initial momentum had been blunted, Daniel found that he was every bit as strong as his vampiric opponent. As the tussle continued, it seemed his visits to the climbing walls at the Lane Activity Center had done some good after all, while Tristan was waning quickly.

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He was so full of adrenaline that, later, he couldn’t remember what he said as he stood over him. But he’d never forget the feeling. It was as if he was surging towards the sky, with every thundering heartbeat carrying him higher, making him feel more alive and more determined than he’d ever felt.

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He couldn’t remember what he said to her either, but he saw. Her wand falling numbly from her hand, the fear in her red eyes and how she gave way as he laid into her. He knew he had unmasked her. As he strode off the school playground, he felt that if he walked into a brick wall, he would just keep on walking, leaving a pile of rubble behind.

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In moments of triumph, we are often overcome with a desire to share. If not the details of the triumph itself, we want to share how we feel, share some of that overflowing happiness. Daniel wanted to share with Lynx, but his efforts were thwarted, as her phone had been rerouted to her father’s. Lynx was out of town, doing a gig with her band, he said, but she’d be back tomorrow. A working, out-on-the-road teenager? Lynx certainly wasn’t ordinary…

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Maggie Donovan: Welcome, Mrs Carson. I take it this is your first time here?
Daniel: And the last.
Danielle: Don’t be rude, Daniel. Yes, this is my first time, Mrs. Donovan.
Maggie Donovan: Very good. Our primary values are love and warmth. We believe, we truly do, that if we can create an atmosphere of love and warmth, learning automatically follows.
Daniel: I haven’t noticed much love and…
Danielle: Daniel! That sounds very encouraging, Mrs. Donovan.
Maggie Donovan: Excellent. Let us begin the evaluation, then.

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Maggie Donovan: Music. Currently, Daniel is at an E in music.
Danielle: Did you say E or A?
Maggie Donovan: E, Mrs. Carson. He has simply failed to grasp the fundamentals of music. He couldn’t even…
Danielle: Heh, that is probably from me… I was never very musical, I’m afraid…
Maggie Donovan: You don’t play an instrument, Mrs Carson?!
Danielle: No.
Maggie Donovan: No home can be filled with love and warmth without live, real music.
Danielle: We try to find other ways to…

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Maggie Donovan: Mrs. Carson... Can I call you Danielle?
Danielle: Mrs. Carson, if you please.
Maggie Donovan: Of course. No, Mrs. Carson. There is no substitute for the real thing, you simply must play. Anything else is negligence. As for Daniel, I am very surprised, that someone who has studied under the great Roberto Strablansky… can be completely tone-deaf. That simply should not be pos…
Daniel: Strablansky is completely useless.
Maggie Donovan: No, Daniel. Roberto Strablansky has conducted some of the most prestigious symphonic orchestras around. He is a legend. A legend! It is you, Daniel. Your lack of interest, and complete lack of understanding, has been simply baffling.

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Maggie Donovan: Handcrafts. We’re looking at another E, I am afraid.
Danielle: Oh I am sorry, that must be from me, too. My husband is the handy one, and can make anything work, but he is not a very suitable teacher…
Maggie Donovan: This is from his handicrafts teacher, Mr Blando: “The student in question seems to have nine thumbs.”
Danielle: That is unfortunate, but Daniel has other talents…

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Maggie Donovan: Does he, Mrs. Carson? Does he really? Apart from the E’s, and a single B, all I see is C’s and D’s. Mediocracy, at best! From a student who had B’s all around before he arrived here. What a waste. What a shame! I think of what you could have become, Daniel, and I cringe on the inside. There are children living in the bush, Daniel, with no clothes, no home, and no food but the bugs they scavenge from evil, twisted, thorny trees. They cry, from hunger, from pain, as the thorns prick their small fingers, again and again and again! You meanwhile, have this! A wonderful, warm school with loving teachers. And you’re throwing it all away, not making any effort at…

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Danielle: Just a minute, now please. We have had a bit of a rough time since arriving here, living without a house, but Daniel has always been dutiful with his homework…
Maggie Donovan: Dutiful? Homework? Since he started at this school, he has hardly done any homework at all, and what he has done has been of such poor quality that...
Danielle: What?!

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Danielle: You said I didn't have to worry about that! That you wanted to go to university! To be a CEO! I’m so disappointed I can hardly look at you…
Daniel: CEO of what?! Our lawn? The local junkyard? That dream died when we ended up broke! I don’t need university, I’m joining the military.
Maggie Donovan: I think his mind is on holiday, Mrs. Carson, as it has been the whole time he has been here. This isn’t Sunset Valley, there’s barely any military presence here. Perhaps his grades will allow him to eke out a miserable existence as a latrine cleaner, but no more than that.
Daniel: Bah!

