@Alex I'm glad I'm not the only one confounded by that crazy camping mascot. I mean, what? Just, what?

Pizza over a campfire, huh? You are brave! I see your point about the cheese, though. Cressida will have to do some strategizing.
@oshizu So glad you admire Cressida's wardrobe, and her physique.

No, no impregnating Aditya this time around, but who knows what may happen in another save somewhere, someday. I blame the grilled cheese for Cressida's hysteria epidsode. She gets a special +3 happy "Incredible Ingredients" moodlet every time she eats one, so that combined with her engagement, combined with the paintings meant that even a whiff of playfulness sent her over the edge. It was a close call, for sure. Argh.
@wfgodot Oh, just you wait. Active Cressida is forever giving people pep talks so they all bounce over to the workout equipment, forgetting their advanced age, and then . . . oy. I'm sure Wendell-style puppy dog eyes are not far off.

Wendell does seem to be enjoying himself with Erika. It's pretty sweet.
It's funny you should mention Thad and Akito. I've actually skipped over a couple of screenshots of the two of them lately because they didn't seem to fit anywhere, but now I'll have to find a place for them. Gotta give the people what they want!
Your reaction to Cressida's hysteria pretty much perfectly describes how I felt when it happened. I had to pause and take deep breaths, and then carefully examine moodlets to try and get rid of any happy ones as quickly as possible, hence the art removal. Ordinarily I'd send her straight to sleep until it wore off, but she had work in less than an hour and I didn't want to send her out until I knew she was safe. I was so careful with Otto, and when he got hysterical it was usually just for a minute or two. Cressida's mood seemed to last an eternity. Laughter is a truly dangerous thing!
@MarianT It makes me hungry, too! Cressida has maxed fitness and does a hill challenge on the treadmill once per day, which seems to keep her in fighting form despite all the sammies.
@Whirligig She does seem to be having a good time, doesn't she? I'll be glad when it's over, but it's not an aspiration I do very often, so it's been enjoyable for me to shake things up a bit.
I'm actually pretty bummed there won't be any more nooboos. Raising Cressida really helped pass the time, and now all I've got is several more weeks worth of gazing at meditating elders while I wait for Cress to age up. I guess I'd better start accepting some of those invitations to crazy nightclub parties my sims' friends are always calling about.
Chapter 112: World's Greatest Boss
Arianna: ‘Sup Morris? You good?
Morris: I’m exhausted, actually. As soon as I finish this conversation with Wendell that we’ve been stuck having for the past three hours I’m going to sleep.
Arianna: Okay, well clean the bar before you go to bed, okay Wendell?
Wendell: I seem to have become completely paralyzed, but I’ll do my best.
Arianna: *sigh* Fine.

Watcher: *resets*
Wendell: Well, at least your arms went down. Want to give moving a try?
Morris: I can’t do anything. I am already asleep in bed.
Wendell: Um, really? Because it looks to me like you’re still standing at the top of the stairs.
Morris: Really? Okay, hang on.
Watcher: *resets again*

Watcher: Agggggh! My eyes! I mean your eyes! My eyes being forced to look at your eyes! *shudders* Ugggggh. Stop that! Okay, we’re going to the park.

Morris: Phew! That’s better! Okay, back home to bed!

Watcher: Great. I was gone for literally five sim minutes so naturally you’re all up out of bed and washing your hands.
Thaddeus: Cleanliness is next to-
Watcher: Don’t! Don’t you even start with me! Back to bed, mister!
Thaddeus: Okay, but-
Watcher: Your OWN bed! Not the bush! I swear, you guys!
Thaddeus: You’re no fun.
Watcher: Well, unlike you, nobody marketed me as being fun. Therefore I am not in danger of being sued for my lack of enjoyability.
Thaddeus: Sheesh. Maybe you should go play Stardew Valley for awhile.
Catherine: See? I can be nice! Look what a nice pretty green I am!
Watcher: I am not fooled. You were at it with Bearcula again last night. I just can’t look at you the same way, anymore.
Catherine: You’re so fickle.
Watcher: Yes. Openly.
Catherine: Are you doing okay? You seem extra grumpy these days.
Watcher: I’m fine. You guys are just glitching out left and right and it’s all getting to be a bit of a slog.
Catherine: Hang in there, would you? We need you.
Watcher: That was uncharacteristically sweet of you.
Catherine: Well, when it comes to the continued existence of myself and my family, even my unfaithful louse of a husband, I can exert myself.
Watcher: Okay, then I suppose I’ll try and return the favor.
Catherine: Thanks.
Watcher: Oh, and P.S. Thaddeus finally found enough fossils so we’ve got the points for the last potions. I won’t make Wendell marry that Erika chick.
Catherine: That’s nice to hear. Thank you.

