
Arianna Spiffendale - 422 days lived
Career: Diamond Agent - Maxed
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
Friend of the World - Complete
Freelance Botanist - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
Charisma - Complete
Gardening - Complete
Logic- Complete
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
Super Green Thumb - Purchased
Observant - Purchased
Frugal - Purchased
Great Storyteller - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
Dinner Party
Birthday Party
6 Good Friends:
Zoey Patel
Nina Caliente
Don Lothario
Eliza Pancakes
Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis
Christine Butler (Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
Happy - Tell a Joke
Confident - Compliment Someone
Flirty - Woohoo with Someone
Mortified - Give Yourself a Pep Talk in the Mirror
Focused - Research on the Computer
Playful - Pester Someone
Energized - Do Push-ups
8 Museum Items:
Perfect Grapes - $6,195*
Perfect Grapes - $6,195
Perfect Grapes - $6,195
Magnificent Strawberries - $23
Magnificent Strawberries - $23
Magnificent Strawberries - $23
Magnificent Strawberries - $23
Magnificent Strawberries - $23
Total Value: $18,700
*Assuming this is bugged. I’m pretty sure they weren’t this valuable when I put them in the museum to begin with, but didn’t get the value then. Oops.

Morris Spiffendale - 351 days lived
Childhood Aspiration Completed - Artistic Prodigy
Gained an A in School as a Child - Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen - Yes
Unique Career Maxed: Culinary - Mixologist - Maxed
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
Celebrity Chef - Complete
Master Mixologist - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
Cooking - Complete
Gourmet Cooking- Complete
Mixology - Complete
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
Stoves and Grills Master - Purchased*
Free Services - Purchased
Mentor - Purchased
Speed Cleaner - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
Birthday Party
Dinner Party
House Party
6 Good Friends
Hugo Villareal
Clara Bjergson
Mila Munch
Rolando Caliente
Nicola Landgraab
Betty Pancakes (Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
Flirty - Flirt with Someone
Confident - Tell an Unbelievable Story
Embarrassed - Give Yourself a Pep Talk in the Mirtor
Inspired - Talk About Dreams with Someone
Energized - Do Sit-Ups
Playful - Send a Playful Text
Happy - Call Someone on the Phone
8 Museum Items: Simstagram Prints
Honeyed World Fruit Charcuterie - $10
Crystallized Coco Blocks - $10
Semi-Firm Beet Noodles - $10
Cured Meat Crisps on Reclaimed Forest Wood - $10
Savory Bacon Love Petals - $10
Spherized Fruit Gel in Foam Nest - $10
Artisan Fish Trio - $10
Glazed Heirloom Bamboo Roll - $10
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:
Free Range Sixam Pit Beast - $10
Glacier Infused Iceberg Lettuce - $10
Total Museum Value: $100
*You know, "unique" rewards.

Mallory Spiffendale: ? days lived
Childhood Aspiration Completed - Artistic Prodigy
Gained an A in School as a Child: Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen: Yes
Unique Career Maxed: Painter - Master of the Real
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
Angling Ace - Complete
Painter Extraordinaire - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
Fishing - Complete
Painting - Complete
Handiness - Complete
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
Creative Visionary - Purchased
Marketable - Purchased
Independent - Purchased
Gym Rat - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
Birthday Party
Incognito Costume Party
Spooky Party
6 Good Friends:
Kallie Lee
Lucas Munch
Travis Rainey
Ariel Baker
Sheldon Holiday
Curtis Crosby(Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
Sad - give yourself a pep talk in the mirror
Flirty - Ask Someone to go Steady
Tense - Take a Bath with a Soak
Inspired - Talk About Dreams with Someone
Confident - Make a Friend
Focused - Win a Chess Game
Playful - Flash Crazy Eyes at Someone
8 Museum Items: Masterpieces
Large Abstract - $4,672
Large Abstract - $7,676
Large From Reference - $4,735
Large From Reference - $4,566
Large From Reference - $3,702
Large Abstract - $8,282
Large From Reference - $4,739
Large Abstract - $7,845
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:
Large From Reference: $4,915
Large Surrealism - $3,947
Total Value: $55,079

