Author Topic: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *New Updates* 07/08/2018  (Read 90027 times)

Offline wfgodot

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Star and The Atoms* 03/27/17 Updated
« Reply #300 on: March 27, 2017, 05:50:24 PM »
Aw, I love Kian reading Star the story. 
All that stuff she said about science.  I can't follow.  LOL.  You go, Star.  I think you'll definitely make everyone at school go crazy with your smarts.

I love the last picture of Sean with his ambrosia.  That's a high dollar plate right there. 
The house looks really cool!
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Offline sdhoey

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Science and Fish* 04/7/17 Updated
« Reply #301 on: April 07, 2017, 09:44:36 PM »
Damien: I'm not gonna be a Nuclear Scientist! Why do I care about Radioactivity? Much Less what types they are and if they have credit cards.

Star: Really? Radioactivity occurs when an atomic nucleus breaks down into smaller particles. There are three types of particles: alpha, beta, and gamma.

Damien: But why do they need credit cards?

Star: Oh man,  is the mohawk got to much gel in it? They don't mean "credit cards", Alpha particles are positively charged, beta particles are negatively charged, and gamma particles have no charge. The particles also have increasing levels of energy. Alpha has the lowest energy, beta has a bit more, and then gamma is the fastest and most energetic of all the emission particles.

I think your daughter is giving Damien a science lesson. I think the spikes on his mohawk just fell.

Sean: Better him then me. *laughs* That girl has a brain in her head.

Have you been in the make up?

Star: No, Why would you say that?

You have stripes on your face.

With that she heads to the observatory.

Damien: Jeeves, that girl has a brain in her head. She made my brain hurt last night with all the science stuff.

Sean: *snickers* That's my girl

Damien: Does that mean I'm stupid?

Jeeves: Hardly, You have different taste and different interest is all.

Damien: *eating* I guess so.

Jeeves: Hmmm, Yep,

*drinks medicine*

Star: I get to stay home today because I'm sick. The principal says to get better.

Well aren't you special? Better?

Star: *inhales* I'm starting to feel better now.

Star: Now to launch off to space and study the stars.

Sean: Oh I want to go to Willow Creek and fish there. But I'm so sluggish.

Well, drink a moodlet solver and go.

Sean: I was going to do that. Just getting myself together.


Over at Willow Creek---

Sean: These critters are jumping like frogs.

Sean: I need a nice Catfish.

Sean: But a tuna will be fine.

Sean: Those burgers are smelling so good over there at Hogans.

Well, you don't have time. Get to fishing.

Sean: Maybe I'll head over the Willow Creek Park. Maybe it's better over there.

He finally caught a treefish.

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Offline wfgodot

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Science and Fish* 04/7/17 Updated
« Reply #302 on: April 08, 2017, 04:44:23 PM »
Really cute chapter!  Star is so smart.  Poor Damian, I feel for you dude.  It would make my mohawk fall too, if I had one.

Poor Sean.  I relied really heavily on moodlet solvers back when I was early into the dynasty.  It was rough.  Luke basically never slept or ate or anything for a while!  Moodlet solvers only!

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Offline sdhoey

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Kids* 04/08/17 Updated
« Reply #303 on: April 08, 2017, 09:13:29 PM »
Damien: Hey Star Bright, you feeling better? Missed you at school today.

Star: I'm better, I got to working on my skills and be a kid. It was so much fun, but I did miss school and seeing you in the halls.

Damien: You missed me? Cool, Then my Star Bright still loves me.

Star: *sighs* Oh Damien, I'll always love you.

More just because I can pics of the bay...

Kian: She's back to the watching us for no reason.

Sean: shh pops, I'm trying to concentrate.

Sean: Now that's what I want to do ...

Welcome home.

Star: So this will help me get focused for my homework?

Yep, bottoms up.


Why are you so sad looking?

