Author Topic: Deidre McMillan (DV maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty - Yes, Ma'am!  (Read 33652 times)

Offline Nienor

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Hello! None of you will have heard of me before, but I've been reading these stories for quite a while, and have finally decided to try my own. I'm sorry if I make any mistakes along the way (eg uploading pictures wrong), but I'll try my best!
Following the current craze of Dragon Valley stories, my founder will be Deidre McMillan. However it will be set in Riverview, as otherwise people might get bored of reading about the same sims again and again.

You probably haven't heard of her before, as she's only an NPC maid, but her unique colouring made her a good candidate for the challenge (in my opinion).
Her random traits are:
Snob, (useless)
Proper, (useless)
Gatherer, (fairly useless)
Light Sleeper (that will be useful with all the children she'll have)
and Vegetarian. (good, despite her terrible personality, at least she cares about animals)
Her lifetime wish is: Living in the Lap of Luxury
Oh, why didn't I chose a sim with traits, not just an NPC whose traits I randomly rolled!

I will be following the general rules for this challenge, an heir can be either gender, but has to have all the characteristics, light green skin, orange eyes, and the purple hair. I will try to choose an heir with the pointy ears if there is more than one option, but for now it's not going to be necessary.
I will confess to using two mods, story progression, so all my heirs don't soon look the same, as well as another which prevents hair or eye colour mutations.

Chapter List:
Easier Said Than Done
A Proposal, Another Proposal...
Married Woes
Babe? He's Green?!
Training the Younglings
Gray Is So Not My Favorite Color
Adrian and Thomas
Thing are on the Up.
Midlife Crises -  A Hal Sandwich
Numerous Brithdays Nienor's invasion
A Change of Hands (Short Update)
Yes, Ma'am!
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

Offline Nienor

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Re: McMillan Perfect Genetics Challenge - Prologue
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2016, 09:39:12 AM »
Generations ago, Donal O'Connell discovered a way to keep the dragons that were ravaging our land as babies, who weren't able to harm anyone. Cute and harmless, don't you think?

Or at least it seemed that way. Over 100 years later the smaller dragons mounted a deadly attack upon our town.
They came for the Mithrilens first, who had been protesting against them for years, and discouraging people from leaving their homes. If it wasn't for them, perhaps I would be dead too.

Minutes later, an army of them razed the rest of our village to the ground. They showed no mercy, even for the O'Connells, who had saved their lives, and cared for them. No one escaped.

Or so they thought... This is where I come into the story.

My name is Deidre McMillan, and until now I worked as a maid for Lorna McCann, an elderly woman who lived on the outskirts of the village. This gave me enough money to live on, but not nearly a sufficient amount to fulfil my lifetime wish: Living in the Lap of Luxury.
That fateful day started as any other, I was cleaning the bathroom when Lorna called me into her sitting room.

You see, Lorna was the village healer, and had long been accredited with having clairvoyance; she often told farmers about when to plant their crops from examining a strange instrument that she kept in her loft.

She had brought the instrument downstairs, and was examining it with all light facing it, but she kept murmuring under her breath 'I don't believe this...'
When she finally noticed me, her old voice shouted at me louder than I could have believed it was possible.
'Run! You must leave now!'
On seeing my look of concern, she lowered her voice and explained to me.
'Deidre - my child, you must leave now or you will perish. All my instruments are in agreement, they're crying out to me that this village will burn! You must swim to the Outer Islands, they will not look for you there. There will be boats stashed that you will be able to take and row away in. Find somewhere away from here and begin your life anew.'
She made to turn away from me, but I held her back.
'Lorna, aren't you coming with me? Where are you going?'
'I am too old for the journey my child, I will try my hardest to reach the village and warn the Garda, although I fear by the time I reach there, it will be too late.'

And so I ran to the water, and started to swim to the Outer Islands. I stole a boat and began my journey across the Channel to the Continent, Simnation.

It was on this journey that I made my decision. I heard screams from the Valley that informed me that Lorna's prediction had been correct. I was now the last of the elven sims. I had to do something to preserve our genetics, our heritage.
The next nine generations of my family must all carry my colouring, and be true elven sims, like me.
Half-elven children will carry some of our genes to the rest of the world, so they may never be eradicated.
The dragons think they have destroyed the elves, but I still exist, and so will my descendants.
With the Watcher as my witness, I make it my life's purpose to pass on my genes, so that the elves will never die!

