Author Topic: The Biggest, Happiest Family Challenge! For Family-Oriented Players ~ Ch.20 3/19  (Read 39032 times)

Offline NexttoNormal

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I LOVE how you styled the Capp Triplets! So exciting to see them getting married off, my babies are all grown! And of course congratulations to Sully for his promotion and marriage.

I'm really excited to see how Adeline and Titus do now that they're taking over!

Offline EchoLegacy

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Exciting news!
I now have time to play Sims 4, but only on weekends.
Expect at least one chapter every weekend.

Even more exciting, TODDLERS ARE HERE!!!!
I can't WAIT to see the triplets' babies as toddlers, so I'm gonna start playing now and keep playing until the babies are toddlers :)

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Offline EchoLegacy

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Chapter 15
« Reply #62 on: January 17, 2017, 02:17:49 AM »
Chapter 15: Beginnings and Ends

Adeline has already gotten promoted! She’s gonna do great in her job :D

I call this face the “I’m Preggo, Yo!”

Really, Titus?? Not even faked excitement??

Creepy how much Ty and his Uncle Lucas look alike…

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Speaking of creepy lookalikes, these kids are literal carbon copies of their parents. Luke aged up a Goofball and Leia aged up Good(or, rather, well).

I tried my best to get them to look like their namesakes :)

Now we’re just playing the waiting game for the final batch of grandkids…

That very pregnant and exhausted girl came home from work with yet another promotion! She’s officially a musician :)

Did a little maternity photo shoot! It’s always so exciting with the first baby…

You know what this face means :D

But then, the baby just disappeared :( I think it’s because my mods are out of date.

Quick mod update and we’re back in business!

IT’S A BOY! Welcome to the world, Kent* Norman Capp!! And with this exciting birth, Echo completes her final aspiration! All that is left is maxing her career.

As if speaking it made it a reality, Echo maxed out her career!! I am so, SO proud to be her Watcher! :)

Five kids, seven grandkids, and years later these two cuties still got it <3

Alas, the Biggest, Happiest Family comes together for a second, more bittersweet birthday that night.

Surrounded by her beloved family, Echo aged up into an Elder. My heart couldn’t be more happy!

I’ve never felt more love for two Sims in my entire life <3

And with that, Echo is completely finished, and it is the end of Echo's focus. This challenge has been so fun and rewarding, and I'm so proud of Echo for all the things this poor Sim has endured for me, from marrying a stranger, having unexpected triplets, and raising the Biggest, Happiest Family. Fortunately, this end only leads to a new beginning. Hear hear for the new generation! :D

Adeline got promoted to Opening Act(4) and Jingle Jammer(5)!
Titus got promoted to Head Dishwasher(2) and Caterer(3)!
Travis maxed the Video Game skill!
Kent Norman Capp was born!
Echo got promoted to Start-Up Genius(10)!!
Echo aged up into an Elder!
Echo's reign comes to an end...

Overall Progress

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* Thank you @NexttoNormal for the name suggestion! She named baby Kent, as well as Harry+Lavinia and Hammy+Tamora's kids! You'll see them next episode.

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Offline EchoLegacy

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Chapter 16
« Reply #63 on: January 20, 2017, 02:33:49 AM »
Chapter 16: Age of Adeline

First order of business… Getting this Grandma retired! She’s gonna spend her later years painting and hanging with grandkids :)

Speaking of grandbabies! From left to right, we’ve got Hal Shrader Scott, son of Harrison and Lavinia, then Viola Gunner and Sebastian Desmond Scott, the fraternal twins of Hamilton and Tamora! Lastly, we have Mr. Andersen Berg Scott, son of Elsa and Sullivan!

This girl already maxed her Violin skill! Can’t hardly believe it…  I swear she was a child screeching away at it just yesterday!

This handsome young man just got promoted!! A quick hoo-rah for supporting your family :)

Baby Kent became a TODDLER!!! Never thought I’d be writing that about TS4…

I just want to reach into the computer and PINCH HIS CHUBBY CHEEKS!!! He (obviously) grew up to be a Charmer :*

Grandma and Kent are gonna be working together to max all his skills! Fortunately that’s literally fun and games :)

Mama comes home from work after getting a promotion to something even more rewarding!