Cressida: Okay, at what level do I lose the cowlneck? I am way too cool and hardcore for this get-up. I’m sick of looking like a low-rent Nancy Landgraab.

Cressida: Oh, you didn’t hear? Gwenda and Erika eloped last night. He said something about how the way she looked at Bearcula with such love in her eyes made him realize that her gentle soul was the only one that could complete him.
Catherine: Noooooooo!
Watcher: Girl, . . . GIRL! She’s messing with you. How do you not get this by now?

Catherine: But . . .I didn’t!
Cressida: Still not getting old! Fart jokes forever!

Watcher: Okay . . . you’re testing me, yeah? This is a test? *GIANT EYEROLL*

Otto: *yawn* This isn’t even scary, anymore.
Arianna: Yeah, we’ve really got our fire drills down. I’m glad it didn’t burn anything valuable this time.
Salma: That really was an unwise place for a mirror.
Watcher: *mutters*

Cressida: Nice meeting you. I despise you and we are now enemies. Try not to forget that even though you probably have several concussions.
Blond Guy: Umm . . .

Cressida: Hey! Remember how you’re awful and I hate you? We’re enemies now.
I hate
Cressida: Duh. Yes. That’s the point. Now begone before I drag you into my closet and redo your wardrobe in all cool blue tones to match the temperature of your existence.

Watcher: Tada! Elements! I’ve actually never, ever completed this collection before in any file, so I got a little excited. I think most of the rare ones were stolen from Otto and Cressida’s workplaces. Nevertheless, yay!

Cressida: Hey, baby! Want to spend the night?
Aditya: I’d love to!
Cressida: Sweet! Bring it in!

Aditya: *teasing* Hey, are you picking my pocket?
Cressida: Hehehe. Gosh! Um, of course not! I mean, do you think I am?

Thaddeus: Why does this keep happening to me? Young, attractive men just can’t seem to stay out of my bed. Oh, well. Off to the bush!

Tallulah: Jorge! My darling! How lovely of you to call me up and ask me out! *kisses hands*
Jorge: *snatches hands away* Um, please don’t.
Tallulah: Excuse me? Did you just snatch your hands away from Tallulah Spiffendale? Who, precisely, do you think you are?
Jorge: . . .
Tallulah: Not only are you my soulmate and deceased spouse, your entire character in this story is based upon you worshipping me. It is your reason for existing. As if that weren’t enough, the entire staff of the restaurant was deceased when we arrived. I hired a completely new complement of chefs, waiters, and a hostess purely so that we could have a nice date and-
Jorge: Oh, well you’d better praise them and train them up. There’s a reviewer coming today.

Tallulah: Seriously? The one time, literally the ONLY TIME we’ve ever had a reviewer come to Echelon it’s when the staff is brand-spanking new and nobody cares anymore. UGH!
Jorge: I’ll go yell at your new chef. That will help.
Tallulah: No it- JORGE! You get back here! We are having this date whether you like it or not!

Jorge: No, no, no! I said matchsticks, not julienne! And your chiffonade is a mess! Do it again!

Cressida: Too good to wear your waiter’s uniform, huh? Think you’re somebody? Think those sunglasses are going to protect you from the cast-iron butt-whooping you’re about to receive?
Waiter: I’m pretty sure that OSHA regulations prohibit-

Cressida: Look at my face, Bobby the busboy! Do I look like I’ve read the safety manual?

Waiter: Aw, man! I really needed that to work. You couldn’t give me one win today, slushie?
Cressida: Okay, that’s just sad. Now I’m going to beat you up for making me sad.

Waiter: This is really tight! Now I get why people are always saying, “Let’s take this outside!”
Cressida: Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry. We can make it work. Give me your hair, quick. I’m going to yank it.

Cressida: And that, friends, is how you manage a restaurant! World’s greatest boss!