Next Chapter:
Easier Said Than Done
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

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Offline JudesSims

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Re: McMillan Perfect Genetics Challenge
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2016, 10:32:16 AM »
Excellent beginning! Can't wait for more.

Offline Nienor

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Re: McMillan Perfect Genetics Challenge
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2016, 05:03:55 AM »
Excellent beginning! Can't wait for more.

Thank you so much! Hopefully you'll still enjoy the next chapter, which'll be up shortly!
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

Offline daydreamer

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Re: Deidre McMillan (DV maid) Perfect Genetics Challenge - Prologue
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2016, 08:00:18 AM »
Good job! I have also thought of trying a story for the first time, but reading over my writing, it lacks something. This sounds like a really cool back story, and I'm interested to read more.  :)

Offline Nienor

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Re: Deidre McMillan (DV maid) Perfect Genetics Challenge - Prologue
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2016, 08:23:48 AM »
Good job! I have also thought of trying a story for the first time, but reading over my writing, it lacks something. This sounds like a really cool back story, and I'm interested to read more.  :)
Thank you too! I know what you mean about feeling your writing lacks something, I feel the same. I just decided to go ahead with it and write it anyway, even though it's not that good, as how else will we improve? I hope you gain enough confidence to write a story of you own  :)
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

Offline Nienor

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Easier Said Than Done...
My Dear Readers,
I apologise for not addressing you formally before, I just typed up my feelings following the destruction of my home. There has been a disappointing lack of press coverage on the topic - I had hoped for an interview at least. Nevertheless, many of you seem to have enjoyed my story, so I will continue to write it - after all, it's MY story, so how could anyone not love it?
After hours of hard labour in a tiny boat I landed on the Continent, and proceeded to follow an estuary, as I rightly presumed that a settlement would likely be besides a river.
And there I found it: Riverview. A small village with property to spare, located fairly close to other SimNations.
On a side note, I have found strange sentiments growing in myself ever since I reached this town. It is almost if certain personality traits have been attributed to me, and are starting to take prominence. Excuse my ramblings though, it is hardly proper for anyone, even if one is as clever and beautiful as me, to bore others with personal reflections.

All the possessions I had on me during my travels were my five sets of clothes, but I happened to have $16,000 in my tunic pocket, which I used to purchase a house.
Just look at it. It's disgusting, hardly suitable for one such as me. However, as the journalists and publishers are hardly flocking to me quickly, to buy my story, it'll have to do.

Being the incredibly determined person that I am, I instantly headed to the town centre to ensnare some man to be my husband, and start fulfilling my oath.

Unfortunately, it seemed strangely quiet - so I moved to the library, where I hoped to have more luck.
I gave the nearby man a glance over. He seemed middle-aged (unlike the old fellow next to him) and not that bad looking, although his tanned skin might make my heir have vibrant green skin. Nevertheless, no one really seemed to notice my strange appearance here.
'Greetings,' I curtseyed, 'my name is Deidre McMillan. Do you currently have a partner?'
It seemed that he was happily married from his response. I later learnt that the other two women in this photo are his wife and one of his daughters, but he should have had the courtesy to at least reply to me!

This didn't matter that much in the end though - as the man in the corner with a book soon caught my eye.
'Greetings,' I introduced myself in the same way, 'my name is Deidre McMillan, what is yours?'

'Umm... Hi, I'm Hal Breckenridge.'
Although I had intended I become his friend before questioning him on his relationship status, his... well, rather attractive appearance made it spurt out of me.
'Are you single?'
'Yes babe, I'm single and ready to mingle!' He flirtatiously wiggled his eyebrows at me.
Despite this putting me off him more than a bit, I could see from the other sims that he was far the best option for my legacy. After all, I only continued to talk to him simply because I needed the future of my race to continue to have fair appearances. I assure you, this was the only reason.

