Author Topic: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty [COMPLETE]  (Read 262024 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #540 on: March 15, 2017, 09:41:39 PM »
Thank you for sharing your experience with the Don't Wake the Llamas table. I'll have to give it another try when the need arises.

I forgot to mention it before but shocking news about the Grill Master reward! It's sad how we can work so hard and so long, then a little slip-up ruins everything.
(How many times have I completed Renaissance Sim by mistake!?)
And yes, the Mallory images were way more exciting than, say, shots of the Reward Store menu and Pernille's traits.

Oh, oh, oh! The immortals saying it's their last ambrosia meal means that Cressida ages up in less than 10 days! *pumps fist
Cressida is so evil! Letting her invitees get halfway to the loo then buying them a round of drinks!? rofl

And re: your comment to Alex about Cress and her nooboo thought bubbles. Maybe she could have an alternate-universe/savefile dream so we could see what her baby looks like, too?
But who knows? Probably she's only throwing you those nooboo thought bubbles cuz she knows the household is full. *sprouts devil horns

So...are all summoned grilled cheese sammies of normal quality?
Tallulah hitting on Dmitri then realizing he's her great-grandfather. LOL.

Finally, I only glimpsed a few peeks of bias-wrecker Thaddeus this update.
His silver hair and black frames have started tipping me toward Team Thaddeus...also loved all his facial expressions in your Beckett/Godot interlude.

Oops. Sorry for the "essay."

Offline Alex

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #541 on: March 16, 2017, 12:38:51 PM »
Nearly there!

I like 'threaten' too. Wow, those are some crazy crazy eyes. And turning drink-ordering into a mean interaction - Cressida is truly evil, isn't she?

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #542 on: March 16, 2017, 05:36:43 PM »
Chapter 123:  There it Is

Cressida:  Yup, so this daily phone call has been as thrilling and enjoyable as always but now I’ve got to . . . what’s that? Oh gosh. Yes. Of course I want to come to your birthday party today. That is in no way the most boring awful thing I can think of to do. I’ll be . . . *sigh* . . . .I’ll be right over, good friend. Such a good . . . good friend.

Cressida:  All right. Let’s get this over with. Gwenda, can you whip out your turntable? If I’m going to be bored to tears, I’d at least like a nice beat behind it.

Wendell:  You got it, sugar pie! But, you know, some of us really enjoy parties. This could be loads of fun!

Cressida:  Uh huh. Sure. G-Mor, try to beat the caterer to the kitchen, okay? I’d like there to at least be a chance for cake.

Cressida:  See? It’s a good thing I stole that chair. Now there’s room to exercise in here. My good friend should thank me.

Morris:  Bake-off! Woot! Who will get to the oven first?*

*The answer is no one. They both left their mixing bowls on the counter and moved on to something else. Because sims.

GF:  So what are we doing again?

Cressida:  We’re bumping hips. It’s fun! It’s something friends do! Now tell me how nice it is to get all this attention so I know you’re having a good birthday party.

GF:  Wow! It sure is nice to get all this attention!

Cressida:  There we go!

Tallulah:  I don’t like it. It’s just noise.

Wendell:  Just relax and let yourself feel the beat, dear.

Tallulah:  Well, all right. Maybe it’s okay.

Pernille:  Okay? I say it’s downright bangin’!

Tallulah:  Don’t try to use slang, Grandma. It just sounds strange coming out of your mouth.

Pernille:  I can’t be hip to the smooth jams?

Tallulah:  I’d rather you didn’t.

GF:  Ooof!

Cressida:  Okay, he’s old! Let’s get out of here!

GF:  Thanks for coming, Cressida. It was an okay party, I guess.

Cressida:  You GUESS? Okay, that’s it. The second I’m immortal I’m going to beat the stuffing out of you. Happy Birthday.

Cressida:  Stupid good friends. I barely even have time to pummel this guy before work! Grrr.

Victim:  I can’t help but feel you’re misdirecting your anger here.

Cressida:  Quiet! Or I’ll get out my hand buzzer again!

Cressida:  Oh! That Rainborz completed our crystals collection.** That was unexpected. Okay. Cool.

**Another first for the Watcher

Tallulah:  Yeah, yeah! You’re getting it! I will popularize the granny shot, yet!

