Author Topic: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Completed  (Read 110345 times)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 13
« Reply #195 on: February 14, 2017, 05:45:00 PM »
Great start, Olive! Your photography is beautiful, and I hope its value is enough to buy you some furniture!

Why so many athletic spouses? Is it easy to get them promoted or do their daily tasks without controlling them?

Farewell to Marcos, and also to Shimizu, as I assume he won't be coming to the new house. You were both great!

Aarush is a cutie, even when he's getting grumpy about Olive's texting habit. :)

Offline MarianT

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 13
« Reply #196 on: February 14, 2017, 07:14:06 PM »
I suppose I've had so many athletic spouses because they've had the active trait, and if you set up a treadmill, they'll gain fitness. Charisma is a little harder -- I've occasionally put one of the skill books in their inventory.

Now that I've changed Aarush's hair, he looks better to me. I still don't know how to pronounce his name, but assume the double A is like that in Aaron.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 13
« Reply #197 on: February 15, 2017, 10:09:52 AM »
Chapter 47 -- The First 10 Points and Free Day

Hi! I'm Olive and this is my husband Aarush. He's much better looking now that I've married him. He says it's because he's happy, but I say it's because I made him get a haircut and grow a little goatee. I'm going to be telling you all about my life in this blog -- can you believe I get a salary for doing that?

This is our house. As you can see, there's not much furniture. There wasn't anything when I moved in with Aarush, and I had to sell off all the paintings I'd done to buy what you see here. We added a bathroom but otherwise the structure is the way we found it. The lot has the Bracing Breezes trait, which is great for Aarush because he's active and plans to become a pro-athlete. Unfortunately it also has the Grody trait, which means that there's always this peculiar smell that makes us feel nauseous sometimes. Aarush thinks there's a problem with the sewers, but so far he hasn't been able to get anyone to come and take care of it.

Right after we got the furniture delivered (most necessarily, the bed), I was able to give Aarush the good news that I was pregnant. He was really happy about it, even though he doesn't have a job yet. If it's a boy, we're going to name him Johnny, after the founder of the dynasty I'm in. We haven't decided on a girl's name.

This is my mother Vivian, just as she became an elder. She used to go by Vivi, but she says that now she's an elder and a famous painter, she prefers to be called by her full name.

And this is me and my friend Erika, eating at Villa Bovine. One problem with being pregnant and living on a grody lot is that you feel nauseous all the time, not just occasionally. So Aarush suggested that I get out of the house to eat. Erika tends to be gloomy so I tried to cheer her up with a joke -- "Why did the vampire like the newspaper? Because it had good circulation." She didn't get it, so I had to explain it to her.

Here am I, painting my svelte husband and feeling very pregnant. At this point I was sure that I was carrying triplets, if not quadruplets. Incidentally, I just want to assure all my followers who remained with me that I will not be advertising on this site again. I lost about a hundred of you (and I do hope  you all forgive me and come back), and the company stiffed me on the fee they promised.

And here she is -- little Joanie Zest! I was at GeekCon with Vivian and Aarush when all of a sudden I felt this intense pain. Luckily, I didn't go into labor until after I finished my attempt at the Ultimate Gaming Test. I didn't win any prizes, but next time, for sure!

There was only one baby, so I have a lot to get rid of. I honestly don't know where all the fat comes from -- I stick to fish tacos, even though the smell makes me want to vomit. (Rest of rant deleted because apparently it made some of you readers uncomfortable. Please come back. I won't complain anymore, I promise.)

Aarush has been a big help. The first time he got to Joanie before I did, he didn't know what to do. He tried shushing her, cuddling her, cooing at her, and talking to her before he finally figured out that she wanted a bottle. But the second time, he caught on to the fact that her diaper needed changing right away.

He also helps with cleaning. I really appreciate that because, as you can tell by the potty chair in the foreground, we're going to have our hands full with a toddler pretty soon.

Finally, one day, when the suspense was killing us, little Joanie's bassinet began to sparkle...

...and the next thing we knew, there she was!