I continued to get to know him better, by playing some juvenile game popular here, then questioning him on his life.
'So, Hal, what do you enjoy doing?'
'Oh Deidre, why are you talking about me, you are by far the cleverer person! Tell me about yourself - where did you get those stunning contacts?'
I had no idea what he meant by 'contacts', I was no criminal. Still, one could easily come to love a schmoozer like him.
Very easily.

Although the man usually kisses the woman first, it was nearing nightfall, and I wanted to secure a man on my first day here.

For some reason though, he seemed to be able to resist my advances.
'Babe, seriously, we've only just met - we've got our whole lives ahead of us to get married and stuff! This is going way too quickly.'

So, I built our relationship by chatting, and then tried again. And then again.

No luck. I was going to have to take drastic measures.

I invited him over in the morning once I had slept and freshened up. Unfortunately it seemed he was working, although this does mean he will be able to provide for me once we marry.

That night, I took him out for a romantic date, bought him flowers, but he still had issues with commitment.

It was not to be.

I don't know why he looked so sad about refusing me, as he is obviously doesn't care enough to accept me. This would have to change.

The following day I made up my mind. I would get him to consent today.
I went over to his house, so that he couldn't leave, and pulled out my ace.

Some more relationship building tricks later...

YES! (I apologise, I simply meant to express my pleasure.)

And then...

It was worth a try.

Yours sincerely,
Deidre McMillan

Next Chapter:
A Proposal, Another Proposal...
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

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Offline Nienor

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A Proposal, Another Proposal

My Dear Readers,
Morning dawned bright and early on my fourth day of being in this town. Well, to be pedantic, it dawned at exactly the same time as always, due to something my computer called 'Seasons' not being installed. I shall have to improve my Internet jargon, as I confess to having no idea what this means.

I made breakfast, waffles, in one of these 'stoves', which operate similarly to the agas back in the Valley, although they function on the electricity that is prevalent everywhere. After moving in, I did have it in my mind to uninstall all of the modern 'conveniences', and dress my home as one from the Valley, yet I worry that Hank seeing this might delay our marriage even further.
Today was the day. I made up my mind to woo him to the greatest degree, and secure a husband.
Having spent the day preparing for this, I called Hal, and arranged a date at the floral garden.

And could one treat a partner on a floral garden date more fittingly than this?

I spent literally hours flattering Hal and his big, strong muscles, which were so tired after a long day at work, slogging away, that I gave him a caring massage, as a feeble attempt to help ease his pain. After all, it was all I could possibly do for such a handsome, alluring man. (See how good I am!)

And then, it all came down to the big question...

Which was answered firmly in the negative.
'Babe, I've told you before. We may be datin', but I've got my whole life ahead of me. So many people to see, so many things to do. That'd be impossible with a coupl'a kinds hangin' off me ankles. You get me?'
A 'couple' of kids might be a tad optimistic, I have a race to restore, but of course, I didn't inform him of this.

I woke up, the following day and ran to the computer to start chatting with Hal while he worked, so that he'd be more likely to accept my proposal next time. Unfortunately, I was also greeted with pictures of him kissing Lorraine Cantina, deliberately cheating on me.
'Right,' my internal voice decided, 'it's time to go about this another way.'
I went and waited at his house until he returned from work, but instead of angrily confronting him, I turned on the charm.
'So Hal,' I giggled, 'we've known each other for a long time now    5 days, and I was wondering if you'd enjoy sharing a house with me. That way, you only need do half as many chores, [yes, a slight lie], I can cook, [that doesn't ,mean I will!] and the bills will be cheaper. I can easily find someone else if you don't want to though.'

Due to my expert persuasive skills, he rapidly agreed to swap his roomy, flamboyantly decorated pad, for my hovel - although with his money I will be able to renovate it.

That night, I tried my luck again, thinking living close to me, he'd have no choice but to accept my advances - or face my wrath! Nevertheless, he still seems persistent in rejecting me, which will hopefully be useful in rejecting other women once we marry. [Don't worry about the unmade bed in the background readers, my bedroom is next door]

The problem was, with all the failed - delayed - attempts at marriage, Hal and I were barely even friends any more, so I prepared my secret weapon.

And, I made a few helpful additions to our home with Hal's money.

Coupled with daily chats, we were soon the closest best friends could be.

