As the call to arms sounded, three majestic champions rose to the challenge. Full of honor, pride, and courage, they strode confidently to the forefront to overwhelm all obstacles which would dare to stand in their way, and no doubt, in the end they would stand victorious!Pippin: Yes. It would be nice if I had heroes like that for this challenge. Instead, I get these ridiculous fellows. First off, we have our mansion baron bloodline founded by Waldorf Peregrine.
Waldorf: I am ready to face the long, hard struggle of living in opulence, marrying someone beautiful and charming, having my name forever carved into the digital wall of the Hall of Fame, and achieving immortality through being in an unplayed household.
Pippin: So nice of you to make such a sacrifice. Next, we have our retail bloodline founder, Gaivan Took. Who
nose knows what will happen with him?
Gavian: Funny. Like I haven't heard
that one before.
Pippin: You literally
just came out of CAS, I'm positive you've never heard that one before.
Gavian: Way to flesh out the story, Pippin.
Pippin: Anyway, our final founder is heading up the alien bloodline, Plipnorp Pipps.
Plipnorp: Look! I'm a normal Sim just like you and totally not an alien!
Pippin: You are so not ever going to fool anyone ever.
Pippin: Per the rules for starting this type of dynasty, the first day is basically split amongst the founders to get jobs and build their homes. I'm skipping the getting jobs part until they have each gotten enough points for the connections reward so they can start their jobs at a higher level. First off, let's see how Waldorf's 5 hours and 20 minutes went (because if you take the amount of time available in the 8AM-midnight span of the first day, that's how it evenly divides, or to put it more succinctly, because math).
Pippin: Here is Waldorf's very modest and efficient starter home.
Waldorf: I believe you mean, "Here is the initial construction progress on Waldorf Estates.
Pippin: Okay, let's go with that. Anyway, Waldorf heads off to Oasis Springs to the Rattlesnake Juice Bar.
Pippin: Good job, champ! You found a redhead right away! Marry her now!
Waldorf: So, Angela, you say your husband's name is Aaron and that you two have a lovely youngster, huh? Well, I must be moving along now.
Pippin: Well, I'm still sure you and her hair would have made lovely nooboos (pouts).
Waldorf: I'll check out the scenery inside.
Pippin: Siobhan's pretty and has an awesome Irish name.
Waldorf: Indeed. Not sure if I feel the spark, though.
Pippin: If Candy could look away from the TV long enough to acknowledge you, she might be a good option.
Pippin: Ooooo! Izumi and her hair are single! And with no children! Marry her and her hair right now!
Waldorf: Well, there seem to be
several great spousal and social options here. Let's gather lots of people together to chat in a logical and safe spot to chat.
Waldorf: So, pretty light traffic today, eh, ladies?
Driver of the Car: (honk) Get out of the way!! (honk honk)
Angela: You realize this isn't actually safe, right?
Candy: I can respect a risk-taker.
Pippin: Ah, yes. Cloudgazing in the street. Always a good plan. So, is Candy the one?
Waldorf: Maybe. Oh, who's this?
Angelica: I'm lovely, and these are my abs.
Waldorf: Ooooo. Abs.
Elaine: And this is my beautiful face.
Waldorf: Oooooo. Face.
Pippin: And we leave Waldorf to his confusion and head off to check in on Gaivan.
Pippin: Again, an efficient set-up.
Gaivan: Well, once the store is bought and built, I'll be spending most of my time living there.
Pippin: True. Gaivan heads off to Windenberg to begin his search for a spouse.
Gaivan: A coffee shop. Surely I'll find a number of lovely ladies here.
Pippin: Yes. Or coffee. Either way is a win!
Gaivan: Hello, lovely barrista! Are you married?
Alice: Well, as my hyphenated last name should have suggested, yes I am.
Gavivan: I'll rephrase that: are you
happily married?
Alice: Hehe, you are a persistent one, aren't you?
Gaivan: It's one of my many virtues.
Gaivan: Well, hello you lovely red-haired minx you!
Pippin: Sorry, Gaivan, she's already married and has at least one child.
Gaivan: Okay, and?
Pippin: Umm, that should be a deal breaker?
Gaivan: Eh, break up the marriage, move in the whole family and have extra workers for the store. Win-win.