She's an independent little thing, and she made it quite clear that she didn't want my help with using the potty chair. She's not talking yet, but her body language is very expressive. I'll have to get a picture of her with her arms crossed and her chin jutting out. It's annoying at the time, but it's adorable, too.

One good thing about an independent toddler is that she can feed herself when both Aarush and I are still asleep, provided there's some food available.

Joanie is already showing an interest in the garden, and I think she's going to be a lover of the outdoors when she gets a little older.

Even though she's independent, she still wants a hug sometimes. Aarush is her go-to person for that (and mine, too!)

I suppose every toddler has a tantrum now and then. I think she was mad because she'd been looking at a book too long, or maybe she was tired of her blocks. Anyway, it was soon over, and then she was crying because her dollies' house had been destroyed. Luckily, it's pretty easy to put back together, and I build handiness skill while repairing it.

We ended the day with a story about dinosaurs -- "Rex Trex."

And now my stats, if anyone's interested -- I got a point for a gold wedding, a point for gaining a level in logic, 2 points for maxing painting, 2 points for becoming good friends with Joanie and Erika, 2 points for gaining satisfaction, and 2 points for my two promotions, for a total of 10.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 15
« Reply #198 on: February 15, 2017, 12:12:56 PM »
I can't believe you got this far so quickly. I went back and checked your chapter index to count your pictures of the heirs.
So, Joanie Zest is your tenth and final heir?

Congrats to the happy couple on their nooboo/toddler.
What a shame that the BFF house is empty but the floor plan looks great for a small family! And lots of gardening space.
How nice that Aarush autonomously cleans and looks after Joanie!

Joanie is such a cutie!
I loved the shot of Joanie with a trowel in hand. Is that the "Play in" action (which I've seen but never used)?

And once again, your heir seems to be earning the points very quickly!
I look forward to seeing how the house changes as they earn more income and how Joanie turns out.
In terms of this challenge, I imagine Independent must be on the best toddler trait you could roll.

Offline MarianT

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 15
« Reply #199 on: February 15, 2017, 12:50:23 PM »
Yes, Joanie is the 10th, and I agree that Independent is the best trait for a toddler in this challenge. So far she doesn't seem to be making faster progress on her skills, though.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 15
« Reply #200 on: February 15, 2017, 01:41:03 PM »
This is great. I love Olive's Blog, particularly the parts she has to edit or delete to avoid losing readers! Very funny.

Joanie is super cute! I love that she's sort-of named after Johnny.

The house is looking great considering what you had to start with. I didn't even recognize it as the BFF household until oshizu pointed it out. Houses look really different unfurnished!

Offline MarianT

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 15
« Reply #201 on: February 16, 2017, 08:38:04 PM »
Chapter 49 -- The Second 10 Points and Free Day

I'm going to show you all the amusing and entertaining things I've done followed by all the amusing and entertaining things that Joanie has done. I'm starting with this picture because there's nothing more amusing than watching someone else repair and clean a toilet.


I went to the Flea Market on the weekend. I picked up an armchair, a couch, a desk lamp, and a toy for Joanie. They had a really comfortable desk chair, too, but at $9850, it was more than I could afford. The person selling it said that it used to belong to the head of a foreign spy agency, but he couldn't tell me which one.

That evening I went to the Blue Velvet Nightclub, where I sent a shout-out to my friends @oshizu  and @FrancescaFiori . Did you know that shout-outs can bring in 1500 followers? They're really useful when you're trying to get to 10,000.

And now for toddler spam -- Joanie splashing me while I'm trying to give her a bath.

Joanie crossing her arms.

Joanie dancing.

And Joanie hugging and talking to her stuffed bear.

This was when I first realized that my little girl might not be little much longer, when she started eating with a spoon instead of her hands.

Even an independent toddler like Joanie wants attention sometimes and can really lay a guilt trip on you for neglecting her.

Of course, the guilt trip lasts about 10 seconds.

And then she's ready to PLAY!!!

Mom came over to teach shapes one afternoon when I really needed a nap.

And Aarush took her outside for a while. Coming back to the house, Joanie showed him the proper way to go upstairs.