Wendell Spiffendale - 274 days lived
Childhood Aspiration Completed: Artistic Prodigy
Gained an A in School as a Child: Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen: Yes
Unique Career Maxed: Entertainer - Musician
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
Musical Genius - Complete
Party Animal - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
Piano - Complete
Violin - Complete
DJing - Complete
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
Always Welcome - Purchased
Instant Fun - Purchased
Happy Potion - Purchased
Inspired Potion - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
Weenie Roast
Dinner Party
House Party
Birthday Party
6 Good Friends
Tom Villareal
Isaiah Goth
Nichole Spencer-Kim-Lewis
Moshe Capricciosa
Emiliano Fyres
Chi Behr (Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
Inspired - Play an Instrument
Focused - Use a Telescope
Flirty - Practice Pick-up Lines in the Mirror
Happy - Compliment Someone
Confident - Admire Yourself in the Mirror
Playful - Flash Crazy Eyes at Someone
Energized - Send an Energized Text
8 Museum Items: MySims Trophies
Violet - $125
Leaf - $60
Lyndsay - $65
Gone - $25
Morcubus - $75
Dr. F - $75
Trevor Verily - $60
Jenny - $50
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:
Yuki - $25
Buddy - $25
Total Museum Value: $585

Pernille Spiffendale: 234 days lived
Childhood Aspiration Completed: Artistic Prodigy
Gained an A in School as a Child: Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen: Yes
Unique Career Maxed: Writer - Author - Maxed
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
Bestselling Author - Complete
Fabulously Wealthy - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
Writing - Complete
Logic - Complete
Charisma - Complete
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
Incredibly Friendly - Purchased
Instant Hygiene - Purchased
Insta-Large - Purchased
Insta-Lean - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
Birthday Party
Spooky Party
Dinner Party
6 Good Friends
Sabrina Rosa
Kallie Rosa
Isla Bjergsen
Gracelyn Goth
Eva Landgraab
Molly Kidd (Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
Inspired - Talk About Dreams
Focused - Read Something
Energized - Do Push-ups
Playful - Do an Impression
Happy - Compliment Someone
Sad - Call Sadness Hotline
Confident - Admire Yourself in the Mirror
8 Museum Items: Bestsellers
How I Met Mrs. Pringlefeather (Confident) - $553
The Talented Mrs. Pringlefeather (Fantasy) - $443
500 Days of Mrs. Pringlefeather (Biography) - $435
Pringlefeather Mountain (Fantasy) - $543
Mrs. Pringlefeather and the Order of the Phoenix (Playful) - $431
Every Which Way but Pringlefeather (Mystery) - $443
Goopy Shades Darker (Romance) - $427
Mind Over Muscle (Confident) - $485
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:
12 Years a Knave (Biography) - $397
The Raven Headmistress (Fantasy) - $409
Total Museum Value: $4,566

Otto Spiffendale - 196 days lived
Childhood Aspiration Completed: Social Butterfly
Gained an A in School as a Child: Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen: Yes
Unique Career Maxed: Entertainer - Comedian
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
Joke Star - Complete
Chief of Mischief - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
Charisma - Complete
Comedy - Complete
Mischief - Complete
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
Carefree - Purchased
Shameless - Purchasef
Antiseptic - Putchased
Hardly Hungry - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
Birthday Party
House Party
Dinner Party
6 Good Friends
Angel Hutton
Austen Skaggs
Gwendolyn Munch
Ali Ferhat
Victor Feng
Gavin Jett(Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
Inspired - Talk About Dreams with Someone
Happy - Chat with Someone
Flirty - Schedule a Date
Playful - Flash Crazy Eyes at Someone
Energized - Hip Bump Someone
Confident - Start a Confident Painting
Focused - Observe the Skies with a Telescope
8 Museum Items: Comedy Books
Jokes from the Deepest Punderground - $750
Jokes from the Punderneath - $750
Jokes from the Punderlings - $750
Jokes from the Punderstory - $125
. . . And Another Thing! - $51
. . . And Another Thing More! - $75
. . . And That Thing You Do! - $80
. . . And Things I Learned in Kindergarten! - $750
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:
. . . And the Funny Thing About Herman! (Bestseller)- $750
There’s Nothing Funny About Herman! - $96
Total Museum Value: $4,177

