Author Topic: 7 Toddler Challenge:Fare Thee Well, Toddlers! [Completed]  (Read 17473 times)

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7 Toddler Challenge:Fare Thee Well, Toddlers! [Completed]
« on: January 25, 2017, 12:52:18 PM »

I’d like to share two short challenges I’m starting as a means of toddler training. No, not only to train toddlers but more to train myself.
Combined, the two challenges will last roughly 50 days or about seven weeks, with the first challenge segueing into the second.

The goals of each challenge consist entirely of skilling and aspirations, making them both grind-y.
So, writing a wildly imaginative and entertaining story will be tough.
Still, if anyone should find any tidbits of interest in this short-ish thread, that would would please both my featured sims and me to no end.

The first challenge is the 7 Toddlers Challenge, created by James Turner aka TheSimSupply. You can find the challenge rules here.

The second challenge will be Pinstar’s Wonder Child Challenge.
The challenge rules, which have been updated for toddlers (extra points) and vampires (banned), can be found here.

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7 Toddlers and a Wonder Child: Chapter Index
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2017, 12:56:00 PM »

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7 Toddlers and a Wonder Child: Stats
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2017, 12:56:52 PM »
The 7 Toddler Challenge: Thrive!

Shota's Wonder Child

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7 Toddlers and a Wonder Child: Day 1 @Thrive
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2017, 01:11:23 PM »
1.1  Day One @Thrive

Week 1/Sunday

Hello, my name’s Shinya Mori. You might already know me as the twin of the Mori Legacy’s tenth-generation heir.
After my young adult birthday, the Simverse Center for Genetic Excellence offered me an intriguing job.
And that’s why I’ve moved here, on the island off Windenburg, with the aim of running a group home for gifted toddlers.

It’s Sunday but my charges won’t be arriving until Monday morning.
This gives me a day to prepare this lot and myself for the trials ahead.
In the morning, I substantially renovate the interior of the Pier Palace house, renaming it to “Thrive.”

Yeah, the first floor looks overly colorful for adults, but I have only my young charges in mind.
The back patio has become an outdoor playroom. I hope the kids will like it.

My living area is upstairs and I move the kitchen up here as well.
This frees up more room downstairs for the larger dining area with a second fridge.

Well, I’m not a builder, but thought you might like to see the house’s new interior layout to get a sense of what I'm working with.

After starting my mini-garden, I leave for the Desert Bloom Park in Oasis Springs in hope of earning points for reward traits.
While waiting for collectibles to spawn, I fish or socialize.

As soon as I get home, I have a light meal, hire a vegetarian caterer, then roam the island seeking more collectibles.

Luckily, I find enough crystals today to save two for a quick Energized boost.
The boost will, I hope, be a time-saver once my charges arrive.

My caterer, Jesmina Bheeda, is such a gem!
Nine eight-serving vegetarian dishes later, Jesmina leaves the premises a little after midnight. Wow!

Just as I’m about to go to bed, I hear angry muttering downstairs.

Shinya: What’s going on, Jesmina? I get that you’re a hotheaded sim, but the dollhouse?
Jesmina: It’s past 1 am but I can’t leave this lot!

Watchette: A google search reveals that door locking options exclude caterers and nannies from the “employees” category. Sorry, Jesmina!


Unnamed toddler: Heyo, wassup? I’ll be your guide for today.

When the seven of us arrive at Thrive, we find our caregiver out front waiting for us.
He introduces himself to us. Shinya Mori seems like a nice, gentle man.

He invites us inside but, dang, it’s rough to get around with zero Movement skill!
When we reach the front of the house, he starts carrying us inside one at a time.
That’s when we surprise him by crawling up those two stairs!

Let me introduce you to the rest of the gang.
Blonde Angel in green is named after his trait, while the black-haired Allure is a charmer.

Sitting on the sofa, there’s the turquoise-haired Indiana who’s independent.
Next to her is the violet-haired Deredere , so named because he’s clingy.
You’re familiar with the terms tsundere and yandere, right?

