@oshizu Yes! CC-free aliens! Such a relief! Tallulah hasn't shown any interest in Diego, yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time.
In fairness to Cressida, Thaddeus was mean first. He has not learned his lesson yet.
No visible progress on Morris's tummy yet, but I'm still working on it.
@wfgodot I'm so glad you enjoyed the restaurant death scene.

I keep thinking nothing else interesting in going to happen in this file, and then the game hands me something like that.
Yeah, Mallory is number one, but after that there's so many people I'd bring back if I could! Akito, Jorge, Betty, Eduardo . . . the list goes on and on. I'm going to have to really think about it.
I've got a little Wendell coming up for you this chapter.
Chapter 121: Friendship is Magic
Wendell: Good book, am I right?
Houda: It’s . . . educational.
Wendell: Mmmhmmm. Sure. I’ve read it. I know about the appendices.
Houda: *blushes*

Grim Reaper: Heh heh heh. One less for you guys!
Watcher: Jerk.

Cressida: Okay, is it just me, or have the bladder failure puddles gotten bigger? This seems excessive.

Watcher: I see that thought bubble. Stop thinking about babies, girl! You’re breaking my heart! You do this like ten times a day! Just stop!

Cressida: And your down vest is clearly inappropriate for the weather to- Wait a minute! You know the secret handshake?
Alien: Of course!

Cressida: Oh. Well. I don’t really want to beat you up, anymore.
Alien: Sorry about that. It’s still early, though. You can probably find someone else.
Cressida: Yeah, I’m sure you’re right. Thanks, man. You’re a real stand-up dude.
Alien: I do my best.
Cressida: Okay, well. Catch you around Sixam.
Alien: Probably not. You’ve got a bit of a reputation there.
Cressida: Oh right! I forgot about that! *laughs*

Morris: Okay, Mom? See this thing happening with my neck? This is what happens when you talk to me while I’m cooking. Could you maybe give it a rest? Or just hang on a minute?
Arianna: But I’ve had the most exciting day! I want to tell you about it!
Morris: Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s not true. None of our days are exciting, anymore. If you got to evolve a plant, that’s not newsworthy.
Arianna: No, that wasn’t it! It was important! I got to evolve a- You know what? I’m not telling you now. You don’t get to know.
Morris: I'm heartbroken.

Wendell: Well, hello pretty lady. Do you think I could nudge that 3 of yours up to a 4 with a free dessert?
Lady who Rejected Otto Hardcore on Ladies’ Night: I suppose it depends on what you’re serving.
Wendell: How about I just give you a little bit of everything?
Chef: A little less innuendo in the dining room, please!
Waitress: I mean, right?

Morris: Pernille, I’m curious. Why are you always trying to make your own meals when I provide a bounteous repast fit for royalty every single day of our lives?
Pernille: Well, the thing is, Grampa Morris, I’m a Stoves and Grills Master, so it just seems like a waste not to use a stove or grill every now and then.
Morris: That’s odd. I thought Stoves and Grills Master was one of my unique rewards.
Pernille: Oh, it is! I have no idea how or when I got it. The best I can figure is, since it’s right next to Potion of Youth on the list of rewards, one day we were buying a bunch of youth potions and somebody’s finger slipped.
Morris: Huh. So we would have failed this dynasty even if Mallory hadn’t died.
Pernille: Yup. And it could have failed long before that, too. It’s just that we didn’t notice until we were looking for unique rewards for Cressida. But, I mean, it’s a pretty lame way to fail a dynasty, so . . .
Morris: Yeah.

Pernille: Chips?
Morris: No.
Pernille: I think we did that backwards.

Thaddeus: *sigh* I miss Akito.
Cressida: What about me doing the peepee walk made you think of that?
Thaddeus: Um . . . nevermind.

Cressida: So . . .games.
Friend: I know! They’re great!
Cressida: Yes, my favorite part is the . . . camaraderie we share. Together. As good friends.
Friend: Oh, we’re not good friends yet. Just regular friends.
Cressida: Seriously? We’ve been playing this nonsense game for hours! Can we get a move on?
Friend: . . . ?
Cressida: I mean, set ‘em up again, buddy mine! Friendship is magic! Just like those ridiculous irritating ponies say!
Friend: Hooray! My favorite is Apple Jack. Which one do you like?
Cressida: Um . . . the one who likes parties?
Friend: They all do!
Cressida: And has nice hair?
Friend: On horses it’s called a mane!
Cressida: Yup. Friendship. Loving it.

Cressida: Now the logs have fallen. I acknowledge that this is a thing that has occurred.
Friends: Set it up again!
Cressida: Huzzah.

Diego: Okay, so remind me who this guy is again?
Morris: That’s Daichi! I asked him to join Upper Echelon!

Diego: Okay, while I admire his daring in taking on that Sergeant Pepper jacket . . . are we sure he’s UE material?
Morris: Well, he’s a snob, and he’s a pretty decent bartender.
Diego: That’s not all, is it? You’re holding out on me, Morris.
Morris: Well, he can turn into a bat at will.

Diego: Okay, I admit it. That’s cool. He can stay.
Morris: I knew you’d see things my way!

Arianna: Well, I’m still not exactly enjoying it, but I think I can distinguish a tune this time. If I keep following these absurd whims surely I’ll eventually be able to play this thing without cringing.

Pernille: So good pep talk, am I right?
Jacob the Waiter: I mean . . . yeah? I’m just a little distracted by the woman walking through your arm.

Pernille: Okay, do you mind? I’m trying to inspire and motivate my staff here.
Lady: I’m still here! Ruining this picture!
Jacob: Okay, that was funny. You got it, Ms. Spiffendale. I’ll step it up for the rest of this shift. I promise.
Pernille: All right, fine.

Lady: Now I’ll eat standing up so no one can check on me and try to improve my rating!

Watcher: Oh, naturally you’re buddies with Sir Chilipepper.
Lady: Oh, you like the decor? I think it’s only so-so. I’d stick with your three rating, honestly. I’m just not impressed with this place.
Sir: Well, I was going to bump it up to a four, but you’ve changed my mind.
Watcher: I really don’t like this chick.

Morris: And the firmament will open, and fine cuisine rain down upon our customers, sweetly described by your honey lips, and served with unmatched grace!
Waitress: Now, that’s an inspiring pep talk! No offense to your granddaughter, Mr. Spiffendale, but you really take inspirational speeches to a new level.
Morris: I know! It’s a good thing I stopped working on my fitness and came to the restaurant for an unscheduled club meeting. This place would be a shambles without me.
Waitress: Oh, and I think your pot belly is cute.
Morris: Careful, now! My handsome ghost boyfriend is very jealous and could pop out of a vase or light fixture at any moment!
Waitress: Oh, Mr. Spiffendale. You’re so cute!
Morris: Your funeral, dear.

Cressida: Okay, note to self: never summon grilled cheese while stressed. Results are severely disappointing. Further note to self: try summoning grilled cheese in all possible moods to test for subtle distinctions in flavor.

Watcher: What’s the matter, Lilith? Don’t like garlic? Or are you just disappointed that no one is awake to be welcomed to a random club you’re in?
Lilith: I sense that I’m being mocked by an unseen presence. I’m going home.

Chef: Yes! Yes! I can see it! You’re right, Mr. Spiffendale! The sky really
is the limit!
Morris: Good! Now, cook, my girl! Cook as if your life depended upon it!
Chef: I will! Oh, Mr. Spiffendale! It truly is an honor to prepare food in your presence.
Morris: Tell me something I don’t know!