Pippin: Not sure you know what "win-win" means.
Gaivan: Time to hit a dance club!
Gaivan: Well, you just might be the most beautiful this general vicinity.
Jade: Nice! You know, I like a guy with a sense of humor.
Gaivan: Well, if I find one, I'll let you know.
Jade: You are hilarious! You should come meet my roommate, Eva.
Gaivan: Sounds like a plan!
Gaivan: Ah, the famous Eva, even lovelier than I'd imagined.
Eva: Oh, aren't you just a charmer?
Gaivan: So, ladies, are you familiar with the concept of a primary and secondary spouse?
Pippin: No! That's a legacy thing. This is a dynasty. Not part of this challenge!
Gaivan: Also not against the rules of this challenge, Pippin.
Pippin: Yes, but...ummm...that is...
Jade: Who's this "Pippin" character?
Gaivan: My Watcher.
Eva: And he's in favor of this primary and secondary spouse thing?
Pippin: No!
Gaivan: He says he most certainly is.
Pippin: No! Don't believe him because he's just manipulating things since he knows you can't hear me and...oh, that's right, you can't hear me. And with that, we move on to check on Plipnorp and his horrendous attempts to pass as "normal."
Plipnorp: Look! It's my very normal Simhouse!
Pippin: That is actually fairly normal looking, though the roof does seem a bit high?
Plipnorp: It's to help hide the rocket in my back yard!
Plipnorp: See? Now no one will catch on to what I'm doing!
Pippin: Oh. Yeah. I'm not sure that will work. You know, a Sim wlaking by, like that one over there...
Plipnorp: A neighbor?!?!? I'm going to go say hello like a normal Sim who's totally not an alien!
Pippin: Umm, aren't you forgetting something?
Plipnorp: What? Am I supposed to bring her flowers?
Pippin: Flowers? No. Your disguise! Put on your disguise!
Plipnorp: Oh! Right! And it's totally believable, because I'm wearing a hat!
Pippin: And he's blue.
Plipnorp: Hello, fellow regular non-alien Sim! My name is Plip...I mean...Phillip!
Siobhan: Nice to meet you Phillip. I'm Siobhan. What's that you're working on in the backyard?
Pippin: I told you so.
Plipnorp Phillip: You mean my rocket ship? Isn't it awesome?!? Do you want to help me work on it?
Siobhan: Really You'd let me do that?
Plipnorp Phillip: Sure!
Siobhan: This is so cool! I'm glad I ran into you, Phillip. you're certainly unique, but a really cool guy.
Plipnorp Phillip: You're uniquely awesome too, Siobhan, but not in a way that would indicate that you're not a regular Sim like me. (whispering to his Watcher) I think she's perfect, Pippin! I'm totally going to marry her!
Pippin: No! She's not an alien! The rules specifically say that an alien must "marry only another alien."
Plipnorp Phillip: I'm sure deep down she's an alien.
Pippin: No. That's not a thing. If story progression decides to be miraculously cooperative and turn her into an alien, fine, but otherwise no! You'll marry an alien and you'll have beautiful little alien babies.
Plipnorp Phillip: Okay, as long as I can have the babies with Siobhan.
Siobhan: What? Were you talking to me?
Plipnorp Phillip: Yep. I was just saying you're doing an excellent job at this, Siobhan.
Siobhan: Thanks!
Pippin: (facepalm)
Notes: I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge huge amounts of debt to Nutella and Oshizu for, intentionally or otherwise, helping me understand how Sims 4 works better. Basically, I'm the noob having only had the game itself for barely over a week now.
Nutella's Blonde, Brunette, or Redhead rivalry dynasty basically set out the exact blueprint for how I'm approaching this dynasty and took it from something I'd quietly try at home without posting because I was sure I'd just fail to feeling like maybe I could really do this (hence this post exists).
Oshizu's Mori Legacy really helped me understand how the dynamics of Sims 4 really works. I definitely had a clearer idea of what to expect from the game and how to respond to it simply from reading about the Moris.
Additionally, the primary and secondary spouse concept also comes from my reading of that Legacy and may have been the part that confused me the most, so I decided to carry the silliness of my failure to comprehend it into this story.
Huge thanks to both of you!