The orange-haired silly Sillz and brunette fussy Fuschia are chatting out in the back playroom.

And the seventh kid is me, Ken. I’m the only one that Shinya Mori adopted, so I’ll be calling him Papa.
Why did he adopt only me, you ask? Isn’t it obvious? Because I’m the cutest, duh.

Oh yeah, I almost forget to mention our nanny, Akito Yamaguchi.
We’re gonna call him Gramps. Papa needs to find out what Gramps’ traits are!

You’re probably wondering why Allure’s in the bathroom with us, with that creepy look on her face.
Apparently, she’s boosting her Thinking by watching the nanny.
There’s also a separate social for watching someone on the potty. Weird, huh?
Whatever. Angel does not look very happy about it.

I tried having a few kids using “Watch” and a few using “What’s this?” while assuming that they would have similar effects.
“Watch” boosted the Thinking skill quickly while “What’s this?” was just a waste of time.

We’ve only been at Thrive for about three hours so far, so we can barely do anything yet.
But now you’ve met everyone who’ll be around at Thrive for the next seven days.
And finally, here’s a parting shot of me and Deredere as we learn to walk.

Author’s Notes

Not moving the toddlers in until the second day is probably a challenge rule violation, but I’m fine with a little rule-breaking in this case.
In normal gameplay, I would not have parents raising kids without any reward traits.
Also, the objective of trying this challenge is to learn how to raise toddlers efficiently, not torture myself.

So yes, the caretaker has a day to himself to earn some satisfaction points, start a mini-garden, and hire the vegetarian caterer to stockpile meals for the toddlers.
The Steel Bladder, Carefree, and Never Weary traits infinitely improve Shinya's quality of life!

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Re: 7 Toddlers and a Wonder Child: Introduction
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2017, 05:24:54 PM »
Yay!  More from @oshizu!

I love that first picture of Shinya and Ken.  Shinya has great eyes.
The picture with the toddlers arriving in a single line had me laughing.  It's a really great moment with so many off balance.  I started to pick out my favorites from that picture.
The one with the orange hair and outfit really stood out(Sillz), so did the one with the long black pretty(Allure), and Ken with the white hair.
I scrolled up one last time...I really liked Ken's intent look when listening to Allure in the next photo. 
I really like the names you chose...very creative.
The very last picture with Ken way off balance is great.  Very nice photo captures!

I can't wait for more!!!

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Re: 7 Toddlers and a Wonder Child: Introduction
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2017, 06:03:03 PM »
You weren't kidding when you said it was colourful. Love the mosaic rug in the bottom left.
I think i've fallen in love with Allure, even with her creepy watching. She definitely is a little charmer.
Good luck Shinya (and watcher oshizu) with Thrive!

How did you make so many satisfaction points in one day?

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Re: 7 Toddlers and a Wonder Child: Introduction
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2017, 06:26:40 PM »
This is so adorable.   I love the picture of all the littles flailing their way in a straight line.  It looks like a really fun challenge, and I'll enjoy reading it.  Especially since I haven't had a toddler yet... I'm expecting to pick up a few tricks from you, I hope.  Very cool to see your CC on the toddlers.

Poor Jesmina, destroying the doll house in frustration!  After all the hard work she did, too!  Sheesh!

I must say though, I think your Gramps is a good looking old man. 
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Re: 7 Toddlers and a Wonder Child: Introduction
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2017, 08:07:15 PM »
Cute and useful! You've made my day! I love that this is going to be like a collection of oshizu short stories. I've already learned something, what with the talk about "Watch" versus "What's this?" and I'm very excited for what's to come.

I love all the names, but I'm very glad that Ken was the one adopted. He clearly has the best hair. :)

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Re: 7 Toddlers and a Wonder Child: Introduction
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2017, 07:02:06 AM »
Yay! Another challenge and with Shinya!
You've definitely got your work cut out for you. I tried the seven toddlers challenge (or something like it) a little while ago, and let's just say it didn't go too well. I had to take several breaks to get my mind back to normal. Yikes.
stories coming soon... my sims 3 is working again!
I am a pro lurker. If you are reading this right now, I have most likely read your story. Maybe I'll comment. No promises...