Wendell:  Fly my to the mooooon, and let me play amongst the staaaars . . .

Arianna:  *sigh* I was really excited to have one more date with J before the end of the dynasty, but I guess this is another one of those dial and ditch ghost dates. Oh well.

J:  Honey! I’m right here!

Arianna:  It’s like I can hear his voice. Oh, I miss him so!

J:  Argh! Why did I have to stand in front of this bush?

Arianna:  Well, look at the bright side, honey. It’s kind of like we’re re-enacting our first date. It’s romantic. Kind of.

J:  Yeah, I was never nostalgic about that particular aspect of our courtship.

Arianna:  And now you’re yellow! So you won’t blend in with the shrubbery, anymore!

J:  Wait, you knew I was in front of that bush?

Arianna:  Ummm . . . no? Hey, cheer up, handsome. Let me whisper sweet nothings in your ear until you turn pink.

Arianna:  Much better!

Morris:  Y’all ready for this?

Cressida:  There’s only one of me. And yes. So very yes.

Wendell:  Can you believe this is finally actually happening?

Thaddeus:  Kind of . . . no. It’s really hard to grasp.

Morris:  Yeah.

Otto:  Heavy.

Cressida:  Ooof. Elderface.

Watcher:  The last one. Well, except for the seven extras, but the last official one.

Cressida:  No one else is coming, so I’m tempted to do this in my sweats but . . .

Cressida:  All right! Who’s hungry for eternal life? This girl!

Cressida:  And there it is.

Watcher:  There it is.

[The End]

Please stay tuned to this thread for Huntington Estates:  The Spiffelogue . Coming soon!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #543 on: March 16, 2017, 05:37:08 PM »

Arianna Spiffendale - 422 days lived

Career:  Diamond Agent - Maxed

2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
   Friend of the World - Complete
   Freelance Botanist - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
   Charisma - Complete
   Gardening - Complete
   Logic- Complete
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
   Super Green Thumb - Purchased
   Observant - Purchased
   Frugal - Purchased
   Great Storyteller - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
   Dinner Party
   Birthday Party
6 Good Friends:
   Zoey Patel
   Nina Caliente
   Don Lothario
   Eliza Pancakes
   Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis
   Christine Butler (Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
   Happy - Tell a Joke
   Confident - Compliment Someone
   Flirty - Woohoo with Someone
   Mortified - Give Yourself a Pep Talk in the Mirror
   Focused - Research on the Computer
   Playful - Pester Someone
   Energized - Do Push-ups
8 Museum Items:
   Perfect Grapes - $6,195*
   Perfect Grapes  -  $6,195
   Perfect Grapes - $6,195
   Magnificent Strawberries - $23
   Magnificent Strawberries - $23
   Magnificent Strawberries - $23
   Magnificent Strawberries - $23
   Magnificent Strawberries - $23
      Total Value:  $18,700
*Assuming this is bugged. I’m pretty sure they weren’t this valuable when I put them in the museum to begin with, but didn’t get the value then. Oops.

Morris Spiffendale - 351 days lived

Childhood Aspiration Completed - Artistic Prodigy
Gained an A in School as a Child - Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen - Yes

Unique Career Maxed:  Culinary - Mixologist - Maxed
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
   Celebrity Chef - Complete
   Master Mixologist - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
   Cooking - Complete
   Gourmet Cooking- Complete
   Mixology - Complete
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
   Stoves and Grills Master - Purchased*
   Free Services - Purchased
   Mentor - Purchased
   Speed Cleaner - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
   Birthday Party
   Dinner Party
   House Party
6 Good Friends
   Hugo Villareal
   Clara Bjergson
   Mila Munch
   Rolando Caliente
   Nicola Landgraab
   Betty Pancakes (Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
   Flirty - Flirt with Someone
   Confident - Tell an Unbelievable Story
   Embarrassed - Give Yourself a Pep Talk in the Mirtor
   Inspired - Talk About Dreams with Someone
   Energized - Do Sit-Ups
   Playful - Send a Playful Text
   Happy - Call Someone on the Phone
8 Museum Items: Simstagram Prints
   Honeyed World Fruit Charcuterie - $10
   Crystallized Coco Blocks - $10
   Semi-Firm Beet Noodles - $10
   Cured Meat Crisps on Reclaimed Forest Wood - $10
   Savory Bacon Love Petals - $10
   Spherized Fruit Gel in Foam Nest - $10
   Artisan Fish Trio - $10
   Glazed Heirloom Bamboo Roll - $10
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:
   Free Range Sixam Pit Beast - $10
   Glacier Infused Iceberg Lettuce - $10
Total Museum Value:  $100
*You know, "unique" rewards. ;)