Star: Damien's birthday is coming up and he will be an young adult. He wont have time for his Star Bright anymore. *sniffles*

Kari: I just love to come in here and paint. It's so inspiring. Relaxing also.

Damien: Hey Star Bright, I heard what you said and just so you know, I will ALWAYS have time for my Star Bright. Now matter what.

Star: We will see, let's just finish our homework.

What are you painting? Looks nice and bright.

Kari: Not sure yet. I'm winging it as I go.

Oh no!! Not you too?

Damien: I'm itching. What's wrong?

Your sick too

Star: Just finished making emotion potions. I need to log it all in my notebooks.

I just love how graceful this looks sitting there.

Damien: Why are you hiding in the weeds?

Man, your good.

What's wrong?

Damien: I'm going to become a young adult soon. I'm not ready to that. It's so scary.

Damien: I was hoping that walking down here would help me clear my head.

Everything will be fine. You will do great. You will be a Superstar in the music world and who knows, maybe you will fall in love.

Damien:*sighs* I don't know. A certain little girl has had my heart for a while now. No one can take her place.

Sean: This thing is a great money maker for us. I just love coming working it. Something about the dirt under the your nails.

Sean: I just hate this trash plant. It's so nasty.

Kian: You know what? I'm so proud of that boy. He's doing great. A good father, husband, and over all great son. His mother would be proud of him.

Offline oshizu

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Kids* 04/08/17 Updated
« Reply #304 on: April 09, 2017, 03:03:49 AM »
Wait, whaaatttt?
Damien and Star will not be marrying!? Tell me that ain't so!

P.S. I don't comment every time but I'm always reading.  :)

Offline sdhoey

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Kids* 04/08/17 Updated
« Reply #305 on: April 09, 2017, 07:55:02 AM »
Wait, whaaatttt?
Damien and Star will not be marrying!? Tell me that ain't so!

P.S. I don't comment every time but I'm always reading.  :)

Who said that? Where? I didn't say that, did Kian say that? I'll kick his rear end.

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Kids* 04/08/17 Updated
« Reply #306 on: April 09, 2017, 02:13:44 PM »
Oh good! *breathes a sigh of relief
Star Bright was feeling sad about the age gap and I started worrying!


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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Good Grief* 04/09/17 Updated
« Reply #307 on: April 09, 2017, 05:42:10 PM »
Kian's quick POV...

Hello ladies, I just wanted to show you what I've been doing. Also that just I'm old and not in the front lines that much anymore, I can still look great.

My photoshoot that I had.

Lookin good right?

Nice legs huh?

My eyes are like the sky.

Okay, enough of his self centered old man self....

Aren't they so cute? They do their homework together.

Damien: I don't feel all to good.

Not again. Go get some juice and drink it.

*drinks orange juice*

Damien: tastes great, but will it work?

Damien: *shyly* I feel better already. Are the spots still there?

Nope they are gone. You look alot better.

Star: This is quite fun, not as fun as my experiments but it's fun.

*watching news*

Kari: The news is so depressing.

Kari: I'd rather watch a horror movie than that stuff.

Star: *nervous* go away please.

Star? Honey, are you not feeling good again? Your checks are red.

Star: Please just go away, I'm fine.

STAR MCGRAW!! You've been into the makeup!!

Star: I just wanted to look pretty for him. Like the other girls at school.

Star: But it didn't turn out to good. *sniffles*

Offline sdhoey

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Birthday Bowl Pt 1* 04/09/17 Updated
« Reply #308 on: April 09, 2017, 08:36:41 PM »
Damien: Oh wow Mrs. M, are you sure you need Mentoring? Your good.

Kari: *plays guitar*

Damien: Sounds good, finger form is great.

Kari: *plonk, bonk*

Damien: Er, nevermind what I said, I'll continue to mentor you.

You look happy today.

Star: I did the math and realized that I'm gonna be a teen in few days. *grins*

Why are you home from work this early?