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Maggie Donovan: That's a fact Daniel. But now we come to what bugs me the most about your performance. Your D in biology. My class! I live for this job, and your abysmal comprehension of biology feels like… a betrayal. Nothing less. Like a knife in the back, Daniel, piercing through flesh and sinews and…
Daniel: You must be completely…!
Maggie Donovan: You still have a couple of days, Daniel. But you must work, harder than you’ve worked in your life, around the clock. I want the 62 species, all memorized in latin. Just because insects don’t fascinate you, doesn’t mean they’re not important, hugely important! Just think about how many they are. Billions and billions! Creeping and crawling, and scratching and biting and pollinating and…

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Daniel: Shut up.
Danielle: Daniel!
Daniel: You too. I’m through with this horror show, and I’m ditching the last days. Feel free to give me F’s all around, it means nothing. I’ll manage, and our family will manage, no matter what. You can take your school, your love and your warmth and stick it. If I have any children, I’ll make sure they never come near this deranged place.

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As they walked out of school, he was ready for a fiery discussion with his over-emotional mother, but contrary to all expectation, she calmly stated:
Danielle: Daniel… From now on, I’m treating you like a man.
He didn’t know if it was a compliment or a warning.
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  • Townie
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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 2, Chapter 3 - Squaring Off
« Reply #28 on: July 25, 2017, 05:32:17 AM »
Close to Home

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No, you don’t need to tell,
‘cause I know you so well.
You are living in your shell,
while the whole world goes to lalalala, la, la…

Tristesse had ditched school too, and they had even gathered a couple of listeners. Tristan kept talking up how they were going to make it to the big time, but he was just another stupid dreamer, with a high hat… Wasn't he? What had Maggie Donovan said during his evaluation, or had he ditched that too? And what about her, the psycho witch?

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The gnomes took on their faces as he beat them down: Alexandria, Maggie Donovan, Tristan, Faith and Suraya. But just as in real life, they kept rearing their ugly heads while he struggled to keep up. He had to be faster. *Smack* Take that, and…

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Lynx: Fightin’ a war, huh? Your score’s pretty bad, soldier…
There she was, looking bemused and super cool while he finished his pathetic whacking-session.
Daniel: Where you… *smack* been?
Lynx: Ain’t you in school?
Daniel: Ditching *smack* *smack*
Lynx: Bad *smack* boy, huh? Riverview, just *smack* a small gig.
Daniel: What *smack* do you play?
Lynx: Too slow…! Guitar.

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Daniel: You must be pretty good, doing it as a job.
Lynx: Decent. But I’m gettin’ there.
Daniel: Any hot gigs coming up?
Lynx: Bridgeport, in a couple of days.
He could see it, feel it. Her prickles were down, and she was just… wonderful. Now he just had to ask, in a cool way…
Daniel: So, do you do proms?
Lynx: Proms?! No. We ain’t sell-outs.
Daniel: No, I meant… Would you go with me?

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Lynx: With you, huh? Oops. Nope. I don’t do proms, soldier, like, ever.
Daniel: Oh. Ok… Because you don’t like school, or…? When did you quit school?
Lynx: I’ve never gone to school.
Daniel: You’ve always been homeschooled?
Lynx: Kinda.
Daniel: What do you mean?
Lynx: It’s complicated, you don’t wanna know.
Daniel: Hm. You wanna get something to eat or... something?
Lynx: Nope. I hate the food here, but you chow down.

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Without realizing, they’d been drifting while talking, and now found themselves witnessing Tristesse, whose listeners had abandoned them.

There’s a massive alien invasion
while you’re tagging the train station…

Lynx: Yuck… He can play a bit, but she’s just gone, off key, like half the time. You hear?
Daniel: Dreadful.
He had no idea whether Faith was messing up or not. Maybe Maggie Donovan was right about him being tone-deaf…

They worship black holes,
black holes, yeah…
…and so should you.

Lynx: The song ain’t bad, but he needs to get rid of her, like yesterday.

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Daniel: I was in a fight with him, Tristan.
Lynx: Really… Who won?
Daniel: I did.
Lynx: You beat the big, bad vampire, huh? Maybe you are a soldier.
He knew she was making fun of him, but he had to stay focused, on asking the question.
Daniel: Do you wanna go out one day?