Mallory Spiffendale:  ? days lived

Childhood Aspiration Completed - Artistic Prodigy
Gained an A in School as a Child:  Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen:  Yes

Unique Career Maxed: Painter - Master of the Real
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
   Angling Ace - Complete
   Painter Extraordinaire - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
   Fishing - Complete
   Painting - Complete
   Handiness - Complete
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
   Creative Visionary - Purchased
   Marketable - Purchased
   Independent - Purchased
   Gym Rat - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
   Birthday Party
   Incognito Costume Party
   Spooky Party
6 Good Friends:
   Kallie Lee
   Lucas Munch
   Travis Rainey
   Ariel Baker
   Sheldon Holiday
   Curtis Crosby(Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
   Sad - give yourself a pep talk in the mirror
   Flirty - Ask Someone to go Steady
   Tense - Take a Bath with a Soak
   Inspired - Talk About Dreams with Someone
   Confident - Make a Friend
   Focused - Win a Chess Game
   Playful - Flash Crazy Eyes at Someone
8 Museum Items: Masterpieces
   Large Abstract - $4,672
   Large Abstract - $7,676
   Large From Reference - $4,735
   Large From Reference - $4,566
   Large From Reference  - $3,702
   Large Abstract - $8,282
   Large From Reference - $4,739
   Large Abstract - $7,845
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:
   Large From Reference:  $4,915
   Large Surrealism - $3,947
Total Value:  $55,079

Wendell Spiffendale - 274 days lived
Childhood Aspiration Completed:  Artistic Prodigy
Gained an A in School as a Child:  Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen:  Yes

Unique Career Maxed: Entertainer - Musician
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
   Musical Genius - Complete
   Party Animal - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
   Piano - Complete
   Violin - Complete
   DJing - Complete
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
   Always Welcome - Purchased
   Instant Fun - Purchased
   Happy Potion - Purchased
   Inspired Potion - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
   Weenie Roast
   Dinner Party
   House Party
   Birthday Party
6 Good Friends
   Tom Villareal
   Isaiah Goth
   Nichole Spencer-Kim-Lewis
   Moshe Capricciosa
   Emiliano Fyres
   Chi Behr (Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
   Inspired - Play an Instrument
   Focused - Use a Telescope
   Flirty - Practice Pick-up Lines in the Mirror
   Happy - Compliment Someone
   Confident - Admire Yourself in the Mirror
   Playful - Flash Crazy Eyes at Someone
   Energized - Send an Energized Text
8 Museum Items: MySims Trophies
   Violet - $125
   Leaf - $60
   Lyndsay - $65
   Gone - $25
   Morcubus - $75
   Dr. F - $75
   Trevor Verily - $60
   Jenny - $50
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:   
   Yuki - $25
   Buddy - $25
Total Museum Value:  $585

Pernille Spiffendale:  234 days lived

Childhood Aspiration Completed:  Artistic Prodigy
Gained an A in School as a Child:  Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen: Yes