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7 Toddlers and a Wonder Child: Allure Exacts Retribution
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2017, 08:43:24 AM »
I’m glad you enjoyed the screenshots. It’s really silly of me to do a story for a mere seven-day challenge, but the toddlers are so darn cute!

The challenge creator declared that “money is no object” and made ample use of the motherlode cheat. So did I. This allowed Shinya to complete Fabulously Wealthy and the third milestone of Mansion Baron. After that, he went to Desert Bloom Park to start Curator. He also switched aspirations around and earned points from cooking, gardening, and fishing.
My goal is not to rise from abject poverty; I want to experience the different toddler traits and experiment with how to raise toddlers.

I’m trying very hard to avoid turning the challenge story into toddler spam, haha.
Poor Jesmina, indeed. I felt so bad about locking her inside the lot, but I’d assumed that allowing “employees” beyond the locked gates would include my caterer.
Yes, we lucked out with the nanny this time. We need to find out his traits.

I wasn’t trying to be clever with the toddlers’ names. They help me remember the tots’ traits without having to constantly click their Simology tab to jog my memory. I’m not sure how much you’ll learn from my challenge—more like the blind leading the blind…

Haha, this challenge is a little crazy but the toddlers are so cute. I did a practice run from Sunday to Friday, using a Gallery-imported daycare center which I remodeled. I figure if I can survive this challenge, dealing with one or two toddlers with parents (who are kitted out with all the skills and traits) would be a piece of cake.

1.2  7 Toddlers Challenge: Allure Exacts Retribution


Okay, it’s me again. I’m Ken, remember? The cutest toddler with the scruffy white hair?
So Papa and Gramps work really hard to teach all of us potty skills, but there’s only two adults.
Indiana lost out this time around. Papa has her “Use diaper,” so she doesn’t gain any potty skill.
Still, it’s better than a 4-hour Sad +2 Potty Accident moodlet! Four hours!
*whispers: 3 out of 6 of us end up with that moodlet because…boo-boos.

See that trashcan? We have, like, five around the house.
Papa likes them cuz he doesn’t have to empty the trash later. He even uses them for dirty dishes!

Awww, look at all of us sitting together. Papa says we’re multi-tasking.
We’re all listening to Papa read us a story, so we build Imagination while eating lunch.
W: Reading a story also fills their Attention bars which had tanked during our Potty Brigade.

After the story, we all stagger off to bed.
The supposedly independent Indiana still has a low Attention meter, so asks Gramps to tuck her in, the little wimp!
That’s me, the white kitty. Allure is the black kitty and Sillz is the brown cub.

On Monday morning, we all watched each other until reaching Thinking L2. Still, I wake up feeling very sad because of a nightmare.
Do I get comforted, like I want? No, Papa takes me to the potty instead.

But see my little smile? You’re looking at the first toddler to reach Potty L2! Now I can use the potty by myself!
But Papa, I’m still very sad. Would you comfort me, please?

Shinya: Since toddlers will sleep through the night after reaching Thinking L5, we’re hoping an early start on Thinking will help avoid the two-hour Sad +3 Had a Nightmare moodlet.
So, we’re prioritizing the Potty and Thinking skills.[/i]

Shinya: I confess I did something a little underhanded this evening. I asked our nanny to “Hang out” when he was about to go home.
Maybe I could start a club and invite him to join so our beloved Gramps would hardly ever leave?

Ken: Fussy Fuschia (in red) has a nightmare and wakes up around 10:30 pm. Her loud crying wakes the rest of us up, too.
And just when I’d finally fallen asleep, too! Thanks a lot!

Shinya: You can’t go back to sleep because you’re very sad, Fuschia?
Both Gramps and I are too busy to use the Comfort social on you now, so if you can’t sleep then take a nap, okay?