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Lynx: You want a date?!
Daniel: Yeah...
Lynx: You don’t give up easily, huh? That’s sweet. Well… It ain’t a date, but… Stop by one day, and I may have little job for ya.
Daniel: What kind of job?
Lynx: Just some man-handy fix, nuthin’ big.
Daniel: Ok. You know… I really like you, Lynx…

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That wiped away her smile, real quick.
Lynx: Listen… Daniel, right?
Daniel: Yeah…
Lynx: I ain’t the kinda girl you wanna be with.
Daniel: How do you know what I want?
Lynx: I’ve got… issues. And I got a dude. See ya.
Daniel: But…

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Again, no buts. Boom, gone. She had issues. And a dude. That was the worst part… 

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Alecia: Thank you very much, Gladsten, this wouldn’t have been possible in such a short time without you, and you’ve done an excellent job.
Gladsten: A pleasure to be of service to such a celebrated actress.
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Alecia: You’re too kind… Just drop by any time. Oh, there you are! We’re finally done. I’ll see you later, Gladsten.
Gladsten: This woman is a treasure, folks, remember that. Goodbye, and enjoy the house!

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Daniel: Grandma… I hear he’s a gold digger…
Danielle: It’s so big! And so tall…!
Daniel: Don’t be silly, mom. Have you seen how big the houses are around here?
Alecia: Of course he is. So let’s keep him believing there’s some gold to be found.

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Alecia: This has been quite a challenge. Jackson only drew the outside, and much of my time at the library has been spent trying to figure out the inside of the house.
Jackson: It’s fine, mom. I know.
Danielle: You should not work so hard Alecia, remember your age.
Alecia: My age is just fine, thank you. The ground floor is furnished, except for a couple of small rooms. Some bedrooms are done, but quite a lot remains. Let’s see how it looks from the back.

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Danielle: Lovely windows. Oh, it’s the kitchen! My goodness, it must be larger than the one at Memory Lane...
Alecia: It's the most important room the house, Danielle.
Danielle: I guess it is, but we rarely need to cook with you around.
Alecia: Somebody better start learning then. I won’t live forever.

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Alecia: I’m tired of the outside, so not much has been done here, but though it's dark, you can see...
Danielle: A pond, for Zaijian! That’s so nice. And he will love love the open space.
Alecia: The 4th floor of the so-called tower, your art studio, my dearest, has unobstructed view in all four directions.
Jackson: Of course!
Alecia: Let’s head inside, then.

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Alecia: Lady and gentlemen, welcome to House Celeste.
Danielle: Does it need a name? It’s a bit… pretentious.
Alecia: I certainly hope so.
Daniel steeled himself before entering. The house looked old-fashioned from the outside, and he harbored no hopes that its interior would be any different. His heart sank further when he first peered through the front door. The hallways were pink. The arches “homely”. This wasn't a modern home. Though the statue and the colors in the room farther in did look a bit... bewildering.

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What the… Had his grandmother done this? Whatever it was, it wasn’t old-fashioned. Or modern elegance. The colors looked a bit girly, and he having no idea if he liked it or not, he walked on in a confused state, towards living room number two…

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…which left him completely speechless. His mind completely blanked, he just stared at the poster for minutes, until woken by his mother’s voice from an adjoining room.

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Danielle: …like budget solutions, Alecia. How much did this house cost us?
Alecia: I spent every dime, and then some.
Danielle: Are we in debt?!
Alecia: Not exactly. Don’t worry about it, let’s have a look at the kitchen.

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Though the kitchen was more in a traditional style, it was… warm. Inviting. Daniel had a feeling he might come to like the house, and he knew for sure that he had, not for the first time, underestimated his grandmother.

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Alecia: The bedrooms, all spacious, are arranged around the hallway. The spiral staircase to the left leads up into the tower. I’m too tired to go up there.
Danielle: So that is where Jackson went…
Alecia: The other one goes to a large, window-less room that can be used as storage, or even a gallery. That’s it for me. My knees ache, and I’m exhausted, so I’m going to bed.

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Checking out his bedroom, Daniel found he had nothing to little to complain about. It was more traditionally “modern” than the other rooms, and he suspected she had taken his predilections into account.

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He couldn’t help thinking it looked like a hotel room, but he kind of liked that, and if it lacked a bit of personality, he’d have to provide it with one. Tomorrow was going to be a very important day. He’d take the first step in making a career for himself, and he had to be fresh, so it was time to hit the bed. His double bed.

Worlds Apart - Can Be Found Here

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  • Townie
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Re: Worlds Apart - Season 2, Chapter 4 - Close to Home
« Reply #29 on: July 26, 2017, 06:13:44 PM »
I’ll Come A-Knocking

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Flint MacDuff: State your name.
Daniel: Daniel Carson, Sir!
Flint MacDuff: I’m major Flint MacDuff. How long until you age up, Carson?
Daniel: Not long, sir! Prom tomorrow, sir!
Flint MacDuff: Right. At ease, Carson.