Unique Career Maxed:  Writer - Author - Maxed
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
   Bestselling Author - Complete
   Fabulously Wealthy - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
   Writing - Complete
   Logic - Complete
   Charisma - Complete   
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
   Incredibly Friendly - Purchased
   Instant Hygiene - Purchased
   Insta-Large - Purchased
   Insta-Lean - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
   Birthday Party
   Spooky Party
   Dinner Party   
6 Good Friends
   Sabrina Rosa
   Kallie Rosa
   Isla Bjergsen
   Gracelyn Goth
   Eva Landgraab
   Molly Kidd  (Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
   Inspired - Talk About Dreams
   Focused - Read Something
   Energized - Do Push-ups
   Playful - Do an Impression
   Happy - Compliment Someone
   Sad - Call Sadness Hotline
   Confident - Admire Yourself in the Mirror    
8 Museum Items: Bestsellers
   How I Met Mrs. Pringlefeather (Confident) - $553
   The Talented Mrs. Pringlefeather (Fantasy) - $443
   500 Days of Mrs. Pringlefeather (Biography) - $435
   Pringlefeather Mountain (Fantasy) - $543
   Mrs. Pringlefeather and the Order of the Phoenix (Playful) - $431
   Every Which Way but Pringlefeather (Mystery) - $443
   Goopy Shades Darker (Romance) - $427
   Mind Over Muscle (Confident) - $485
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:   
   12 Years a Knave (Biography) -  $397
   The Raven Headmistress (Fantasy) - $409
Total Museum Value:  $4,566

Otto Spiffendale - 196 days lived

Childhood Aspiration Completed:  Social Butterfly
Gained an A in School as a Child:  Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen:  Yes

Unique Career Maxed:  Entertainer - Comedian
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
   Joke Star - Complete
   Chief of Mischief  - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
   Charisma - Complete
   Comedy - Complete
   Mischief  - Complete
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
   Carefree - Purchased
   Shameless - Purchasef
   Antiseptic - Putchased
   Hardly Hungry - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
   Birthday Party
   House Party
   Dinner Party   
6 Good Friends
   Angel Hutton
   Austen Skaggs
   Gwendolyn Munch
   Ali Ferhat
   Victor Feng
   Gavin Jett(Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
   Inspired - Talk About Dreams with Someone
   Happy - Chat with Someone
   Flirty - Schedule a Date
   Playful - Flash Crazy Eyes at Someone
   Energized - Hip Bump Someone
   Confident - Start a Confident Painting
   Focused - Observe the Skies with a Telescope    
8 Museum Items: Comedy Books
   Jokes from the Deepest Punderground - $750
   Jokes from the Punderneath - $750
   Jokes from the Punderlings - $750
   Jokes from the Punderstory - $125
    . . . And Another Thing! - $51
    . . . And Another Thing More! - $75
    . . . And That Thing You Do! - $80
    . . . And Things I Learned in Kindergarten! - $750
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:
    . . . And the Funny Thing About Herman! (Bestseller)- $750
   There’s Nothing Funny About Herman! - $96
Total Museum Value:  $4,177

Tallulah Spiffendale - 161 days lived

Childhood Aspiration Completed: Social Butterfly
Gained an A in School as a Child:  Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen:  Yes

Unique Career Maxed:  Business - Stock Trader
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
   Serial Romantic - Complete
   Outdoor Enthusiast - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
   Charisma - Maxed
   Logic - Maxed
   Herbalism - Maxed
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
   Great Kisser - Purchased
   Beguiling - Purchased
   Confident Potion - Purchased
   Flirty Potion - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
   Weenie Roast
   Birthday Party
   House Party
6 Good Friends
   Yasmine Yassine
   Ritvik Chandran
   Kengo Yamamoto
   Ciera Dempsey
   Maki Yamamoto
   Jorge Frey (Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
   Confident - Tell An Unbelievable Story
   Energized - Send an Energized Text
   Flirty - Flirt with Someone
   Happy - Send a Happy Text
   Focused - Play Video Games
   Inspired - Talk About Dreams with Someone
   Embarrassed - Call Someone on the Phone
8 Museum Items:  Herbal Remedies
   Sadness Alleviation Lotion:  $19
   Sadness Alleviation Lotion:  $19
   Sadness Alleviation Lotion:  $19
   Sadness Alleviation Lotion:  $19
   Sadness Alleviation Lotion:  $19
   Sadness Alleviation Lotion:  $19
   Insect Repellent Liniment:  $30
   Insect Repellent Liniment:  $30
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:
   Insect Repellent Liniment:  $30
   Insect Repellent Liniment:  $30
Total Museum Value:  $234

Thaddeus Spiffendale  - 119 days lived
Childhood Aspiration Completed:  Social Butterfly
Gained an A in School as a Child:  Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen: Yes