This meant it was time.
I built up to the 'unexpected' question. First a little flirting, then stroking his cheek, massages, and even leaping into his arms.

Then finally, when I knew he could resist me no longer...

After his acceptance, I wasted no time, and we were married right there. In Hal's bedroom. With Hal in his pyjama bottoms.

Now I can finally begin my quest.
- Deidre McMillan

Next Chapter:
Married Woes
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

Offline daydreamer

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Re: Deidre McMillan (DV maid) Perfect Genetics Challenge - Prologue
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2016, 02:06:03 PM »
Thank you too! I know what you mean about feeling your writing lacks something, I feel the same. I just decided to go ahead with it and write it anyway, even though it's not that good, as how else will we improve? I hope you gain enough confidence to write a story of you own  :)

I suppose you're right. We have to give it a shot or else we'll never learn. I'm enjoying yours so far :) Sims are always so funny, I think that's why stories end up being so fun to read.

Offline Nienor

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Re: Deidre McMillan (DV maid) Perfect Genetics Challenge - Prologue
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2016, 02:35:45 PM »
Thank you too! I know what you mean about feeling your writing lacks something, I feel the same. I just decided to go ahead with it and write it anyway, even though it's not that good, as how else will we improve? I hope you gain enough confidence to write a story of you own  :)

I suppose you're right. We have to give it a shot or else we'll never learn. I'm enjoying yours so far :) Sims are always so funny, I think that's why stories end up being so fun to read.

Yeah, I especially love their facial expressions! Thanks, and good luck if you do decide to write something.  ;D
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

Offline Nienor

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Re: Deidre McMillan (DV maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty - Married Woes
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2016, 10:13:00 AM »
Married Woes

Our first night as a married couple.

What? Why would I share a bed with him, he'd just toss and turn and snore, keeping me awake all night.

I know that married life is supposed to be trying, and that it is meant to be a bit problematic, but I never expected it to be like this.
I was sleeping comfortably in my bed, dreaming of aliens and the home I'd lost, when a loud beeping noise shrieked me awake. I ran over to the kitchen to see what had occurred, after quickly changing into my best dress (one should always look their best)  and realised that it was the fire alarm. Hal had set it off while attempting to make waffles, before getting bored and wandering off to play computer games. He'd left the waffles in the oven, causing them to burn and catch fire. The fire alarm then scared him so much that he broke the computer.

Fire. My first thoughts were:
'The dragons, they're caught up with me - they're going to burn me to death!' And then, 'Can I smell waffles?'
I turned to my strong, muscular, police officer of a husband, only to see him cower in terror, run out of the room, and then finally drop to the floor in a faint.

So Reader, this is why, at 5 o'clock in the morning, I was forced to pluck a fire extinguisher off the wall, and face the deadly flames that had caused everyone I knew to perish.

I have something to confess though. In the heat of the panic, I did not feel that scared, I did not have to conquer fear and punish that which had killed my friends. Instead, I simply knew what to do, and did it. Back in the Valley, pet dragons breathed flames, our technology was not highly ... safe, and our roofs were thatched. Therefore, fires weren't altogether rare, everyone was trained what to do, and our fire dosing system was state of the art. When I was confronted by the flames, I just went through the procedure that was drilled into my head from a young age. There was no sense of achievement, no fear to battle with. In truth, I do not blame the fire for the deaths, as I cannot get it into my head that my neighbours are dead. I never saw what happened - I only know of it from the newspapers, and I still cannot convince my subconscious mind that they are gone.

The firewoman arrived all too late, I had already dosed the fire, but she gave me my fire insurance, a reward of $157, for the $600 Aga (what they call a stove). Ha! I sat down to watch some television, an amusing contraption that seems to express pictures of sub-human creatures, they look like Sims, but are clearly less developed that us. This then proceeded to break, but my moaning was interrupted by a sudden bout of nausea, which forced me to run to the lavatory and egurgitate.

Of course, I knew something was up, and approached Hal quietly.
He was painting in the lounge, on the easel I'd bought him to distract him from burning waffles and making computers short-circuit.