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Flint MacDuff: So, you wanna do your duty for Sim Nation?
Daniel: Absolutely, sir!
Flint MacDuff: You wanna join the 62nd airborne?
Daniel: Yes sir!
Flint MacDuff: There is no 62nd airborne. You don’t know much about our military, do you?
Daniel: Sorry, sir. I’ll learn.
Flint MacDuff: You’re still a civilian, Carson, don’t call me sir. Now, sit down.

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Flint MacDuff: Carson, I hope you’re not a dreamer. I’m sick of all the kids coming here thinking they’ll make it to astronaut.
Daniel: No, no…
Flint MacDuff: Just get it into your skull that you’ll never see space. I’ve been doing this for years, and look where I am: Behind this stupid desk.
Daniel: I’ll settle for that.
Flint MacDuff: A desk? That takes years Carson, decades, even.
Daniel: Oh…

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Flint MacDuff: Mostly you’ll be folding clothes. I hope you like folding?
Daniel: I can fold a mean napkin.
Flint MacDuff: Good. You’ll probably be stationed at the laundromat, to help out there.
Daniel: Eh, ok… But…
Flint MacDuff: Yeah? Spit it out.
Daniel: When do I get to train with a gun?
Flint MacDuff: A gun? There are no guns here, Carson. The 394th Irregular Reserve is a non-combatant unit, and we’re proud of it! Now then, let’s have a look at your qualifications.

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Flint MacDuff: These aren’t your final grades?
Daniel: No. The final grades are likely to be even worse…
Flint MacDuff: Are you joking, Carson?
Daniel: No, Sir. I mean…
Flint MacDuff: *Sigh* There’s not much to work with here. It’s like seeing my daughter’s report card. Youth today…

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Flint MacDuff: Do you have any military connections, Carson? Some family members high up?
Daniel: No… I don’t.
Flint MacDuff: Nothing? No uncle in the 41st Trenchdiggers or aunt who was formerly in the Naughty Nightingales?
Daniel: Nothing.
Flint MacDuff: I see. In that case, there’s very little I can offer you, Carson. You won’t even make the laundromat. The only thing I can offer you is being a latrine cleaner.

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Daniel: What?!
Flint MacDuff: You heard me. It’s an honorable job, Carson.
Daniel: You have nothing else?!
Flint MacDuff: No. Shall I sign you up?
Daniel: Forget it! I’m better than this!
Flint MacDuff: In that case, we’re done here. Stop wasting my time, Carson. Call in the next applicant, if there is one, on your way out.

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Having thrown off his stupid clothes, he sank into his hotel room chair to sulk. Latrine cleaner… Bah! No way would Maggie Donovan get the satisfaction of being right. So much for plan A, and he better come up with a plan B. Science, medicine and all that stuff was out. Too much reading. Education? Work alongside Maggie Donovan? Right… A copper? The one being sent to arrest Lynx when she had pinched something? No… Fighting fires sounded exciting, but a bit too dangerous. Sports was too exhausting, with games on Sundays and writing autographs for morons. He sighed, got to his feet, and walked around his room. He had to come up with something. He couldn’t cook anything, and music was out too. Acrobatics? Bah, he was stiff as a plank.

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Art was not an option. Wasn’t that the painting that used to be in the Sunrise Room at Memory Lane? Had Alecia hung it here as some signal, that this was the new bedroom of the heir? Since they still had the painting it had to be one of his father’s. A mansion filled with treasures, and all that had survived were all his paintings. Except for the one they searched for, of course… Hm. The one of the supposed girl in the nursery, wasn’t it? Hang on… That girl had to be from his time travels!

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Daniel: Wow, nice view pops!
Jackson: Of course. Soon ready to paint.
Daniel: Do you remember the girl in the nursery?
Jackson: Only what I told. No more.
Daniel: She was living there?
Jackson: I think so. She wasn’t happy.
Daniel: When… was this? In time?
Jackson: Don’t know. Backwards.
Daniel: Hm. Too bad we never got to see that painting.
Jackson: You can still see. I scanned it.
Daniel: Really? Can you send it to me?
Jackson: Of course.
Daniel: A shame it got lost, I can’t wait to…
Jackson: It was not lost. Aria took it. She burned it.
Daniel: What?? Why?!
Jackson: I don’t know.