And then she snuggled with dollie.

Later that night, she was laying down the law to me about something.

I didn't get her what she wanted right away, so she was cross...

...until she got up on the couch like a big girl. (Note: Joanie always has to do everything like a big girl, which isn't always easy because let's face it, she's not a big girl.)

I think this outburst was the result of too much time spent with blocks.

But eating her first apple made her happy again.

And then we tried identifying flash cards. I think this is supposed to be broccoli. Or maybe a tree? (Okay, so I'm not as intelligent as a three-year-old.)

Mom came over a little while later. She's getting on in years, so I try to see her every day.

Mom also wanted to be on hand for a very special event.

From blocks to homework -- life is tough, but Dad is always willing to help.

And this is our very self-assured child finishing her first art work. Joanie plans to be an Artistic Prodigy.

Joanie was a big help to me, maxing potty training and imagination for 4 points. I maxed the photography skill for 2 points and gained 2000 satisfaction points. Aarush was promoted at work, and I gained another point in logic for the grand total of 10.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 16
« Reply #202 on: February 16, 2017, 09:42:48 PM »
I'm so flattered that Olive considers us her friends, while thanking her for the tip about shout-outs. :D

Joanie is really a cutie! Did she seem throw tantrums less than the previous toddlers because of the Independent trait?
Toddlers shift moods so quickly! It's hard to keep up! But wow, Joanie earned almost half the points this time!  And she makes such expressive faces!

Ahhh, they grow up so fast! Joanie as a child looks very serious so far. How lucky for her (and clever of her watcher) that her birthday landed on a free day!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 16
« Reply #203 on: February 17, 2017, 12:43:22 PM »
Wooo! I got a shout-out! Thanks, Olive! I got a virtual re-tweet for that!

That must have been one amazing chair at the flea-market! I think the one you get at the top of the business career is pretty nice, but I didn't remember it being that expensive. I think that vendor is looking for suckers. Good work, Olive, on not being taken in!

Joanie the big girl is so adorable! She's clearly the one in charge. I love her lecturing her Mom at the desk! I guess she's earned the right with all the points she contributed this week!

She's cute as a child, too. Love the hat!

Offline MarianT

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 16
« Reply #204 on: February 18, 2017, 04:20:49 PM »
Chapter 49 -- The Third 10 Points and Free Day

Aarush didn't take long to get his next promotion. I can't help wondering if it's the same llama suit Dad had, or if the colors are different.

He really is a great husand, and I should take more  pictures of him, except I don't like the idea of thousands of viewers drooling over  him while he works out. Sorry, ladies, he's mine. Mom and I agree that we had the best spouses of the dynasty (we don't discuss which of Marcos and Aarush is better). Sadly, Mom is no longer with us, and I failed to get her tombstone for the cemetery. I've had several texts from her ghost, though, congratulating me on promotions and things, so I know she's not mad.

One night Joanie came into the study to tell me that there was an ugly lady in her bedroom and she wanted her to go away.

It turned out that this woman I'd spoken to on the porch earlier was a vampire and had interpreted our conversation as an invitation. Even though vampires don't go after children, it still made me furious to think that she'd enter my little girl's room. Warning, lovely viewers: don't talk to strangers on your doorstep, not even at 3 in the afternoon. You never know what might happen. I still get shivers just thinking about it.

Incidentally, poor Blarrfy takes a lot of abuse. Joanie yells at him whenever she's in a bad mood. That's something I don't understand because she was always hugging him when she was little.

And one day she came home angry because the teacher had made her do a standardized test over (she'd filled in the holes the wrong way), and she hit Blarrfy again and again.

Afterwards, I told her that she should try and play more gently with her toys, and she said that Blarrfy understood, but that she wouldn't hit him anymore. And then she gave me a hug, which was sweet.

The dollhouse is just as popular with Joanie as when she was little, and now she can write stories about them, too.

But I think her favorite toy is Jo-An-Ni, the Avenger.

One afternoon after school, she asked me for more toys. I pointed out that she had a whole box full of toys she's never even touched, and suggested that we go to the park instead.