'Hal?' I asked tentatively. 'Tell me honestly - is cyclosporiasis prevalent in this town? Or ascariasis, botulism, dysentery?'
He didn't reply.
'Don't look like that Hal!' I almost screamed. 'What is it? Is cholera common? Salmonella?  Don't tell me it's typhoid!'
Finally, he opened his mouth.
'Wait babe, isn't cholera, umm... like an illness or somethin'?'
I stared - aghast. Why didn't he understand me? So I slowly and clearly expressed what I was trying to say.
'What water-borne diseases are common in this town?'
'Diseases? LOL babe. Like the only diseases you get here are allergies and colds. I think there used to be something called, like, Guinea Pig Disease, but that was killed off years ago.'
'So - I'm not ill?'
'Nah - why do you say that?'
I was about to explain, when a feeling in my stomach interrupted my train of thought.

I was pregnant!
This meant I had to start ignoring Hal for the next few days, after all, it seemed that when we talked he only caused me to become stressed, and I wanted to do everything I could to ensure that the future members of my race were healthy and had good traits. This meant that I just plonked myself down on the sofa for the two next days, and watched the kids channel on our new television set that I had bought from selling the Table Football table, deeming it no longer necessary for entrapping Hal. It was a rumour back in the Vale that watching programmes or music for kids would increase the chance of multiple births, and I wanted to do everything I could to bring in the next generation as quickly as possible.

Hal and I also took bought certain extra measures using our Lifetime Happiness Points, but of course it would be inappropriate to talk about those to strangers.
As for Hal, I'm not entirely sure what he did during my pregnancy. He went to work, drank coffee, checked out his muscles in the mirror... That's it really. Come to think of it, I'm not really sure what he does with his life at all.

I will need to tell him soon, about my background. I was delaying it, waiting until the children were born, and he was stuck with me, and could see their hair wasn't dyed.
Wait. Ah...
Well it seems I am unable to finish this post right now. Other things have unfortunately interrupted me.

Yours Sincerely,
Deidre McMillan

Next Chapter:
Babe? He's Green?!
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Deidre McMillan (DV maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty - Married Woes
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2016, 12:27:20 PM »
Well hello there!
I must say after reading your comment I decided to come by and send some love your way on your own story!
Before I get into the love, if you'd like to place imbed links into your story the forum code for that is (remove the ~s, I have to put them in to show you how the code works)
[]What you want it to say instead of the URL[/~url]
No spaces, and no ~. That way it looks like this when you post it:
Perfect Genetics Dynasty!

This forum takes a bit of getting used to. ::)

Now, as for the story, I love Dragon Valley characters (stares at Quinn Flanagan). Deidre is gorgeous! I felt so bad that she went through all of that trouble and got rejected so many times! I would've given up after the first time, but I'm also petty and bitter on behalf of my Sims. ::)
I can't wait to see if we have an heir on the first try! Maybe? Maybe not! Either way I love babies, and you can't go wrong with Deidre for a mother. ;D

Offline Nienor

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Re: Deidre McMillan (DV maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty - Married Woes
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2016, 12:07:23 PM »
Thank you so, so, so much LivvieLove, I didn't think anyone would actually help me with that, (or even read the intro actually).

The reason I didn't give up is mainly because I'm a stubborn creature, but I justify it by saying that Deidre is such a snob, so feels she deserves the handsomest man in town.
As for 'you can't go wrong with Deidre as a mother', well... um... I usually play with cheats and no fertility treatment, so, you'll just have to wait and see...  :-X
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

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Re: Deidre McMillan (DV maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty - Married Woes
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2016, 12:47:47 PM »
Of course! The forum is a confusing place when you're just getting started. Don't worry though, it's not too bad to pick up and learn as you go. ;D

Ah, yeah I'm too much of a romantic to be stubborn about that. It's all or nothing in my books. I love your outlook on it though - Deidre the snob who must have the most handsome man. That - right there - is determination.

I really can't wait to see the babies now. I usually play with cheats on in my legacy, but then again I usually keep my households above 8 Sims because I'm crazy.

Offline Nienor

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Babe? He's Green?!
My Dear Readers,
I apologise again for the impromptu conclusion of my previous post, it was really most improper of me. However, I shall try to recount this chapter as correctly as I can, for it seems you inhabitants here are truly backwards in world affairs, although hopefully you are not all like Hal.

