Chapter Three: Skilling CircusNow toddlers, our witchboos have a lot to learn. Let the skilling circus begin!
Bethany, our little Genius, quickly takes the lead on the peg box.
Benjamin is slightly befuddled.
But with a little help from Annette, he figures it out.
Although Brayden most likely won't be the heir, he joins in from time to time to keep his siblings company. (And also to keep him eligible, just in case some unforeseen disaster occurs with the other two.)
Bethany, honey, that's not the kind of drumstick you eat.
When not learning to talk,
or walk (although, with their absentminded klutz of a father teaching them, we'll see how well they actually do there),
the triplets spend lots of time with their imaginary friends.
When they're not being cuddled by their parents, of course.
Or attacked by them.
And sometimes they find the time to play together, too.
Look at that poor turtle. He looks so uncomfortable. It's like he knows Brayden is going to put that block right back after trying to shove it up his nose.
Finally, with all three toddlers at level three of the peg box and xylophone, best friends with both parents, and having learned how to talk, potty, and walk (except for Bethany, who took to hiding instead),
it was time for another triple birthday.
After Annette stopped mourning her plants.