Tallulah Spiffendale - 161 days lived
Childhood Aspiration Completed: Social Butterfly
Gained an A in School as a Child: Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen: Yes
Unique Career Maxed: Business - Stock Trader
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
Serial Romantic - Complete
Outdoor Enthusiast - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
Charisma - Maxed
Logic - Maxed
Herbalism - Maxed
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
Great Kisser - Purchased
Beguiling - Purchased
Confident Potion - Purchased
Flirty Potion - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
Weenie Roast
Birthday Party
House Party
6 Good Friends
Yasmine Yassine
Ritvik Chandran
Kengo Yamamoto
Ciera Dempsey
Maki Yamamoto
Jorge Frey (Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
Confident - Tell An Unbelievable Story
Energized - Send an Energized Text
Flirty - Flirt with Someone
Happy - Send a Happy Text
Focused - Play Video Games
Inspired - Talk About Dreams with Someone
Embarrassed - Call Someone on the Phone
8 Museum Items: Herbal Remedies
Sadness Alleviation Lotion: $19
Sadness Alleviation Lotion: $19
Sadness Alleviation Lotion: $19
Sadness Alleviation Lotion: $19
Sadness Alleviation Lotion: $19
Sadness Alleviation Lotion: $19
Insect Repellent Liniment: $30
Insect Repellent Liniment: $30
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:
Insect Repellent Liniment: $30
Insect Repellent Liniment: $30
Total Museum Value: $234

Thaddeus Spiffendale - 119 days lived
Childhood Aspiration Completed: Social Butterfly
Gained an A in School as a Child: Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen: Yes
Unique Career Maxed: Tech Guru - Start-Up Entrepreneur
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
Nerd Brain - Complete
Computer Whiz - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
Programming - Maxed
Videogaming - Maxed
Logic - Maxed
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
Fertile - Purchased
Speed Reader - Purchased
Focused Potion - Purchased
Professional Slacker - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
Birthday Party
House Party
Dinner Party
6 Good Friends
Rieko Nakamura
Akito Hayashi
Hamza Mounib
Pranav Chandran
Hajar Yassine
Omar Yassine (Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
Focused - Play Chess
Inspired - Talk About Dreams with Someone
Happy - Send a Happy Text
Playful - Tell a Joke
Confident - Tell an Unbelievable Story
Flirty - Swan Dive into Pool
Energized - Go For a Jog
8 Museum Items: Space Prints
Star Crossed Lovers - $210
Twinkle - $285
Surfacing - $475
Big Star - $140
Battle Stars - $495
Saturn Return - $290
Cloudy Vision - $265
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:
Standard Space - $130
T-Rex Nebula - $465
Out of This World Style - $105
Total Museum Value: $2,671

Cressida Spiffendale: 76 days lived
Childhood Aspiration Completed: Rambunctious Scamp
Gained an A in School as a Child: Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen: Yes
Unique Career Maxed: Criminal - Boss
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
Grilled Cheese - Complete
Public Enemy - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
Fitness - Maxed
Logic - Maxed
Charisma - Maxed
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
Never Weary - Purchased
Morning Sim - Purchased
Night Owl - Purchased
Savant - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
Birthday Party
House Party
Spooky Party
Black and White Bash
6 Good Friends
Maki Kobayashi
Houda Chafik
Mehdi Chafik
Nobuya Yamamoto
Myra Chauhan
Aditya Srivastava (Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
Energized - Do Push-ups
Inspired - Talk About Dreams with Someone
Playful - Tell a Joke
Confident - Tell an Unbelievable Story
Happy - Tell a Joke
Focused - Play Video Games
Flirty - Flirt with Someone
8 Museum Items: Wooden Sculptures
Bunny - $40
Horse - $40
Camping Mascot - $1,500
Flirty - $30
Camping Mascot - $1,500
Playful - $30
Lumberjack - $60
Elephant - $40
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:
Camping Mascot - $1,500
Bear - $60
1 Extra Museum Item if Top-Notch Toddler Completed:
Dragon - $40
Total Value: $4,840
Total Combined Museum Value (does not include Mallory’s paintings): $35,873