Almost forgot to try for baby #2!

Adeline is now seriously wishing I had maintained my forgetfulness.

Got the saddening memo that these are some of the last few days for Travis… We went ahead and threw a party so he could see his kids and grandkids.

It was an amazing night for all!

He may have missed the party, but Titus got to have a celebration for himself with yet another promotion! He always checks on Kent when he gets home :)

No better way for Travis to spend his very last day than going to GeekCon! What amazing timing. Travis got a 70 on the Ultimate Gaming test and a 91% (!) on the Hackathon, Echo got a 70% on the Hackathon, and Kent got to practice his flash cards!

No one plays quite like Grandpa!

Renewed their vows one last time…

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Goodbye, Grandpa Travis. You will be greatly missed…


Adeline maxed the Violin skill!
Titus got promoted to Mixologist(4) and Line Cook(5)!!
Adeline got promoted to Musician(6)!

Overall Progress


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Offline NexttoNormal

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Aw no, Travis! It's sad to see him go. Kent is a cutie though, he looks so much like Titus! I can't wait to see how their other kids end up looking!

(Also if you're interested here's how Titus would look as a toddler.)
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Wow! This truly is the biggest, happiest family I've ever seen. I'm bummed that Travis is gone, but so happy that Echo completed all of her goals and that the next generation is doing so well! So many grandbabies at once! Yay!

Travis playing with the new toddler very much warmed my heart. Toddlers are going to make this challenge even more wonderful! Baby Kent is totally a charmer!

Offline Nindigo

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@EchoLegacy That is why I have aging turned off - I can't let go. Maybe it has to do with the fact, that I've lost some pretty significant people in real life. I couldn't stop them from dying, but with the sims - I can :) Gratz on everything you have achieved in this challenge and thanks for sticking to it! It's a joy to read <3

I don't know if you know, but in the very beginning of your story, when I saw the elephant themed baby area, I remembered there used to be a famous elephant in the Amboseli National Park by the name of Echo. Animal Planet ran a series about it and its family at some point. Anyway - brought a smile to my face.

A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear
Time enjoyed is never time wasted

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Offline EchoLegacy

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@NexttoNormal Omg toddler Titus is absolutely precious! We know for sure where Kent got everything but his chubby cheeks from :P

@FrancescaFiori I'm so glad you're enjoying! Yes, Travis will be missed :( Hopefully his ghost will come around and have some fun :D

@Nindigo Omg that is too cute! I just might have to incorporate that with Echo somehow. I too love Elephants, so it'll be perfect :)
Yeah, I usually turn off aging as well, which is another unique way this challenge is modifying my play style. It's really pushing my boundaries. Trust me, I miss him greatly :(

Offline EchoLegacy

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Chapter 17
« Reply #68 on: January 28, 2017, 04:34:33 AM »
Chapter 17: Many Changes

Took adorable, pre-baby pregnancy photos with the lovebirds and toddler. You have no IDEA how hard these were to properly coordinate…

Adeline’s painful stare into the camera is ICONIC! That husband of hers…

Welcome, baby girl! Meet adorable little Mavis Troy Capp, obviously named after her recently passed grandfather :) Cutie Kent got the New Sibling! moodlet :D

I feed this cheeky monkey whatever his parents eat, so he got to eat Rack of Lamb tonight for dinner! Best eating toddler I’ve ever seen!

Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes!

These dorks just became boyfriend and girlfriend <3

Time flying is the most true cliche that was ever cliched!

Miss Mavis Troy the Toddler is a little bit Clingy, which will hopefully help with skill building! Oh, and she’s also cuter than words!

Got the notification that Echo’s time is coming… I don’t know who’s gonna miss her more, me, or her family ;(

I decided I want Mavy to be closer in age to the next baby, so….

Best excited to be a dad for the third time face goes to Titus in a landslide!

This kid is nearly there, with a day to spare! Maxed imagination and potty, and not quite there with thinking, communication, and movement!

My girls <3

I wish these two could’ve been Toddlers together longer… It’s already Kent’s birthday!

