Great update. The robbery scene was hilarious to read
. Poor Unnamed Officer. Looking forward for next update.
I had some fun with the robbery. It always cracks me up when the police in Sims 3 just walk by the robber to come into the house to tell the residents that the crook got away.
Oh my! Anastasia is forever kind and merciful, I see. XD
Look at all that progress she's making towards this Domination Dynasty! Well done you, Anastasia.
Knave is also helping a bit too, it seems.
Just a bit, in comparison to the glorious Anastasia.
This chapter was awesome, Pip. Poor Knave hopefully won't ever need that extra raise for Therapy...
I mean... Anastasia is so merciful.
Anastasia is awesome! I'm having so much fun writing her (based, of course, on the sass you instilled in her) and I probably take an extra 5 minutes out of every 15 minutes played just looking at close-ups of her face to capture her great facial expressions!
Ahhh, the never-ending fashion parade that is Anastasia!
Adored her pjs as well as her athletic (?) outfit as she declares that she plays to win! She looks great with her hair down, too.
Not surprisingly, Knave seems popular with the ladies. Isn't he stargazing with the stalker from Chapter 1?
Ana, is that okay with you? Even if they both seem to have tummy aches? I guess Ana never needs to doubt where Knave's love and loyalty lie...
I will eventually get around to reading the Domination Dynasty Challenge rules to get a better idea of what you're up against, Pippin!
Looking forward to more!
Yeah, Nina Caliente is a notorious flirt, so I was playing that up story-wise. They both ended up passing out for some reason. Maybe a werewolf changed right in front of them or something?
Anastasia makes any outfit look good!
And now, on with our updatePippin: We rejoin the Flanagan-Nix household with exciting things happening.

Anastasia: Actually, the things happening aren't that exciting. It's just exciting because I'm here. Right, husband?

Knave: Of course, my love. And about that "husband" term of endearment you use, you know we haven't actually married yet, right?
Anastasia: Of course we haven't! We're saving collecting wedding gifts for later in the challenge.
Pippin: That's really smart, actually.
Anastasia: Of course it is, Pippin! I'm an evil genius. Now, let's get out of this house for a change.
Knave: Actually, my love, I work outside of the house so...
Anastasia: I don't need your sass, husband!
Knave: Of course not, dear.
Pippin: And they arrive at the fall or spring or some such season festival.

Anastasia: Enough of these and I can actually have my palace.

Pippin: Oh look, Knave's eating competitively. You know you'll never hear the end of it from your wife if you lose, right?
Knave: Omnomnom
Pippin: Oh, right. You're eating.

Pippin: It may not look like it, but he ended up winning. And to celebrate his victory, they went to Mick's Master Karaoke.

Anastasia: Come along, husband.

Knave: Yes, ma'am.
Pippin: But no running the risk of accidental pregnancies as that would end the challenge early.

Knave: We are truly as pretty as a picture, my dearest.
Anastasia: I'm actually far prettier than pictures, but you're about picture equivalent.

Pippin: And with money made from their jobs and the gathered flowers, the house had grown by the time winter set in.

Anastasia: I am still not pleased.
Pippin: And they both continue to work towards the tops of their respective careers.

Anastasia: I call this painting, "Girl Whose Not As Pretty as Me."
Knave: Brilliant name, beloved.
Pippin: But in order to ensure she stays young and beautiful, Anastasia sought some help.

Tattoo Artist: This might sting just a bit.
Anastasia: If you're lieing to me, I will grind your bones to dust.
Tattoo Artist: This may cause some serious discomfort and I am very, very sorry for that.
Anastasia: Okay. Proceed.
Pippin: And with the tattoo in place, Anastasia's youth is refreshed and she bestows her thanks on the tattoo artist.

Anastasia: When I rule this world, I will put your death off until later.
Tattoo Artist: Ummm...thanks...?
Pippin: And the next day, Knave went in for his turn under the needle.

Knave: OWWW!!! Ithurtsithurtsithurtsithurts!
Tattoo Artist: Umm, I haven't started yet, so...
Pippin: And since he was in the neighborhood, he stopped by to see a friend.

Nina: So, you're finally coming to my bedroom, big fella?
Knave: Actually, I thought you and your roomies might like to come to the park with me so I can play for tips.
Nina: ...oh...okay then.

Knave: Thanks, Nina, but aren't you dressed a bit too lightly for this weather?
Nina: Hey, when you've got a body like this, you've got to show it off.
Knave: Oh. Okay then.

Pippin: And you're not at all concerned that another woman is so interested in your not-quite-husband?
Anastasia: You say that as if she could compete with this.
Pippin: And in fact, lots of ladies in town were wary of our Anastasia.

Knave: So, my wife said to ask if I can have another promotion.
Anne: Well, right now we can' said your
wife asked? Okay. That's fine then. you can have two promotions if you really want. Just tell her I was helpful and kind, okay?
Knave: Thanks! And I will!
Pippin: But tragedy struck our dynasty.

Newspaper Deliverer: Oww! OWW! Massive tragedy! Hail is bad!!
Pippin: No, not that. Anastasia's best friend passed away. Poor Patty became an elder and then passed away within a two day span.
Ghost of Patty: Actually, my name is Dixie...
Anastasia: This is no time for your sass, Patty!
Ghost of
Dixie Patty: Sorry, ma'am.
Pippin: So, off they went to find our Ana a new bestie.

Anastasia: Eww, we're really riding in this nasty old, broken down, wannabe school buss with faux leopard seats?
Knave: I know, isn't it great?!?!?
Pippin: But upon their arrival, Anastasia easily found a new friend.

Anastasia: Are you seriously expecting me to look at this nasty troll of a woman long enough to carry on a conversation?
Pippin: You know she can hear you, right?
Anastasia: Yeah. So?
Pippin: Horseshoes it is!

Anastasia: Thank goodness! No eye contact.
Pippin: And with our founders having already completed 3 out of 4 skill challenges and both being at level 9, we should have babies on the way in no time!