I had decided on my way to honour the dead of my land, and to make them live again. I, and my dutiful future generations, shall all name our children after the Valley's denizens, so that they shall live again, in name at least. Therefore, I present to you my first child, Teague McMillan, named after his great-uncle, with whom I lived for a short period of time following my parents' deaths. Right from his birth I could see that he was a very friendly child (like his namesake), and apparently he is also meant to be rather clever, although this is not at all apparent.

Sadly, it is clear that he is only half-elven, and will not be able to continue my dynasty, as his skin tone is a bloated pink colour, not a pale willow-leaf green like mine.
It seems that my extra measures worked splendidly, as he was soon followed by Eleanor, named for my best friend, although she is also only half-elven. She has an aptitude for music, and art, which would have been excellent traits for an heir, although every child of mine should roll beneficial traits.

Alas, it seemed that none of my current children could be heir, and that another batch would have to be conceived, when a fresh wave of sparkles hit me.

This child was made the name of Michael McCarthy, which I would perhaps regret, as it seems to be a common name in this land, and my son is anything but common. His skin clearly takes after mine, easing my doubts on whether Hal's was dominant, and he could possibly carry on my dynasty, although it is too soon to ascertain this. Like Eleanor, he rolled an artistic temperament, however, he seems to have little grace when eating and doesn't seem bothered by mess, unlike the others. It worries me.

Anyway, enough of my rambling, we are nearly at the important part of this update.
I quickly took all the children to the 'cake' a strange, unnatural, albeit useful contraption for ageing up children early, so one can miss out on their squalling days as babies.
Teague was, let me be candid, a disappointment. The only feature of mine he inherited was my orange eyes, which could be easily be mistaken for brown, and he could easily pass as a normal resident of this town. For some reason, Hal admired him, saying that his eyes matched his hair, and how handsome he looked, although this can only be due to their resemblance, and Hal is such an insufferable, vain creature.

Eleanor, came next, and Hal barely even looked at her, the misogynist. He remarked that she had his nose, then returned to staring at Michael. She has my beautiful hair, but again, not nearly enough of my features, though she could never be mistaken for a native of this town - like any daughter of mine could.

Last my Michael, my hope. I immediately noticed Hal's hair had invaded his forehead, and a pang of regret hit me. Although he had my eyes, skin tone and ears, he was not suitable, and I would have to go through pregnancy again.

I noticed Hal just staring and staring at the child, for about ten minutes, before remarking:
'Babe? He's green?!'

'Yes, Hal.' I explained, unsure why he was even commenting on it. 'He gets it from me - didn't you see Eleanor's hair?'
'Your only daughter.'
'Watcher -'
'She's got purple hair!'
'My dear husband, have you perhaps looked at me at any time in the ten days that we have known each other, and perhaps seen that I have green skin, orange eyes, and purple hair streaked with blue?'
'Well,' he rubbed the back of his neck, and looked sideways 'I kinda thought you dyed your hair, and like, your eyes and skin really, like, are easily missed. Anyone could do it.'
'Why would my hair die? Sorry husband, I am losing my nerve, but - I already told you that I was from Dragon Valley.'
'Do you read the newspapers at all?' I exclaimed.
'Why would I read? That's way too nerdy.'
I started to explain my story, but caught him viewing his face in the mirror.
'Right. Clearly you are not clever enough to understand me. I will name my children what I want, teach them the language of the Valleys, and you can stare in the the mirror all you desire. Do we have an accord?'
'A what?'
'A deal?'
'Umm.. sure babe.'
'Oh, and cancel your work for the next few days to teach the children.'
'Yes, ma'am.'

I therefore encourage all my readers, to learn all they can about Dragon Valley, as, actually no one I has seen has ever commented or visibly noticed my different appearance, and I do hope that this is due to the general rules of politeness, that one must adhere to, rather than ignorance. It seems that establishing in this town a stronghold of our culture will be harder than I believed.
Hwyl fawr, (And if you cannot even understand this, a simple phrase, then reader, must go instantly to the library, and read all about my world.)
Deidre McMillan

Next Chapter: Training the Younglings
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.