While Joanie played, I became good friends with Eva Chandran, who claimed to have met my great-great grandmother Izumi. I find that hard to believe because Izumi is so far back that she's not on my family tree anymore. Still, I suppose some people just never die.

Joanie entertained herself with a story about visiting other planets...

...but then decided to join another little girl on the pirate ship. It's good to see other children in the park. I found it a very lonely place when I was a child.

Joanie also likes playing on the monkey bars we set up in the back yard, too.

Immediately after I was promoted, I discovered that I would have to bring in 1 million followers to get my next promotion. Fortunately, I now have a way to get more followers -- I just announce that I've arrived at a new venue, and sometimes as many as 100,000 Sims subscribe to my blog. The gym is a great place to go -- I can work out, watch the cooking channel, make friends with the personal trainer, and pick up followers all at the same time.

Of course, some of the people you meet are a little more focused on their exercise than they are on meeting an internet personality.

Lest people think I'm only concerned with improving my appearance, I've also visited the Municipal Muses museum...

...and taken Joanie to the library. I now have 1,032,745 followers -- Welcome aboard, everyone!

I didn't do anything exciting on my free day. Basically I wrote another comedy book (you can pick up Jokes from the Punderground, volumes 1-4 on my website. That's not really advertising, is it? Sigh, I guess it is.) But Aarush worked on his charisma, and Joanie drew the pictures that she needed to become an Artistic Prodigy.

Timing was everything. Shortly before the free day was due to end, Joanie started practicing the violin. Fingers crossed that she puts in 5 hours before she decides to stop; I know she'll max the creativity skill in no time.

This time around, I gained two more levels in logic and became good friends with Eva Chandran, Anvi Chandran, Akshara Chandran and German Christiansen for 6 points. I got one promotion, Aarush got 2, and Joanie came home with a B for the other 4 points.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 16
« Reply #205 on: February 18, 2017, 04:42:27 PM »
Vivian is really moving through her requirements. We appreciate her tips for getting followers and for multi-tasking at the gym!

I'm happy that the hard efforts of Vivian and Olive have been rewarded in the form of devoted spouses.
Joanie and her Jo-An-Ni warrior princess! Her grey and navy outfit is very boyishly stylish!
And she's really been pulling in the points, too!

How do you feel about the arrival of toddlers and how they influence this dynasty challenge, @MarianT?
Was it helpful for your overall challenge to earn 50 points that much quicker? Just wondering...

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 18
« Reply #206 on: February 18, 2017, 04:51:08 PM »
Actually, I think toddlers slow progress because you have a week in which the only Sim you control has to spend a lot of time taking care of the toddler. Joanie is the first one who brought in an extra 2 points for completing a skill; the others only brought in 2 points for potty training. If your controlled Sim is not in a job where he or she can work from home, the Sim has to take time off or leave the toddler with other household members, which can be nerve-wracking. I think I got 2 or 3 notices that Vivi was dangerously hungry and might be taken, even though there were 2 or 3 other adults in the house with her. While it seems that I've been earning points quicker because Vivi became the heir as a child, there is that extra week to account for. If you're looking for speed, other adult helpers with jobs and aspirations contribute more.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 18
« Reply #207 on: February 19, 2017, 01:01:30 PM »
Chapter 50 -- The Fourth 10 Points and Free Day

Thanks to Joanie's violin-playing, she maxed creativity and also completed her childhood aspiration to become an Artistic Prodigy. Woot! For a reward, I took her to the park, where she caught her first fish. She already enjoys being outdoors, and I think she plans on making her collection that of fish.

I celebrated my birthday the next day. It's hard to believe that I'm all grown up now. I don't feel any older, but I definitely have more wrinkles when I look in the mirror. Aarush and I had a gold date together, but I took no pictures.

When the Humor and Hijinks Festival came around, Aarush had to work so I went by myself. I joined the Jokesters team, of course. I tried to become good friends with this fellow, but like everyone else I meet, he seems to be either a loner or evil.