It’s past midnight but I wake up very sad after another nightmare. I blame Fuschia.
When I go to the bathroom looking for Papa, I see Gramps is still here. Why?
Shinya: Someone might have called a club gathering just as Gramps was leaving. *coughs

Gramps: Fussy Fuschia is still awake at 3 am. After her two-hour Sad +3 nightmare moodlet finally passes, she gets a three-hour Sad +1 Potty Accident moodlet.
Now I’m showing her the Basic Needs flash cards to boost her thinking.

And, yes, I’m still here. Strangely, I feel compelled to stay here, like I’m under a spell or something.
Shinya: Gramps, you didn’t need to stay in the bathroom for the flash cards! Ewww!

Shinya: Between my Dancing Machine and Never Weary traits, I hardly ever need sleep.
But, come to think of it, I should take a disco nap while Fuschia commands Gramps’ attention.
Gramps is a saint, I tell you!

Gramps: At 3:30 am, Fuschia finally releases me to waddle off to bed on her own.
You know, I’d been kneeling for hours on my bad knees on that filthy bathroom floor.
But can you guess what whim that brat rolls as she walks away?
“Ask Shinya to show flash cards…”

Shinya: I awake from my nap, but the sun still hasn't risen. *yawns
Would it be presumptuous of me to buy an extra bed for Gramps? Nah…

The plants in my mini-garden can be harvested finally.
Just like for older sims, toddlers can eat a veggie, fruit, or herb to gain a 4-hour Happy +1 moodlet.
And Happy is the best mood for leveling Communication or Thinking.
Since I’m a busy sim, I divvy up the plants directly into the toddlers’ personal inventories. Self-service ftw!

Shinya: Heading downstairs, I’m surprised to find four very sad but very awake toddlers because…you guessed it, nightmares.
Every toddler woke up crying because of a nightmare at least once, some even twice.
Maybe we need to try getting them all to Level 4 Thinking today. Maybe.
(For an independent toddler, Indiana sure follows Gramps around a lot!)

Deredere (purple): Angel (green) and I build Thinking by watching Sillz.
Sillz: Make them stop, Uncle Shinya! It’s creepy!

Shinya:  By the way, Gramps’ traits are great! He’s an Active, Self-Assured Art Lover.
Since Gramps has been hanging out with us so much, I add Bathe/Shower to our club activities.
This prompts Gramps to take a bath with puzzling results.
Sillz: Gramps, are you cos-playing a deep-sea diver cuz of the wallpaper?

Shinya and Fuschia (in unison): You got something you wanna say?

Shinya: The maid arrives at last! Of course, he ignores the filthy bathroom!
Instead, he puts away all the toys and tablets that I deliberately left out. *sighs

Allure: Since our maid isn’t being that useful, I “invite” him to teach me Shapes on the nesting blocks.
Shinya: Good work, Allure! I’ll finish cleaning the bathroom in 15 minutes, but you can keep the maid busy for hours!
Hmmm, maybe add him to the club, too? Nah, that would be too much…
You can tell by the icons, but Shapes boosts thinking while Stack boosts Movement.

Allure: When we finish with Shapes, the maid prepares to leave so I can’t do any socials with him.
But I have an ace up my sleeve. I pull out my Charmer-exclusive move: <3 Share the love!

Allure: Now the maid’s accessible again, so I ask him to teach me Basic Needs using flash cards, also to boost Thinking.
Hudson Goode, you foolish man! You never stood a chance!
This story’s become more about how to cheese the challenge than how to actually raise toddlers, lol.

Gramps: As of 3 pm today, everyone has reached Potty L2. No more potty training!
Also, four out of seven toddlers reach Thinking L3: Allure, Fuschia, Indiana, and Ken.

Ultimately, Allure persuades the maid to teach her Shapes using the blocks twice and Basic Needs using flash cards once.
Way to wrap that lazy maid around your little finger, girl!