Unique Career Maxed:  Tech Guru - Start-Up Entrepreneur
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
   Nerd Brain - Complete
   Computer Whiz - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
   Programming - Maxed
   Videogaming - Maxed
   Logic - Maxed
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
   Fertile - Purchased
   Speed Reader - Purchased
   Focused Potion - Purchased
   Professional Slacker - Purchased    
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
   Birthday Party
   House Party
   Dinner Party
6 Good Friends
   Rieko Nakamura
   Akito Hayashi
   Hamza Mounib
   Pranav Chandran
   Hajar Yassine
   Omar Yassine   (Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
   Focused - Play Chess
   Inspired - Talk About Dreams with Someone
   Happy - Send a Happy Text
   Playful - Tell a Joke
   Confident - Tell an Unbelievable Story
   Flirty - Swan Dive into Pool
   Energized - Go For a Jog
8 Museum Items: Space Prints
   Star Crossed Lovers - $210
   Twinkle - $285
   Surfacing - $475
   Big Star - $140
   Battle Stars - $495
   Saturn Return - $290
   Cloudy Vision - $265
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:
   Standard Space - $130
   T-Rex Nebula - $465
   Out of This World Style - $105
Total Museum Value:  $2,671

Cressida Spiffendale:  76 days lived
Childhood Aspiration Completed:  Rambunctious Scamp
Gained an A in School as a Child:  Yes
Gained an A in School as a Teen:  Yes

Unique Career Maxed:  Criminal - Boss
2 Unique Aspirations Completed:
   Grilled Cheese - Complete
   Public Enemy - Complete
3 Skills Maxed:
   Fitness - Maxed
   Logic - Maxed
   Charisma - Maxed
4 Unique Rewards Bought:
   Never Weary - Purchased
   Morning Sim - Purchased
   Night Owl - Purchased
   Savant - Purchased
5 Different Gold Medal Parties:
   Birthday Party
   House Party
   Spooky Party
   Black and White Bash   
6 Good Friends
   Maki Kobayashi
   Houda Chafik
   Mehdi Chafik
   Nobuya Yamamoto
   Myra Chauhan
   Aditya Srivastava (Unique B.F.F)
7 Emotional Whims:
   Energized - Do Push-ups
   Inspired - Talk About Dreams with Someone
   Playful - Tell a Joke
   Confident - Tell an Unbelievable Story
   Happy - Tell a Joke
   Focused - Play Video Games
   Flirty - Flirt with Someone    
8 Museum Items:  Wooden Sculptures
   Bunny - $40
   Horse - $40
   Camping Mascot - $1,500
   Flirty - $30
   Camping Mascot - $1,500
   Playful - $30
   Lumberjack - $60
   Elephant - $40
2 Extra Museum Items if Child Aspiration Completed:
   Camping Mascot - $1,500
   Bear - $60
1 Extra Museum Item if Top-Notch Toddler Completed: 
   Dragon - $40
Total Value:  $4,840

Total Combined Museum Value (does not include Mallory’s paintings):  $35,873

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #544 on: March 16, 2017, 05:52:43 PM »
Congrats to Cressida!!! She is one beautiful Elder. And congrats to you, even if it's unofficial, you finished it. That is a feat in itself dear. *hugs*
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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #546 on: March 16, 2017, 06:20:19 PM »
Poor Houda, stuck like that.  LOL. 

Okay, I see this distracting finishing post.  I'm trying really hard to comment on the one before it so bear with me.

It was really cool to see Chi Behr again!  I loved that guy for some reason.  Loved Catherine calling Wendell out on Erika.  That's what I'm saying.  Break up with that girl.  Come on, Wendell, what are you waiting for?
But the picture of him shrugging is wonderful.  LOL it's just so cool to be Wendell.  He really is expressive!
And it was fun watching Tallulah hit on Dmitri, and Pernille was so cute with her phone.

Cressida... her brilliance amazes me.  Calling everyone back with a round of drinks?  Very cruel, and so funny.
I love how you're just rolling with the constant butler swaps, too.  It makes me laugh.

And now to the very end... how wonderful for J to show up in the last chapter!  I'm delighted he and Arianna got one last date as everything came to an end.

Morris was great with his cake bake-off.  Though I'm sorely disappointed they both walked away and left us with no winner.  And he's a watched sim.  No excuse. 

