Author Topic: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *New Updates* 07/08/2018  (Read 89989 times)

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Bruise Ego and A New Guy* 02/08/17 Updated
« Reply #150 on: February 09, 2017, 06:35:27 AM »
Very nice form, Kian.  I especially loved the face plant!  You look like you just gave up! 

The mysterious pollinator.  What's with these guys hating kids?  Mine does too!

I do like his look though, the pink hair suits him. 
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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Weird Pink Hair Dudes* 02/09/17 Updated
« Reply #151 on: February 09, 2017, 12:40:08 PM »
Jade: This is so nice. You know I kinda like you.

Ishaan: I like you too.

Jade: I think I have something in my eye, can you look?

Ishaan: Sure.

*first kiss*

Jade: *flirty* That's what I was hoping for.

Ishaan: Hope about we do some steaming of our own?

Jade: *giggles* The hotter the better.

*hearts. music, giggles*

Jade: That was amazing, but again but this time without the watcher.

Ishaan: Bug off watcher.

Luna: Yes, we would like the have a butler sent to the house please.

Voice: Yes ma'am one will be there ASAP.

Kian: I didn't think we were those kind of people honey.

Luna: I thought it would be fun. It's not like it's gonna change who we are.

The agency sent over this dude. He also have pinkish hair. Plus when did Butler come built like that?  :o

I hope you find everything to your liking?

Butler: We shall see madam. We shall. I'm off to do my inspection of the property now.

Wow a white glove test. Geez..

Butler: Cleanliness is next to Metroliness.

Yeah, umm okay then.

Butler: HAHA!! Just as I suspected. Dirt.

Um yeah, it's OUTSIDE!!

Butler: Bugger off.

Anyways, before I ship him back off to agency. Kari is upstairs putting on a puppet show for no one.

Kari: Oh Sean, you are so cute. Will you be my boyfriend? Sure Kari, and someday we will be married.

Another view just because I like it. lol

Sean: So pink haired dude? You live here now?

Ishaan: Yes little dude, I live here now, the names Ishaan.

Butler: Afternoon Master Mcgraw.

Sean: Whaooo. Two weird pink haired dudes. Cool

Sean: So weird pink haired dude #1, wonna come to the park with me and Kari?

Ishaan: Sure little dude. Let's go.

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Weird Pink Haired Dudes* 02/09/17 Updated
« Reply #152 on: February 09, 2017, 12:55:23 PM »
I love your butler. Wish I could have...actually, I think I can.
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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Weird Pink Haired Dudes* 02/09/17 Updated
« Reply #153 on: February 09, 2017, 01:05:25 PM »
AW YES BUTLERS!!! I love butlers! They are so useful! YAY!!!

Sean is priceless! ""weird pink hair dude #1"!

You know that your a sims addict when you read the amazing stories on the forum instead of studying. Can't wait!
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Re:McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Friends, Parks & Yoga Poses* 02/09/17 Updated
« Reply #154 on: February 09, 2017, 01:32:34 PM »
Arriving at the Park:

Gardener: Oh no here comes those Dynasty kids.

Sean: Hi I'm Sean and this Kari.

Gardener: Hello, So whats bring you two out to the park today?

Kari: We are out making friends and raising our social skills.

Wolfgang: Hi kids, I'm Wolfgang Munch, I work with your father Kian.

Sean: Cool. I'm Sean and this is Kari.

Kari: Sean is my best friend in the whole sim verse.

Sean: You know Kari.

Sean: Hey Atharv, how are you?

Atharv: Hey Sean. I'm good.

Atharv: Hey Kari, good to see you too.

Sean: So everyone this is my friend from school, Atharv.

Everyone: Hi kid..

This is Atharv's mom, Aahana.

Ishaan: Well hello there beautiful.

Aahana: Well hello there yourself handsome.

Sean: Is that your mom?

Atharv: Yea, I wonder who she's talking too?

Sean: Oh that's just Ishaan. He lives with us. He is pretty cool.