This cutie must’ve really loved being read to sleep, because he’s now quite the Bookworm! His new aspiration is Rambunctious Scamp, maybe leaning towards writing his own books someday!

At least they still love each other.

Family photos before baby number three!

The boys bonding over video games <3

I’m not sobbing uncontrollably… y-you’re sobbing uncontrollably :(

Her pleads fell on deaf ears…

Goodbye, founder Echo Lee Scott. You will be missed most of all.

Mavis Troy was born!
Kent maxed the Potty and Imagination skills!
Mavis aged up into a Toddler!
Adeline got promoted to Professional Pianist(7)!
Titus got promoted to Head Caterer(6)!
Kent aged up into a Child!
Mavis maxed the Potty skill!

Overall Progress


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A/N: I built a basement mausoleum to house the many memories of the deceased. Here’s a couple of shots of Travis and Echo’s (very unfinished) room.
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Offline EchoLegacy

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So, turns out, like a fool, I had aging turned off for my not active, but played households. I went ahead and aged Sullivan, Elsa, Everest, and Lucas into Adults(as they all should’ve been a while ago). I also aged up Sven, Luke, and Leia into Teens, and all the babies up into Toddlers(who will be immediately aged up again when Kent become a child in 3 days, as they’re all right around the same age). I’ll try to get them back into their proper life states when right, based on Adeline’s household. Here are all the pictures of the kids on age up and their traits, at least!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Oh, farewell to Echo! You've left behind a truly impressive legacy, and have much to be proud of!

The little blond kiddos are adorable, but my favorite part was Adeline's labor face into the camera. Poor thing. Sim Daddies are so useless when a baby is about to be born.

I love your mausoleum with all the pictures! I can imagine it's just going to grow and grow and be so full of happy memories. Gorgeous!

Offline EchoLegacy

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@FrancescaFiori Adeline has literally had so many iconic faces in her lifetime! I adore her for it too...
Thanks a ton for reading, and the compliments!
You're too kind :)

Offline EchoLegacy

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Chapter 18
« Reply #72 on: February 05, 2017, 09:08:52 AM »
Chapter 18: Growing On Up

As if she couldn’t be in any more pain…

Welcome, Nico Echelon Scott, the third and final baby of this generation!

I was wondering why my game wasn’t entering super speed…

Nothing says my mom just died and a gave birth last night like helping your kid do homework 30 minutes before school starts.

Kent befriended Leah Lothario! She seems like a sweet young girl to be friends with for a long time :)

Mavis is at level 3 in all of her skills! She’s doing so well :D

Speaking of things to be proud of, this boy now is a B student!

Poor Kent tried his best to help with little Nico, but he just couldn’t seem to get through…

It’s the takeover of the blondes!

If you couldn’t tell by his impeccable style upon aging up, Nico is Independent, and don’t need no Sim  8)

Echo popped in to meet her third grandchild and namesake for the first time.

These two started bonding right away!

The blondes congregate while mom is at work.

Cousin Sven happened to be at the park, and Nico adorably talked his ear off!

Mavis and Titus have birthdays today! I’m gonna miss this baby girl face D;

These two are getting older...

We rarely party with the Capp side of the family, so this is fun :)

This stunner of a young lady grew up to be Creative!

With three age-ups, I'm gonna end it here! This family is already becoming one of their own so soon after Echo left. Also, I hope to announce the heir next episode! Which of the three will it be...

Nico Echelon was born!
Kent got up to a B!
Adeline got promoted to Musician(8 )!
Nico aged up into a Toddler!
Mavis maxed her Imagination skill!
Mavis aged up into a Child!

Overall Progress


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Offline FrancescaFiori

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And Adeline kills it with the labor face again! Love her!
The blonds really are taking over this generation, but I'm not complaining. They're adorable.
Poor Kent! Kids really are useless with bassinet-nooboos.

Excited to find out who the heir is!

Offline EchoLegacy

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@FrancescaFiori She has quickly become one of my favorite Sims of all time.
I don't mind either! It's a nice change from the brunettes.
It would have been funny if Mavis was brunette like her mom, though.
Two gens straight of blond boys and brunette girls :P

I've tentatively chosen the heir, so we'll see if it sticks!
I love all three of them so much, that it's kinda hard to choose...