Watching Cressida blow out her candles and eat her ambrosia!  I could cry!  That last picture, too!  I'm so glad you included Mallory. 
Congratulations on finishing!  I'm really happy you stuck with it after Mallory died.  I'm very proud.

Can't wait for your Spiffelogue :)

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #547 on: March 16, 2017, 08:36:52 PM »
Happy elder birthday, Cressida!
Congratulations to all the Spiffendale Immortals!

I also loved that J showed up for a date with Arianna and the two could reminisce about their first date, hahaha. They're so cute together after all this time!
Thank you for sharing your dynasty stats. I enjoyed your choice of image for each immortal as much as I enjoyed seeing how each Spiffendale achieved immortality.
It was great to remember what a fox Arianna was as a young adult--she's always kept it classy!
Mallory wearing her Daisy shirt and tight jeans! Wendell in his crazy party animal days! The unforgettable Goopy, I mean, Pernille! Otto in his Hawaiian shirt!
And I've already remarked chapters ago that the shot of Tallulah through the flames is as fabulous as she is.

Thank you for the many laughs and smiles. Thank you for sticking with your story!
And now we begin our wait for the Spiffelogue.   ;D

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #548 on: March 17, 2017, 09:11:46 AM »

I really liked the family portrait.  Arianna looks beautiful in that dress.

I also am very excited for the Spiffelogue and the return of Jorge, Goopy, and the others too.

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #549 on: March 18, 2017, 09:05:00 AM »
I’ve been reading this over the last few weekends and finally caught up.  Congratulations on finishing!  As a Sims 3 player, I find it slightly shocking that Sims 4 immortals aren’t safe from Grim even after eating ambrosia but really admire you for carrying on after losing Mallory.  (Also, don’t tell Mallory but Cressida is a much more interesting character – the combination of grilled cheese and pure evil is irresistible :D.)  Looking forward to the Spiffelogue.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #550 on: March 24, 2017, 10:42:47 PM »
@sdhoey @Alex @wfgodot @oshizu @Caterina @hazelnut Thank you all so much for the congratulations! I'm very excited to be finished, but perhaps even more excited for what's coming up. I really, really hope you enjoy it!

The Spiffelogue

I:  Let the Spiffelogue Commence!

Cressida:  So, you psyched? I’m pretty psyched. We actually get to do something! Tonight’s the night!

Arianna:  I’m not not psyched. I think I’ve just got a bit of inertia going. I’m so used to staying home that leaving and taking action feels almost wrong somehow. I do like how slimming this burglar outfit is, though. I never did manage to take off those ten cake pounds from Wendell’s party days.

Cressida:  You think we’re ready? I think we’ve got everything.

Arianna:  Ready as we’ll ever be. Even if nine generations of preparation wasn't enough, I don't think there's anything more we can do. Time to inspect the troops.

Cressida:  Guys . . .? Guys! What is this nonsense? I was very clear in my outfit instructions!

Morris:  I happen to feel very strongly that I should wear what makes me feel comfortable. I cannot perform at my peak if I am constrained. Besides, I followed the rule about wearing black. Mostly.

Otto:  Look, I tried the black thing but you should have seem me. I looked like that scene in the Trolls movie where everyone gets really sad and the color drains out of them. I decided the most effective camouflage would be to match my skin tone. See? I blend right into myself!

Cressida:  Yes, Grampa Otto, but you’re supposed to be blending into the shadows. If your clothes blend into your skin you just look naked, which is pretty much the opposite of incognito. You’re right, though, your bright blue skin is like a beacon. There’s no way you can disguise that. Next!

Tallulah:  Look, we’re going to be completing tasks based upon the skills we worked on in our lives, yes? So I’m going to be seducing somebody; I think that’s obvious. I’m dressed for my job. A turtleneck would be an impediment rather than an asset. This dress shows off my assets perfectly.

Cressida:  No argument there. I can see them perfectly.

Thaddeus:  Okay, if I’d known we were going to be able to improvise on our outfits I would never have dragged my draped work turtleneck out of storage. I hate this thing!

Arianna:  ENOUGH! You all look fine. No costume changes. Morris, would you mind summoning your daughter so we can complete the team?

Morris:  You got it!

Morris:  Spiders, snakes, and a lizard’s head! Bring my daughter back from the dead!