Ken: We’re all so excited! Papa says he has a surprise for us because we all learned to potty by ourselves!
What? We’re going to visit our second home? A home away from home? Where exactly are we?

Sillz: What are these things, Ken? Are they pigs with cat ears?
Ken: Duh, they are bats, Sillz! Haven’t you ever seen a bat before?
Sillz: They’re ugly! I want my Uni and Drago!

Shinya: Okay, Gramps is here, too, so let’s all go inside.
Ken: What the heck is this place, anyway?
Allure: I dunno, but I like it! Kinda matches my dress, don’t you think?
Angel: Where’s the potty?

Stay tuned for more skilling, cheesing, and silliness in the next update.

Author’s Notes


I put together an Excel scoresheet for the 7 Toddler Challenge that conforms to the recently updated scoring of the toddler segment of Pinstar’s Wonder Child Challenge. Rather than using the scoresheet for high score, I find it useful for comparing the toddler’s relative skill levels. It shows at a glance how many skill points each toddler has, which helps me decide how to accommodate the different toddler traits and which traits fit my playing style better.

Anyway, I’ll leave my scoresheet attached to this post for a limited time, if you’re interested.
Be forewarned that I’m not an experienced spreadsheet designer, but the scoresheet seems to work okay for me.
There are drop-down lists for choosing traits. To check of a skill level, type 1; to clear the box, type 0 (zero). For the bonus traits, input the numerals provided.
*TS4 7Toddler Challenge

Forgotten Hollow

So I made this little house as a second home for the Thrive peeps because I wanted to play with the new vampire-related build/buy objects. Shinya bought the house as a retail store.
Someone cycloneic on our forum posted about a vampire gatecrashing their sim’s house and turning them drinking their sim's blood.
Do you know? Should I be worried about Shinya and Gramps staying here without garlic protection?

It’s just a change of scene for a bit of fun. The toddlers won’t be visiting Vlad or anything like that. No, probably nothing of the sort. That would be bizarre.

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Re: 7 Toddlers and a Wonder Child: Allure Exacts Retribution
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2017, 09:19:02 AM »
I'm really learning a lot about Toddlers reading this. Sillz has it right, they do look like pigs with cat ears  ;D

I posted about Vlad gatecrashing my Roomies household and drinking from Mitch. I really hope they can't turn you autonomously too! The two most annoying things with the drinking was 1. Mitch passed out for a few hours after and 2. No one else in the household was allowed to wake up until after Vlad had finished. So on my advice, i don't think it matters if you are in FH or elsewhere but i would Garlic up!

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Re: 7 Toddlers and a Wonder Child: Allure Exacts Retribution
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2017, 06:01:45 PM »
Wow, I feel like I'm learning a lot of little tricks.  I still don't have my first toddler yet... but it sounds like nightmares are a huge deal!  Luckily I now know that they can always "nap" if they can't sleep.  Clever!

haha, poor Gramps.  Why wouldn't you put a bed for the poor fellow!  Sheesh!  I think he is adorable in his helmet, bathing Sillz.  But my favorite picture is the one of Ken sitting in his bed with the huge grin on his face.  I love Allure pulling the maid into her little trap.  Way to go! 

I'm looking forward to seeing this new house.  I'm not getting the vampire pack, not for a while at least.  Seeing as I don't play outside of my dynasty right now, it just seems like a better idea to wait for it to be on sale. I will live vicariously through yours.

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1.3 7 Toddler Challenge: Teach Me, Uncle Vladislaus!
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2017, 11:35:12 PM »
Thanks so much for sharing your experience about vampire break-ins. I just wanted the group to spend a few days here because I made the little house, haha.
Now the caretaker is researching vampire lore and growing garlic, rofl.

Nightmares are so disruptive. The first night six of them slept straight through the night was divine!
You know, I never used nannies much before toddlers, because my pre-toddler nannies were so lazy and useless.
But the post-toddler nannies are super, or at least the two I've had so far have been great.  I wish I could ask Gramps to move in!
This challenge is supposed to about the seven toddlers, so it won't be very helpful for vicariously experiencing the Vampires Game Pack.