Next Stop Oasis Spring Park.

Sean: Yeah, I'm out making friends with Adults, I have my aspiration to complete.

Kari is working on her motor skills..

Johnny: Hey little dude. Thought I would get in some fishing after work.

Sean: Hey Uncle Johnny. It's a great night for some fishing.

Johnny: When are you gonna start your fishing skills?

Sean: Soon I promise. I want to finish this social skill.

Johnny Good job son. I think I just became your first adult friend.

Sean: Yep. you did.

Sean: So that's the Llama way.. Uncle Johnny??

Johnny: Yes?

Sean: Doesn't that hurt?

Johnny: Nope can't feel a thing.

Next Day:

Hey, nice picture of the rocket.

Luna: Thanks. I was hoping it would come out better.

Ishaan: So Aahana, have you ever thought of just letting your hair down and having fun?

Aahana: Oh yes, But what do you have in mind?

Ishaan: Well we have a nice steam room downstairs, we can go and relax there if you?

Aahana: *shyly* Steam? With you? Sure..

Aahana: Wow, this is really nice. I feel so relaxed already.

Ishaan: Yep, I love to just come in here and relax.

Aahana: I know of some exercises that you can do in the steam room to loosen up.

Ishaan: *face drops* Exercises?

Aahana: *flirty* Yes. would you like me to show you?

Ishaan: Sure anything you want.

Ishaan: *makes a move* But I must warn you that I am pretty flexible.

Aahana: *blushes* Well then we shouldn't have a problem with the yoga poses I have in mind.

Ishaan: Yoga?

Offline wfgodot

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Friends, Parks & Yoga Poses* 02/09/17 Updated
« Reply #155 on: February 09, 2017, 02:08:37 PM »
Nice, so much pink hair.  Hey, only a real man can pull off pink.  Matt will tell you so.

But really, awesome butler!  Why would you send him back!!! 
Very cute puppet show from Kari.

I enjoyed watching Ishaan work his magic at the park lol.  Poor Sean and his friend.  Good thing they don't understand what's going on.  Although I suppose the other boy might start figuring things out when he gets a sibling with pink hair.

Nice to see Johnny spend some time with Sean.  We were treated to Kian with Kari when she was still a toddler. Always cool when the best friends make an effort for each others kids.
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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *More Women For Ishaan* 02/09/17 Updated
« Reply #156 on: February 09, 2017, 03:17:33 PM »
Aahana: *flirty* Well you have to get really relaxed first. Get up close and personal with your point of interest.

Ishaan: Like this?

Aahana: That's right..

Ishaan: Aaaand, does this help you to relax?


Aahana: Oh yes. That's right.

Ishaan: I'm a quicker learner. (not a trait)

Ishaan: Will this help?

*first kiss*

Something tells me that helped alot.

Ishaan: Wow, who knew yoga was this fun?

Sean: Mom do we have any real books? Like about vampires or werewolves?

Kari: Oh cool. Yeah, that would be cool. Like that show on tv where the guys hunt and kill the demons and everything.

Luna: Um? No, I don't think that would be appropriate for you. You might get nightmares.

Sean: Am I really gonna marry Kari when I get older?

Luna: Oh Sean, that's so far away. But we hope that's what happens. We only wants what is best for the family and the future.

Sean: Is this something that has to be done for every generation?

Luna: No son. It is not, so you can let your children do what they want.

Ishaan: Oh I Jade, umm, you look good today.

Jade: I thought I would drop by and tell you that I'm pregnant.

Ishaan: Okay, that's nice. I'll call you later. I'm heading out.

And here comes Cassandra... That was close.

Cassandra: Was that Jade Rosa?

Ishaan: Oh yes, She was looking for someone that used to live on the land.

Cassandra: *hugs* It's been awhile since I have seen you.

Ishaan: Well the hospital was busy, but now I live here and have plenty of time for my friends.

Ishaan: I have forgotten just how cute you are.