*Nothing Happens*

Morris:  Well, the Book of Life was a bust. What now? Dance party?

Arianna: *sigh* Yup. Dance party. Let’s move out!

Tallulah:  Sweet! A warm-up! Let’s see who’s here and not related to me! Lula’s gotta get her flirt on!

Pernille:  So, should we ask Grandma Mal to join the household before or after?

Cressida:  Oh, she’s already in. We used cheats.

Thaddeus:  We did? Cool. Cheats are fun!

Cressida:  Yeah, you didn’t notice how we’ve all stopped aging and no one’s had to use the bathroom all day? Cheats are the best!

Pernille:  So why only one plate of ambrosia? I thought we were going to resurrect a bunch of people.

Cressida:  Well, we’ll get to that afterwards, but we decided for now most people we know would be more useful as ghosts. Floating through walls and whatnot.

Pernille:  Fair point. Okay, Grandma Mal! Eat up!

Mallory:  Oooh! This is fun! This feels way better than dying did!

Everyone: OOOOOOOHHHHHHH! Cooooooool!

Lucien:  So, I get that Mallory needs to be corporeal to get through her section of the house, but Cressida, what are you going to do while everybody’s busy on the wacky haunted obstacle course?

Cressida:  Oh, I’ll think of some way to keep myself occupied.

Otto, Mallory, Cressida, Pernille, Tallulah, Thaddeus, and Wendell:  Whoooooooooooaaa!

Arianna:  *yawn*

Morris:  Meh. I’ve seen it. I mean, I know it’s meant to intimidate, but really the most impressive thing about it is that it was a savvy real estate investment.

Arianna:  Location, location, location.

Don:  Well, you’re all assembled. Everything’s in place, so the gates should just open, I think, and then we split up.

Pernille:  It’s good to have you back, Grandma Mal. I’ve missed you.

Mallory:  I’ve missed you, too, sweetie. Let’s make sure to to take time to catch up when we reach the other side.

Pernille:  It’s a deal. I wonder if there will be coffee at the end.

Mallory:  Here’s hoping.

Creepy Ghost Lady:  Welcome, fools. We’ve been expecting you.

Wendell:  Lady, I hope you’re not expecting us to be creeped out by your ghostliness. We have literally, like, upwards of twenty ghosts living in our yard at home.

Mallory: And I was a ghost myself up until about fifteen minutes ago.

Arianna:  Hush, now. She’s a relative of yours somehow. Show some respect for your elders.

Don:  All right, all right. Enough chit chat! Let’s move out!

Morris:  I still don’t see why we’re wearing black. If anything, camo print would have been the most helpful in a maze of greenery. I can’t see anything in mine but more hedge. How does yours look, Mom?

Arianna:  Oh, it's . . . . . you know. It’s . . . . fine.

Arianna:  Yeah, just . . . plants and . . . stuff.

Arianna:  Hey, nice cow plants. You’re nice. Nice, nice cow plants. Your cake looks lovely, but I’m not super hungry at the moment, so if you don’t mind I’m just going to pass through to that door behind you.

Arianna:  Oh, right. Door. I have to be focused to get through the door. I’m not feeling super-focused at the moment, and in fact I’m feeling more than a little uncomfortable. I guess I could get focused by pondering my chess moves a bit at that convenient chess table, but I’m pretty sure I’ll need a more potent form of focusification if I’m going to maintain that mood all the way through this haunted mansion of doom. What would really be good in this situation is an essence of focus, but the only way to get one of those would be to . . .

Arianna:  Ah, yes. I suppose that was the intention.

Voice:  Gee, if only there were someone here with experience in performing wildly embarrassing and smelly acts out of love for you . . .

Arianna:  J! Oh, J, honey! You have no idea how happy I am to see you!

J:  I’m happy to see you, too, darling. I’m going to be a lot less happy in a few seconds, but let’s savor this moment while we’ve got it, yeah?

Arianna:  J, you don’t have to do this. It’s my job. It’s my fight.

J:  It’s our fight, dear, and it has been since the beginning. This is where I take one for the team.

Arianna: Are you sure?

J:  Absolutely. I’m dying to know what that cake tastes like, anyway.

