Author Topic: The Eternal Legacy  (Read 21261 times)

Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Eternal Legacy
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2016, 02:10:32 PM »
After much consideration, I have decided to write a Legacy Challenge story. I do plan to complete all ten generations, and hopefully get a perfect 101 point score, but we'll see what happens.

Succession Laws
Gender: Equality
Bloodline: Traditional
Heir: Democracy (or random if no one votes)
Species: Tolerant

Founder: Natasha Eternal
Traits: Cheerful, Creative, Art Lover, Alluring (Soulmate aspiration), Connections
Partner: Vicente Arndt (Perfectionist, Bookworm, Neat)
Children: Annie (Genius, Cheerful, Evil), Gwen (Art Lover, Neat, Insane), Edwin (Neat, Creative, Genius), Matthew (Creative, Slob, Hates Children), Faith (Good, Bookworm, Cheerful), Alexander (Insane, Cheerful, Foodie), Bradley (Creative, Art Lover, Perfectionist), Nestor (Neat), Mary (Neat, Childish), Theodore (Cheerful, Active)

Generation 2 Heir: Bradley Eternal (Perfectionist, Art Lover, Creative)
Partner: Chaya Fraser (Dance Machine, Romantic, Outgoing)
Children: Skyla Eternal, Tori Eternal

(Scoring format borrowed from @oshizu)

Family         : 4
Creative      : 3
Fortune       : 2
Love           : 2
Knowledge  : 5
Athletic       : 6
Nature        : 2
Food           : 3
Popularity   : 3
Deviance    : 8
Penalties    : 0
Handicap    : 1
       TOTAL : 39
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Eternal Legacy
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2016, 03:25:44 PM »
Neat! I look forward to reading this. I admire you for going for all the points. It's tough! I've been working on a legacy off and on for over a year now, and I've long since given up on the points. Good luck!

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Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Eternal Legacy
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2016, 04:08:38 PM »
Chapter 1: The Beginning
I'm sure you are all very excited to see Ms. Eternal. Well, here she is!
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As I am trying to earn all 101 points, I have started the beautiful Natasha on the 64 x 64 lot in Windenburg. In an attempt to offset the handicap, I am going to be aiming for Connections as my first act of the Eternal Legacy. An easy way to do this is by using the Soulmate aspiration (thanks for informing us of this, Nutella!). First things first, we need a boyfriend. To the library!
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At the Willow Creek library, Natasha found out that the librarian was a young adult male. Perfect. His name is Vicente Arndt.
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Things were a bit rocky at first...
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but Vicente warmed up to Natasha pretty fast.
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Then it got pretty steamy, and they had their first kiss! After that, they took it back to the "house", and became boyfriend and girlfriend. Soon after, they went on two, extremely short, dates. Milestone 1 complete!
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Now, we just need to have a wedding.
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They eloped, because the 8,000 simoleans in the bank are being saved for the Knight of the Octagon Table. It was a very intimate and private ceremony, after which Vicente moved in (I cheated away the 20,000 simoleans he brought in).
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Then, they became BFFs. Milestone 2 is now complete as well. Then, they went on two silver dates, and became soulmates. After the third milestone was complete, they went on three gold dates, and Natasha was able to buy connections.
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She then joined all thirteen jobs, joining the painting career last, and sold all the career rewards.
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I bought the Knight, and saved one of the Single Roses they earned from the silver dates.
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During all this excitement, Vicente was digging up the four rocks around the area.
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After earning all the money from the career rewards, I built this modest little house.
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Here is a bird's eye view.
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I did forget to put the rose somewhere, but that was fixed very quickly. I think it looks very nice here.
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As Natasha is a painter now, she got to work on leveling up her painting skill. She needs a level five to get the promotion to Canvas Creator. Here is her very first work of art.
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After spending some time in the bedroom with Vicente, Natasha found out that she is pregnant! The Eternal Club also gained enough points for the Networked Club perk.
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After being told the big news, Vicente and Natasha went to sleep. She left for work inspired and fully rested. Vicente had the day off, as it was Tuesday, and he was at level 1 of the writer career. He spent the day working on the Renaissance Sim aspiration.
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When Natasha came home, she started working on her painting skill. She was only level four, and that one level was the only thing holding her back from a promotion. In this picture, she is in the second trimester.
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After leveling up, she and Vicente went to bed. In the morning, he took it upon himself to cook scrambled eggs, and almost burnt down the house. Luckily, he and Natasha were on the ball, and put out the fire relatively quickly
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Then, our mother to be left for work, and worked hard to ensure she got a promotion. This is the face of a very tired, newly promoted Canvas Creator.
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Before going to bed, Vicente dug up more rocks. Here are all his collectibles.
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Will the baby be born in the next part? Stick around and find out!
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Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Eternal Legacy
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2016, 05:02:06 PM »
Neat! I look forward to reading this. I admire you for going for all the points. It's tough! I've been working on a legacy off and on for over a year now, and I've long since given up on the points. Good luck!