Kari: *snarky* Like you care, But it's my birthday. I just aged up. Thank you very much.

UGH!! I seem to be forgetting this a lot lately. Sorry

Kari: *laughing* I'll forgive you this time.

Kari: I'm going to go and bath and change for tonight. Unless you have forgotten that it's also Damien's birthday, and we are taking him out.

Kari: I feel gorgeous. At this age and I still got this body.

Damien: I can't believe that today is my last day of school and homework.

Enjoy it because tomorrow you have to start with Adult responsibilities.

Damien: You just have to go and ruin it.

I still say they look so cute together.

Star: *thinking to self* He will always be my Damien. *sighs*

Star: What is this place dad?

Sean: Welcome to Oasis Springs first Bowling Alley. Happy Birthday Damien.

Damien: Selfie time. This place is so cool. Is that cake for me?

Sean: Sure is. I made it before we left.

Sean: I'll just add the candles and we can eat and then have some fun.

Happy Birthday Damien!! And that cake looks great.

Sean: *smiles* Thanks.

Damien: *blows*

Kari: I can't watch this.

Kian: Watch that ceiling with that spiked up hair.

Damien: WOW, I don't feel any different.

Kian: Just wait, it will happen. Trust me.

Star: Dad, this cake is great. I love your cooking.

Sean: Thanks honey, I love cooking for my family.

Star: We love you more daddy.

Damien: Thanks Mr. M.

Sean: Call my Sean. That old man over there is Mr. M

Sean: Well I'm gonna go and get ready to hit the lanes.

Damien: Hey my little Star Bright, you wanna go hit the lanes with me?

Star: Sure, I like hanging with you Damien.

Time for some Midnight Bowling:

Offline sdhoey

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Birthday Party Pt 2* 04/09/17 Updated
« Reply #309 on: April 09, 2017, 09:02:42 PM »
First up is Sean McGraw,

He aims, he throws.

And it's a strike.  ;D  8)

Next up is Kian, His form is kind of lose. He throws..

He misses...   :-[

Damien leans in low, lets the ball go, But refuses to let me post the results ...  ;)

Kari is up and we won't discuss it.  :P

Sean is up next again.

He throws,

He misses.  :-X

Star decides to take a shot, we will leave to it.  :-[

Kian does a trick shot,

He makes a strike and does a dance.

Damien final makes a strike  8)

Mother, daughter time.

Sean throws more than the ball in the air.  :o

He land on his face.  :'(

Damien rolls a perfect ball.

It's a ringer.

Star is as good as Damien.

Sean and the strikes.

Kari finally gets her perfect..

And that's it for midnight bowling.

 But not before Kari falls on her face.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Birthday Party Pt 2* 04/09/17 Updated
« Reply #310 on: April 10, 2017, 12:24:15 AM »
Hey there, Kian! Looking good, man. You've still got it!

Kari's looking great, too. I love her all-white outfit. So pretty.

Poor Star! Oh, honey. Something tells me Damien likes you just fine without makeup.

Loved all the bowling shots! Some of that looked pretty painful, but I'm sure it was also very fun. :)

Offline wfgodot

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Birthday Party Pt 2* 04/09/17 Updated
« Reply #311 on: April 10, 2017, 06:19:54 AM »
Wooo!  Happy birthday Damien!

I loved Star with the make up.  Don't worry Star, my girl did the exact same thing to impress an older boy.

I like the bowling pack a lot, so I enjoyed seeing your sims bowling.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to have my next party there, too.
I have yet to see any of mine do any trick shots though!  Or dancing!  Then again I'm usually all over the place trying to get screenshots so maybe I just miss it.
Some of your angles had me giggling though.  Loved the one of Star on the ground from a distance, and also the behind view of Sean about to face plant.

Looks like you have a few who refuse to wear bowling shoes, also :)
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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Birthday Party Pt 2* 04/09/17 Updated
« Reply #312 on: April 16, 2017, 04:15:56 PM »
Star is absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait to see her all grown up!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Kari: How much longer till I'm done here?