Cassandra: Oh Ishaan. Stop that. You're making me blush.

Ishaan: Blushing looks good on you.

Ishaan: So this is the steam room. I like to come here to be alone and think.

Cassandra: Ouch, I think a lash went in my eye. Oh gosh, this hurts.

Ishaan: Calm down Cass. Just look up and blink..

Cassandra: Okay that's better.

*sneaks in for a kiss*

Cassandra: Oh..

Johnny: Has anyone seen Ishaan?

Kian: I think I seen him go downstairs with Cassandra.

Kari: Gross. He's weird..

Luna: Everyone grab a plate and eat.

Wear are your clothes? Not that I'm complaining but I don't remember you swimming.

Butler: Madam, that beast of a plant attacked me.

You ate the cake didn't you? Never eat the cake.

Butler: The beast was offering. Bugger off.

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Hugo and Max* 02/09/17 Updated
« Reply #157 on: February 09, 2017, 03:55:08 PM »
I have been wondering where you have been hiding.

Kian: I'm out here just playing with my latest reward from work. It's nice to be able to just come out here and practice.

Well don't spill that coffee into the machine and have fun.

Candy: So how was school today kids?

Sean: I am almost to an A.

Candy: That's great sugar. What about you honey?

Kari: Teacher says I'm gonna be at an A also. I just need to work on my math more. 

Ishaan: Why do I have to stand here and to a mirror again?

It builds up your charisma. That helps you pick up the ladies.

Ishaan: Okay I gotcha.

He is just so darn cute.

Johnny: I know you're there watcher. I can feel you staring at me like a piece of meat.

Well you shouldn't go fishing in your swimming trunks. Not my fault you put it out there for everyone to see.

Johnny: Oh hang on, I caught something.

Johnny: UGH!! More seaweed.

Butler: Hello Mistress Zest. Can I get you anything? A drink or some sweets?

Kari: No thanks. But you talk funny. Just call me Kari.

Luna: So how are you and Hugo getting along since pop died?

Max: Luna, you don't know how much weight has been lifted off us.

Max: Hugo took the money Kian paid for the house and land, bought the new one and paid off all of dad's debts. When he passed we were debt free.

Luna: That's great Max. I'm so happy for you guys.

Max: My question is are you truly happy? Does Kian really make you happy?

Luna: Yes he does silly. He's everything I ever wanted.

Luna: He works hard for everything we have. He loves his son. He loves me and he cares for his friends.

Luna: When are you and that big brother of mine gonna get out there and find women of your own?

Max: Don't hold your breath on that one.

Max: So how about a hug for your little brother?

Luna: Oh come here brat.


Max: Who me a brat?

Luna: Come with me and we are gonna change those clothes.

Max: But? What's wrong with my clothes?

Luna: You look like a little kid.

Max: is this better?

Luna: Is that is much better. Consider it my gift to you.

Max: That's right, I'm da man.

Hugo: What's going on down here? Whoa, like the new clothes bro.

Max: Your turn and don't argue with her.

Luna: That is much better also. Hugo you look great.

Hugo: Yes I do. I feel like a million bucks.

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Hugo and Max* 02/09/17 Updated
« Reply #158 on: February 09, 2017, 06:14:48 PM »
I really have to admire Ishaan. He's got his routine down, and he's expert at the whole "make her think she's the one seducing me" thing. Bravo, my pink-haired friend, bravo!

Bless you for making over Max and Hugo. Luna is a very good sister.

I do hope you'll hang onto that butler for a little while longer. His off-duty outfit is amazing! I have so many questions! :)

Offline wfgodot

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Hugo and Max* 02/09/17 Updated
« Reply #159 on: February 10, 2017, 07:27:05 AM »
Your butler... lol.  He just really impresses me.  I think of this giant pink haired bearded fellow in his short shorts and bandana, and all his muscles, being gobbled up by the cow plant.  I don't know why it makes me laugh (because I'm weird?) but it does.

Look at Johnny!  The working out has really paid off for him! 