I did manage to get really off-track with the challenge this update but it's surely a different facet of the vampires that other players are enjoying.  ;)
Almost forgot that this is the 7 toddlers challenge, lol.

1.3  7 Toddler Challenge: Teach Me, Uncle Vladislaus!


Shinya: At cyclonenic’s urging, I embark on the path to all things garlic by studying Vampire lore while the kids eat.

After a quick scan of the neighborhood, I discover three garlic plants have sprouted as well as several wolfsbane plants.
I am frantically rereading the Vampiric Encyclopedic Tome, reaching Vampire Lore L4.
One more level before gaining the ability to craft garlic-protection goods!


Shinya: At midnight, I get a text message from some stranger named Vladislaus Straud, something about my scrumptious neck!?
My first reaction is to immediately lock the front door. That’s when I see him!
Angel: What do I do, Uncle Shinya?
Shinya: You know the drill, Angel. Ask him to help you with Shapes! Keep him busy!

Shinya (internally): Really? Bat form to move, like, three yards to the nesting blocks?

Gramps: On the plus side, Vlad appears not to hate toddlers.
On the minus side, Shinya needs 40 more points to reach Vampire Lore L5 and we have no garlic.
Shinya: Well, we can always have the toddlers keep spamming “teach me” socials at Vlad to keep him away from our necks.
Gramps: Oh, right. Like having an extra nanny!

Shinya: It’s 2 am so he’s been here for two hours now. Why won’t he leave?
I don’t know what his game is, but he better not wake up the kids.

Allure: Now that I’m awake, it’s my turn next. I start out with my ole faithful: <3 Share the Love.

Allure: Thanks for helping me with Shapes, Mr. Vlad! I’m almost Thinking L4 now!

Shinya: I’m absolutely terrified by the sight of Gramps giving the death salute, but it’s only a pathing issue.
Watchette had accidentally deleted the door to the adult toilet. Phew!
By the way, Count Creepster finally leaves at 4:30 am. I hope Allure totally wore him out!

Shinya: It’s 7 am now and nobody had nightmares all night, thank Carl.
No one, that is, except Sillz whose Thinking skill is still only L2.
Also, the garlic seeds I ordered and planted last night have sprouted.

Ken: I look outside and see the Fengs strolling by. Don’t they have jobs?
And I also see a new plant: the Sixam Mosquito Trap. Now Papa’s going to want one!
Papa, can we go outside for a short walk?

Ken: Papa reads to the five of us until we all reach Imagination L2. Then, we’re off and running—um, wobbling—to the plaza.

Fuschia: Look! Allure’s maid stalked her here! I’m pretty tired, so I’m going back to sleep.

Deredere: Where are we going? It’s like we’re circling the fountain.
Ken: That’s exactly what we’re doing. Hey, I bet you can’t catch that pigeon!

Ken: All that time walking around outside didn’t do much for our Movement skill!
I ask Papa to “Play” with me so I can get Energized, but I’m too sad from my Potty Accident moodlet.
Shinya: Don’t worry! (Eat one of your tomatos and) Be happy!

Papa traded that scary pipe organ for a stereo so we can now bob to the music.

Deredere (purple): Get with the choreography, Ken!
Indiana (turquoise): Yeah, Ken. You’re supposed to look right at the bridge!

Ken: I enjoyed going outside for a change this morning but my Movement skill barely increased.
Now, Deredere’s Energized (from a bath) and I ask Papa to teach me dancing.
After bobbing to the music for a while, Deredere and I are the first to hit Movement L3.

Shinya: Our vegetarian caterer, Jesminder Bheeda, phones to ask about joining my club with Gramps, also named Thrive.
I must confess that I’m sorely tempted, but I manage to resist and regretfully refuse her request.