J:  Here goes my dignity! What’s left of it, anyway! Milk her quick, Arianna, dear!

Arianna:  You okay?

J:  Do I smell okay? The important question is, are you focused?

Arianna:  Laser-focused, hon. You want a few detox secrets before I go?

J:  It certainly couldn’t hurt. But just a couple. You need to get your cute butt through that door!

Arianna:  Yikes. Dark in here. Well, there’s a giant lightbulb. That’s convenient. I just need to find  a switch and turn it on.


Arianna:  Okay, that was rude. How am I going to figure out which of those three switches works on the giant lightbulb if I can’t see through the door? WAIT A SECOND! This is a puzzle! This is a LOGIC PUZZLE! I am suddenly so glad we spent so much time discussing logic puzzles! Who knew? Who could possibly have known that would actually come in handy someday?

Okay, okay. I know this one. To figure out which switch it is before I open the door I turn on the first one for a couple of minutes, and then turn it off. Then, I turn on the second one and leave it on. I leave the third one alone. When the door opens again, if the bulb is off, but warm, it’s the first switch; if it’s on, it’s the second switch; and if it’s off and cold, it’s the third one. Easy. Got it.

Arianna:  On. So it was the second one. I’m guessing that means I go through door number two? All right, then.

Arianna:  Gross. That’s just disturbing. I mean, I know it’s just a mannequin, but hanging from the ceiling like that? How did he even get up there, hmmm? And why is there water all over the floor? OH! OH! It’s another one. More logic puzzles. ICE! Anybody listening? It was ice! He was standing on a block of ice, which melted, and now he’s hanging. What do I win?

Arianna:  Tada! I win an ice block! Oh, and another door! See ya, buddy. You might want to untie yourself before this one melts.

Arianna:  Did I do it? Is that the end? J! Oh, J! You’re here, too! And you don't smell bad, anymore!

J:  I know! Cheats! Aren't they great?

Arianna:  So great! I love cheating!

J:  Welcome to the other side, baby. I’m so proud of you. I love you so much.

Arianna:  I can’t believe I did it. Nine lifetimes of preparation for two and a half logic puzzles. My heart’s beating like a jackhammer. I love you, too, honey. What do we do now?

J:  We wait. We stay here and pray for everyone else to come out as easily as you did.

Arianna:  *deep breath* Okay, then. Now we wait.

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #551 on: March 24, 2017, 11:02:08 PM »
J to the rescue!
Wow, I just love, love, love, love this! Arianna's trial was so cool! Now I can't wait to read about the next eight trials!

Also in the first shot, Cressida in profile looks so much like Thaddeus that I initially thought he was in drag.
What a great shot of Cressida with a sneaky face, rubbing her hands together.
FrancescaFiori, you are amazing, girl! Gnomesayin'?

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #552 on: March 25, 2017, 07:58:35 AM »
This is going to be so much fun :D 
I really liked the beginning.  So much excitement in the air with all the boxes around and the special outfits.
I admire Otto's reasoning.  Good job blending in with yourself :)  And Thaddeus pulling out the old turtleneck x)  Morris of course in his robes.  I love how much thought you put into everyone's character and how they should dress!  If it was me I'd probably just throw them all in the same black suit and be done with it.

Really neat seeing Mallory back.  Will her trial involve a hot tub?

I loved Arianna's trial, had to laugh at the shot of all the cow plants with their cakes out.  That's too funny.  I enjoyed her logic puzzles.  I couldn't have figured them out.  It wouldn't have even dawned on me to do anything more than inch slowly around the mannequin, and then bang on the door on the other side to try and get out.  Creepy!  I especially liked the light one, though.  That one definitely would have had me stumped.  I liked seeing her figure it out.  It amazed me.  If I'm ever in that position I'll know what to do.

Excellent seeing J again.  I'm so happy!  Ah cheats.  So great!
And now we wait.

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #553 on: March 25, 2017, 09:06:20 AM »
This looks like fun! You've done an awesome job setting this up -- can't wait to see the rest of the trials.
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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #554 on: March 25, 2017, 04:14:42 PM »
Ah, cheats!

You've done an amazing job setting this up - I particularly liked the block of ice :) Looking forward the reading the rest of the Spiffelogue!