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Yay! My first reader! I must warn you, I am not great at story telling, nor am I able to promise an upload schedule. However, I appreciate your interest I my story, and I hope you stick around.  :)
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Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Eternal Legacy
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2016, 08:37:59 PM »
Chapter 2: Baby!
At Natasha’s request, Vicente grew out his hair and shaved his stubble.
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Poor Natasha. She’s going into labour, and all I’m doing is taking pictures. Sorry, let’s get to the hospital!
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Vicente is panicking, and Natasha looks scared. I suppose you can’t blame her. This is her first child, after all.
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The panicking didn’t last very long… Go be with your wife!
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Well, I’m pretty sure that Marcus Flex isn’t actually a certified doctor…
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Welcome to the world, Annie Eternal! Isn’t she just adorable?
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I expanded the bedroom so there was space for little Annie. I can’t wait to see what she looks like as a child.
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The house could use some work. And windows.
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There. That’s a bit better. I’m not the greatest builder in the world, but at least the house is now sort of symmetrical.
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Already, the second baby is on the way. I’m aiming for ten children this generation, so babymaking is of the utmost importance.
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Here you can see Vicente working on his painting, and the confident painting created by Natasha. 1 emotional painting down, 5 to go. In other painting related news, by the time they were sent to bed, he had a level 3 in painting, and she is at a level 6.
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Vicente is currently finding a pen pal. The postcards are what I consider to be the easiest collection to complete, however, it does take some time.
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No promotion for Natasha, but you’re looking at the new Blogger on the block! After working hard at work and at home, Vicente has now reached level 2 of the writing career.
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Well, that’s all for now. I know that this wasn’t a very long chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it any way. Maybe next chapter will be a full 25 photos. We'll see.
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Eternal Legacy
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2016, 01:08:59 AM »
Looking good! Natasha and Vicente are a really attractive couple! (and baby Annie is cute, too!) You seem to have a really good strategy going in.

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Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Eternal Legacy
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2016, 09:11:06 AM »
Thank you! I have started many Legacy challenges, so I have a bit of an idea on how to best go about certain things. Baby Annie is pretty cute, but then again, so are most Sim babies. The next part should be up pretty soon.
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Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Eternal Legacy
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2016, 09:22:11 AM »
Chapter 3: Days Off and a Few Surprises
After being woken up by Annie for the third time, Vicente is pretty annoyed. Maybe keeping her in the bedroom wasn’t such a good idea after all.
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Oh, I don’t believe I’ve mentioned this yet, but I kept this painting. I got it when Natasha joined the writing career. It is extremely useful for putting the adults in the right mood for their jobs.
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Since he has the day off, I sent Vicente out to dig up more rocks. Here are the collectibles he found.
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I’m attempting to not only complete 13 collections, but also display 13 on my lot. 5 collections started so far.
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Vicente was able to add a focused painting to our emotional painting collection. Only four more to go!
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Natasha got a promotion! She is now an Imaginative Imagist. She looks a little stressed. I suppose I should fix that…
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With Sims Forever! Everyone loves The Sims! Even other Sims.
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Yay! Annie aged up! She aspires to be a Rambunctious Scamp, and she is a genius. Her clothes could use some work, but I love her hair.
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Here is what her room looks like.
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Now, my personal strategy for the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration: First, I level Annie’s social skill up to level 2. Then, I have her “watch funny videos on” using a computer. This gives her the playful moodlet, then I have her play on a Jungle Gym, and ½ of first milestone is complete.