Damien: 5,4,3,2,1. That's it. We are done. I have completed my Aspiration with your help. Thank you.

I'm gonna have to get rid of that makeup table. I have locked that door and you still find a way to use it.

Star: I know right? I don't even have to get up and go into the room. But I'm getting better.

Working on another song?

Damien: Yep, my first one is making a little bit of royalties so I'm gonna get to working on some more.

Damien: The first one was for my dad.

Star: Don't say a word. Just turn around and leave.


*brushes teeth*

Star: *mumbles* Stupid makeup mirror. I think it's possessed.

Star: Now I have to take a bath.

Jeeves: Miss Star you are quite the lovely lady without all that stuff on your face.

Star: Can it Jeeves, not in the mood.

Star: I'm sorry, I'm just tired of being a kid. I am ready to be a teen.

Jeeves: Only a few days out now.

HEY!! A new outfit. Does this mean you got a promotion?

Sean: Yep. I am a level 10 Chef now. Maxed my career. EVerything is complete.

Then why the long face?

Sean: Because I'm still a ways out from elder and can't eat my stuff yet.

Enjoy it and watch out for your friends.

Kian decided he needed to go and take a nap.

Poor thing was tired.

Damien: Congrats Mr. M. You have worked so hard and your food is the best.

Sean: Thanks Damien. I'm glad you like my cooking.

This is Sean and Kari's room. Pictures of Kari and Star as a toddler and the wedding.

Kari: My baby is going to be a teen soon. We are getting old.

Sean: Don't remind me.

Sean: Hey sweety. How's your day?

Star: Fine, I'm starved.

A few pics of the little family.

The happy, cute couple.

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McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Completing Things/PlantSim* 04/16/17 Updated
« Reply #314 on: April 16, 2017, 05:50:28 PM »

part 2

Damien wanted to start a club gathering for Ishaan's Kids. Looks like Annabeth and Kash are in need of a makeover.

thomas is so rocking that mohawk still.

Giancarlo and Anaya are cleaning the fish tanks.

Sean: You guys are growing up so fast. It's so good to see you.

Annabeth: Good to see you brother.

Kash: You too. But can you tell me how to get my hair to grow?

Lynn: Look at you Annabeth. You've gotten so big.

Kian left to go and put Ishaan's urn out at the cemetery .

Kian: Man, I'm getting to old for this. But someone has to see that all the family is laid to rest together.

Kian: Ishaan, I promise to see that your kids are doing good. Damien is having them over as we speak.

A quick view of one of the fountains.

The centerpiece in the walkway.

Back at the house.

Kain: Hi, is the Jasime?

Kian: Good, I was wandering if you could come over and tell me about this tree thing?

Kian: Good, something to get me out of the house for a bit.

Jasmine: Great another dynasty founder without a life that wants something to do in his elder years.

Kian: So, all I do is find this Plantsims, that are green, ask them for a magic bean?

Jasmine: That's right. You have a tree stump in your inventory that you place and as you collect the different ones, you place them. Water and a magic doorway will open. There you will find the forbidden fruit.

Hailey Bjergsen, one of Ishaan's kids. She is at the park when Kian and Star arrive.

Kian: I feel stupid standing here looking for green people.

first up is Aadhya Joyson.

Kian: Aadhya, Please, please, can I have a magic bean?

Aadhya: Hmm, I don't know Kian.

Aadhya: Sure, here you go.

Kian: I'm da man.

Along came Ishaan's first baby momma. She is an Adult now.

Kian decided to collect before going to Oasis Springs.

Star: Oh hey Hailey, I didn't know you were gonna be here.

Hailey: I didn't want to play alone anymore. I really wanted to get to know you better.

So they did some cloud gazing.

Look who showed up.

Jeeves: I am allowed to go out every now and again.