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A fresh-faced young woman, or perhaps a teenager? Black hair, brown eyes. Daniel stared at the face, trying to wrestle some secrets from it. Perhaps there was something sad about her. He flicked through the portraits from the corridor and compared them to the painting. No match. In addition to Alexandria’s siblings, and her brother’s wife, the corridor was supposed to contain portraits of everyone who had ever lived at Memory Lane. If Jackson was right, why wasn’t she there? Had she done something so terrible that she had been completely erased from history? There was only one place to go and find out.

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Daniel: I want you to have a look at something.
Alecia: Very well, my dear.
Daniel: It’s Jackson’s painting, the one we couldn’t find. He scanned it.
Alecia: Good! I thought he might have.

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He kept a close watch on her face as he showed her the scan, and the result was more fascinating than he could have imagined. Like fast-moving, dense clouds, the emotions manifested themselves on her face. Sadness came first, followed by compassion, only to give way to anger, and finally, indignation.

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It was obvious she knew who the girl was, and it was equally obvious that Daniel wanted to know, and then the row got going. She fiercely warned him against digging in the past, and pointed out that she had said she didn’t want to talk about it. They had a new life now, and had to look forward, not backward. Why didn’t he use his energy on getting a job instead? He didn’t take that very gracefully, but as the row intensified, it was interrupted. They managed to ignore the sound of the doorbell, but not the sound of his mother’s voice.

Danielle: Daniel! Stop that ruckus! There’s a MacDuff here to see you!

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Walking to the door, he imagined that Major Flint had suffered a sudden change of heart, but it wasn’t the MacDuff he thought it was. It was her, looking strange in a new way. Had her father told her about the job interview, giving her more ammunition to scorn him with? At first, it seemed like she couldn’t even look at him, but Daniel told himself she was just acting.

Faith: I… leave in two days. Fashion school, overseas.
Daniel: So? Should I care?
Faith: There’s something… I have to do first.
Daniel: What?

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Faith: I want to ask you…
She took a deep breath, and then, red eyes met brown.
Faith: …to go to prom with me tomorrow.

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Daniel: What?! You got to be kidding…
Faith: No! I’m not… No!
Daniel: After the way you’ve treated me!
Faith: I know! I know! I’m sorry!
Daniel: This is a setup, just like Daydream was.
Faith: No! It isn’t! Buhuuu…

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Faith: Buhuuu… I’m sorry… I’m not evil! I’m not like that…
Daniel: No? You sure made me believe it!
Faith: I know! I’m sorry… Buhu.. I was just trying to seem bad...
Daniel: Bah. Don’t even try. You’re going with your snotty boyfriend.
Faith: He’s not! Bu… We just pretended.
Daniel: Right…

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Faith: It’s true!  And he can’t go.
Daniel: Can’t?
Faith: He’s finished, grounded, squared, gone, gooone! He’s square as a cube now. His father went mental over his bad grades.
Daniel: And what about Tristesse?
Faith: History. His father thrashed his guitar, forced him to cut his hair. I couldn’t play anyway… I’m just a fake! I can’t do anything, not even cast a decent spell!

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Faith: You see Daniel? I’m not the girl you thought I was. I’m someone else! Hehehe… Someone nice. Someone you can go to prom with.
Daniel: If I go, and I’m not saying I will, maybe I’ll go with Maria. Or Alice…
Faith: Yeah, yeah… Half the girls don’t have a date, I know that.
Daniel: Or even Emelie…
Faith: Meep! Wrong! She’s going with Waylon. Aha…

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Faith: None of them have asked you, have they?
Daniel: No. But I can…
Faith: They don’t have the guts! But I’m here, and I’m asking. Let’s turn some heads tomorrow, Daniel. You and me. You and me! They’ll never see it coming, it’ll blow their minds. Come on, you beat Tristan. I know you’re man enough. Have some faith.

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Daniel: I don’t…
Faith: Look, I have something for you. I made it myself.
Daniel: What…?
Faith: Something for you to wear, to prom.
Daniel: Thanks, I guess…

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Faith: You'll consider it? Please? Come on, please, please!
Daniel: Eeeh…
Faith: I’ll behave, I’ll be nice. I promise. When I leave, you won’t see me for years. Years! So, this is the one chance we have to make it right, right? Right.

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Faith: Call me, ok? Call me! We don’t have much time. Remember Daniel, we’re cruel to those we like. Don’t you see? Goodbye, Daniel…
When she was gone, he cursed himself for not turning her down cold. He should have been stronger, there was no way he was going with her. But she had been so pushy… Hm. What could be in the box? A bunch of old newspapers, and a note saying: “Gotcha, loser”?

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Not quite. Somehow, the thing matched the colors in his grandmother’s bedroom, and it looked decent enough not to be joke. Wow. Was Faith for real? But he couldn’t go with her… Could he?

Worlds Apart - Can Be Found Here