While Ishaan is doing just fine for himself, have you considered a club for the pollinating?  Less talky, more woohoo?  Like they can literally hop into bed together whilst barely knowing each other. 

The Villareal boys look much more put together now.  It was cool to see Luna interacting with them.  Don't see the abandoned family too much once our dynasty sims steal somebody.  LOL.
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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Hugo and Max* 02/09/17 Updated
« Reply #160 on: February 10, 2017, 10:07:39 AM »
Your butler... lol.  He just really impresses me.  I think of this giant pink haired bearded fellow in his short shorts and bandana, and all his muscles, being gobbled up by the cow plant.  I don't know why it makes me laugh (because I'm weird?) but it does.

Look at Johnny!  The working out has really paid off for him! 

While Ishaan is doing just fine for himself, have you considered a club for the pollinating?  Less talky, more woohoo?  Like they can literally hop into bed together whilst barely knowing each other. 

The Villareal boys look much more put together now.  It was cool to see Luna interacting with them.  Don't see the abandoned family too much once our dynasty sims steal somebody.  LOL.

It was funny because I thought he went swimming then I noticed the Cowplant's udder was full. So I had someone milk it and it was his essence. LOL The funny thing is, he keeps doing it. LOL

Well I have already went for Lot traits. So I do believe clubs are out for me. Unless it's different for Spares.

Luna has been getting a lot of calls from her brothers so I thought it would be nice to have them start coming over and being part of the family.

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Hugo and Max* 02/09/17 Updated
« Reply #161 on: February 10, 2017, 01:48:55 PM »
I thought your pink-haired pollinator was a rare catch, then you go and end up with a pink-haired butler, too.
That crazily buff butler looked so hilarious in his swimwear in the garden, but still in the butler "I'm at your service" pose.
And his thighs are huge! Can he mentor fitness? lol

Speaking of Ishaan, he seems to be deeply serious about his work. May he sprinkle your simverse with dozens of rainbow-haired daughters!
Max Villareal looks so different in different simmers' games! I wonder if he gets cuter when one's sims treat him nicely...

Sean continues to be little heartthrob...

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Fishing with Johnny * 02/12/17 Updated
« Reply #162 on: February 12, 2017, 07:19:44 PM »
After school the kids are in Magnolia Promenade to meet Johnny for some fishing time.

Johnny: Oh oh oh, I think it's a big one, I can't see it because the sun is  in my eyes.

Johnny: Oh great, a stupid chest. With another mysim in it.

Sean: Did you see that meat at lunch today?

Kari: Oh man, yes it was gross.

Sean: I thought it was gonna get up and walk away. One time I thought it was breathing.

Sean: But I took my milk carton and put it over so I didn't have to look at it and my carton started moving.

Kari: Hey Sean? Before we go fishing with my dad, you wanna cloudgaze some?

Sean: Sure, why not.

Kari: Oh did you see that one? It looks like a Unicorn.

Sean: *Sighs* It's whatever you say it is Kari.

Sean: *sighs* This is nice, *cough* lets go fishing now.

Kari: Boys!!

The kids are on their way over.

Johnny: Great, let the fun begin.

Johnny: OH it feels like a big one. Oh man, it got away.

Kari: Hey dad, catch anything good?

Johnny: I caught a gummy fish thing.

Sean: Cool.

Sean: Uncle Johnny, will I be as good a fisherman as you?

Johnny: One day Sean. You need to get your skill level up more.

Kari: My dad's the best fisherman in the whole sim world.

Johnny: Now honey, I wouldn't say that. Hang one this is a big one.

Johnny: Now that's a nice big tuna.

Kari: I hope I catch a pretty fish. Some of these are just so ugly.

Sean: Wait!! Uncle Johnny!! I got one, I got one!!

Johnny: Hold it steady. Reel it in slow, let it think it's in control then bring it in.

Sean: Oh wow, Look at that bad boy that thing is huge.

Yes it is. It's bigger than one Johnny caught.