I watched someone doing a routine and picked up a couple of jokes to share with my followers. It's not plagiarism, really, just making the joke available to a wider audience.

To my satisfaction, the Jokesters won (and I helped a bit, I think). I stayed around to watch the fireworks.

Oooh! Aaah!

Joanie celebrated her teen birthday when she came home from school the next day.

I think she turned out to be quite lovely. She's a tomboy, though, so she prefers jeans and boots to girly clothes.

As soon as she finished her cake, she went to clean the bathtub, all on her own. Even though neither she nor her dad have the neat trait, she seems to be as good about cleaning as he is.

When I picked up my 10th point by gaining another level in logic, Joanie really went to town. She signed up for a job as a manual laborer, and went out to work in the garden.

Then she took a moodlet solver and started to work on painting.

Later, she went to the park to catch more fish. Tuna are so large, you'd think they'd be worth something. (You'd also think they'd be hard to find in a tiny, shallow stream, but Joanie caught 2).

Joanie was on a roll (the moodlet solvers helped), so she took the day off school and stayed home to paint our portraits. By the time the free day ended, she had completed her collection and finished her portraits. Way to go, Joanie!

Joanie added 4 points to our total by maxing creativity and finishing Artistic Prodigy. I added $30,000 to household income, gained another level in logic, got a promotion, earned another 1000 satisfaction points, and went on a gold date with Aarush for the other 6.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 19
« Reply #208 on: February 19, 2017, 01:34:20 PM »
Wow, your fourth 10 points already?
Vivian's been really earning the points, but Joanie has been pulling her weight ever since childhood, it seems.

I agree that Joanie really grew up into a lovely sim! She is so pretty! And I'm glad she continues her tomboy ways!

Just now, I re-read the Ten-Gen Townie Challenge rules and it seems that Vivian only needs to earn 10 more points?

Looking forward eagerly to your next update!

Offline MarianT

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Feb 19
« Reply #209 on: February 19, 2017, 05:02:10 PM »
Chapter 51 -- The Very Last 10 Points and Farewell

And just like that, it's over. I got to level 8 in logic, and Aarush got a promotion (which was negated by his passing out when he came home from work). I also maxed cooking.

I didn't have to work the next day, and the GeekCon was in San Myshuno. I decided to go there to work on bringing my video gaming skill up to level 8 (Note: every time I did a Let's Play of Blicbloc, I picked up 700,000 followers, which was a big help in getting to 10 million). But before entering the challenge, I got into a conversation with someone dressed up like Darth Maul. He insisted on telling me the plot of every Star Wars movie, and I was so bored that I could hardly see straight when I played. But I made it to level 8. That made me finish my Renaissance Sim aspiration, and I picked up 2000 satisfaction points from that, plus another 3000 from the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration, which I chose second.
Final Stats for Olive Zest
Skills: 6 -- logic
Promotions: 9 -- Olive, 4; Aarush, 4; Joanie, 1
Satisfaction Points: 10
Good Friends: 6 -- Joanie Zest, Eva Chandran, Erika Fujita, Anvi Chandran, Akshara Chandran, German Christiansen
Gold Parties: 2 -- Wedding and Date
$30,000: 2
Maxed Skill/Aspiration: 16 -- Olive, 6 -- painting, photography, cooking; Joanie,  6 --potty, imagination, creativity/Olive, 2 -- Renaissance Sim; Joanie, 2 -- Artistic Prodigy
Negative: -1 -- Aarush pass out.

The rest of this chapter belongs to Joanie, but she asked me to keep writing. This is the portrait she painted of her dad and the selfie she took of herself.

And this is Joanie starting to freak out when she realized it was all over, and she didn't have to gain any more points. Smile, kid, you did it! (That's Joanie's collection of fish in front, and her portrait of Olive at the right.)

Top, l to r, Johnny Zest (1), Ojo (2), Lewis (3), Houser (4), Bjorn (5); bottom, l to r, Elsa (6), Maki (7), Joanie (10), Vivian (8), Olive (9)

Museum Value: Portraits -- $4998, Collections -- $4848, Total -- $9846.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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