That’s what I did before I got her to start her homework. You can also see the new outfit I chose for her.
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After her first day as an Imaginative Imagist, Natasha returned exhausted. I sent her to bed immediately.
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Yikes! Baby #2 is coming!
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Meet Gwen Eternal, another beautiful baby girl.
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And of course, Natasha’s pregnant again. Here she is telling Vicente.
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After a few hours, Natasha was finally able to complete the soulmate aspiration, thanks to Vicente taking the day off.
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Soon after, Annie came home. She doesn’t look too happy about her first day of school. Apparently, she has annoying teachers. Poor girl.
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I don’t think she’s too happy with me, either. Despite her troubles at school, I still made her do her homework. Life’s tough when you’re in grade school!
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I decided that it was time for Vicente's hair to grow out a bit more.
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And look! Natasha painted her first masterpiece!
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Well, it was pretty late when I was playing last night, so that’s all I have for you. So what do you think? Should Natasha keep the masterpiece, or sell it? It is worth 1273 simoleons, but I do already have 13,992. And what about Vicente’s new hair? Let me know what you think.
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Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Eternal Legacy
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2016, 12:54:26 PM »
Chapter 4: Three is the Magic Number
Annie seems happier now. She has a level 2 in the motor skill, so the first milestone of her aspiration is complete.
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Natasha has painted another masterpiece! Since they are both the same picture, I sold the first one. The second one is only worth 853 simoleons.
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I think Vicente wants me to build a nursery. Let’s see what I can do…
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Here we are, a brand new house. Now I only have 3,456 simoleons, Maybe Vicente should start writing and publishing some books.
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Here is a bird’s eye view.
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I finally remembered to have Vicente check for penpal replies, and he got a penpal from Champs les Sims!
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Gwen aged up! She is an art lover, and she has the social butterfly aspiration. To be completely honest, that is my least favourite childhood aspiration.
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Here is her updated look. I also decided to give her parents a makeover, so you might see that later on.
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I took her to the park so she could meet new people while everyone else was at work or school. She met Hugo Villareal, Bjorn Bjergsen, and Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis. Since she is already friends with the people in the family, she has now completed the first milestone of her aspiration.
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Natasha got a promotion! I chose for her to go down the path of a Patron of the Arts. She is a Colour Theory Critic, level 7.
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I bought a sauna so she could relax, but apparently pregnant Sims can’t use the sauna. Oh well.
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Annie reached level five of the motor skill. She is now on the last milestone for her aspiration.
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Oh no! Right as she was leaving for work, Natasha went into labour! Well, I suppose that’s what family leave is for.Will she have another baby girl?
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Aw! Look at little Edwin!
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My goodness! He has a twin brother named Matthew!
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And there is a third baby too! Her name is Faith. I’m not entirely  sure why the triplets are so light skinned… Maybe a graphical glitch?
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Vicente doesn’t seem too worried. He went to go find some new collectibles. Unfortunately, Leaf is the only unique collectible he found.
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I had Natasha start on the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration earlier, and after painting a couple more confident paintings, she has finished her second milestone already.
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I got Vicente to go fishing so he could get a fourth skill to level four. I found these two fish, and now all we need for him to finish his second aspiration milestone is to get him to level 3 of the writing career. He’s been slacking a bit.
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And on that note, I will see you all later. I’ll leave you with a picture of the shockingly pale triplets. I promise you, Natasha didn’t have an affair.
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Oh, and she isn't pregnant yet. I feel like the triplets will give them enough trouble for now. Maybe next part.
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Eternal Legacy
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2016, 08:54:31 PM »
Wow! Triplets! That gets you quite a bit closer to 10 kids in one generation. I can never bring myself to sell masterpieces, but if they're identical then it's probably a good idea, especially since expensive art adds so much to the bills.
I like Vicente's new hair. I think it's funny that it keeps getting a bit longer. :)