Johnny: Rub it in watcher, rub it in.

Kari: Daddy daddy, I got something.

Johnny: Easy honey, you need me to do it for you?

Kari: Bugger off daddy, I got it.

Kari: Cool, My first fish.

Johnny: My daughters first fish is bigger than my fish. That's just wrong. Make sure you guys drink your moodlet solvers before leaving for school.

Kari/Sean: We will, see later..

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Everyday Life* 02/12/17 Updated
« Reply #163 on: February 12, 2017, 07:43:51 PM »
Luna: I am loving this wallpaper in here. It's so soothing.

Thanks. I am glad you like it.

Luna: it makes my workouts less stressful.

Ishaan: Hey Erika, what's going on? How are you?

Erika: I'm fine, missed seeing you around the town.

Ishaan: Your looking good as always.

Erika: Well what can I say? I keep you with my workouts.

Erika: Now this is more like it Isy. You know I like the steam rooms.

Ishaan: Do you have my new digits yet?

Erika: Not yet, let me get my phone.

Erika: There it's all in there and sealed with a kiss.

Erika: My my! Is my Isy gotten shy on my lately?

Ishaan: Oh know, by all means I have not.

Erika: Well I didn't come all the way out here just to sit here and sweat my cute little bum off.

Ishaan: *blows a kiss* You always knew how to get my blood flowing girl.

Ishaan: *gazes into her eyes*

Ishaan: *moves in for the kill*

And the rest is history..

They both have A's in school now.

I see you have maxed gardening and you have finished the Freelanced Botanist Aspiration.

Kian: Yep. Just need a couple of parties, my career and friends.

Ishaan is learning to direct some of his energy toward other things.

I see you're working on your fishing skill and aspiration.

Sean: Yep, Maxing the skill is easy. But the aspiration can take time with me being in school.

Getting her skills and aspirations out of the way.

Johnny has maxed writing a long time ago. He is three promotions away from maxing his career. His books are bring in a great income.

Luna and Ishaan have taken to the mediation room to learn the wellness skill, when they are not with others.

But mostly she likes to workout with Kian and spend as much time as she can with him.

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Relaxing the Gases* 02/12/17 Updated
« Reply #164 on: February 12, 2017, 08:18:13 PM »
Candy: *twirls* Oh boy a massage from my honey.

Johnny: Come on up honey. Settle in.

Candy: Oh Johnny, that feels great.

Johnny: Just relax. I got this.

Johnny: I little chop chop chop.

Johnny: Some hot oil.

And we cut to the lab to work with Kian today:

Kian: Gotta get this satellite finished today.

Hmm, I wonder if he's related to Artie?

Kian: Now to clone a flower. Oh what fun.

Kian: *chuckles* I just love using my ray gun at work to change people's clothes.

Kian: Cloning is done correctly. Finished for the day. Closer to my promotion now. Hopefully it will come tomorrow.

Kian: *sniff* OH Luna!! What did you eat for lunch honey?

Luna: Well honey, a lady has to release it every now and then, get over it.

Kian: But honey, it's stinging my eyes. I need a gas mask.

Kian: Now I'm gonna start again, Please relax everything but your hiney honey.

Luna: Shut it Kian McGraw!!

Kian: Does that feel good honey?

Luna: Yes that feels wonderful my love.

Luna: *giggles*

Kian: Sorry, I forgot you are ticklish.


Johnny: Can I workout without all the commentary?

Fine, I'll go away.

Yeah we really need to work on his choice of clothing at times.

Kian: This punching bag is the bomb.

Luna: I'm just enjoying the view from down here.

Showing off for his girl.

Johnny: Wow, you still look hot in that bikini after all this time. You can serve me my drinks like that anytime.

Candy: Why Johnny cakes!! Are you flirty?

Johnny: Just stating the facts ma'am.

We have room for four sims in the mediation room. Side view with all four in it.

Above view with them in it.

Kian: Hello? Party central? This is Kian McGraw, I would like to throw a party.