Shinya: I notice from afar that the wild garlic plants are ready and go harvest them.
While roaming the neighborhood in search of more wild garlic, I discover my first plasmafruit tree!

Shinya: I return home with 18 garlic bulbs harvested from the wild plus 3 more from my garden.
I craft two garlic braids (5 bulbs each) and one garlic wreath (10 bulbs).
If only I had two more braids and three more wreaths! Then, I might feel we’re safe from Vlad…

Shinya: It’s only 8:30 pm and Sillz still doesn’t have a full Energy bar. But I wake her up anyway to teach her Basic Needs using flash cards.
Sillz: But I’m so sleepy!
Shinya: I’m not letting you settle down for the night until you reach Thinking L3.

Sillz: I did it, Uncle Shinya! I’m L3 now!
Shinya: Yes, and as the notification message informs us, you will now sleep better through the night. Yay!

Gramps: It’s 10 pm now. I wonder if that Vladislaus fellow will come around again tonight.
Shinya: I certainly hope not, though two garlic braids and one wreath seem hardly sufficient.

Gramps: Hey, look over there in the plaza, Shinya. That’s Caleb Vatore.
Shinya: Who’s that?
Gramps: A vampire who lives here in Forgotten Hollow with his sister, Lilith.
Shinya: He’s gorgeous. I guess if I had to be bitten, I’d prefer Caleb over Vlad…


Shinya: Well, it’s 1:30 am now, so I guess we’re safe tonight! Vladislaus didn’t text me at midnight like before and we do have our garlic objects.
Gramps: Yeah, we can just relax until dawn.

Meanwhile, outside…(is it just my imagination or does that bat doll look angry?

Skilling Recap

I’m calculating one point for each skill level. All five skills maxed would be 23 points.

•   Angel (Angel): Comm L1, Imagin L2, Move L3, Think L3, Potty L2 = 11
•   Allure (Charmer): Comm L2, Imagin L1, Move L2, Think L3, Potty L2 = 10
•   Deredere (Clingy): Comm L3, Imagin L2, Move L2, Think L3, Potty L2 = 12
•   Fuschia (Fussy): Comm L2, Imagin L3, Move L2, Think L3, Potty L2 = 12
•   Indiana (Independent): Comm L2, Imagin L3, Move L2, Think L3, Potty L2 = 12
•   Ken (Inquisitive): Comm L2, Imag L3, Move L3, Think L3, Potty L2 = 13
•   Sillz (Silly): Comm L1, Imagin L2, Move L2, Think L3, Potty L2 = 10

That makes 2 toddlers with 10 points, one with 11 points, three with 12 points, and Ken with 13 points.
The Happy Toddler bonus trait requires Level 3 in all skills, while the Top-Notch Toddler trait requires all five maxed skills.

I’ll definitely end up with seven Happy Toddlers, but seven Top-Notch Toddlers will be a real stretch.

Thanks for reading!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: 7 Toddler Challenge: Teach Me, Uncle Vladislaus! (01/26)
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2017, 12:51:13 AM »
Ah! Training a new crop of Dancers, I see! Good thinking! It pays to start them early, I'm sure. :)

I cannot stop giggling at you making your toddlers the first line of defense against vampire attacks. Nor can I stop laughing at the fact that it worked! Thanks, Uncle Vlad!

That shot of Shinya holding Ken aloft is the cutest one yet!

Not surprised to see the Fengs wandering your neighborhood. Their last name being so similar to "Fang" and their preference for dark formal clothing makes me wonder if at some point they were considering making vampires part of City Living and having the Fengs be vampire townies. I definitely turned them the first chance I got. :)

Congrats on your Happy Toddlers! I'll keep my fingers crossed that a couple of them turn out Top-Notch!

Offline Caterina

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Re: 7 Toddler Challenge: Teach Me, Uncle Vladislaus! (01/26)
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2017, 01:00:29 AM »
I am really enjoying your story and all of the pictures.  "Get with the choreography, Ken" had me giggling.  Your toddlers are so stinkin' cute.