Offline Joria

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Re: The Eternal Legacy
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2016, 01:34:42 PM »
I also like Vincent's new look.  Must be some Van Gogh in his heritage.  Just don't let him get a razor too close to his ears.  This is definitely a fun read.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Eternal Legacy
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2016, 01:41:45 PM »
I've never played a legacy before so your story interests me a lot.
Kudos to you for aiming to have 10 children during your very first generation and you're already halfway there! I can't even...

I agree with everyone that Vicenet keeps getting better looking.
One thing confused me--since Natasha was working on her Soulmate aspiration with Vicente, why did Vicente start the Writer career at Level 1 (without Connections)?
Well, I should probably go reread the Legacy rules instead of asking uninformed questions.

Good luck with your legacy!

Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Eternal Legacy
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2016, 02:58:26 PM »
@FrancescaFiori Yeah, the triplets did get me much closer to my goal, however, dealing with three babies at once is a tiny bit annoying. So far I have been keeping all the masterpieces, I only sold the duplicate. Usually I sell them all, but I'm feeling a bit more sentimental this time around.

@Joria Ha! You're right, he does look a bit like Van Gogh,  the red hair does for sure. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

@oshizu He started at level 1 because he has the Renaissance Sim aspiration, not the Soulmate one. In all honesty, I probably should have changed his aspiration to soulmate when I moved him in, but oh well.

The next part should be up very soon. I hope you all enjoy it!
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Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Eternal Legacy
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2016, 03:08:03 PM »
Chapter 5: Screenshot Scare
Oops. Didn’t I say I was going to wait a bit until Natasha got pregnant again? Well, I lied.
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After school and work, I had everyone work on their skills.  Here is Gwen working on her social skill
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Vicente was promoted, so his second milestone is complete. I had him switch to the Tech Guru career to work on the third milestone.
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Natasha painted another masterpiece, worth 919 simoleons.
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“Mom’s art is really great, don’t you think, Annie?” “sure, but I’m more interested in the pancakes…” Gwen is finally level 5!
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I was able to help the family acquire enough aspiration points to buy all the consumable aspiration rewards. Natasha was able to contribute a potion of youth. 2 points to me!
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During a sisterly breakfast chat, Gwen maxed out the social skill!
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The triplets aged up! Here is Edwin. He is a Neat, Social Butterfly.
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Matthew is a Creative Artistic Prodigy. This aspiration is my favourite.
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And here is Faith, a Good, Social Butterfly. Argh! I think that the legacy challenge trait randomizer is conspiring against me! That’s 3 Social Butterflies out of 5 children!
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Okay, rant over, I promise. I‘m quite intrigued as to why the triplets’ darkened after they aged up. It must have just been a glitch. I also find it interesting that all the children have green eyes like their father. Edwin even has his hair!

Another masterpiece! This one is worth 1898 simoleons, and I’m tempted to sell it. I’ll save it for now, though. I really need to wallpaper the house...
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After a whole Saturday of chatting, Gwen and Annie are now best friends! Now Gwen needs to befriend 3 children, and  adults. I wonder why her parents don’t count
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Matthew finished 2 pictures while inspired. Now I need to find a spot for a toy box…
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Uh oh, there are monsters under the bed. I usually just have the children nap on the monster infested bed. Face your fears!
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I locked the parent’s bedroom, because the children were driving them (and me) insane. During all this madness, Matthew is just working on his creativity skill. He is dedicated to the arts.
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I tried to get the family to line up for a family photo, but this was the result.
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When I went to go convert all the photos, they weren't showing up in my screenshot folder. I thought I had lost all of my pictures. That was not a fun experience, but at least nothing terrible actually happened. That’s it for me, I’m done dealing with these crazy kids for at least a little while. I’ll see you soon.
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